prayers Luk_05_33 /${prayers /and likewise the
disciples of the Pharisees ; but thine eat and drink ?
prayers Heb_05_07 /${prayers /and supplications
with strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him
from death , and was heard in that he feared ;
prayers Act_10_04 /${prayers /and thine alms are
come up for a memorial before God .
prayers 1Pe_03_07 /${prayers /be not hindered .
prayers 1Pe_03_12 /${prayers /but the face of
the Lord is against them that do evil .
prayers Phm_01_22 /${prayers /I shall be given
unto you .
prayers Isa_01_15 /^{prayers /I will not hear :
your hands are full of blood .
prayers 1Ti_02_01 /${prayers /intercessions ,
and giving of thanks , be made for all men ;
prayers Luk_02_37 /${prayers /night and day .
prayers 1Ti_05_05 /${prayers /night and day .
prayers 2Ti_01_03 /${prayers /night and day ;
prayers Rev_08_03 /${prayers /of all saints upon
the golden altar which was before the throne .
prayers Psa_72_20 /^{prayers /of David the son
of Jesse are ended .
prayers Rev_05_08 /${prayers /of saints .
prayers Rev_08_04 /${prayers /of the saints ,
ascended up before God out of the angel's hand .
prayers Col_03_12 /${prayers /that ye may stand
perfect and complete in all the will of God .
prayers Luk_20_47 /${prayers /the same shall
receive greater damnation .
prayers Mar_12_40 /${prayers /these shall
receive greater damnation .
prayers Rom_15_30 /${prayers /to God for me ;