plow 2790 ## charash {khaw-rash'}; a primitive root; to scratch,
i.e. (by implication) to engrave, plough; hence (from the use of
tools) to fabricate (of any material); figuratively, to devise
(in a bad sense); hence (from the idea of secrecy) to be silent,
to let alone; hence (by implication) to be deaf (as an
accompaniment of dumbness): -- X altogether, cease, conceal, be
deaf, devise, ear, graven, imagine, leave off speaking, hold
peace, {plow}(-er, man), be quiet, rest, practise secretly, keep
silence, be silent, speak not a word, be still, hold tongue,
worker. [ql

plowing 5215 ## niyr {neer}; or nir {neer}; from 5214; properly,
plowing, i.e. (concretely) freshly plowed land: -- fallow ground,
{plowing}, tillage.[ql

plowshare 0855 ## >eth {ayth}; of uncertain derivation; a hoe or
other digging implement: -- coulter, {plowshare}. [ql
