Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the Synonyms inserted into the definitions.
Greek Synonyms inserted into Greek Strong's Dictionary
0017 + well + of them that do +/ . agathopoios {ag-ath-op-oy-os'}; from 0018 + Good + good + goods + A good + a good + A good + things + in well + to good + is good + of good + him Good + thy good + for good + and good + done good + that good + unto good + thou good + of a good + with good + for a good + and a good + it be good + to the good + and of good + He is a good + For the good + for his good + thou me good + is that good + and my goods + and of a good + unto him Good + done thou good + out of the good + and on the good + that thy benefit + to thee for good + For he was a good + and he was a good + that which is good + of that which is good + to that which is good + but that which is good + unto that which is good + the thing which is good + in me by that which is good +/ and 4160 + do + Do + did + done + bear + move + Make + mean + made + make + I do + took + held + Make + keep + to do + bring + Ye do + forth + ye do + dealt + I did + Bring + doing + ye do + doest + doeth + but do + and do + ye did + he did + making + laying + maketh + makest + to put + you do + I make + and did + he made + provide + he kept + we make + causeth + without + will do + they do + she did + ye made + shewest + be made + that do + man did + wrought + working + thou do + to make + it bear + ye make + he doeth + and made + and make + for I do + me to do + shall do + is to do + to bring + not make + bringing + And make + bringeth + they did + had made + had done + and to do + the doing + I will do + hast made + man doeth + Let us do + to you do + and ye do + which did + to be put + not forth + they made + should do + not to do + and cause + you cause + else make + things do + so making + hath done + he maketh + and doeth + hath made + will I do + that I do + as ye did + that made + For to do + to fulfil + to execute + thou doest + which bare + that ye do + shall I do + let him do + committeth + to perform + and maketh + that doeth + which made + will he do + him he did + to observe + hand doeth + will we do + And he did + To execute + manner did + both yield + which gave + to content + To perform + fulfilling + unto you do + when I gave + he purposed + I will make + up and bare + will I make + that I made + I will keep + hath gained + thou makest + he had done + shall we do + and will do + have caused + have I made + shall he do + we had made + I have done + let us make + which doeth + had wrought + I have been + ye would do + I have made + And they did + And he doeth + as they went + and continue + and bringeth + them that do + and he doeth + we have done + things ye do + and to agree + and they did + and shooteth + he hath done + for me to do + for if ye do + He hath done + have ye done + ye have done + have wrought + which he did + that wrought + shall fulfil + hath he done + things he did + man hath done + thou shalt do + unto you Make + they had done + him that made + had committed + And hath made + And hast made + they might do + She hath done + transgresseth + of me ) to do + shall they do + that bringeth + pit shall make + for thee to do + and shall make + and journeying + up and brought + for you making + as I have done + They shall put + which bringeth + one that doeth + I had not done + in me he doeth + And he causeth + than others do + of you keepeth + that he maketh + hast thou done + He hath shewed + that will I do + that I will do + He that shewed + hast thou made + And there abode + him and causeth + doth not commit + And he ordained + that thou doest + ye to have done + that I shall do + and they caused + and let us make + as ye have done + woman hath done + Have I committed + that they may do + For he hath made + he and that I do + but ye have made + that they can do + things and doest + unto him to make + them which cause + are they that do + thing shall I do + that he had done + that hath shewed + unto him and make + And he exerciseth + that ye should do + but he that doeth + of them that make + and them which do + them He that made + But he that doeth + he that thou make + her that had done + that they had done + thou have me to do + and thou hast made + He that committeth + and they have done + there who had made + ye that I shall do + ye shall have done + me and I will make + that she hath done + not and did commit + things that he did + that he should make + they that have done + that he might cause + But when thou doest + ye that I should do + things will they do + did not he that made + in them for in doing + thou that I shall do + unto him to continue + And when he had made + him not but have done + thou that I should do + but that ye should do + to him that appointed + unto them I have done + that they should make + And after he had spent + that thou shouldest do + to his burial and made + the things that he did + But though he had done + that he that hath done + though I have committed + that after ye have done + unto him That thou doest + neither whatsoever worketh + as of things that are made + And after they had tarried + of him and that they had done + them that they should not make + him up ; and if he have committed + them out after that he had shewed + thou unto us seeing that thou doest +/ ; a well-doer, i .e . virtuous: --them that do well .
0235 + No + Nay + yet + yea + Yet + Yea + save + Howbeit + howbeit + side yet + Therefore + therefore + and indeed + in you yea + Nevertheless + nevertheless + Notwithstanding + of yourselves yea + things nevertheless + from me nevertheless +/ . alla {al-lah'}; neuter plural of 0243 + One + one + Some + more + other + others + Others + Another + another + but some + But some + And some + The other + the other + But other + to others + otherwise + For other + And other + them other + to another + of another + did others + And others + that other + and others + man others + To another + unto other + out another + and another + you another + And another + unto others + is he others + day . Others + There is one + as the other + and the other + yet of others + and of others + And the other + after another + out that other + thing and some + we for another + and to another + and that other + one thing some + is not another + is and the other + and to the other + but there is one + There is another + to him the other + and of the other + unto them another + and let the other + and so did another + Is it I and another + For I mean not that other + And there were also with him other +/ ; properly, other things, i .e . (adverbially) contrariwise (in many relations): --and, but (even), howbeit, indeed, nay, nevertheless, no, notwithstanding, save, therefore, yea, yet .
0236 + be changed + And changed + and to change + and shall change + and we shall be changed + them up and they shall be changed +/ . allasso {al-las'-so}; from 0243 + One + one + Some + more + other + others + Others + Another + another + but some + But some + And some + The other + the other + But other + to others + otherwise + For other + And other + them other + to another + of another + did others + And others + that other + and others + man others + To another + unto other + out another + and another + you another + And another + unto others + is he others + day . Others + There is one + as the other + and the other + yet of others + and of others + And the other + after another + out that other + thing and some + we for another + and to another + and that other + one thing some + is not another + is and the other + and to the other + but there is one + There is another + to him the other + and of the other + unto them another + and let the other + and so did another + Is it I and another + For I mean not that other + And there were also with him other +/ ; to make different: --change .
0237 + up some other +/ . allachothen {al-lakh-oth'-en}; from 0243 + One + one + Some + more + other + others + Others + Another + another + but some + But some + And some + The other + the other + But other + to others + otherwise + For other + And other + them other + to another + of another + did others + And others + that other + and others + man others + To another + unto other + out another + and another + you another + And another + unto others + is he others + day . Others + There is one + as the other + and the other + yet of others + and of others + And the other + after another + out that other + thing and some + we for another + and to another + and that other + one thing some + is not another + is and the other + and to the other + but there is one + There is another + to him the other + and of the other + unto them another + and let the other + and so did another + Is it I and another + For I mean not that other + And there were also with him other +/ ; from elsewhere: --some other way .
0238 + things are an allegory +/ . allegoreo {al-lay-gor-eh'-o}; from 0243 + One + one + Some + more + other + others + Others + Another + another + but some + But some + And some + The other + the other + But other + to others + otherwise + For other + And other + them other + to another + of another + did others + And others + that other + and others + man others + To another + unto other + out another + and another + you another + And another + unto others + is he others + day . Others + There is one + as the other + and the other + yet of others + and of others + And the other + after another + out that other + thing and some + we for another + and to another + and that other + one thing some + is not another + is and the other + and to the other + but there is one + There is another + to him the other + and of the other + unto them another + and let the other + and so did another + Is it I and another + For I mean not that other + And there were also with him other +/ and agoreo (to harangue [compare 0058 + in the streets + in the markets + the marketplace + in the marketplace + in the marketplaces + persons and in the market + And when they come from the market +/ ]); to allegorize: --be an allegory [the Greek word itself .] .
0240 + one 0240- one 0240- another 0240- another 0240- one + each + other + ye one + the one + not one + another + them one + together + let each + another s + the other + to another + themselves + of another + ye not one + for another + to the other + upon another + from another + with another + from the other + with you by the mutual + and things wherewith one +/ . allelon {al-lay'-lone}; Gen . plural from 0243 + One + one + Some + more + other + others + Others + Another + another + but some + But some + And some + The other + the other + But other + to others + otherwise + For other + And other + them other + to another + of another + did others + And others + that other + and others + man others + To another + unto other + out another + and another + you another + And another + unto others + is he others + day . Others + There is one + as the other + and the other + yet of others + and of others + And the other + after another + out that other + thing and some + we for another + and to another + and that other + one thing some + is not another + is and the other + and to the other + but there is one + There is another + to him the other + and of the other + unto them another + and let the other + and so did another + Is it I and another + For I mean not that other + And there were also with him other +/ reduplicated; one another: --each other, mutual, one another, (the other), (them-, your-)selves, (selves) together [sometimes with 3326 + on + when + among + after + After + again + between + against + But after + and after + one after + And after + not among + but after + was since + that after + and against + and setting + he and after + them without + that followed + with him after + with them after + him which after + to us for after + to pass that after +/ or 4314 + at + nigh + among + toward + within + because + whereby + against + between + me among + as about + not among + according + himself at + concerning + conditions + not against + but against + things before + but not before + they had against + of speech toward + is he that condemneth + with us for it is toward +/ ] .
0241 + stranger +/ . allogenes {al-log-en-ace'}; from 0243 + One + one + Some + more + other + others + Others + Another + another + but some + But some + And some + The other + the other + But other + to others + otherwise + For other + And other + them other + to another + of another + did others + And others + that other + and others + man others + To another + unto other + out another + and another + you another + And another + unto others + is he others + day . Others + There is one + as the other + and the other + yet of others + and of others + And the other + after another + out that other + thing and some + we for another + and to another + and that other + one thing some + is not another + is and the other + and to the other + but there is one + There is another + to him the other + and of the other + unto them another + and let the other + and so did another + Is it I and another + For I mean not that other + And there were also with him other +/ and 1085 + born + kind + kinds + kindred + by nation + generation + own nation + diversities + of the stock + divers kinds + his offspring + with our kindred + and the offspring + and of the country + as were of the kindred + by mine own countrymen + as we are the offspring +/ ; foreign, i .e . not a Jew: --stranger .
0243 + One + one + Some + more + other + others + Others + Another + another + but some + But some + And some + The other + the other + But other + to others + otherwise + For other + And other + them other + to another + of another + did others + And others + that other + and others + man others + To another + unto other + out another + and another + you another + And another + unto others + is he others + day . Others + There is one + as the other + and the other + yet of others + and of others + And the other + after another + out that other + thing and some + we for another + and to another + and that other + one thing some + is not another + is and the other + and to the other + but there is one + There is another + to him the other + and of the other + unto them another + and let the other + and so did another + Is it I and another + For I mean not that other + And there were also with him other +/ . allos {al'-los}; a primary word; "else," i .e . different (in many applications): --more, one (another), (an-, some an-)other(-s, -wise) .
0244 + in other + as a busybody +/ . allotriepiskopos {al-lot-ree-ep-is'-kop-os}; from 0245 + man s + another + of other + of others + in another + upon another + in a strange + of strangers + of the aliens + And a stranger + as in a strange + that is of other + unto him Of strangers + in that which is another +/ and 1985 + A bishop + and Bishop + For a bishop + with the bishops +/ ; overseeing others' affairs, i .e . a meddler (specially, in Gentile customs): --busybody in other men's matters .
0245 + man s + another + of other + of others + in another + upon another + in a strange + of strangers + of the aliens + And a stranger + as in a strange + that is of other + unto him Of strangers + in that which is another +/ . allotrios {al-lot'-ree-os}; from 0243 + One + one + Some + more + other + others + Others + Another + another + but some + But some + And some + The other + the other + But other + to others + otherwise + For other + And other + them other + to another + of another + did others + And others + that other + and others + man others + To another + unto other + out another + and another + you another + And another + unto others + is he others + day . Others + There is one + as the other + and the other + yet of others + and of others + And the other + after another + out that other + thing and some + we for another + and to another + and that other + one thing some + is not another + is and the other + and to the other + but there is one + There is another + to him the other + and of the other + unto them another + and let the other + and so did another + Is it I and another + For I mean not that other + And there were also with him other +/ ; another's, i .e . not one's own; by extension foreign, not akin, hostile: --alien, (an-)other (man's, men's), strange(-r) .
0246 + nation + unto one of another +/ . allophulos {al-lof'-oo-los}; from 0243 + One + one + Some + more + other + others + Others + Another + another + but some + But some + And some + The other + the other + But other + to others + otherwise + For other + And other + them other + to another + of another + did others + And others + that other + and others + man others + To another + unto other + out another + and another + you another + And another + unto others + is he others + day . Others + There is one + as the other + and the other + yet of others + and of others + And the other + after another + out that other + thing and some + we for another + and to another + and that other + one thing some + is not another + is and the other + and to the other + but there is one + There is another + to him the other + and of the other + unto them another + and let the other + and so did another + Is it I and another + For I mean not that other + And there were also with him other +/ and 5443 + tribe + tribes + kindred + kindreds + the tribes + and kindred + and kindreds + of the tribe + of the tribe + Of the tribe + of Abraham 11 of the tribe +/ ; foreign, i .e . (specially) Gentile: --one of another nation .
0247 + and they that are otherwise +/ . allos {al'-loce}; adverb from 0243 + One + one + Some + more + other + others + Others + Another + another + but some + But some + And some + The other + the other + But other + to others + otherwise + For other + And other + them other + to another + of another + did others + And others + that other + and others + man others + To another + unto other + out another + and another + you another + And another + unto others + is he others + day . Others + There is one + as the other + and the other + yet of others + and of others + And the other + after another + out that other + thing and some + we for another + and to another + and that other + one thing some + is not another + is and the other + and to the other + but there is one + There is another + to him the other + and of the other + unto them another + and let the other + and so did another + Is it I and another + For I mean not that other + And there were also with him other +/ ; differently: --otherwise .
0282 + mother + without +/ . ametor {am-ay'-tore}; from 0001 + Alpha (as a negative particle) and 3384 + mother + my mother + His mother + his mother + the mother + thy mother + THE MOTHER + her mother + and mother + Thy mother + and mothers + his mother s + is my mother + of her mother + of his mother + is the mother + and thy mother + and the mother + And his mother + and his mother + unto his mother + unto her mother + and his mother s + women as mothers + it to her mother + he and his mother + him to his mother + to him the mother + to him his mother + is not his mother + from his mother s + When as his mother + me from my mother s + from their mother s + unto them My mother + to me that the mother + unto them but his mother +/ ; motherless, i .e . of unknown maternity: --without mother .
0526 + alienated + being aliens +/ . apallotrioo {ap-al-lot-ree-o'-o}; from 0575 + at + On + on + ago + off + since + and on + was at + before + them at + because + begin at + out before + from among + to forsake + woman since + in you since + by the space + can ye escape + have been since + as was not since +/ and a derivative of 0245 + man s + another + of other + of others + in another + upon another + in a strange + of strangers + of the aliens + And a stranger + as in a strange + that is of other + unto him Of strangers + in that which is another +/ ; to estrange away, i .e . (passively and figuratively) to be non-participant: --alienate, be alien .
1352 + cause + Wherefore + wherefore + For which + Therefore + and therefore + him wherefore + And therefore + thee therefore +/ . dio {dee-o'}; from 1223 + after + in at + cause + though + because + through + Through + Because + to avoid + ye in at + by reason + throughout + is through + we through + up because + me through + in because + and within + you through + of me among + and because + not because + And because + him because + and through + not because + him because + man because + one because + day through + For through + but through + but because + men through + And through + for because + that through + them because + away because + who by reason + but by reason + For I through + And by reason + might through + season because + that by reason + for us through + not in because + him in because + but by occasion + that we through + unto him through + And that because + with him through + unto them Because + unto them because + him ; but because + of them who through + For of him and through + that is in them because + up after that he through +/ and 3739 + whom 3739- whom 3739- who + Who + who + one + whom + whom + Whom + when + what + What + since + where + whose + Which + Whose + while + which + which + ye who + us whom + Whereby + you who + he whom + ye what + wherein + whither + another + because + him who + Whereof + To whom + whereof + whereby + For one + man who + whereto + by whom + Of whom + whereon + to whom + on whom + In whom + By whom + he whom + nothing + by whom + in whom + of whom + of what + and whom + us which + and what + you whom + But what + us whose + by which + In which + by whose + of whose + of which + by which + Of which + he which + By which + For whom + for what + and What + and What + but whom + not what + him whom + for whom + in which + And what + me whose + thou what + from whom + sake whom + that what + for since + for which + From whom + them what + him whose + time What + upon whom + whereinto + Unto whom + wherefore + but while + For which + the which + with whom + with this + Whereunto + With whom + And while + unto whom + wherewith + Whereupon + Wherefore + whereunto + and whose + whatsoever + And others + it ; which + land which + up whereof + That which + to another + bread when + is he whom + Unto which + that which + seed which + From which + sake which + from which + for of whom + For he whom + But ( which + but to whom + him in whom + out of whom + from whence + But he whom + him because + and to whom + and of whom + and another + and he whom + in me which + unto ; whom + angel which + him of whom + things which + in him which + things which + in you which + In the which + By the which + of thee what + with us when + me ; of whom + than I whose + of the which + of them whom + to the which + they to whom + him for whom + ground ; who + wisdom which + not for what + that whereon + in the which + by the which + is he of whom + and with what + For with what + unto him whom + unto him What + thing whereby + For the which + And whosoever + One ; of whom + thing to whom + they him What + it from whose + Of them which + is he of whom + ye that which + of them whose + in whatsoever + speeches which + And that which + was he of whom + Upon the which + in him of whom + are they whose + are they which + themselves who + that for which + day that which + For that which + and he to whom + things whereof + and they which + For he of whom + him with which + Even him whose + and to another + things by whom + ye of him whom + unto you which + things another + ye are to whom + are they which + and that which + be in you which + in you for whom + that fast which + to them of whom + another another + that he to whom + up that whereon + things in which + as was not since + I not ; but what + for them by whom + of him with whom + He it is to whom + the things which + and to the other + unto him to whom + thee things which + of all that which + things from which + not those things which 3739- not those things which 3739- unto me Upon whom + man was unto whom + from them of whom + from me ; of whom + things ; in which + those things which + of Abraham 11 whom + even to them which + hand and the other + but for them which + did ; by the which + things and by whom + the things whereof + unto thee but that which 3739- ye not that to whom + have mercy and whom + unto thee but that which 3739- For unto whomsoever + of Abraham 11 ; who + by the things which + in that thing which + is there of you whom + and the things which + not the things which + it should be of whom + which is in you which + that is in thee which + of those things which + things there be which + of these things which + thou the things which + of for that for which + up those things which + But those things which + upon another ; because + to pass that whosoever + things they were which + that those things which + things than those which + into those things which + in those things whereof + of these things whereof + unto you ; in both which + in me and the life which + are and the things which + merchandise of you whose + thou in the things which + of that country from whence + shall those things be which + But I say that the things which + women that were with them which + and of those things in the which + but it shall be given to them for whom +/ ; through which thing, i .e . consequently: --for which cause, therefore, wherefore .
1518 + peace + in peace + peaceably + and have peace + are the peacemakers +/ . eirenopoios {i-ray-nop-oy-os'}; from 1518 + peace + in peace + peaceably + and have peace + are the peacemakers +/ and 4160 + do + Do + did + done + bear + move + Make + mean + made + make + I do + took + held + Make + keep + to do + bring + Ye do + forth + ye do + dealt + I did + Bring + doing + ye do + doest + doeth + but do + and do + ye did + he did + making + laying + maketh + makest + to put + you do + I make + and did + he made + provide + he kept + we make + causeth + without + will do + they do + she did + ye made + shewest + be made + that do + man did + wrought + working + thou do + to make + it bear + ye make + he doeth + and made + and make + for I do + me to do + shall do + is to do + to bring + not make + bringing + And make + bringeth + they did + had made + had done + and to do + the doing + I will do + hast made + man doeth + Let us do + to you do + and ye do + which did + to be put + not forth + they made + should do + not to do + and cause + you cause + else make + things do + so making + hath done + he maketh + and doeth + hath made + will I do + that I do + as ye did + that made + For to do + to fulfil + to execute + thou doest + which bare + that ye do + shall I do + let him do + committeth + to perform + and maketh + that doeth + which made + will he do + him he did + to observe + hand doeth + will we do + And he did + To execute + manner did + both yield + which gave + to content + To perform + fulfilling + unto you do + when I gave + he purposed + I will make + up and bare + will I make + that I made + I will keep + hath gained + thou makest + he had done + shall we do + and will do + have caused + have I made + shall he do + we had made + I have done + let us make + which doeth + had wrought + I have been + ye would do + I have made + And they did + And he doeth + as they went + and continue + and bringeth + them that do + and he doeth + we have done + things ye do + and to agree + and they did + and shooteth + he hath done + for me to do + for if ye do + He hath done + have ye done + ye have done + have wrought + which he did + that wrought + shall fulfil + hath he done + things he did + man hath done + thou shalt do + unto you Make + they had done + him that made + had committed + And hath made + And hast made + they might do + She hath done + transgresseth + of me ) to do + shall they do + that bringeth + pit shall make + for thee to do + and shall make + and journeying + up and brought + for you making + as I have done + They shall put + which bringeth + one that doeth + I had not done + in me he doeth + And he causeth + than others do + of you keepeth + that he maketh + hast thou done + He hath shewed + that will I do + that I will do + He that shewed + hast thou made + And there abode + him and causeth + doth not commit + And he ordained + that thou doest + ye to have done + that I shall do + and they caused + and let us make + as ye have done + woman hath done + Have I committed + that they may do + For he hath made + he and that I do + but ye have made + that they can do + things and doest + unto him to make + them which cause + are they that do + thing shall I do + that he had done + that hath shewed + unto him and make + And he exerciseth + that ye should do + but he that doeth + of them that make + and them which do + them He that made + But he that doeth + he that thou make + her that had done + that they had done + thou have me to do + and thou hast made + He that committeth + and they have done + there who had made + ye that I shall do + ye shall have done + me and I will make + that she hath done + not and did commit + things that he did + that he should make + they that have done + that he might cause + But when thou doest + ye that I should do + things will they do + did not he that made + in them for in doing + thou that I shall do + unto him to continue + And when he had made + him not but have done + thou that I should do + but that ye should do + to him that appointed + unto them I have done + that they should make + And after he had spent + that thou shouldest do + to his burial and made + the things that he did + But though he had done + that he that hath done + though I have committed + that after ye have done + unto him That thou doest + neither whatsoever worketh + as of things that are made + And after they had tarried + of him and that they had done + them that they should not make + him up ; and if he have committed + them out after that he had shewed + thou unto us seeing that thou doest +/ ; pacificatory, i .e . (subjectively) peaceable: --peacemaker . *** . eiro . See 1515 + and peace 1515- and peace 1515- one + rest + again + peace + Peace + in peace + of peace + you peace + and peace 1515- eirene- and peace + quietness + for peace + with peace + us to peace + but of peace + are in peace + And the peace + of him in peace + unto them Peace + to you and peace + to you and peace + with you my peace + And let the peace + unto you and peace + be to you and peace + be to you and peace + For he is our peace + be unto you and peace + the things which belong unto thy peace +/ , 4483 + said + made + spoken + and said + was spoken + it was said + It was said + And he said + it they said + that he said + And it was commanded + is he that was spoken + one of them ; and it was said +/ , 5346 + say + said + I say + saith + affirm + He said + he said + And said + and said + thee said + And he said + fellow said + But he said + him and said + and he saith + him and said + unto him and said + them out and said + unto thee . And he saith +/ .
1954 + the rest +/ . epiloipos {ep-il'-oy-pos}; from 1909 + at + on + into + over + over + above + be on + ye at + Above + under + being + among + us on + up on + it on + about + after + are at + behalf + not on + before + are on + beside + was at + toward + and at + him on + old on + but on + And on + and on + They on + that on + down at + down on + them on + foot on + thee on + even at + against + as long + is over + because + up into + through + and over + are over + the time + him over + is above + touching + us and on + the space + And above + for under + for under + is against + but toward + but before + up against + And beside + to believe + he were on + throughout + them as on + to pass on + in the days + in the time + And through + as touching + by the space + unto thee on + of it and on + things before + I made before + for the space + out as against + was throughout + unto them over + and not before + out as against + that was about + had the charge + and that before + divided against + that were under + and he anointed + me is with me on + not on things on + in and out among + And when he was at + Let him which is on + to pass in the days + that were with him at + And let him that is on +/ and 3062 + other + others + of other + to other + the rest + The rest + as other + as others + and other + the other + that others + for the rest + And the rest + of the other + But the rest + as do others + not as other + And the other + but to others + and with other + But to the rest + and the remnant + it and the rest + And of the rest + and to the rest + And the remnant + with the remnant + and of the other + and unto the rest + it unto the residue + the things which remain +/ ; left over, i .e . remaining: --rest .
1992 + epistle + letters + a letter + by letter + by letters + our epistle + the epistle + his epistles + with a letter + of him letters + For his letters + by your letters + others epistles + to be the epistle + Ye are our epistle + unto you in an epistle +/ . epistole {ep-is-tol-ay'}; from 1989 + a letter + we have written + But that we write + for I have written +/ ; a written message: --"epistle," letter .
2084 + tongues + With men of other +/ . heteroglossos {het-er-og'-loce-sos}; from 2087 + else + other + is one + others + Others + strange + another + in other + to other + And some + But other + and other + of others + And other + the other + in another + And others + and others + is another + To another + with other + to another + let another + And another + was altered + for another + and another + and the next + And the next + unto another + man another s + he to another + But the other + and the other + while another + but the other + against another + them out another + but of the other + were in the other + and not in another + that there is another + was there that another + was there that another + on the things of others +/ and 1100 + tongue + tongues + a tongue + my tongue + in tongue + of tongues + his tongue + and tongue + the tongue + and tongues + with tongues + of his tongue + and my tongue + by the tongue + is the tongue + their tongues + in our tongues + And the tongue + and his tongue + not his tongue + But the tongue + there be tongues + with the tongues + with their tongues + in an unknown tongue +/ ; other-tongued, i .e . a foreigner: --man of other tongue .
2085 + other + otherwise + man teach + that they teach +/ . heterodidaskaleo {het-er-od-id-as-kal-eh'-o}; from 2087 + else + other + is one + others + Others + strange + another + in other + to other + And some + But other + and other + of others + And other + the other + in another + And others + and others + is another + To another + with other + to another + let another + And another + was altered + for another + and another + and the next + And the next + unto another + man another s + he to another + But the other + and the other + while another + but the other + against another + them out another + but of the other + were in the other + and not in another + that there is another + was there that another + was there that another + on the things of others +/ and 1320 + Master + master + masters + teachers + a teacher + me Master + The Master + and Master + the master + his master + and teachers + thou a master + and a teacher + to be teachers + of the doctors + not the Master + thou the Master + unto him Master + not ; ) a teacher + unto him The Master + shall be as his master + that thou art a teacher + that he be as his master +/ ; to instruct differently: --teach other doctrine(-wise) .
2086 + yoked + together + Be ye not unequally +/ . heterozugeo {het-er-od-zoog-eh'-o}; from a compound of 2087 + else + other + is one + others + Others + strange + another + in other + to other + And some + But other + and other + of others + And other + the other + in another + And others + and others + is another + To another + with other + to another + let another + And another + was altered + for another + and another + and the next + And the next + unto another + man another s + he to another + But the other + and the other + while another + but the other + against another + them out another + but of the other + were in the other + and not in another + that there is another + was there that another + was there that another + on the things of others +/ and 2218 + a yoke + a pair + my yoke + the yoke + For my yoke + with the yoke +/ ; to yoke up differently, i .e . (figuratively) to associate discordantly: --unequally yoke together with .
2087 + else + other + is one + others + Others + strange + another + in other + to other + And some + But other + and other + of others + And other + the other + in another + And others + and others + is another + To another + with other + to another + let another + And another + was altered + for another + and another + and the next + And the next + unto another + man another s + he to another + But the other + and the other + while another + but the other + against another + them out another + but of the other + were in the other + and not in another + that there is another + was there that another + was there that another + on the things of others +/ . heteros {het'-er-os}; of uncertain affinity; (an-, the) other or different: --altered, else, next (day), one, (an-)other, some, strange .
2088 + thing ye be otherwise +/ . heteros {het-er'-oce}; adverb from 2087 + else + other + is one + others + Others + strange + another + in other + to other + And some + But other + and other + of others + And other + the other + in another + And others + and others + is another + To another + with other + to another + let another + And another + was altered + for another + and another + and the next + And the next + unto another + man another s + he to another + But the other + and the other + while another + but the other + against another + them out another + but of the other + were in the other + and not in another + that there is another + was there that another + was there that another + on the things of others +/ ; differently: --otherwise .
2140 + good + But to do +/ . eupoiia {yoo-poy-ee'-ah}; from a compound of 2095 + well + ye well + them good + unto him Well + That it may be well +/ and 4160 + do + Do + did + done + bear + move + Make + mean + made + make + I do + took + held + Make + keep + to do + bring + Ye do + forth + ye do + dealt + I did + Bring + doing + ye do + doest + doeth + but do + and do + ye did + he did + making + laying + maketh + makest + to put + you do + I make + and did + he made + provide + he kept + we make + causeth + without + will do + they do + she did + ye made + shewest + be made + that do + man did + wrought + working + thou do + to make + it bear + ye make + he doeth + and made + and make + for I do + me to do + shall do + is to do + to bring + not make + bringing + And make + bringeth + they did + had made + had done + and to do + the doing + I will do + hast made + man doeth + Let us do + to you do + and ye do + which did + to be put + not forth + they made + should do + not to do + and cause + you cause + else make + things do + so making + hath done + he maketh + and doeth + hath made + will I do + that I do + as ye did + that made + For to do + to fulfil + to execute + thou doest + which bare + that ye do + shall I do + let him do + committeth + to perform + and maketh + that doeth + which made + will he do + him he did + to observe + hand doeth + will we do + And he did + To execute + manner did + both yield + which gave + to content + To perform + fulfilling + unto you do + when I gave + he purposed + I will make + up and bare + will I make + that I made + I will keep + hath gained + thou makest + he had done + shall we do + and will do + have caused + have I made + shall he do + we had made + I have done + let us make + which doeth + had wrought + I have been + ye would do + I have made + And they did + And he doeth + as they went + and continue + and bringeth + them that do + and he doeth + we have done + things ye do + and to agree + and they did + and shooteth + he hath done + for me to do + for if ye do + He hath done + have ye done + ye have done + have wrought + which he did + that wrought + shall fulfil + hath he done + things he did + man hath done + thou shalt do + unto you Make + they had done + him that made + had committed + And hath made + And hast made + they might do + She hath done + transgresseth + of me ) to do + shall they do + that bringeth + pit shall make + for thee to do + and shall make + and journeying + up and brought + for you making + as I have done + They shall put + which bringeth + one that doeth + I had not done + in me he doeth + And he causeth + than others do + of you keepeth + that he maketh + hast thou done + He hath shewed + that will I do + that I will do + He that shewed + hast thou made + And there abode + him and causeth + doth not commit + And he ordained + that thou doest + ye to have done + that I shall do + and they caused + and let us make + as ye have done + woman hath done + Have I committed + that they may do + For he hath made + he and that I do + but ye have made + that they can do + things and doest + unto him to make + them which cause + are they that do + thing shall I do + that he had done + that hath shewed + unto him and make + And he exerciseth + that ye should do + but he that doeth + of them that make + and them which do + them He that made + But he that doeth + he that thou make + her that had done + that they had done + thou have me to do + and thou hast made + He that committeth + and they have done + there who had made + ye that I shall do + ye shall have done + me and I will make + that she hath done + not and did commit + things that he did + that he should make + they that have done + that he might cause + But when thou doest + ye that I should do + things will they do + did not he that made + in them for in doing + thou that I shall do + unto him to continue + And when he had made + him not but have done + thou that I should do + but that ye should do + to him that appointed + unto them I have done + that they should make + And after he had spent + that thou shouldest do + to his burial and made + the things that he did + But though he had done + that he that hath done + though I have committed + that after ye have done + unto him That thou doest + neither whatsoever worketh + as of things that are made + And after they had tarried + of him and that they had done + them that they should not make + him up ; and if he have committed + them out after that he had shewed + thou unto us seeing that thou doest +/ ; well-doing, i .e . beneficence: --to do good .
2227 + life + alive + quicken + be made + have given + quickeneth + giveth life + but quickened + and quickeneth + that quickeneth + is not quickened + was made a quickening +/ . zoopoieo {dzo-op-oy-eh'-o}; from the same as 2226 + beast + beasts + and the beasts +/ and 4160 + do + Do + did + done + bear + move + Make + mean + made + make + I do + took + held + Make + keep + to do + bring + Ye do + forth + ye do + dealt + I did + Bring + doing + ye do + doest + doeth + but do + and do + ye did + he did + making + laying + maketh + makest + to put + you do + I make + and did + he made + provide + he kept + we make + causeth + without + will do + they do + she did + ye made + shewest + be made + that do + man did + wrought + working + thou do + to make + it bear + ye make + he doeth + and made + and make + for I do + me to do + shall do + is to do + to bring + not make + bringing + And make + bringeth + they did + had made + had done + and to do + the doing + I will do + hast made + man doeth + Let us do + to you do + and ye do + which did + to be put + not forth + they made + should do + not to do + and cause + you cause + else make + things do + so making + hath done + he maketh + and doeth + hath made + will I do + that I do + as ye did + that made + For to do + to fulfil + to execute + thou doest + which bare + that ye do + shall I do + let him do + committeth + to perform + and maketh + that doeth + which made + will he do + him he did + to observe + hand doeth + will we do + And he did + To execute + manner did + both yield + which gave + to content + To perform + fulfilling + unto you do + when I gave + he purposed + I will make + up and bare + will I make + that I made + I will keep + hath gained + thou makest + he had done + shall we do + and will do + have caused + have I made + shall he do + we had made + I have done + let us make + which doeth + had wrought + I have been + ye would do + I have made + And they did + And he doeth + as they went + and continue + and bringeth + them that do + and he doeth + we have done + things ye do + and to agree + and they did + and shooteth + he hath done + for me to do + for if ye do + He hath done + have ye done + ye have done + have wrought + which he did + that wrought + shall fulfil + hath he done + things he did + man hath done + thou shalt do + unto you Make + they had done + him that made + had committed + And hath made + And hast made + they might do + She hath done + transgresseth + of me ) to do + shall they do + that bringeth + pit shall make + for thee to do + and shall make + and journeying + up and brought + for you making + as I have done + They shall put + which bringeth + one that doeth + I had not done + in me he doeth + And he causeth + than others do + of you keepeth + that he maketh + hast thou done + He hath shewed + that will I do + that I will do + He that shewed + hast thou made + And there abode + him and causeth + doth not commit + And he ordained + that thou doest + ye to have done + that I shall do + and they caused + and let us make + as ye have done + woman hath done + Have I committed + that they may do + For he hath made + he and that I do + but ye have made + that they can do + things and doest + unto him to make + them which cause + are they that do + thing shall I do + that he had done + that hath shewed + unto him and make + And he exerciseth + that ye should do + but he that doeth + of them that make + and them which do + them He that made + But he that doeth + he that thou make + her that had done + that they had done + thou have me to do + and thou hast made + He that committeth + and they have done + there who had made + ye that I shall do + ye shall have done + me and I will make + that she hath done + not and did commit + things that he did + that he should make + they that have done + that he might cause + But when thou doest + ye that I should do + things will they do + did not he that made + in them for in doing + thou that I shall do + unto him to continue + And when he had made + him not but have done + thou that I should do + but that ye should do + to him that appointed + unto them I have done + that they should make + And after he had spent + that thou shouldest do + to his burial and made + the things that he did + But though he had done + that he that hath done + though I have committed + that after ye have done + unto him That thou doest + neither whatsoever worketh + as of things that are made + And after they had tarried + of him and that they had done + them that they should not make + him up ; and if he have committed + them out after that he had shewed + thou unto us seeing that thou doest +/ ; to (re-)vitalize (literally or figuratively): --make alive, give life, quicken .
2229 + Surely +/ . e {ay}; an adverb of confirmation; perhaps intensive of 2228 + or + Or + nor + yea + than + What + we or + in or + Either + before + either + Except + me nor + man or + man or + rather + not or + thee or + meat or + thou or + Neither + neither + only or + days or + thee or + thing or + not save + not ; or + of him or + more than + of you or + to you or + things or + thee ; or + unto us or + but rather + for you or + for either + thee in or + person nor + but either + me to be or + of thee nor + rather than + man neither + unto thee or + to you either + out from you or + as an evildoer or + of that sheep than + things unto you than + was not to Abraham 11 or + is he that is in you than +/ ; used only (in the N .T .) before 3303 + So + one + One + some + then + truly + Truly + verily + indeed + Partly + and one + The one + I indeed + And truly + For to one + For indeed + Who verily + To the one + And verily + And unto one + For I verily + unto you even + And we indeed + things indeed + their ways one + And they truly + For thou verily + for that indeed + for they indeed + For they verily + For there is verily + unto them Ye shall indeed + things to you to me indeed +/ ; assuredly: --surely . *** . he . See 3588 + who 3588- who 3588- ever 3588- ever 3588- who + any + Who + this + Some + what + This + when + then + some + this + Whoso + While + thine + whose + which + Which + These + Those + these + which + those + sake which 3588- sake which 3588- by this + whereby + in your + is this + by your + to whom + in this + as much + of this + but who + to your + And your + Let your + as those + But this + and when + thee who + came who + for your + in these + And this + he which + hand who + to those + ye which + For what + And some + and your + of these + of those + For this + we which + not what + and some + And when + in those + her which + and whoso + man which + and these + him which + but those + But whoso + and Whoso + and which + Whosoever + And whoso + them what + with such + for those + her which + whosoever + one which + and those + But while + thee what + unto your + that when + was which + that this + from your + and thine + son which + For those + But those + and whose + that those + than those + even those + and others + unto those + shall your + that which + thee which + ones which + unto these + them which + women which + things your + thing which + And of some + works which + is he which + to them who + ye not what + and another + was he which + is and which + But in those + of you which + to you which + him for some + is and which + us from this + things which + even in this + He it is who + to pass when + with her who + by the which + and for your + out of those + things which + For we which + him but some + that we which + not whosoever + to pass while + And whosoever + is that which + of them which + and whosoever + For whosoever + to pass which + by that which + on them which + was and which + was and which + unto thee Who + unto us which + and whosoever + to them which + that he which + from him which + not them which + that whosoever + That whosoever + And they which + are they which + there be which + not them which + thing and what + for whatsoever + Even unto this + but that which + not that which + diligently who + for them which + them not those + But let us who + that they which + with me in your + there are which + him ; and others + they may by your + unto them to this + him with them who + that things which + to pass that when + to pass that when + and to them which + to pass that while + unto you Whosoever + them unto us which + to pass that while + unto her Whosoever + those things which + that it is he which + But unto them which + and I pray God your + that it was he which + yea and things which + are the things which + by the means of those + unto you That ye which + unto you That whosoever + For we that are in this + of them diligently what + of Abraham 11 and whosoever + unto them Ye are they which + sake and for their sakes which +/ . *** . he . See 3739 + whom 3739- whom 3739- who + Who + who + one + whom + whom + Whom + when + what + What + since + where + whose + Which + Whose + while + which + which + ye who + us whom + Whereby + you who + he whom + ye what + wherein + whither + another + because + him who + Whereof + To whom + whereof + whereby + For one + man who + whereto + by whom + Of whom + whereon + to whom + on whom + In whom + By whom + he whom + nothing + by whom + in whom + of whom + of what + and whom + us which + and what + you whom + But what + us whose + by which + In which + by whose + of whose + of which + by which + Of which + he which + By which + For whom + for what + and What + and What + but whom + not what + him whom + for whom + in which + And what + me whose + thou what + from whom + sake whom + that what + for since + for which + From whom + them what + him whose + time What + upon whom + whereinto + Unto whom + wherefore + but while + For which + the which + with whom + with this + Whereunto + With whom + And while + unto whom + wherewith + Whereupon + Wherefore + whereunto + and whose + whatsoever + And others + it ; which + land which + up whereof + That which + to another + bread when + is he whom + Unto which + that which + seed which + From which + sake which + from which + for of whom + For he whom + But ( which + but to whom + him in whom + out of whom + from whence + But he whom + him because + and to whom + and of whom + and another + and he whom + in me which + unto ; whom + angel which + him of whom + things which + in him which + things which + in you which + In the which + By the which + of thee what + with us when + me ; of whom + than I whose + of the which + of them whom + to the which + they to whom + him for whom + ground ; who + wisdom which + not for what + that whereon + in the which + by the which + is he of whom + and with what + For with what + unto him whom + unto him What + thing whereby + For the which + And whosoever + One ; of whom + thing to whom + they him What + it from whose + Of them which + is he of whom + ye that which + of them whose + in whatsoever + speeches which + And that which + was he of whom + Upon the which + in him of whom + are they whose + are they which + themselves who + that for which + day that which + For that which + and he to whom + things whereof + and they which + For he of whom + him with which + Even him whose + and to another + things by whom + ye of him whom + unto you which + things another + ye are to whom + are they which + and that which + be in you which + in you for whom + that fast which + to them of whom + another another + that he to whom + up that whereon + things in which + as was not since + I not ; but what + for them by whom + of him with whom + He it is to whom + the things which + and to the other + unto him to whom + thee things which + of all that which + things from which + not those things which 3739- not those things which 3739- unto me Upon whom + man was unto whom + from them of whom + from me ; of whom + things ; in which + those things which + of Abraham 11 whom + even to them which + hand and the other + but for them which + did ; by the which + things and by whom + the things whereof + unto thee but that which 3739- ye not that to whom + have mercy and whom + unto thee but that which 3739- For unto whomsoever + of Abraham 11 ; who + by the things which + in that thing which + is there of you whom + and the things which + not the things which + it should be of whom + which is in you which + that is in thee which + of those things which + things there be which + of these things which + thou the things which + of for that for which + up those things which + But those things which + upon another ; because + to pass that whosoever + things they were which + that those things which + things than those which + into those things which + in those things whereof + of these things whereof + unto you ; in both which + in me and the life which + are and the things which + merchandise of you whose + thou in the things which + of that country from whence + shall those things be which + But I say that the things which + women that were with them which + and of those things in the which + but it shall be given to them for whom +/ . *** . ei . See 5600 + may appear +/ .
2414 + Jerusalem + in Jerusalem + to Jerusalem + by Jerusalem + from Jerusalem + unto Jerusalem + up to Jerusalem + and at Jerusalem + him to Jerusalem + was in Jerusalem + were of Jerusalem + that in Jerusalem + I up to Jerusalem + And from Jerusalem + and from Jerusalem + he was in Jerusalem + out to him Jerusalem + of them of Jerusalem + and they of Jerusalem + up with him unto Jerusalem +/ . Hierosoluma {hee-er-os-ol'-oo-mah}; of Hebrew origin [ 3389 + of mothers + and murderers +/ ]; Hierosolyma (i .e . Jerushalaim}, the capitol of Palestine: --Jerusalem . Compare 2419 + Jerusalem + O Jerusalem + in Jerusalem + at Jerusalem + to Jerusalem + of Jerusalem + and Jerusalem + But Jerusalem + from Jerusalem + unto Jerusalem + up to Jerusalem + and in Jerusalem + him to Jerusalem + out of Jerusalem + is from Jerusalem + nigh to Jerusalem + of me in Jerusalem + that from Jerusalem + they unto Jerusalem + I have for Jerusalem + for him to Jerusalem + which was from Jerusalem +/ .
2419 + Jerusalem + O Jerusalem + in Jerusalem + at Jerusalem + to Jerusalem + of Jerusalem + and Jerusalem + But Jerusalem + from Jerusalem + unto Jerusalem + up to Jerusalem + and in Jerusalem + him to Jerusalem + out of Jerusalem + is from Jerusalem + nigh to Jerusalem + of me in Jerusalem + that from Jerusalem + they unto Jerusalem + I have for Jerusalem + for him to Jerusalem + which was from Jerusalem +/ . Hierousalem {hee-er-oo-sal-ame'}; of Hebrew origin [ 3389 + of mothers + and murderers +/ ]; Hierusalem (i .e . Jerushalem), the capitol of Palestine: --Jerusalem . Compare 2414 + Jerusalem + in Jerusalem + to Jerusalem + by Jerusalem + from Jerusalem + unto Jerusalem + up to Jerusalem + and at Jerusalem + him to Jerusalem + was in Jerusalem + were of Jerusalem + that in Jerusalem + I up to Jerusalem + And from Jerusalem + and from Jerusalem + he was in Jerusalem + out to him Jerusalem + of them of Jerusalem + and they of Jerusalem + up with him unto Jerusalem +/ .
2443 + so + must + it albeit + them because + to the intent + To the intent +/ . hina {hin'-ah}; probably from the same as the former part of 1438 + own + one + home + to yourselves 1438- to yourselves 1438- itself + himself + his own + another + of your + our own + in your + herself + out your + their own + of itself + ourselves + not thine + own selves + of his own + as himself + themselves + of himself + as thyself + to another + by himself + to himself + in himself + for himself + not her own + ye not your + not himself + and his own + not his own + than himself + as their own + with another + of ourselves + in ourselves + with himself + unto himself + unto himself + out their own + it to himself + and ourselves + in themselves + but their own + us to himself + not ourselves + to yourselves + of yourselves + by themselves + up yourselves + to themselves + in yourselves + for yourselves + man on his own + unto their own + him in himself + not yourselves + for themselves + upon themselves + that he himself + unto themselves + unto yourselves + him for her own + than themselves + with themselves + among themselves + their own selves + thing of thyself + and was troubled + ye not that your + one with another + he not of himself + not make ourselves + let him of himself + things unto himself + and that he himself + it among yourselves + thing as of ourselves + when he had by himself + that not unto themselves + for the things of itself + therefore unto yourselves + when he offered up himself +/ (through the demonstrative idea; compare 3588 + who 3588- who 3588- ever 3588- ever 3588- who + any + Who + this + Some + what + This + when + then + some + this + Whoso + While + thine + whose + which + Which + These + Those + these + which + those + sake which 3588- sake which 3588- by this + whereby + in your + is this + by your + to whom + in this + as much + of this + but who + to your + And your + Let your + as those + But this + and when + thee who + came who + for your + in these + And this + he which + hand who + to those + ye which + For what + And some + and your + of these + of those + For this + we which + not what + and some + And when + in those + her which + and whoso + man which + and these + him which + but those + But whoso + and Whoso + and which + Whosoever + And whoso + them what + with such + for those + her which + whosoever + one which + and those + But while + thee what + unto your + that when + was which + that this + from your + and thine + son which + For those + But those + and whose + that those + than those + even those + and others + unto those + shall your + that which + thee which + ones which + unto these + them which + women which + things your + thing which + And of some + works which + is he which + to them who + ye not what + and another + was he which + is and which + But in those + of you which + to you which + him for some + is and which + us from this + things which + even in this + He it is who + to pass when + with her who + by the which + and for your + out of those + things which + For we which + him but some + that we which + not whosoever + to pass while + And whosoever + is that which + of them which + and whosoever + For whosoever + to pass which + by that which + on them which + was and which + was and which + unto thee Who + unto us which + and whosoever + to them which + that he which + from him which + not them which + that whosoever + That whosoever + And they which + are they which + there be which + not them which + thing and what + for whatsoever + Even unto this + but that which + not that which + diligently who + for them which + them not those + But let us who + that they which + with me in your + there are which + him ; and others + they may by your + unto them to this + him with them who + that things which + to pass that when + to pass that when + and to them which + to pass that while + unto you Whosoever + them unto us which + to pass that while + unto her Whosoever + those things which + that it is he which + But unto them which + and I pray God your + that it was he which + yea and things which + are the things which + by the means of those + unto you That ye which + unto you That whosoever + For we that are in this + of them diligently what + of Abraham 11 and whosoever + unto them Ye are they which + sake and for their sakes which +/ ); in order that (denoting the purpose or the result): --albeit, because, to the intent (that), lest, so as, (so) that, (for) to . Compare 3363 . *** . hina me . See 3363 .
2505 . katha {kath-ah'}; from 2596 + after 2596- after 2596- at + on + At + yet + own + into + over + after + where + every + about + after + it on + cause + And at + before + toward + matter + Against + covered + through + against + in every + me after + my state + touching + us after + is after + But after + According + men after + not after + it be yet + of but on + according + and every + but after + in respect + Concerning + ye against + my affairs + that after + throughout + concerning + upon you on + not against + place every + and against + being alone + him against + as touching + that through + unto them at + things after + laid against + is according + it not after + we according + not ye after + and in every + particularly + it according + him according + you according + as concerning + and not after + not according + As concerning + for him after + man according + Not according + day according + but according + violently down + itself against + when he was at + can be against + for that after + of him through + things against + thing according + which are among + be done through + by you according + things according + somewhat against + that was against + unto me according + but not according + which is according + shall be according + of me is not after + with them according + to him out of every + one of you according + unto thee that after + sakes but as touching + be it unto me according + For they that are after + him that was born after + any thing to the charge + but they that are after + let us prophesy according + For he that is not against + in you and ye in him according + He that is not with me is against + him not for he that is not against +/ and the neuter plural of 3739 + whom 3739- whom 3739- who + Who + who + one + whom + whom + Whom + when + what + What + since + where + whose + Which + Whose + while + which + which + ye who + us whom + Whereby + you who + he whom + ye what + wherein + whither + another + because + him who + Whereof + To whom + whereof + whereby + For one + man who + whereto + by whom + Of whom + whereon + to whom + on whom + In whom + By whom + he whom + nothing + by whom + in whom + of whom + of what + and whom + us which + and what + you whom + But what + us whose + by which + In which + by whose + of whose + of which + by which + Of which + he which + By which + For whom + for what + and What + and What + but whom + not what + him whom + for whom + in which + And what + me whose + thou what + from whom + sake whom + that what + for since + for which + From whom + them what + him whose + time What + upon whom + whereinto + Unto whom + wherefore + but while + For which + the which + with whom + with this + Whereunto + With whom + And while + unto whom + wherewith + Whereupon + Wherefore + whereunto + and whose + whatsoever + And others + it ; which + land which + up whereof + That which + to another + bread when + is he whom + Unto which + that which + seed which + From which + sake which + from which + for of whom + For he whom + But ( which + but to whom + him in whom + out of whom + from whence + But he whom + him because + and to whom + and of whom + and another + and he whom + in me which + unto ; whom + angel which + him of whom + things which + in him which + things which + in you which + In the which + By the which + of thee what + with us when + me ; of whom + than I whose + of the which + of them whom + to the which + they to whom + him for whom + ground ; who + wisdom which + not for what + that whereon + in the which + by the which + is he of whom + and with what + For with what + unto him whom + unto him What + thing whereby + For the which + And whosoever + One ; of whom + thing to whom + they him What + it from whose + Of them which + is he of whom + ye that which + of them whose + in whatsoever + speeches which + And that which + was he of whom + Upon the which + in him of whom + are they whose + are they which + themselves who + that for which + day that which + For that which + and he to whom + things whereof + and they which + For he of whom + him with which + Even him whose + and to another + things by whom + ye of him whom + unto you which + things another + ye are to whom + are they which + and that which + be in you which + in you for whom + that fast which + to them of whom + another another + that he to whom + up that whereon + things in which + as was not since + I not ; but what + for them by whom + of him with whom + He it is to whom + the things which + and to the other + unto him to whom + thee things which + of all that which + things from which + not those things which 3739- not those things which 3739- unto me Upon whom + man was unto whom + from them of whom + from me ; of whom + things ; in which + those things which + of Abraham 11 whom + even to them which + hand and the other + but for them which + did ; by the which + things and by whom + the things whereof + unto thee but that which 3739- ye not that to whom + have mercy and whom + unto thee but that which 3739- For unto whomsoever + of Abraham 11 ; who + by the things which + in that thing which + is there of you whom + and the things which + not the things which + it should be of whom + which is in you which + that is in thee which + of those things which + things there be which + of these things which + thou the things which + of for that for which + up those things which + But those things which + upon another ; because + to pass that whosoever + things they were which + that those things which + things than those which + into those things which + in those things whereof + of these things whereof + unto you ; in both which + in me and the life which + are and the things which + merchandise of you whose + thou in the things which + of that country from whence + shall those things be which + But I say that the things which + women that were with them which + and of those things in the which + but it shall be given to them for whom +/ ; according to which things, i .e . just as: --as .
2526 + inasmuch + inasmuch + according + according + and not according + and not according +/ . katho {kath-o'}; from 2596 + after 2596- after 2596- at + on + At + yet + own + into + over + after + where + every + about + after + it on + cause + And at + before + toward + matter + Against + covered + through + against + in every + me after + my state + touching + us after + is after + But after + According + men after + not after + it be yet + of but on + according + and every + but after + in respect + Concerning + ye against + my affairs + that after + throughout + concerning + upon you on + not against + place every + and against + being alone + him against + as touching + that through + unto them at + things after + laid against + is according + it not after + we according + not ye after + and in every + particularly + it according + him according + you according + as concerning + and not after + not according + As concerning + for him after + man according + Not according + day according + but according + violently down + itself against + when he was at + can be against + for that after + of him through + things against + thing according + which are among + be done through + by you according + things according + somewhat against + that was against + unto me according + but not according + which is according + shall be according + of me is not after + with them according + to him out of every + one of you according + unto thee that after + sakes but as touching + be it unto me according + For they that are after + him that was born after + any thing to the charge + but they that are after + let us prophesy according + For he that is not against + in you and ye in him according + He that is not with me is against + him not for he that is not against +/ and 3739 + whom 3739- whom 3739- who + Who + who + one + whom + whom + Whom + when + what + What + since + where + whose + Which + Whose + while + which + which + ye who + us whom + Whereby + you who + he whom + ye what + wherein + whither + another + because + him who + Whereof + To whom + whereof + whereby + For one + man who + whereto + by whom + Of whom + whereon + to whom + on whom + In whom + By whom + he whom + nothing + by whom + in whom + of whom + of what + and whom + us which + and what + you whom + But what + us whose + by which + In which + by whose + of whose + of which + by which + Of which + he which + By which + For whom + for what + and What + and What + but whom + not what + him whom + for whom + in which + And what + me whose + thou what + from whom + sake whom + that what + for since + for which + From whom + them what + him whose + time What + upon whom + whereinto + Unto whom + wherefore + but while + For which + the which + with whom + with this + Whereunto + With whom + And while + unto whom + wherewith + Whereupon + Wherefore + whereunto + and whose + whatsoever + And others + it ; which + land which + up whereof + That which + to another + bread when + is he whom + Unto which + that which + seed which + From which + sake which + from which + for of whom + For he whom + But ( which + but to whom + him in whom + out of whom + from whence + But he whom + him because + and to whom + and of whom + and another + and he whom + in me which + unto ; whom + angel which + him of whom + things which + in him which + things which + in you which + In the which + By the which + of thee what + with us when + me ; of whom + than I whose + of the which + of them whom + to the which + they to whom + him for whom + ground ; who + wisdom which + not for what + that whereon + in the which + by the which + is he of whom + and with what + For with what + unto him whom + unto him What + thing whereby + For the which + And whosoever + One ; of whom + thing to whom + they him What + it from whose + Of them which + is he of whom + ye that which + of them whose + in whatsoever + speeches which + And that which + was he of whom + Upon the which + in him of whom + are they whose + are they which + themselves who + that for which + day that which + For that which + and he to whom + things whereof + and they which + For he of whom + him with which + Even him whose + and to another + things by whom + ye of him whom + unto you which + things another + ye are to whom + are they which + and that which + be in you which + in you for whom + that fast which + to them of whom + another another + that he to whom + up that whereon + things in which + as was not since + I not ; but what + for them by whom + of him with whom + He it is to whom + the things which + and to the other + unto him to whom + thee things which + of all that which + things from which + not those things which 3739- not those things which 3739- unto me Upon whom + man was unto whom + from them of whom + from me ; of whom + things ; in which + those things which + of Abraham 11 whom + even to them which + hand and the other + but for them which + did ; by the which + things and by whom + the things whereof + unto thee but that which 3739- ye not that to whom + have mercy and whom + unto thee but that which 3739- For unto whomsoever + of Abraham 11 ; who + by the things which + in that thing which + is there of you whom + and the things which + not the things which + it should be of whom + which is in you which + that is in thee which + of those things which + things there be which + of these things which + thou the things which + of for that for which + up those things which + But those things which + upon another ; because + to pass that whosoever + things they were which + that those things which + things than those which + into those things which + in those things whereof + of these things whereof + unto you ; in both which + in me and the life which + are and the things which + merchandise of you whose + thou in the things which + of that country from whence + shall those things be which + But I say that the things which + women that were with them which + and of those things in the which + but it shall be given to them for whom +/ ; according to which thing, i .e . precisely as, in proportion as: --according to that, (inasmuch) as .
2530 + because + forsomuch + man according +/ . kathoti {kath-ot'-ee}; from 2596 + after 2596- after 2596- at + on + At + yet + own + into + over + after + where + every + about + after + it on + cause + And at + before + toward + matter + Against + covered + through + against + in every + me after + my state + touching + us after + is after + But after + According + men after + not after + it be yet + of but on + according + and every + but after + in respect + Concerning + ye against + my affairs + that after + throughout + concerning + upon you on + not against + place every + and against + being alone + him against + as touching + that through + unto them at + things after + laid against + is according + it not after + we according + not ye after + and in every + particularly + it according + him according + you according + as concerning + and not after + not according + As concerning + for him after + man according + Not according + day according + but according + violently down + itself against + when he was at + can be against + for that after + of him through + things against + thing according + which are among + be done through + by you according + things according + somewhat against + that was against + unto me according + but not according + which is according + shall be according + of me is not after + with them according + to him out of every + one of you according + unto thee that after + sakes but as touching + be it unto me according + For they that are after + him that was born after + any thing to the charge + but they that are after + let us prophesy according + For he that is not against + in you and ye in him according + He that is not with me is against + him not for he that is not against +/ ; and 3739 + whom 3739- whom 3739- who + Who + who + one + whom + whom + Whom + when + what + What + since + where + whose + Which + Whose + while + which + which + ye who + us whom + Whereby + you who + he whom + ye what + wherein + whither + another + because + him who + Whereof + To whom + whereof + whereby + For one + man who + whereto + by whom + Of whom + whereon + to whom + on whom + In whom + By whom + he whom + nothing + by whom + in whom + of whom + of what + and whom + us which + and what + you whom + But what + us whose + by which + In which + by whose + of whose + of which + by which + Of which + he which + By which + For whom + for what + and What + and What + but whom + not what + him whom + for whom + in which + And what + me whose + thou what + from whom + sake whom + that what + for since + for which + From whom + them what + him whose + time What + upon whom + whereinto + Unto whom + wherefore + but while + For which + the which + with whom + with this + Whereunto + With whom + And while + unto whom + wherewith + Whereupon + Wherefore + whereunto + and whose + whatsoever + And others + it ; which + land which + up whereof + That which + to another + bread when + is he whom + Unto which + that which + seed which + From which + sake which + from which + for of whom + For he whom + But ( which + but to whom + him in whom + out of whom + from whence + But he whom + him because + and to whom + and of whom + and another + and he whom + in me which + unto ; whom + angel which + him of whom + things which + in him which + things which + in you which + In the which + By the which + of thee what + with us when + me ; of whom + than I whose + of the which + of them whom + to the which + they to whom + him for whom + ground ; who + wisdom which + not for what + that whereon + in the which + by the which + is he of whom + and with what + For with what + unto him whom + unto him What + thing whereby + For the which + And whosoever + One ; of whom + thing to whom + they him What + it from whose + Of them which + is he of whom + ye that which + of them whose + in whatsoever + speeches which + And that which + was he of whom + Upon the which + in him of whom + are they whose + are they which + themselves who + that for which + day that which + For that which + and he to whom + things whereof + and they which + For he of whom + him with which + Even him whose + and to another + things by whom + ye of him whom + unto you which + things another + ye are to whom + are they which + and that which + be in you which + in you for whom + that fast which + to them of whom + another another + that he to whom + up that whereon + things in which + as was not since + I not ; but what + for them by whom + of him with whom + He it is to whom + the things which + and to the other + unto him to whom + thee things which + of all that which + things from which + not those things which 3739- not those things which 3739- unto me Upon whom + man was unto whom + from them of whom + from me ; of whom + things ; in which + those things which + of Abraham 11 whom + even to them which + hand and the other + but for them which + did ; by the which + things and by whom + the things whereof + unto thee but that which 3739- ye not that to whom + have mercy and whom + unto thee but that which 3739- For unto whomsoever + of Abraham 11 ; who + by the things which + in that thing which + is there of you whom + and the things which + not the things which + it should be of whom + which is in you which + that is in thee which + of those things which + things there be which + of these things which + thou the things which + of for that for which + up those things which + But those things which + upon another ; because + to pass that whosoever + things they were which + that those things which + things than those which + into those things which + in those things whereof + of these things whereof + unto you ; in both which + in me and the life which + are and the things which + merchandise of you whose + thou in the things which + of that country from whence + shall those things be which + But I say that the things which + women that were with them which + and of those things in the which + but it shall be given to them for whom +/ and 5100 + no + One + any + one + Who + man + who + man + some + Some + every + whose + ought + Whose + a man + man s + ye any + divers + of one + of any + is any + to any + in one + by any + Is any + nothing + and one + And one + by some + as some + was any + But one + to some + certain + a man s + of some + you one + And some + with one + and some + are some + with any + Somebody + upon one + but what + but some + for some + unto any + that one + But some + somewhat + For some + for what + that any + man some + was some + that none + were some + something + with some + a certain + that some + A certain + shall any + it to any + there any + while some + whomsoever + we as some + thee ought + that a man + ye as some + for divers + do nothing + as certain + not in any + up certain + and of one + whatsoever + for a man s + and certain + And as some + And of some + and as some + And certain + man will one + men as every + in a certain + as were some + unto certain + there up one + of a certain + say that one + not that any + that nothing + And when one + Not that any + that certain + of you by any + there be some + For a certain + with them one + was there any + and a certain + unto you some + to that a man + And a certain + But a certain + him a certain + And whatsoever + to be somebody + to him certain + not ; for some + him . And some + unto a certain + upon a certain + down a certain + to be somewhat + for what a man + there be in any + Howbeit certain + that whatsoever + things a certain + I have taken any + unto him certain + Lest there be any + but there be some + unto them certain + Who for a certain + and with a certain + But there are some + There is a certain + of them that ought + that there are some + there was a certain + There was a certain + And there were some + or there are certain + For there is nothing + For there are certain + he unto him A certain + unto them ; and whose + with them and certain + unto you There be some + And there were certain + But there were certain + himself to be something + But there was a certain + And there was a certain + that we should be a kind + unto you That there be some +/ ; according to which certain thing, i .e . as far (or inasmuch) as: --(according, forasmuch) as, because (that) .
2555 + of evildoers + of you as of evildoers + he were not a malefactor +/ . kakopoios {kak-op-oy-os'}; from 2556 + bad + ill + harm + evil + wicked + of evil + and evil + for evil + that evil + from evil + with evil + a noisome + of the evil + the uttermost + but it is evil + that doeth evil + but to the evil + not but the evil + that which is evil + them which are evil + not that which is evil +/ and 4160 + do + Do + did + done + bear + move + Make + mean + made + make + I do + took + held + Make + keep + to do + bring + Ye do + forth + ye do + dealt + I did + Bring + doing + ye do + doest + doeth + but do + and do + ye did + he did + making + laying + maketh + makest + to put + you do + I make + and did + he made + provide + he kept + we make + causeth + without + will do + they do + she did + ye made + shewest + be made + that do + man did + wrought + working + thou do + to make + it bear + ye make + he doeth + and made + and make + for I do + me to do + shall do + is to do + to bring + not make + bringing + And make + bringeth + they did + had made + had done + and to do + the doing + I will do + hast made + man doeth + Let us do + to you do + and ye do + which did + to be put + not forth + they made + should do + not to do + and cause + you cause + else make + things do + so making + hath done + he maketh + and doeth + hath made + will I do + that I do + as ye did + that made + For to do + to fulfil + to execute + thou doest + which bare + that ye do + shall I do + let him do + committeth + to perform + and maketh + that doeth + which made + will he do + him he did + to observe + hand doeth + will we do + And he did + To execute + manner did + both yield + which gave + to content + To perform + fulfilling + unto you do + when I gave + he purposed + I will make + up and bare + will I make + that I made + I will keep + hath gained + thou makest + he had done + shall we do + and will do + have caused + have I made + shall he do + we had made + I have done + let us make + which doeth + had wrought + I have been + ye would do + I have made + And they did + And he doeth + as they went + and continue + and bringeth + them that do + and he doeth + we have done + things ye do + and to agree + and they did + and shooteth + he hath done + for me to do + for if ye do + He hath done + have ye done + ye have done + have wrought + which he did + that wrought + shall fulfil + hath he done + things he did + man hath done + thou shalt do + unto you Make + they had done + him that made + had committed + And hath made + And hast made + they might do + She hath done + transgresseth + of me ) to do + shall they do + that bringeth + pit shall make + for thee to do + and shall make + and journeying + up and brought + for you making + as I have done + They shall put + which bringeth + one that doeth + I had not done + in me he doeth + And he causeth + than others do + of you keepeth + that he maketh + hast thou done + He hath shewed + that will I do + that I will do + He that shewed + hast thou made + And there abode + him and causeth + doth not commit + And he ordained + that thou doest + ye to have done + that I shall do + and they caused + and let us make + as ye have done + woman hath done + Have I committed + that they may do + For he hath made + he and that I do + but ye have made + that they can do + things and doest + unto him to make + them which cause + are they that do + thing shall I do + that he had done + that hath shewed + unto him and make + And he exerciseth + that ye should do + but he that doeth + of them that make + and them which do + them He that made + But he that doeth + he that thou make + her that had done + that they had done + thou have me to do + and thou hast made + He that committeth + and they have done + there who had made + ye that I shall do + ye shall have done + me and I will make + that she hath done + not and did commit + things that he did + that he should make + they that have done + that he might cause + But when thou doest + ye that I should do + things will they do + did not he that made + in them for in doing + thou that I shall do + unto him to continue + And when he had made + him not but have done + thou that I should do + but that ye should do + to him that appointed + unto them I have done + that they should make + And after he had spent + that thou shouldest do + to his burial and made + the things that he did + But though he had done + that he that hath done + though I have committed + that after ye have done + unto him That thou doest + neither whatsoever worketh + as of things that are made + And after they had tarried + of him and that they had done + them that they should not make + him up ; and if he have committed + them out after that he had shewed + thou unto us seeing that thou doest +/ ; a bad-doer; (specifically) a criminal: --evil-doer, malefactor .
2569 + doing + in well +/ . kalopoieo {kal-op-oy-eh'-o}; from 2570 + good + a good + honest + in well + as good + in good + is good + of good + the good + in a good + as a good + That good + It is good + for honest + it is good + For a good + and of good + and to good + is not good + that worthy + of for good + in an honest + it is better + things honest + out of a good + But it is good + It is not meet + that it is good + things are good + unto you ; good + For it is a good + for that is good + unto me It is good + that which is good + for it is not meet + it out it is better + that which is honest + I say that it is good + it from thee it is better + them from thee it is better + things thou shalt be a good +/ and 4160 + do + Do + did + done + bear + move + Make + mean + made + make + I do + took + held + Make + keep + to do + bring + Ye do + forth + ye do + dealt + I did + Bring + doing + ye do + doest + doeth + but do + and do + ye did + he did + making + laying + maketh + makest + to put + you do + I make + and did + he made + provide + he kept + we make + causeth + without + will do + they do + she did + ye made + shewest + be made + that do + man did + wrought + working + thou do + to make + it bear + ye make + he doeth + and made + and make + for I do + me to do + shall do + is to do + to bring + not make + bringing + And make + bringeth + they did + had made + had done + and to do + the doing + I will do + hast made + man doeth + Let us do + to you do + and ye do + which did + to be put + not forth + they made + should do + not to do + and cause + you cause + else make + things do + so making + hath done + he maketh + and doeth + hath made + will I do + that I do + as ye did + that made + For to do + to fulfil + to execute + thou doest + which bare + that ye do + shall I do + let him do + committeth + to perform + and maketh + that doeth + which made + will he do + him he did + to observe + hand doeth + will we do + And he did + To execute + manner did + both yield + which gave + to content + To perform + fulfilling + unto you do + when I gave + he purposed + I will make + up and bare + will I make + that I made + I will keep + hath gained + thou makest + he had done + shall we do + and will do + have caused + have I made + shall he do + we had made + I have done + let us make + which doeth + had wrought + I have been + ye would do + I have made + And they did + And he doeth + as they went + and continue + and bringeth + them that do + and he doeth + we have done + things ye do + and to agree + and they did + and shooteth + he hath done + for me to do + for if ye do + He hath done + have ye done + ye have done + have wrought + which he did + that wrought + shall fulfil + hath he done + things he did + man hath done + thou shalt do + unto you Make + they had done + him that made + had committed + And hath made + And hast made + they might do + She hath done + transgresseth + of me ) to do + shall they do + that bringeth + pit shall make + for thee to do + and shall make + and journeying + up and brought + for you making + as I have done + They shall put + which bringeth + one that doeth + I had not done + in me he doeth + And he causeth + than others do + of you keepeth + that he maketh + hast thou done + He hath shewed + that will I do + that I will do + He that shewed + hast thou made + And there abode + him and causeth + doth not commit + And he ordained + that thou doest + ye to have done + that I shall do + and they caused + and let us make + as ye have done + woman hath done + Have I committed + that they may do + For he hath made + he and that I do + but ye have made + that they can do + things and doest + unto him to make + them which cause + are they that do + thing shall I do + that he had done + that hath shewed + unto him and make + And he exerciseth + that ye should do + but he that doeth + of them that make + and them which do + them He that made + But he that doeth + he that thou make + her that had done + that they had done + thou have me to do + and thou hast made + He that committeth + and they have done + there who had made + ye that I shall do + ye shall have done + me and I will make + that she hath done + not and did commit + things that he did + that he should make + they that have done + that he might cause + But when thou doest + ye that I should do + things will they do + did not he that made + in them for in doing + thou that I shall do + unto him to continue + And when he had made + him not but have done + thou that I should do + but that ye should do + to him that appointed + unto them I have done + that they should make + And after he had spent + that thou shouldest do + to his burial and made + the things that he did + But though he had done + that he that hath done + though I have committed + that after ye have done + unto him That thou doest + neither whatsoever worketh + as of things that are made + And after they had tarried + of him and that they had done + them that they should not make + him up ; and if he have committed + them out after that he had shewed + thou unto us seeing that thou doest +/ ; to do well, i .e . live virtuously: --well doing .
2645 + That the residue +/ . kataloipos {kat-al'-oy-pos}; from 2596 + after 2596- after 2596- at + on + At + yet + own + into + over + after + where + every + about + after + it on + cause + And at + before + toward + matter + Against + covered + through + against + in every + me after + my state + touching + us after + is after + But after + According + men after + not after + it be yet + of but on + according + and every + but after + in respect + Concerning + ye against + my affairs + that after + throughout + concerning + upon you on + not against + place every + and against + being alone + him against + as touching + that through + unto them at + things after + laid against + is according + it not after + we according + not ye after + and in every + particularly + it according + him according + you according + as concerning + and not after + not according + As concerning + for him after + man according + Not according + day according + but according + violently down + itself against + when he was at + can be against + for that after + of him through + things against + thing according + which are among + be done through + by you according + things according + somewhat against + that was against + unto me according + but not according + which is according + shall be according + of me is not after + with them according + to him out of every + one of you according + unto thee that after + sakes but as touching + be it unto me according + For they that are after + him that was born after + any thing to the charge + but they that are after + let us prophesy according + For he that is not against + in you and ye in him according + He that is not with me is against + him not for he that is not against +/ and 3062 + other + others + of other + to other + the rest + The rest + as other + as others + and other + the other + that others + for the rest + And the rest + of the other + But the rest + as do others + not as other + And the other + but to others + and with other + But to the rest + and the remnant + it and the rest + And of the rest + and to the rest + And the remnant + with the remnant + and of the other + and unto the rest + it unto the residue + the things which remain +/ ; left down (behind), i .e remaining (plural the rest): --residue .
2841 + is partaker 2841- is partaker 2841- partakers + communicate + be partaker + Distributing + communicated + are partakers + have been made + as ye are partakers +/ . koinoneo {koy-no-neh'-o}; from 2844 + partakers + a partner + a partaker + companions + were partners + he is my partner + ye might be partakers + that as ye are partakers + not that ye should have fellowship +/ ; to share with others (objectively or subjectively): --communicate, distribute, be partaker .
3062 + other + others + of other + to other + the rest + The rest + as other + as others + and other + the other + that others + for the rest + And the rest + of the other + But the rest + as do others + not as other + And the other + but to others + and with other + But to the rest + and the remnant + it and the rest + And of the rest + and to the rest + And the remnant + with the remnant + and of the other + and unto the rest + it unto the residue + the things which remain +/ . loipoy {loy-poy'}; masculine plural of a derivative of 3007 + saying + Saying + lackest + wanting + be wanting + of you lack + and destitute + upon God and saying + the things that are wanting +/ ; remaining ones: --other, which remain, remnant, residue, rest .
3063 + on now + besides + Finally + was then + Moreover + Henceforth + Furthermore + it remaineth + From henceforth + That we henceforth +/ . loipon {loy-pon'}; neuter singular of the same as 3062 + other + others + of other + to other + the rest + The rest + as other + as others + and other + the other + that others + for the rest + And the rest + of the other + But the rest + as do others + not as other + And the other + but to others + and with other + But to the rest + and the remnant + it and the rest + And of the rest + and to the rest + And the remnant + with the remnant + and of the other + and unto the rest + it unto the residue + the things which remain +/ ; something remaining (adverbially): --besides, finally, furthermore, (from) henceforth, moreover, now, + it remaineth, then .
3064 . loipou {loy-poo'}; genitive case singular of the same as 3062 + other + others + of other + to other + the rest + The rest + as other + as others + and other + the other + that others + for the rest + And the rest + of the other + But the rest + as do others + not as other + And the other + but to others + and with other + But to the rest + and the remnant + it and the rest + And of the rest + and to the rest + And the remnant + with the remnant + and of the other + and unto the rest + it unto the residue + the things which remain +/ ; remaining time: --from henceforth .
3384 + mother + my mother + His mother + his mother + the mother + thy mother + THE MOTHER + her mother + and mother + Thy mother + and mothers + his mother s + is my mother + of her mother + of his mother + is the mother + and thy mother + and the mother + And his mother + and his mother + unto his mother + unto her mother + and his mother s + women as mothers + it to her mother + he and his mother + him to his mother + to him the mother + to him his mother + is not his mother + from his mother s + When as his mother + me from my mother s + from their mother s + unto them My mother + to me that the mother + unto them but his mother +/ . meter {may'-tare}; apparently a primary word; a "mother" (literally or figuratively, immed . or remote): --mother .
3388 + womb + the womb +/ . metra {may'-trah}; from 3384 + mother + my mother + His mother + his mother + the mother + thy mother + THE MOTHER + her mother + and mother + Thy mother + and mothers + his mother s + is my mother + of her mother + of his mother + is the mother + and thy mother + and the mother + And his mother + and his mother + unto his mother + unto her mother + and his mother s + women as mothers + it to her mother + he and his mother + him to his mother + to him the mother + to him his mother + is not his mother + from his mother s + When as his mother + me from my mother s + from their mother s + unto them My mother + to me that the mother + unto them but his mother +/ ; the matrix: --womb .
3389 + of mothers + and murderers +/ . metraloias {may-tral-o'-as}; from 3384 + mother + my mother + His mother + his mother + the mother + thy mother + THE MOTHER + her mother + and mother + Thy mother + and mothers + his mother s + is my mother + of her mother + of his mother + is the mother + and thy mother + and the mother + And his mother + and his mother + unto his mother + unto her mother + and his mother s + women as mothers + it to her mother + he and his mother + him to his mother + to him the mother + to him his mother + is not his mother + from his mother s + When as his mother + me from my mother s + from their mother s + unto them My mother + to me that the mother + unto them but his mother +/ and the base of 0257 + his floor + thing is true +/ ; a mother-thresher, i .e . matricide: --murderer of mothers .
3390 + whole +/ . metropolis {may-trop'-ol-is}; from 3384 + mother + my mother + His mother + his mother + the mother + thy mother + THE MOTHER + her mother + and mother + Thy mother + and mothers + his mother s + is my mother + of her mother + of his mother + is the mother + and thy mother + and the mother + And his mother + and his mother + unto his mother + unto her mother + and his mother s + women as mothers + it to her mother + he and his mother + him to his mother + to him the mother + to him his mother + is not his mother + from his mother s + When as his mother + me from my mother s + from their mother s + unto them My mother + to me that the mother + unto them but his mother +/ and 4172 + city + cities + a city + A city + to city + any city + the city + our city + in a city + the cities + for a city + their city + unto a city + of the city + in the city + to the city + was the city + And the city + all the city + he to a city + and the city + in that city + to that city + of that city + for that city + up their city + unto the city + ye in the city + them from city + it in the city + and the cities + out of the city + for them a city + men of the city + in their cities + part of the city + in the same city + out of that city + to their own city + I was in the city + and unto the city + out of the cities + for it is the city + him out of the city + There was in a city + with him in the city + not how that the city + belonging to the city + we were out of the city + and we were in that city +/ ; a mother city, i .e . "metropolis": --chiefest city .
3447 + a calf + And they made +/ . moschopoieo {mos-khop-oy-eh'-o}; from 3448 + calf + a calf + of calves + and calves +/ and 4160 + do + Do + did + done + bear + move + Make + mean + made + make + I do + took + held + Make + keep + to do + bring + Ye do + forth + ye do + dealt + I did + Bring + doing + ye do + doest + doeth + but do + and do + ye did + he did + making + laying + maketh + makest + to put + you do + I make + and did + he made + provide + he kept + we make + causeth + without + will do + they do + she did + ye made + shewest + be made + that do + man did + wrought + working + thou do + to make + it bear + ye make + he doeth + and made + and make + for I do + me to do + shall do + is to do + to bring + not make + bringing + And make + bringeth + they did + had made + had done + and to do + the doing + I will do + hast made + man doeth + Let us do + to you do + and ye do + which did + to be put + not forth + they made + should do + not to do + and cause + you cause + else make + things do + so making + hath done + he maketh + and doeth + hath made + will I do + that I do + as ye did + that made + For to do + to fulfil + to execute + thou doest + which bare + that ye do + shall I do + let him do + committeth + to perform + and maketh + that doeth + which made + will he do + him he did + to observe + hand doeth + will we do + And he did + To execute + manner did + both yield + which gave + to content + To perform + fulfilling + unto you do + when I gave + he purposed + I will make + up and bare + will I make + that I made + I will keep + hath gained + thou makest + he had done + shall we do + and will do + have caused + have I made + shall he do + we had made + I have done + let us make + which doeth + had wrought + I have been + ye would do + I have made + And they did + And he doeth + as they went + and continue + and bringeth + them that do + and he doeth + we have done + things ye do + and to agree + and they did + and shooteth + he hath done + for me to do + for if ye do + He hath done + have ye done + ye have done + have wrought + which he did + that wrought + shall fulfil + hath he done + things he did + man hath done + thou shalt do + unto you Make + they had done + him that made + had committed + And hath made + And hast made + they might do + She hath done + transgresseth + of me ) to do + shall they do + that bringeth + pit shall make + for thee to do + and shall make + and journeying + up and brought + for you making + as I have done + They shall put + which bringeth + one that doeth + I had not done + in me he doeth + And he causeth + than others do + of you keepeth + that he maketh + hast thou done + He hath shewed + that will I do + that I will do + He that shewed + hast thou made + And there abode + him and causeth + doth not commit + And he ordained + that thou doest + ye to have done + that I shall do + and they caused + and let us make + as ye have done + woman hath done + Have I committed + that they may do + For he hath made + he and that I do + but ye have made + that they can do + things and doest + unto him to make + them which cause + are they that do + thing shall I do + that he had done + that hath shewed + unto him and make + And he exerciseth + that ye should do + but he that doeth + of them that make + and them which do + them He that made + But he that doeth + he that thou make + her that had done + that they had done + thou have me to do + and thou hast made + He that committeth + and they have done + there who had made + ye that I shall do + ye shall have done + me and I will make + that she hath done + not and did commit + things that he did + that he should make + they that have done + that he might cause + But when thou doest + ye that I should do + things will they do + did not he that made + in them for in doing + thou that I shall do + unto him to continue + And when he had made + him not but have done + thou that I should do + but that ye should do + to him that appointed + unto them I have done + that they should make + And after he had spent + that thou shouldest do + to his burial and made + the things that he did + But though he had done + that he that hath done + though I have committed + that after ye have done + unto him That thou doest + neither whatsoever worketh + as of things that are made + And after they had tarried + of him and that they had done + them that they should not make + him up ; and if he have committed + them out after that he had shewed + thou unto us seeing that thou doest +/ ; to fabricate the image of a bullock: --make a calf .
3569 . tanun {tan-oon'}; or ta nun {tah noon}; from neuter plural of 3588 + who 3588- who 3588- ever 3588- ever 3588- who + any + Who + this + Some + what + This + when + then + some + this + Whoso + While + thine + whose + which + Which + These + Those + these + which + those + sake which 3588- sake which 3588- by this + whereby + in your + is this + by your + to whom + in this + as much + of this + but who + to your + And your + Let your + as those + But this + and when + thee who + came who + for your + in these + And this + he which + hand who + to those + ye which + For what + And some + and your + of these + of those + For this + we which + not what + and some + And when + in those + her which + and whoso + man which + and these + him which + but those + But whoso + and Whoso + and which + Whosoever + And whoso + them what + with such + for those + her which + whosoever + one which + and those + But while + thee what + unto your + that when + was which + that this + from your + and thine + son which + For those + But those + and whose + that those + than those + even those + and others + unto those + shall your + that which + thee which + ones which + unto these + them which + women which + things your + thing which + And of some + works which + is he which + to them who + ye not what + and another + was he which + is and which + But in those + of you which + to you which + him for some + is and which + us from this + things which + even in this + He it is who + to pass when + with her who + by the which + and for your + out of those + things which + For we which + him but some + that we which + not whosoever + to pass while + And whosoever + is that which + of them which + and whosoever + For whosoever + to pass which + by that which + on them which + was and which + was and which + unto thee Who + unto us which + and whosoever + to them which + that he which + from him which + not them which + that whosoever + That whosoever + And they which + are they which + there be which + not them which + thing and what + for whatsoever + Even unto this + but that which + not that which + diligently who + for them which + them not those + But let us who + that they which + with me in your + there are which + him ; and others + they may by your + unto them to this + him with them who + that things which + to pass that when + to pass that when + and to them which + to pass that while + unto you Whosoever + them unto us which + to pass that while + unto her Whosoever + those things which + that it is he which + But unto them which + and I pray God your + that it was he which + yea and things which + are the things which + by the means of those + unto you That ye which + unto you That whosoever + For we that are in this + of them diligently what + of Abraham 11 and whosoever + unto them Ye are they which + sake and for their sakes which +/ and 3568 + And now 3568- at + And now 3568- now + Now + this + time + I now + ye now + to now + so now + is now + me now + he now + in this + Who now + but now + out now + to this + him now + and now + for now + of late + are now + But now + For now + And now + present + thou now + that now + past now + they now + being now + it is now + Hereafter + unto this + And ye now + But is now + henceforth + are ye now + ye are now + let him now + but are now + ye have now + we have now + him and now + as it is now + at ; but now + yet have now + unto him Now + which are now + him . But now + in me and now + things but now + them . And now + from henceforth + which I make now + thy way for this + For from henceforth + he unto them But now + not ; from henceforth +/ ; the things now, i .e . (adverbially) at present: --(but) now .
3588 + who 3588- who 3588- ever 3588- ever 3588- who + any + Who + this + Some + what + This + when + then + some + this + Whoso + While + thine + whose + which + Which + These + Those + these + which + those + sake which 3588- sake which 3588- by this + whereby + in your + is this + by your + to whom + in this + as much + of this + but who + to your + And your + Let your + as those + But this + and when + thee who + came who + for your + in these + And this + he which + hand who + to those + ye which + For what + And some + and your + of these + of those + For this + we which + not what + and some + And when + in those + her which + and whoso + man which + and these + him which + but those + But whoso + and Whoso + and which + Whosoever + And whoso + them what + with such + for those + her which + whosoever + one which + and those + But while + thee what + unto your + that when + was which + that this + from your + and thine + son which + For those + But those + and whose + that those + than those + even those + and others + unto those + shall your + that which + thee which + ones which + unto these + them which + women which + things your + thing which + And of some + works which + is he which + to them who + ye not what + and another + was he which + is and which + But in those + of you which + to you which + him for some + is and which + us from this + things which + even in this + He it is who + to pass when + with her who + by the which + and for your + out of those + things which + For we which + him but some + that we which + not whosoever + to pass while + And whosoever + is that which + of them which + and whosoever + For whosoever + to pass which + by that which + on them which + was and which + was and which + unto thee Who + unto us which + and whosoever + to them which + that he which + from him which + not them which + that whosoever + That whosoever + And they which + are they which + there be which + not them which + thing and what + for whatsoever + Even unto this + but that which + not that which + diligently who + for them which + them not those + But let us who + that they which + with me in your + there are which + him ; and others + they may by your + unto them to this + him with them who + that things which + to pass that when + to pass that when + and to them which + to pass that while + unto you Whosoever + them unto us which + to pass that while + unto her Whosoever + those things which + that it is he which + But unto them which + and I pray God your + that it was he which + yea and things which + are the things which + by the means of those + unto you That ye which + unto you That whosoever + For we that are in this + of them diligently what + of Abraham 11 and whosoever + unto them Ye are they which + sake and for their sakes which +/ . ho {ho}; including the feminine he {hay}; and the neuter to {to}; in all their inflections; the def . article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom): --the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc . . *** . ho . See 3739 + whom 3739- whom 3739- who + Who + who + one + whom + whom + Whom + when + what + What + since + where + whose + Which + Whose + while + which + which + ye who + us whom + Whereby + you who + he whom + ye what + wherein + whither + another + because + him who + Whereof + To whom + whereof + whereby + For one + man who + whereto + by whom + Of whom + whereon + to whom + on whom + In whom + By whom + he whom + nothing + by whom + in whom + of whom + of what + and whom + us which + and what + you whom + But what + us whose + by which + In which + by whose + of whose + of which + by which + Of which + he which + By which + For whom + for what + and What + and What + but whom + not what + him whom + for whom + in which + And what + me whose + thou what + from whom + sake whom + that what + for since + for which + From whom + them what + him whose + time What + upon whom + whereinto + Unto whom + wherefore + but while + For which + the which + with whom + with this + Whereunto + With whom + And while + unto whom + wherewith + Whereupon + Wherefore + whereunto + and whose + whatsoever + And others + it ; which + land which + up whereof + That which + to another + bread when + is he whom + Unto which + that which + seed which + From which + sake which + from which + for of whom + For he whom + But ( which + but to whom + him in whom + out of whom + from whence + But he whom + him because + and to whom + and of whom + and another + and he whom + in me which + unto ; whom + angel which + him of whom + things which + in him which + things which + in you which + In the which + By the which + of thee what + with us when + me ; of whom + than I whose + of the which + of them whom + to the which + they to whom + him for whom + ground ; who + wisdom which + not for what + that whereon + in the which + by the which + is he of whom + and with what + For with what + unto him whom + unto him What + thing whereby + For the which + And whosoever + One ; of whom + thing to whom + they him What + it from whose + Of them which + is he of whom + ye that which + of them whose + in whatsoever + speeches which + And that which + was he of whom + Upon the which + in him of whom + are they whose + are they which + themselves who + that for which + day that which + For that which + and he to whom + things whereof + and they which + For he of whom + him with which + Even him whose + and to another + things by whom + ye of him whom + unto you which + things another + ye are to whom + are they which + and that which + be in you which + in you for whom + that fast which + to them of whom + another another + that he to whom + up that whereon + things in which + as was not since + I not ; but what + for them by whom + of him with whom + He it is to whom + the things which + and to the other + unto him to whom + thee things which + of all that which + things from which + not those things which 3739- not those things which 3739- unto me Upon whom + man was unto whom + from them of whom + from me ; of whom + things ; in which + those things which + of Abraham 11 whom + even to them which + hand and the other + but for them which + did ; by the which + things and by whom + the things whereof + unto thee but that which 3739- ye not that to whom + have mercy and whom + unto thee but that which 3739- For unto whomsoever + of Abraham 11 ; who + by the things which + in that thing which + is there of you whom + and the things which + not the things which + it should be of whom + which is in you which + that is in thee which + of those things which + things there be which + of these things which + thou the things which + of for that for which + up those things which + But those things which + upon another ; because + to pass that whosoever + things they were which + that those things which + things than those which + into those things which + in those things whereof + of these things whereof + unto you ; in both which + in me and the life which + are and the things which + merchandise of you whose + thou in the things which + of that country from whence + shall those things be which + But I say that the things which + women that were with them which + and of those things in the which + but it shall be given to them for whom +/ .
3592 + such + Thus + These + manner + letters by them after this +/ . hode {hod'-eh}; including the feminine hede {hay'-deh}; and the neuter tode {tod'-e}; from 3588 + who 3588- who 3588- ever 3588- ever 3588- who + any + Who + this + Some + what + This + when + then + some + this + Whoso + While + thine + whose + which + Which + These + Those + these + which + those + sake which 3588- sake which 3588- by this + whereby + in your + is this + by your + to whom + in this + as much + of this + but who + to your + And your + Let your + as those + But this + and when + thee who + came who + for your + in these + And this + he which + hand who + to those + ye which + For what + And some + and your + of these + of those + For this + we which + not what + and some + And when + in those + her which + and whoso + man which + and these + him which + but those + But whoso + and Whoso + and which + Whosoever + And whoso + them what + with such + for those + her which + whosoever + one which + and those + But while + thee what + unto your + that when + was which + that this + from your + and thine + son which + For those + But those + and whose + that those + than those + even those + and others + unto those + shall your + that which + thee which + ones which + unto these + them which + women which + things your + thing which + And of some + works which + is he which + to them who + ye not what + and another + was he which + is and which + But in those + of you which + to you which + him for some + is and which + us from this + things which + even in this + He it is who + to pass when + with her who + by the which + and for your + out of those + things which + For we which + him but some + that we which + not whosoever + to pass while + And whosoever + is that which + of them which + and whosoever + For whosoever + to pass which + by that which + on them which + was and which + was and which + unto thee Who + unto us which + and whosoever + to them which + that he which + from him which + not them which + that whosoever + That whosoever + And they which + are they which + there be which + not them which + thing and what + for whatsoever + Even unto this + but that which + not that which + diligently who + for them which + them not those + But let us who + that they which + with me in your + there are which + him ; and others + they may by your + unto them to this + him with them who + that things which + to pass that when + to pass that when + and to them which + to pass that while + unto you Whosoever + them unto us which + to pass that while + unto her Whosoever + those things which + that it is he which + But unto them which + and I pray God your + that it was he which + yea and things which + are the things which + by the means of those + unto you That ye which + unto you That whosoever + For we that are in this + of them diligently what + of Abraham 11 and whosoever + unto them Ye are they which + sake and for their sakes which +/ and 1161 + or + ow + So + Or + et + Yea + now + yet + Now + Yet + yea + some + then + also + Even + Then + even + Also + other + So then + We then + He also + He then + was now + but yet + Moreover + in me or + and some + moreover + away then + Wherefore + thou then + Being then + things yet + and partly + him not yet + Furthermore + in you . Now + Nevertheless + nevertheless + of thee then + of them also + upon me ; yea + And they also + it and them . Now + with us and truly +/ ; the same, i .e . this or that one (plural these or those); often used as person pronoun: --he, she, such, these, thus .
3603 . ho esti {ho es-tee'}; from the neuter of 3739 + whom 3739- whom 3739- who + Who + who + one + whom + whom + Whom + when + what + What + since + where + whose + Which + Whose + while + which + which + ye who + us whom + Whereby + you who + he whom + ye what + wherein + whither + another + because + him who + Whereof + To whom + whereof + whereby + For one + man who + whereto + by whom + Of whom + whereon + to whom + on whom + In whom + By whom + he whom + nothing + by whom + in whom + of whom + of what + and whom + us which + and what + you whom + But what + us whose + by which + In which + by whose + of whose + of which + by which + Of which + he which + By which + For whom + for what + and What + and What + but whom + not what + him whom + for whom + in which + And what + me whose + thou what + from whom + sake whom + that what + for since + for which + From whom + them what + him whose + time What + upon whom + whereinto + Unto whom + wherefore + but while + For which + the which + with whom + with this + Whereunto + With whom + And while + unto whom + wherewith + Whereupon + Wherefore + whereunto + and whose + whatsoever + And others + it ; which + land which + up whereof + That which + to another + bread when + is he whom + Unto which + that which + seed which + From which + sake which + from which + for of whom + For he whom + But ( which + but to whom + him in whom + out of whom + from whence + But he whom + him because + and to whom + and of whom + and another + and he whom + in me which + unto ; whom + angel which + him of whom + things which + in him which + things which + in you which + In the which + By the which + of thee what + with us when + me ; of whom + than I whose + of the which + of them whom + to the which + they to whom + him for whom + ground ; who + wisdom which + not for what + that whereon + in the which + by the which + is he of whom + and with what + For with what + unto him whom + unto him What + thing whereby + For the which + And whosoever + One ; of whom + thing to whom + they him What + it from whose + Of them which + is he of whom + ye that which + of them whose + in whatsoever + speeches which + And that which + was he of whom + Upon the which + in him of whom + are they whose + are they which + themselves who + that for which + day that which + For that which + and he to whom + things whereof + and they which + For he of whom + him with which + Even him whose + and to another + things by whom + ye of him whom + unto you which + things another + ye are to whom + are they which + and that which + be in you which + in you for whom + that fast which + to them of whom + another another + that he to whom + up that whereon + things in which + as was not since + I not ; but what + for them by whom + of him with whom + He it is to whom + the things which + and to the other + unto him to whom + thee things which + of all that which + things from which + not those things which 3739- not those things which 3739- unto me Upon whom + man was unto whom + from them of whom + from me ; of whom + things ; in which + those things which + of Abraham 11 whom + even to them which + hand and the other + but for them which + did ; by the which + things and by whom + the things whereof + unto thee but that which 3739- ye not that to whom + have mercy and whom + unto thee but that which 3739- For unto whomsoever + of Abraham 11 ; who + by the things which + in that thing which + is there of you whom + and the things which + not the things which + it should be of whom + which is in you which + that is in thee which + of those things which + things there be which + of these things which + thou the things which + of for that for which + up those things which + But those things which + upon another ; because + to pass that whosoever + things they were which + that those things which + things than those which + into those things which + in those things whereof + of these things whereof + unto you ; in both which + in me and the life which + are and the things which + merchandise of you whose + thou in the things which + of that country from whence + shall those things be which + But I say that the things which + women that were with them which + and of those things in the which + but it shall be given to them for whom +/ and the third person singular present ind . of 1510 + you Am + am + had + make + I am + fear + used + I am + And am + and am + as I am + that am + man had + for I am + For I am + but I am + was I am + which had + ye belong + belongeth + that I am + For he had + not ; I am + while I am + state I am + for so I am + And she had + and yet I am + And they had + him for I am + unto me I am + unto thee am + but they had + but that I am + unto him I am + meat but I am + unto her I am + unto you I am + not that I am + unto them I am + thee that I am + as long as I am + of me ; for I am + should not stand + that he belonged + from me ; for I am + thou do it not I am + unto him Have I been + not thyself for I am + thou do it not for I am +/ ; which is: --called, which is (make), that is (to say) .
3606 + where + whence + whereby + wherefore + Wherefore + Whereupon + from whence + And from thence +/ . hothen {hoth'-en}; from 3739 + whom 3739- whom 3739- who + Who + who + one + whom + whom + Whom + when + what + What + since + where + whose + Which + Whose + while + which + which + ye who + us whom + Whereby + you who + he whom + ye what + wherein + whither + another + because + him who + Whereof + To whom + whereof + whereby + For one + man who + whereto + by whom + Of whom + whereon + to whom + on whom + In whom + By whom + he whom + nothing + by whom + in whom + of whom + of what + and whom + us which + and what + you whom + But what + us whose + by which + In which + by whose + of whose + of which + by which + Of which + he which + By which + For whom + for what + and What + and What + but whom + not what + him whom + for whom + in which + And what + me whose + thou what + from whom + sake whom + that what + for since + for which + From whom + them what + him whose + time What + upon whom + whereinto + Unto whom + wherefore + but while + For which + the which + with whom + with this + Whereunto + With whom + And while + unto whom + wherewith + Whereupon + Wherefore + whereunto + and whose + whatsoever + And others + it ; which + land which + up whereof + That which + to another + bread when + is he whom + Unto which + that which + seed which + From which + sake which + from which + for of whom + For he whom + But ( which + but to whom + him in whom + out of whom + from whence + But he whom + him because + and to whom + and of whom + and another + and he whom + in me which + unto ; whom + angel which + him of whom + things which + in him which + things which + in you which + In the which + By the which + of thee what + with us when + me ; of whom + than I whose + of the which + of them whom + to the which + they to whom + him for whom + ground ; who + wisdom which + not for what + that whereon + in the which + by the which + is he of whom + and with what + For with what + unto him whom + unto him What + thing whereby + For the which + And whosoever + One ; of whom + thing to whom + they him What + it from whose + Of them which + is he of whom + ye that which + of them whose + in whatsoever + speeches which + And that which + was he of whom + Upon the which + in him of whom + are they whose + are they which + themselves who + that for which + day that which + For that which + and he to whom + things whereof + and they which + For he of whom + him with which + Even him whose + and to another + things by whom + ye of him whom + unto you which + things another + ye are to whom + are they which + and that which + be in you which + in you for whom + that fast which + to them of whom + another another + that he to whom + up that whereon + things in which + as was not since + I not ; but what + for them by whom + of him with whom + He it is to whom + the things which + and to the other + unto him to whom + thee things which + of all that which + things from which + not those things which 3739- not those things which 3739- unto me Upon whom + man was unto whom + from them of whom + from me ; of whom + things ; in which + those things which + of Abraham 11 whom + even to them which + hand and the other + but for them which + did ; by the which + things and by whom + the things whereof + unto thee but that which 3739- ye not that to whom + have mercy and whom + unto thee but that which 3739- For unto whomsoever + of Abraham 11 ; who + by the things which + in that thing which + is there of you whom + and the things which + not the things which + it should be of whom + which is in you which + that is in thee which + of those things which + things there be which + of these things which + thou the things which + of for that for which + up those things which + But those things which + upon another ; because + to pass that whosoever + things they were which + that those things which + things than those which + into those things which + in those things whereof + of these things whereof + unto you ; in both which + in me and the life which + are and the things which + merchandise of you whose + thou in the things which + of that country from whence + shall those things be which + But I say that the things which + women that were with them which + and of those things in the which + but it shall be given to them for whom +/ with the directive enclitic of source; from which place or source or cause (adverb or conjunction): --from thence, (from) whence, where(-by, -fore, -upon) .
3634 + so + what + such + which + manner + you such + not what + Let such + unto you such +/ . hoios {hoy'-os}; probably akin to 3588 + who 3588- who 3588- ever 3588- ever 3588- who + any + Who + this + Some + what + This + when + then + some + this + Whoso + While + thine + whose + which + Which + These + Those + these + which + those + sake which 3588- sake which 3588- by this + whereby + in your + is this + by your + to whom + in this + as much + of this + but who + to your + And your + Let your + as those + But this + and when + thee who + came who + for your + in these + And this + he which + hand who + to those + ye which + For what + And some + and your + of these + of those + For this + we which + not what + and some + And when + in those + her which + and whoso + man which + and these + him which + but those + But whoso + and Whoso + and which + Whosoever + And whoso + them what + with such + for those + her which + whosoever + one which + and those + But while + thee what + unto your + that when + was which + that this + from your + and thine + son which + For those + But those + and whose + that those + than those + even those + and others + unto those + shall your + that which + thee which + ones which + unto these + them which + women which + things your + thing which + And of some + works which + is he which + to them who + ye not what + and another + was he which + is and which + But in those + of you which + to you which + him for some + is and which + us from this + things which + even in this + He it is who + to pass when + with her who + by the which + and for your + out of those + things which + For we which + him but some + that we which + not whosoever + to pass while + And whosoever + is that which + of them which + and whosoever + For whosoever + to pass which + by that which + on them which + was and which + was and which + unto thee Who + unto us which + and whosoever + to them which + that he which + from him which + not them which + that whosoever + That whosoever + And they which + are they which + there be which + not them which + thing and what + for whatsoever + Even unto this + but that which + not that which + diligently who + for them which + them not those + But let us who + that they which + with me in your + there are which + him ; and others + they may by your + unto them to this + him with them who + that things which + to pass that when + to pass that when + and to them which + to pass that while + unto you Whosoever + them unto us which + to pass that while + unto her Whosoever + those things which + that it is he which + But unto them which + and I pray God your + that it was he which + yea and things which + are the things which + by the means of those + unto you That ye which + unto you That whosoever + For we that are in this + of them diligently what + of Abraham 11 and whosoever + unto them Ye are they which + sake and for their sakes which +/ , 3739 + whom 3739- whom 3739- who + Who + who + one + whom + whom + Whom + when + what + What + since + where + whose + Which + Whose + while + which + which + ye who + us whom + Whereby + you who + he whom + ye what + wherein + whither + another + because + him who + Whereof + To whom + whereof + whereby + For one + man who + whereto + by whom + Of whom + whereon + to whom + on whom + In whom + By whom + he whom + nothing + by whom + in whom + of whom + of what + and whom + us which + and what + you whom + But what + us whose + by which + In which + by whose + of whose + of which + by which + Of which + he which + By which + For whom + for what + and What + and What + but whom + not what + him whom + for whom + in which + And what + me whose + thou what + from whom + sake whom + that what + for since + for which + From whom + them what + him whose + time What + upon whom + whereinto + Unto whom + wherefore + but while + For which + the which + with whom + with this + Whereunto + With whom + And while + unto whom + wherewith + Whereupon + Wherefore + whereunto + and whose + whatsoever + And others + it ; which + land which + up whereof + That which + to another + bread when + is he whom + Unto which + that which + seed which + From which + sake which + from which + for of whom + For he whom + But ( which + but to whom + him in whom + out of whom + from whence + But he whom + him because + and to whom + and of whom + and another + and he whom + in me which + unto ; whom + angel which + him of whom + things which + in him which + things which + in you which + In the which + By the which + of thee what + with us when + me ; of whom + than I whose + of the which + of them whom + to the which + they to whom + him for whom + ground ; who + wisdom which + not for what + that whereon + in the which + by the which + is he of whom + and with what + For with what + unto him whom + unto him What + thing whereby + For the which + And whosoever + One ; of whom + thing to whom + they him What + it from whose + Of them which + is he of whom + ye that which + of them whose + in whatsoever + speeches which + And that which + was he of whom + Upon the which + in him of whom + are they whose + are they which + themselves who + that for which + day that which + For that which + and he to whom + things whereof + and they which + For he of whom + him with which + Even him whose + and to another + things by whom + ye of him whom + unto you which + things another + ye are to whom + are they which + and that which + be in you which + in you for whom + that fast which + to them of whom + another another + that he to whom + up that whereon + things in which + as was not since + I not ; but what + for them by whom + of him with whom + He it is to whom + the things which + and to the other + unto him to whom + thee things which + of all that which + things from which + not those things which 3739- not those things which 3739- unto me Upon whom + man was unto whom + from them of whom + from me ; of whom + things ; in which + those things which + of Abraham 11 whom + even to them which + hand and the other + but for them which + did ; by the which + things and by whom + the things whereof + unto thee but that which 3739- ye not that to whom + have mercy and whom + unto thee but that which 3739- For unto whomsoever + of Abraham 11 ; who + by the things which + in that thing which + is there of you whom + and the things which + not the things which + it should be of whom + which is in you which + that is in thee which + of those things which + things there be which + of these things which + thou the things which + of for that for which + up those things which + But those things which + upon another ; because + to pass that whosoever + things they were which + that those things which + things than those which + into those things which + in those things whereof + of these things whereof + unto you ; in both which + in me and the life which + are and the things which + merchandise of you whose + thou in the things which + of that country from whence + shall those things be which + But I say that the things which + women that were with them which + and of those things in the which + but it shall be given to them for whom +/ , and 3745 + all + how + How + what + much + many + great + which + by how + For all + him how + as many + as much + As many + him all + them who + inasmuch + of those + and what + them how + that ever + that what + wherewith + and in how + and of all + whatsoever + Let as many + and as many + For as many + But as many + him as many + And as many + him as many + for as many + things which + And inasmuch + even as many + that as many + but the more + not but what + unto you What + For whatsoever + ye not that so + and for as many + things that ever + off even as many + things whatsoever + unto you Inasmuch + unto him whatsoever +/ ; such or what sort of (as a correlation or exclamation); especially the neuter (adverbial) with negative, not so: --so (as), such as, what (manner of), which . *** . oio . See 5342 + bear + came + bring + Reach + Bring + bearing + endured + brought + bringing + do bring + and bear + bringeth + and laid + and bring + and reach + And bring + let us go + you bring + which came + ye me bring + it bringeth + and brought + were driven + man brought + was brought + unto you and bring 5342- unto you and bring 5342- And brought + that leadeth + they brought + that ye bear + to be brought + and upholding + And they bare + And they bring + it and brought + thee and carry + and they bring + I have brought + that they could + and she brought + when there came + as of a rushing + unto them Bring + them and brought + And they brought + unto him bringing + to it and brought + as they were moved + that he might bear + in me that beareth + branch that beareth + And they shall bring + it that it may bring + that is to be brought + For they could not endure +/ .
3697 + what + sort + manner + of what + of us what +/ . hopoios {hop-oy'-os}; from 3739 + whom 3739- whom 3739- who + Who + who + one + whom + whom + Whom + when + what + What + since + where + whose + Which + Whose + while + which + which + ye who + us whom + Whereby + you who + he whom + ye what + wherein + whither + another + because + him who + Whereof + To whom + whereof + whereby + For one + man who + whereto + by whom + Of whom + whereon + to whom + on whom + In whom + By whom + he whom + nothing + by whom + in whom + of whom + of what + and whom + us which + and what + you whom + But what + us whose + by which + In which + by whose + of whose + of which + by which + Of which + he which + By which + For whom + for what + and What + and What + but whom + not what + him whom + for whom + in which + And what + me whose + thou what + from whom + sake whom + that what + for since + for which + From whom + them what + him whose + time What + upon whom + whereinto + Unto whom + wherefore + but while + For which + the which + with whom + with this + Whereunto + With whom + And while + unto whom + wherewith + Whereupon + Wherefore + whereunto + and whose + whatsoever + And others + it ; which + land which + up whereof + That which + to another + bread when + is he whom + Unto which + that which + seed which + From which + sake which + from which + for of whom + For he whom + But ( which + but to whom + him in whom + out of whom + from whence + But he whom + him because + and to whom + and of whom + and another + and he whom + in me which + unto ; whom + angel which + him of whom + things which + in him which + things which + in you which + In the which + By the which + of thee what + with us when + me ; of whom + than I whose + of the which + of them whom + to the which + they to whom + him for whom + ground ; who + wisdom which + not for what + that whereon + in the which + by the which + is he of whom + and with what + For with what + unto him whom + unto him What + thing whereby + For the which + And whosoever + One ; of whom + thing to whom + they him What + it from whose + Of them which + is he of whom + ye that which + of them whose + in whatsoever + speeches which + And that which + was he of whom + Upon the which + in him of whom + are they whose + are they which + themselves who + that for which + day that which + For that which + and he to whom + things whereof + and they which + For he of whom + him with which + Even him whose + and to another + things by whom + ye of him whom + unto you which + things another + ye are to whom + are they which + and that which + be in you which + in you for whom + that fast which + to them of whom + another another + that he to whom + up that whereon + things in which + as was not since + I not ; but what + for them by whom + of him with whom + He it is to whom + the things which + and to the other + unto him to whom + thee things which + of all that which + things from which + not those things which 3739- not those things which 3739- unto me Upon whom + man was unto whom + from them of whom + from me ; of whom + things ; in which + those things which + of Abraham 11 whom + even to them which + hand and the other + but for them which + did ; by the which + things and by whom + the things whereof + unto thee but that which 3739- ye not that to whom + have mercy and whom + unto thee but that which 3739- For unto whomsoever + of Abraham 11 ; who + by the things which + in that thing which + is there of you whom + and the things which + not the things which + it should be of whom + which is in you which + that is in thee which + of those things which + things there be which + of these things which + thou the things which + of for that for which + up those things which + But those things which + upon another ; because + to pass that whosoever + things they were which + that those things which + things than those which + into those things which + in those things whereof + of these things whereof + unto you ; in both which + in me and the life which + are and the things which + merchandise of you whose + thou in the things which + of that country from whence + shall those things be which + But I say that the things which + women that were with them which + and of those things in the which + but it shall be given to them for whom +/ and 4169 + what + which + manner + of what + by what + in what + By what + not what + you what + For what + with what + for which + him Which + us by what + to you what + you by what + I you by what + unto him Which + unto them What + up and with what + unto him By what +/ ; of what kind that, i .e . how (as) great (excellent) (specifically, as an indefinite correlative to the definite antecedent 5108 + such + in such + to such + of such + of like + Of such + And such + For such + with such + that such + from such + us that such + not for with such + them that are such + unto me for of such + that he that is such + them not for of such + ye them that are such + For they that are such +/ of quality): --what manner (sort) of, such as whatsoever .
3698 + when +/ . hopote {hop-ot'-eh}; from 3739 + whom 3739- whom 3739- who + Who + who + one + whom + whom + Whom + when + what + What + since + where + whose + Which + Whose + while + which + which + ye who + us whom + Whereby + you who + he whom + ye what + wherein + whither + another + because + him who + Whereof + To whom + whereof + whereby + For one + man who + whereto + by whom + Of whom + whereon + to whom + on whom + In whom + By whom + he whom + nothing + by whom + in whom + of whom + of what + and whom + us which + and what + you whom + But what + us whose + by which + In which + by whose + of whose + of which + by which + Of which + he which + By which + For whom + for what + and What + and What + but whom + not what + him whom + for whom + in which + And what + me whose + thou what + from whom + sake whom + that what + for since + for which + From whom + them what + him whose + time What + upon whom + whereinto + Unto whom + wherefore + but while + For which + the which + with whom + with this + Whereunto + With whom + And while + unto whom + wherewith + Whereupon + Wherefore + whereunto + and whose + whatsoever + And others + it ; which + land which + up whereof + That which + to another + bread when + is he whom + Unto which + that which + seed which + From which + sake which + from which + for of whom + For he whom + But ( which + but to whom + him in whom + out of whom + from whence + But he whom + him because + and to whom + and of whom + and another + and he whom + in me which + unto ; whom + angel which + him of whom + things which + in him which + things which + in you which + In the which + By the which + of thee what + with us when + me ; of whom + than I whose + of the which + of them whom + to the which + they to whom + him for whom + ground ; who + wisdom which + not for what + that whereon + in the which + by the which + is he of whom + and with what + For with what + unto him whom + unto him What + thing whereby + For the which + And whosoever + One ; of whom + thing to whom + they him What + it from whose + Of them which + is he of whom + ye that which + of them whose + in whatsoever + speeches which + And that which + was he of whom + Upon the which + in him of whom + are they whose + are they which + themselves who + that for which + day that which + For that which + and he to whom + things whereof + and they which + For he of whom + him with which + Even him whose + and to another + things by whom + ye of him whom + unto you which + things another + ye are to whom + are they which + and that which + be in you which + in you for whom + that fast which + to them of whom + another another + that he to whom + up that whereon + things in which + as was not since + I not ; but what + for them by whom + of him with whom + He it is to whom + the things which + and to the other + unto him to whom + thee things which + of all that which + things from which + not those things which 3739- not those things which 3739- unto me Upon whom + man was unto whom + from them of whom + from me ; of whom + things ; in which + those things which + of Abraham 11 whom + even to them which + hand and the other + but for them which + did ; by the which + things and by whom + the things whereof + unto thee but that which 3739- ye not that to whom + have mercy and whom + unto thee but that which 3739- For unto whomsoever + of Abraham 11 ; who + by the things which + in that thing which + is there of you whom + and the things which + not the things which + it should be of whom + which is in you which + that is in thee which + of those things which + things there be which + of these things which + thou the things which + of for that for which + up those things which + But those things which + upon another ; because + to pass that whosoever + things they were which + that those things which + things than those which + into those things which + in those things whereof + of these things whereof + unto you ; in both which + in me and the life which + are and the things which + merchandise of you whose + thou in the things which + of that country from whence + shall those things be which + But I say that the things which + women that were with them which + and of those things in the which + but it shall be given to them for whom +/ and 4218 + at + any + time + ever + when + once + some + When + he at + length + us when + in time + And when + not when + the last + but when + in times + sometimes + not in old + in the old + us in times + not and when + were sometimes + Which sometime + For as ye in times + him that aforetime + For ye were sometimes + that ye being in time + And you that were sometime +/ ; what(-ever) then, i .e . (of time) as soon as: --when .
3699 + where + place + Where + Whither + Whereas + whither + up where + in where + and where + not where + you where + For where + not where + that where + even where + for whereas + him Whither + And whither + me and where + ground where + thee whither + places where + me ; and where + unto them In what + me be with me where + unto them Wheresoever +/ . hopou {hop'-oo}; from 3739 + whom 3739- whom 3739- who + Who + who + one + whom + whom + Whom + when + what + What + since + where + whose + Which + Whose + while + which + which + ye who + us whom + Whereby + you who + he whom + ye what + wherein + whither + another + because + him who + Whereof + To whom + whereof + whereby + For one + man who + whereto + by whom + Of whom + whereon + to whom + on whom + In whom + By whom + he whom + nothing + by whom + in whom + of whom + of what + and whom + us which + and what + you whom + But what + us whose + by which + In which + by whose + of whose + of which + by which + Of which + he which + By which + For whom + for what + and What + and What + but whom + not what + him whom + for whom + in which + And what + me whose + thou what + from whom + sake whom + that what + for since + for which + From whom + them what + him whose + time What + upon whom + whereinto + Unto whom + wherefore + but while + For which + the which + with whom + with this + Whereunto + With whom + And while + unto whom + wherewith + Whereupon + Wherefore + whereunto + and whose + whatsoever + And others + it ; which + land which + up whereof + That which + to another + bread when + is he whom + Unto which + that which + seed which + From which + sake which + from which + for of whom + For he whom + But ( which + but to whom + him in whom + out of whom + from whence + But he whom + him because + and to whom + and of whom + and another + and he whom + in me which + unto ; whom + angel which + him of whom + things which + in him which + things which + in you which + In the which + By the which + of thee what + with us when + me ; of whom + than I whose + of the which + of them whom + to the which + they to whom + him for whom + ground ; who + wisdom which + not for what + that whereon + in the which + by the which + is he of whom + and with what + For with what + unto him whom + unto him What + thing whereby + For the which + And whosoever + One ; of whom + thing to whom + they him What + it from whose + Of them which + is he of whom + ye that which + of them whose + in whatsoever + speeches which + And that which + was he of whom + Upon the which + in him of whom + are they whose + are they which + themselves who + that for which + day that which + For that which + and he to whom + things whereof + and they which + For he of whom + him with which + Even him whose + and to another + things by whom + ye of him whom + unto you which + things another + ye are to whom + are they which + and that which + be in you which + in you for whom + that fast which + to them of whom + another another + that he to whom + up that whereon + things in which + as was not since + I not ; but what + for them by whom + of him with whom + He it is to whom + the things which + and to the other + unto him to whom + thee things which + of all that which + things from which + not those things which 3739- not those things which 3739- unto me Upon whom + man was unto whom + from them of whom + from me ; of whom + things ; in which + those things which + of Abraham 11 whom + even to them which + hand and the other + but for them which + did ; by the which + things and by whom + the things whereof + unto thee but that which 3739- ye not that to whom + have mercy and whom + unto thee but that which 3739- For unto whomsoever + of Abraham 11 ; who + by the things which + in that thing which + is there of you whom + and the things which + not the things which + it should be of whom + which is in you which + that is in thee which + of those things which + things there be which + of these things which + thou the things which + of for that for which + up those things which + But those things which + upon another ; because + to pass that whosoever + things they were which + that those things which + things than those which + into those things which + in those things whereof + of these things whereof + unto you ; in both which + in me and the life which + are and the things which + merchandise of you whose + thou in the things which + of that country from whence + shall those things be which + But I say that the things which + women that were with them which + and of those things in the which + but it shall be given to them for whom +/ and 4225 + in a certain + when he was about +/ ; what(-ever) where, i .e . at whichever spot: --in what place, where(-as, -soever), whither (+ soever) .
3704 + so + how + because + him how + And how + out when +/ . hopos {hop'-oce}; from 3739 + whom 3739- whom 3739- who + Who + who + one + whom + whom + Whom + when + what + What + since + where + whose + Which + Whose + while + which + which + ye who + us whom + Whereby + you who + he whom + ye what + wherein + whither + another + because + him who + Whereof + To whom + whereof + whereby + For one + man who + whereto + by whom + Of whom + whereon + to whom + on whom + In whom + By whom + he whom + nothing + by whom + in whom + of whom + of what + and whom + us which + and what + you whom + But what + us whose + by which + In which + by whose + of whose + of which + by which + Of which + he which + By which + For whom + for what + and What + and What + but whom + not what + him whom + for whom + in which + And what + me whose + thou what + from whom + sake whom + that what + for since + for which + From whom + them what + him whose + time What + upon whom + whereinto + Unto whom + wherefore + but while + For which + the which + with whom + with this + Whereunto + With whom + And while + unto whom + wherewith + Whereupon + Wherefore + whereunto + and whose + whatsoever + And others + it ; which + land which + up whereof + That which + to another + bread when + is he whom + Unto which + that which + seed which + From which + sake which + from which + for of whom + For he whom + But ( which + but to whom + him in whom + out of whom + from whence + But he whom + him because + and to whom + and of whom + and another + and he whom + in me which + unto ; whom + angel which + him of whom + things which + in him which + things which + in you which + In the which + By the which + of thee what + with us when + me ; of whom + than I whose + of the which + of them whom + to the which + they to whom + him for whom + ground ; who + wisdom which + not for what + that whereon + in the which + by the which + is he of whom + and with what + For with what + unto him whom + unto him What + thing whereby + For the which + And whosoever + One ; of whom + thing to whom + they him What + it from whose + Of them which + is he of whom + ye that which + of them whose + in whatsoever + speeches which + And that which + was he of whom + Upon the which + in him of whom + are they whose + are they which + themselves who + that for which + day that which + For that which + and he to whom + things whereof + and they which + For he of whom + him with which + Even him whose + and to another + things by whom + ye of him whom + unto you which + things another + ye are to whom + are they which + and that which + be in you which + in you for whom + that fast which + to them of whom + another another + that he to whom + up that whereon + things in which + as was not since + I not ; but what + for them by whom + of him with whom + He it is to whom + the things which + and to the other + unto him to whom + thee things which + of all that which + things from which + not those things which 3739- not those things which 3739- unto me Upon whom + man was unto whom + from them of whom + from me ; of whom + things ; in which + those things which + of Abraham 11 whom + even to them which + hand and the other + but for them which + did ; by the which + things and by whom + the things whereof + unto thee but that which 3739- ye not that to whom + have mercy and whom + unto thee but that which 3739- For unto whomsoever + of Abraham 11 ; who + by the things which + in that thing which + is there of you whom + and the things which + not the things which + it should be of whom + which is in you which + that is in thee which + of those things which + things there be which + of these things which + thou the things which + of for that for which + up those things which + But those things which + upon another ; because + to pass that whosoever + things they were which + that those things which + things than those which + into those things which + in those things whereof + of these things whereof + unto you ; in both which + in me and the life which + are and the things which + merchandise of you whose + thou in the things which + of that country from whence + shall those things be which + But I say that the things which + women that were with them which + and of those things in the which + but it shall be given to them for whom +/ and 4459 + How + how + what + after + means + us how + and how + man how + And how + but how + not how + But how + him how + else how + them how + of us how + and see how + But by what + them by what + unto him How + for then how + unto them How + unto them how + with ; and how + he to thee how + to him and how + things ; and how + unto you and how + they unto him How + of compassion from him how +/ ; what(-ever) how, i .e . in the manner that (as adverb or conjunction of coincidence, intentional or actual): --because, how, (so) that, to, when .
3739 + whom 3739- whom 3739- who + Who + who + one + whom + whom + Whom + when + what + What + since + where + whose + Which + Whose + while + which + which + ye who + us whom + Whereby + you who + he whom + ye what + wherein + whither + another + because + him who + Whereof + To whom + whereof + whereby + For one + man who + whereto + by whom + Of whom + whereon + to whom + on whom + In whom + By whom + he whom + nothing + by whom + in whom + of whom + of what + and whom + us which + and what + you whom + But what + us whose + by which + In which + by whose + of whose + of which + by which + Of which + he which + By which + For whom + for what + and What + and What + but whom + not what + him whom + for whom + in which + And what + me whose + thou what + from whom + sake whom + that what + for since + for which + From whom + them what + him whose + time What + upon whom + whereinto + Unto whom + wherefore + but while + For which + the which + with whom + with this + Whereunto + With whom + And while + unto whom + wherewith + Whereupon + Wherefore + whereunto + and whose + whatsoever + And others + it ; which + land which + up whereof + That which + to another + bread when + is he whom + Unto which + that which + seed which + From which + sake which + from which + for of whom + For he whom + But ( which + but to whom + him in whom + out of whom + from whence + But he whom + him because + and to whom + and of whom + and another + and he whom + in me which + unto ; whom + angel which + him of whom + things which + in him which + things which + in you which + In the which + By the which + of thee what + with us when + me ; of whom + than I whose + of the which + of them whom + to the which + they to whom + him for whom + ground ; who + wisdom which + not for what + that whereon + in the which + by the which + is he of whom + and with what + For with what + unto him whom + unto him What + thing whereby + For the which + And whosoever + One ; of whom + thing to whom + they him What + it from whose + Of them which + is he of whom + ye that which + of them whose + in whatsoever + speeches which + And that which + was he of whom + Upon the which + in him of whom + are they whose + are they which + themselves who + that for which + day that which + For that which + and he to whom + things whereof + and they which + For he of whom + him with which + Even him whose + and to another + things by whom + ye of him whom + unto you which + things another + ye are to whom + are they which + and that which + be in you which + in you for whom + that fast which + to them of whom + another another + that he to whom + up that whereon + things in which + as was not since + I not ; but what + for them by whom + of him with whom + He it is to whom + the things which + and to the other + unto him to whom + thee things which + of all that which + things from which + not those things which 3739- not those things which 3739- unto me Upon whom + man was unto whom + from them of whom + from me ; of whom + things ; in which + those things which + of Abraham 11 whom + even to them which + hand and the other + but for them which + did ; by the which + things and by whom + the things whereof + unto thee but that which 3739- ye not that to whom + have mercy and whom + unto thee but that which 3739- For unto whomsoever + of Abraham 11 ; who + by the things which + in that thing which + is there of you whom + and the things which + not the things which + it should be of whom + which is in you which + that is in thee which + of those things which + things there be which + of these things which + thou the things which + of for that for which + up those things which + But those things which + upon another ; because + to pass that whosoever + things they were which + that those things which + things than those which + into those things which + in those things whereof + of these things whereof + unto you ; in both which + in me and the life which + are and the things which + merchandise of you whose + thou in the things which + of that country from whence + shall those things be which + But I say that the things which + women that were with them which + and of those things in the which + but it shall be given to them for whom +/ . hos {hos}; including feminine he {hay}; and neuter ho {ho}; probably a primary word (or perhaps a form of the article 3588 + who 3588- who 3588- ever 3588- ever 3588- who + any + Who + this + Some + what + This + when + then + some + this + Whoso + While + thine + whose + which + Which + These + Those + these + which + those + sake which 3588- sake which 3588- by this + whereby + in your + is this + by your + to whom + in this + as much + of this + but who + to your + And your + Let your + as those + But this + and when + thee who + came who + for your + in these + And this + he which + hand who + to those + ye which + For what + And some + and your + of these + of those + For this + we which + not what + and some + And when + in those + her which + and whoso + man which + and these + him which + but those + But whoso + and Whoso + and which + Whosoever + And whoso + them what + with such + for those + her which + whosoever + one which + and those + But while + thee what + unto your + that when + was which + that this + from your + and thine + son which + For those + But those + and whose + that those + than those + even those + and others + unto those + shall your + that which + thee which + ones which + unto these + them which + women which + things your + thing which + And of some + works which + is he which + to them who + ye not what + and another + was he which + is and which + But in those + of you which + to you which + him for some + is and which + us from this + things which + even in this + He it is who + to pass when + with her who + by the which + and for your + out of those + things which + For we which + him but some + that we which + not whosoever + to pass while + And whosoever + is that which + of them which + and whosoever + For whosoever + to pass which + by that which + on them which + was and which + was and which + unto thee Who + unto us which + and whosoever + to them which + that he which + from him which + not them which + that whosoever + That whosoever + And they which + are they which + there be which + not them which + thing and what + for whatsoever + Even unto this + but that which + not that which + diligently who + for them which + them not those + But let us who + that they which + with me in your + there are which + him ; and others + they may by your + unto them to this + him with them who + that things which + to pass that when + to pass that when + and to them which + to pass that while + unto you Whosoever + them unto us which + to pass that while + unto her Whosoever + those things which + that it is he which + But unto them which + and I pray God your + that it was he which + yea and things which + are the things which + by the means of those + unto you That ye which + unto you That whosoever + For we that are in this + of them diligently what + of Abraham 11 and whosoever + unto them Ye are they which + sake and for their sakes which +/ ); the relatively (sometimes demonstrative) pronoun, who, which, what, that: --one, (an-, the) other, some, that, what, which, who(-m, -se), etc . See also 3757 + Till + till + Where + where + whereby + Wherein + whither + wherein + wherein + For where + for where + But where + and where + for wherein + man wherein + and wherein + that wherein + is it wherein + from the place where +/ .
3740 + as often + ye as oft + For as often +/ . hosakis {hos-ak'-is}; multiple adverb from 3739 + whom 3739- whom 3739- who + Who + who + one + whom + whom + Whom + when + what + What + since + where + whose + Which + Whose + while + which + which + ye who + us whom + Whereby + you who + he whom + ye what + wherein + whither + another + because + him who + Whereof + To whom + whereof + whereby + For one + man who + whereto + by whom + Of whom + whereon + to whom + on whom + In whom + By whom + he whom + nothing + by whom + in whom + of whom + of what + and whom + us which + and what + you whom + But what + us whose + by which + In which + by whose + of whose + of which + by which + Of which + he which + By which + For whom + for what + and What + and What + but whom + not what + him whom + for whom + in which + And what + me whose + thou what + from whom + sake whom + that what + for since + for which + From whom + them what + him whose + time What + upon whom + whereinto + Unto whom + wherefore + but while + For which + the which + with whom + with this + Whereunto + With whom + And while + unto whom + wherewith + Whereupon + Wherefore + whereunto + and whose + whatsoever + And others + it ; which + land which + up whereof + That which + to another + bread when + is he whom + Unto which + that which + seed which + From which + sake which + from which + for of whom + For he whom + But ( which + but to whom + him in whom + out of whom + from whence + But he whom + him because + and to whom + and of whom + and another + and he whom + in me which + unto ; whom + angel which + him of whom + things which + in him which + things which + in you which + In the which + By the which + of thee what + with us when + me ; of whom + than I whose + of the which + of them whom + to the which + they to whom + him for whom + ground ; who + wisdom which + not for what + that whereon + in the which + by the which + is he of whom + and with what + For with what + unto him whom + unto him What + thing whereby + For the which + And whosoever + One ; of whom + thing to whom + they him What + it from whose + Of them which + is he of whom + ye that which + of them whose + in whatsoever + speeches which + And that which + was he of whom + Upon the which + in him of whom + are they whose + are they which + themselves who + that for which + day that which + For that which + and he to whom + things whereof + and they which + For he of whom + him with which + Even him whose + and to another + things by whom + ye of him whom + unto you which + things another + ye are to whom + are they which + and that which + be in you which + in you for whom + that fast which + to them of whom + another another + that he to whom + up that whereon + things in which + as was not since + I not ; but what + for them by whom + of him with whom + He it is to whom + the things which + and to the other + unto him to whom + thee things which + of all that which + things from which + not those things which 3739- not those things which 3739- unto me Upon whom + man was unto whom + from them of whom + from me ; of whom + things ; in which + those things which + of Abraham 11 whom + even to them which + hand and the other + but for them which + did ; by the which + things and by whom + the things whereof + unto thee but that which 3739- ye not that to whom + have mercy and whom + unto thee but that which 3739- For unto whomsoever + of Abraham 11 ; who + by the things which + in that thing which + is there of you whom + and the things which + not the things which + it should be of whom + which is in you which + that is in thee which + of those things which + things there be which + of these things which + thou the things which + of for that for which + up those things which + But those things which + upon another ; because + to pass that whosoever + things they were which + that those things which + things than those which + into those things which + in those things whereof + of these things whereof + unto you ; in both which + in me and the life which + are and the things which + merchandise of you whose + thou in the things which + of that country from whence + shall those things be which + But I say that the things which + women that were with them which + and of those things in the which + but it shall be given to them for whom +/ ; how (i .e . with 0302 + which + soever + And whoso + Whosoever + whosoever + But whoso + Whomsoever + whatsoever + Whatsoever + whomsoever + But whosoever + but whosoever + And whosoever + things soever + us whatsoever + and whosoever + for whosoever + For whosoever + whithersoever + And whatsoever + but whatsoever + that whatsoever + And wheresoever + it but whosoever + it and whosoever + her in whatsoever + things whatsoever + him but whosoever + And whithersoever + things whatsoever + unto you Whosoever + thee whithersoever + it ; but whosoever + unto you Whatsoever + unto you Wheresoever + Howbeit whereinsoever + unto you That whosoever + of him ; and whatsoever +/ , so) many times as: --as oft(-en) as .
3745 + all + how + How + what + much + many + great + which + by how + For all + him how + as many + as much + As many + him all + them who + inasmuch + of those + and what + them how + that ever + that what + wherewith + and in how + and of all + whatsoever + Let as many + and as many + For as many + But as many + him as many + And as many + him as many + for as many + things which + And inasmuch + even as many + that as many + but the more + not but what + unto you What + For whatsoever + ye not that so + and for as many + things that ever + off even as many + things whatsoever + unto you Inasmuch + unto him whatsoever +/ . hosos {hos'-os}; by reduplication from 3739 + whom 3739- whom 3739- who + Who + who + one + whom + whom + Whom + when + what + What + since + where + whose + Which + Whose + while + which + which + ye who + us whom + Whereby + you who + he whom + ye what + wherein + whither + another + because + him who + Whereof + To whom + whereof + whereby + For one + man who + whereto + by whom + Of whom + whereon + to whom + on whom + In whom + By whom + he whom + nothing + by whom + in whom + of whom + of what + and whom + us which + and what + you whom + But what + us whose + by which + In which + by whose + of whose + of which + by which + Of which + he which + By which + For whom + for what + and What + and What + but whom + not what + him whom + for whom + in which + And what + me whose + thou what + from whom + sake whom + that what + for since + for which + From whom + them what + him whose + time What + upon whom + whereinto + Unto whom + wherefore + but while + For which + the which + with whom + with this + Whereunto + With whom + And while + unto whom + wherewith + Whereupon + Wherefore + whereunto + and whose + whatsoever + And others + it ; which + land which + up whereof + That which + to another + bread when + is he whom + Unto which + that which + seed which + From which + sake which + from which + for of whom + For he whom + But ( which + but to whom + him in whom + out of whom + from whence + But he whom + him because + and to whom + and of whom + and another + and he whom + in me which + unto ; whom + angel which + him of whom + things which + in him which + things which + in you which + In the which + By the which + of thee what + with us when + me ; of whom + than I whose + of the which + of them whom + to the which + they to whom + him for whom + ground ; who + wisdom which + not for what + that whereon + in the which + by the which + is he of whom + and with what + For with what + unto him whom + unto him What + thing whereby + For the which + And whosoever + One ; of whom + thing to whom + they him What + it from whose + Of them which + is he of whom + ye that which + of them whose + in whatsoever + speeches which + And that which + was he of whom + Upon the which + in him of whom + are they whose + are they which + themselves who + that for which + day that which + For that which + and he to whom + things whereof + and they which + For he of whom + him with which + Even him whose + and to another + things by whom + ye of him whom + unto you which + things another + ye are to whom + are they which + and that which + be in you which + in you for whom + that fast which + to them of whom + another another + that he to whom + up that whereon + things in which + as was not since + I not ; but what + for them by whom + of him with whom + He it is to whom + the things which + and to the other + unto him to whom + thee things which + of all that which + things from which + not those things which 3739- not those things which 3739- unto me Upon whom + man was unto whom + from them of whom + from me ; of whom + things ; in which + those things which + of Abraham 11 whom + even to them which + hand and the other + but for them which + did ; by the which + things and by whom + the things whereof + unto thee but that which 3739- ye not that to whom + have mercy and whom + unto thee but that which 3739- For unto whomsoever + of Abraham 11 ; who + by the things which + in that thing which + is there of you whom + and the things which + not the things which + it should be of whom + which is in you which + that is in thee which + of those things which + things there be which + of these things which + thou the things which + of for that for which + up those things which + But those things which + upon another ; because + to pass that whosoever + things they were which + that those things which + things than those which + into those things which + in those things whereof + of these things whereof + unto you ; in both which + in me and the life which + are and the things which + merchandise of you whose + thou in the things which + of that country from whence + shall those things be which + But I say that the things which + women that were with them which + and of those things in the which + but it shall be given to them for whom +/ ; as (much, great, long, etc .) as: --all (that), as (long, many, much) (as), how great (many, much), [in-]asmuch as, so many as, that (ever), the more, those things, what (great, -soever), wheresoever, wherewithsoever, which, X while, who(-soever) .
3746 + whomsoever +/ . hosper {hos'-per}; from 3739 + whom 3739- whom 3739- who + Who + who + one + whom + whom + Whom + when + what + What + since + where + whose + Which + Whose + while + which + which + ye who + us whom + Whereby + you who + he whom + ye what + wherein + whither + another + because + him who + Whereof + To whom + whereof + whereby + For one + man who + whereto + by whom + Of whom + whereon + to whom + on whom + In whom + By whom + he whom + nothing + by whom + in whom + of whom + of what + and whom + us which + and what + you whom + But what + us whose + by which + In which + by whose + of whose + of which + by which + Of which + he which + By which + For whom + for what + and What + and What + but whom + not what + him whom + for whom + in which + And what + me whose + thou what + from whom + sake whom + that what + for since + for which + From whom + them what + him whose + time What + upon whom + whereinto + Unto whom + wherefore + but while + For which + the which + with whom + with this + Whereunto + With whom + And while + unto whom + wherewith + Whereupon + Wherefore + whereunto + and whose + whatsoever + And others + it ; which + land which + up whereof + That which + to another + bread when + is he whom + Unto which + that which + seed which + From which + sake which + from which + for of whom + For he whom + But ( which + but to whom + him in whom + out of whom + from whence + But he whom + him because + and to whom + and of whom + and another + and he whom + in me which + unto ; whom + angel which + him of whom + things which + in him which + things which + in you which + In the which + By the which + of thee what + with us when + me ; of whom + than I whose + of the which + of them whom + to the which + they to whom + him for whom + ground ; who + wisdom which + not for what + that whereon + in the which + by the which + is he of whom + and with what + For with what + unto him whom + unto him What + thing whereby + For the which + And whosoever + One ; of whom + thing to whom + they him What + it from whose + Of them which + is he of whom + ye that which + of them whose + in whatsoever + speeches which + And that which + was he of whom + Upon the which + in him of whom + are they whose + are they which + themselves who + that for which + day that which + For that which + and he to whom + things whereof + and they which + For he of whom + him with which + Even him whose + and to another + things by whom + ye of him whom + unto you which + things another + ye are to whom + are they which + and that which + be in you which + in you for whom + that fast which + to them of whom + another another + that he to whom + up that whereon + things in which + as was not since + I not ; but what + for them by whom + of him with whom + He it is to whom + the things which + and to the other + unto him to whom + thee things which + of all that which + things from which + not those things which 3739- not those things which 3739- unto me Upon whom + man was unto whom + from them of whom + from me ; of whom + things ; in which + those things which + of Abraham 11 whom + even to them which + hand and the other + but for them which + did ; by the which + things and by whom + the things whereof + unto thee but that which 3739- ye not that to whom + have mercy and whom + unto thee but that which 3739- For unto whomsoever + of Abraham 11 ; who + by the things which + in that thing which + is there of you whom + and the things which + not the things which + it should be of whom + which is in you which + that is in thee which + of those things which + things there be which + of these things which + thou the things which + of for that for which + up those things which + But those things which + upon another ; because + to pass that whosoever + things they were which + that those things which + things than those which + into those things which + in those things whereof + of these things whereof + unto you ; in both which + in me and the life which + are and the things which + merchandise of you whose + thou in the things which + of that country from whence + shall those things be which + But I say that the things which + women that were with them which + and of those things in the which + but it shall be given to them for whom +/ and 4007; who especially: --whomsoever .
3753 + When + when + while + after + is when + we when + but when + day when + And when + But when + For when + and when + And after + But after + bread when + and as soon + But as soon + to pass when + it . And when + unto them When + unto thee When + them . And when + to pass that when + the things which make + was not with them when + that was with him when +/ . hote {hot'-eh}; from 3739 + whom 3739- whom 3739- who + Who + who + one + whom + whom + Whom + when + what + What + since + where + whose + Which + Whose + while + which + which + ye who + us whom + Whereby + you who + he whom + ye what + wherein + whither + another + because + him who + Whereof + To whom + whereof + whereby + For one + man who + whereto + by whom + Of whom + whereon + to whom + on whom + In whom + By whom + he whom + nothing + by whom + in whom + of whom + of what + and whom + us which + and what + you whom + But what + us whose + by which + In which + by whose + of whose + of which + by which + Of which + he which + By which + For whom + for what + and What + and What + but whom + not what + him whom + for whom + in which + And what + me whose + thou what + from whom + sake whom + that what + for since + for which + From whom + them what + him whose + time What + upon whom + whereinto + Unto whom + wherefore + but while + For which + the which + with whom + with this + Whereunto + With whom + And while + unto whom + wherewith + Whereupon + Wherefore + whereunto + and whose + whatsoever + And others + it ; which + land which + up whereof + That which + to another + bread when + is he whom + Unto which + that which + seed which + From which + sake which + from which + for of whom + For he whom + But ( which + but to whom + him in whom + out of whom + from whence + But he whom + him because + and to whom + and of whom + and another + and he whom + in me which + unto ; whom + angel which + him of whom + things which + in him which + things which + in you which + In the which + By the which + of thee what + with us when + me ; of whom + than I whose + of the which + of them whom + to the which + they to whom + him for whom + ground ; who + wisdom which + not for what + that whereon + in the which + by the which + is he of whom + and with what + For with what + unto him whom + unto him What + thing whereby + For the which + And whosoever + One ; of whom + thing to whom + they him What + it from whose + Of them which + is he of whom + ye that which + of them whose + in whatsoever + speeches which + And that which + was he of whom + Upon the which + in him of whom + are they whose + are they which + themselves who + that for which + day that which + For that which + and he to whom + things whereof + and they which + For he of whom + him with which + Even him whose + and to another + things by whom + ye of him whom + unto you which + things another + ye are to whom + are they which + and that which + be in you which + in you for whom + that fast which + to them of whom + another another + that he to whom + up that whereon + things in which + as was not since + I not ; but what + for them by whom + of him with whom + He it is to whom + the things which + and to the other + unto him to whom + thee things which + of all that which + things from which + not those things which 3739- not those things which 3739- unto me Upon whom + man was unto whom + from them of whom + from me ; of whom + things ; in which + those things which + of Abraham 11 whom + even to them which + hand and the other + but for them which + did ; by the which + things and by whom + the things whereof + unto thee but that which 3739- ye not that to whom + have mercy and whom + unto thee but that which 3739- For unto whomsoever + of Abraham 11 ; who + by the things which + in that thing which + is there of you whom + and the things which + not the things which + it should be of whom + which is in you which + that is in thee which + of those things which + things there be which + of these things which + thou the things which + of for that for which + up those things which + But those things which + upon another ; because + to pass that whosoever + things they were which + that those things which + things than those which + into those things which + in those things whereof + of these things whereof + unto you ; in both which + in me and the life which + are and the things which + merchandise of you whose + thou in the things which + of that country from whence + shall those things be which + But I say that the things which + women that were with them which + and of those things in the which + but it shall be given to them for whom +/ and 5037 + or + also + both + Then + and so + whether + as both + men both + for even + For both + For whether + and whether + things both + with me both + unto me both + were offered both +/ ; at which (thing) too, i .e . when: --after (that), as soon as, that, when, while . ho, te (ho,t'-eh); also feminine he, te (hay'-teh); and neuter to, te (tot'-eh); simply the article 3588 + who 3588- who 3588- ever 3588- ever 3588- who + any + Who + this + Some + what + This + when + then + some + this + Whoso + While + thine + whose + which + Which + These + Those + these + which + those + sake which 3588- sake which 3588- by this + whereby + in your + is this + by your + to whom + in this + as much + of this + but who + to your + And your + Let your + as those + But this + and when + thee who + came who + for your + in these + And this + he which + hand who + to those + ye which + For what + And some + and your + of these + of those + For this + we which + not what + and some + And when + in those + her which + and whoso + man which + and these + him which + but those + But whoso + and Whoso + and which + Whosoever + And whoso + them what + with such + for those + her which + whosoever + one which + and those + But while + thee what + unto your + that when + was which + that this + from your + and thine + son which + For those + But those + and whose + that those + than those + even those + and others + unto those + shall your + that which + thee which + ones which + unto these + them which + women which + things your + thing which + And of some + works which + is he which + to them who + ye not what + and another + was he which + is and which + But in those + of you which + to you which + him for some + is and which + us from this + things which + even in this + He it is who + to pass when + with her who + by the which + and for your + out of those + things which + For we which + him but some + that we which + not whosoever + to pass while + And whosoever + is that which + of them which + and whosoever + For whosoever + to pass which + by that which + on them which + was and which + was and which + unto thee Who + unto us which + and whosoever + to them which + that he which + from him which + not them which + that whosoever + That whosoever + And they which + are they which + there be which + not them which + thing and what + for whatsoever + Even unto this + but that which + not that which + diligently who + for them which + them not those + But let us who + that they which + with me in your + there are which + him ; and others + they may by your + unto them to this + him with them who + that things which + to pass that when + to pass that when + and to them which + to pass that while + unto you Whosoever + them unto us which + to pass that while + unto her Whosoever + those things which + that it is he which + But unto them which + and I pray God your + that it was he which + yea and things which + are the things which + by the means of those + unto you That ye which + unto you That whosoever + For we that are in this + of them diligently what + of Abraham 11 and whosoever + unto them Ye are they which + sake and for their sakes which +/ followed by 5037 + or + also + both + Then + and so + whether + as both + men both + for even + For both + For whether + and whether + things both + with me both + unto me both + were offered both +/ ; so written (in some editions) to distinguish them from 3752 + till + When + when + me when + as when + he when + As long + as soon + ye when + but when + And when + For when + for when + and when + But when + him When + For while + that when + that when + but as soon + are ye when + for her when + Howbeit when + But thou when + unto you when + sake for when + in him . When + and whensoever + unto them When + unto them when + he is but when + to pass that when + in him ; that when + will there be when +/ and 5119 + then + Then + up then + and then + And then + but then + For then + that then + that time + But as then + man and then + things . Then + unto him then + with him then + From that time + And from that time + from them and then +/ .
3757 + Till + till + Where + where + whereby + Wherein + whither + wherein + wherein + For where + for where + But where + and where + for wherein + man wherein + and wherein + that wherein + is it wherein + from the place where +/ . hou {hoo}; genitive case of 3739 + whom 3739- whom 3739- who + Who + who + one + whom + whom + Whom + when + what + What + since + where + whose + Which + Whose + while + which + which + ye who + us whom + Whereby + you who + he whom + ye what + wherein + whither + another + because + him who + Whereof + To whom + whereof + whereby + For one + man who + whereto + by whom + Of whom + whereon + to whom + on whom + In whom + By whom + he whom + nothing + by whom + in whom + of whom + of what + and whom + us which + and what + you whom + But what + us whose + by which + In which + by whose + of whose + of which + by which + Of which + he which + By which + For whom + for what + and What + and What + but whom + not what + him whom + for whom + in which + And what + me whose + thou what + from whom + sake whom + that what + for since + for which + From whom + them what + him whose + time What + upon whom + whereinto + Unto whom + wherefore + but while + For which + the which + with whom + with this + Whereunto + With whom + And while + unto whom + wherewith + Whereupon + Wherefore + whereunto + and whose + whatsoever + And others + it ; which + land which + up whereof + That which + to another + bread when + is he whom + Unto which + that which + seed which + From which + sake which + from which + for of whom + For he whom + But ( which + but to whom + him in whom + out of whom + from whence + But he whom + him because + and to whom + and of whom + and another + and he whom + in me which + unto ; whom + angel which + him of whom + things which + in him which + things which + in you which + In the which + By the which + of thee what + with us when + me ; of whom + than I whose + of the which + of them whom + to the which + they to whom + him for whom + ground ; who + wisdom which + not for what + that whereon + in the which + by the which + is he of whom + and with what + For with what + unto him whom + unto him What + thing whereby + For the which + And whosoever + One ; of whom + thing to whom + they him What + it from whose + Of them which + is he of whom + ye that which + of them whose + in whatsoever + speeches which + And that which + was he of whom + Upon the which + in him of whom + are they whose + are they which + themselves who + that for which + day that which + For that which + and he to whom + things whereof + and they which + For he of whom + him with which + Even him whose + and to another + things by whom + ye of him whom + unto you which + things another + ye are to whom + are they which + and that which + be in you which + in you for whom + that fast which + to them of whom + another another + that he to whom + up that whereon + things in which + as was not since + I not ; but what + for them by whom + of him with whom + He it is to whom + the things which + and to the other + unto him to whom + thee things which + of all that which + things from which + not those things which 3739- not those things which 3739- unto me Upon whom + man was unto whom + from them of whom + from me ; of whom + things ; in which + those things which + of Abraham 11 whom + even to them which + hand and the other + but for them which + did ; by the which + things and by whom + the things whereof + unto thee but that which 3739- ye not that to whom + have mercy and whom + unto thee but that which 3739- For unto whomsoever + of Abraham 11 ; who + by the things which + in that thing which + is there of you whom + and the things which + not the things which + it should be of whom + which is in you which + that is in thee which + of those things which + things there be which + of these things which + thou the things which + of for that for which + up those things which + But those things which + upon another ; because + to pass that whosoever + things they were which + that those things which + things than those which + into those things which + in those things whereof + of these things whereof + unto you ; in both which + in me and the life which + are and the things which + merchandise of you whose + thou in the things which + of that country from whence + shall those things be which + But I say that the things which + women that were with them which + and of those things in the which + but it shall be given to them for whom +/ as adverb; at which place, i .e . where: --where(-in), whither([-soever]) .
3778 + This 3778- this 3778- this 3778- This 3778- who + this + THIS + same + such + hese + This + which + these + These + hereof + as this + is this + fashion + by This + Is this + the same + for this + And this + do these + but this + For this + The same + man this + But this + not this + you this + and this + was this + But these + but these + doth this + and these + that this + For these + are these + hath this + And these + for these + that these + shall this + might this + me of this + me is this + have these + Cometh this + me but this + shall these + namely this + Of the same + Is not this + of the same + we for this + to me These + is not this + him the same + and the same + age and this + unto you This + them the same + thing is this + And let these + and that this + ye that these + unto me These + a man is this + thee and these + else let these + of man is this + purpose is this + places the same + unto them These + to them for this + is it which these + us for as for this + us for as for this + unto you That this + unto you that this + in me and I in him the same +/ . houtos {hoo'-tos}; including nominative masculine plural houtoi {hoo'-toy}; nominative feminine singular haute {how'-tay}; and nominative feminine plural hautai {how'-tahee}; from the article 3588 + who 3588- who 3588- ever 3588- ever 3588- who + any + Who + this + Some + what + This + when + then + some + this + Whoso + While + thine + whose + which + Which + These + Those + these + which + those + sake which 3588- sake which 3588- by this + whereby + in your + is this + by your + to whom + in this + as much + of this + but who + to your + And your + Let your + as those + But this + and when + thee who + came who + for your + in these + And this + he which + hand who + to those + ye which + For what + And some + and your + of these + of those + For this + we which + not what + and some + And when + in those + her which + and whoso + man which + and these + him which + but those + But whoso + and Whoso + and which + Whosoever + And whoso + them what + with such + for those + her which + whosoever + one which + and those + But while + thee what + unto your + that when + was which + that this + from your + and thine + son which + For those + But those + and whose + that those + than those + even those + and others + unto those + shall your + that which + thee which + ones which + unto these + them which + women which + things your + thing which + And of some + works which + is he which + to them who + ye not what + and another + was he which + is and which + But in those + of you which + to you which + him for some + is and which + us from this + things which + even in this + He it is who + to pass when + with her who + by the which + and for your + out of those + things which + For we which + him but some + that we which + not whosoever + to pass while + And whosoever + is that which + of them which + and whosoever + For whosoever + to pass which + by that which + on them which + was and which + was and which + unto thee Who + unto us which + and whosoever + to them which + that he which + from him which + not them which + that whosoever + That whosoever + And they which + are they which + there be which + not them which + thing and what + for whatsoever + Even unto this + but that which + not that which + diligently who + for them which + them not those + But let us who + that they which + with me in your + there are which + him ; and others + they may by your + unto them to this + him with them who + that things which + to pass that when + to pass that when + and to them which + to pass that while + unto you Whosoever + them unto us which + to pass that while + unto her Whosoever + those things which + that it is he which + But unto them which + and I pray God your + that it was he which + yea and things which + are the things which + by the means of those + unto you That ye which + unto you That whosoever + For we that are in this + of them diligently what + of Abraham 11 and whosoever + unto them Ye are they which + sake and for their sakes which +/ and 0846 + one + who + own + whom + this + mine + self + very + same + those + whose + which + cause + Having + itself + it this + thyself + thereof + Himself + thereon + thereby + herself + himself + is very + therein + The same + of those + selfsame + of these + together + the same + me there + to Jesus + thereinto + was there + Therewith + be of one + pit whose + that same + pit whose + in thereat + And beside + the things + for theirs + with those + own selves + themselves + he himself + who himself + do the same + that myself + up the same + him thereon + by the same + of the said + up together + of the same + For therein + in the same + and himself + that therein + For the same + And the same + for the same + out the same + you the same + And the very + not the same + But in those + but the same + to pass there + and of myself + both together + in yourselves + thing thereon + ye yourselves + into the same + that the same + and therewith + with the same + were together + Ye yourselves + of themselves + for yourselves + and he himself + but he himself + things therein + things to whom + Be of the same + things thereon + For yourselves + in you the same + And in the same + and in the same + doth he himself + while the other + they themselves + is not the same + Out of the same + that are therein + and the selfsame + And in that same + and not the very + when thou thyself + and ye yourselves + that we ourselves + not in yourselves + things themselves + For with the same + him for he himself + but it is the same + we not in the same + for that he himself + and they themselves + For they themselves + things that himself + should have the same + from among yourselves + unto you for the same + but that thou thyself + For in that he himself + things that are therein + of you as ye yourselves + that they be of the same + not with them to the same + And there were in the same + unto you for ye yourselves + and the things that therein + and the things which are therein +/ ; the he (she or it), i .e . this or that (often with article repeated): --he (it was that), hereof, it, she, such as, the same, these, they, this (man, same, woman), which, who .
3792 + a company + sort and gathered +/ . ochlopoieo {okh-lop-oy-eh'-o}; from 3793 + people + number + company + of people + multitude + the people + The people + multitudes + the number + a multitude + in the press + up the people + to the people + the multitude + of the people + with multitude + the multitudes + and multitudes + of the company + And the people + and the people + and the company + unto the people + when the people + that the people + from the people + with the people + they the people + of the multitude + to the multitude + to the multitudes + him for the press + and to the people + And the multitude + not for the press + from the multitude + unto the multitude + And the multitudes + and the multitudes + that the multitude + and when the people + And when the people + unto the multitudes + he to the multitude + out of the multitude + And when the multitude + But when the multitudes + from among the multitude + to pass that as the people + nigh unto him for the press +/ and 4160 + do + Do + did + done + bear + move + Make + mean + made + make + I do + took + held + Make + keep + to do + bring + Ye do + forth + ye do + dealt + I did + Bring + doing + ye do + doest + doeth + but do + and do + ye did + he did + making + laying + maketh + makest + to put + you do + I make + and did + he made + provide + he kept + we make + causeth + without + will do + they do + she did + ye made + shewest + be made + that do + man did + wrought + working + thou do + to make + it bear + ye make + he doeth + and made + and make + for I do + me to do + shall do + is to do + to bring + not make + bringing + And make + bringeth + they did + had made + had done + and to do + the doing + I will do + hast made + man doeth + Let us do + to you do + and ye do + which did + to be put + not forth + they made + should do + not to do + and cause + you cause + else make + things do + so making + hath done + he maketh + and doeth + hath made + will I do + that I do + as ye did + that made + For to do + to fulfil + to execute + thou doest + which bare + that ye do + shall I do + let him do + committeth + to perform + and maketh + that doeth + which made + will he do + him he did + to observe + hand doeth + will we do + And he did + To execute + manner did + both yield + which gave + to content + To perform + fulfilling + unto you do + when I gave + he purposed + I will make + up and bare + will I make + that I made + I will keep + hath gained + thou makest + he had done + shall we do + and will do + have caused + have I made + shall he do + we had made + I have done + let us make + which doeth + had wrought + I have been + ye would do + I have made + And they did + And he doeth + as they went + and continue + and bringeth + them that do + and he doeth + we have done + things ye do + and to agree + and they did + and shooteth + he hath done + for me to do + for if ye do + He hath done + have ye done + ye have done + have wrought + which he did + that wrought + shall fulfil + hath he done + things he did + man hath done + thou shalt do + unto you Make + they had done + him that made + had committed + And hath made + And hast made + they might do + She hath done + transgresseth + of me ) to do + shall they do + that bringeth + pit shall make + for thee to do + and shall make + and journeying + up and brought + for you making + as I have done + They shall put + which bringeth + one that doeth + I had not done + in me he doeth + And he causeth + than others do + of you keepeth + that he maketh + hast thou done + He hath shewed + that will I do + that I will do + He that shewed + hast thou made + And there abode + him and causeth + doth not commit + And he ordained + that thou doest + ye to have done + that I shall do + and they caused + and let us make + as ye have done + woman hath done + Have I committed + that they may do + For he hath made + he and that I do + but ye have made + that they can do + things and doest + unto him to make + them which cause + are they that do + thing shall I do + that he had done + that hath shewed + unto him and make + And he exerciseth + that ye should do + but he that doeth + of them that make + and them which do + them He that made + But he that doeth + he that thou make + her that had done + that they had done + thou have me to do + and thou hast made + He that committeth + and they have done + there who had made + ye that I shall do + ye shall have done + me and I will make + that she hath done + not and did commit + things that he did + that he should make + they that have done + that he might cause + But when thou doest + ye that I should do + things will they do + did not he that made + in them for in doing + thou that I shall do + unto him to continue + And when he had made + him not but have done + thou that I should do + but that ye should do + to him that appointed + unto them I have done + that they should make + And after he had spent + that thou shouldest do + to his burial and made + the things that he did + But though he had done + that he that hath done + though I have committed + that after ye have done + unto him That thou doest + neither whatsoever worketh + as of things that are made + And after they had tarried + of him and that they had done + them that they should not make + him up ; and if he have committed + them out after that he had shewed + thou unto us seeing that thou doest +/ ; to make a crowd, i .e . raise a public disturbance: --gather a company .
3801 . ho on kai ho en kai ho erchomenos {ho own kahee ho ane kahee ho er-khom'-en-os}; a phrase combining 3588 + who 3588- who 3588- ever 3588- ever 3588- who + any + Who + this + Some + what + This + when + then + some + this + Whoso + While + thine + whose + which + Which + These + Those + these + which + those + sake which 3588- sake which 3588- by this + whereby + in your + is this + by your + to whom + in this + as much + of this + but who + to your + And your + Let your + as those + But this + and when + thee who + came who + for your + in these + And this + he which + hand who + to those + ye which + For what + And some + and your + of these + of those + For this + we which + not what + and some + And when + in those + her which + and whoso + man which + and these + him which + but those + But whoso + and Whoso + and which + Whosoever + And whoso + them what + with such + for those + her which + whosoever + one which + and those + But while + thee what + unto your + that when + was which + that this + from your + and thine + son which + For those + But those + and whose + that those + than those + even those + and others + unto those + shall your + that which + thee which + ones which + unto these + them which + women which + things your + thing which + And of some + works which + is he which + to them who + ye not what + and another + was he which + is and which + But in those + of you which + to you which + him for some + is and which + us from this + things which + even in this + He it is who + to pass when + with her who + by the which + and for your + out of those + things which + For we which + him but some + that we which + not whosoever + to pass while + And whosoever + is that which + of them which + and whosoever + For whosoever + to pass which + by that which + on them which + was and which + was and which + unto thee Who + unto us which + and whosoever + to them which + that he which + from him which + not them which + that whosoever + That whosoever + And they which + are they which + there be which + not them which + thing and what + for whatsoever + Even unto this + but that which + not that which + diligently who + for them which + them not those + But let us who + that they which + with me in your + there are which + him ; and others + they may by your + unto them to this + him with them who + that things which + to pass that when + to pass that when + and to them which + to pass that while + unto you Whosoever + them unto us which + to pass that while + unto her Whosoever + those things which + that it is he which + But unto them which + and I pray God your + that it was he which + yea and things which + are the things which + by the means of those + unto you That ye which + unto you That whosoever + For we that are in this + of them diligently what + of Abraham 11 and whosoever + unto them Ye are they which + sake and for their sakes which +/ with the present participle and imperfect of 1510 + you Am + am + had + make + I am + fear + used + I am + And am + and am + as I am + that am + man had + for I am + For I am + but I am + was I am + which had + ye belong + belongeth + that I am + For he had + not ; I am + while I am + state I am + for so I am + And she had + and yet I am + And they had + him for I am + unto me I am + unto thee am + but they had + but that I am + unto him I am + meat but I am + unto her I am + unto you I am + not that I am + unto them I am + thee that I am + as long as I am + of me ; for I am + should not stand + that he belonged + from me ; for I am + thou do it not I am + unto him Have I been + not thyself for I am + thou do it not for I am +/ and the present participle of 2064 + to come 2064- to come 2064- is come 2064- is come 2064- there come 2064- there come 2064- go + Came + came + come + went + Come + grew + to go + cometh + I came + I come + coming + passing + is come + it came + we came + he come + we went + he went + brought + to come + me come + it came + he came + He came + be come + she came + I cometh + And came + and came + men come + may come + but come + not come + and come + man come + and went + was come + resorted + were come + have come + will come + it cometh + they went + they come + is coming + to be set + They came + I am come + me cometh + am I come + doth come + by coming + he cometh + to appear + they came + his coming + would come + and coming + is to come + There came + was coming + and I come + cause came + there come + which came + he is come + and cometh + are coming + which came + is to come + shall come + there came + I am coming + and ye came + when I come + is not come + and it came + in her came + when I came + for to come + thee cometh + and am come + and he came + I will come + him to come + will I come + he was come + to you came + and to come + it and went + from coming + and we came + things came + and entered + And he came + thou comest + should come + that cometh + let him come + was not come + and lighting + There cometh + and had come + And the next + do they come + and was come + and are come + and she came + he will come + they entered + there cometh + him and came + He shall come + and they come + things cometh + I am not come + And they came + he shall come + art thou come + And he cometh + and were come + For I am come + and he cometh + them and came + unto him Come + will not come + and they came + And they come + he that cometh + unto them Come + and as he came + as thou camest + they were come + that were come + He that cometh + I had not come + And there came + bread and came + when he cometh + that if I come + of him and came + it for she came + was for to come + and art to come + him in and came + and then cometh + ye shall I come + him that cometh + of it they came + is he that came + that I may come + But I will come + meat there came + That I may come + that should come + And when he came + and when he came + I pray thee come + but he will come + them not to come + that he may come + that when I come + when thou comest + when he was come + time I am coming + that at my coming + for I am not come + thee and him come + but let them come + them for she came + the thing he came + is he that cometh + and I am not come + him and they went + myself shall come + And when they came + it not then cometh + him not for I came + And when he cometh + Howbeit there came + but he that cometh + and shall not come + with them and came + of thee and comest + to pass as he went + not that I am come + that thou art come + for you I will come + And when he is come + are they which came + with them then came + that it should come + that when he cometh + After they were come + him and we will come + that they might come + unto him I will come + And when he was come + them . And they came + and then at my coming + For when we were come + him which should come + that there shall come + that they should come + unto you I shall come + that I would not come + That upon you may come + him that he would come + and he that shall come + but that it should come + things that should come + And when they were come + ye that he will not come + unto them ( he that came + thou he that should come + in the morning they came + was and is and is to come + out ; and when he is come + And as soon as he was come + to me ; and him that cometh + for that day shall not come + up as though I would not come + of them that were with me I came + that the things which happened unto me have fallen 206 / by means of 2532 + both 2532- both 2532- So + Or + or + so + but also 2532- who + now + but also 2532- yet + nor + yea + Now + Yet + Yea + even + else + also + then + Then + Even + Also + both + which + did so + on yet + I also + And so + either + is even + it even + not yet + we both + be also + me also + as well + we also + Ye both + am also + Ye also + ye even + ye also + he even + he also + As also + is also + in also + Provide + as also + us also + He also + men even + moreover + the same + you even + who also + the very + you also + not even + not even + was also + man also + end also + Who also + For even + are also + Moreover + but also + but even + Likewise + and even + her even + And both + him also + likewise + But even + had also + and also + they also + this also + as I also + is indeed + away both + were both + thou also + that also + that both + doth also + hath also + hath both + that even + thee also + them even + then both + therefore + came also + them also + them even + Thou also + will also + I am also + They also + were even + be ye also + ye in like + things yea + as ye also + As ye also + Be ye also + ye up then + It is also + do ye also + For indeed + For I also + there even + For verily + as we also + up us also + is he then + which also + shall also + as he also + for we also + Let us also + for ye also + that I also + them ; even + And ye also + For we also + let us also + manner also + him up even + fellow also + him not nor + should both + things also + in you both + of him also + as he is so + him as also + and we also + Are ye also + are ye also + that ye also + that we also + Are not even + But the very + with us also + of them also + with3802 + they might entangle +/ . pagideuo {pag-id-yoo'-o}; from 3803 + a snare + and a snare + For as a snare + themselves out of the snare + reproach 3680 and the snare +/ ; to ensnare (figuratively): --entangle .
3964 + of fathers + for murderers +/ . patraloias {pat-ral-o'-as}; from 3962 + the Father 3962- the Father 3962- of the Father 3962- Father + of the Father 3962- father + Fathers + fathers + Father s + from the Father 3962- from the Father 3962- O Father + my Father + my father + My Father + our father + his father + our Father + the father + Our Father + The father + thy father + The Father + and Father + the Father + the fathers + my Father s + O my Father + and fathers + Our fathers + our fathers + of my Father + to my Father + to my father + as my Father + their father + I the Father + his Father s + his father s + is my Father + of his Father + ye Our Father + of his father + to thy Father + to the Father + as the Father + for my Father + is our father + is thy Father + of the Father + us the Father + of the father + to our father + by the Father + to his father + is the father + and my Father + of our father + thee a father + but my Father + thee O Father + As the Father + their fathers + For the Father + for his father + in my Father s + not the Father + for the Father + and our Father + and thy father + to our fathers + doth my Father + of his parents + And ye fathers + with my Father + of thy fathers + In my Father s + unto my Father + But the father + but the Father + of our fathers + And the Father + not his father + of the fathers + man the Father + as thou Father + And his father + And the father + but his father + and thy Father + was his Father + and his Father + and the father + of my father s + them My Father + and the Father + is the Father s + that the Father + out our fathers + for the fathers + even the Father + and our fathers + unto the Father + that his father + it is my Father + than our father + from the Father + with the Father + with the father + are the fathers + not my Father s + unto our father + I and my Father + unto him Father + him as a father + of their Father + unto the fathers + unto our fathers + and their father + unto his fathers + me and my Father + with our fathers + unto you fathers + but as my Father + but the Father s + and as the Father + For as the Father + and in the Father + is but the Father + and of the Father + is with the Father + but of the fathers + with their fathers + even by our father + him to my father s + to me of my Father + of you as a father + he and our fathers + up in his father s + and in his Father s + was with the Father + but unto thy Father + unto me of my Father + is not of the Father + and with our fathers + And will be a Father + but I and the Father + made unto the fathers + Ye are of your father + unto him of my Father + for them of my Father + me him will my Father + to them of the Father + of me that the Father + things that the Father + that I am in my Father + them out of my Father s + with you in my Father s + to pass that the father + of you that is a father + promised to our fathers + unto you from the Father + be unto you as my Father + me is with me the Father + I will be to him a Father + it unto thee but my Father + me that I am in the Father + that he might be the father + thou not that I am in the Father +/ and the same as the latter part of 3389 + of mothers + and murderers +/ ; a parricide: --murderer of fathers .
4046 + purchase + he hath purchased +/ . peripoieomai {per-ee-poy-eh'-om-ahee}; middle voice from 4012 + at + on + how + over + above + About + about + state + estate + behalf + Against + against + company + affairs + touching + out about + And about + man about + concerning + Concerning + As touching + our affairs + as touching + thee touching + them Touching + As concerning + of such manner + him concerning + and they about + And as touching + But as touching + them concerning + and his company + For as touching + thing concerning + for as concerning + things concerning + and also concerning + unto you concerning + unto him Concerning + unto them and about + things which concern + they that were about + that were hired about + the things concerning + for himself concerning + of the things pertaining + it not to you concerning + for the things concerning + When they which were about + of the things which concern +/ and 4160 + do + Do + did + done + bear + move + Make + mean + made + make + I do + took + held + Make + keep + to do + bring + Ye do + forth + ye do + dealt + I did + Bring + doing + ye do + doest + doeth + but do + and do + ye did + he did + making + laying + maketh + makest + to put + you do + I make + and did + he made + provide + he kept + we make + causeth + without + will do + they do + she did + ye made + shewest + be made + that do + man did + wrought + working + thou do + to make + it bear + ye make + he doeth + and made + and make + for I do + me to do + shall do + is to do + to bring + not make + bringing + And make + bringeth + they did + had made + had done + and to do + the doing + I will do + hast made + man doeth + Let us do + to you do + and ye do + which did + to be put + not forth + they made + should do + not to do + and cause + you cause + else make + things do + so making + hath done + he maketh + and doeth + hath made + will I do + that I do + as ye did + that made + For to do + to fulfil + to execute + thou doest + which bare + that ye do + shall I do + let him do + committeth + to perform + and maketh + that doeth + which made + will he do + him he did + to observe + hand doeth + will we do + And he did + To execute + manner did + both yield + which gave + to content + To perform + fulfilling + unto you do + when I gave + he purposed + I will make + up and bare + will I make + that I made + I will keep + hath gained + thou makest + he had done + shall we do + and will do + have caused + have I made + shall he do + we had made + I have done + let us make + which doeth + had wrought + I have been + ye would do + I have made + And they did + And he doeth + as they went + and continue + and bringeth + them that do + and he doeth + we have done + things ye do + and to agree + and they did + and shooteth + he hath done + for me to do + for if ye do + He hath done + have ye done + ye have done + have wrought + which he did + that wrought + shall fulfil + hath he done + things he did + man hath done + thou shalt do + unto you Make + they had done + him that made + had committed + And hath made + And hast made + they might do + She hath done + transgresseth + of me ) to do + shall they do + that bringeth + pit shall make + for thee to do + and shall make + and journeying + up and brought + for you making + as I have done + They shall put + which bringeth + one that doeth + I had not done + in me he doeth + And he causeth + than others do + of you keepeth + that he maketh + hast thou done + He hath shewed + that will I do + that I will do + He that shewed + hast thou made + And there abode + him and causeth + doth not commit + And he ordained + that thou doest + ye to have done + that I shall do + and they caused + and let us make + as ye have done + woman hath done + Have I committed + that they may do + For he hath made + he and that I do + but ye have made + that they can do + things and doest + unto him to make + them which cause + are they that do + thing shall I do + that he had done + that hath shewed + unto him and make + And he exerciseth + that ye should do + but he that doeth + of them that make + and them which do + them He that made + But he that doeth + he that thou make + her that had done + that they had done + thou have me to do + and thou hast made + He that committeth + and they have done + there who had made + ye that I shall do + ye shall have done + me and I will make + that she hath done + not and did commit + things that he did + that he should make + they that have done + that he might cause + But when thou doest + ye that I should do + things will they do + did not he that made + in them for in doing + thou that I shall do + unto him to continue + And when he had made + him not but have done + thou that I should do + but that ye should do + to him that appointed + unto them I have done + that they should make + And after he had spent + that thou shouldest do + to his burial and made + the things that he did + But though he had done + that he that hath done + though I have committed + that after ye have done + unto him That thou doest + neither whatsoever worketh + as of things that are made + And after they had tarried + of him and that they had done + them that they should not make + him up ; and if he have committed + them out after that he had shewed + thou unto us seeing that thou doest +/ ; to make around oneself, i .e . acquire (buy): --purchase .
4160 + do + Do + did + done + bear + move + Make + mean + made + make + I do + took + held + Make + keep + to do + bring + Ye do + forth + ye do + dealt + I did + Bring + doing + ye do + doest + doeth + but do + and do + ye did + he did + making + laying + maketh + makest + to put + you do + I make + and did + he made + provide + he kept + we make + causeth + without + will do + they do + she did + ye made + shewest + be made + that do + man did + wrought + working + thou do + to make + it bear + ye make + he doeth + and made + and make + for I do + me to do + shall do + is to do + to bring + not make + bringing + And make + bringeth + they did + had made + had done + and to do + the doing + I will do + hast made + man doeth + Let us do + to you do + and ye do + which did + to be put + not forth + they made + should do + not to do + and cause + you cause + else make + things do + so making + hath done + he maketh + and doeth + hath made + will I do + that I do + as ye did + that made + For to do + to fulfil + to execute + thou doest + which bare + that ye do + shall I do + let him do + committeth + to perform + and maketh + that doeth + which made + will he do + him he did + to observe + hand doeth + will we do + And he did + To execute + manner did + both yield + which gave + to content + To perform + fulfilling + unto you do + when I gave + he purposed + I will make + up and bare + will I make + that I made + I will keep + hath gained + thou makest + he had done + shall we do + and will do + have caused + have I made + shall he do + we had made + I have done + let us make + which doeth + had wrought + I have been + ye would do + I have made + And they did + And he doeth + as they went + and continue + and bringeth + them that do + and he doeth + we have done + things ye do + and to agree + and they did + and shooteth + he hath done + for me to do + for if ye do + He hath done + have ye done + ye have done + have wrought + which he did + that wrought + shall fulfil + hath he done + things he did + man hath done + thou shalt do + unto you Make + they had done + him that made + had committed + And hath made + And hast made + they might do + She hath done + transgresseth + of me ) to do + shall they do + that bringeth + pit shall make + for thee to do + and shall make + and journeying + up and brought + for you making + as I have done + They shall put + which bringeth + one that doeth + I had not done + in me he doeth + And he causeth + than others do + of you keepeth + that he maketh + hast thou done + He hath shewed + that will I do + that I will do + He that shewed + hast thou made + And there abode + him and causeth + doth not commit + And he ordained + that thou doest + ye to have done + that I shall do + and they caused + and let us make + as ye have done + woman hath done + Have I committed + that they may do + For he hath made + he and that I do + but ye have made + that they can do + things and doest + unto him to make + them which cause + are they that do + thing shall I do + that he had done + that hath shewed + unto him and make + And he exerciseth + that ye should do + but he that doeth + of them that make + and them which do + them He that made + But he that doeth + he that thou make + her that had done + that they had done + thou have me to do + and thou hast made + He that committeth + and they have done + there who had made + ye that I shall do + ye shall have done + me and I will make + that she hath done + not and did commit + things that he did + that he should make + they that have done + that he might cause + But when thou doest + ye that I should do + things will they do + did not he that made + in them for in doing + thou that I shall do + unto him to continue + And when he had made + him not but have done + thou that I should do + but that ye should do + to him that appointed + unto them I have done + that they should make + And after he had spent + that thou shouldest do + to his burial and made + the things that he did + But though he had done + that he that hath done + though I have committed + that after ye have done + unto him That thou doest + neither whatsoever worketh + as of things that are made + And after they had tarried + of him and that they had done + them that they should not make + him up ; and if he have committed + them out after that he had shewed + thou unto us seeing that thou doest +/ . poieo {poy-eh'-o}; apparently a prolonged form of an obsolete primary; to make or do (in a very wide application, more or less direct): --abide, + agree, appoint, X avenge, + band together, be, bear, + bewray, bring (forth), cast out, cause, commit, + content, continue, deal, + without any delay, (would) do(-ing), execute, exercise, fulfil, gain, give, have, hold, X journeying, keep, + lay wait, + lighten the ship, make, X mean, + none of these things move me, observe, ordain, perform, provide, + have purged, purpose, put, + raising up, X secure, shew, X shoot out, spend, take, tarry, + transgress the law, work, yield . Compare 4238 + do + Do + I do + doeth + to do + doest + and do + ye did + is done + that do + in me do + and to do + thou keep + which used + having done + ye shall do + of our deeds + and he doeth + not that I do + them which do + man hath done + have committed + in them that do + unto them Exact + them which commit + thing was not done + that they which do + upon him that doeth + they have committed + to that he hath done + I might have required + that he had committed + that they which commit + and they that have done +/ .
4161 + For we are his workmanship + by the things that are made +/ . poiema {poy'-ay-mah}; from 4160 + do + Do + did + done + bear + move + Make + mean + made + make + I do + took + held + Make + keep + to do + bring + Ye do + forth + ye do + dealt + I did + Bring + doing + ye do + doest + doeth + but do + and do + ye did + he did + making + laying + maketh + makest + to put + you do + I make + and did + he made + provide + he kept + we make + causeth + without + will do + they do + she did + ye made + shewest + be made + that do + man did + wrought + working + thou do + to make + it bear + ye make + he doeth + and made + and make + for I do + me to do + shall do + is to do + to bring + not make + bringing + And make + bringeth + they did + had made + had done + and to do + the doing + I will do + hast made + man doeth + Let us do + to you do + and ye do + which did + to be put + not forth + they made + should do + not to do + and cause + you cause + else make + things do + so making + hath done + he maketh + and doeth + hath made + will I do + that I do + as ye did + that made + For to do + to fulfil + to execute + thou doest + which bare + that ye do + shall I do + let him do + committeth + to perform + and maketh + that doeth + which made + will he do + him he did + to observe + hand doeth + will we do + And he did + To execute + manner did + both yield + which gave + to content + To perform + fulfilling + unto you do + when I gave + he purposed + I will make + up and bare + will I make + that I made + I will keep + hath gained + thou makest + he had done + shall we do + and will do + have caused + have I made + shall he do + we had made + I have done + let us make + which doeth + had wrought + I have been + ye would do + I have made + And they did + And he doeth + as they went + and continue + and bringeth + them that do + and he doeth + we have done + things ye do + and to agree + and they did + and shooteth + he hath done + for me to do + for if ye do + He hath done + have ye done + ye have done + have wrought + which he did + that wrought + shall fulfil + hath he done + things he did + man hath done + thou shalt do + unto you Make + they had done + him that made + had committed + And hath made + And hast made + they might do + She hath done + transgresseth + of me ) to do + shall they do + that bringeth + pit shall make + for thee to do + and shall make + and journeying + up and brought + for you making + as I have done + They shall put + which bringeth + one that doeth + I had not done + in me he doeth + And he causeth + than others do + of you keepeth + that he maketh + hast thou done + He hath shewed + that will I do + that I will do + He that shewed + hast thou made + And there abode + him and causeth + doth not commit + And he ordained + that thou doest + ye to have done + that I shall do + and they caused + and let us make + as ye have done + woman hath done + Have I committed + that they may do + For he hath made + he and that I do + but ye have made + that they can do + things and doest + unto him to make + them which cause + are they that do + thing shall I do + that he had done + that hath shewed + unto him and make + And he exerciseth + that ye should do + but he that doeth + of them that make + and them which do + them He that made + But he that doeth + he that thou make + her that had done + that they had done + thou have me to do + and thou hast made + He that committeth + and they have done + there who had made + ye that I shall do + ye shall have done + me and I will make + that she hath done + not and did commit + things that he did + that he should make + they that have done + that he might cause + But when thou doest + ye that I should do + things will they do + did not he that made + in them for in doing + thou that I shall do + unto him to continue + And when he had made + him not but have done + thou that I should do + but that ye should do + to him that appointed + unto them I have done + that they should make + And after he had spent + that thou shouldest do + to his burial and made + the things that he did + But though he had done + that he that hath done + though I have committed + that after ye have done + unto him That thou doest + neither whatsoever worketh + as of things that are made + And after they had tarried + of him and that they had done + them that they should not make + him up ; and if he have committed + them out after that he had shewed + thou unto us seeing that thou doest +/ ; a product, i .e . fabric (literally or figuratively): --thing that is made, workmanship .
4162 + in his deed +/ . poiesis {poy'-ay-sis}; from 4160 + do + Do + did + done + bear + move + Make + mean + made + make + I do + took + held + Make + keep + to do + bring + Ye do + forth + ye do + dealt + I did + Bring + doing + ye do + doest + doeth + but do + and do + ye did + he did + making + laying + maketh + makest + to put + you do + I make + and did + he made + provide + he kept + we make + causeth + without + will do + they do + she did + ye made + shewest + be made + that do + man did + wrought + working + thou do + to make + it bear + ye make + he doeth + and made + and make + for I do + me to do + shall do + is to do + to bring + not make + bringing + And make + bringeth + they did + had made + had done + and to do + the doing + I will do + hast made + man doeth + Let us do + to you do + and ye do + which did + to be put + not forth + they made + should do + not to do + and cause + you cause + else make + things do + so making + hath done + he maketh + and doeth + hath made + will I do + that I do + as ye did + that made + For to do + to fulfil + to execute + thou doest + which bare + that ye do + shall I do + let him do + committeth + to perform + and maketh + that doeth + which made + will he do + him he did + to observe + hand doeth + will we do + And he did + To execute + manner did + both yield + which gave + to content + To perform + fulfilling + unto you do + when I gave + he purposed + I will make + up and bare + will I make + that I made + I will keep + hath gained + thou makest + he had done + shall we do + and will do + have caused + have I made + shall he do + we had made + I have done + let us make + which doeth + had wrought + I have been + ye would do + I have made + And they did + And he doeth + as they went + and continue + and bringeth + them that do + and he doeth + we have done + things ye do + and to agree + and they did + and shooteth + he hath done + for me to do + for if ye do + He hath done + have ye done + ye have done + have wrought + which he did + that wrought + shall fulfil + hath he done + things he did + man hath done + thou shalt do + unto you Make + they had done + him that made + had committed + And hath made + And hast made + they might do + She hath done + transgresseth + of me ) to do + shall they do + that bringeth + pit shall make + for thee to do + and shall make + and journeying + up and brought + for you making + as I have done + They shall put + which bringeth + one that doeth + I had not done + in me he doeth + And he causeth + than others do + of you keepeth + that he maketh + hast thou done + He hath shewed + that will I do + that I will do + He that shewed + hast thou made + And there abode + him and causeth + doth not commit + And he ordained + that thou doest + ye to have done + that I shall do + and they caused + and let us make + as ye have done + woman hath done + Have I committed + that they may do + For he hath made + he and that I do + but ye have made + that they can do + things and doest + unto him to make + them which cause + are they that do + thing shall I do + that he had done + that hath shewed + unto him and make + And he exerciseth + that ye should do + but he that doeth + of them that make + and them which do + them He that made + But he that doeth + he that thou make + her that had done + that they had done + thou have me to do + and thou hast made + He that committeth + and they have done + there who had made + ye that I shall do + ye shall have done + me and I will make + that she hath done + not and did commit + things that he did + that he should make + they that have done + that he might cause + But when thou doest + ye that I should do + things will they do + did not he that made + in them for in doing + thou that I shall do + unto him to continue + And when he had made + him not but have done + thou that I should do + but that ye should do + to him that appointed + unto them I have done + that they should make + And after he had spent + that thou shouldest do + to his burial and made + the things that he did + But though he had done + that he that hath done + though I have committed + that after ye have done + unto him That thou doest + neither whatsoever worketh + as of things that are made + And after they had tarried + of him and that they had done + them that they should not make + him up ; and if he have committed + them out after that he had shewed + thou unto us seeing that thou doest +/ ; action, i .e . performance (of the law): --deed .
4163 + poets + not a doer + but a doer + but the doers + and not a doer + But be ye doers +/ . poietes {poy-ay-tace'}; from 4160 + do + Do + did + done + bear + move + Make + mean + made + make + I do + took + held + Make + keep + to do + bring + Ye do + forth + ye do + dealt + I did + Bring + doing + ye do + doest + doeth + but do + and do + ye did + he did + making + laying + maketh + makest + to put + you do + I make + and did + he made + provide + he kept + we make + causeth + without + will do + they do + she did + ye made + shewest + be made + that do + man did + wrought + working + thou do + to make + it bear + ye make + he doeth + and made + and make + for I do + me to do + shall do + is to do + to bring + not make + bringing + And make + bringeth + they did + had made + had done + and to do + the doing + I will do + hast made + man doeth + Let us do + to you do + and ye do + which did + to be put + not forth + they made + should do + not to do + and cause + you cause + else make + things do + so making + hath done + he maketh + and doeth + hath made + will I do + that I do + as ye did + that made + For to do + to fulfil + to execute + thou doest + which bare + that ye do + shall I do + let him do + committeth + to perform + and maketh + that doeth + which made + will he do + him he did + to observe + hand doeth + will we do + And he did + To execute + manner did + both yield + which gave + to content + To perform + fulfilling + unto you do + when I gave + he purposed + I will make + up and bare + will I make + that I made + I will keep + hath gained + thou makest + he had done + shall we do + and will do + have caused + have I made + shall he do + we had made + I have done + let us make + which doeth + had wrought + I have been + ye would do + I have made + And they did + And he doeth + as they went + and continue + and bringeth + them that do + and he doeth + we have done + things ye do + and to agree + and they did + and shooteth + he hath done + for me to do + for if ye do + He hath done + have ye done + ye have done + have wrought + which he did + that wrought + shall fulfil + hath he done + things he did + man hath done + thou shalt do + unto you Make + they had done + him that made + had committed + And hath made + And hast made + they might do + She hath done + transgresseth + of me ) to do + shall they do + that bringeth + pit shall make + for thee to do + and shall make + and journeying + up and brought + for you making + as I have done + They shall put + which bringeth + one that doeth + I had not done + in me he doeth + And he causeth + than others do + of you keepeth + that he maketh + hast thou done + He hath shewed + that will I do + that I will do + He that shewed + hast thou made + And there abode + him and causeth + doth not commit + And he ordained + that thou doest + ye to have done + that I shall do + and they caused + and let us make + as ye have done + woman hath done + Have I committed + that they may do + For he hath made + he and that I do + but ye have made + that they can do + things and doest + unto him to make + them which cause + are they that do + thing shall I do + that he had done + that hath shewed + unto him and make + And he exerciseth + that ye should do + but he that doeth + of them that make + and them which do + them He that made + But he that doeth + he that thou make + her that had done + that they had done + thou have me to do + and thou hast made + He that committeth + and they have done + there who had made + ye that I shall do + ye shall have done + me and I will make + that she hath done + not and did commit + things that he did + that he should make + they that have done + that he might cause + But when thou doest + ye that I should do + things will they do + did not he that made + in them for in doing + thou that I shall do + unto him to continue + And when he had made + him not but have done + thou that I should do + but that ye should do + to him that appointed + unto them I have done + that they should make + And after he had spent + that thou shouldest do + to his burial and made + the things that he did + But though he had done + that he that hath done + though I have committed + that after ye have done + unto him That thou doest + neither whatsoever worketh + as of things that are made + And after they had tarried + of him and that they had done + them that they should not make + him up ; and if he have committed + them out after that he had shewed + thou unto us seeing that thou doest +/ ; a performer; specifically, a "poet"; --doer, poet .
4364 + and he made +/ . prospoieomai {pros-poy-eh'-om-ahee}; middle voice from 4314 + at + nigh + among + toward + within + because + whereby + against + between + me among + as about + not among + according + himself at + concerning + conditions + not against + but against + things before + but not before + they had against + of speech toward + is he that condemneth + with us for it is toward +/ and 4160 + do + Do + did + done + bear + move + Make + mean + made + make + I do + took + held + Make + keep + to do + bring + Ye do + forth + ye do + dealt + I did + Bring + doing + ye do + doest + doeth + but do + and do + ye did + he did + making + laying + maketh + makest + to put + you do + I make + and did + he made + provide + he kept + we make + causeth + without + will do + they do + she did + ye made + shewest + be made + that do + man did + wrought + working + thou do + to make + it bear + ye make + he doeth + and made + and make + for I do + me to do + shall do + is to do + to bring + not make + bringing + And make + bringeth + they did + had made + had done + and to do + the doing + I will do + hast made + man doeth + Let us do + to you do + and ye do + which did + to be put + not forth + they made + should do + not to do + and cause + you cause + else make + things do + so making + hath done + he maketh + and doeth + hath made + will I do + that I do + as ye did + that made + For to do + to fulfil + to execute + thou doest + which bare + that ye do + shall I do + let him do + committeth + to perform + and maketh + that doeth + which made + will he do + him he did + to observe + hand doeth + will we do + And he did + To execute + manner did + both yield + which gave + to content + To perform + fulfilling + unto you do + when I gave + he purposed + I will make + up and bare + will I make + that I made + I will keep + hath gained + thou makest + he had done + shall we do + and will do + have caused + have I made + shall he do + we had made + I have done + let us make + which doeth + had wrought + I have been + ye would do + I have made + And they did + And he doeth + as they went + and continue + and bringeth + them that do + and he doeth + we have done + things ye do + and to agree + and they did + and shooteth + he hath done + for me to do + for if ye do + He hath done + have ye done + ye have done + have wrought + which he did + that wrought + shall fulfil + hath he done + things he did + man hath done + thou shalt do + unto you Make + they had done + him that made + had committed + And hath made + And hast made + they might do + She hath done + transgresseth + of me ) to do + shall they do + that bringeth + pit shall make + for thee to do + and shall make + and journeying + up and brought + for you making + as I have done + They shall put + which bringeth + one that doeth + I had not done + in me he doeth + And he causeth + than others do + of you keepeth + that he maketh + hast thou done + He hath shewed + that will I do + that I will do + He that shewed + hast thou made + And there abode + him and causeth + doth not commit + And he ordained + that thou doest + ye to have done + that I shall do + and they caused + and let us make + as ye have done + woman hath done + Have I committed + that they may do + For he hath made + he and that I do + but ye have made + that they can do + things and doest + unto him to make + them which cause + are they that do + thing shall I do + that he had done + that hath shewed + unto him and make + And he exerciseth + that ye should do + but he that doeth + of them that make + and them which do + them He that made + But he that doeth + he that thou make + her that had done + that they had done + thou have me to do + and thou hast made + He that committeth + and they have done + there who had made + ye that I shall do + ye shall have done + me and I will make + that she hath done + not and did commit + things that he did + that he should make + they that have done + that he might cause + But when thou doest + ye that I should do + things will they do + did not he that made + in them for in doing + thou that I shall do + unto him to continue + And when he had made + him not but have done + thou that I should do + but that ye should do + to him that appointed + unto them I have done + that they should make + And after he had spent + that thou shouldest do + to his burial and made + the things that he did + But though he had done + that he that hath done + though I have committed + that after ye have done + unto him That thou doest + neither whatsoever worketh + as of things that are made + And after they had tarried + of him and that they had done + them that they should not make + him up ; and if he have committed + them out after that he had shewed + thou unto us seeing that thou doest +/ ; to do forward for oneself, i .e . pretend (as if about to do a thing): --make as though .
4412 + at + first + First + chiefly + me first + ye first + at first + it first + is first + he first + out first + But first + For first + the first + me before + but first + that first + shall first + at the first + should first + the beginning + he will first + Unto you first + thy way ; first + that was not first + that he had not first +/ . proton {pro'-ton}; neuter of 4413 + First + first + chief + the best + be first + He first + be chief + my first + he first + the first + The first + and chief + was first + the first + thy first + the chief + The former + that first + to be first + their first + is the chief + of the chief + in the first + to the first + is the first + of the first + for the first + and the first + him The first + And the first + and the chief + that are first + shall be first + for the former + unto the first + from the first + than the first + unto you first + be the chiefest + and of the chief + themselves first + that in me first + by let the first + while as the first + unto him The first + But when the first + and there are first + me for he was before + among you let him first + with them than the beginning + and that he should be the first +/ as adverb (with or without 3588 + who 3588- who 3588- ever 3588- ever 3588- who + any + Who + this + Some + what + This + when + then + some + this + Whoso + While + thine + whose + which + Which + These + Those + these + which + those + sake which 3588- sake which 3588- by this + whereby + in your + is this + by your + to whom + in this + as much + of this + but who + to your + And your + Let your + as those + But this + and when + thee who + came who + for your + in these + And this + he which + hand who + to those + ye which + For what + And some + and your + of these + of those + For this + we which + not what + and some + And when + in those + her which + and whoso + man which + and these + him which + but those + But whoso + and Whoso + and which + Whosoever + And whoso + them what + with such + for those + her which + whosoever + one which + and those + But while + thee what + unto your + that when + was which + that this + from your + and thine + son which + For those + But those + and whose + that those + than those + even those + and others + unto those + shall your + that which + thee which + ones which + unto these + them which + women which + things your + thing which + And of some + works which + is he which + to them who + ye not what + and another + was he which + is and which + But in those + of you which + to you which + him for some + is and which + us from this + things which + even in this + He it is who + to pass when + with her who + by the which + and for your + out of those + things which + For we which + him but some + that we which + not whosoever + to pass while + And whosoever + is that which + of them which + and whosoever + For whosoever + to pass which + by that which + on them which + was and which + was and which + unto thee Who + unto us which + and whosoever + to them which + that he which + from him which + not them which + that whosoever + That whosoever + And they which + are they which + there be which + not them which + thing and what + for whatsoever + Even unto this + but that which + not that which + diligently who + for them which + them not those + But let us who + that they which + with me in your + there are which + him ; and others + they may by your + unto them to this + him with them who + that things which + to pass that when + to pass that when + and to them which + to pass that while + unto you Whosoever + them unto us which + to pass that while + unto her Whosoever + those things which + that it is he which + But unto them which + and I pray God your + that it was he which + yea and things which + are the things which + by the means of those + unto you That ye which + unto you That whosoever + For we that are in this + of them diligently what + of Abraham 11 and whosoever + unto them Ye are they which + sake and for their sakes which +/ ); firstly (in time, place, order, or importance): --before, at the beginning, chiefly (at, at the) first (of all) .
4594 + day + This + this + day s + to day + To day + us this + me this + we this + for this + are this + unto this + for to day + and to day + things this + by you this + which to day + unto him This + things to day + unto them This + for myself this + which is to day + unto thee To day + unto thee That this +/ . semeron {say'-mer-on}; neuter (as adverb) of a presumed compound of the art . 3588 + who 3588- who 3588- ever 3588- ever 3588- who + any + Who + this + Some + what + This + when + then + some + this + Whoso + While + thine + whose + which + Which + These + Those + these + which + those + sake which 3588- sake which 3588- by this + whereby + in your + is this + by your + to whom + in this + as much + of this + but who + to your + And your + Let your + as those + But this + and when + thee who + came who + for your + in these + And this + he which + hand who + to those + ye which + For what + And some + and your + of these + of those + For this + we which + not what + and some + And when + in those + her which + and whoso + man which + and these + him which + but those + But whoso + and Whoso + and which + Whosoever + And whoso + them what + with such + for those + her which + whosoever + one which + and those + But while + thee what + unto your + that when + was which + that this + from your + and thine + son which + For those + But those + and whose + that those + than those + even those + and others + unto those + shall your + that which + thee which + ones which + unto these + them which + women which + things your + thing which + And of some + works which + is he which + to them who + ye not what + and another + was he which + is and which + But in those + of you which + to you which + him for some + is and which + us from this + things which + even in this + He it is who + to pass when + with her who + by the which + and for your + out of those + things which + For we which + him but some + that we which + not whosoever + to pass while + And whosoever + is that which + of them which + and whosoever + For whosoever + to pass which + by that which + on them which + was and which + was and which + unto thee Who + unto us which + and whosoever + to them which + that he which + from him which + not them which + that whosoever + That whosoever + And they which + are they which + there be which + not them which + thing and what + for whatsoever + Even unto this + but that which + not that which + diligently who + for them which + them not those + But let us who + that they which + with me in your + there are which + him ; and others + they may by your + unto them to this + him with them who + that things which + to pass that when + to pass that when + and to them which + to pass that while + unto you Whosoever + them unto us which + to pass that while + unto her Whosoever + those things which + that it is he which + But unto them which + and I pray God your + that it was he which + yea and things which + are the things which + by the means of those + unto you That ye which + unto you That whosoever + For we that are in this + of them diligently what + of Abraham 11 and whosoever + unto them Ye are they which + sake and for their sakes which +/ and 2250 + day + age + days + time + daily + while + a day + my day + by day + to day + us day + not day + a day s + and day + the day + of days + one day + thy day + God day + him day + judgment + The days + the time + in years + from day + in a day + that day + the days + it is day + And daily + and a day + not daily + some days + that time + him a day + in the day + In the day + it was day + is the day + of the day + I was daily + In that day + and the day + as in a day + not the day + in the days + be the days + of the days + But the day + for the day + in that day + that the day + And that day + But the days + For the days + unto the day + be in his day + that that day + as in the day + from that day + as it was day + unto the days + upon me daily + are of the day + and in the day + ye in that day + with you alway + And in the day + not in the days + But in the days + But as the days + But of that day + And in that day + and so that day + to pass the day + And when the day + When I was daily + But the same day + to me in that day + And from the days + man from that day + with him that day + unto that same day + For as in the days + Then were the days + And when it was day + with me in the days + as it was in the days + There was in the days + how that a good while + shall it be in the day + And as it was in the days + is with them but the days + And as soon as it was day + as from us as that the day + to pass that as soon as the days +/ ; on the (i .e . this) day (or night current or just passed); generally, now (i .e . at present, hitherto): --this (to-)day .
4635 + they were tentmakers +/ . skenopoios {skay-nop-oy-os'}; from 4633 + tabernacle + habitations + tabernacles + the tabernacle + in tabernacles + up the tabernacle + of the tabernacle + and his tabernacle + For there was a tabernacle +/ and 4160 + do + Do + did + done + bear + move + Make + mean + made + make + I do + took + held + Make + keep + to do + bring + Ye do + forth + ye do + dealt + I did + Bring + doing + ye do + doest + doeth + but do + and do + ye did + he did + making + laying + maketh + makest + to put + you do + I make + and did + he made + provide + he kept + we make + causeth + without + will do + they do + she did + ye made + shewest + be made + that do + man did + wrought + working + thou do + to make + it bear + ye make + he doeth + and made + and make + for I do + me to do + shall do + is to do + to bring + not make + bringing + And make + bringeth + they did + had made + had done + and to do + the doing + I will do + hast made + man doeth + Let us do + to you do + and ye do + which did + to be put + not forth + they made + should do + not to do + and cause + you cause + else make + things do + so making + hath done + he maketh + and doeth + hath made + will I do + that I do + as ye did + that made + For to do + to fulfil + to execute + thou doest + which bare + that ye do + shall I do + let him do + committeth + to perform + and maketh + that doeth + which made + will he do + him he did + to observe + hand doeth + will we do + And he did + To execute + manner did + both yield + which gave + to content + To perform + fulfilling + unto you do + when I gave + he purposed + I will make + up and bare + will I make + that I made + I will keep + hath gained + thou makest + he had done + shall we do + and will do + have caused + have I made + shall he do + we had made + I have done + let us make + which doeth + had wrought + I have been + ye would do + I have made + And they did + And he doeth + as they went + and continue + and bringeth + them that do + and he doeth + we have done + things ye do + and to agree + and they did + and shooteth + he hath done + for me to do + for if ye do + He hath done + have ye done + ye have done + have wrought + which he did + that wrought + shall fulfil + hath he done + things he did + man hath done + thou shalt do + unto you Make + they had done + him that made + had committed + And hath made + And hast made + they might do + She hath done + transgresseth + of me ) to do + shall they do + that bringeth + pit shall make + for thee to do + and shall make + and journeying + up and brought + for you making + as I have done + They shall put + which bringeth + one that doeth + I had not done + in me he doeth + And he causeth + than others do + of you keepeth + that he maketh + hast thou done + He hath shewed + that will I do + that I will do + He that shewed + hast thou made + And there abode + him and causeth + doth not commit + And he ordained + that thou doest + ye to have done + that I shall do + and they caused + and let us make + as ye have done + woman hath done + Have I committed + that they may do + For he hath made + he and that I do + but ye have made + that they can do + things and doest + unto him to make + them which cause + are they that do + thing shall I do + that he had done + that hath shewed + unto him and make + And he exerciseth + that ye should do + but he that doeth + of them that make + and them which do + them He that made + But he that doeth + he that thou make + her that had done + that they had done + thou have me to do + and thou hast made + He that committeth + and they have done + there who had made + ye that I shall do + ye shall have done + me and I will make + that she hath done + not and did commit + things that he did + that he should make + they that have done + that he might cause + But when thou doest + ye that I should do + things will they do + did not he that made + in them for in doing + thou that I shall do + unto him to continue + And when he had made + him not but have done + thou that I should do + but that ye should do + to him that appointed + unto them I have done + that they should make + And after he had spent + that thou shouldest do + to his burial and made + the things that he did + But though he had done + that he that hath done + though I have committed + that after ye have done + unto him That thou doest + neither whatsoever worketh + as of things that are made + And after they had tarried + of him and that they had done + them that they should not make + him up ; and if he have committed + them out after that he had shewed + thou unto us seeing that thou doest +/ ; a manufacturer of tents: --tent-maker .
5024 + like + Even thus + for in the like +/ . tauta {tow-tah'}; neuter plural of 3588 + who 3588- who 3588- ever 3588- ever 3588- who + any + Who + this + Some + what + This + when + then + some + this + Whoso + While + thine + whose + which + Which + These + Those + these + which + those + sake which 3588- sake which 3588- by this + whereby + in your + is this + by your + to whom + in this + as much + of this + but who + to your + And your + Let your + as those + But this + and when + thee who + came who + for your + in these + And this + he which + hand who + to those + ye which + For what + And some + and your + of these + of those + For this + we which + not what + and some + And when + in those + her which + and whoso + man which + and these + him which + but those + But whoso + and Whoso + and which + Whosoever + And whoso + them what + with such + for those + her which + whosoever + one which + and those + But while + thee what + unto your + that when + was which + that this + from your + and thine + son which + For those + But those + and whose + that those + than those + even those + and others + unto those + shall your + that which + thee which + ones which + unto these + them which + women which + things your + thing which + And of some + works which + is he which + to them who + ye not what + and another + was he which + is and which + But in those + of you which + to you which + him for some + is and which + us from this + things which + even in this + He it is who + to pass when + with her who + by the which + and for your + out of those + things which + For we which + him but some + that we which + not whosoever + to pass while + And whosoever + is that which + of them which + and whosoever + For whosoever + to pass which + by that which + on them which + was and which + was and which + unto thee Who + unto us which + and whosoever + to them which + that he which + from him which + not them which + that whosoever + That whosoever + And they which + are they which + there be which + not them which + thing and what + for whatsoever + Even unto this + but that which + not that which + diligently who + for them which + them not those + But let us who + that they which + with me in your + there are which + him ; and others + they may by your + unto them to this + him with them who + that things which + to pass that when + to pass that when + and to them which + to pass that while + unto you Whosoever + them unto us which + to pass that while + unto her Whosoever + those things which + that it is he which + But unto them which + and I pray God your + that it was he which + yea and things which + are the things which + by the means of those + unto you That ye which + unto you That whosoever + For we that are in this + of them diligently what + of Abraham 11 and whosoever + unto them Ye are they which + sake and for their sakes which +/ and 0846 + one + who + own + whom + this + mine + self + very + same + those + whose + which + cause + Having + itself + it this + thyself + thereof + Himself + thereon + thereby + herself + himself + is very + therein + The same + of those + selfsame + of these + together + the same + me there + to Jesus + thereinto + was there + Therewith + be of one + pit whose + that same + pit whose + in thereat + And beside + the things + for theirs + with those + own selves + themselves + he himself + who himself + do the same + that myself + up the same + him thereon + by the same + of the said + up together + of the same + For therein + in the same + and himself + that therein + For the same + And the same + for the same + out the same + you the same + And the very + not the same + But in those + but the same + to pass there + and of myself + both together + in yourselves + thing thereon + ye yourselves + into the same + that the same + and therewith + with the same + were together + Ye yourselves + of themselves + for yourselves + and he himself + but he himself + things therein + things to whom + Be of the same + things thereon + For yourselves + in you the same + And in the same + and in the same + doth he himself + while the other + they themselves + is not the same + Out of the same + that are therein + and the selfsame + And in that same + and not the very + when thou thyself + and ye yourselves + that we ourselves + not in yourselves + things themselves + For with the same + him for he himself + but it is the same + we not in the same + for that he himself + and they themselves + For they themselves + things that himself + should have the same + from among yourselves + unto you for the same + but that thou thyself + For in that he himself + things that are therein + of you as ye yourselves + that they be of the same + not with them to the same + And there were in the same + unto you for ye yourselves + and the things that therein + and the things which are therein +/ as adverb; in the same way: --even thus, (manner) like, so .
5082 + so + great + mighty + us from so + which though they be so +/ . telikoutos {tay-lik-oo'-tos}; feminine telikaute {tay-lik-ow'-tay}; from a compound of 3588 + who 3588- who 3588- ever 3588- ever 3588- who + any + Who + this + Some + what + This + when + then + some + this + Whoso + While + thine + whose + which + Which + These + Those + these + which + those + sake which 3588- sake which 3588- by this + whereby + in your + is this + by your + to whom + in this + as much + of this + but who + to your + And your + Let your + as those + But this + and when + thee who + came who + for your + in these + And this + he which + hand who + to those + ye which + For what + And some + and your + of these + of those + For this + we which + not what + and some + And when + in those + her which + and whoso + man which + and these + him which + but those + But whoso + and Whoso + and which + Whosoever + And whoso + them what + with such + for those + her which + whosoever + one which + and those + But while + thee what + unto your + that when + was which + that this + from your + and thine + son which + For those + But those + and whose + that those + than those + even those + and others + unto those + shall your + that which + thee which + ones which + unto these + them which + women which + things your + thing which + And of some + works which + is he which + to them who + ye not what + and another + was he which + is and which + But in those + of you which + to you which + him for some + is and which + us from this + things which + even in this + He it is who + to pass when + with her who + by the which + and for your + out of those + things which + For we which + him but some + that we which + not whosoever + to pass while + And whosoever + is that which + of them which + and whosoever + For whosoever + to pass which + by that which + on them which + was and which + was and which + unto thee Who + unto us which + and whosoever + to them which + that he which + from him which + not them which + that whosoever + That whosoever + And they which + are they which + there be which + not them which + thing and what + for whatsoever + Even unto this + but that which + not that which + diligently who + for them which + them not those + But let us who + that they which + with me in your + there are which + him ; and others + they may by your + unto them to this + him with them who + that things which + to pass that when + to pass that when + and to them which + to pass that while + unto you Whosoever + them unto us which + to pass that while + unto her Whosoever + those things which + that it is he which + But unto them which + and I pray God your + that it was he which + yea and things which + are the things which + by the means of those + unto you That ye which + unto you That whosoever + For we that are in this + of them diligently what + of Abraham 11 and whosoever + unto them Ye are they which + sake and for their sakes which +/ with 2245 + how + what + great +/ and 3778 + This 3778- this 3778- this 3778- This 3778- who + this + THIS + same + such + hese + This + which + these + These + hereof + as this + is this + fashion + by This + Is this + the same + for this + And this + do these + but this + For this + The same + man this + But this + not this + you this + and this + was this + But these + but these + doth this + and these + that this + For these + are these + hath this + And these + for these + that these + shall this + might this + me of this + me is this + have these + Cometh this + me but this + shall these + namely this + Of the same + Is not this + of the same + we for this + to me These + is not this + him the same + and the same + age and this + unto you This + them the same + thing is this + And let these + and that this + ye that these + unto me These + a man is this + thee and these + else let these + of man is this + purpose is this + places the same + unto them These + to them for this + is it which these + us for as for this + us for as for this + unto you That this + unto you that this + in me and I in him the same +/ ; such as this, i .e . (in [figurative] magnitude) so vast: --so great, so mighty .
5104 . toi {toy}; probably for the dative case of 3588 + who 3588- who 3588- ever 3588- ever 3588- who + any + Who + this + Some + what + This + when + then + some + this + Whoso + While + thine + whose + which + Which + These + Those + these + which + those + sake which 3588- sake which 3588- by this + whereby + in your + is this + by your + to whom + in this + as much + of this + but who + to your + And your + Let your + as those + But this + and when + thee who + came who + for your + in these + And this + he which + hand who + to those + ye which + For what + And some + and your + of these + of those + For this + we which + not what + and some + And when + in those + her which + and whoso + man which + and these + him which + but those + But whoso + and Whoso + and which + Whosoever + And whoso + them what + with such + for those + her which + whosoever + one which + and those + But while + thee what + unto your + that when + was which + that this + from your + and thine + son which + For those + But those + and whose + that those + than those + even those + and others + unto those + shall your + that which + thee which + ones which + unto these + them which + women which + things your + thing which + And of some + works which + is he which + to them who + ye not what + and another + was he which + is and which + But in those + of you which + to you which + him for some + is and which + us from this + things which + even in this + He it is who + to pass when + with her who + by the which + and for your + out of those + things which + For we which + him but some + that we which + not whosoever + to pass while + And whosoever + is that which + of them which + and whosoever + For whosoever + to pass which + by that which + on them which + was and which + was and which + unto thee Who + unto us which + and whosoever + to them which + that he which + from him which + not them which + that whosoever + That whosoever + And they which + are they which + there be which + not them which + thing and what + for whatsoever + Even unto this + but that which + not that which + diligently who + for them which + them not those + But let us who + that they which + with me in your + there are which + him ; and others + they may by your + unto them to this + him with them who + that things which + to pass that when + to pass that when + and to them which + to pass that while + unto you Whosoever + them unto us which + to pass that while + unto her Whosoever + those things which + that it is he which + But unto them which + and I pray God your + that it was he which + yea and things which + are the things which + by the means of those + unto you That ye which + unto you That whosoever + For we that are in this + of them diligently what + of Abraham 11 and whosoever + unto them Ye are they which + sake and for their sakes which +/ ; an enclitic particle of asseveration by way of contrast; in sooth: --[used only with other particles in comp ., as 2544 + him though + Nevertheless +/ , 3305 + yet + Howbeit + Nevertheless +/ , 5105 + Wherefore + He therefore +/ , 5106 + then + therefore + I therefore +/ , etc .]
5118 + so + long + much + many + great + By so + these + for so + with so + is as large + should we have so + one another and so + There are it may be so + and for all there were so +/ . tosoutos {tos-oo'-tos}; from tosos (so much; apparently from 3588 + who 3588- who 3588- ever 3588- ever 3588- who + any + Who + this + Some + what + This + when + then + some + this + Whoso + While + thine + whose + which + Which + These + Those + these + which + those + sake which 3588- sake which 3588- by this + whereby + in your + is this + by your + to whom + in this + as much + of this + but who + to your + And your + Let your + as those + But this + and when + thee who + came who + for your + in these + And this + he which + hand who + to those + ye which + For what + And some + and your + of these + of those + For this + we which + not what + and some + And when + in those + her which + and whoso + man which + and these + him which + but those + But whoso + and Whoso + and which + Whosoever + And whoso + them what + with such + for those + her which + whosoever + one which + and those + But while + thee what + unto your + that when + was which + that this + from your + and thine + son which + For those + But those + and whose + that those + than those + even those + and others + unto those + shall your + that which + thee which + ones which + unto these + them which + women which + things your + thing which + And of some + works which + is he which + to them who + ye not what + and another + was he which + is and which + But in those + of you which + to you which + him for some + is and which + us from this + things which + even in this + He it is who + to pass when + with her who + by the which + and for your + out of those + things which + For we which + him but some + that we which + not whosoever + to pass while + And whosoever + is that which + of them which + and whosoever + For whosoever + to pass which + by that which + on them which + was and which + was and which + unto thee Who + unto us which + and whosoever + to them which + that he which + from him which + not them which + that whosoever + That whosoever + And they which + are they which + there be which + not them which + thing and what + for whatsoever + Even unto this + but that which + not that which + diligently who + for them which + them not those + But let us who + that they which + with me in your + there are which + him ; and others + they may by your + unto them to this + him with them who + that things which + to pass that when + to pass that when + and to them which + to pass that while + unto you Whosoever + them unto us which + to pass that while + unto her Whosoever + those things which + that it is he which + But unto them which + and I pray God your + that it was he which + yea and things which + are the things which + by the means of those + unto you That ye which + unto you That whosoever + For we that are in this + of them diligently what + of Abraham 11 and whosoever + unto them Ye are they which + sake and for their sakes which +/ and 3739 + whom 3739- whom 3739- who + Who + who + one + whom + whom + Whom + when + what + What + since + where + whose + Which + Whose + while + which + which + ye who + us whom + Whereby + you who + he whom + ye what + wherein + whither + another + because + him who + Whereof + To whom + whereof + whereby + For one + man who + whereto + by whom + Of whom + whereon + to whom + on whom + In whom + By whom + he whom + nothing + by whom + in whom + of whom + of what + and whom + us which + and what + you whom + But what + us whose + by which + In which + by whose + of whose + of which + by which + Of which + he which + By which + For whom + for what + and What + and What + but whom + not what + him whom + for whom + in which + And what + me whose + thou what + from whom + sake whom + that what + for since + for which + From whom + them what + him whose + time What + upon whom + whereinto + Unto whom + wherefore + but while + For which + the which + with whom + with this + Whereunto + With whom + And while + unto whom + wherewith + Whereupon + Wherefore + whereunto + and whose + whatsoever + And others + it ; which + land which + up whereof + That which + to another + bread when + is he whom + Unto which + that which + seed which + From which + sake which + from which + for of whom + For he whom + But ( which + but to whom + him in whom + out of whom + from whence + But he whom + him because + and to whom + and of whom + and another + and he whom + in me which + unto ; whom + angel which + him of whom + things which + in him which + things which + in you which + In the which + By the which + of thee what + with us when + me ; of whom + than I whose + of the which + of them whom + to the which + they to whom + him for whom + ground ; who + wisdom which + not for what + that whereon + in the which + by the which + is he of whom + and with what + For with what + unto him whom + unto him What + thing whereby + For the which + And whosoever + One ; of whom + thing to whom + they him What + it from whose + Of them which + is he of whom + ye that which + of them whose + in whatsoever + speeches which + And that which + was he of whom + Upon the which + in him of whom + are they whose + are they which + themselves who + that for which + day that which + For that which + and he to whom + things whereof + and they which + For he of whom + him with which + Even him whose + and to another + things by whom + ye of him whom + unto you which + things another + ye are to whom + are they which + and that which + be in you which + in you for whom + that fast which + to them of whom + another another + that he to whom + up that whereon + things in which + as was not since + I not ; but what + for them by whom + of him with whom + He it is to whom + the things which + and to the other + unto him to whom + thee things which + of all that which + things from which + not those things which 3739- not those things which 3739- unto me Upon whom + man was unto whom + from them of whom + from me ; of whom + things ; in which + those things which + of Abraham 11 whom + even to them which + hand and the other + but for them which + did ; by the which + things and by whom + the things whereof + unto thee but that which 3739- ye not that to whom + have mercy and whom + unto thee but that which 3739- For unto whomsoever + of Abraham 11 ; who + by the things which + in that thing which + is there of you whom + and the things which + not the things which + it should be of whom + which is in you which + that is in thee which + of those things which + things there be which + of these things which + thou the things which + of for that for which + up those things which + But those things which + upon another ; because + to pass that whosoever + things they were which + that those things which + things than those which + into those things which + in those things whereof + of these things whereof + unto you ; in both which + in me and the life which + are and the things which + merchandise of you whose + thou in the things which + of that country from whence + shall those things be which + But I say that the things which + women that were with them which + and of those things in the which + but it shall be given to them for whom +/ ) and 3778 + This 3778- this 3778- this 3778- This 3778- who + this + THIS + same + such + hese + This + which + these + These + hereof + as this + is this + fashion + by This + Is this + the same + for this + And this + do these + but this + For this + The same + man this + But this + not this + you this + and this + was this + But these + but these + doth this + and these + that this + For these + are these + hath this + And these + for these + that these + shall this + might this + me of this + me is this + have these + Cometh this + me but this + shall these + namely this + Of the same + Is not this + of the same + we for this + to me These + is not this + him the same + and the same + age and this + unto you This + them the same + thing is this + And let these + and that this + ye that these + unto me These + a man is this + thee and these + else let these + of man is this + purpose is this + places the same + unto them These + to them for this + is it which these + us for as for this + us for as for this + unto you That this + unto you that this + in me and I in him the same +/ (including its variations); so vast as this, i .e . such (in quantity, amount, number of space): --as large, so great (long, many, much), these many .
5119 + then + Then + up then + and then + And then + but then + For then + that then + that time + But as then + man and then + things . Then + unto him then + with him then + From that time + And from that time + from them and then +/ . tote {tot'-eh}; from (the neuter of) 3588 + who 3588- who 3588- ever 3588- ever 3588- who + any + Who + this + Some + what + This + when + then + some + this + Whoso + While + thine + whose + which + Which + These + Those + these + which + those + sake which 3588- sake which 3588- by this + whereby + in your + is this + by your + to whom + in this + as much + of this + but who + to your + And your + Let your + as those + But this + and when + thee who + came who + for your + in these + And this + he which + hand who + to those + ye which + For what + And some + and your + of these + of those + For this + we which + not what + and some + And when + in those + her which + and whoso + man which + and these + him which + but those + But whoso + and Whoso + and which + Whosoever + And whoso + them what + with such + for those + her which + whosoever + one which + and those + But while + thee what + unto your + that when + was which + that this + from your + and thine + son which + For those + But those + and whose + that those + than those + even those + and others + unto those + shall your + that which + thee which + ones which + unto these + them which + women which + things your + thing which + And of some + works which + is he which + to them who + ye not what + and another + was he which + is and which + But in those + of you which + to you which + him for some + is and which + us from this + things which + even in this + He it is who + to pass when + with her who + by the which + and for your + out of those + things which + For we which + him but some + that we which + not whosoever + to pass while + And whosoever + is that which + of them which + and whosoever + For whosoever + to pass which + by that which + on them which + was and which + was and which + unto thee Who + unto us which + and whosoever + to them which + that he which + from him which + not them which + that whosoever + That whosoever + And they which + are they which + there be which + not them which + thing and what + for whatsoever + Even unto this + but that which + not that which + diligently who + for them which + them not those + But let us who + that they which + with me in your + there are which + him ; and others + they may by your + unto them to this + him with them who + that things which + to pass that when + to pass that when + and to them which + to pass that while + unto you Whosoever + them unto us which + to pass that while + unto her Whosoever + those things which + that it is he which + But unto them which + and I pray God your + that it was he which + yea and things which + are the things which + by the means of those + unto you That ye which + unto you That whosoever + For we that are in this + of them diligently what + of Abraham 11 and whosoever + unto them Ye are they which + sake and for their sakes which +/ and 3753 + When + when + while + after + is when + we when + but when + day when + And when + But when + For when + and when + And after + But after + bread when + and as soon + But as soon + to pass when + it . And when + unto them When + unto thee When + them . And when + to pass that when + the things which make + was not with them when + that was with him when +/ ; then when, i .e . at the time that (of the past or future, also in consecution): --that time, then .
5121 + But contrariwise + but contrariwise + that contrariwise +/ . tounantion {too-nan-tee'-on}; contraction for the neuter of 3588 + who 3588- who 3588- ever 3588- ever 3588- who + any + Who + this + Some + what + This + when + then + some + this + Whoso + While + thine + whose + which + Which + These + Those + these + which + those + sake which 3588- sake which 3588- by this + whereby + in your + is this + by your + to whom + in this + as much + of this + but who + to your + And your + Let your + as those + But this + and when + thee who + came who + for your + in these + And this + he which + hand who + to those + ye which + For what + And some + and your + of these + of those + For this + we which + not what + and some + And when + in those + her which + and whoso + man which + and these + him which + but those + But whoso + and Whoso + and which + Whosoever + And whoso + them what + with such + for those + her which + whosoever + one which + and those + But while + thee what + unto your + that when + was which + that this + from your + and thine + son which + For those + But those + and whose + that those + than those + even those + and others + unto those + shall your + that which + thee which + ones which + unto these + them which + women which + things your + thing which + And of some + works which + is he which + to them who + ye not what + and another + was he which + is and which + But in those + of you which + to you which + him for some + is and which + us from this + things which + even in this + He it is who + to pass when + with her who + by the which + and for your + out of those + things which + For we which + him but some + that we which + not whosoever + to pass while + And whosoever + is that which + of them which + and whosoever + For whosoever + to pass which + by that which + on them which + was and which + was and which + unto thee Who + unto us which + and whosoever + to them which + that he which + from him which + not them which + that whosoever + That whosoever + And they which + are they which + there be which + not them which + thing and what + for whatsoever + Even unto this + but that which + not that which + diligently who + for them which + them not those + But let us who + that they which + with me in your + there are which + him ; and others + they may by your + unto them to this + him with them who + that things which + to pass that when + to pass that when + and to them which + to pass that while + unto you Whosoever + them unto us which + to pass that while + unto her Whosoever + those things which + that it is he which + But unto them which + and I pray God your + that it was he which + yea and things which + are the things which + by the means of those + unto you That ye which + unto you That whosoever + For we that are in this + of them diligently what + of Abraham 11 and whosoever + unto them Ye are they which + sake and for their sakes which +/ and 1726 + before + in the sight +/ ; on the contrary: --contrariwise .
5122 . tounoma {too'-no-mah}; contraction for the neuter of 3588 + who 3588- who 3588- ever 3588- ever 3588- who + any + Who + this + Some + what + This + when + then + some + this + Whoso + While + thine + whose + which + Which + These + Those + these + which + those + sake which 3588- sake which 3588- by this + whereby + in your + is this + by your + to whom + in this + as much + of this + but who + to your + And your + Let your + as those + But this + and when + thee who + came who + for your + in these + And this + he which + hand who + to those + ye which + For what + And some + and your + of these + of those + For this + we which + not what + and some + And when + in those + her which + and whoso + man which + and these + him which + but those + But whoso + and Whoso + and which + Whosoever + And whoso + them what + with such + for those + her which + whosoever + one which + and those + But while + thee what + unto your + that when + was which + that this + from your + and thine + son which + For those + But those + and whose + that those + than those + even those + and others + unto those + shall your + that which + thee which + ones which + unto these + them which + women which + things your + thing which + And of some + works which + is he which + to them who + ye not what + and another + was he which + is and which + But in those + of you which + to you which + him for some + is and which + us from this + things which + even in this + He it is who + to pass when + with her who + by the which + and for your + out of those + things which + For we which + him but some + that we which + not whosoever + to pass while + And whosoever + is that which + of them which + and whosoever + For whosoever + to pass which + by that which + on them which + was and which + was and which + unto thee Who + unto us which + and whosoever + to them which + that he which + from him which + not them which + that whosoever + That whosoever + And they which + are they which + there be which + not them which + thing and what + for whatsoever + Even unto this + but that which + not that which + diligently who + for them which + them not those + But let us who + that they which + with me in your + there are which + him ; and others + they may by your + unto them to this + him with them who + that things which + to pass that when + to pass that when + and to them which + to pass that while + unto you Whosoever + them unto us which + to pass that while + unto her Whosoever + those things which + that it is he which + But unto them which + and I pray God your + that it was he which + yea and things which + are the things which + by the means of those + unto you That ye which + unto you That whosoever + For we that are in this + of them diligently what + of Abraham 11 and whosoever + unto them Ye are they which + sake and for their sakes which +/ and 3686 + name + name + named + names + a name + called + by name + My name + my name + own name + thy name + his name + His name + the name + of names + his name + the names + and names + man named + in my name + In my name + was a name + him a name + whose name + to his name + in thy name + he surnamed + in his name + is his name + by the name + on the name + of his name + on thy name + in the name + In the name + is thy name + to the name + be thy name + And the name + and his name + fast my name + out his name + and the name + For the name + for his name + for the name + and her name + And his name + That the name + upon the name + that the name + unto thy name + for my name s + of them named + for one called + unto one named + and he surnamed + which was named + and in thy name + And in his name + thing in my name + them in the name + that by the name + them in thy name + thee in the name + men for my name s + upon him the name + and for my name s + I thee In the name + unto them thy name + shame for his name + that for his name s + and in them the names + unto you for my name s + one of you in the name + of him ; ( for his name + in thee and that my name +/ ; the name (is): --named .
5244 + proud + the proud +/ . huperephanos {hoop-er-ay'-fan-os}; from 5228 + on + more + than + over + above + stead + behalf + is above + us is on + the very + exceeding + them very + I am more + but above + our behalf + concerning + of me above + mind toward + is not above + of men above + in the behalf + yea and beyond + with me that in thy stead +/ and 5316 + seen + think + shone + seemed + appear + shineth + ye shine + to shine + appeared + appeareth + and shineth + shall shine + he appeared + that shineth + had appeared + shall appear + and a shining + that appeareth + That thou appear + that they may appear + that it might appear + that they may be seen + of things which do appear + not that we should appear +/ ; appearing above others (conspicuous), i .e . (figuratively) haughty: --proud . *** . huperlian . See 5228 + on + more + than + over + above + stead + behalf + is above + us is on + the very + exceeding + them very + I am more + but above + our behalf + concerning + of me above + mind toward + is not above + of men above + in the behalf + yea and beyond + with me that in thy stead +/ and 3029 + greatly 3029- greatly 3029- greatly + And very + the very + chiefest + exceeding + up a great + an exceeding + he was exceeding + men was exceeding + and they were sore + for he hath greatly +/ .
5499 + made + not made + by hands + with hands + places made + that is made +/ . cheiropoietos {khi-rop-oy'-ay-tos}; from 5495 + hand + hands + my hand + his hand + of hands + the hand + own hand + her hand + my hands + thy hand + him hand + thy hands + the hands + his hands + with hands + by the hand + by his hand + in her hand + in his hand + up his hand + of my hands + their hands + in the hand + by his hands + not the hand + and his hand + up the hands + up his hands + by the hands + her his hand + out his hand + And the hand + of the hands + of thy hands + in his hands + with the hand + unto the hand + with his hand + is in his hand + them his hands + by their hands + with his hands + from his hands + in their hands + of their hands + and in his hand + him by the hand + not their hands + man by the hand + out of the hand + her by the hand + And by the hands + they their hands + out of our hands + them by the hand + Hath not my hand + out of their hand + be And the hand + and from the hand + me out of the hand + And in their hands + upon and our hands + of their own hands + unto them his hands + them out of my hand + them in their hands + it out and his hand + it with mine own hand + unto them with the hand + thee and in their hands +/ and a derivative of 4160 + do + Do + did + done + bear + move + Make + mean + made + make + I do + took + held + Make + keep + to do + bring + Ye do + forth + ye do + dealt + I did + Bring + doing + ye do + doest + doeth + but do + and do + ye did + he did + making + laying + maketh + makest + to put + you do + I make + and did + he made + provide + he kept + we make + causeth + without + will do + they do + she did + ye made + shewest + be made + that do + man did + wrought + working + thou do + to make + it bear + ye make + he doeth + and made + and make + for I do + me to do + shall do + is to do + to bring + not make + bringing + And make + bringeth + they did + had made + had done + and to do + the doing + I will do + hast made + man doeth + Let us do + to you do + and ye do + which did + to be put + not forth + they made + should do + not to do + and cause + you cause + else make + things do + so making + hath done + he maketh + and doeth + hath made + will I do + that I do + as ye did + that made + For to do + to fulfil + to execute + thou doest + which bare + that ye do + shall I do + let him do + committeth + to perform + and maketh + that doeth + which made + will he do + him he did + to observe + hand doeth + will we do + And he did + To execute + manner did + both yield + which gave + to content + To perform + fulfilling + unto you do + when I gave + he purposed + I will make + up and bare + will I make + that I made + I will keep + hath gained + thou makest + he had done + shall we do + and will do + have caused + have I made + shall he do + we had made + I have done + let us make + which doeth + had wrought + I have been + ye would do + I have made + And they did + And he doeth + as they went + and continue + and bringeth + them that do + and he doeth + we have done + things ye do + and to agree + and they did + and shooteth + he hath done + for me to do + for if ye do + He hath done + have ye done + ye have done + have wrought + which he did + that wrought + shall fulfil + hath he done + things he did + man hath done + thou shalt do + unto you Make + they had done + him that made + had committed + And hath made + And hast made + they might do + She hath done + transgresseth + of me ) to do + shall they do + that bringeth + pit shall make + for thee to do + and shall make + and journeying + up and brought + for you making + as I have done + They shall put + which bringeth + one that doeth + I had not done + in me he doeth + And he causeth + than others do + of you keepeth + that he maketh + hast thou done + He hath shewed + that will I do + that I will do + He that shewed + hast thou made + And there abode + him and causeth + doth not commit + And he ordained + that thou doest + ye to have done + that I shall do + and they caused + and let us make + as ye have done + woman hath done + Have I committed + that they may do + For he hath made + he and that I do + but ye have made + that they can do + things and doest + unto him to make + them which cause + are they that do + thing shall I do + that he had done + that hath shewed + unto him and make + And he exerciseth + that ye should do + but he that doeth + of them that make + and them which do + them He that made + But he that doeth + he that thou make + her that had done + that they had done + thou have me to do + and thou hast made + He that committeth + and they have done + there who had made + ye that I shall do + ye shall have done + me and I will make + that she hath done + not and did commit + things that he did + that he should make + they that have done + that he might cause + But when thou doest + ye that I should do + things will they do + did not he that made + in them for in doing + thou that I shall do + unto him to continue + And when he had made + him not but have done + thou that I should do + but that ye should do + to him that appointed + unto them I have done + that they should make + And after he had spent + that thou shouldest do + to his burial and made + the things that he did + But though he had done + that he that hath done + though I have committed + that after ye have done + unto him That thou doest + neither whatsoever worketh + as of things that are made + And after they had tarried + of him and that they had done + them that they should not make + him up ; and if he have committed + them out after that he had shewed + thou unto us seeing that thou doest +/ ; manufactured, i .e . of human construction: --made by (make with) hands .
5613 + so + So + How + how + like + even + Even + when + When + about + while + After + To wit + and how + not how + And how + And when + was like + But when + and like + of about + us while + and while + According + And after + And while + And about + were about + It is like + him and how + to pass when + man according + And as I may so + is it ago since + they were about + And it was about + for it was about + every stone about + to pass that when + to pass that after +/ . hos {hoce}; probably adverb of comparative from 3739 + whom 3739- whom 3739- who + Who + who + one + whom + whom + Whom + when + what + What + since + where + whose + Which + Whose + while + which + which + ye who + us whom + Whereby + you who + he whom + ye what + wherein + whither + another + because + him who + Whereof + To whom + whereof + whereby + For one + man who + whereto + by whom + Of whom + whereon + to whom + on whom + In whom + By whom + he whom + nothing + by whom + in whom + of whom + of what + and whom + us which + and what + you whom + But what + us whose + by which + In which + by whose + of whose + of which + by which + Of which + he which + By which + For whom + for what + and What + and What + but whom + not what + him whom + for whom + in which + And what + me whose + thou what + from whom + sake whom + that what + for since + for which + From whom + them what + him whose + time What + upon whom + whereinto + Unto whom + wherefore + but while + For which + the which + with whom + with this + Whereunto + With whom + And while + unto whom + wherewith + Whereupon + Wherefore + whereunto + and whose + whatsoever + And others + it ; which + land which + up whereof + That which + to another + bread when + is he whom + Unto which + that which + seed which + From which + sake which + from which + for of whom + For he whom + But ( which + but to whom + him in whom + out of whom + from whence + But he whom + him because + and to whom + and of whom + and another + and he whom + in me which + unto ; whom + angel which + him of whom + things which + in him which + things which + in you which + In the which + By the which + of thee what + with us when + me ; of whom + than I whose + of the which + of them whom + to the which + they to whom + him for whom + ground ; who + wisdom which + not for what + that whereon + in the which + by the which + is he of whom + and with what + For with what + unto him whom + unto him What + thing whereby + For the which + And whosoever + One ; of whom + thing to whom + they him What + it from whose + Of them which + is he of whom + ye that which + of them whose + in whatsoever + speeches which + And that which + was he of whom + Upon the which + in him of whom + are they whose + are they which + themselves who + that for which + day that which + For that which + and he to whom + things whereof + and they which + For he of whom + him with which + Even him whose + and to another + things by whom + ye of him whom + unto you which + things another + ye are to whom + are they which + and that which + be in you which + in you for whom + that fast which + to them of whom + another another + that he to whom + up that whereon + things in which + as was not since + I not ; but what + for them by whom + of him with whom + He it is to whom + the things which + and to the other + unto him to whom + thee things which + of all that which + things from which + not those things which 3739- not those things which 3739- unto me Upon whom + man was unto whom + from them of whom + from me ; of whom + things ; in which + those things which + of Abraham 11 whom + even to them which + hand and the other + but for them which + did ; by the which + things and by whom + the things whereof + unto thee but that which 3739- ye not that to whom + have mercy and whom + unto thee but that which 3739- For unto whomsoever + of Abraham 11 ; who + by the things which + in that thing which + is there of you whom + and the things which + not the things which + it should be of whom + which is in you which + that is in thee which + of those things which + things there be which + of these things which + thou the things which + of for that for which + up those things which + But those things which + upon another ; because + to pass that whosoever + things they were which + that those things which + things than those which + into those things which + in those things whereof + of these things whereof + unto you ; in both which + in me and the life which + are and the things which + merchandise of you whose + thou in the things which + of that country from whence + shall those things be which + But I say that the things which + women that were with them which + and of those things in the which + but it shall be given to them for whom +/ ; which how, i .e . in that manner (very variously used, as follows): --about, after (that), (according) as (it had been, it were), as soon (as), even as (like), for, how (greatly), like (as, unto), since, so (that), that, to wit, unto, when([-soever]), while, X with all speed .