
Pleiades Interlinear Index Study

Pleiades JOB 009 009 Which maketh <06213 + Arcturus
<05906 + , Orion <03685 +K@ciyl > , and {Pleiades}
<03598 +Kiymah > , and the chambers <02315 +cheder > of the
south <08486 +teyman > .

Pleiades JOB 038 031 Canst thou bind <07194 +qashar > the sweet
<04575 +ma influences <04575 +ma of
{Pleiades} <03598 +Kiymah > , or <00176 +>ow > loose <06605
+pathach > the bands <04189 +mowsh@kah > of Orion <03685 +K@ciyl
> ?


- pleiades , 3598 ,



pleiades -3598 {pleiades} , seven , stars ,


Pleiades 3598 -- Kiymah -- {Pleiades}, seven stars.




Pleiades 3598 ## Kiymah {kee-maw'}; from the same as 3558; a
cluster of stars, i.e . the Pleiades: -- {Pleiades}, seven stars.


Pleiades 009 009 Job /^{Pleiades /and the
chambers of the south .

Pleiades 038 031 Job /^{Pleiades /or loose the
bands of Orion ?



pleiades Which maketh Arcturus, Orion, and {Pleiades},

the chambers of the south.

pleiades Canst thou bind the sweet influences of

{Pleiades}, or loose the bands of Orion?
