patara , AC , 21:1


Patara 3959 # Patara {pat'-ar-ah}; probably of foreign origin;
Patara, a place in Asia Minor: -- {Patara}.[ql


Patara Interlinear Index Study

Patara ACT 021 001 . And it came <1096 -ginomai -> to pass ,
that after <5613 -hos -> we were gotten <0645 -apospao -> from
them , and had launched <0321 -anago -> , we came <2064 -
erchomai -> with a straight <2113 -euthudromeo -> course <4144 -
ploos -> unto Coos <2972 -Kos -> , and the [ day ] following
<1836 -hexes -> unto Rhodes <4499 -Rhodos -> , and from thence
<1564 -ekeithen -> unto {Patara} <3959 -Patara -> :


* patara , 3959 ,

* patara , 3959 Patara ,


patara -3959 {patara},



Patara 3959 ** Patara ** {Patara}.


-Patara- ......... unto Patara 3959 -Patara- >

Patara ......... unto Patara 3959 -Patara->


3959 - Patara - Ac 21:01 Patara


Patara 3959 # Patara {pat'-ar-ah}; probably of foreign origin;
Patara, a place in Asia Minor: -- {Patara}.[ql




patara And it came to pass, that after we were gotten

from them, and had launched, we came with a straight course unto

Coos, and the day] following unto Rhodes, and from thence unto

