be 1463 # egkomboomai {eng-kom-bo'-om-ahee}; middle voice from
1722 and komboo (to gird); to engirdle oneself (for labor), i.e.
figuratively (the apron as being a badge of servitude) to wear
(in token of mutual deference): -- {be} clothed with.[ql

clothed 1463 # egkomboomai {eng-kom-bo'-om-ahee}; middle voice
from 1722 and komboo (to gird); to engirdle oneself (for labor),
i.e. figuratively (the apron as being a badge of servitude) to
wear (in token of mutual deference): -- be {clothed} with.[ql

custom 4914 # sunetheia {soon-ay'-thi-ah}; from a compound of
4862 and 2239; mutual habituation, i.e. usage: -- {custom}.[ql

disputation 4803 # suzetesis {sood-zay'-tay-sis}; from 4802;
mutual questioning, i.e. discussion: -- {disputation}(-ting),

mutual 0240 # allelon {al-lay'-lone}; Gen. plural from 243
reduplicated; one another: -- each other, {mutual}, one another,
(the other), (them-, your-)selves, (selves) together [sometimes
with 3326 or 4314].[ql

reasoning 4803 # suzetesis {sood-zay'-tay-sis}; from 4802;
mutual questioning, i.e. discussion: -- disputation(-ting),

with 1463 # egkomboomai {eng-kom-bo'-om-ahee}; middle voice
from 1722 and komboo (to gird); to engirdle oneself (for labor),
i.e. figuratively (the apron as being a badge of servitude) to
wear (in token of mutual deference): -- be clothed {with}.[ql
