Paul's Act_25_14 /${Paul's /cause unto the king
, saying , There is a certain man left in bonds by Felix :
Paul's Act_19_29 /${Paul's /companions in
travel , they rushed with one accord into the theatre .
Paul's Act_21_08 /${Paul's /company departed ,
and came unto Caesarea : and we entered into the house of Philip
the evangelist , which was one of the seven ; and abode with him
Paul's Act_21_11 /${Paul's /girdle , and bound
his own hands and feet , and said , Thus saith the Holy Ghost ,
So shall the Jews at Jerusalem bind the man that owneth this
girdle , and shall deliver him into the hands of the Gentiles .
Paul's Act_20_37 /${Paul's /neck , and kissed
him ,
Paul's Act_23_16 /${Paul's /sister's son heard
of their lying in wait , he went and entered into the castle ,
and told Paul .