of ......... a city of Lycia 3073 -Lukia->

of ......... a city of Sidon 4605 -Sidon->

of ......... a fire of coals 0439 -anthrakia->

of ......... a piece of ground 0068 -agros->

of ......... a piece of money 4715 -stater->

of ......... am of Christ 5547 -Christos->

of ......... among them of all 3956 -pas->

of ......... anchors out of the foreship 4408 -prora->

of ......... and also of the Jews 2453 -Ioudaios->

of ......... and declaration of your 5216 -humon->

of ......... and full of glory 1392 -doxazo->

of ......... and giving of thanks 2169 -eucharistia->

of ......... and I of Apollos 0625 -Apollos->

of ......... and I of Cephas 2786 -Kephas->

of ......... and I of Christ 5547 -Christos->

of ......... and is of the seven 2033 -hepta->

of ......... and not as of covetousness 4124 -pleonexia->

of ......... and not of a man 0444 -anthropos->

of ......... and not of commandment 2003 -epitage->

of ......... and not of strong 4731 -stereos->

of ......... and not of us .

of ......... and of a bloody 1420 -dusenteria->

of ......... and of a good 0018 -agathos->

of ......... and of a sound 4995 -sophronismos->

of ......... and of all 3745 -hosos->

of ......... and of all 3956 -pas->

of ......... and of an honeycomb 3193 -melissios->

of ......... and of angels 0032 -aggelos->

of ......... and of Asia 0773 -Asia->

of ......... and of Barak 0913 -Barak->

of ......... and of birds 4071 -peteinon->

of ......... and of brass 5475 -chalkos->

of ......... and of Christ 5547 -Christos->

of ......... and of death 2288 -thanatos->

of ......... and of earth 3749 -ostrakinos->

of ......... and of eternal 0166 -aionios->

of ......... and of evil 4190 -poneros->

of ......... and of faith 4102 -pistis->

of ......... and of goats 5131 -tragos->

of ......... and of God 2316 -theos->

of ......... and of good 0018 -agathos->

of ......... and of good 2570 -kalos->

of ......... and of his bones 3747 -osteon->

of ......... and of his Christ 5547 -Christos->

of ......... and of his doctrine 1322 -didache->

of ......... And of his fulness 4138 -pleroma->

of ......... and of his kingdom 0932 -basileia->

of ......... and of jacinth 5191 -huakinthinos->

of ......... and of Jacob 2384 -Iakob->

of ......... and of Jephthae 2422 -Iephthae->

of ......... and of Jesus 2424 -Iesous->

of ......... and of Joses 2500 -Ioses->

of ......... and of Juda 2455 -Ioudas->

of ......... and of judgment 2920 -krisis->

of ......... and of laying 1936 -epithesis->

of ......... and of love 0026 -agape->

of ......... and of men 0435 -aner->

of ......... and of myself 0846 -autos->

of ......... and of one 3391 -mia->

of ......... and of one 5100 -tis->

of ......... and of others 0243 -allos->

of ......... and of our boasting 2746 -kauchesis->

of ......... and of patience 3115 -makrothumia->

of ......... and of pearls 3135 -margarites->

of ......... and of pipers 0834 -auletes->

of ......... and of power 1411 -dunamis->

of ......... and of resurrection 0386 -anastasis->

of ......... and of righteousness 1343 -dikaiosune->

of ......... and of saints 0040 -hagios->

of ......... and of Samson 4546 -Sampson->

of ......... and of serpents 2062 -herpeton->

of ......... and of silver 0693 -argureos->

of ......... And of some 3588 -ho->

of ......... And of some 5100 -tis->

of ......... and of tender 3629 -oiktirmon->

of ......... And of the angels 0032 -aggelos->

of ......... and of the apostles 0652 -apostolos->

of ......... and of the beast 2342 -therion->

of ......... and of the bride 3565 -numphe->

of ......... and of the chief 0749 -archiereus->

of ......... and of the chief 4413 -protos->

of ......... and of the commandment 1785 -entole->

of ......... and of the country 1085 -genos->

of ......... and of the covenant 1242 -diatheke->

of ......... and of the devout 4576 -sebomai->

of ......... and of the earth 1093 -ge->

of ......... and of the end 4930 -sunteleia->

of ......... and of the Father 3962 -pater->

of ......... and of the fishes 2486 -ichthus->

of ......... and of the four 5064 -tessares->

of ......... and of the gift 1431 -dorea->

of ......... and of the Herodians 2265 -Herodianoi->

of ......... and of the holy 0040 -hagios->

of ......... and of the Holy 0040 -hagios->

of ......... and of the household 3609 -oikeios->

of ......... and of the image which fell 1356 -diopetes->

of ......... and of the joints 0719 -harmos->

of ......... and of the knowledge 1922 -epignosis->

of ......... and of the Lamb 0721 -arnion->

of ......... and of the leaven 2219 -zume->

of ......... and of the Lord 2962 -kurios->

of ......... and of the love 0026 -agape->

of ......... and of the mind 1271 -dianoia->

of ......... and of the other 0243 -allos->

of ......... and of the other 3062 -loipoy->

of ......... and of the Pharisees 5330 -Pharisaios->

of ......... and of the platter 3953 -paropsis->

of ......... and of the prophets 4396 -prophetes->

of ......... and of the region 5561 -chora->

of ......... And of the rest 3062 -loipoy->

of ......... and of the Sadducees 4523 -Saddoukaios->

of ......... and of the same 4954 -sussomos->

of ......... and of the sea 2281 -thalassa->

of ......... and of the Son 5207 -huios->

of ......... and of the Spirit 4151 -pneuma->

of ......... and of the Stoicks 4770 -Stoikos->

of ......... and of the table 5132 -trapeza->

of ......... and of the testimony 3141 -marturia->

of ......... and of the Thessalonians 2331 -Thessalonikeus->

of ......... and of the true 0228 -alethinos->

of ......... and of the truth 0225 -aletheia->

of ......... and of the whole 3650 -holos->

of ......... and of them he chose 1586 -eklegomai->

of ......... and of them of Cilicia 2791 -Kilikia->

of ......... and of them of Cilicia 2791 -Kilikia->

of ......... and of them that sit 2521 -kathemai->

of ......... and of them which keep 5083 -tereo->

of ......... and of things in the sea 1724 -enalios->

of ......... and of those things in the which 3739 -hos->

of ......... and of thy brethren 0080 -adephos->

of ......... and of unleavened 0106 -azumos->

of ......... and of wearing 4025 -perithesis->

of ......... and of whom 3739 -hos->

of ......... and of women 1135 -gune->

of ......... and of wood 3585 -xulinos->

of ......... and of your 5209 -humas->

of ......... and on them that are out of the way 4105 -planao->

of ......... and out of his mouth 4750 -stoma->

of ......... And out of his mouth 4750 -stoma->

of ......... and out of the holy 0040 -hagios->

of ......... and out of the mouth 4750 -stoma->

of ......... and out of the prophets 4396 -prophetes->

of ......... And out of the throne 2362 -thronos->

of ......... and out of the town 2968 -kome->

of ......... and out of their mouths 4750 -stoma->

of ......... And some of the Pharisees 5330 -Pharisaios->

of ......... and some of them shall ye scourge 3164 -machomai->

of ......... and some of them they shall slay 0615 -apokteino->

of ......... and some of them ye shall kill 0615 -apokteino->

of ......... and some of you shall they cause 2289 -thanatoo->

of ......... and that not of yourselves 5216 -humon->

of ......... and that of God 2316 -theos->

of ......... and the sons of Zebedee 2199 -Zebedaios->

of ......... And the veil of the temple 3485 -naos->

of ......... and they of Jerusalem 2414 -Hierosoluma->

of ......... And they of the circumcision 4061 -peritome->

of ......... And they of the people 2992 -laos->

of ......... And those members of the body 4983 -soma->

of ......... and was full of heaviness 0085 -ademoneo->

of ......... any do enquire of Titus 5103 -Titos->

of ......... are not of the circumcision 4061 -peritome->

of ......... are not of this 5026 -taute->

of ......... are of Israel 2474 -Israel->

of ......... are of note 1978 -episemos->

of ......... are of the circumcision 4061 -peritome->

of ......... are of the day 2250 -hemera->

of ......... are of the Gentiles 1484 -ethnos->

of ......... are the names of the twelve 1427 -dodeka->

of ......... as a matter of bounty 2129 -eulogia->

of ......... as are of the works 2041 -ergon->

of ......... as of a lamb 0286 -amnos->

of ......... as of a rushing 5342 -phero->

of ......... as of a trumpet 4536 -salpigx->

of ......... as of fire 4442 -pur->

of ......... as of many 4183 -polus->

of ......... as of one born 1626 -ektroma->

of ......... as of the only 3439 -monogenes->

of ......... as of things that are made 4160 -poieo->

of ......... as they have of the Jews 2453 -Ioudaios->

of ......... as were of the kindred 1085 -genos->

of ......... asunder of soul 5590 -psuche->

of ......... at the door of the gate 4440 -pulon->

of ......... away of his own 2398 -idios->

of ......... away of the flood 4216 -potamophoretos->

of ......... be enquired of , they are the messengers 0652 -

of ......... be of good cheer 2114 -euthumeo->

of ......... be of good cheer 2293 -tharseo->

of ......... Be of good cheer 2293 -tharseo->

of ......... be of good comfort 2293 -tharseo->

of ......... be of good comfort 3870 -parakaleo->

of ......... be of men 0444 -anthropos->

of ......... be of one 0846 -autos->

of ......... be of the law 3551 -nomos->

of ......... Be of the same 0846 -autos->

of ......... be of them that obey 0544 -apeitheo->

of ......... be ye of doubtful 3349 -meteorizo->

of ......... because he was of the house 3624 -oikos->

of ......... because of unbelief 0570 -apaistia->

of ......... being of one 4861 -sumpsuchos->

of ......... bestowed upon us by the means of many 4183 -polus->

of ......... bread of sincerity 1505 -eilikrineia->

of ......... broken pieces of the ship 4493 -rhipe->

of ......... but as of God 2316 -theos->

of ......... but as of one 1520 -heis->

of ......... but as of sincerity 1505 -eilikrineia->

of ......... but be of good cheer 2293 -tharseo->

of ......... but he of the freewoman 1658 -eleutheros->

of ......... But he who was of the bondwoman 3814 -paidiske->

of ......... but is of the world 2889 -kosmos->

of ......... but of a ready 4289 -prothumos->

of ......... but of debt 3783 -opheilema->

of ......... but of God 2316 -theos->

of ......... But of him are ye in Christ 5547 -Christos->

of ......... but of him that calleth 2564 -kaleo->

of ......... but of incorruptible 0862 -aphthartos->

of ......... but of peace 1515 -eirene->

of ......... but of power 1411 -dunamis->

of ......... But of that day 2250 -hemera->

of ......... but of the doctrine 1322 -didache->

of ......... but of the fathers 3962 -pater->

of ......... but of the free 1658 -eleutheros->

of ......... but of the living 2198 -zao->

of ......... but of the other 2087 -heteros->

of ......... but of the spirit 4151 -pneuma->

of ......... But of the times 2540 -kairos->

of ......... but of them that believe 4102 -pistis->

of ......... But of these who seemed 1380 -dokeo->

of ......... but out of them all 3956 -pas->

of ......... but she of her penury 5303 -husterema->

of ......... but she of her want 5304 -husteresis->

of ......... But the other of love 0026 -agape->

of ......... but the things that be of men 0444 -anthropos->

of ......... but to you of salvation 4991 -soteria->

of ......... But we are not of them who draw 5289 -hupostole->

of ......... by him of their infirmities 0769 -astheneia->

of ......... by reason of a great 3173 -megas->

of ......... by reason of death 2288 -thanatos->

of ......... by the means of those 3588 -ho->

of ......... by the space of forty 5062 -tessarakonta->

of ......... by the space of three 5140 -treis->

of ......... by them of old 0744 -archaios->

of ......... by them which are of the house of Chloe 5514 -Chloe-

of ......... by them which are of the house of Chloe 5514 -Chloe-

of ......... certain of the disciples 3101 -mathetes->

of ......... clothe you , O ye of little 3640 -oligopistos->

of ......... come out of the mouth 4750 -stoma->

of ......... cometh not of him that calleth 2564 -kaleo->

of ......... country of Judaea 2449 -Ioudaia->

of ......... day of the feast 1859 -heorte->

of ......... day of the feast of unleavened 0106 -azumos->

of ......... day of the feast of unleavened 0106 -azumos->

of ......... day of the week 4521 -sabbaton->

of ......... day we that were of Paul s 3972 -Paulos->

of ......... down of the Gentiles 1484 -ethnos->

of ......... estate of his handmaiden 1399 -doule->

of ......... estates of Galilee 1056 -Galilaia->

of ......... even of your 5216 -humon->

of ......... even the ornament of a meek 4239 -praus->

of ......... even the words of our Lord 2962 -kurios->

of ......... evil of that way 3598 -hodos->

of ......... feasts of charity 0026 -agape->

of ......... folk , of blind 5185 -tuphlos->

of ......... For he of whom 3739 -hos->

of ......... for him of them more 4119 -pleion->

of ......... For of a truth 0225 -aletheia->

of ......... For of him , and through 1223 -dia->

of ......... for of judgment 2920 -krisis->

of ......... For of necessity 0318 -anagke->

of ......... for of the abundance 4051 -perisseuma->

of ......... For of this 5130 -touton->

of ......... For of thorns 0173 -akantha->

of ......... for of whom 3739 -hos->

of ......... for out of Galilee 1056 -Galilaia->

of ......... For out of much 4183 -polus->

of ......... For out of the heart 2588 -kardia->

of ......... for out of thee shall come 1831 -exerchomai->

of ......... for she was of the age of twelve 1427 -dodeka->

of ......... for she was of the age of twelve 1427 -dodeka->

of ......... for the sins of the whole 3650 -holos->

of ......... For the Son of man is as a man 0444 -anthropos->

of ......... for the things of itself 1438 -heautou->

of ......... for the things of the Lord 2962 -kurios->

of ......... for the things of the world 2889 -kosmos->

of ......... for the things that are of the world 2889 -kosmos->

of ......... for them of my Father 3962 -pater->

of ......... from me ; of whom 3739 -hos->

of ......... from the beginning of the world 0165 -aion->

of ......... from them of whom 3739 -hos->

of ......... full of sores 1669 -helkoo->

of ......... full of vinegar 3690 -oxos->

of ......... giving of thanks 2169 -eucharistia->

of ......... hand of God 2316 -theos->

of ......... hand of him that sat 2521 -kathemai->

of ......... hand of power 1411 -dunamis->

of ......... hand of the Majesty 3172 -megalosune->

of ......... hand of the power 1411 -dunamis->

of ......... hand of the throne 2362 -thronos->

of ......... hands of fellowship 2842 -koinonia->

of ......... have drunk of the wine 3631 -oinos->

of ......... have of their abundance 4052 -perisseuo->

of ......... he be of you that forsaketh 0657 -apotassomai->

of ......... He is of age 2244 -helikia->

of ......... he not of himself 1438 -heautou->

of ......... he of the Spirit 4151 -pneuma->

of ......... he of them the hour 5610 -hora->

of ......... he out of the land 1093 -ge->

of ......... he receiveth them , of whom it is witnessed 3140 -

of ......... he should be put out of the synagogue 0656 -

of ......... He that is of God 2316 -theos->

of ......... he that is of the earth 1093 -ge->

of ......... he them out of it .

of ......... he was of the same 3673 -homothechnos->

of ......... her a writing of divorcement 0647 -apostasion->

of ......... him , of whom 3739 -hos->

of ......... him of a long 2425 -hikanos->

of ......... him of all 3956 -pas->

of ......... him of her .

of ......... him of his raiment , and wounded 2007 -epitithemi->

of ......... him of many 4183 -polus->

of ......... him of Paul 3972 -Paulos->

of ......... him of that saying 4487 -rhema->

of ......... him of the fruit 2590 -karpos->

of ......... him of the Galilaeans 1057 -Galilaios->

of ......... him of their own 2398 -idios->

of ......... him out of all 3956 -pas->

of ......... him out of sleep 1852 -exupnizo->

of ......... him out of the city 4172 -polis->

of ......... him out of the prison 5438 -phulake->

of ......... him out of the temple 2411 -hieron->

of ......... him out of the tombs 3419 -mnemeion->

of ......... him out of the town 2968 -kome->

of ......... him out of the vineyard 0290 -ampelon->

of ......... him out of their sight 3788 -ophthalmos->

of ......... him the nature of angels 0032 -aggelos->

of ......... I am of Apollos 0625 -Apollos->

of ......... I of myself 1683 -emautou->

of ......... in her is of the Holy 0040 -hagios->

of ......... in him of whom 3739 -hos->

of ......... in of a better 2909 -kreitton->

of ......... in of their abundance 4052 -perisseuo->

of ......... in the likeness of his resurrection 0386 -anastasis-

of ......... in them of these 5130 -touton->

of ......... is , and of that which is to come 3195 -mello->

of ......... is , there must also of necessity 0318 -anagke->

of ......... is full of darkness 4652 -skoteinos->

of ......... is he , of whom 3739 -hos->

of ......... is he of whom 3739 -hos->

of ......... is in you of a truth 3689 -ontos->

of ......... is not a mediator of one 1520 -heis->

of ......... is not of faith 4102 -pistis->

of ......... is not of God 2316 -theos->

of ......... is not of men 0444 -anthropos->

of ......... is not of the Father 3962 -pater->

of ......... is not of the woman 1135 -gune->

of ......... is not of this 5127 -toutou->

of ......... is not the author of confusion 0181 -akatastasia->

of ......... is of a truth 0230 -alethos->

of ......... is of any private 2398 -idios->

of ......... is of Christ 5547 -Christos->

of ......... is of faith 4102 -pistis->

of ......... is of force 0949 -bebaios->

of ......... is of God 2316 -theos->

of ......... is of many 4183 -polus->

of ......... is of the devil 1228 -diabolos->

of ......... is of the earth 1093 -ge->

of ......... is of the Jews 2453 -Ioudaios->

of ......... is of the law 3551 -nomos->

of ......... is of the man 0435 -aner->

of ......... is of the truth 0225 -aletheia->

of ......... is of you kept 0650 -apostereo->

of ......... is one of them .

of ......... is one of you , a servant 1401 -doulos->

of ......... is one of you . They shall make 1107 -gnorizo->

of ......... is that of the heart 2588 -kardia->

of ......... is that spirit of antichrist 0500 -antichristos->

of ......... is the feast of the passover 3957 -pascha->

of ......... is the joy of you all 3956 -pas->

of ......... is there of circumcision 4061 -peritome->

of ......... is there of you , whom 3739 -hos->

of ......... it be of God 2316 -theos->

of ......... it be of works 2041 -ergon->

of ......... it down of myself 1683 -emautou->

of ......... it is not of him that willeth 2309 -thelo->

of ......... it is of faith 4102 -pistis->

of ......... it is of Moses 3475 -Moseus->

of ......... it is of necessity 0316 -anagkaios->

of ......... it is of no 3361 -me->

of ......... it of man 0444 -anthropos->

of ......... it of the centurion 2760 -kenturion->

of ......... it out of the way 3319 -mesos->

of ......... it should be of whom 3739 -hos->

of ......... it thee of me ?

of ......... it were a matter of wrong 0092 -adikema->

of ......... kind of flesh 4561 -sarx->

of ......... let him do it as of the ability 2479 -ischus->

of ......... let him of himself 1438 -heautou->

of ......... letters of commendation 4956 -sustatikos->

of ......... made of sins 0266 -hamartia->

of ......... man of the island 3520 -nesos->

of ......... man were not of God 2316 -theos->

of ......... manner of communications 3056 -logos->

of ......... manner of concupiscence 1939 -epithumia->

of ......... manner of conversation 0391 -anastrophe->

of ......... manner of disease 3119 -malakia->

of ......... manner of evil 4487 -rhema->

of ......... manner of fruits 2590 -karpos->

of ......... manner of herbs 3001 -lachanon->

of ......... manner of precious 5093 -timios->

of ......... manner of saying 3056 -logos->

of ......... manner of sickness 3554 -nosos->

of ......... manner of sin 0266 -hamartia->

of ......... matters of the law 3551 -nomos->

of ......... may be of God 2316 -theos->

of ......... may be of good comfort 2174 -eupsucheo->

of ......... me , that of all 3956 -pas->

of ......... me ; of whom 3739 -hos->

of ......... me are of thee .

of ......... me of mine 3450 -mou->

of ......... me of sin 0266 -hamartia->

of ......... me of this 3778 -houtos->

of ......... me out of the hand 5495 -cheir->

of ......... me out of the world 2889 -kosmos->

of ......... men , and of the truth 0225 -aletheia->

of ......... men of Macedonia 3110 -Makedon->

of ......... men of the city 4172 -polis->

of ......... men of the earth 1093 -ge->

of ......... merchandise of you : whose 3739 -hos->

of ......... not : he is of age 2244 -helikia->

of ......... not of .

of ......... not of blood 0129 -haima->

of ......... not of corruptible 5349 -phthartos->

of ......... not of faith 4102 -pistis->

of ......... not of her plagues 4127 -plege->

of ......... not of it .

of ......... not of men 0444 -anthropos->

of ......... not of myself 1683 -emautou->

of ......... not of the body 4983 -soma->

of ......... not of the fruit 2590 -karpos->

of ......... not of the Jews 2453 -Ioudaios->

of ......... not of the letter 1121 -gramma->

of ......... not of the milk 1051 -gala->

of ......... not of the works 2041 -ergon->

of ......... not of the world 2889 -kosmos->

of ......... not of their deeds 2041 -ergon->

of ......... not of this 5127 -toutou->

of ......... Not of works 2041 -ergon->

of ......... not of works 2041 -ergon->

of ......... not of you all 3956 -pas->

of ......... not the miracle of the loaves 0740 -artos->

of ......... not the things of the Spirit 4151 -pneuma->

of ......... not the things that be of God 2316 -theos->

of ......... now of a long time 1597 -ekpalai->

of ......... O ye of little 3640 -oligopistos->

of ......... of ,

of ......... of , and to be baptized 0907 -baptizo->

of ......... of , before 4253 -pro->

of ......... of , but on 2596 -kata->

of ......... of , knowing 1492 -eido->

of ......... of , that by the word 3056 -logos->

of ......... of , they rent 1284 -diarrhesso->

of ......... of , they shall see 3700 -optanomai->

of ......... of .

of ......... of :

of ......... of : but the sorrow 3077 -lupe->

of ......... of : for necessity 0318 -anagke->

of ......... of ; and with the baptism 0908 -baptisma->

of ......... of ? and be baptized 0907 -baptizo->

of ......... of a bear 0715 -arktos->

of ......... of a better 2909 -kreitton->

of ......... of a bishop 1984 -episkope->

of ......... of a bramble 0942 -batos->

of ......... of a broiled 3702 -optos->

of ......... of a candle 3088 -luchnos->

of ......... of a carnal 4559 -sarkikos->

of ......... of a certain 5100 -tis->

Of ......... Of a child 3812 -paidiothen->

of ......... of a child 5088 -tikto->

of ......... of a crooked 4646 -skolios->

of ......... of a deacon 1247 -diakoneo->

of ......... of a dead 3498 -nekros->

of ......... of a fever 4445 -puresso->

of ......... of a god 2316 -theos->

of ......... of a good 0018 -agathos->

of ......... of a great 3173 -megas->

of ......... of a great 4183 -polus->

of ......... of a lion 3023 -leon->

of ......... of a man 0444 -anthropos->

of ......... of a mediator 3316 -mesites->

of ......... of a mighty 3173 -megas->

of ......... of a millstone 3458 -mulos->

of ......... of a needle 4476 -rhaphis->

of ......... of a new 2537 -kainos->

of ......... of a Pharisee 5330 -Pharisaios->

of ......... of a potter 2764 -keramikos->

of ......... of a righteous 1342 -dikaios->

of ......... of a sad 4659 -skuthropos->

of ......... of a scorpion 4651 -skorpios->

of ......... of a servant 1401 -doulos->

of ......... of a skin 1193 -dermatinos->

of ......... of a skull 2898 -kranion->

of ......... of a surety 0230 -alethos->

of ......... of a sweet 2175 -euodia->

of ......... of a talent 5006 -talantiaios->

of ......... of a thousand 5507 -chilioi->

of ......... of a trumpet 4536 -salpigx->

Of ......... Of a truth 0225 -aletheia->

Of ......... Of a truth 0230 -alethos->

of ......... of a woman 1135 -gune->

of ......... of Aaron 0002 -Aaron->

of ......... of Aaron 0002 -Aaron->

of ......... of Abel 0006 -Abel->

of ......... of Abia 0007 -Abia->

of ......... of Abiathar 0008 -Abiathar->

of ......... of Abilene 0009 -Abilene->

of ......... of abominations 0946 -bdelugma->

of ......... of about 5613 -hos->

of ......... of above 1883 -epano->

of ......... of Abraham 0011 -Abraam->

of ......... of Abraham 11 , and the God 2316 -theos->

of ......... of Abraham 11 , whom 3739 -hos->

of ......... of Abraham 11 .

of ......... of Abraham 11>

of ......... of Abraham 11> , and blessed 2127 -eulogeo->

of ......... of Abraham 11> , and of Isaac 2464 -Isaak->

of ......... of Abraham 11> , and of Isaac 2464 -Isaak->

of ......... of Abraham 11> , and the God 2316 -theos->

of ......... of Abraham 11> , and whosoever 3588 -ho->

of ......... of Abraham 11> , are they all 3956 -pas->

of ......... of Abraham 11> , of the tribe 5443 -phule->

of ......... of Abraham 11> , of the tribe 5443 -phule->

of ......... of Abraham 11> .

of ......... of Abraham 11> :

of ......... of Abraham 11> ; who 3739 -hos->

of ......... of Abraham 11> ? so 2504 -kago->

of ......... of Achaia 0882 -Achaia->

of ......... of Adam s 0076 -Adam->

of ......... of administrations 1248 -diakonia->

of ......... of adoption 5206 -huiothesia->

of ......... of Adramyttium 0098 -Adramuttenos->

of ......... of adultery 3428 -moichalis->

of ......... of advantage 5622 -opheleia->

of ......... of affliction 2347 -thlipsis->

of ......... of afflictions 3804 -pathema->

of ......... of against the feast 1859 -heorte->

of ......... of age , and she lay a dying 0599 -apothnesko->

of ......... of age , being 5607 -on->

of ......... of Alexander 0223 -Alexandros->

of ......... of Alexandria 0221 -Alexandreus->

of ......... of all , Beware 4337 -prosecho->

of ......... of all , when ye come 4905 -sunerchomai->

of ......... of all 3122 -malista->

of ......... of all 3650 -holos->

of ......... of all 3956 -pas->

of ......... of all ;

of ......... of all he sent 0649 -apostello->

of ......... of all that which 3739 -hos->

of ......... of all was not yet 2089 -eti->

of ......... of Almighty 3841 -pantokrator->

of ......... of an angel 0032 -aggelos->

of ......... of an apostle 0652 -apostolos->

of ......... of an ass 5268 -hupozugion->

of ......... of an endless 0179 -akatalutos->

of ......... of an evangelist 2099 -euaggelistes->

of ......... of an eye 3788 -ophthalmos->

of ......... of an harlot 4204 -porne->

of ......... of an heifer 1151 -damalis->

of ......... of an holyday 1859 -heorte->

of ......... of an unclean 0169 -akathartos->

of ......... of Andrew 0406 -Andreas->

of ......... of angels 0032 -aggelos->

of ......... of another 0240 -allelon->

of ......... of another 0243 -allos->

of ......... of Antioch 0491 -Antiocheus->

of ......... of any , but teachest 1321 -didasko->

of ......... of any 3762 -oudeis->

of ......... of any 5100 -tis->

of ......... of apparel 2440 -himation->

of ......... of Arimathaea 0707 -Arimathaia->

of ......... of Aser 0768 -Aser->

of ......... of Asia 0773 -Asia->

of ......... of Asia 0775 -Asiarches->

of ......... of asps 0785 -aspis->

of ......... of Athens 0117 -Athenaios->

of ......... of Augustus 0828 -Augoustos->

of ......... of babes 3516 -nepios->

of ......... of Balaam 0903 -Balaam->

of ......... of balances 3976 -pede->

of ......... of baptisms 0909 -baptismos->

of ......... of Barachias 0914 -Barachias->

of ......... of barley 2915 -krithe->

of ......... of Barnabas 0921 -Barnabas->

of ......... of beasts 2342 -therion->

of ......... of beasts 2934 -ktenos->

of ......... of Benjamin 0958 -Beniamin->

of ......... of Berea 0960 -Beroia->

of ......... of Bethany 0963 -Bethania->

of ......... of Bethlehem 0965 -Bethleem->

of ......... of birds 4421 -ptenon->

of ......... of bitterness 4088 -pikria->

of ......... of blasphemy 0988 -blasphemia->

of ......... of blessing 2129 -eulogia->

of ......... of blood 0129 -haima->

of ......... of blood 0130 -haimatekchusia->

of ......... of blood 0131 -haimorrheo->

of ......... of boasting 2746 -kauchesis->

of ......... of bondage 1397 -douleia->

of ......... of bonds 1199 -desmon->

of ......... of bread 0740 -artos->

of ......... of bulls 5022 -tauros->

of ......... of by Daniel 1158 -Daniel->

of ......... of by the brethren 0080 -adephos->

of ......... of by the prophet 4396 -prophetes->

of ......... of Caesar 2541 -Kaisar->

of ......... of Caesarea 2542 -Kaisereia->

of ......... of Cain 2535 -Kain->

of ......... of calves 3448 -moschos->

of ......... of camel s 2574 -kamelos->

of ......... of Cana 2580 -Kana->

of ......... of Canaan 5478 -Chanaanaios->

of ......... of captains 5506 -chiliarchos->

of ......... of Cephas 2786 -Kephas->

of ......... of Chanaan 5477 -Chanaan->

of ......... of chariots 0716 -harma->

of ......... of charity 0026 -agape->

of ......... of child 3813 -paidion->

of ......... of children 5206 -huiothesia->

of ......... of Christ 5547 -Christos->

of ......... of Christ 5547->

of ......... of Christ 5547->

of ......... of Christ s 5547 -Christos->

of ......... of churches 2417 -hierosulos->

of ......... of Chuza 5529 -Chouzas->

of ......... of Cilicia 2791 -Kilikia->

of ......... of circumcision 4061 -peritome->

of ......... of Cis 2797 -Kis->

of ......... of Claudius 2804 -Klaudios->

of ......... of commanding 1299 -diatasso->

of ......... of commandments 1785 -entole->

of ......... of commendation 4956 -sustatikos->

of ......... of compassion from him , how 4459 -pos->

of ......... of concupiscence 1939 -epithumia->

of ......... of condemnation 2633 -katakrisis->

of ......... of consolation 3874 -paraklesis->

of ......... of contention 2052 -eritheia->

of ......... of Core 2879 -Kore->

of ......... of corn 4719 -stachus->

of ......... of corrupt 1311 -diaphtheiro->

of ......... of corrupt 2704 -katphtheiro->

of ......... of corruption 5356 -phthora->

of ......... of covetousness 4124 -pleonexia->

of ......... of Crete 2914 -Krete->

of ......... of cruel mockings 1701 -empaigmos->

of ......... of cups 4221 -poterion->

of ......... of cursing 0685 -ara->

of ......... of custom 5058 -telonion->

of ......... of Cyprus 2954 -Kupros->

of ......... of Cyrene 2957 -Kurene->

of ......... of daily 2184 -ephemeros->

of ......... of Dalmanutha 1148 -Dalmanoutha->

of ......... of damnation 2920 -krisis->

of ......... of darkness 2217 -zophos->

of ......... of darkness 4655 -skotos->

of ......... of David 1138 -Dabid->

of ......... of day 0827 -auge->

of ......... of days 2250 -hemera->

of ......... of dead 3498 -nekros->

of ......... of deadly 2287 -thanatephoros->

of ......... of death 0336 -anairesis->

of ......... of death 0599 -apothnesko->

of ......... of death 2079 -eschatos->

of ......... of death 2288 -thanatos->

of ......... of Decapolis 1179 -Dekapolis->

of ......... of Derbe 1191 -Derbe->

of ......... of desolation 2050 -eremosis->

of ......... of devils 1140 -daimonion->

of ......... of devils 1142 -daimon->

of ......... of dignities 1391 -doxa->

of ......... of disobedience 0543 -apeitheia->

of ......... of divers 4164 -poikilos->

of ......... of divination 4436 -Puthon->

of ......... of divine 2999 -latreia->

of ......... of divorcement 0647 -apostasion->

of ......... of doctrine 1319 -didaskalia->

of ......... of doctrine 1322 -didache->

of ......... of dogs 2965 -kuon->

of ......... of double 1362 -diplous->

of ......... of earth 1093 -ge->

of ......... of edifying 3619 -oikodome->

of ......... of Egypt 0125 -Aiguptos->

of ......... of Egypt 0125 -Aiguptos->

of ......... of Elias 2243 -Helias->

of ......... of Eliseus 1666 -Elissaios->

of ......... of Emmor 1697 -Emmor->

of ......... of entering 1529 -eisodos->

of ......... of envy 5355 -phthonos->

of ......... of Epaphras 1889 -Epaphras->

of ......... of Epaphroditus 1891 -Epaphroditos->

of ......... of Ephesus 2181 -Ephesos->

of ......... of error 4106 -plane->

of ......... of Esaias 2268 -Hesaias->

of ......... of eternal 0166 -aionios->

of ......... of Ethiopia 0128 -Aithiops->

of ......... of everlasting 0166 -aionios->

of ......... of every 1538 -hekastos->

of ......... of every 3596 -hodoiporeo->

of ......... of every 3956 -pas->

of ......... of evil 2556 -kakos->

of ......... of evil 4190 -poneros->

of ......... of evildoers 2555 -kakopoios->

of ......... of exhortation 3874 -paraklesis->

of ......... of extortion 0724 -harpage->

of ......... of eyes 3788 -ophthalmos->

of ......... of faith 4102 -pistis->

of ......... of false 5569 -pseudadelphos->

of ......... of false 5578 -pseudoprophetes->

of ......... of fathers 3964 -patraloias->

of ......... of fear 1167 -deilia->

of ......... of fierce 4642 -skleros->

of ......... of figs 4810 -sukon->

of ......... of filthy lucre 0146 -aischrokerdes->

of ......... of filthy lucre 0866 -aphilarguros->

of ......... of fire 4442 -pur->

of ......... of fire 4447 -purinos->

of ......... of firstfruits 0536 -aparche->

of ......... of fishes 2486 -ichthus->

of ......... of flesh 4561 -sarx->

of ......... of foolish 0878 -aphron->

of ......... of for a memorial 3422 -mnemosunon->

of ......... of for good 2570 -kalos->

of ......... of for that for which 3739 -hos->

of ......... of fornication 4202 -porneia->

of ......... of forty 5063 -tessarakontaetes->

of ......... of four 5064 -tessares->

of ......... of fourfooted 5074 -tetrapous->

of ......... of fragments 2801 -klasma->

of ......... of Gad 1045 -Gad->

of ......... of Galatia 1053 -Galatia->

of ......... of Galatia 1054 -Galatikos->

of ......... of Galilee 1056 -Galilaia->

of ......... of Gamaliel 1059 -Gamaliel->

of ......... of Gedeon 1066 -Gedeon->

of ......... of Gennesaret 1082 -Gennesaret->

of ......... of Gentiles 1483 -ethnikos->

of ......... of gifts 5486 -charisma->

of ......... of gladness 0020 -agalliasis->

of ......... of glass 5193 -hualinos->

of ......... of glory 1391 -doxa->

of ......... of goats 5131 -tragos->

of ......... of God , and the promises 1860 -epaggelia->

of ......... of God , because 3754 -hoti->

of ......... of God .

of ......... of God 2312 -theodidaktos and 2312 theologos->

of ......... of God 2315 -theopneustos->

of ......... of God 2316 -theos->

of ......... of God 2316 -theos->

of ......... of God 2318 -theosebes->

of ......... of God 2319 -theostuges->

of ......... of God 2962 -kurios->

of ......... of God 5377 -philotheos->

of ......... of God 5537 -chrematizo->

of ......... of God in a dream 3677 -onar->

of ......... of God of things not seen 0991 -blepo->

of ......... of God of things not seen 0991 -blepo->

of ......... of God s 2316 -theos->

of ......... of God unto him ? I have reserved 2641 -kataleipo->

of ......... of godliness 2150 -eusebeia->

of ......... of gold 5552 -chruseos->

of ......... of gold 5553 -chrusion->

of ......... of gold 5557 -chrusos->

of ......... of good 0018 -agathos->

of ......... of good 2107 -eudokia->

of ......... of good 2567 -kalodidaskalos->

of ......... of good 2570 -kalos->

of ......... of good 5358 -philagathos->

of ......... of good behaviour 2887 -kosmios->

of ......... of good cheer 2114 -euthumeo->

of ......... of goodness 0019 -agathosune->

of ......... of goods 3776 -ousia->

of ......... of grace 5485 -charis->

of ......... of grass 5528 -chortos->

of ......... of great 3173 -megas->

of ......... of great 4185 -poluteles->

of ......... of great 4186 -polutimos->

of ......... of great authority 1413 -dunastes->

of ......... of Greek 1673 -Hellenikos->

of ......... of ground 5564 -chorion->

of ......... of hair 5155 -trichinos->

of ......... of hands 5495 -cheir->

OF ......... OF HARLOTS 4204 -porne->

of ......... of harpers 2790 -kitharoidos->

of ......... of harvest 2326 -therismos->

of ......... of healing 2322 -therapeia->

of ......... of healing 2386 -iama->

of ......... of healing 2392 -iasis->

of ......... of healings 2386 -iama->

of ......... of hearing 0189 -akoe->

of ......... of hearing 0191 -akouo->

of ......... of hearing 0201 -akroaterion->

of ......... of heart 2588 -kardia->

of ......... of heart 4641 -sklerokardia->

of ......... of heaven 3321 -mesouranema->

of ......... of heaven 3772 -ouranos->

of ......... of heaven is as a man 0444 -anthropos->

of ......... of heaven s 3772 -ouranos->

of ......... of heavenly 2032 -epouranios->

of ......... of hell 0086 -haides->

of ......... of hell 1067 -geena->

of ......... of her , believed 0569 -apisteo->

of ......... of her .

of ......... of her age 5230 -huperakmos->

of ......... of her blood 0129 -haima->

of ......... of her burning 4451 -purosis->

of ......... of her children 5043 -teknon->

of ......... of her costliness 5094 -timiotes->

of ......... of her delicacies 4764 -strenos->

of ......... of her fornication 4202 -porneia->

of ......... of her head 2776 -kephale->

of ......... of her husband 0435 -aner->

of ......... of her mother 3384 -meter->

of ......... of her own 2398 -idios->

of ......... of her purification 2512 -katharismos->

of ......... of her seed 4690 -sperma->

of ......... of her sins 0266 -hamartia->

of ......... of her that had been the wife of Urias 3774 -Ourias-

of ......... of her that had been the wife of Urias 3774 -Ourias-

of ......... of her torment 0929 -basanismos->

of ......... of Herod 2264 -Herodes->

of ......... of Herodias 2266 -Herodias->

of ......... of herself 0844 -automatos->

of ......... of him , and believed 4100 -pisteuo->

of ......... of him , and came 2064 -erchomai->

of ......... of him , and cried 2896 -krazo->

of ......... of him , and declare 0312 -anaggello->

of ......... of him , and he would have given 1325 -didomi->

of ......... of him , and that they had done 4160 -poieo->

of ......... of him , because 3754 -hoti->

of ......... of him , Behold 2396 -ide->

of ......... of him , O generation 1081 -gennema->

of ......... of him , saying 3004 -lego->

of ......... of him , that , as a son 5043 -teknon->

of ......... of him , they sent 0649 -apostello->

of ......... of him , they took 2507 -kathaireo->

of ......... of him .

of ......... of him . Even 3483 -nai->

of ......... of him :

of ......... of him : and great 4183 -polus->

of ......... of him : but woe 3759 -ouai->

of ......... of him ;

of ......... of him ; ( for his name 3686 -onoma->

of ......... of him ; and straightway 2112 -eutheos->

of ......... of him ; and whatsoever 0302 -an->

of ......... of him ? or 2228 -e->

of ......... of him a sign 4592 -semeion->

of ......... of him abideth 3306 -meno->

of ......... of him also 2532 -kai->

of ......... of him for fear 5401 -phobos->

of ......... of him in Jordan 2446 -Iordanes->

of ......... of him in peace 1515 -eirene->

of ......... of him in the river 4215 -potamos->

of ......... of him letters 1992 -epistole->

of ......... of him many 4183 -polus->

of ......... of him more 0197 -akribesteron->

of ......... of him shall be much 4183 -polus->

of ......... of him shall not be broken 4937 -suntribo->

of ......... of him shall the Son 5207 -huios->

of ......... of him that betrayeth 3860 -paradidomi->

of ......... of him that created 2936 -ktizo->

of ......... of him that filleth 4137 -pleroo->

of ......... of him that had received 0308 -anablepo->

of ......... of him that hath a devil 1139 -daimonizomai->

of ......... of him that hath called 2564 -kaleo->

of ......... of him that raised 1453 -egeiro->

of ......... of him that runneth 5143 -trecho->

of ......... of him that sat 2521 -kathemai->

of ......... of him that sent 3992 -pempo->

of ......... of him that sitteth 2521 -kathemai->

of ......... of him that spake 2980 -laleo->

of ......... of him that was dead 2348 -thnesko->

of ......... of him that was to come 3195 -mello->

of ......... of him that was valued 5091 -timao->

of ......... of him the keepers 5083 -tereo->

of ......... of him the parable 3850 -parabole->

of ......... of him they will ask 0154 -aiteo->

of ......... of him through 2596 -kata->

of ......... of him to all 3956 -pas->

of ......... of him went 1607 -ekporeuomai->

of ......... of him went 1831 -exerchomai->

of ......... of him which believeth 4102 -pistis->

of ......... of him which is weak 0772 -asthenes->

of ......... of him who hath called 2564 -kaleo->

of ......... of him who hath subjected 5293 -hupotasso->

of ......... of him who worketh 1754 -energeo->

of ......... of him with whom 3739 -hos->

of ......... of himself 0843 -autokatakritos->

of ......... of himself 0848 -hautou->

of ......... of himself 1438 -heautou->

of ......... of himself more 3844 -para->

of ......... of his .

of ......... of his accusation 0156 -aitia->

of ......... of his acquaintance 2398 -idios->

of ......... of his body 4983 -soma->

of ......... of his brother 0080 -adephos->

of ......... of his calling 2821 -klesis->

of ......... of his Christ 5547 -Christos->

of ......... of his coming 3952 -parousia->

of ......... of his counsel 1012 -boule->

of ......... of his countenance 4383 -prosopon->

of ......... of his course 2183 -ephemeria->

of ......... of his creatures 2938 -ktisma->

of ......... of his cross 4716 -stauros->

of ......... of his dear 0026 -agape->

of ......... of his death 2288 -thanatos->

of ......... of his decease 1841 -exodos->

of ......... of his devices 3540 -noema->

of ......... of his disciples 3101 -mathetes->

of ......... of his evil 4190->

of ......... of his evil 4190->

of ......... of his Father 3962 -pater->

of ......... of his father 3962 -pater->

of ......... of his feet 4228 -pous->

of ......... of his fellowservants 4889 -sundoulos->

of ......... of his finger 1147 -daktulos->

of ......... of his flesh 4561 -sarx->

of ......... of his garment 2440 -himation->

of ......... of his gifts 1435 -doron->

of ......... of his glory 1391 -doxa->

of ......... of his good pleasure 2107 -eudokia->

of ......... of his goodness 0019 -agathosune->

of ......... of his goodness 5544 -chrestotes->

of ......... of his grace 5485 -charis->

of ......... of his hand , saying 2036 -epo->

of ......... of his heads 2776 -kephale->

of ......... of his heart 2588 -kardia->

of ......... of his hire 3408 -misthos->

of ......... of his holiness 0041 -hagiotes->

of ......... of his holy 0040 -hagios->

of ......... of his hope 1680 -elpis->

of ......... of his house 3624 -oikos->

of ......... of his household 3610 -oiketes->

of ......... of his importunity 0335 -anaideia->

of ......... of his indignation 3709 -orge->

of ......... of his inheritance 2817 -kleronomia->

of ......... of his judgment 2920 -krisis->

of ......... of his knowledge 1108 -gnosis->

of ......... of his loins 3751 -osphus->

of ......... of his lord s 2962 -kurios->

of ......... of his majesty 3168 -megaleiotes->

of ......... of his meat 5160 -trophe->

of ......... of his mercy 1656 -eleos->

of ......... of his might 2479 -ischus->

of ......... of his mighty 1411 -dunamis->

of ......... of his mighty 2479 -ischus->

of ......... of his ministration 3009 -leitourgia->

of ......... of his mother 3384 -meter->

of ......... of his mouth 4750 -stoma->

of ......... of his name 3686 -onoma->

of ......... of his own 0830 -authairetos->

of ......... of his own 0848 -hautou->

of ......... of his own 1438 -heautou->

of ......... of his own 2398 -idios->

Of ......... Of his own will 1014 -boo -lom -ahee->

of ......... of his own word 3056 -logos->

of ......... of his parents 3962 -pater->

of ......... of his person 5287 -hupostasis->

of ......... of his power 1411 -dunamis->

of ......... of his power 2479 -ischus->

of ......... of his promise 1860 -epaggelia->

of ......... of his resurrection 0386 -anastasis->

of ......... of his reward 3408 -misthos->

of ......... of his saints 0040 -hagios->

of ......... of his servant 3816 -pais->

of ......... of his servants 1401 -doulos->

of ......... of his shewing 0323 -anadeixis->

of ......... of his Son 5207 -huios->

of ......... of his staff 4464 -rhabdos->

of ......... of his sufferings 3804 -pathema->

of ......... of his testament 1242 -diatheke->

of ......... of his time 5550 -chronos->

of ......... of his tongue 1100 -glossa->

of ......... of his vineyard 0289 -ampelourgos->

of ......... of his way 3598 -hodos->

of ......... of his will 2307 -thelema->

of ......... of his words 3056 -logos->

of ......... of his words 4487 -rhema->

of ......... of his wrath 3709 -orge->

of ......... of holiness 0042 -hagiosune->

of ......... of honest report 3140 -martureo->

of ......... of honourable 2158 -euschemon->

of ......... of hope 1680 -elpis->

of ......... of horses 2462 -hippos->

of ......... of hospitality 5382 -philoxenos->

Of ......... Of how 4214 -posos->

of ......... of hypocrisy 5272 -hupokrisis->

of ......... of idols 1497 -eidolon->

of ......... of impotent 0770 -astheneo->

of ......... of in the prophets 4396 -prophetes->

of ......... of incense 2368 -thumiama->

of ......... of infirmity 0769 -astheneia->

of ......... of iniquity 0093 -adikia->

of ......... of iniquity 0458 -anomia->

of ......... of iron 4603 -sidereos->

of ......... of Isaac 2464 -Isaak->

of ......... of Israel 2474 -Israel->

of ......... of Israel 2475 -Israelites->

of ......... of Issachar 2466 -Isachar->

of ......... of it , and fled 2703 -katapheugo->

of ......... of it , and knew 1921 -epiginosko->

of ......... of it , and on 1909 -epi->

of ......... of it , and went 0565 -aperchomai->

of ......... of it , he departed 0402 -anachoreo->

of ......... of it , that the works 2041 -ergon->

of ......... of it , they came 2064 -erchomai->

of ......... of it , they went 1831 -exerchomai->

of ......... of it .

of ......... of it : and the kings 0935 -basileus->

of ......... of it ;

of ......... of it ; that as there was a readiness 4288 -

of ......... of it are equal 2470 -isos->

of ......... of it depart 1633 -ekchoreo->

of ......... of it perisheth 0622 -apollumi->

of ......... of it shall not be shut 2808 -kleio->

of ......... of it was of jasper 2393 -iaspis->

of ......... of it was of jasper 2393 -iaspis->

of ......... of itself 1438 -heautou->

of ......... of Ituraea 2484 -Itouraia->

of ......... of ivory 1661 -elephantinos->

of ......... of Jacob 2384 -Iakob->

of ......... of James 2385 -Iakobos->

of ......... of Jason 2394 -Iason->

of ......... of Jericho 2410 -Hiericho->

of ......... of Jerusalem 2419 -Hierousalem->

of ......... of Jesse 2421 -Iessai->

of ......... of Jesus 2424 -Iesous->

of ......... of Jews 2453 -Ioudaios->

of ......... of Job 2492 -Iob->

of ......... of John 2491 -Ioannes->

of ......... of Jona 2495 -Ionas->

of ......... of Jonas 2495 -Ionas->

of ......... of Joppa 2445 -Ioppe->

of ......... of Jordan 2446 -Iordanes->

of ......... of Joseph 2501 -Ioseph->

of ......... of joy 2167 -euphrosune->

of ......... of Juda 2448 -Iouda->

of ......... of Juda 2455 -Ioudas->

of ......... of Judaea 2449 -Ioudaia->

of ......... of Judaea 2453 -Ioudaios->

of ......... of Judah 2455 -Ioudas->

of ......... of Judas 2455 -Ioudas->

of ......... of judgment 2920 -krisis->

Of ......... Of judgment 2920 -krisis->

of ......... of judgment 4232 -praitorion->

of ......... of Jupiter 2203 -Zeus->

of ......... of just 1342 -dikaios->

of ......... of kings 0935 -basileus->

OF ......... OF KINGS 0935 -basileus->

of ......... of kings 0936 -basileuo->

of ......... of knowledge 1108 -gnosis->

of ......... of lands 5564 -chorion->

of ......... of Lasea 2996 -Lasaia->

of ......... of late 3568 -nun->

of ......... of leprosy 3014 -lepra->

of ......... of Levi 3017 -Leui->

of ......... of liberty 1657 -eleutheria->

of ......... of Libya 3033 -Libue->

of ......... of life 0072 -agoge->

of ......... of life 0979 -bios->

of ......... of life 0981 -biosis->

of ......... of life 2198 -zao->

of ......... of life 2222 -zoe->

of ......... of life 2222 -zoe->

of ......... of light 3088 -luchnos->

of ......... of light 5457 -phos->

of ......... of light 5460 -photeinos->

of ......... of lights 5457 -phos->

of ......... of like 3663 -homoiopathes->

of ......... of like 5108 -toioutos->

of ......... of lions 3023 -leon->

of ......... of living 2198 -zao->

of ......... of lords 2961 -kurieuo->

of ......... of lords 2962 -kurios->

OF ......... OF LORDS 2962 -kurios->

of ......... of Lot 3091 -Lot->

of ......... of love 0026 -agape->

of ......... of low 5011 -tapeinos->

of ......... of Lycaonia 3071 -Lukaonia->

of ......... of Macedonia 3109 -Makedonia->

of ......... of Macedonia 3110 -Makedon->

of ......... of Madian 3099 -Madian->

of ......... of Magdala 3093 -Magdala->

of ......... of malice 2549 -kakia->

of ......... of maliciousness 2549 -kakia->

of ......... of man 0435 -aner->

of ......... of man 0442 -anthropinos->

of ......... of man 0444 -anthropos->

of ......... of man he was .

of ......... of man is this 3778 -houtos->

of ......... of man s 0442 -anthropinos->

of ......... of man s 0444 -anthropos->

of ......... of Manasses 3128 -Manasses->

of ......... of mankind 0442 -anthropinos->

of ......... of many 2425 -hikanos->

of ......... of many 4119 -pleion->

of ......... of many 4183 -polus->

of ......... of Mars 0697 -Areios Pagos->

of ......... of Mary 3137 -Maria->

of ......... of me , ) to do 4160 -poieo->

of ......... of me , and mark 4648 -skopeo->

of ......... of me , but for your 5209 -humas->

of ......... of me , even 2531 -kathos->

of ......... of me , I will give 1325 -didomi->

of ......... of me , in faith 4102 -pistis->

of ......... of me , that the Father 3962 -pater->

of ......... of me , which am 5607 -on->

of ......... of me .

of ......... of me . Ye have neither 3777 -oute->

of ......... of me :

of ......... of me : and he that loveth 5368 -phileo->

of ......... of me ; and I know 1492 -eido->

of ......... of me ; for I am 1510 -eimi->

of ......... of me above 5228 -huper->

of ......... of me also 2504 -kago->

of ......... of me among 1223 -dia->

of ......... of me and of my words 3056 -logos->

of ......... of me and of my words 3056 -logos->

of ......... of me gold 5553 -chrusion->

of ......... of me hath flourished 0330 -anathallo->

of ......... of me his prisoner 1198 -desmios->

of ......... of me in Jerusalem 2419 -Hierousalem->

of ......... of me in my bonds 1199 -desmon->

of ......... of me is not after 2596 -kata->

of ......... of me is true 0227 -alethes->

of ......... of me Paul 3972 -Paulos->

of ......... of me this 5026 -taute->

of ......... of me whatsoever 1437 -ean->

of ......... of meal 0224 -aleuron->

of ......... of meat 1035 -brosis->

of ......... of meat 4620 -sitometron->

of ......... of meekness 4236 -praiotes->

of ......... of Melchisedec 3198 -Melchisedek->

of ......... of Melchisedec 3198 -Melchisedek->

of ......... of men 0435 -aner->

of ......... of men 0442 -anthropinos->

of ......... of men 0444 -anthropos->

Of ......... Of men 0444 -anthropos->

of ......... of men above 5228 -huper->

of ......... of men and officers 5257 -huperetes->

of ......... of men we were among 1722 -en->

of ......... of merchandise 1712 -emporion->

of ......... of mercies 3628 -oiktirmos->

of ......... of mercy 1656 -eleos->

of ......... of mighty 2478 -ischuros->

of ......... of milk 1051 -gala->

of ......... of mind , and with many 4183 -polus->

of ......... of mind , meekness 4236 -praiotes->

of ......... of mind 4288 -prothumia->

of ......... of mind 5012 -tapeinophrosune->

of ......... of mine 1683 -emautou->

of ......... of mine 1699 -emos->

of ......... of mine 3450 -mou->

of ......... of mint 2238 -heduosmon->

of ......... of miracles 1411 -dunamis->

of ......... of miracles 4592 -semeion->

of ......... of Moloch 3434 -Moloch->

of ......... of money 0694 -argurion->

of ......... of money 2773 -kermatistes->

of ......... of money 5365 -philarguria->

of ......... of more 4119 -pleion->

of ......... of Moses 3475 -Moseus->

of ......... of most precious 5093 -timios->

of ......... of mothers 3389 -metraloias->

of ......... of mount 3735 -oros->

of ......... of much 4183 -polus->

of ......... of mustard 4615 -sinapi->

of ......... of my burying 1780 -entaphiasmos->

of ......... of my chain 0254 -halusis->

of ......... of my conversation 0391 -anastrophe->

of ......... of my cup 4221 -poterion->

of ......... of my departure 0359 -analusis->

of ......... of my Father 3962 -pater->

of ......... of my father s 3962 -pater->

of ......... of my fathers 3967 -patrikos->

of ......... of my fathers 3971 -patroios->

of ......... of my God 2316 -theos->

of ......... of my goods 5224 -huparchonta->

of ......... of my grace 5485 -charis->

of ......... of my hands 5495 -cheir->

of ......... of my kingdom 0932 -basileia->

of ......... of my labour 2041 -ergon->

of ......... of my Lord 2962 -kurios->

of ......... of my mind 3563 -nous->

of ......... of my mouth 4750 -stoma->

of ......... of my patience 5281 -hupomone->

of ......... of my people 2992 -laos->

of ......... of my rest 2663 -katapausis->

of ......... of my Spirit 4151 -pneuma->

of ......... of my supper 1173 -deipnon->

of ......... of my ways 3598 -hodos->

of ......... of myrrh 4666 -smurna->

of ......... of myself 1683 -emautou->

of ......... of names 3686 -onoma->

of ......... of nations 1484 -ethnos->

of ......... of nature 1078 -genesis->

of ......... of naughtiness 2549 -kakia->

OF ......... OF NAZARETH 3478 -Nazareth->

of ......... of Nazareth 3478 -Nazareth->

of ......... of necessity 0318 -anagke->

of ......... of need 2121 -eukairos->

of ......... of Nephthalim 3508 -Nephthaleim->

of ......... of Nepthalim 3508 -Nephthaleim->

of ......... of new 0046 -agnaphos->

of ......... of new 1098 -gleukos->

of ......... of Nineve 3535 -Nineui->

of ......... of Nineveh 3536 -Nineuites->

of ......... of no 2673 -katargeo->

of ......... of no 3367 -medeis->

of ......... of no 3756 -ou->

of ......... of no 3762 -oudeis->

of ......... of no 5013 -tapeinoo->

of ......... of Noah 3575 -Noe->

of ......... of Noe 3575 -Noe->

of ......... of none 0208 -akuroo->

of ......... of none 2673 -katargeo->

of ......... of none 2758 -kenoo->

of ......... of nothing 3367 -medeis->

of ......... of nothing 3762 -oudeis->

of ......... of obedience 5218 -hupakoe->

of ......... of odours 2368 -thumiama->

of ......... of offence 0677 -aproskopos->

of ......... of offence 4625 -skandalon->

of ......... of offences 4625 -skandalon->

of ......... of oil 1637 -elaion->

of ......... of ointment 3464 -muron->

of ......... of old 0744 -archaios->

of ......... of old 3819 -palai->

of ......... of Olives 1636 -elaia->

of ......... of one 1520 -heis->

of ......... of one 3391 -mia->

of ......... of one 3675 -homophron->

of ......... of one 5100 -tis->

of ......... of one crying 0994 -boao->

of ......... of one Sceva 4630 -Skeuas->

of ......... of one Simon 4613 -Simon->

of ......... of one that was born 1080 -gennao->

of ......... of Onesiphorus 3683 -Onesiphoros->

of ......... of operations 1755 -energema->

of ......... of ordinances 1378 -dogma->

of ......... of other 0245 -allotrios->

of ......... of other 3062 -loipoy->

of ......... of others 0245 -allotrios->

of ......... of others 2087 -heteros->

of ......... of our authority 1849 -exousia->

of ......... of our body 4983 -soma->

of ......... of our brethren 0080 -adephos->

of ......... of our company made 1839 -existemi->

of ......... of our confidence 5287 -hupostasis->

of ......... of our conscience 4893 -suneidesis->

of ......... of our deeds 4238 -prasso->

of ......... of our enemies 2190 -echthros->

of ......... of our faith 1680 -elpis->

of ......... of our faith 4102 -pistis->

of ......... of our father 3962 -pater->

of ......... of our fathers 3962 -pater->

of ......... of our fathers 3971 -patroios->

of ......... of our flesh 4561 -sarx->

of ......... of our God 2316 -theos->

of ......... of our infirmities 0769 -astheneia->

of ......... of our inheritance 2817 -kleronomia->

of ......... of our life 0979 -bios->

of ......... of our life 2222 -zoe->

of ......... of our lips 5491 -cheilos->

of ......... of our lives 5590 -psuche->

of ......... of our Lord 2962 -kurios->

of ......... of our profession 3671 -homologia->

of ......... of our religion 2356 -threskeia->

of ......... of our Saviour 4990 -soter->

of ......... of our trouble 2347 -thlipsis->

of ......... of our warfare 4752 -strateia->

of ......... of ourselves 1438 -heautou->

of ......... of oxen 1016 -bous->

of ......... of palm 5404 -phoinix->

of ......... of patience 5281 -hupomone->

of ......... of Paul 3972 -Paulos->

of ......... of peace 1515 -eirene->

of ......... of Pentecost 4005 -pentekoste->

of ......... of people 2992 -laos->

of ......... of people 3793 -ochlos->

of ......... of people from Galilee 1056 -Galilaia->

of ......... of perdition 0684 -apoleia->

of ......... of perfectness 5047 -teleiotes->

of ......... of persons 0678 -aprosopoleptos->

of ......... of persons 2PE 0ught 1163 -dei->

of ......... of persons 4381 -prosopoleptes->

of ......... of persons 4382 -prosopolepsia->

of ......... of Peter 4074 -Petros->

of ......... of Phanuel 5323 -Phanouel->

of ......... of Pharaoh 5328 -Pharao->

of ......... of Pharaoh s 5328 -Pharao->

of ......... of Philip 5376 -Philippos->

of ......... of Pilate 4091 -Pilatos->

of ......... of plaiting 1708 -emploke->

of ......... of pleasures 5569 -pseudadelphos->

of ......... of pots 3582 -xestes->

of ......... of praise 0133 -ainesis->

of ......... of prayer 4335 -proseuche->

of ......... of preaching 2782 -kerugma->

of ......... of promise 1860 -epaggelia->

of ......... of prophecy 4394 -propheteia->

of ......... of prophecy 4397 -prophetikos->

of ......... of prophets 4396 -prophetes->

of ......... of Psalms 5568 -plalmos->

of ......... of Psalms 5568 -psalmos->

of ......... of publicans 5052 -telesphoreo->

of ......... of Publius 4196 -Poplios->

of ......... of purification 0049 -hagnismos->

of ......... of purple 4211 -porphuropolis->

of ......... of putting 1745 -endusis->

of ......... of questions 2213 -zetema->

of ......... of questions 2214 -zetesis->

of ......... of quick 2198 -zao->

of ......... of Rachab 4477 -Rhachab->

of ......... of ravening 0724 -harpage->

of ......... of reconciliation 2643 -katallage->

of ......... of redemption 0629 -apolutrosis->

of ......... of reformation 1357 -diorthosis->

of ......... of refreshing 0403 -anapsuxis->

of ......... of regeneration 3824 -paliggenesia->

of ......... of rejoicing 2746 -kauchesis->

of ......... of remembrance 5280 -hupomnesis->

of ......... of repentance 3341 -metanoia->

of ......... of restitution 0605 -apokatastasis->

of ......... of Reuben 4502 -Rhouben->

of ......... of reward 3405 -misthapodosia->

of ......... of riches 4149 -ploutos->

of ......... of righteous 1342 -dikaios->

of ......... of righteousness 1343 -dikaiosune->

Of ......... Of righteousness 1343 -dikaiosune->

of ......... of righteousness 2118 -euthutes->

of ......... of riot 0810 -asotia->

of ......... of robbers 3027 -leistes->

of ......... of Rome 4516 -Rhome->

of ......... of Ruth 4503 -Rhouth->

of ......... of sabaoth 4519 -sabaoth->

of ......... of Sabaoth 4519 -sabaoth->

of ......... of saints 0040 -hagios->

of ......... of Salem 4532 -Salem->

of ......... of salutation 0783 -aspasmos->

of ......... of salvation 4991 -soteria->

of ......... of salvation 4992 -soterion->

of ......... of Samaria 4540 -Samareia->

of ......... of Sara s 4564 -Sarrha->

of ......... of Satan 4567 -Satanas->

of ......... of Saul 4569 -Saulos->

of ......... of science 1108 -gnosis->

of ......... of sedition 4714 -stasis->

of ......... of serpents 3789 -ophis->

of ......... of service 3009 -leitourgia->

of ......... of sight 0309 -anablepsis->

of ......... of Siloam 4611 -Siloam->

of ......... of silver 1406 -drachme->

of ......... of Simeon 4826 -Sumeon->

of ......... of Simon 4613 -Simon->

of ......... of sin 0266 -hamartia->

Of ......... Of sin 0266 -hamartia->

of ......... of sinful 0266 -hamartia->

of ......... of sinful 0268 -hamartolos->

of ......... of sinners 0268 -hamartolos->

of ......... of sins 0265 -hamartema->

of ......... of sins 0266 -hamartia->

of ......... of sins 3900 -paraptoma->

of ......... of Sion 4622 -Sion->

of ......... of slaughter 4967 -sphage->

of ......... of slumber 2659 -katanuxis->

of ......... of small 4979 -schoinion->

of ......... of smoke 2586 -kapnos->

of ......... of Sodom 4670 -Sodoma->

of ......... of soldiers .

of ......... of soldiers 4757 -stratiotes->

of ......... of Solomon 4672 -Solomon->

of ......... of some 5100 -tis->

of ......... of some are manifest 4271 -prodelos->

of ......... of sons 5206 -huiothesia->

of ......... of sorrows 5604 -odin->

of ......... of sound 5198 -hugiaino->

of ......... of speech 3056 -logos->

of ......... of speech :

of ......... of speech toward 4314 -pros->

of ......... of spikenard 4101 -pistikos->

of ......... of spirit 4151 -pneuma->

of ......... of spirits 4151 -pneuma->

of ......... of spiritual 4151 -pneuma->

of ......... of sprinkling 4473 -rhantismos->

of ......... of stature 2244 -helikia->

of ......... of Stephanas 4734 -Stephanas->

of ......... of sticks 5434 -phruganon->

of ......... of stone 3035 -lithinos->

of ......... of stones 3037 -lithos->

of ......... of strange 3581 -xenos->

of ......... of strangers 0245 -allotrios->

of ......... of stripes 4127 -plege->

of ......... of strong 3794 -ochuroma->

of ......... of stumbling 4348 -proskomma->

of ......... of stumbling 4625 -skandalon->

of ......... of such 5108 -toioutos->

Of ......... Of such 5108 -toioutos->

of ......... of such 5130 -touton->

of ......... of such manner 4012 -peri->

of ......... of such things as I supposed 5282 -huponoeo->

of ......... of such things as ye have 1751 -eneimi->

of ......... of suffering 2552 -kakopatheia->

of ......... of swine 5519 -choiros->

of ......... of Syria 4947 -Suria->

of ......... of tabernacles 4634 -skenopegia->

of ......... of taking of rest 2838 -koimesis->

of ......... of taking of rest 2838 -koimesis->

of ......... of Tarsus 5018 -Tarseus->

of ......... of teeth 3599 -odous->

of ......... of temptation 3986 -peirasmos->

of ......... of Thamar 2283 -Thamar->

of ......... of that bread 0740 -artos->

of ......... of that city 4172 -polis->

of ......... of that country 5561 -chora->

of ......... of that country from whence 3739 -hos->

of ......... of that cup 4221 -poterion->

of ......... of that faith 4102 -pistis->

of ......... of that great 3173 -megas->

of ......... of that house 3614 -oikia->

of ......... of that I said 2036 -epo->

of ......... of that light 5457 -phos->

of ......... of that Light 5457 -phos->

of ......... of that one 1520 -heis->

of ......... of that part 3310 -meris->

of ......... of that place 5117 -topos->

of ......... of that plague 3148 -mastix->

of ......... of that servant 1401 -doulos->

of ......... of that sheep , than 2228 -e->

of ......... of that spiritual 4152 -pneumatikos->

of ......... of that way 3598 -hodos->

of ......... of that which is abolished 2673 -katargeo->

of ......... of that which is good 0018 -agathos->

of ......... of the afflictions 2347 -thlipsis->

of ......... of the afflictions 4777 -sugkakopatheo->

of ......... of the air 0109 -aer->

of ......... of the air 3772 -ouranos->

of ......... of the aliens 0245 -allotrios->

of ......... of the altar 2379 -thusiasterion->

of ......... of the angel 0032 -aggelos->

of ......... of the angels 0032 -aggelos->

of ......... of the apostles 0652 -apostolos->

of ......... of the archangel 0743 -archaggelos->

of ......... of the army 4753 -strateuma->

of ......... of the band 4686 -speira->

of ......... of the baser 0060 -agoraios->

of ......... of the beast 2342 -therion->

of ......... of the believers 4103 -pistos->

of ......... of the benefit 2108 -euergesia->

of ......... of the better 2909 -kreitton->

of ......... of the Blessed 2128 -eulogetos->

of ......... of the blessed 3107 -makarios->

of ......... of the blessing 2129 -eulogia->

of ......... of the blind 5185 -tuphlos->

of ......... of the blindness 4457 -porosis->

of ......... of the blood 0129 -haima->

of ......... of the boat 4627 -skaphe->

of ......... of the body 4983 -soma->

of ......... of the bondwoman 3814 -paidiske->

of ......... of the book 0975 -biblion->

of ......... of the book 0976 -biblos->

of ......... of the bottomless 0012 -abussos->

of ......... of the bottomless 0012 -abussos->

of ......... of the branches 2798 -klados->

of ......... of the brethren 0080 -adephos->

of ......... of the brethren 5360 -philadelphia->

of ......... of the bridechamber 3567 -numphon->

of ......... of the bridegroom 3566 -numphios->

of ......... of the bridegroom s 3566 -numphios->

of ......... of the celestial 2032 -epouranios->

of ......... of the centurions 1543 -hekatontarches->

of ......... of the Chaldaeans 5466 -Chaldaios->

of ......... of the chief 0749 -archiereus->

of ......... of the chief 0758 -archon->

of ......... of the chief 0775 -Asiarches->

of ......... of the chief 4413 -protos->

of ......... of the child 3813 -paidion->

of ......... of the children 5027 -taphe->

of ......... of the children 5043 -teknon->

of ......... of the children 5207 -huios->

of ......... of the children s 3813 -paidion->

of ......... of the church 1577 -ekklesia->

of ......... of the churches 1577 -ekklesia->

of ......... of the circumcision 4061 -peritome->

of ......... of the city 4172 -polis->

of ......... of the city 4173 -politarches->

of ......... of the coasts 3725 -horion->

of ......... of the cold 5592 -psuchos->

of ......... of the coming 1660 -eleusis->

of ......... of the coming 3952 -parousia->

of ......... of the commandment 1785 -entole->

of ......... of the commandment 3852 -paraggelia->

of ......... of the commandments 1785 -entole->

of ......... of the company 3793 -ochlos->

of ......... of the concision 2699 -katatome->

of ......... of the consolation 3874 -paraklesis->

of ......... of the Corinthians 2881 -Korinthios->

of ......... of the corner 1137 -gonia->

of ......... of the council 4892 -sunedrion->

of ......... of the country , Sergius 4588 -Sergios->

of ......... of the country 4066 -perichoros->

of ......... of the course 2183 -ephemeria->

of ......... of the covenant 1242 -diatheke->

of ......... of the covenant 1242 -diatheke->

of ......... of the creation 2937 -ktisis->

of ......... of the creature 2937 -ktisis->

of ......... of the cross 4716 -stauros->

of ......... of the crumbs 5589 -psichion->

of ......... of the cup 4221 -poterion->

of ......... of the Damascenes 1153 -Damaskenos->

of ......... of the damsel 3813 -paidion->

of ......... of the darkness 4655 -skotos->

of ......... of the day 2250 -hemera->

of ......... of the days 2250 -hemera->

of ......... of the dead 3498 -nekros->

of ......... of the dedication 1456 -egkainia->

of ......... of the departing 1841 -exodos->

of ......... of the destroyer 3644 -olothreutes->

of ......... of the devil 1142 -daimon->

of ......... of the devil 1228 -diabolos->

of ......... of the devils 1139 -daimonizomai->

of ......... of the devils 1140 -daimonion->

of ......... of the disciples 3101 -mathetes->

of ......... of the dispensation 3622 -oikonomia->

of ......... of the divine 2304 -theios->

of ......... of the doctors 1320 -didaskalos->

of ......... of the doctrine 1322 -didache->

Of ......... Of the doctrine 1322 -didache->

of ......... of the doctrine 3056 -logos->

of ......... of the dragon 1404 -drakon->

OF ......... OF THE EARTH 1093 -ge->

of ......... of the earth 1093 -ge->

of ......... of the earthy 5517 -choikos->

of ......... of the east 0395 -anatole->

of ......... of the Egyptians 0124 -Aiguptios->

of ......... of the elders 4245 -presbuteros->

of ......... of the enemy 2190 -echthros->

of ......... of the Ephesians 2180 -Ephesios->

of ......... of the Epicureans 1946 -Epikoureios->

of ......... of the Ethiopians 0128 -Aithiops->

of ......... of the everlasting 0166 -aionios->

of ......... of the evil 2556 -kakos->

of ......... of the eyes 3788 -ophthalmos->

of ......... of the faith 4102 -pistis->

of ......... of the false 5578 -pseudoprophetes->

of ......... of the fame 0189 -akoe->

of ......... of the fashion 4383 -prosopon->

of ......... of the Father 3962 -pater->

of ......... of the father 3962 -pater->

of ......... of the Father 3962->

of ......... of the Father 3962->

of ......... of the fathers 3962 -pater->

of ......... of the fathers 3971 -patroios->

of ......... of the feast 0755 -architriklinos->

of ......... of the feast 1859 -heorte->

of ......... of the field 0068 -agros->

of ......... of the fierceness 2372 -thumos->

of ......... of the fig 4808 -suke->

of ......... of the filth 4509 -rhupos->

of ......... of the first 4413 -protos->

of ......... of the firstborn 4416 -prototokos->

of ......... of the fish 3795 -opsarion->

of ......... of the fishes 2486 -ichthus->

of ......... of the fishes 3795 -opsarion->

of ......... of the five 4000 -pentakischilioi->

of ......... of the five 4002 -pente->

of ......... of the flesh 4561 -sarx->

of ......... of the flock 4167 -poimne->

of ......... of the foolish 0878 -aphron->

of ......... of the forwardness 4710 -spoude->

of ......... of the fountain 4077 -pege->

of ......... of the fountain 4077 -pege->

of ......... of the four 5064 -tessares->

of ......... of the four 5070 -tetrakischilioi->

of ......... of the fourth 5067 -tetartos->

of ......... of the fragments 2801 -klasma->

of ......... of the freewoman 1658 -eleutheros->

of ......... of the fruit 1081 -gennema->

of ......... of the fruit 2590 -karpos->

of ......... of the fruits 2590 -karpos->

of ......... of the full 4136 -plerophoria->

of ......... of the fulness 4138 -pleroma->

of ......... of the Gadarenes 1046 -Gadarenos->

of ......... of the generation 1078 -genesis->

of ......... of the Gentile 1672 -Hellen->

of ......... of the Gentiles 1484 -ethnos->

of ......... of the Gergesenes 1086 -Gergesenos->

of ......... of the gift 1431 -dorea->

of ......... of the glorious 1391 -doxa->

of ......... of the glory 1391 -doxa->

of ......... of the Godhead 2320 -theotes->

of ......... of the golden 5552 -chruseos->

of ......... of the good 2108 -euergesia->

of ......... of the gospel 2098 -euaggelion->

of ......... of the gospel is committed 4100 -pisteuo->

of ......... of the governor 2230 -hegemoneuo->

of ......... of the governor 2232 -hegemon->

of ......... of the grace 5485 -charis->

of ......... of the grass 5528 -chortos->

of ......... of the great 3173 -megas->

of ......... of the Grecians 1675 -Hellenistes->

of ......... of the Greeks 1672 -Hellen->

of ......... of the guard 4759 -stratopedarches->

of ......... of the hail 5464 -chalaza->

of ......... of the hall 0833 -aule->

of ......... of the hands 5495 -cheir->

of ......... of the hardness 4641 -sklerokardia->

of ......... of the harvest 2326 -therismos->

of ......... of the hearers 0191 -akouo->

of ......... of the heart 2588 -kardia->

of ......... of the hearts 2588 -kardia->

of ......... of the heavenly 2032 -epouranios->

of ......... of the heavenly 3770 -ouranios->

of ......... of the heavens 3772 -ouranos->

of ......... of the Hebrews 1445 -Hebraios->

of ......... of the hidden 2928 -krupto->

of ......... of the high 0507 -ano->

of ......... of the high 0749 -archiereus->

of ......... of the Highest 5310 -hupsistos->

of ......... of the hill 3735 -oros->

of ......... of the holy 0040 -hagios->

of ......... of the Holy 0040 -hagios->

of ......... of the hope 1680 -elpis->

of ......... of the horsemen 2461 -hippikon->

of ......... of the horses 2462 -hippos->

of ......... of the house 3614 -oikia->

of ......... of the house 3617 -oikodespotes->

of ......... of the house 3624 -oikos->

of ......... of the householder 3617 -oikodespotes->

of ......... of the idol 1497 -eidolon->

of ......... of the incense 2368 -thumiama->

of ......... of the infirmity 0769 -astheneia->

of ......... of the inheritance 2817 -kleronomia->

of ......... of the inheritance 2819 -kleros->

of ......... of the invisible 0517 -aoratos->

of ......... of the Jew 2453 -Ioudaios->

Of ......... Of the Jews 2453 -Ioudaios->

OF ......... OF THE JEWS 2453 -Ioudaios->

of ......... of the Jews 2453 -Ioudaios->

of ......... of the judgment 2920 -krisis->

of ......... of the Just 1342 -dikaios->

of ......... of the just 1342 -dikaios->

of ......... of the king 0935 -basileus->

of ......... of the king s 0935 -basileus->

of ......... of the kingdom 0932 -basileia->

of ......... of the kings 0935 -basileus->

of ......... of the knowledge 1108 -gnosis->

of ......... of the labourers 2040 -ergates->

of ......... of the lading 5414 -phortos->

of ......... of the lake 3041 -limne->

of ......... of the Lamb 0721 -arnion->

of ......... of the land 5564 -chorion->

of ......... of the Laodiceans 2994 -Laodikeus->

of ......... of the law 0458 -anomia->

of ......... of the law 3547 -nomodidaskalos->

of ......... of the law 3548 -nomothesia->

of ......... of the law 3551 -nomos->

of ......... of the lawyers 3544 -nomikos->

of ......... of the least 1646 -elachistos->

of ......... of the leaven 2219 -zume->

of ......... of the letter 1121 -gramma->

of ......... of the Libertines 3032 -Libertinos->

of ......... of the life 2222 -zoe->

of ......... of the Light 5457 -phos->

of ......... of the lion 3023 -leon->

of ......... of the living 2198 -zao->

of ......... of the loaves 0740 -artos->

of ......... of the locusts 0200 -akris->

of ......... of the Lord 2962 -kurios->

of ......... of the Lord s 2962 -kurios->

of ......... of the maiden 3816 -pais->

of ......... of the maids 3814 -paidiske->

of ......... of the Majesty 3172 -megalosune->

of ......... of the malefactors 2557 -kakourgos->

of ......... of the mammon 3126 -mammonas->

of ......... of the man 0435 -aner->

of ......... of the man 0444 -anthropos->

of ......... of the manifold 4164 -poikilos->

of ......... of the martyrs 3144 -martus->

of ......... of the men 0435 -aner->

of ......... of the men 0444 -anthropos->

of ......... of the ministering 1248 -diakonia->

of ......... of the ministry 1248 -diakonia->

of ......... of the ministry 3009 -leitourgia->

of ......... of the moneychangers 2855 -kollubistes->

of ......... of the moon 4582 -selene->

of ......... of the most 5310 -hupsistos->

of ......... of the mount 3735 -oros->

of ......... of the mountains 3735 -oros->

of ......... of the multitude 3793 -ochlos->

of ......... of the mysteries 3466 -musterion->

of ......... of the mystery 3466 -musterion->

of ......... of the nails 2247 -helos->

of ......... of the nations 1484 -ethnos->

of ......... of the Nazarenes 3480 -Nazoraios->

of ......... of the new 2537 -kainos->

of ......... of the new 3501 -neos->

of ......... of the new 3561 -noumenia->

of ......... of the Nicolaitans 3531 -Nikolaites->

of ......... of the night 3571 -nux->

of ......... of the ninety 1768 -ennenekontaennea->

of ......... of the number 0706 -arithmos->

of ......... of the number 1469 -egkrino->

of ......... of the oath 3728 -horkomosia->

of ......... of the officers 5257 -huperetes->

of ......... of the ointment 3464 -muron->

of ......... of the old 0744 -archaios->

of ......... of the old 3820 -palaios->

of ......... of the olive 1636 -elaia->

of ......... of the only 3439 -monogenes->

of ......... of the operation 1753 -energeia->

of ......... of the oracles 3051 -logion->

of ......... of the other 3062 -loipoy->

of ......... of the palsy 3885 -paralutikos->

of ......... of the palsy 3886 -paraluo->

of ......... of the paradise 3857 -paradeisos->

of ......... of the passover 3957 -pascha->

of ......... of the patience 5281 -hupomone->

of ......... of the people 2992 -laos->

of ......... of the people 3793 -ochlos->

of ......... of the Pharisees 5330 -Pharisaios->

of ......... of the physician 2395 -iatros->

of ......... of the pit 5421 -phrear->

of ......... of the plague 4127 -plege->

of ......... of the power 1411 -dunamis->

of ......... of the power 1849 -exousia->

of ......... of the presbytery 4244 -presbuterion->

of ......... of the present 2186 -ephistemi->

of ......... of the priest s 2405 -hierateia->

of ......... of the priesthood 2405 -hierateia->

of ......... of the priests 0749 -archiereus->

of ......... of the priests 2409 -hiereus->

of ......... of the princes 0758 -archon->

of ......... of the prison 1200 -desmophulax->

of ......... of the prison 1201 -desmoterion->

of ......... of the promise 1860 -epaggelia->

of ......... of the prophecy 4394 -propheteia->

of ......... of the prophet 4396 -prophetes->

of ......... of the prophets 4396 -prophetes->

of ......... of the prophets 4397 -prophetikos->

of ......... of the prudent 4908 -sunetos->

of ......... of the purchased 4047 -peripoiesis->

of ......... of the reign 2231 -hegemonia->

of ......... of the resurrection 0386 -anastasis->

of ......... of the revelations 0602 -apokalupsis->

of ......... of the reward 3405 -misthapodosia->

of ......... of the riches 4149 -ploutos->

of ......... of the righteous 1341 -dikaiokrisia->

of ......... of the righteous 1342 -dikaios->

of ......... of the righteousness 1343 -dikaiosune->

of ......... of the river 4215 -potamos->

of ......... of the Romans 4514 -Rhomaios->

of ......... of the root 4491 -rhiza->

of ......... of the rule 2583 -kanon->

of ......... of the ruler 0752 -archisunagogos->

of ......... of the ruler 0758 -archon->

of ......... of the rulers 0752 -archisunagogos->

of ......... of the rulers 0758 -archon->

of ......... of the sabbath 4521 -sabbaton->

of ......... of the sacrifices 2378 -thusia->

of ......... of the Sadducees 4523 -Saddoukaios->

of ......... of the said 0846 -autos->

of ......... of the saints 0040 -hagios->

of ......... of the Samaritans 4541 -Samareites->

of ......... of the same 0846 -autos->

Of ......... Of the same 3778 -houtos->

of ......... of the same 3778 -houtos->

of ......... of the sanctuary 0039 -hagion->

of ......... of the scribes 1122 -grammateus->

of ......... of the scripture 1124 -graphe->

of ......... of the scriptures 1124 -graphe->

of ......... of the sea 2281 -thalassa->

of ......... of the seals 4973 -sphragis->

of ......... of the second 1208 -deuteros->

of ......... of the sect 0139 -hairesis->

of ......... of the seed 4690 -sperma->

of ......... of the sepulchre 3419 -mnemeion->

of ......... of the serpent 3789 -ophis->

of ......... of the servants 1401 -doulos->

of ......... of the servants 3816 -pais->

of ......... of the seven 2033 -hepta->

of ......... of the seventh 1442 -hebdomos->

of ......... of the sheep 4263 -probaton->

of ......... of the ship 3490 -naukleros->

of ......... of the ship 4143 -ploion->

of ......... of the ships 4143 -ploion->

of ......... of the simple 0172 -akakos->

of ......... of the sins 0266 -hamartia->

of ......... of the sky 3772 -ouranos->

of ......... of the smoke 2586 -kapnos->

of ......... of the soldiers 4757 -stratiotes->

of ......... of the Son 5207 -huios->

of ......... of the sons 5207 -huios->

of ......... of the soul 5590 -psuche->

of ......... of the south 3558 -notos->

of ......... of the sower 4687 -speiro->

of ......... of the spirit 4151 -pneuma->

of ......... of the Spirit 4151 -pneuma->

of ......... of the spittle 4427 -ptusma->

of ......... of the spoils 0205 -akrothinion->

of ......... of the star 0792 -aster->

of ......... of the stars 0792 -aster->

of ......... of the stature 2244 -helikia->

of ......... of the stock 1085 -genos->

of ......... of the street 4113 -plateia->

of ......... of the streets 4113 -plateia->

of ......... of the sufferings 3804 -pathema->

of ......... of the sun 2246 -helios->

of ......... of the sword 3162 -machaira->

of ......... of the synagogue 0752 -archisunagogos->

of ......... of the synagogue 4864 -sunagoge->

of ......... of the synagogue s 0752 -archisunagogos->

of ......... of the synagogues 4864 -sunagoge->

of ......... of the tabernacle 4633 -skene->

of ......... of the tares 2215 -zizanion->

of ......... of the taxing 0583 -apographo->

of ......... of the temple 2411 -hieron->

of ......... of the temple 3485 -naos->

of ......... of the terrestrial 1919 -epigeios->

of ......... of the testament 1242 -diatheke->

of ......... of the testator 1303 -diatithemai->

of ......... of the testimony 3142 -marturion->

of ......... of the Thessalonians 2331 -Thessalonikeus->

of ......... of the things 4229 -pragma->

of ......... of the things of the temple 2411 -hieron->

of ......... of the things of the temple 2411 -hieron->

of ......... of the things pertaining 4012 -peri->

of ......... of the things that they understand 0050 -agnoeo->

of ......... of the things that were sold 4097 -piprasko->

of ......... of the things which concern 4012 -peri->

of ......... of the things which he possessed 5224 -huparchonta->

of ......... of the things which he possesseth 5224 -huparchonta-

of ......... of the things which we have spoken 3004 -lego->

of ......... of the thoughts 1761 -enthumesis->

of ......... of the three 5140 -treis->

of ......... of the throne 2362 -thronos->

of ......... of the time 5550 -chronos->

of ......... of the times 2540 -kairos->

of ......... of the traditions 3862 -paradosis->

of ......... of the transgressions 3847 -parabasis->

of ......... of the tree 3586 -xulon->

of ......... of the trees 1186 -dendron->

Of ......... Of the tribe 5443 -phule->

of ......... of the tribe 5443 -phule->

of ......... of the true 0228 -alethinos->

of ......... of the trumpet 4536 -salpigx->

of ......... of the truth 0225 -aletheia->

of ......... of the truth 0226 -aletheuo->

of ......... of the twain 1417 -duo->

of ......... of the twelve 1427 -dodeka->

of ......... of the two 1417 -duo->

of ......... of the uncircumcision 0203 -akrobustia->

of ......... of the uncleanness 0167 -akatharsia->

of ......... of the uncorruptible 0862 -aphthartos->

of ......... of the ungodly 0765 -asebes->

of ......... of the unlearned 2399 -idiotes->

of ......... of the vagabond 4022 -perierchomai->

of ......... of the vine 0288 -ampelos->

of ......... of the vineyard 0290 -ampelon->

of ......... of the vocation 2821 -klesis->

of ......... of the voice 5456 -phone->

of ......... of the wall 5038 -teichos->

of ......... of the watch 2892 -koustodia->

of ......... of the water 5204 -hudor->

of ......... of the water 5204 -hudor->

of ......... of the waters 5204 -hudor->

of ......... of the waves 2949 -kuma->

of ......... of the weak 0102 -adunatos->

of ......... of the week 4521 -sabbaton->

of ......... of the which 3739 -hos->

of ......... of the whole 3956 -pas->

of ......... of the wicked 0113 -athesmos->

of ......... of the wicked 4190 -poneros->

of ......... of the wife 1135 -gune->

of ......... of the will 2307 -thelema->

of ......... of the wine 3631 -oinos->

of ......... of the wisdom 4678 -sophia->

of ......... of the wise 3097 -magos->

of ......... of the wise 4680 -sophos->

of ......... of the wives 1135 -gune->

of ......... of the woman 1135 -gune->

of ......... of the woman 2338 -thelus->

of ......... of the word 3050 -logikos->

of ......... of the word 3056 -logos->

of ......... of the Word 3056 -logos->

of ......... of the words 3056 -logos->

of ......... of the words 4487 -rhema->

of ......... of the work 2041 -ergon->

of ......... of the world 0165 -aion->

of ......... of the world 2889 -kosmos->

of ......... of the world 3625 -oikoumene->

of ......... of the wrath 2372 -thumos->

of ......... of thee , and comest 2064 -erchomai->

of ......... of thee , that thou teachest 1321 -didasko->

of ......... of thee , yet will I never 3763 -oudepote->

of ......... of thee .

of ......... of thee : nor 2228 -e->

of ......... of thee : then 1161 -de->

of ......... of thee ; and of him that taketh 0142 -airo->

of ......... of thee ; and of him that taketh 0142 -airo->

of ......... of thee ? give 0591 -apodidomi->

of ......... of thee always 3842 -pantote->

of ......... of thee hereafter 3371 -meketi->

of ......... of thee in my prayers 1162 -deesis->

of ......... of thee in the Lord 2962 -kurios->

of ......... of thee shall be called 2564 -kaleo->

of ......... of thee turn 0654 -apostrepho->

of ......... of thee what 3739 -hos->

of ......... of their conversation 0391 -anastrophe->

of ......... of their deeds 2041 -ergon->

of ......... of their diseases 3554 -nosos->

of ......... of their error 4106 -plane->

of ......... of their Father 3962 -pater->

of ......... of their feet 4228 -pous->

of ......... of their fornication 4202 -porneia->

of ......... of their gains 2039 -ergasia->

of ......... of their garments 2440 -himation->

of ......... of their habitation 2733 -katoikia->

of ......... of their hands ,

of ......... of their hands .

of ......... of their hands 5495 -cheir->

of ......... of their heart 2588 -kardia->

of ......... of their hearts 2588 -kardia->

of ......... of their infirmities 3554 -nosos->

of ......... of their joy 5479 -chara->

of ......... of their law 3551 -nomos->

of ......... of their liberality 0572 -haplotes->

of ......... of their lying in wait 1747 -enedra->

of ......... of their mind 3563 -nous->

of ......... of their own 2398 -idios->

of ......... of their own children 5207 -huios->

of ......... of their own company to Antioch 0490 -Antiocheia->

of ......... of their own hands 5495 -cheir->

of ......... of their own hearts 2588 -kardia->

of ......... of their own selves 5367 -philautos->

of ......... of their pains 4192 -ponos->

of ......... of their prophecy 4394 -propheteia->

of ......... of their salvation 4991 -soteria->

of ......... of their sins 0266 -hamartia->

of ......... of their sorceries 5331 -pharmakeia->

of ......... of their spiritual 4152 -pneumatikos->

of ......... of their terror 5401 -phobos->

of ......... of their testimony 3141 -marturia->

of ......... of their thefts 2809 -klemma->

of ......... of their torment 0929 -basanismos->

of ......... of their unbelief 0570 -apaistia->

of ......... of their wings 4420 -pterux->

of ......... of them ,

of ......... of them , )

of ......... of them , and embraced 0782 -aspazomai->

of ......... of them , and found 2147 -heurisko->

of ......... of them , and healed 2323 -therapeuo->

of ......... of them , and said 2036 -epo->

of ......... of them , and saith 3004 -lego->

of ......... of them , and so 3779 -houto->

of ......... of them , as they walked 4043 -peripateo->

of ......... of them , commanded 2753 -keleuo->

of ......... of them , doth not leave 2641 -kataleipo->

of ......... of them , I went 1831 -exerchomai->

of ......... of them , named Caiaphas 2533 -Kaiaphas->

of ......... of them , should go 0305 -anabaino->

of ......... of them , that they had been 2258 -en->

of ......... of them , to do you service 1248 -diakonia->

of ......... of them , when he saw 1492 -eido->

of ......... of them , which was a lawyer 3544 -nomikos->

of ......... of them , whose 3739 -hos->

of ......... of them .

of ......... of them . And Peter 4074 -Petros->

of ......... of them : and when he had taken 1723 -enagkalizomai-

of ......... of them : for that is delivered 3860 -paradidomi->

of ......... of them : only 3440 -monon->

of ......... of them : otherwise 1490 -ei de me ( ge )->

of ......... of them : then came 2186 -ephistemi->

of ......... of them ;

of ......... of them ; ) he was of Arimathaea 0707 -Arimathaia->

of ......... of them ; ) he was of Arimathaea 0707 -Arimathaia->

of ......... of them ; and straightway 2112 -eutheos->

of ......... of them ; as it is written 1125 -grapho->

of ......... of them all 3956 -pas->

of ......... of them also 1161 -de->

of ......... of them also 2532 -kai->

of ......... of them and of the chief 0749 -archiereus->

of ......... of them and of the chief 0749 -archiereus->

of ......... of them arose 0450 -anistemi->

of ......... of them be , but life 2222 -zoe->

of ......... of them be gone 4105 -planao->

of ......... of them be the reconciling 2643 -katallage->

of ......... of them be the riches 4149 -ploutos->

of ......... of them believed 3982 -peitho->

of ......... of them believed 4100 -pisteuo->

of ......... of them came 2240 -heko->

of ......... of them committed 4203 -porneuo->

of ......... of them diligently what 3588 -ho->

of ......... of them forty 5062 -tessarakonta->

of ......... of them God 2316 -theos->

of ......... of them in breaking 2800 -klasis->

of ......... of them in secret 2931 -kruphe->

of ......... of them in the body 4983 -soma->

of ......... of them is forgotten 1950 -epilanthanomai->

of ......... of them is lost 0622 -apollumi->

of ......... of them is she ? for seven 2033 -hepta->

of ......... of them is without 0880 -aphonos->

of ......... of them it was that should 3195 -mello->

of ......... of them may be clean 2513 -katharos->

of ......... of them named 3686 -onoma->

of ......... of them of Jerusalem 2414 -Hierosoluma->

of ......... of them of Jerusalem 2414 -Hierosoluma->

of ......... of them openly 3954 -parrhesia->

of ......... of them ran 5143 -trecho->

of ......... of them said 2036 -epo->

of ......... of them said 3004 -lego->

of ......... of them shall be a witness 3142 -marturion->

of ......... of them shall not fall 4098 -pipto->

of ......... of them should be accounted 1380 -dokeo->

of ......... of them should be greatest 3187 -meizon->

of ......... of them should swim 1579 -ekkolumbao->

of ......... of them six 1803 -hex->

of ......... of them smote 3960 -patasso->

of ......... of them suffer wrong 0091 -adikeo->

of ......... of them that believe 0571 -apistos->

of ......... of them that believed 4100 -pisteuo->

of ......... of them that diligently 1567 -ekzeteo->

of ......... of them that do 0017 -agathopoios->

of ......... of them that entered 1531 -eisporeuomai->

of ......... of them that kill 0615 -apokteino->

of ......... of them that make 4160 -poieo->

of ......... of them that ministered 1247 -diakoneo->

of ......... of them that ought 5100 -tis->

of ......... of them that preach 2097 -euaggelizo->

of ......... of them that reproached 3679 -oneidizo->

of ......... of them that sat 4873 -sunanakeimai->

of ......... of them that sit 4873 -sunanakeimai->

of ......... of them that slept 2837 -koimao->

of ......... of them that slew 0337 -anaireo->

of ......... of them that sold 4453 -poleo->

of ......... of them that sought 2212 -zeteo->

of ......... of them that stand 2476 -histemi->

of ......... of them that stood 2476 -histemi->

of ......... of them that stood 3936 -paristemi->

of ......... of them that waited 4342 -proskartereo->

of ......... of them that were beheaded 3990 -pelekizo->

of ......... of them that were slain 4969 -sphazo->

of ......... of them that were so 3779 -houto->

of ......... of them that were with me , I came 2064 -erchomai->

of ......... of them the riches 4149 -ploutos->

of ......... of them thought 1380 -dokeo->

of ......... of them twain 1417 -duo->

of ......... of them was cleansed 2511 -katharizo->

of ......... of them was Elias 2243 -Helias->

of ......... of them was ten 3461 -murias->

of ......... of them went 0565 -aperchomai->

of ......... of them went 4198 -poreuomai->

of ......... of them were men 0435 -aner->

of ......... of them were wise 5429 -phronimos->

of ......... of them where 4226 -pou->

of ......... of them whereunto 5101 -tis->

of ......... of them which 3588 -ho->

Of ......... Of them which 3739 -hos->

of ......... of them which are in darkness 4655 -skotos->

of ......... of them which are puffed 5448 -phusioo->

of ......... of them which are saved 4982 -sozo->

of ......... of them which are without 1855 -exothen->

of ......... of them which believe 0571 -apistos->

of ......... of them which believe 4103 -pistos->

of ......... of them which came 4872 -sunanabaino->

of ......... of them which have buried 2290 -thapto->

of ......... of them which have reaped 2325 -therizo->

of ......... of them which heard 0191 -akouo->

of ......... of them which killed 5407 -phoneuo->

of ......... of them which were sealed 4972 -sphragizo->

of ......... of them which were with Jesus 2424 -Iesous->

of ......... of them which were with us went 0565 -aperchomai->

of ......... of them who through 1223 -dia->

of ......... of them whom 3739 -hos->

of ......... of them will love 0025 -agapao->

of ......... of them would 2309 -thelo->

of ......... of themselves 0830 -authairetos->

of ......... of themselves 0846 -autos->

of ......... of themselves with mankind 0733 -arsenokoites->

of ......... of these 0846 -autos->

of ......... of these 3588 -ho->

of ......... of these 5023 -tauta->

Of ......... Of these 5023 -tauta->

of ......... of these 5025 -tautais->

of ......... of these 5125 -toutois->

of ......... of these 5130 -touton->

of ......... of these things 3056 -logos->

of ......... of these things whereof 3739 -hos->

of ......... of these things which 3739 -hos->

of ......... of Thessalonica 2331 -Thessalonikeus->

of ......... of Thessalonica 2332 -Thessalonike->

of ......... of thieves 3027 -leistes->

of ......... of thine 4671 -soi->

of ......... of thine 4675 -sou->

of ......... of things 4229 -pragma->

of ......... of things in heaven 2032 -epouranios->

of ......... of things in the heavens 3772 -ouranos->

of ......... of things made 2092 -hetoimos->

of ......... of things not seen 0991 -blepo->

of ......... of things pertaining to this life 0982 -biotikos->

of ......... of things to come 3195 -mello->

of ......... of things which do appear 5316 -phaino->

of ......... of things without 0280 -ametros->

of ......... of this 3127 -Manaen->

of ......... of this 3588 -ho->

of ......... of this 5026 -taute->

of ......... of this 5124 -touto->

of ......... of this 5126 -touton->

Of ......... Of this 5127 -toutou->

of ......... of this 5127 -toutou->

of ......... of this 5129 -toutoi->

of ......... of this life 0979 -bios->

of ......... of this life 0982 -biotikos->

of ......... of thistles 5146 -tribolos->

of ......... of thorns 0173 -akantha->

of ......... of thorns 0174 -akanthinos->

of ......... of those 0846 -autos->

of ......... of those 1565 -ekeinos->

of ......... of those 3588 -ho->

of ......... of those 3745 -hosos->

of ......... of those 5130 -touton->

of ......... of those that are good 0865 -aphilagathos->

of ......... of those that believe 4103 -pistos->

of ......... of those things 3056 -logos->

of ......... of those things which 3739 -hos->

of ......... of thousands 5505 -chilias->

of ......... of three 5140 -treis->

of ......... of three 5148 -trietia->

of ......... of throughout 1722 -en->

of ......... of thunder 1027 -bronte->

of ......... of thy charity 0026 -agape->

of ......... of thy children 5043->

of ......... of thy children 5043->

of ......... of thy coming 3952 -parousia->

of ......... of thy elect 1588->

of ......... of thy elect 1588->

of ......... of thy faith 4102 -pistis->

of ......... of thy fathers 3962 -pater->

of ......... of thy hands 5495 -cheir->

of ......... of thy hired 3407 -misthios->

of ......... of thy holy 0040 -hagios->

of ......... of thy kindred 4772 -suggeneia->

of ......... of thy kingdom 0932 -basileia->

of ......... of thy lord 2962 -kurios->

of ......... of thy love 0026 -agape->

of ......... of thy martyr 3144 -martus->

of ......... of thy members 3196 -melos->

of ......... of thy ministry 1248 -diakonia->

of ......... of thy nakedness 1132 -gumnotes->

of ......... of thy people 2992 -laos->

of ......... of thy plague 3148 -mastix->

of ......... of thy salutation 0783 -aspasmos->

of ......... of thy saying 2981 -lalia->

of ......... of thy servant 3816 -pais->

of ......... of thy stewardship 3622 -oikonomia->

of ......... of thy tears 1144 -dakru->

of ......... of thy visitation 1984 -episkope->

of ......... of thy womb 2836 -koilia->

of ......... of Thyatira 2363 -Thuateira->

of ......... of thyself 4572 -seautou->

of ......... of Tiberias 5085 -Tiberias->

of ......... of Tiberius 5086 -Tiberios->

of ......... of Timaeus 5090 -Timaios->

of ......... of time 2540 -kairos->

of ......... of time 5550 -chronos->

of ......... of times 2540 -kairos->

of ......... of Titus 5103 -Titos->

of ......... of tongues 1100 -glossa->

of ......... of torment 0931 -basanos->

of ......... of Trachonitis 5139 -Trachonitis->

of ......... of transgressions 3847 -parabasis->

of ......... of truth 0225 -aletheia->

of ......... of turning 5157 -trope->

of ......... of turtledoves 5167 -trugon->

of ......... of twain 1417 -duo->

of ......... of twelve 1427 -dodeka->

of ......... of two 1417 -duo->

of ......... of Tyre 5184 -Turos->

of ......... of unbelief 0543 -apeitheia->

of ......... of unbelief 0570 -apaistia->

of ......... of uncleanness 0167 -akatharsia->

of ......... of uncleanness 3394 -miasmos->

of ......... of understanding 4907 -sunesis->

of ......... of ungodly 0765 -asebes->

of ......... of unleavened 0106 -azumos->

of ......... of unrighteousness 0093 -adikia->

of ......... of us , and of the Lord 2962 -kurios->

of ......... of us , and of the Lord 2962 -kurios->

of ......... of us , as of the ministers 5257 -huperetes->

of ......... of us , as of the ministers 5257 -huperetes->

of ......... of us , they came 1831 -exerchomai->

of ......... of us , they would no doubt have continued 3306 -

of ......... of us , ye received 1209 -dechomai->

of ......... of us .

of ......... of us :

of ......... of us : for we are not ignorant 0050 -agnoeo->

of ......... of us all 3956 -pas->

of ......... of us always 3842 -pantote->

of ......... of us as if we walked 4043 -peripateo->

of ......... of us as were baptized 0907 -baptizo->

of ......... of us how 4459 -pos->

of ......... of us is given 1325 -didomi->

of ......... of us liveth 2198 -zao->

of ......... of us the apostles 0652 -apostolos->

of ......... of us what 3697 -hopoios->

of ......... of use 1838 -hexis->

of ......... of utterance 3056 -logos->

of ......... of vain 2755 -kenodoxos->

of ......... of vengeance 1557 -ekdikesis->

of ......... of very 0927 -barutimos->

of ......... of vinegar 3690 -oxos->

of ......... of vipers 2191 -echidna->

of ......... of visitation 1984 -episkope->

of ......... of voices 5456 -phone->

of ......... of want 5304 -husteresis->

of ......... of war 4753 -strateuma->

of ......... of wars 4171 -polemos->

of ......... of water 5204 -hudor->

of ......... of waters 4215 -potamos->

of ......... of waters 5204 -hudor->

of ......... of what 3697 -hopoios->

of ......... of what 3739 -hos->

of ......... of what 4169 -poios->

of ......... of whatsoever 1221 -depote->

of ......... of whatsoever 3956 -pas->

of ......... of wheat 4621 -sitos->

of ......... of which 3739 -hos->

Of ......... Of which 3739 -hos->

of ......... of whom 3739 -hos->

Of ......... Of whom 3739 -hos->

of ......... of whom 5101 -tis->

of ......... of whose 3739 -hos->

of ......... of wind 0417 -anemos->

of ......... of winds 0417 -anemos->

of ......... of wine 3632 -oinophlugia->

of ......... of wisdom 4678 -sophia->

of ......... of witness 3142 -marturion->

of ......... of witnesses 3144 -martus->

of ......... of wolves 3074 -lukos->

of ......... of woman 1135 -gune->

of ......... of women 1135 -gune->

of ......... of wood 3585 -xulinos->

of ......... of words 3055 -logomachia->

of ......... of words 3056 -logos->

of ......... of words 4487 -rhema->

of ......... of works 2041 -ergon->

of ......... of worms 4662 -skolekobrotos->

of ......... of wrath 2372 -thumos->

of ......... of wrath 3709 -orge->

of ......... of you ! for so 5623 -opheleo->

of ......... of you ,

of ......... of you , as a father 3962 -pater->

of ......... of you , as of evildoers 2555 -kakopoios->

of ......... of you , as of evildoers 2555 -kakopoios->

of ......... of you , as ye yourselves 0846 -autos->

of ......... of you , but Crispus 2921 -Krispos->

of ......... of you , having 2192 -echo->

of ......... of you , if 1487 -ei->

of ......... of you , intending 2309 -thelo->

of ......... of you , lest 3381 -mepos->

of ......... of you , my brethren 0080 -adephos->

of ......... of you , nor 3777 -oute->

of ......... of you , or 2228 -e->

of ......... of you , Received 2983 -lambano->

of ......... of you , saying 3004 -lego->

of ......... of you , we preached 2784 -kerusso->

of ......... of you , we were willing 2106 -eudokeo->

of ......... of you , whether 1487 -ei->

of ......... of you .

of ......... of you :

of ......... of you : but he that sent 3992 -pempo->

of ......... of you : but ye are washed 0628 -apolouo->

of ......... of you : for in nothing 3762 -oudeis->

of ......... of you : for she hath been 1096 -ginomai->

of ......... of you : I am filled 4137 -pleroo->

of ......... of you ? walked 4043 -peripateo->

of ......... of you all 3956 -pas->

of ......... of you always 3842 -pantote->

of ......... of you an evil 4190 -poneros->

of ......... of you and me .

of ......... of you are justified 1344 -dikaioo->

of ......... of you as have been baptized 0907 -baptizo->

of ......... of you asketh 2065 -erotao->

of ......... of you be hardened 4645 -skleruno->

of ......... of you be puffed 5448 -phusioo->

of ......... of you be subject 5293 -hupotasso->

of ......... of you builders 3618 -oikodomeo->

of ......... of you by any 5100 -tis->

of ......... of you by taking thought 3309 -merimnao->

of ......... of you convinceth 1651 -elegcho->

of ......... of you do err 4105 -planao->

of ......... of you hypocrites 5273 -hupokrites->

of ......... of you in my prayers 4335 -proseuche->

of ......... of you in our prayers 4335 -proseuche->

of ......... of you is a devil 1228 -diabolos->

of ......... of you is stedfast 0949 -bebaios->

of ......... of you keepeth 4160 -poieo->

of ......... of you lack 3007 -leipo->

of ......... of you one 1520 -heis->

of ......... of you say 2036 -epo->

of ......... of you shall agree 4856 -sumphoneo->

of ......... of you shall betray 3860 -paradidomi->

of ......... of you shall have 2192 -echo->

of ......... of you shall have an ass 3688 -onos->

of ......... of you should be in vain 2788 -kithara->

of ......... of you should seem 1380 -dokeo->

of ......... of you suffer 3958 -pascho->

of ......... of you that believe 4100 -pisteuo->

of ......... of you that is a father 3962 -pater->

of ......... of you to them of Macedonia 3110 -Makedon->

of ......... of you to them of Macedonia 3110 -Makedon->

of ......... of you which 3588 -ho->

of ......... of you will 2309 -thelo->

of ......... of you with taking thought 3309 -merimnao->

of ......... of your 1438 -heautou->

of ......... of your 5209 -humas->

of ......... of your 5212 -humeteros->

of ......... of your 5216 -humon->

of ......... of your souls 5590 -psuche->

of ......... of yours 5216 -humon->

of ......... of yourselves , yea 0235 -alla->

of ......... of yourselves 1438 -heautou->

of ......... of Zabulon 2194 -Zaboulon->

of ......... of Zacharias 2197 -Zacharias->

of ......... of Zebedee 2199 -Zebedaios->

of ......... of Zebedee s 2199 -Zebedaios->

of ......... on the things of others 2087 -heteros->

of ......... One ; of whom 3739 -hos->

of ......... one of another 4835 -sumpathes->

of ......... One of God 2316 -theos->

of ......... one of his disciples 3101 -mathetes->

of ......... one of them : for thou art a Galilaean 1057 -

of ......... one of them ; and it was said 4483 -rheo->

of ......... one of them ; for thy speech 2981 -lalia->

of ......... one of them harps 2788 -kithara->

of ......... one of them may take 2983 -lambano->

of ......... one of them to say 3004 -lego->

of ......... one of this 5127 -toutou->

of ......... one of us please 0700 -aresko->

of ......... one of us shall give 1325 -didomi->

of ......... one of you , and understand 4920 -suniemi->

of ......... one of you according 2596 -kata->

of ......... one of you do shew 1731 -endeiknumi->

of ......... one of you from his iniquities 4189 -poneria->

of ......... one of you hath 2192 -echo->

of ......... one of you in particular 1520 -heis->

of ......... one of you in the name 3686 -onoma->

of ......... one of you lay 5087 -tithemi->

of ......... one of you on the sabbath 4521 -sabbaton->

of ......... one of you saith 3004 -lego->

of ......... one of you should know 1492 -eido->

of ......... one that is of the truth 0225 -aletheia->

of ......... out from us , but they were not of us ; for if 1487

of ......... out of a good 2570 -kalos->

of ......... out of a man 0444 -anthropos->

of ......... out of a pure 2513 -katharos->

of ......... out of a rock 4073 -petra->

of ......... out of all 3956 -pas->

of ......... out of darkness 4655 -skotos->

of ......... out of due time .

of ......... Out of Egypt 0125 -Aiguptos->

of ......... out of Egypt 0125 -Aiguptos->

of ......... out of every 3956 -pas->

of ......... out of Galilee 1056 -Galilaia->

of ......... out of great 3173 -megas->

of ......... out of heaven 3772 -ouranos->

of ......... out of her , my people 2992 -laos->

of ......... out of her . And he came 1831 -exerchomai->

of ......... out of her daughter 2364 -thugater->

of ......... out of him , and enter 1525 -eiserchomai->

of ......... out of him , and healed 2390 -iaomai->

of ......... out of him , and hurt 0984 -blapto->

of ......... out of him , those 1565 -ekeinos->

of ......... out of him , turned 1994 -epistrepho->

of ......... out of him .

of ......... out of him . And when the devil 1140 -daimonion->

of ......... out of him : and he was as one dead 3498 -nekros->

of ......... out of him : and the child 3816 -pais->

of ......... out of his belly 2836 -koilia->

of ......... out of his grave 3419 -mnemeion->

of ......... out of his kingdom 0932 -basileia->

of ......... out of his mouth 4750 -stoma->

of ......... out of his place 5117 -topos->

of ......... out of his prison 5438 -phulake->

of ......... out of his sleep 1853 -exupnos->

of ......... out of his treasure 2344 -thesauros->

of ......... out of Jericho 2410 -Hiericho->

of ......... out of Jerusalem 2419 -Hierousalem->

of ......... out of Juda 2455 -Ioudas->

of ......... out of Judaea 2449 -Ioudaia->

of ......... out of Macedonia 3109 -Makedonia->

of ......... out of many 4183 -polus->

of ......... out of me .

of ......... out of measure 4057 -perissos->

of ......... out of measure 5236 -huperbole->

of ......... out of my Spirit 4151 -pneuma->

of ......... out of Nazareth 3478 -Nazareth->

of ......... out of our hands 5495 -cheir->

of ......... out of season 0171 -akairos->

of ......... out of Sion 4622 -Sion->

of ......... out of sleep 5258 -hupnos->

of ......... out of Sodom 4670 -Sodoma->

of ......... out of temptations 3986 -peirasmos->

of ......... out of that city 4172 -polis->

of ......... out of that house 3614 -oikia->

of ......... out of that house 3624 -oikos->

of ......... out of that which ye have 2192 -echo->

of ......... out of the altar 2379 -thusiasterion->

of ......... out of the angel s 0032 -aggelos->

of ......... out of the body 4983 -soma->

of ......... out of the book 0976 -biblos->

of ......... out of the bottomless 0012 -abussos->

of ......... out of the cities 4172 -polis->

of ......... out of the city 4172 -polis->

of ......... out of the cloud 3507 -nephele->

of ......... out of the council 4892 -sunedrion->

of ......... out of the country 0068 -agros->

of ......... out of the country 5561 -chora->

of ......... out of the east 0395 -anatole->

of ......... out of the evil 4190 -poneros->

of ......... out of the good 0018 -agathos->

of ......... out of the graves 3419 -mnemeion->

of ......... out of the hand 5495 -cheir->

of ......... out of the heart 2588 -kardia->

of ......... out of the heat 2329 -therme->

of ......... out of the house 3614 -oikia->

of ......... out of the land 1093 -ge->

of ......... out of the law 3551 -nomos->

of ......... out of the loins 3751 -osphus->

of ......... out of the man 0444 -anthropos->

of ......... Out of the mouth 4750 -stoma->

of ......... out of the mouth 4750 -stoma->

of ......... out of the multitude 3793 -ochlos->

of ......... out of the olive 0065 -agrielaios->

of ......... out of the one part under 5259 -hupo->

of ......... out of the pit 5421 -phrear->

of ......... out of the prison 5438 -phulake->

of ......... out of the right 1188 -dexios->

of ......... Out of the same 0846 -autos->

of ......... out of the same 1565 -ekeinos->

of ......... out of the sepulchre 3419 -mnemeion->

of ......... out of the ship 4143 -ploion->

of ......... out of the smoke 2586 -kapnos->

of ......... out of the stern 4403 -prumna->

of ......... out of the stewardship 3622 -oikonomia->

of ......... out of the synagogue 0656 -aposunagogos->

of ......... out of the synagogue 4864 -sunagoge->

of ......... out of the temple 2411 -hieron->

of ......... out of the temple 3485 -naos->

of ......... out of the throne 2362 -thronos->

of ......... out of the tombs 3419 -mnemeion->

of ......... out of the water 5204 -hudor->

of ......... out of the way , they are together 0260 -hama->

of ......... out of the way 1624 -ektrepo->

of ......... out of the way 3319 -mesos->

of ......... out of the west 1424 -dusme->

of ......... out of the winepress 3025 -lenos->

of ......... out of the world 2889 -kosmos->

of ......... out of their coasts 3725 -horion->

of ......... out of their hand 5495 -cheir->

of ......... out of their hearts 2588 -kardia->

of ......... out of their mouth 4750 -stoma->

of ......... out of their mouths 4750 -stoma->

of ......... out of their places 5117 -topos->

of ......... out of their sight .

of ......... out of them , and were washing 0637 -apopluno->

of ......... out of them .

of ......... out of them a people 2992 -laos->

of ......... out of thine 4675 -sou->

of ......... out of this 5127 -toutou->

of ......... out of those 3588 -ho->

of ......... out of thy brother s 0080 -adephos->

of ......... out of thy daughter 2364 -thugater->

of ......... out of weakness 0769 -astheneia->

of ......... out of whom 3739 -hos->

of ......... out of your 5216 -humon->

of ......... part of heaven 3772 -ouranos->

of ......... part of it , and the night 3571 -nux->

of ......... part of men 0444 -anthropos->

of ......... part of the city 4172 -polis->

of ......... part of the creatures 2938 -ktisma->

of ......... part of the earth 1093 -ge->

of ......... part of the moon 4582 -selene->

of ......... part of the price 5092 -time->

of ......... part of the rivers 4215 -potamos->

of ......... part of the sea 2281 -thalassa->

of ......... part of the ship , asleep 2518 -katheudo->

of ......... part of the ships 4143 -ploion->

of ......... part of the stars 0792 -aster->

of ......... part of the sun 2246 -helios->

of ......... part of the waters 5204 -hudor->

of ......... part of them was darkened 4654 -skotizo->

of ......... part of trees 1186 -dendron->

of ......... parts of the earth 1093 -ge->

of ......... pieces of silver 0694 -argurion->

of ......... place of the seventh 1442 -hebdomos->

of ......... shall be full of darkness 4652 -skoteinos->

of ......... shall be they of his own household 3615 -oikiakos->

of ......... shall of the flesh 4561 -sarx->

of ......... shall of the Spirit 4151 -pneuma->

of ......... shall she be of the seven 2033 -hepta->

of ......... shall she be of them ? for the seven 2033 -hepta->

of ......... shall they call them of his household 3615 -

of ......... she was of a great 4183 -polus->

of ......... should not be as it were of necessity 0318 -anagke->

of ......... sick of a fever 4446 -puretos->

of ......... some of his disciples 3101 -mathetes->

of ......... some of John s 2491 -Ioannes->

of ......... some of the Pharisees 5330 -Pharisaios->

of ......... some of you into 1519 -eis->

of ......... son of Jonas 2495 -Ionas->

of ......... state of that man 0444 -anthropos->

of ......... than of gold 5553 -chrusion->

of ......... than that of John 2491 -Ioannes->

of ......... that be of men 0444 -anthropos->

of ......... that he that is of the contrary 1727 -enantios->

of ......... that he was of Cilicia 2791 -Kilikia->

of ......... that is , of other 0245 -allotrios->

of ......... that is , of the angel 0032 -aggelos->

of ......... that is , of their brethren 0080 -adephos->

of ......... that is to say , not of this 5026 -taute->

of ......... that of long 2425 -hikanos->

of ......... that of the Lord 2962 -kurios->

of ......... that they be of the same 0846 -autos->

of ......... that they which are of faith 4102 -pistis->

of ......... that was taken out of the new 2537 -kainos->

of ......... that we are of God 2316 -theos->

of ......... that we are of the truth 0225 -aletheia->

of ......... that were of the Pharisees 5330 -Pharisaios->

of ......... the brother of James 2385 -Iakobos->

of ......... the day of the preparation 3904 -paraskeue->

of ......... the disciples of the Pharisees 5330 -Pharisaios->

of ......... the estate of the elders 4244 -presbuterion->

of ......... the father of Sychem 4966 -Suchem->

of ......... the gift of prophecy 4394 -propheteia->

of ......... the house of Lydia 3070 -Ludia->

of ......... the image of the heavenly 2032 -epouranios->

of ......... the keeping of their souls 5590 -psuche->

of ......... the Lord of glory 1391 -doxa->

of ......... the manner of men 0444 -anthropos->

of ......... the manner of the purifying 2512 -katharismos->

of ......... the mother of James 2385 -Iakobos->

of ......... the mother of Joses 2500 -Ioses->

of ......... the mount of Olives 1636 -elaia->

of ......... the mouth of the ox 1016 -bous->

of ......... the parts of Galilee 1056 -Galilaia->

of ......... the pieces of silver 0694 -argurion->

of ......... the pleasures of sin 0266 -hamartia->

of ......... the reproach 3680> of Christ 5547 -Christos->

of ......... the son of Alphaeus 0256 -Alphaios->

of ......... the son of Jesse 2421 -Iessai->

of ......... the son of Simon 4613 -Simon->

of ......... the son of Zebedee 2199 -Zebedaios->

of ......... the space of four 5071 -tetrakosioi->

of ......... the space of half 2256 -hemiorion->

of ......... the things of a man 0444 -anthropos->

of ......... the things of God 2316 -theos->

of ......... the things of the flesh 4561 -sarx->

of ......... the things of the Lord 2962 -kurios->

of ......... the things of the Spirit 4151 -pneuma->

of ......... the wife of Cleophas 2832 -Klopas->

of ......... thee , of whom 5101 -tis->

of ......... thee of all 3956 -pas->

of ......... thee of God 2316 -theos->

of ......... thee out of my mouth 4750 -stoma->

of ......... thee out of thy country 1093 -ge->

of ......... them not : for of such 5108 -toioutos->

of ......... them of low 5011 -tapeinos->

of ......... them of Macedonia 3109 -Makedonia->

of ......... them of the synagogue 4864 -sunagoge->

of ......... them out of my Father s 3962 -pater->

of ......... them out of my hand 5495 -cheir->

of ......... them out of the church 1577 -ekklesia->

of ......... them out of the fire 4442 -pur->

of ......... them out of the land 1093 -ge->

of ......... them out of the world 2889 -kosmos->

of ......... them out of their coasts 3725 -horion->

of ......... them that be of the household of Narcissus 3488 -

of ......... them that be of the household of Narcissus 3488 -

of ......... them which are of Aristobulus 0711 -Aristoboulos->

of ......... them which were of the circumcision 4061 -peritome->

of ......... them with one of their fingers 1147 -daktulos->

of ......... themselves out of the snare 3803 -pagis->

of ......... then they which be of faith 4102 -pistis->

of ......... They are not of the world 2889 -kosmos->

of ......... they are not of the world 2889 -kosmos->

of ......... they are of God 2316 -theos->

of ......... They are of the world 2889 -kosmos->

of ......... They of Italy 2482 -Italia->

of ......... they of Macedonia 3110 -Makedon->

of ......... they of the children 5207 -huios->

of ......... they of the circumcision 4061 -peritome->

of ......... they of the world 2889 -kosmos->

of ......... they of their murders 5408 -phonos->

of ......... they that are of Caesar s 2541 -Kaisar->

of ......... they that are of the sons 5207 -huios->

of ......... they that were of the circumcision 4061 -peritome->

of ......... they which are of the law 3551 -nomos->

of ......... thing as of ourselves 1438 -heautou->

of ......... thing of him .

of ......... thing of the Lord 2962 -kurios->

of ......... thing of thyself 1438 -heautou->

of ......... thing out of his house 3614 -oikia->

of ......... thing to him of you , I am not ashamed 2617 -

of ......... things ? for out of the abundance 4051 -perisseuma->

of ......... things are of God 2316 -theos->

of ......... things are of good 2163 -euphemos->

of ......... things of darkness 4655 -skotos->

of ......... things of dishonesty 0152 -aischune->

of ......... things of God 2316 -theos->

of ......... things of him ; and he hoped 1679 -elpizo->

of ......... things of him from the creation 2937 -ktisis->

of ......... things of many 4183 -polus->

of ......... things of the elders 4245 -presbuteros->

of ......... things of the world 2889 -kosmos->

of ......... things of you , and things that accompany 2192 -

of ......... things of your 2398 -idios->

of ......... things than that of Abel 0006 -Abel->

of ......... thou of him , that he hath opened 0455 -anoigo->

of ......... thou of thyself 4572 -seautou->

of ......... thy giving of thanks 2169 -eucharistia->

of ......... to him , that of the fruit 2590 -karpos->

of ......... to him out of every 2596 -kata->

of ......... to him that is of power 1410 -dunamai->

of ......... to me of God 2316 -theos->

of ......... to me of my Father 3962 -pater->

of ......... to men of low 5011 -tapeinos->

of ......... to the image of Baal 0896 -Baal->

of ......... to the will of God 2316 -theos->

of ......... to them of his own 0848 -hautou->

of ......... to them of the Father 3962 -pater->

of ......... to them of whom 3739 -hos->

of ......... to them that are of full 5046 -teleios->

of ......... to them which were of reputation 1380 -dokeo->

of ......... to us of God 2316 -theos->

of ......... unto him , Be of good comfort 2293 -tharseo->

of ......... unto him , O thou of little 3640 -oligopistos->

Of ......... unto him , Of strangers 0245 -allotrios->

of ......... unto him , Out of thine 4675 -sou->

of ......... unto him , The Son of David 1138 -Dabid->

of ......... unto him of my Father 3962 -pater->

of ......... unto him of their substance 5224 -huparchonta->

of ......... unto me , as the gospel of the circumcision 4061 -

of ......... unto me : for of such 5108 -toioutos->

of ......... unto me of my Father 3962 -pater->

of ......... unto me of the Lord 2962 -kurios->

of ......... unto me of you , my brethren 0080 -adephos->

of ......... unto one of another 0246 -allophulos->

of ......... unto them , Be of good cheer 2293 -tharseo->

of ......... unto them , O ye of little 3640 -oligopistos->

of ......... unto them of Damascus 1154 -Damaskos->

of ......... unto them of John 2491 -Ioannes->

of ......... unto them of the kingdom 0932 -basileia->

of ......... unto them who are of the household 3609 -oikeios->

of ......... unto you , and of you to be brought 4311 -propempo->

of ......... unto you of the common 2839 -koinos->

of ......... unto you of the patriarch 3966 -patriarches->

of ......... up of fragments 2801 -klasma->

of ......... up of life 2222 -zoe->

of ......... up of the broken 2801 -klasma->

of ......... up of the fragments 2801 -klasma->

of ......... up of the Gentiles 1484 -ethnos->

of ......... up of the Spirit 4151 -pneuma->

of ......... up out of the earth 1093 -ge->

of ......... up out of the sea 2281 -thalassa->

of ......... up out of the water 5204 -hudor->

of ......... up unto you of your 5216 -humon->

of ......... us ; he that is not of God 2316 -theos->

of ......... us of entering 1525 -eiserchomai->

of ......... us of his Spirit 4151 -pneuma->

of ......... us of thy clemency 1932 -epieikeia->

of ......... us of your 5216 -humon->

of ......... us out of the land 1093 -ge->

of ......... us out of the land 1093 -ge->

of ......... vessels , and of tables 2825 -kline->

of ......... wall of partition 5418 -phragmos->

of ......... was as it were of a trumpet 4536 -salpigx->

of ......... was full of darkness 4656 -skotoo->

of ......... was he of whom 3739 -hos->

of ......... was inflicted of many 4119 -pleion->

of ......... was not of deceit 4106 -plane->

of ......... was of Bethsaida 0966 -Bethsaida->

of ......... was of one 1520 -heis->

of ......... was of the daughters 2364 -thugater->

of ......... was the feast of the passover 3957 -pascha->

of ......... we , and they of that place 1786 -entopios->

of ......... we are not of the night 3571 -nux->

of ......... we are of all 3956 -pas->

of ......... We are of God 2316 -theos->

of ......... we of witnesses 3144 -martus->

of ......... we were out of the city 4172 -polis->

of ......... were as the teeth of lions 3023 -leon->

of ......... were of Jerusalem 2414 -Hierosoluma->

of ......... were of old 1597 -ekpalai->

of ......... were of one heart 2588 -kardia->

of ......... were of the Pharisees 5330 -Pharisaios->

of ......... were of this 5127 -toutou->

of ......... when the number of the disciples 3101 -mathetes->

of ......... which is of faith 4102 -pistis->

of ......... which is of the faith 4102 -pistis->

of ......... which is of the law 3551 -nomos->

of ......... which was of Bethsaida 0966 -Bethsaida->

of ......... which was one of the seven 2033 -hepta->

of ......... which was the son of Abraham 11 , which was the son
of Thara 2291 -Thara->

of ......... which was the son of Abraham 11 , which was the son
of Thara 2291 -Thara->

of ......... which was the son of Adam 0076 -Adam->

of ......... which was the son of Addi 0078 -Addi->

of ......... Which was the son of Aminadab 0284 -Aminadab->

of ......... which was the son of Amos 0301 -Amos->

of ......... which was the son of Aram 0689 -Aram->

of ......... which was the son of Arphaxad 0742 -Arphaxad->

of ......... which was the son of Booz 1003 -Booz->

of ......... which was the son of Cainan 2536 -Kainan->

of ......... Which was the son of Cainan 2536 -Kainan->

of ......... which was the son of Cosam 2973 -Kosam->

of ......... which was the son of David 1138 -Dabid->

of ......... which was the son of Eliakim 1662 -Eliakeim->

of ......... which was the son of Eliezer 1663 -Eliezer->

of ......... which was the son of Elmodam 1678 -Elmodam->

of ......... which was the son of Enoch 1802 -Enok->

of ......... Which was the son of Enos 1800 -Enos->

of ......... which was the son of Er 2262 -Er->

of ......... which was the son of Esli 2069 -Esli->

of ......... which was the son of Esrom 2074 -Esrom->

of ......... which was the son of God 2316 -theos->

of ......... which was the son of Heber 1443 -Eber->

of ......... which was the son of Heli 2242 -Heli->

of ......... which was the son of Isaac 2464 -Isaak->

of ......... Which was the son of Jacob 2384 -Iakob->

of ......... which was the son of Janna 2388 -Ianna->

of ......... which was the son of Jared 2391 -Iared->

of ......... Which was the son of Jesse 2421 -Iessai->

of ......... Which was the son of Joanna 2489 -Ioanna->

of ......... which was the son of Jonan 2494 -Ionan->

of ......... which was the son of Jorim 2497 -Ioreim->

of ......... Which was the son of Jose 2499 -Iose->

of ......... which was the son of Joseph 2501 -Ioseph->

of ......... which was the son of Juda 2455 -Ioudas->

of ......... which was the son of Lamech 2984 -Lamech->

of ......... which was the son of Levi 3017 -Leui->

of ......... Which was the son of Maath 3092 -Maath->

of ......... which was the son of Maleleel 3121 -Maleleel->

of ......... Which was the son of Mathusala 3103 -Mathousala->

of ......... which was the son of Mattatha 3160 -Mattatha->

of ......... which was the son of Mattathias 3161 -Mattathias->

of ......... Which was the son of Mattathias 3161 -Mattathias->

of ......... Which was the son of Matthat 3158 -Matthat->

of ......... which was the son of Matthat 3158 -Matthat->

of ......... which was the son of Melchi 3197 -Melchi->

of ......... Which was the son of Melchi 3197 -Melchi->

of ......... Which was the son of Melea 3190 -Meleas->

of ......... which was the son of Menan 3104 -Mainan->

of ......... which was the son of Naasson 3476 -Naasson->

of ......... which was the son of Nachor 3493 -Nachor->

of ......... which was the son of Nagge 3477 -Naggai->

of ......... which was the son of Nathan 3481 -Nathan->

of ......... which was the son of Naum 3486 -Naoum->

of ......... which was the son of Neri 3518 -Neri->

of ......... which was the son of Noe 3575 -Noe->

of ......... which was the son of Obed 5601 -Obed->

of ......... which was the son of Phalec 5317 -Phalek->

of ......... which was the son of Phares 5329 -Phares->

of ......... which was the son of Ragau 4466 -Rhagau->

of ......... which was the son of Rhesa 4488 -Rhesa->

of ......... which was the son of Sala 4527 -Sala->

of ......... which was the son of Salathiel 4528 -Salathiel->

of ......... which was the son of Salmon 4533 -Salmon->

of ......... Which was the son of Saruch 4562 -Sarouch->

of ......... which was the son of Sem 4590 -Sem->

of ......... which was the son of Semei 4584 -Semei->

of ......... which was the son of Seth 4589 -Seth->

of ......... Which was the son of Simeon 4826 -Sumeon->

of ......... which was the son of Zorobabel 2216 -Zorobabel->

of ......... which were of Asia 0773 -Asia->

of ......... who was of that wicked 4190 -poneros->

of ......... will he clothe you , O ye of little 3640 -

of ......... with him of the same promise 1860 -epaggelia->

of ......... With men of other 2084 -heteroglossos->

of ......... with them of Tyre 5183 -Turios->

of ......... with them out of the scriptures 1124 -graphe->

of ......... with us of his resurrection 0386 -anastasis->

of ......... works of God 2316 -theos->

of ......... ye are not of God 2316 -theos->

of ......... ye are not of my sheep 4263 -probaton->

of ......... ye are not of the world 2889 -kosmos->

of ......... ye are of .

of ......... Ye are of God 2316 -theos->

of ......... ye are of more 1308 -diaphero->

of ......... ye are of this 5127 -toutou->

of ......... Ye are of your father 3962 -pater->

of ......... ye of Christ 5547 -Christos->

of ......... ye of him , whom 3739 -hos->

of ......... ye of the leaven 2219 -zume->

of ......... ye spake of ? for I bear 3140 -martureo->

of ......... ye were of the world 2889 -kosmos->

of ......... yet of others 0243 -allos->

of ......... you , but of the ship 4143 -ploion->

of ......... you : and ye shall be hated of all 3956 -pas->

of ......... you of a truth 0225 -aletheia->

of ......... you of a truth 0230 -alethos->

of ......... you of all 3956 -pas->

of ......... you of heavenly 2032 -epouranios->

of ......... you of them . And these 5023 -tauta->

of ......... you of your reward 2603 -katabrabeuo->

of ......... you out of darkness 4655 -skotos->

of ......... you out of the synagogues 0656 -aposunagogos->

of ......... you out of the world 2889 -kosmos->

of ......... you to be of good cheer 2114 -euthumeo->
