

observeth -8104 beware , circumspect , heed , keep , keeper ,
keepers , keepest , keepeth , keeping , kept , lookest , mark ,
marked , markest , marketh , narrowly , observe , observed ,
observest , {observeth} , preserve , preserved , preserveth ,
regard , regardeth , reserveth , save , saved , spies , sure ,
takest , wait , waited , waiteth , waiting , watch , watched ,
watchman , watchmen ,






observeth 011 004 Ecc /^{observeth /the wind
shall not sow ; and he that regardeth the clouds shall not reap .


observeth 1 -


observeth , EC , 11:4



observeth Interlinear Index Study

observeth ECC 011 004 He that {observeth} <08104 +shamar > the
wind <07307 +ruwach > shall not sow <02232 +zara< > ; and he
that regardeth <07200 +ra>ah > the clouds <05645 + shall
not reap <07114 +qatsar > .


observeth He that {observeth} the wind shall not sow;

he that regardeth the clouds shall not reap.
