Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the Synonyms inserted into the definitions.

Greek Synonyms inserted into Greek Strong's Dictionary

0622 + that we lose 0622- that we lose 0622- perish + destroy + be lost + Destroy + perished + and lose + was lost + she lose + will lose + we perish + perisheth + destroyed + if he lose + shall lose + should die + I had lost + to destroy + and destroy + he was lost + to the lost + and perished + are perished + and I perish + shall perish + and was lost + us we perish + should perish + and destroyed + me have I lost + and to destroy + that perisheth + will be marred + I will destroy + of it perisheth + of them is lost + me I should lose + but unto the lost + but not destroyed + They shall perish + they might destroy + and were destroyed + ones should perish + that which is lost + that which was lost + in them that perish + to them that are lost + is to them that perish + thou not that we perish + and in them that perish + in him should not perish + unto you he shall not lose +/ . apollumi {ap-ol'-loo-mee}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and the base of 3639 + therein + destruction + in destruction + for the destruction +/ ; to destroy fully (reflexively, to perish, or lose), literally or figuratively: --destroy, die, lose, mar, perish .

0623 + Apollyon + Apollyon +/ . Apolluon {ap-ol-loo'-ohn}; active participle of 0622 + that we lose 0622- that we lose 0622- perish + destroy + be lost + Destroy + perished + and lose + was lost + she lose + will lose + we perish + perisheth + destroyed + if he lose + shall lose + should die + I had lost + to destroy + and destroy + he was lost + to the lost + and perished + are perished + and I perish + shall perish + and was lost + us we perish + should perish + and destroyed + me have I lost + and to destroy + that perisheth + will be marred + I will destroy + of it perisheth + of them is lost + me I should lose + but unto the lost + but not destroyed + They shall perish + they might destroy + and were destroyed + ones should perish + that which is lost + that which was lost + in them that perish + to them that are lost + is to them that perish + thou not that we perish + and in them that perish + in him should not perish + unto you he shall not lose +/ ; a destroyer (i .e . Satan): --Apollyon .

0624 + and Apollonia +/ . Apollonia {ap-ol-lo-nee'-ah}; from the pagan deity Apollon (i .e . the sun; from 0622 + that we lose 0622- that we lose 0622- perish + destroy + be lost + Destroy + perished + and lose + was lost + she lose + will lose + we perish + perisheth + destroyed + if he lose + shall lose + should die + I had lost + to destroy + and destroy + he was lost + to the lost + and perished + are perished + and I perish + shall perish + and was lost + us we perish + should perish + and destroyed + me have I lost + and to destroy + that perisheth + will be marred + I will destroy + of it perisheth + of them is lost + me I should lose + but unto the lost + but not destroyed + They shall perish + they might destroy + and were destroyed + ones should perish + that which is lost + that which was lost + in them that perish + to them that are lost + is to them that perish + thou not that we perish + and in them that perish + in him should not perish + unto you he shall not lose +/ ); Apollonia, a place in Macedonia: --Apollonia .

0684 + ways + waste + perish + to die + perdition + in damnable + destruction + of perdition + and perdition + to destruction + unto perdition + is destruction + their pernicious + not and their damnation +/ . apoleia {ap-o'-li-a}; from a presumed derivative of 0622 + that we lose 0622- that we lose 0622- perish + destroy + be lost + Destroy + perished + and lose + was lost + she lose + will lose + we perish + perisheth + destroyed + if he lose + shall lose + should die + I had lost + to destroy + and destroy + he was lost + to the lost + and perished + are perished + and I perish + shall perish + and was lost + us we perish + should perish + and destroyed + me have I lost + and to destroy + that perisheth + will be marred + I will destroy + of it perisheth + of them is lost + me I should lose + but unto the lost + but not destroyed + They shall perish + they might destroy + and were destroyed + ones should perish + that which is lost + that which was lost + in them that perish + to them that are lost + is to them that perish + thou not that we perish + and in them that perish + in him should not perish + unto you he shall not lose +/ ; ruin or loss (physical, spiritual or eternal): --damnable(-nation), destruction, die, perdition, X perish, pernicious ways, waste .

4881 + perished +/ . sunapollumi {soon-ap-ol'-loo-mee}; from 4862 + and beside + accompanied +/ and 0622 + that we lose 0622- that we lose 0622- perish + destroy + be lost + Destroy + perished + and lose + was lost + she lose + will lose + we perish + perisheth + destroyed + if he lose + shall lose + should die + I had lost + to destroy + and destroy + he was lost + to the lost + and perished + are perished + and I perish + shall perish + and was lost + us we perish + should perish + and destroyed + me have I lost + and to destroy + that perisheth + will be marred + I will destroy + of it perisheth + of them is lost + me I should lose + but unto the lost + but not destroyed + They shall perish + they might destroy + and were destroyed + ones should perish + that which is lost + that which was lost + in them that perish + to them that are lost + is to them that perish + thou not that we perish + and in them that perish + in him should not perish + unto you he shall not lose +/ ; to destroy (middle voice or passively, be slain) in company with: --perish with .