* partition , 5418 phragmos ,
partition -5418 about, hedge, {partition},
partition -5674 alienate , altered , anger , apart , away ,
beyond , bring , brought , came , carried , carry , come ,
cometh , coming , conduct , conducted , convey , current ,
delivered , do , enter , escape , fail , forth , gendereth , get
, go , gods , goeth , going , gone , have , laid , make ,
meddleth , more , over , overcome , overpass , overpast ,
overran , overrunning , {partition} , pass , passage , passed ,
passedst , passengers , passest , passeth , passing , past ,
perish , perishing , proclaim , proclaimed , provoketh , put ,
rageth , raiser , removed , sent , shave , smelling , sound ,
speedily , sweet , take , taken , through , took , transgress ,
transgressed , transgressest , transgressing , transgressors ,
translate , turn , went , wroth ,
partition 5674 -- \abar -- alienate, alter, X at all, beyond,
bring (over, through),carry over, (over-)come (on, over),
conduct (over), convey over, current,deliver, do away, enter,
escape, fail, gender, get over, (make) go (away,beyond, by,
forth, his way, in, on, over, through), have away (more), lay,
meddle, overrun, make {partition}, (cause to, give, make to,
over)pass(-age, along, away, beyond, by, -enger, on, out, over,
through), (causeto, make) + proclaim(-amation), perish, provoke
to anger, put away, rage, +raiser of taxes, remove, send over,
set apart, + shave, cause to (make)sound, X speedily, X sweet
smelling, take (away), (make to)transgress(-or), translate, turn
away, [way-]faring man, be wrath.
partition 5418 ** phragmos ** hedge (+ round about), {partition}.
partition ......... wall of partition 5418 -phragmos->
partition 5674 ##
over; used very widely of any transition (literal or figurative;
transitive, intransitive, intensive, causative); specifically,
to cover (in copulation): -- alienate, alter, X at all, beyond,
bring (over, through), carry over, (over-)come (on, over),
conduct (over), convey over, current, deliver, do away, enter,
escape, fail, gender, get over, (make) go (away, beyond, by,
forth, his way, in, on, over, through), have away (more), lay,
meddle, overrun, make {partition}, (cause to, give, make to,
over) pass(-age, along, away, beyond, by, -enger, on, out, over,
through), (cause to, make) + proclaim(-amation), perish, provoke
to anger, put away, rage, + raiser of taxes, remove, send over,
set apart, + shave, cause to (make) sound, X speedily, X sweet
smelling, take (away), (make to) transgress(-or), translate,
turn away, [way-]faring man, be wrath.[ql
partition 5418 # phragmos {frag-mos'}; from 5420; a fence, or
inclosing barrier (literally or figuratively): -- hedge (+ round
about), {partition}.[ql
partition 002 014 Eph /${partition /between us;
partition 006 021 IKi /^{partition /by the chains
of gold before the oracle ; and he overlaid it with gold .
partition , 1KI , 6:21
partition , EPH , 2:14
cloven 1266 # diamerizo {dee-am-er-id'-zo}; from 1223 and 3307;
to partition thoroughly (literally in distribution,
figuratively in dissension): -- {cloven}, divide, part.[ql
divide 1266 # diamerizo {dee-am-er-id'-zo}; from 1223 and 3307;
to partition thoroughly (literally in distribution, figuratively
in dissension): -- cloven, {divide}, part.[ql
half 2255 # hemisu {hay'-mee-soo}; neuter of a derivative from
an inseparable pref. akin to 260 (through the idea of partition
involved in connection) and meaning semi-; (as noun) half: --
middle 3320 # mesotoichon {mes-ot'-oy-khon}; from 3319 and 5109;
a partition (figuratively): -- {middle} wall.[ql
part 1266 # diamerizo {dee-am-er-id'-zo}; from 1223 and 3307;
to partition thoroughly (literally in distribution, figuratively
in dissension): -- cloven, divide, {part}.[ql
partition 5418 # phragmos {frag-mos'}; from 5420; a fence, or
inclosing barrier (literally or figuratively): -- hedge (+ round
about), {partition}.[ql
understanding 5424 # phren {frane}; probably from an obsolete
phrao (to rein in or curb; compare 5420); the midrif (as a
partition of the body), i.e. (figuratively and by implication,
of sympathy) the feelings (or sensitive nature; by extension
[also in the plural] the mind or cognitive faculties): --
wall 3320 # mesotoichon {mes-ot'-oy-khon}; from 3319 and 5109;
a partition (figuratively): -- middle {wall}.[ql
partition Interlinear Index Study
partition 1KI 006 021 So Solomon <08010 +Sh@lomoh > overlaid
<06823 +tsaphah > the house <01004 +bayith > within <06441
+p@niymah > with pure <05462 +cagar > gold <02091 +zahab > : and
he made a {partition} <05674 + by the chains <07569
+rattowq > of gold <02091 +zahab > before <06440 +paniym > the
oracle <01687 +d@biyr > ; and he overlaid <06823 +tsaphah > it
with gold <02091 +zahab > .
partition EPH 002 014 . For he is our peace <1515 -eirene -> ,
who <3739 -hos -> hath made <4160 -poieo -> both <0297 -
amphoteros -> one <1520 -heis -> , and hath broken <3089 -luo ->
down the middle <3320 -mesotoichon -> wall of {partition} <5418 -
phragmos -> [ between us ] ;
partition by <1KI6 -:21 >
partition <1KI6 -21> So Solomon overlaid the house within with
pure gold: and he made a {partition} by the chains of gold
before the oracle; and he overlaid it with gold.
partition For he is our peace, who hath made both one,
and hath broken down the middle wall of {partition} between us];