Root Words and their word stems. This helps you see all related words in the English.
Root Words and their word stems
429 * peace
8 - peaceable
12 - peaceably
1 - peacemakers
2139 * people
2 - peoples
25 * perceive
35 - perceived
2 - perceivest
3 - perceiveth
3 - perceiving
99 * perfect
8 - perfected
2 - perfecting
11 - perfection
7 - perfectly
1 - perfectness
42 * perform
2 - performance
21 - performed
4 - performeth
2 - performing
3 * perfume
2 - perfumed
1 - perfumes
2 * peril
1 - perilous
8 - perils
120 * perish
26 - perished
9 - perisheth
1 - perishing
25 * persecute
20 - persecuted
6 - persecutest
1 - persecuting
10 - persecution
5 - persecutions
1 - persecutor
8 - persecutors
9 * persuade
20 - persuaded
1 - persuadest
2 - persuadeth
2 - persuading
1 - persuasion
6 * pertain
17 - pertained
7 - pertaineth
8 - pertaining
20 * perverse
3 - perversely
6 - perverseness
10 * pervert
5 - perverted
5 - perverteth
2 - perverting
47 * pestilence
2 - pestilences
1 - pestilent