plant 3126 ## yowneq {yo-nake'}; active participle of 3243; a
sucker; hence, a twig (of a tree felled and sprouting): --
tender {plant}. [ql
plant 4302 ## matta< {mat-taw'}; from 5193; something planted, i.
e. the place (a garden or vineyard), or the thing (a plant,
figuratively or men); by implication, the act, planting: --
{plant}(-ation, -ing).[ql
plant 5189 ## n@tiyshah {net-ee-shaw'}; from 5203; a tendril (as
an offshoot): -- battlement, branch, {plant}.[ql
plant 5193 ## nata< {naw-tah'}; a primitive root; properly, to
strike in, i.e. fix; specifically, to plant (literally or
figuratively): -- fastened, {plant}(-er).[ql
plant 5194 ## neta< {neh'-tah}; from 5193; a plant; collectively,
a plantation; abstractly, a planting: -- {plant}.[ql
plant 5195 ## natia< {naw-tee'-ah}; from 5193; a plant: --
{plant}.[ql plant 5646 ##
unused root meaning to cover; properly, equivalent to 5645; but
used only as an architectural term, an architrave (as shading
the pillars): -- thick (beam, {plant}).[ql
plant 7880 ## siyach {see'-akh}; from 7878; a shoot (as if
uttered or put forth), i.e. (generally) shrubbery: -- bush,
{plant}, shrub.[ql
plant 7973 ## shelach {sheh'-lakh}; from 7971; a missile of
attack, i.e. spear; also (figuratively) a shoot of growth; i.e.
branch: -- dart, {plant}, X put off, sword, weapon.[ql
plant 8291 ## saruwq {sar-ook'}; passive participle from the
same as 8321; a grapevine: -- principal {plant}. See 8320, 8321.
plant 8362 ## shathal {shaw-thal'}; a primitive root; to
transplant: -- {plant}.[ql
plant 8363 ## sh@thiyl {sheth-eel'}; from 8362; a sprig (as if
transplanted), i.e. sucker: -- {plant}.[ql
plant 5451 # phuteia {foo-ti'-ah}; from 5452; trans-planting, i.
e. (concretely) a shrub or vegetable: -- {plant}.[ql
plant 5452 # phuteuo {foot-yoo'-o}; from a derivative of 5453;
to set out in the earth, i.e. implant; figuratively, to instil
doctrine: -- {plant}.[ql
planted 4854 # sumphutos {soom'-foo-tos}; from 4862 and a
derivative of 5453; grown along with (connate), i.e.
(figuratively) closely united to: -- {planted} together.[ql
plants 5196 ## N@ta
place in Palestine: -- {plants}.[ql
supplant 6117 ##
swell out or up; used only as denominative from 6119, to seize
by the heel; figuratively, to circumvent (as if tripping up the
heels); also to restrain (as if holding by the heel): -- take by
the heel, stay, {supplant}, X utterly.[ql