English Theasurus that shows all the ways the English word is translated from the original Greek and Hebrew.

English Theasurus from the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary

plant 3126 -- yowneq -- tender {plant}.

plant 4302 -- matta\ -- {plant}(-ation, -ing).

plant 5189 -- n@tiyshah -- battlement, branch, {plant}.

plant 5193 -- nata\ -- fastened, {plant}(-er).

plant 5194 -- neta\ -- {plant}.

plant 5195 -- natia\ -- {plant}.

plant 5451 ** phuteia ** {plant}.

plant 5452 ** phuteuo ** {plant}.

plant 5646 -- \ab -- thick (beam, {plant}).

plant 7880 siyach -- -- bush, {plant}, shrub.

plant 7973 shelach -- -- dart, {plant}, X put off, sword, weapon.

plant 8291 -- saruwq -- principal {plant}.

plant 8362 -- shathal -- {plant}.

plant 8363 -- sh@thiyl -- {plant}.

planted 4854 ** sumphutos ** {planted} together.

plants 5196 -- N@ta\iym -- {plants}.

supplant 6117 -- \aqab -- take by the heel, stay, {supplant}, X utterly.