prating Interlinear Index Study

prating PRO 010 008 . The wise <02450 +chakam > in heart <03820
+leb > will receive <03947 +laqach > commandments <04687
+mitsvah > : but a {prating} <08193 +saphah > fool <00191
+>eviyl > shall fall <03832 +labat > .

prating PRO 010 010 . He that winketh <07169 +qarats > with the
eye <05869 + causeth <05414 +nathan > sorrow <06094
+ : but a {prating} <08193 +saphah > fool <00191
+>eviyl > shall fall <03832 +labat > .

prating 3JO 001 010 Wherefore <3739 -hos -> , if <1437 -ean -> I
come <2064 -erchomai -> , I will remember <5279 -hupomimnesko ->
his deeds <2041 -ergon -> which <3739 -hos -> he doeth <4160 -
poieo -> , {prating} <5396 -phluareo -> against <5396 -phluareo -
> us with malicious <4190 -poneros -> words <3056 -logos -> :
and not content <0714 -arkeo -> therewith <5125 -toutois -> ,
neither <3777 -oute -> doth he himself <0846 -autos -> receive
<1926 -epidechomai -> the brethren <0080 -adephos -> , and
forbiddeth <2967 -koluo -> them that would <1014 -boo -lom -ahee
-> , and casteth <1544 -ekballo -> [ them ] out of the church
<1577 -ekklesia -> .
