afflictions 4777 # sugkakopatheo {soong-kak-op-ath-eh'-o}; from
4862 and 2553; to suffer hardship in company with: -- be
partaker of {afflictions}.[ql

be 4777 # sugkakopatheo {soong-kak-op-ath-eh'-o}; from 4862 and
2553; to suffer hardship in company with: -- {be} partaker of

be 4790 # sugkoinoneo {soong-koy-no-neh'-o}; from 4862 and 2841;
to share in company with, i.e. co-participate in: --
communicate (have fellowship) with, {be} partaker of.[ql

be 4829 # summerizomai {soom-mer-id'-zom-ahee}; middle voice
from 4862 and 3307; to share jointly, i.e. participate in: --
{be} partaker with.[ql

communicate 4790 # sugkoinoneo {soong-koy-no-neh'-o}; from 4862
and 2841; to share in company with, i.e. co-participate in: --
{communicate} (have fellowship) with, be partaker of.[ql

fellowship 4790 # sugkoinoneo {soong-koy-no-neh'-o}; from 4862
and 2841; to share in company with, i.e. co-participate in: --
communicate (have {fellowship}) with, be partaker of.[ql

have 4790 # sugkoinoneo {soong-koy-no-neh'-o}; from 4862 and
2841; to share in company with, i.e. co-participate in: --
communicate ({have} fellowship) with, be partaker of.[ql

of 4777 # sugkakopatheo {soong-kak-op-ath-eh'-o}; from 4862 and
2553; to suffer hardship in company with: -- be partaker {of}

of 4790 # sugkoinoneo {soong-koy-no-neh'-o}; from 4862 and 2841;
to share in company with, i.e. co-participate in: --
communicate (have fellowship) with, be partaker {of}.[ql

partaker 4830 # summetochos {soom-met'-okh-os}; from 4862 and
3353; a co-participant: -- {partaker}.[ql

partaker 2844 # koinonos {koy-no-nos'}; from 2839; a sharer, i.
e. associate: -- companion, X fellowship, {partaker}, partner.[ql

partaker 4777 # sugkakopatheo {soong-kak-op-ath-eh'-o}; from
4862 and 2553; to suffer hardship in company with: -- be
{partaker} of afflictions.[ql

partaker 2841 # koinoneo {koy-no-neh'-o}; from 2844; to share
with others (objectively or subjectively): -- communicate,
distribute, be {partaker}.[ql

partaker 4829 # summerizomai {soom-mer-id'-zom-ahee}; middle
voice from 4862 and 3307; to share jointly, i.e. participate in:
-- be {partaker} with.[ql

partaker 3353 # metochos {met'-okh-os}; from 3348; participant,
i.e. (as noun) a sharer; by implication an associate: -- fellow,
{partaker}, partner.[ql

partaker 3335 # metalambano {met-al-am-ban'-o}; from 3326 and
2983; to participate; genitive case to accept (and use): -- eat,
have, be {partaker}, receive, take.[ql

partaker 3348 # metecho {met-ekh'-o}; from 3326 and 2192; to
share or participate; by implication belong to, eat (or drink): -
- be {partaker}, pertain, take part, use.[ql

partaker 4790 # sugkoinoneo {soong-koy-no-neh'-o}; from 4862
and 2841; to share in company with, i.e. co-participate in: --
communicate (have fellowship) with, be {partaker} of.[ql

partaker 0482 # antilambanomai {an-tee-lam-ban'-om-ahee}; from
473 and the middle voice of 2983; to take hold of in turn, i.e.
succor; also to participate: -- help, {partaker}, support.[ql

with 4829 # summerizomai {soom-mer-id'-zom-ahee}; middle voice
from 4862 and 3307; to share jointly, i.e. participate in: -- be
partaker {with}.[ql

with 4790 # sugkoinoneo {soong-koy-no-neh'-o}; from 4862 and
2841; to share in company with, i.e. co-participate in: --
communicate (have fellowship) {with}, be partaker of.[ql


partaker Interlinear Index Study

partaker PSA 050 018 When <00518 +>im > thou sawest <07200
+ra>ah > a thief <01590 +gannab > , then thou consentedst <07521
+ratsah > with him , and hast been {partaker} <02506 +cheleq >
with adulterers <05003 +na>aph > .

partaker 1CO 009 010 Or <2228 -e -> saith <3004 -lego -> he [ it
] altogether <3843 -pantos -> for our sakes ? For our sakes , no
<1063 -gar -> doubt <1063 -gar -> , [ this ] is written <1125 -
grapho -> : that he that ploweth <0722 -arotrioo -> should <3784
-opheilo -> plow <0722 -arotrioo -> in hope <1680 -elpis -> ;
and that he that thresheth <0248 -aloao -> in hope <1680 -elpis -
> should be {partaker} <3348 -metecho -> of his hope <1680 -
elpis -> .

partaker 1CO 009 023 And this <5124 -touto -> I do <4160 -poieo -
> for the gospel s <2098 -euaggelion -> sake , that I might be
{partaker} <4791 -sugkoinonos -> thereof <0846 -autos -> with [
you ] .

partaker 1CO 010 030 For if <1487 -ei -> I by grace <5485 -
charis -> be a {partaker} <3348 -metecho -> , why <5101 -tis ->
am I evil <0987 -blasphemeo -> spoken <0987 -blasphemeo -> of
for that for which <3739 -hos -> I give thanks <2168 -
eucharisteo -> ?

partaker 1TI 005 022 Lay <2007 -epitithemi -> hands <5495 -cheir
-> suddenly <5030 -tacheos -> on <2007 -epitithemi -> no <3367 -
medeis -> man <3367 -medeis -> , neither <3366 -mede -> be
{partaker} <2841 -koinoneo -> of other <0245 -allotrios -> men s
sins <0266 -hamartia -> : keep <5083 -tereo -> thyself <4572 -
seautou -> pure <0053 -hagnos -> .

partaker 2TI 001 008 Be not thou therefore <3767 -oun -> ashamed
<1870 -epaischunomai -> of the testimony <3142 -marturion -> of
our Lord <2962 -kurios -> , nor <3366 -mede -> of me his
prisoner <1198 -desmios -> : but be thou {partaker} <4777 -
sugkakopatheo -> of the afflictions <4777 -sugkakopatheo -> of
the gospel <2098 -euaggelion -> according <2596 -kata -> to the
power <1411 -dunamis -> of God <2316 -theos -> ;

partaker 2TI 002 006 The husbandman <1092 -georgos -> that
laboureth <2872 -kopiao -> must <1163 -dei -> be first <4413 -
protos -> {partaker} <3335 -metalambano -> of the fruits <2590 -
karpos -> .

partaker 1PE 005 001 . The elders <4245 -presbuteros -> which
are among <1722 -en -> you I exhort <3870 -parakaleo -> , who
<3588 -ho -> am also <2532 -kai -> an elder <4850 -
sumpresbuteros -> , and a witness <3144 -martus -> of the
sufferings <3804 -pathema -> of Christ <5547 -Christos -> , and
also <2532 -kai -> a {partaker} <2844 -koinonos -> of the glory
<1391 -doxa -> that shall be revealed <0601 -apokalupto -> :

partaker 001 011 For he that biddeth <3004 - lego - > him God
speed <5463 - chairo - > is {partaker} <2841 - koinoneo - > of
his evil <4190 - poneros - > deeds <2041 - ergon - > .


biddeth him god speed is partaker <2JO1 -:11 >

but be thou partaker <2TI1 -:8 >

hast been partaker with adulterers

might be partaker thereof with <1CO9 -:23 >

* partakers , 0482 , 2841 , 2844 , 3310 , 3335 , 3348 , 3353 ,
4790 , 4791 , 4829 , 4830 ,

* partaker , 2841 koinoneo , 2844 koinonos , 3335 metalambano ,
3348 metecho , 4777 sugkakopatheo , 4791 sugkoinonos ,


partaker -2841 communicate, communicated, {partaker}, partakers,

partaker -2844 companions, fellowship, {partaker}, partakers,

partaker -3335 eat, have, {partaker}, partakers, receiveth, take,

partaker -3348 part, {partaker}, partakers, pertaineth, took,

partaker -4777 afflictions, {partaker},

partaker -4791 companion, {partaker}, partakers,

partakers -0482 {partakers}, support,

partakers -2841 communicate, communicated, partaker, {partakers},

partakers -2844 companions, fellowship, partaker, {partakers},

partakers -3310 part, {partakers},

partakers -3335 eat, have, partaker, {partakers}, receiveth,

partakers -3348 part, partaker, {partakers}, pertaineth, took,

partakers -3353 fellows, {partakers},

partakers -4790 communicate, fellowship, {partakers},

partakers -4791 companion, partaker, {partakers},

partakers -4829 {partakers},

partakers -4830 {partakers},


partaker -2506 flattering , flattery , inheritance , part ,
{partaker} , parts , portion , portions ,


partaker 0482 ** antilambanomai ** help, {partaker}, support.

partaker 2841 ** koinoneo ** communicate, distribute, be

partaker 2844 ** koinonos ** companion, X fellowship, {partaker},

partaker 3335 ** metalambano ** eat, have, be {partaker},
receive, take.

partaker 3348 ** metecho ** be {partaker}, pertain, take part,

partaker 3353 ** metochos ** fellow, {partaker}, partner.

partaker 4777 ** sugkakopatheo ** be {partaker} of afflictions.

partaker 4790 ** sugkoinoneo ** communicate (have fellowship)
with, be {partaker} of.

partaker 4829 ** summerizomai ** be {partaker} with.

partaker 4830 ** summetochos ** {partaker}.


partaker ......... a partaker 2844 -koinonos->

partaker ......... be a partaker 3348 -metecho->

partaker ......... be partaker 2841 -koinoneo->

partaker ......... but be thou partaker 4777 -sugkakopatheo->

partaker ......... is partaker 2841->

partaker ......... is partaker 2841->

partaker ......... partaker 3335 -metalambano->

partaker ......... sake , that I might be partaker 4791 -

partaker ......... should be partaker 3348 -metecho->

partakers ......... and partakers 4830 -summetochos->

partakers ......... are partakers 2841 -koinoneo->

partakers ......... are partakers 3353 -metochos->

partakers ......... are partakers 4791 -sugkoinonos->

partakers ......... are partakers 4829 -summerizomai->

partakers ......... as ye are partakers 2841 -koinoneo->

partakers ......... be partakers 3348 -metecho->

partakers ......... partakers 0482 -antilambanomai->

partakers ......... partakers 2841 -koinoneo->

partakers ......... partakers 2844 -koinonos->

partakers ......... partakers 3348 -metecho->

partakers ......... partakers 3353 -metochos->

partakers ......... partakers 4830 -summetochos->

partakers ......... that as ye are partakers 2844 -koinonos->

partakers ......... that we might be partakers 3335 -metalambano-

partakers ......... that ye be not partakers 4790 -sugkoinoneo->

partakers ......... to be partakers 3310 -meris->

partakers ......... ye might be partakers 2844 -koinonos->



partaker 0482 # antilambanomai {an-tee-lam-ban'-om-ahee}; from
473 and the middle voice of 2983; to take hold of in turn, i.e.
succor; also to participate: -- help, {partaker}, support.[ql

partaker 2841 # koinoneo {koy-no-neh'-o}; from 2844; to share
with others (objectively or subjectively): -- communicate,
distribute, be {partaker}.[ql

partaker 2844 # koinonos {koy-no-nos'}; from 2839; a sharer, i.e.
associate: -- companion, X fellowship, {partaker}, partner.[ql

partaker 3335 # metalambano {met-al-am-ban'-o}; from 3326 and
2983; to participate; genitive case to accept (and use): -- eat,
have, be {partaker}, receive, take.[ql

partaker 3348 # metecho {met-ekh'-o}; from 3326 and 2192; to
share or participate; by implication belong to, eat (or drink): -
- be {partaker}, pertain, take part, use.[ql

partaker 3353 # metochos {met'-okh-os}; from 3348; participant,
i.e. (as noun) a sharer; by implication an associate: -- fellow,
{partaker}, partner.[ql

partaker 4777 # sugkakopatheo {soong-kak-op-ath-eh'-o}; from
4862 and 2553; to suffer hardship in company with: -- be
{partaker} of afflictions.[ql

partaker 4790 # sugkoinoneo {soong-koy-no-neh'-o}; from 4862 and
2841; to share in company with, i.e. co-participate in: --
communicate (have fellowship) with, be {partaker} of.[ql

partaker 4829 # summerizomai {soom-mer-id'-zom-ahee}; middle
voice from 4862 and 3307; to share jointly, i.e. participate in:
-- be {partaker} with.[ql

partaker 4830 # summetochos {soom-met'-okh-os}; from 4862 and
3353; a co-participant: -- {partaker}.[ql


partaker 001 001 IIJo /${partaker /of his evil
deeds .

partaker 009 010 ICo /${partaker /of his hope .

partaker 005 022 ITi /${partaker /of other men's
sins : keep thyself pure .

partaker 001 008 IITi /${partaker /of the
afflictions of the gospel according to the power of God ;

partaker 002 006 IITi /${partaker /of the fruits .

partaker 005 001 IPe /${partaker /of the glory
that shall be revealed :

partaker 009 023 ICo /${partaker /thereof with

partaker 010 030 ICo /${partaker /why am I evil
spoken of for that for which I give thanks ?

partaker 050 018 Psa /^{partaker /with adulterers

partakers 003 014 Heb /${partakers /of Christ , if
we hold the beginning of our confidence stedfast unto the end ;

partakers 004 013 IPe /${partakers /of Christ's
sufferings ; that , when his glory shall be revealed , ye may be
glad also with exceeding joy .

partakers 002 014 Heb /${partakers /of flesh and
blood , he also himself likewise took part of the same ; that
through death he might destroy him that had the power of death ,
that is , the devil ;

partakers 018 004 Rev /${partakers /of her sins ,
and that ye receive not of her plagues .

partakers 012 010 Heb /${partakers /of his
holiness .

partakers 003 006 Eph /${partakers /of his promise
in Christ by the gospel :

partakers 001 007 Php /${partakers /of my grace .

partakers 010 017 ICo /${partakers /of that one
bread .

partakers 010 018 ICo /${partakers /of the altar ?

partakers 006 002 ITi /${partakers /of the benefit
. These things teach and exhort .

partakers 001 004 IIPe /${partakers /of the divine
nature , having escaped the corruption that is in the world
through lust .

partakers 003 001 Heb /${partakers /of the
heavenly calling , consider the Apostle and High Priest of our
profession , Christ Jesus ;

partakers 006 004 Heb /${partakers /of the Holy
Ghost ,

partakers 001 012 Col /${partakers /of the
inheritance of the saints in light :

partakers 010 021 ICo /${partakers /of the Lord's
table , and of the table of devils .

partakers 001 007 IICo /${partakers /of the
sufferings , so shall ye be also of the consolation .

partakers 015 027 Rom /${partakers /of their
spiritual things , their duty is also to minister unto them in
carnal things .

partakers 009 012 ICo /${partakers /of this power
over you , are not we rather ? Nevertheless we have not used
this power ; but suffer all things , lest we should hinder the
gospel of Christ .

partakers 012 008 Heb /${partakers /then are ye
bastards , and not sons .

partakers 009 013 ICo /${partakers /with the altar

partakers 005 007 Eph /${partakers /with them .

partakers 023 030 Mat /${partakers /with them in
the blood of the prophets .


partaker 9 *

partakers 22 -


partaker When thou sawest a thief, then thou

with him, and hast been {partaker} with adulterers.

partaker <1CO9 -10> Or saith he it] altogether for our sakes? For

our sakes, no doubt, this] is written: that he that ploweth

plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be

{partaker} of his hope.

partaker <1CO9 -23> And this I do for the gospel's sake, that I

might be {partaker} thereof with you].

partaker <1CO10 -30> For if I by grace be a {partaker}, why am I

evil spoken of for that for which I give thanks?

partaker <1TI5 -22> Lay hands suddenly on no man, neither be

{partaker} of other men's sins: keep thyself pure.

partaker <2TI1 -8> Be not thou therefore ashamed of the
testimony of

our Lord, nor of me his prisoner: but be thou {partaker} of the

afflictions of the gospel according to the power of God;

partaker <2TI2 -6> The husbandman that laboureth must be first

{partaker} of the fruits.

partaker <1PE5 -1> The elders which are among you I exhort, who

also an elder, and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and
also a

{partaker} of the glory that shall be revealed:

partaker <2JO1 -11> For he that biddeth him God speed is

of his evil deeds.
