neck 046 029 Gen /^{neck /a good while .

neck 034 020 Exo /^{neck /All the firstborn
of thy sons thou shalt redeem . And none shall appear before me
empty .

neck 013 013 Exo /^{neck /and all the
firstborn of man among thy children shalt thou redeem .

neck 028 010 Jer /^{neck /and brake it.

neck 036 013 IICh /^{neck /and hardened his
heart from turning unto the LORD God of Israel .

neck 017 002 Luk /${neck /and he cast into
the sea , than that he should offend one of these little ones .

neck 009 042 Mar /${neck /and he were cast
into the sea .

neck 020 037 Act /${neck /and kissed him ,

neck 015 020 Luk /${neck /and kissed him .

neck 033 004 Gen /^{neck /and kissed him :
and they wept .

neck 005 029 Dan /^{neck /and made a
proclamation concerning him, that he should be the third ruler
in the kingdom .

neck 016 012 Job /^{neck /and shaken me to
pieces , and set me up for his mark .

neck 005 007 Dan /^{neck /and shall be the
third ruler in the kingdom .

neck 005 016 Dan /^{neck /and shalt be the
third ruler in the kingdom .

neck 018 006 Mat /${neck /and that he were
drowned in the depth of the sea .

neck 008 008 Isa /^{neck /and the stretching
out of his wings shall fill the breadth of thy land , O Immanuel

neck 010 027 Isa /^{neck /and the yoke shall
be destroyed because of the anointing .

neck 045 014 Gen /^{neck /and wept ; and
Benjamin wept upon his neck .

neck 046 029 Gen /^{neck /and wept on his
neck a good while .

neck 030 008 Jer /^{neck /and will burst thy
bonds , and strangers shall no more serve themselves of him:

neck 009 029 Neh /^{neck /and would not hear .

neck 031 027 Deu /^{neck /behold, while I am
yet alive with you this day , ye have been rebellious against
the LORD ; and how much more after my death ?

neck 004 018 ISa /^{neck /brake , and he died
: for he was an old man , and heavy . And he had judged Israel
forty years .

neck 005 008 Lev /^{neck /but shall not
divide it asunder :

neck 001 014 Lam /^{neck /he hath made my
strength to fall , the Lord hath delivered me into their hands ,
from whom I am not able to rise up .

neck 066 003 Isa /^{neck /he that offereth an
oblation , as if he offered swine's blood ; he that burneth
incense , as if he blessed an idol . Yea, they have chosen their
own ways , and their soul delighteth in their abominations .

neck 010 011 Hos /^{neck /I will make Ephraim
to ride ; Judah shall plow , and Jacob shall break his clods .

neck 048 004 Isa /^{neck /is an iron sinew ,
and thy brow brass ;

neck 007 004 Son /^{neck /is as a tower of
ivory ; thine eyes like the fishpools in Heshbon , by the gate
of Bathrabbim : thy nose is as the tower of Lebanon which
looketh toward Damascus .

neck 004 004 Son /^{neck /is like the tower
of David builded for an armoury , whereon there hang a thousand
bucklers , all shields of mighty men .

neck 052 002 Isa /^{neck /O captive daughter
of Zion .

neck 028 011 Jer /^{neck /of all nations
within the space of two full years . And the prophet Jeremiah
went his way .

neck 028 014 Jer /^{neck /of all these
nations , that they may serve Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon ;
and they shall serve him: and I have given him the beasts of the
field also.

neck 015 010 Act /${neck /of the disciples ,
which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear ?

neck 028 012 Jer /^{neck /of the prophet
Jeremiah , saying ,

neck 017 014 IIKi /^{neck /of their fathers ,
that did not believe in the LORD their God .

neck 049 008 Gen /^{neck /of thine enemies ;
thy father's children shall bow down before thee.

neck 041 022 Job /^{neck /remaineth strength ,
and sorrow is turned into joy before him.

neck 003 013 Hab /^{neck /Selah .

neck 029 001 Pro /^{neck /shall suddenly be
destroyed , and that without remedy .

neck 017 023 Jer /^{neck /stiff , that they
might not hear , nor receive instruction .

neck 021 004 Deu /^{neck /there in the valley

neck 007 026 Jer /^{neck /they did worse than
their fathers .

neck 030 028 Isa /^{neck /to sift the nations
with the sieve of vanity : and there shall be a bridle in the
jaws of the people , causing them to err .

neck 027 011 Jer /^{neck /under the yoke of
the king of Babylon , and serve him, those will I let remain
still in their own land , saith the LORD ; and they shall till
it, and dwell therein.

neck 027 008 Jer /^{neck /under the yoke of
the king of Babylon , that nation will I punish , saith the LORD
, with the sword , and with the famine , and with the pestilence
, until I have consumed them by his hand .

neck 028 048 Deu /^{neck /until he have
destroyed thee.

neck 015 026 Job /^{neck /upon the thick
bosses of his bucklers :

neck 001 010 Son /^{neck /with chains of gold.

neck 039 019 Job /^{neck /with thunder ?

neck 003 003 Pro /^{neck /write them upon the
table of thine heart :

necks 009 016 Neh /^{necks /and hearkened not
to thy commandments ,

necks 009 017 Neh /^{necks /and in their
rebellion appointed a captain to return to their bondage : but
thou art a God ready to pardon , gracious and merciful , slow to
anger , and of great kindness , and forsookest them not.

necks 003 016 Isa /^{necks /and wanton eyes ,
walking and mincing as they go , and making a tinkling with
their feet :

necks 005 005 Lam /^{necks /are under
persecution : we labour , and have no rest .

necks 017 014 IIKi /^{necks /like to the neck
of their fathers , that did not believe in the LORD their God .

necks 002 003 Mic /^{necks /neither shall ye
go haughtily : for this time is evil .

necks 022 041 IISa /^{necks /of mine enemies ,
that I might destroy them that hate me.

necks 018 040 Psa /^{necks /of mine enemies ;
that I might destroy them that hate me.

necks 021 029 Eze /^{necks /of them that are
slain , of the wicked , whose day is come , when their iniquity
shall have an end .

necks 005 030 Jug /^{necks /of them that take
the spoil ?

necks 010 024 Jos /^{necks /of them.

necks 010 024 Jos /^{necks /of these kings .
And they came near , and put their feet upon the necks of them.

necks 019 015 Jer /^{necks /that they might
not hear my words .

necks 003 005 Neh /^{necks /to the work of
their Lord .

necks 027 012 Jer /^{necks /under the yoke of
the king of Babylon , and serve him and his people , and live .

necks 016 004 Rom /${necks /unto whom not only
I give thanks , but also all the churches of the Gentiles .

stiffnecked 007 051 Act /${stiffnecked /and
uncircumcised in heart and ears , ye do always resist the Holy
Ghost : as your fathers did, so do ye .

stiffnecked 030 008 IICh /^{stiffnecked /as your
fathers were, but yield yourselves unto the LORD , and enter
into his sanctuary , which he hath sanctified for ever : and
serve the LORD your God , that the fierceness of his wrath may
turn away from you.

stiffnecked 009 006 Deu /^{stiffnecked /people .

stiffnecked 032 009 Exo /^{stiffnecked /people :

stiffnecked 009 013 Deu /^{stiffnecked /people :

stiffnecked 033 005 Exo /^{stiffnecked /people : I
will come up into the midst of thee in a moment , and consume
thee: therefore now put off thy ornaments from thee, that I may
know what to do unto thee.

stiffnecked 033 003 Exo /^{stiffnecked /people :
lest I consume thee in the way .

stiffnecked 034 009 Exo /^{stiffnecked /people ; and
pardon our iniquity and our sin , and take us for thine
inheritance .
