knoeweth , 2CO , 12:3

noe , LU , 3:36 , LU , 17:26 , LU , 17:27

noe , MT , 24:37 , MT , 24:38


Noe 3575 # Noe {no'eh}; of Hebrew origin [5146]; Noe, (i.e.
Noach), a patriarch: -- {Noe}.[ql

breath 4157 # pnoe {pno-ay'}; from 4154; respiration, a breeze:
-- {breath}, wind.[ql

wind 4157 # pnoe {pno-ay'}; from 4154; respiration, a breeze: --
breath, {wind}.[ql


Noe Interlinear Index Study

Noe MAT 024 037 But as the days <2250 -hemera -> of {Noe} <3575 -
Noe -> [ were ] , so <3779 -houto -> shall also <2532 -kai ->
the coming <3952 -parousia -> of the Son <5207 -huios -> of man
<0444 -anthropos -> be .

Noe MAT 024 038 For as in the days <2250 -hemera -> that were
before <4253 -pro -> the flood <2627 -kataklusmos -> they were
eating <5176 -trogo -> and drinking <4095 -pino -> , marrying
<1060 -gameo -> and giving in marriage <1547 -ekgamizo -> ,
until <0891 -achri -> the day <2250 -hemera -> that {Noe} <3575 -
Noe -> entered <1525 -eiserchomai -> into <1519 -eis -> the ark
<2787 -kibotos -> ,

Noe LUK 003 036 Which was [ the son ] of Cainan 2536 -Kainan - ,
which was [ the son ] of Arphaxad LUK 0742 -Arphaxad - , which
was [ the son ] of Sem 4590 -Sem - , which was [ the son ] of
{Noe} 3575 -Noe - , which was [ the son ] of Lamech 2984 -Lamech
- ,

Noe LUK 017 026 And as it was in the days 2250 -hemera - of
{Noe} 3575 -Noe - , so 3779 -houto - shall it be also 2532 -kai -
in the days 2250 -hemera - of the Son 5207 -huios - of man LUK
0444 -anthropos - .

Noe LUK 017 027 They did eat 2068 -esthio - , they drank 4095 -
pino - , they married 1060 -gameo - wives , they were given in
marriage 1547 -ekgamizo - , until LUK 0891 -achri - the day 2250
-hemera - that {Noe} 3575 -Noe - entered 1525 -eiserchomai -
into 1519 -eis - the ark 2787 -kibotos - , and the flood 2627 -
kataklusmos - came 2064 -erchomai - , and destroyed 0622 -
apollumi - them all LUK 0537 -hapas - .


noe entered into

noe entered into

* noe , 3575 ,

* breath , 4157 pnoe ,

* noah , 3575 Noe ,

* noe , 3575 Noe ,

* wind , 0416 anemizo , 0417 anemos , 4151 pneuma , 4154 pneo ,
4157 pnoe ,


noe -3575 noah, {noe},



Noe 3575 ** Noe ** {Noe}.


-agnoema- ......... and for the errors 0051 -agnoema- >

-agnoeo- ......... And was unknown 0050 -agnoeo- >

-agnoeo- ......... As unknown 0050 -agnoeo- >

-agnoeo- ......... because they knew 0050 -agnoeo- >

-agnoeo- ......... But they understood 0050 -agnoeo- >

-agnoeo- ......... For they being ignorant 0050 -agnoeo- >

-agnoeo- ......... have you ignorant 0050 -agnoeo- >

-agnoeo- ......... I did it ignorantly 0050 -agnoeo- >

-agnoeo- ......... Know 0050 -agnoeo- >

-agnoeo- ......... let him be ignorant 0050 -agnoeo- >

-agnoeo- ......... man be ignorant 0050 -agnoeo- >

-agnoeo- ......... not have you ignorant 0050 -agnoeo- >

-agnoeo- ......... not have you to be ignorant 0050 -agnoeo- >

-agnoeo- ......... not knowing 0050 -agnoeo- >

-agnoeo- ......... not that ye should be ignorant 0050 -agnoeo- >

-agnoeo- ......... of the things that they understand 0050 -
agnoeo- >

-agnoeo- ......... of us : for we are not ignorant 0050 -agnoeo-

-agnoeo- ......... on the ignorant 0050 -agnoeo- >

-agnoeo- ......... that ye should be ignorant 0050 -agnoeo- >

-agnoeo- ......... ye ignorantly 0050 -agnoeo- >

-ametanoetos- ......... and impenitent 0279 -ametanoetos- >

-anoetos- ......... and to the unwise 0453 -anoetos- >

-anoetos- ......... foolish 0453 -anoetos- >

-anoetos- ......... O foolish 0453 -anoetos- >

-anoetos- ......... unto them , O fools 0453 -anoetos- >

-dianoema- ......... their thoughts 1270 -dianoema- >

-dusnoetos- ......... things hard 1425 -dusnoetos- >

-dusnoetos- ......... to be understood 1425 -dusnoetos- >

-eunoeo- ......... Agree 2132 -eunoeo- >

-huponoeo- ......... deemed 5282 -huponoeo- >

-huponoeo- ......... of such things as I supposed 5282 -huponoeo-

-huponoeo- ......... think 5282 -huponoeo- >

-katanoeo- ......... And let us consider 2657 -katanoeo- >

-katanoeo- ......... beholding 2657 -katanoeo- >

-katanoeo- ......... but considerest 2657 -katanoeo- >

-katanoeo- ......... But he perceived 2657 -katanoeo- >

-katanoeo- ......... but perceivest 2657 -katanoeo- >

-katanoeo- ......... but they discovered 2657 -katanoeo- >

-katanoeo- ......... consider 2657 -katanoeo- >

-katanoeo- ......... Consider 2657 -katanoeo- >

-katanoeo- ......... For he beholdeth 2657 -katanoeo- >

-katanoeo- ......... he considered 2657 -katanoeo- >

-katanoeo- ......... mine eyes , I considered 2657 -katanoeo- >

-katanoeo- ......... not behold 2657 -katanoeo- >

-katanoeo- ......... to behold 2657 -katanoeo- >

-metanoeo- ......... and have not repented 3340 -metanoeo- >

-metanoeo- ......... and repent 3340 -metanoeo- >

-metanoeo- ......... and repented 3340 -metanoeo- >

-metanoeo- ......... and she repented 3340 -metanoeo- >

-metanoeo- ......... and they repented 3340 -metanoeo- >

-metanoeo- ......... fast , and repent 3340 -metanoeo- >

-metanoeo- ......... he repent 3340 -metanoeo- >

-metanoeo- ......... I repent 3340 -metanoeo- >

-metanoeo- ......... it : for they repented 3340 -metanoeo- >

-metanoeo- ......... repent 3340 -metanoeo- >

-metanoeo- ......... Repent 3340 -metanoeo- >

-metanoeo- ......... repented 3340 -metanoeo- >

-metanoeo- ......... that men should repent 3340 -metanoeo- >

-metanoeo- ......... that repenteth 3340 -metanoeo- >

-metanoeo- ......... that they should repent 3340 -metanoeo- >

-metanoeo- ......... they repent 3340 -metanoeo- >

-metanoeo- ......... they repented 3340 -metanoeo- >

-metanoeo- ......... they will repent 3340 -metanoeo- >

-metanoeo- ......... they would have repented 3340 -metanoeo- >

-metanoeo- ......... thou repent 3340 -metanoeo- >

-metanoeo- ......... to repent 3340 -metanoeo- >

-metanoeo- ......... unto them , Repent 3340 -metanoeo- >

-metanoeo- ......... ye repent 3340 -metanoeo- >

-metanoeo- ......... yet repented 3340 -metanoeo- >

-Noe- ......... Noah 3575 -Noe- >

-Noe- ......... of Noah 3575 -Noe- >

-Noe- ......... of Noe 3575 -Noe- >

-Noe- ......... that Noe 3575 -Noe- >

-Noe- ......... which was the son of Noe 3575 -Noe- >

-noema- ......... and minds 3540 -noema- >

-noema- ......... But their minds 3540 -noema- >

-noema- ......... minds 3540 -noema- >

-noema- ......... of his devices 3540 -noema- >

-noema- ......... the minds 3540 -noema- >

-noema- ......... thought 3540 -noema- >

-pnoe- ......... and breath 4157 -pnoe- >

-pnoe- ......... wind 4157 -pnoe- >

-pronoeo- ......... provide 4306 -pronoeo- >

-pronoeo- ......... Provide 4306 -pronoeo- >

-pronoeo- ......... Providing 4306 -pronoeo- >

Noe ......... of Noe 3575 -Noe->

Noe ......... that Noe 3575 -Noe->

Noe ......... which was the son of Noe 3575 -Noe->


4157 - pnoe - Ac 17:25 breath

3575 - Noe - Heb 11:07 Noah

3575 - Noe - 1Pe 03:20 Noah

3575 - Noe - 2Pe 02:05 Noah

3575 - Noe - Mt 24:37 Noe

3575 - Noe - Mt 24:38 Noe

3575 - Noe - Lu 03:36 Noe

3575 - Noe - Lu 17:27 Noe

3575 - Noe - Lu 17:26 Noe

4157 - pnoe - Ac 02:02 wind


Noe 3575 # Noe {no'-eh}; of Hebrew origin [5146]; Noe, (i.e.
Noach), a patriarch: -- {Noe}.[ql


Noe 024 038 Mat /${Noe /entered into the
ark ,

Noe 017 027 Luk /${Noe /entered into the ark
, and the flood came , and destroyed them all .

Noe 017 026 Luk /${Noe /so shall it be also
in the days of the Son of man .

Noe 024 037 Mat /${Noe /were, so shall also
the coming of the Son of man be .

Noe 003 036 Luk /${Noe /which was the son of
Lamech ,



noe But as the days of {Noe} [were], so shall also

coming of the Son of man be.

noe For as in the days that were before the flood

were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until

day that {Noe} entered into the ark,

noe Which was the son] of Cainan, which was the son]

Arphaxad, which was the son] of Sem, which was the son] of {Noe},

which was the son] of Lamech,

noe And as it was in the days of {Noe}, so shall it

also in the days of the Son of man.

noe They did eat, they drank, they married wives,

were given in marriage, until the day that {Noe} entered into the

ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all.
