ointment 3464 # muron {moo'-ron}; probably of foreign origin
[compare 4753, 4666]; "myrrh", i.e. (by implication) perfumed
oil: -- {ointment}.[ql


perfumed Interlinear Index Study

perfumed PRO 007 017 I have {perfumed} <05130 +nuwph > my bed
<04904 +mishkab > with myrrh <04753 +more > , aloes <00174
+>ahaliym > , and cinnamon <07076 +qinnamown > .

perfumed SON 003 006 . Who <04310 +miy > [ is ] this <02063
+zo>th > that cometh <05927 + out of the wilderness
<04057 +midbar > like pillars <08490 +tiymarah > of smoke <06227
+ , {perfumed} <06999 +qatar > with myrrh <04753 +more >
and frankincense <03828 +l@bownah > , with all <03605 +kol >
powders <81> of the merchant <07402 +rakal > ?


have perfumed my bed with myrrh

perfumed with myrrh

- perfumed , 5130 , 6999 ,



perfumed -5130 lift , lifted , move , offer , offered ,
{perfumed} , send , shake , shaketh , sift , strike , wave ,
waved ,

perfumed -6999 burn , burned , burneth , burning , burnt ,
incense , kindle , offer , offered , {perfumed} ,






perfumed 007 017 Pro /^{perfumed /my bed with
myrrh , aloes , and cinnamon .

perfumed 003 006 Son /^{perfumed /with myrrh and
frankincense , with all powders of the merchant ?


perfumed 2 -


perfumed I have {perfumed} my bed with myrrh, aloes,


perfumed Who [is] this that cometh out of the

like pillars of smoke, {perfumed} with myrrh and frankincense,

all powders of the merchant?
