an open place

an open sepulchre

an open sepulchre

an open shame

as an open sepulchre

but having his eyes open

but having his eyes open

but thou shalt open thine hand wide unto him

dost thou open thine eyes upon such an one

earth open her mouth

every open vessel

fifth time with an open letter

god would open unto us

have set before thee an open door

lord shall open unto thee his good treasure

man whose eyes are open hath said

man whose eyes are open hath said

may open my mouth boldly

never open thy mouth any more because

no open vision <1SA3 -:1 >

open before him

open field

open field

open field

open field

open field

open field

open field will

open fields <2SA11 -:11 >

open fields

open fields

open fields

open firmament

open flowers <1KI6 -:18 >

open flowers <1KI6 -:35 >

open flowers <1KI6 -:29 >

open flowers <1KI6 -:32 >

open her storehouses

open his eyes <2KI6 -:17 >

open his lips against thee

open his mouth

open rebuke

open sight

open their eyes

open thine eyes

open thine eyes

open thine eyes

open thou mine eyes

open thou my lips

open thy doors

open thy mouth

open thy mouth

open thy mouth for

open thy mouth wide

open unto thee

open unto us

open upon all

open valley

open ye

our mouth is open unto you <2CO6 -:11 >

shall then open him

so he shall open

some men's sins are open beforehand <1TI5 -:24 >

such as open every womb

then open <2KI9 -:3 >

therefore thy gates shall be open continually

they may open unto him immediately

they shall devour israel with open mouth

thine eyes be open <2CH6 -:40 >

thine eyes may be open toward this house night <1KI8 -:29 >

thine eyes may be open unto <1KI8 -:52 >

thine eyes may be open upon this house day <2CH6 -:20 >

thine eyes open

this evidence which is open

thou shalt open thine hand wide unto thy brother

thy land shall be set wide open unto thine enemies

which was open

who can open

will not open you

will open

will open mine eyes upon

will open my dark saying upon

will open my lips

will open my mouth

will open my mouth

will open rivers

will open thy mouth

will open your graves

windows from on high are open

with open face beholding as <2CO3 -:18 >
