Bible Translation Phrases for Individual word studies
Bible Translation Phrase lists
-apenanti- ......... against 0561 -apenanti- >
-apenanti- ......... before 0561 -apenanti- >
-apenanti- ......... contrary 0561 -apenanti- >
-apenanti- ......... in the presence 0561 -apenanti- >
-apenanti- ......... over 0561 -apenanti- >
-dekapente- ......... fifteen 1178 -dekapente- >
-dekapente- ......... it fifteen 1178 -dekapente- >
-dekapente- ......... with him fifteen 1178 -dekapente- >
-ependuomai- ......... but clothed 1902 -ependuomai- >
-ependuomai- ......... to be clothed 1902 -ependuomai- >
-ependutes- ......... coat 1903 -ependutes- >
-ependutes- ......... his fisher s 1903 -ependutes- >
-hupenantios- ......... the adversaries 5227 -hupenantios- >
-hupenantios- ......... was contrary 5227 -hupenantios- >
-penes- ......... to the poor 3993 -penes- >
-pentakis- ......... five 3999 -pentakis- >
-pentakis- ......... times 3999 -pentakis- >
-pentakischilioi- ......... and five 4000 -pentakischilioi- >
-pentakischilioi- ......... And five 4000 -pentakischilioi- >
-pentakischilioi- ......... Five 4000 -pentakischilioi- >
-pentakischilioi- ......... five 4000 -pentakischilioi- >
-pentakischilioi- ......... of the five 4000 -pentakischilioi- >
-pentakischilioi- ......... the five 4000 -pentakischilioi- >
-pentakischilioi- ......... them five 4000 -pentakischilioi- >
-pentakischilioi- ......... thousand 4000 -pentakischilioi- >
-pentakischilioi- ......... unto me five 4000 -pentakischilioi- >
-pentakosioi- ......... five 4001 -pentakosioi- >
-pentakosioi- ......... hundred 4001 -pentakosioi- >
-pente- ......... and fifteen 4002 -pente- >
-pente- ......... Are not five 4002 -pente- >
-pente- ......... but five 4002 -pente- >
-pente- ......... five 4002 -pente- >
-pente- ......... in five 4002 -pente- >
-pente- ......... of the five 4002 -pente- >
-pente- ......... the five 4002 -pente- >
-pente- ......... there shall be five 4002 -pente- >
-pentekaidekatos- ......... in the fifteenth 4003 -pentekaidekatos- >
-pentekonta- ......... and by fifties 4004 -pentekonta- >
-pentekonta- ......... and fifty 4004 -pentekonta- >
-pentekonta- ......... by fifties 4004 -pentekonta- >
-pentekonta- ......... fifty 4004 -pentekonta- >
-pentekoste- ......... of Pentecost 4005 -pentekoste- >
-pentekoste- ......... Pentecost 4005 -pentekoste- >
-pentheo- ......... and mourn 3996 -pentheo- >
-pentheo- ......... and wailing 3996 -pentheo- >
-pentheo- ......... are they that mourn 3996 -pentheo- >
-pentheo- ......... for ye shall mourn 3996 -pentheo- >
-pentheo- ......... mourn 3996 -pentheo- >
-pentheo- ......... mourned 3996 -pentheo- >
-pentheo- ......... with him , as they mourned 3996 -pentheo- >
-pentheo- ......... you , and that I shall bewail 3996 -pentheo- >
-penthera- ......... her mother 3994 -penthera- >
-penthera- ......... his wife s 3994 -penthera- >
-penthera- ......... in law 3994 -penthera- >
-penthera- ......... mother 3994 -penthera- >
-penthera- ......... the mother 3994 -penthera- >
-penthera- ......... wife s 3994 -penthera- >
-pentheros- ......... for he was father 3995 -pentheros- >
-pentheros- ......... in law 3995 -pentheros- >
-penthos- ......... and mourning 3997 -penthos- >
-penthos- ......... and sorrow 3997 -penthos- >
-penthos- ......... sorrow 3997 -penthos- >
-penthos- ......... to mourning 3997 -penthos- >
-pentichros- ......... poor 3998 -pentichros- >
-spendo- ......... I be offered 4689 -spendo- >
-spendo- ......... ready 4689 -spendo- >
-spendo- ......... to be offered 4689 -spendo- >
carpenter ......... the carpenter 5045 -tekton->
carpenter ......... the carpenter s 5045 -tekton->
dispensation ......... a dispensation 3622 -oikonomia->
dispensation ......... of the dispensation 3622 -oikonomia->
dispensation ......... That in the dispensation 3622 -oikonomia->
dispensation ......... to the dispensation 3622 -oikonomia->
happen ......... happen 4819 -sumbaino->
happened ......... But it is happened 4819 -sumbaino->
happened ......... is happened 1096 -ginomai->
happened ......... that the things which happened unto me have fallen 2064 -erchomai->
happened ......... that which had happened 4819 -sumbaino->
happened ......... thing happened 4819 -sumbaino->
happened ......... things happened 4819 -sumbaino->
happened ......... things which had happened 4819 -sumbaino->
holpen ......... He hath holpen 0482 -antilambanomai->
impenitent ......... and impenitent 0279 -ametanoetos->
open ......... and open 0455 -anoigo->
open ......... and to open 0455 -anoigo->
open ......... are open 4271 -prodelos->
open ......... are open unto their prayers 1162 -deesis->
open ......... him to an open 3856 -paradeigmatizo->
open ......... I will open 0455 -anoigo->
open ......... is an open 0455 -anoigo->
open ......... is open 0071 -ago->
open ......... is open 0455 -anoigo->
open ......... open 0455 -anoigo->
open ......... thee an open 0455 -anoigo->
open ......... they may open 0455 -anoigo->
open ......... To open 0455 -anoigo->
open ......... to open 0455 -anoigo->
open ......... unto me , that I may open 0457 -anoixis->
open ......... with open 0343 -anakalupto->
open ......... would open 0455 -anoigo->
opened ......... And he opened 0455 -anoigo->
opened ......... and it shall be opened 0455 -anoigo->
opened ......... and opened 0455 -anoigo->
opened ......... and opened 5136 -trachelizo->
opened ......... And she opened 0455 -anoigo->
opened ......... And when he had opened 0380 -anaptusso->
opened ......... and when they had opened 0455 -anoigo->
opened ......... but when we had opened 0455 -anoigo->
opened ......... hath opened 0455 -anoigo->
opened ......... he had opened 0455 -anoigo->
opened ......... he is , and yet he hath opened 0455 -anoigo->
opened ......... he opened 1272 -dianoigo->
opened ......... him : and when they had opened 0455 -anoigo->
opened ......... is opened 0455 -anoigo->
opened ......... it shall be opened 0455 -anoigo->
opened ......... man opened 0455 -anoigo->
opened ......... may be opened 0455 -anoigo->
opened ......... opened 0455 -anoigo->
opened ......... opened 1272 -dianoigo->
opened ......... opened 4977 -schizo->
opened ......... she opened 0455 -anoigo->
opened ......... that is , Be opened 1272 -dianoigo->
opened ......... thou of him , that he hath opened 0455 -anoigo->
opened ......... up ; and when thou hast opened 0455 -anoigo->
opened ......... was opened 0455 -anoigo->
opened ......... were opened 0455 -anoigo->
opened ......... were opened 1272 -dianoigo->
opened ......... with them , and how he had opened 0455 -anoigo->
openeth ......... he that openeth 0455 -anoigo->
openeth ......... openeth 0455 -anoigo->
openeth ......... that openeth 1272 -dianoigo->
Opening ......... Opening 1272 -dianoigo->
openly ......... him openly 1717 -emphanes->
openly ......... not openly 5320 -phaneros->
openly ......... of them openly 3954 -parrhesia->
openly ......... openly 3954 -parrhesia->
openly ......... openly 5320 -phaneros->
openly ......... thee openly 5318 -phaneros->
openly ......... to be known openly 3954 -parrhesia->
openly ......... us openly 1219 -demosios->
pen ......... and pen 2563 -kalamos->
pence ......... pence 1220 -denarion->
penny ......... for a penny 1220 -denarion->
penny ......... man a penny 1220 -denarion->
penny ......... me a penny 1220 -denarion->
penny ......... unto him a penny 1220 -denarion->
penny ......... with me for a penny 1220 -denarion->
pennyworth ......... pennyworth 1220 -denarion->
Pentecost ......... of Pentecost 4005 -pentekoste->
Pentecost ......... Pentecost 4005 -pentekoste->
penury ......... but she of her penury 5303 -husterema->
recompence ......... and a recompence 0468 -antapodoma->
recompence ......... for a recompence 0489 -antimisthia->
recompence ......... recompence 3405 -misthapodosia->
recompence ......... that recompence 0489 -antimisthia->
recompence ......... unto the recompence 3405 -misthapodosia->
recompense ......... belongeth unto me , I will recompense 0467 -antapodidomi->
recompense ......... recompense 0467 -antapodidomi->
Recompense ......... Recompense 0591 -apodidomi->
recompense ......... to recompense 0467 -antapodidomi->
recompensed ......... thee : for thou shalt be recompensed 0467 -antapodidomi->
recompensed ......... to him , and it shall be recompensed 0467 -antapodidomi->
repent ......... and repent 3340 -metanoeo->
repent ......... and will not repent 3338 -metamellomai->
repent ......... fast , and repent 3340 -metanoeo->
repent ......... he repent 3340 -metanoeo->
repent ......... I did repent 3338 -metamellomai->
repent ......... I do not repent 3338 -metamellomai->
repent ......... I repent 3340 -metanoeo->
repent ......... repent 3340 -metanoeo->
Repent ......... Repent 3340 -metanoeo->
repent ......... that men should repent 3340 -metanoeo->
repent ......... that they should repent 3340 -metanoeo->
repent ......... they repent 3340 -metanoeo->
repent ......... they will repent 3340 -metanoeo->
repent ......... thou repent 3340 -metanoeo->
repent ......... to repent 3340 -metanoeo->
Repent ......... unto them , Repent 3340 -metanoeo->
repent ......... ye repent 3340 -metanoeo->
repentance ......... And that repentance 3341 -metanoia->
repentance ......... for repentance 3341 -metanoia->
repentance ......... of repentance 3341 -metanoia->
repentance ......... repentance 0278 -ametameletos->
repentance ......... repentance 3341 -metanoia->
repentance ......... thee to repentance 3341 -metanoia->
repentance ......... them repentance 3341 -metanoia->
repentance ......... to repentance 3341 -metanoia->
repentance ......... unto repentance 3341 -metanoia->
repented ......... and have not repented 3340 -metanoeo->
repented ......... and repented 3340 -metanoeo->
repented ......... and she repented 3340 -metanoeo->
repented ......... and they repented 3340 -metanoeo->
repented ......... he repented 3338 -metamellomai->
repented ......... it , repented 3338 -metamellomai->
repented ......... it : for they repented 3340 -metanoeo->
repented ......... not to be repented 0278 -ametameletos->
repented ......... repented 3338 -metamellomai->
repented ......... repented 3340 -metanoeo->
repented ......... they repented 3340 -metanoeo->
repented ......... they would have repented 3340 -metanoeo->
repented ......... yet repented 3340 -metanoeo->
repenteth ......... that repenteth 3340 -metanoeo->
serpent ......... And the serpent 3789 -ophis->
serpent ......... as the serpent 3789 -ophis->
serpent ......... him a serpent 3789 -ophis->
serpent ......... of the serpent 3789 -ophis->
serpent ......... serpent 3789 -ophis->
serpent ......... up the serpent 3789 -ophis->
serpents ......... and of serpents 2062 -herpeton->
serpents ......... as serpents 3789 -ophis->
serpents ......... of serpents 3789 -ophis->
serpents ......... serpents 3789 -ophis->
serpents ......... unto serpents 3789 -ophis->
serpents ......... up serpents 3789 -ophis->
serpents ......... Ye serpents 3789 -ophis->
spend ......... not spend 5551 -chronotribeo->
spend ......... spend 1159 -dapanao->
spendest ......... thou spendest 4325 -prosdapanao->
spent ......... And after he had spent 4160 -poieo->
spent ......... and be spent 1550 -ekdapanao->
spent ......... and had spent 1159 -dapanao->
spent ......... And when he had spent 1159 -dapanao->
spent ......... had spent 4321 -prosanalisko->
spent ......... is far spent 2827 -klino->
spent ......... is far spent 4298 -prokopto->
spent ......... spent , his disciples 3101 -mathetes->
spent ......... spent 2119 -eukaireo->
spent ......... was spent 1230 -diaginomai->