"Ah- 0251 ## >ach {awkh}; a primitive word; a brother (used in
the widest sense of literal relationship and metaphorical
affinity or resemblance [like 1]): -- another, brother(-ly);
kindred, like, other. Compare also the proper names beginning
with {"Ah-}" or "Ahi-". [ql

"Ahi- 0251 ## >ach {awkh}; a primitive word; a brother (used in
the widest sense of literal relationship and metaphorical
affinity or resemblance [like 1]): -- another, brother(-ly);
kindred, like, other. Compare also the proper names beginning
with "Ah-" or {"Ahi-}". [ql

names 0001 ## >ab {awb}; a primitive word; father, in a literal
and immediate, or figurative and remote application): -- chief,
(fore-)father([-less]), X patrimony, principal. Compare {names}
in "Abi-".[ql

names 0058 ## >abel {aw-bale'}; from an unused root (meaning to
be grassy); a meadow: -- plain. Compare also the proper {names}
beginning with Abel-. [ql

names 0113 ## >adown {aw-done'}; or (shortened) >adon {aw-done'};
from an unused root (meaning to rule); sovereign, i.e.
controller (human or divine): -- lord, master, owner. Compare
also {names} beginning with "Adoni-". [ql

names 0251 ## >ach {awkh}; a primitive word; a brother (used in
the widest sense of literal relationship and metaphorical
affinity or resemblance [like 1]): -- another, brother(-ly);
kindred, like, other. Compare also the proper {names} beginning
with "Ah-" or "Ahi-". [ql

names 0410 ## >el {ale}; shortened from 352; strength; as
adjective, mighty; especially the Almighty (but used also of any
deity): -- God (god), X goodly, X great, idol, might(-y one),
power, strong. Compare {names} in "-el." [ql

names 3050 ## Yahh {yaw}; contraction for 3068, and meaning the
same; Jah, the sacred name: -- Jah, the Lord, most vehement.
Compare {names} in "-iah," "- jah." [ql

names 4026 ## migdal {mig-dawl'}; also (in plural) feminine
migdalah {mig-daw-law'}; from 1431; a tower (from its size or
height); by analogy, a rostrum; figuratively, a (pyramidal) bed
of flowers: -- castle, flower, tower. Compare the {names}
