plummet 0068 ## >eben {eh'-ben}; from the root of 1129 through
the meaning to build; a stone: -- + carbuncle, + mason, +
{plummet}, [chalk-, hail-, head-, sling-]stone(-ny), (divers)
weight(-s). [ql

plummet 0913 ## b@diyl {bed-eel'}; from 914; alloy (because
removed by smelting); by analogy, tin: -- + {plummet}, tin. [ql

plummet 4949 ## mishqeleth {mish-keh'-leth}; or mishqoleth {mish-
ko'-leth}; feminine of 4948 or 4947; a weight, i.e. a plummet
(with line attached): -- {plummet}.[ql
