Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the Synonyms inserted into the definitions.

Greek Synonyms inserted into Greek Strong's Dictionary

0482 + partakers + to support + He hath holpen +/ . antilambanomai {an-tee-lam-ban'-om-ahee}; from 0473 + in the room +/ and the middle voice of 2983 + receive 2983- receive 2983- had + Took + took + take + Take + began + taken + amazed + taking + taketh + taketh + to take + receive + ye took + he took + and have + and take + received + and took + assaying + attained + I caught + they took + had taken + receiveth + accepteth + I receive + that take + acceptest + to receive + And I took + he receive + and taketh + we receive + as we have received 2983- as we have received 2983- but receive + we received + day receive + may receive + as received + And he took + ye received + and he took + When I call + and receive + should take + unto me Take + out and held + had received + he had taken + me receiveth + and did take + which receive + we have taken + have received + might receive + they received + as I received + and had taken + if ye receive + And they took + But I receive + and receiving + ye have taken + shall receive + unto them Take + and ye receive + they that take + and have taken + And there came + he may receive + than to receive + of you Received + For he received + ye have brought + thou hast taken + I have received + And they caught + have I received + that ye receive + but he received + having received + And he received + he shall receive + me and receiveth + ye shall receive + the law and take + ye have received + That he may take + we have received + unto them Receive + that I might take + man hath received + man shall receive + upon him and took + that had received + he that receiveth + if it be received + thou hast received + that we may obtain + they that received + thou didst receive + they which receive + And he that taketh + and that ye receive + with him ; and took + not having received + him ye will receive + and having received + he that had received + But he shall receive + I that he shall take + they do it to obtain + and ye shall receive + but ye have received + one of them may take + But ye shall receive + in him shall receive + ye have not received + that he might receive + that shall ye receive + that he shall receive + he which had received + that we have received + that we might receive + that they may receive + And when he had taken + that we shall receive + He that hath received + them that had received + meat with them he took + them and they received + off and hath forgotten + me for he shall receive + And when they had taken + that they might receive + But he that had received + For ye have not received + And when he had received + And when they had received + me ; and he that receiveth + unto them Have ye received + unto you He that receiveth + me ; and they have received + as if thou hadst not received + that they should have received + for them that they might receive + thou that thou didst not receive +/ ; to take hold of in turn, i .e . succor; also to participate: --help, partaker, support .

0484 + helps +/ . antilepsis {an-til'-ape-sis}; from 0482 + partakers + to support + He hath holpen +/ ; relief: --help .

2841 + is partaker 2841- is partaker 2841- partakers + communicate + be partaker + Distributing + communicated + are partakers + have been made + as ye are partakers +/ . koinoneo {koy-no-neh'-o}; from 2844 + partakers + a partner + a partaker + companions + were partners + he is my partner + ye might be partakers + that as ye are partakers + not that ye should have fellowship +/ ; to share with others (objectively or subjectively): --communicate, distribute, be partaker .

2842 + communion + fellowship + contribution + distribution + and fellowship + our fellowship + is the fellowship + and the communion + and to communicate + and the fellowship + unto the fellowship + hands of fellowship + That the communication + is it not the communion + and take upon us the fellowship +/ . koinonia {koy-nohn-ee'-ah}; from 2844 + partakers + a partner + a partaker + companions + were partners + he is my partner + ye might be partakers + that as ye are partakers + not that ye should have fellowship +/ ; partnership, i .e . (literally) participation, or (social) intercourse, or (pecuniary) benefaction: --(to) communicate(-ation), communion, (contri-)distribution, fellowship .

2843 + willing + to communicate +/ . koinonikos {koy-no-nee-kos'}; from 2844 + partakers + a partner + a partaker + companions + were partners + he is my partner + ye might be partakers + that as ye are partakers + not that ye should have fellowship +/ ; communicative, i .e . (pecuniarily) liberal: --willing to communicate .

2844 + partakers + a partner + a partaker + companions + were partners + he is my partner + ye might be partakers + that as ye are partakers + not that ye should have fellowship +/ . koinonos {koy-no-nos'}; from 2839 + common + unclean + an unholy + the common + with defiled + things common + not thou common + thing to be unclean + thing that is common + to him it is unclean + unto you of the common +/ ; a sharer, i .e . associate: --companion, X fellowship, partaker, partner .

3310 + part + of that part + to be partakers +/ . meris {mer-ece'}; feminine of 3313 + sort + side + part + parts + coasts + a part + behalf + respect + in part + his part + our craft + the parts + in respect + the coasts + us in part + him a piece + particularly + I be somewhat + in particular + me but in part + me the portion + him his portion + and in the parts + unto you in some + and that by course + that which is in part + shall have their part +/ ; a portion, i .e . province, share or (abstractly) participation: --part (X -akers) .

3335 + did eat + to take + partaker + receiveth + when I have + that we might be partakers +/ . metalambano {met-al-am-ban'-o}; from 3326 + on + when + among + after + After + again + between + against + But after + and after + one after + And after + not among + but after + was since + that after + and against + and setting + he and after + them without + that followed + with him after + with them after + him which after + to us for after + to pass that after +/ and 2983 + receive 2983- receive 2983- had + Took + took + take + Take + began + taken + amazed + taking + taketh + taketh + to take + receive + ye took + he took + and have + and take + received + and took + assaying + attained + I caught + they took + had taken + receiveth + accepteth + I receive + that take + acceptest + to receive + And I took + he receive + and taketh + we receive + as we have received 2983- as we have received 2983- but receive + we received + day receive + may receive + as received + And he took + ye received + and he took + When I call + and receive + should take + unto me Take + out and held + had received + he had taken + me receiveth + and did take + which receive + we have taken + have received + might receive + they received + as I received + and had taken + if ye receive + And they took + But I receive + and receiving + ye have taken + shall receive + unto them Take + and ye receive + they that take + and have taken + And there came + he may receive + than to receive + of you Received + For he received + ye have brought + thou hast taken + I have received + And they caught + have I received + that ye receive + but he received + having received + And he received + he shall receive + me and receiveth + ye shall receive + the law and take + ye have received + That he may take + we have received + unto them Receive + that I might take + man hath received + man shall receive + upon him and took + that had received + he that receiveth + if it be received + thou hast received + that we may obtain + they that received + thou didst receive + they which receive + And he that taketh + and that ye receive + with him ; and took + not having received + him ye will receive + and having received + he that had received + But he shall receive + I that he shall take + they do it to obtain + and ye shall receive + but ye have received + one of them may take + But ye shall receive + in him shall receive + ye have not received + that he might receive + that shall ye receive + that he shall receive + he which had received + that we have received + that we might receive + that they may receive + And when he had taken + that we shall receive + He that hath received + them that had received + meat with them he took + them and they received + off and hath forgotten + me for he shall receive + And when they had taken + that they might receive + But he that had received + For ye have not received + And when he had received + And when they had received + me ; and he that receiveth + unto them Have ye received + unto you He that receiveth + me ; and they have received + as if thou hadst not received + that they should have received + for them that they might receive + thou that thou didst not receive +/ ; to participate; genitive case to accept (and use): --eat, have, be partaker, receive, take .

3336 + to be received +/ . metalepsis {met-al'-ape-sis}; from 3335 + did eat + to take + partaker + receiveth + when I have + that we might be partakers +/ ; participation: --taking .

3348 + took + part + partakers + pertaineth + be partakers + be a partaker + one that useth + should be partaker +/ . metecho {met-ekh'-o}; from 3326 + on + when + among + after + After + again + between + against + But after + and after + one after + And after + not among + but after + was since + that after + and against + and setting + he and after + them without + that followed + with him after + with them after + him which after + to us for after + to pass that after +/ and 2192 + hath 2192- hath 2192- we had 2192- we had 2192- Having 2192- Having 2192- he hath 2192- he hath 2192- had + hold + Hold + have + hath + Have + hast + Hast + Hath + lieth + I had + count + he had + having + as had + ye had + Having + it had + I have + he hath + they do + to have + man had + him had + and had + ye have + as have + But had + me hath + it hath + me hath + Holding + He hath + me have + he have + it Have + We have + we have + And had + and hold + And have + will eat + man have + may have + but have + but hath + she hath + the next + and hast + man hath + that had + and hath + may fear + and have + he could + that had + they had + he began + Which had + she could + Which had + that have + thee have + as having + We having + thou hast + they held + as he had + in we had + which had + to retain + it lacked + possessed + Thou hast + they took + they have + but having + which hast + which have + which hath + and I must + and he had + As we have + And having + shall have + might have + as ye have + for he had + woman have + parts have + And he had + not having + But I have + and having + off having + But we had + thou count + and having + For I have + And ye have + things have + with me had + men counted + I have kept + tongue hath + but to have + him We have + let us have + tongue hath + that he had + that I have + should have + them having + we may have + for he hath + For ye have + For we have + But we have + And he hath + And to have + But ye have + he that had + that she had + he that hath + And they had + him that had + covenant had + hope we have + And they had + that ye have + they counted + that we have + as they have + him may have + that he hath + I might have + He that hath + such as have + and the next + and they had + ye might have + and not using + had conceived + thee and have + they that had + man that hath + And she being + of you having + I should have + he which hath + For thou hast + things having + we might have + and they have + one that hath + ye shall have + them that had + shall he have + for they have + uncircumcised + myself to have + For as we have + she which hath + unto them Have + that they have + seeing we have + not that I had + that thou hast + they that have + things ye have + ye should have + but shall have + them that have + them which had + but me ye have + for they cannot + to him that had + unto you having + unto him having + him But we have + is he that hath + to that he hath + one of you hath + there thou hast + that I may have + for thee to have + unto him We have + they had not had + and he that hath + For he that hath + to me and I have + and that ye have + us not then have + that he had been + it for thou hast + that ye may have + that he may have + to him that hath + unto them I have + that we may have + And when they had + ye not and having + of you shall have + me unto thee hath + in him not having + that I might have + unto them Ye have + unto him Thou art + Let him that hath + and ye shall have + is that thou hast + that were diseased + Thou couldest have + it down and I have + that ye might have + unto thee who hath + that which he hath + unto him They have + And they that have + thee not thou hast + is it that ye have + them as one having + but such as I have + and to let him have + and thou shalt have + out they might have + that ye may be able + that were possessed + it to him that hath + shall they that have + and that ye may have + that they might have + with them they could + thou not that I have + them as one that had + and the day following + be as though they had + it out . He that hath + it unto him which hath + but from him that hath + and from him that hath + But that which ye have + unto them He that hath + which are with him have + But forasmuch as he had + him that they might have + and that they might have + to me that ye might have + those things that we have + out of that which ye have + with you ; but me ye have + unto them they had not had + unto you that in me ye might have + but he that acknowledgeth the Son hath + things of you and things that accompany +/ ; to share or participate; by implication belong to, eat (or drink): --be partaker, pertain, take part, use .

3352 + fellowship +/ . metoche {met-okh-ay'}; from 3348 + took + part + partakers + pertaineth + be partakers + be a partaker + one that useth + should be partaker +/ ; participation, i .e . intercourse: --fellowship .

3353 + partakers + thy fellows + are partakers + unto their partners +/ . metochos {met'-okh-os}; from 3348 + took + part + partakers + pertaineth + be partakers + be a partaker + one that useth + should be partaker +/ ; participant, i .e . (as noun) a sharer; by implication an associate: --fellow, partaker, partner .

4790 + fellowship + that ye did communicate + that ye be not partakers +/ . sugkoinoneo {soong-koy-no-neh'-o}; from 4862 + and beside + accompanied +/ and 2841 + is partaker 2841- is partaker 2841- partakers + communicate + be partaker + Distributing + communicated + are partakers + have been made + as ye are partakers +/ ; to share in company with, i .e . co-participate in: --communicate (have fellowship) with, be partaker of .

4791 + and companion + are partakers + them and with them partakest + sake that I might be partaker +/ . sugkoinonos {soong-koy-no-nos'}; from 4862 + and beside + accompanied +/ and 2844 + partakers + a partner + a partaker + companions + were partners + he is my partner + ye might be partakers + that as ye are partakers + not that ye should have fellowship +/ ; a co-participant: --companion, partake(-r, -r with) .

4829 + are partakers +/ . summerizomai {soom-mer-id'-zom-ahee}; middle voice from 4862 + and beside + accompanied +/ and 3307 + part + divided + be divided + hath dealt + also between + he is divided + and be divided + that he divide + hath distributed + There is difference +/ ; to share jointly, i .e . participate in: --be partaker with .

4830 + partakers + and partakers +/ . summetochos {soom-met'-okh-os}; from 4862 + and beside + accompanied +/ and 3353 + partakers + thy fellows + are partakers + unto their partners +/ ; a co-participant: --partaker .

4878 + helpeth + that she help +/ . sunantilambanomai {soon-an-tee-lam-ban'-om-ahee}; from 4862 + and beside + accompanied +/ and 0482 + partakers + to support + He hath holpen +/ ; to take hold of opposite together, i .e . co-operate (assist): --help .