asunder 1288 # diaspao {dee-as-pah'-o}; from 1223 and 4685; to
draw apart, i.e. sever or dismember: -- pluck {asunder}, pull in

away 1544 # ekballo {ek-bal'-lo}; from 1537 and 906; to eject
(literally or figuratively): -- bring forth, cast (forth, out),
drive (out), expel, leave, pluck (pull, take, thrust) out, put
forth (out), send {away} (forth, out).[ql

break 1846 # exorusso {ex-or-oos'-so}; from 1537 and 3736; to
dig out, i.e. (by extension) to extract (an eye), remove
(roofing): -- {break} up, pluck out.[ql

bring 1544 # ekballo {ek-bal'-lo}; from 1537 and 906; to eject
(literally or figuratively): -- {bring} forth, cast (forth, out),
drive (out), expel, leave, pluck (pull, take, thrust) out, put
forth (out), send away (forth, out).[ql

by 1610 # ekrizoo {ek-rid-zo'-o}; from 1537 and 4492; to uproot:
-- pluck up {by} the root, root up.[ql

cast 1544 # ekballo {ek-bal'-lo}; from 1537 and 906; to eject
(literally or figuratively): -- bring forth, {cast} (forth, out),
drive (out), expel, leave, pluck (pull, take, thrust) out, put
forth (out), send away (forth, out).[ql

deliver 1807 # exaireo {ex-ahee-reh'-o}; from 1537 and 138;
actively, to tear out; middle voice to select; figuratively, to
release: -- {deliver}, pluck out, rescue.[ql

drive 1544 # ekballo {ek-bal'-lo}; from 1537 and 906; to eject
(literally or figuratively): -- bring forth, cast (forth, out),
{drive} (out), expel, leave, pluck (pull, take, thrust) out, put
forth (out), send away (forth, out).[ql

expel 1544 # ekballo {ek-bal'-lo}; from 1537 and 906; to eject
(literally or figuratively): -- bring forth, cast (forth, out),
drive (out), {expel}, leave, pluck (pull, take, thrust) out, put
forth (out), send away (forth, out).[ql

forth 1544 # ekballo {ek-bal'-lo}; from 1537 and 906; to eject
(literally or figuratively): -- bring forth, cast (forth, out),
drive (out), expel, leave, pluck (pull, take, thrust) out, put
forth (out), send away ({forth}, out).[ql

forth 1544 # ekballo {ek-bal'-lo}; from 1537 and 906; to eject
(literally or figuratively): -- bring {forth}, cast (forth, out),
drive (out), expel, leave, pluck (pull, take, thrust) out, put
forth (out), send away (forth, out).[ql

forth 1544 # ekballo {ek-bal'-lo}; from 1537 and 906; to eject
(literally or figuratively): -- bring forth, cast ({forth}, out),
drive (out), expel, leave, pluck (pull, take, thrust) out, put
forth (out), send away (forth, out).[ql

forth 1544 # ekballo {ek-bal'-lo}; from 1537 and 906; to eject
(literally or figuratively): -- bring forth, cast (forth, out),
drive (out), expel, leave, pluck (pull, take, thrust) out, put
{forth} (out), send away (forth, out).[ql

in 1288 # diaspao {dee-as-pah'-o}; from 1223 and 4685; to draw
apart, i.e. sever or dismember: -- pluck asunder, pull {in}

leave 1544 # ekballo {ek-bal'-lo}; from 1537 and 906; to eject
(literally or figuratively): -- bring forth, cast (forth, out),
drive (out), expel, {leave}, pluck (pull, take, thrust) out, put
forth (out), send away (forth, out).[ql

out 1846 # exorusso {ex-or-oos'-so}; from 1537 and 3736; to dig
out, i.e. (by extension) to extract (an eye), remove (roofing): -
- break up, pluck {out}.[ql

out 1807 # exaireo {ex-ahee-reh'-o}; from 1537 and 138;
actively, to tear out; middle voice to select; figuratively, to
release: -- deliver, pluck {out}, rescue.[ql

out 1544 # ekballo {ek-bal'-lo}; from 1537 and 906; to eject
(literally or figuratively): -- bring forth, cast (forth, out),
drive (out), expel, leave, pluck (pull, take, thrust) out, put
forth (out), send away (forth, {out}).[ql

out 1544 # ekballo {ek-bal'-lo}; from 1537 and 906; to eject
(literally or figuratively): -- bring forth, cast (forth, out),
drive (out), expel, leave, pluck (pull, take, thrust) out, put
forth ({out}), send away (forth, out).[ql

out 1544 # ekballo {ek-bal'-lo}; from 1537 and 906; to eject
(literally or figuratively): -- bring forth, cast (forth, {out}),
drive (out), expel, leave, pluck (pull, take, thrust) out, put
forth (out), send away (forth, out).[ql

out 1544 # ekballo {ek-bal'-lo}; from 1537 and 906; to eject
(literally or figuratively): -- bring forth, cast (forth, out),
drive (out), expel, leave, pluck (pull, take, thrust) {out}, put
forth (out), send away (forth, out).[ql

out 1544 # ekballo {ek-bal'-lo}; from 1537 and 906; to eject
(literally or figuratively): -- bring forth, cast (forth, out),
drive ({out}), expel, leave, pluck (pull, take, thrust) out, put
forth (out), send away (forth, out).[ql

pieces 1288 # diaspao {dee-as-pah'-o}; from 1223 and 4685; to
draw apart, i.e. sever or dismember: -- pluck asunder, pull in

pluck 1610 # ekrizoo {ek-rid-zo'-o}; from 1537 and 4492; to
uproot: -- {pluck} up by the root, root up.[ql

pluck 5089 # tillo {til'-lo}; perhaps akin to the alternate of
138, and thus to 4951; to pull off: -- {pluck}.[ql

pluck 1288 # diaspao {dee-as-pah'-o}; from 1223 and 4685; to
draw apart, i.e. sever or dismember: -- {pluck} asunder, pull in

pluck 0726 # harpazo {har-pad'-zo}; from a derivative of 138;
to sieze (in various applications): -- catch (away, up), {pluck},
pull, take (by force).[ql

pluck 1846 # exorusso {ex-or-oos'-so}; from 1537 and 3736; to
dig out, i.e. (by extension) to extract (an eye), remove
(roofing): -- break up, {pluck} out.[ql

pluck 1807 # exaireo {ex-ahee-reh'-o}; from 1537 and 138;
actively, to tear out; middle voice to select; figuratively, to
release: -- deliver, {pluck} out, rescue.[ql

pluck 1544 # ekballo {ek-bal'-lo}; from 1537 and 906; to eject
(literally or figuratively): -- bring forth, cast (forth, out),
drive (out), expel, leave, {pluck} (pull, take, thrust) out, put
forth (out), send away (forth, out).[ql

pull 1288 # diaspao {dee-as-pah'-o}; from 1223 and 4685; to
draw apart, i.e. sever or dismember: -- pluck asunder, {pull} in

pull 1544 # ekballo {ek-bal'-lo}; from 1537 and 906; to eject
(literally or figuratively): -- bring forth, cast (forth, out),
drive (out), expel, leave, pluck ({pull}, take, thrust) out, put
forth (out), send away (forth, out).[ql

put 1544 # ekballo {ek-bal'-lo}; from 1537 and 906; to eject
(literally or figuratively): -- bring forth, cast (forth, out),
drive (out), expel, leave, pluck (pull, take, thrust) out, {put}
forth (out), send away (forth, out).[ql

rescue 1807 # exaireo {ex-ahee-reh'-o}; from 1537 and 138;
actively, to tear out; middle voice to select; figuratively, to
release: -- deliver, pluck out, {rescue}.[ql

root 1610 # ekrizoo {ek-rid-zo'-o}; from 1537 and 4492; to
uproot: -- pluck up by the root, {root} up.[ql

root 1610 # ekrizoo {ek-rid-zo'-o}; from 1537 and 4492; to
uproot: -- pluck up by the {root}, root up.[ql

send 1544 # ekballo {ek-bal'-lo}; from 1537 and 906; to eject
(literally or figuratively): -- bring forth, cast (forth, out),
drive (out), expel, leave, pluck (pull, take, thrust) out, put
forth (out), {send} away (forth, out).[ql

take 1544 # ekballo {ek-bal'-lo}; from 1537 and 906; to eject
(literally or figuratively): -- bring forth, cast (forth, out),
drive (out), expel, leave, pluck (pull, {take}, thrust) out, put
forth (out), send away (forth, out).[ql

the 1610 # ekrizoo {ek-rid-zo'-o}; from 1537 and 4492; to
uproot: -- pluck up by {the} root, root up.[ql

thrust 1544 # ekballo {ek-bal'-lo}; from 1537 and 906; to eject
(literally or figuratively): -- bring forth, cast (forth, out),
drive (out), expel, leave, pluck (pull, take, {thrust}) out, put
forth (out), send away (forth, out).[ql

up 1610 # ekrizoo {ek-rid-zo'-o}; from 1537 and 4492; to uproot:
-- pluck up by the root, root {up}.[ql

up 1610 # ekrizoo {ek-rid-zo'-o}; from 1537 and 4492; to uproot:
-- pluck {up} by the root, root up.[ql

up 1846 # exorusso {ex-or-oos'-so}; from 1537 and 3736; to dig
out, i.e. (by extension) to extract (an eye), remove (roofing): -
- break {up}, pluck out.[ql
