Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the definitions plus combined with every place that word is used in the definitions.

Complete index of every word used in both the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary in English Word order.

Hebrew and Greek Expanded Dictionary

Achimoth 00287 ## 'Achiymowth {akh-ee-moth'} ; from 00251 and 04191 ; brother of death ; {Achimoth} , an Israelite : -- Ahimoth .

Ahimoth 00287 ## 'Achiymowth {akh-ee-moth'} ; from 00251 and 04191 ; brother of death ; Achimoth , an Israelite : -- {Ahimoth} .

Alamoth 05961 ## ` Alamowth {al-aw-moth'} ; plural of 05959 ; properly , girls , i . e . the soprano or female voice , perhaps falsetto : -- {Alamoth} .

Baale-Bamoth 01181 ## Ba` aley Bamowth {bah-al-ay'baw-moth'} ; from the plural of 01168 and the plural of 01116 ; Baals of (the) heights ; {Baale-Bamoth} , a place East of the Jordan : -- lords of the high places .

Bamoth 01120 ## Bamowth {baw-moth'} ; plural of 01116 ; heights ; or (fully) Bamowth Ba` al {baw-moth'bah'- al} ; from the same and 01168 ; heights of Baal ; Bamoth or Bamoth-Baal , a place East of the Jordan : -- {Bamoth} , Bamoth-baal .

Bamoth 01120 ## Bamowth {baw-moth'} ; plural of 01116 ; heights ; or (fully) Bamowth Ba` al {baw-moth'bah'- al} ; from the same and 01168 ; heights of Baal ; {Bamoth} or Bamoth-Baal , a place East of the Jordan : -- Bamoth , Bamoth-baal .

Bamoth-Baal 01120 ## Bamowth {baw-moth'} ; plural of 01116 ; heights ; or (fully) Bamowth Ba` al {baw-moth'bah'- al} ; from the same and 01168 ; heights of Baal ; Bamoth or {Bamoth-Baal} , a place East of the Jordan : -- Bamoth , Bamoth-baal .

Bamoth-baal 01120 ## Bamowth {baw-moth'} ; plural of 01116 ; heights ; or (fully) Bamowth Ba` al {baw-moth'bah'- al} ; from the same and 01168 ; heights of Baal ; Bamoth or Bamoth-Baal , a place East of the Jordan : -- Bamoth , {Bamoth-baal} .

Behemoth 00930 ## b@hemowth {be-hay-mohth'} ; in form a plural or 00929 , but really a singular of Egyptian derivation ; a water-ox , i . e . the hippopotamus or Nile-horse : -- {Behemoth} .

Beth-ha-Jeshimoth 01020 ## Beyth ha-Y@shiy-mowth {bayth hah-yesh-ee-moth'} ; from 01004 and the plural of 03451 with the article interposed ; house of the deserts ; {Beth-ha-Jeshimoth} , a town East of the Jordan : -- Beth-jeshimoth .

Beth-jeshimoth 01020 ## Beyth ha-Y@shiy-mowth {bayth hah-yesh-ee-moth'} ; from 01004 and the plural of 03451 with the article interposed ; house of the deserts ; Beth-ha-Jeshimoth , a town East of the Jordan : -- {Beth-jeshimoth} .

Chammoth 02576 ## {Chammoth} Do'r {kham-moth'dore} ; from the plural of 02535 and 01756 ; hot springs of Dor ; Chammath-Dor , a place in Palestine : -- Hamath-Dor .

chamoth 02545 ## chamowth {kham-oth'} ; or (shortened) {chamoth} {kham-oth'} ; feminine of 02524 ; a mother-in-law : -- mother in law .

grandmother 3125 - mamme {mam'-may}; of natural origin [ " mammy " ]; a grandmother: -- {grandmother}.

grandmother 3125 - mamme {mam'-may}; of natural origin [ " mammy " ]; a {grandmother}: -- grandmother.

hah-yesh-ee-moth'} 01020 ## Beyth ha-Y@shiy-mowth {bayth {hah-yesh-ee-moth'}} ; from 01004 and the plural of 03451 with the article interposed ; house of the deserts ; Beth-ha-Jeshimoth , a town East of the Jordan : -- Beth-jeshimoth .

homothechnos 3673 - {homothechnos} {hom-ot'-ekh-nos}; from the base of 3674 and 5078; a fellow-artificer: -- of the same craft.

homothumadon 3661 - {homothumadon} {hom-oth-oo-mad-on'}; adverb from a compound of the base of 3674 and 2372; unanimously: -- with one accord (mind).

Jeremoth 03406 ## Y@riymowth {yer-ee-mohth'} ; or Y@reymowth {yer-ay-mohth'} ; or Y@remowth {yer-ay-mohth'} ; feminine plural from 07311 ; elevations ; Jerimoth or {Jeremoth} , the name of twelve Israelites : -- Jermoth , Jerimoth , and Ramoth [from the margin ] .

Jerimoth 03406 ## Y@riymowth {yer-ee-mohth'} ; or Y@reymowth {yer-ay-mohth'} ; or Y@remowth {yer-ay-mohth'} ; feminine plural from 07311 ; elevations ; {Jerimoth} or Jeremoth , the name of twelve Israelites : -- Jermoth , Jerimoth , and Ramoth [from the margin ] .

Jerimoth 03406 ## Y@riymowth {yer-ee-mohth'} ; or Y@reymowth {yer-ay-mohth'} ; or Y@remowth {yer-ay-mohth'} ; feminine plural from 07311 ; elevations ; Jerimoth or Jeremoth , the name of twelve Israelites : -- Jermoth , {Jerimoth} , and Ramoth [from the margin ] .

Jermoth 03406 ## Y@riymowth {yer-ee-mohth'} ; or Y@reymowth {yer-ay-mohth'} ; or Y@remowth {yer-ay-mohth'} ; feminine plural from 07311 ; elevations ; Jerimoth or Jeremoth , the name of twelve Israelites : -- {Jermoth} , Jerimoth , and Ramoth [from the margin ] .

Kedemoth 06932 ## Q@demowth {ked-ay-mothe'} ; from 06923 ; beginnings ; Kedemoth , a place in eastern Palestine : -- {Kedemoth} .

Kedemoth 06932 ## Q@demowth {ked-ay-mothe'} ; from 06923 ; beginnings ; {Kedemoth} , a place in eastern Palestine : -- Kedemoth .

Meremoth 04822 ## M@remowth {mer-ay-mohth'} ; plural from 07311 ; heights ; Meremoth , the name of two Israelites : -- {Meremoth} .

Meremoth 04822 ## M@remowth {mer-ay-mohth'} ; plural from 07311 ; heights ; {Meremoth} , the name of two Israelites : -- Meremoth .

Meshillemoth 04919 ## M@shillemowth {mesh-il-lay-mohth'} ; plural from 07999 ; reconciliations :-Meshillemoth , an Israelite : -- {Meshillemoth} . Compare 04921 .

Meshillemoth 04919 ## M@shillemowth {mesh-il-lay-mohth'} ; plural from 07999 ; reconciliations {:-Meshillemoth} , an Israelite : -- Meshillemoth . Compare 04921 .

moth 04047 ## Magpiy` ash {mag-pee-awsh'} ; apparently from 01479 or 05062 and 06211 ; exterminator of (the) {moth} ; Magpiash , an Israelite : -- Magpiash .

moth 05580 ## cac {sawce} ; from the same as 05483 ; a moth (from the agility of the fly) : -- {moth} .

moth 05580 ## cac {sawce} ; from the same as 05483 ; a {moth} (from the agility of the fly) : -- moth .

moth 06211 ## ` ash {awsh} ; from 06244 ; a moth : -- {moth} . See also 05906 . or 06211 . ## ` asab (Aramaic) {as-ab'} ; 06212 : -- grass .

moth 06211 ## ` ash {awsh} ; from 06244 ; a {moth} : -- moth . See also 05906 . or 06211 . ## ` asab (Aramaic) {as-ab'} ; 06212 : -- grass .

moth 4597 - ses {sace}; apparently of Hebrew origin [5580]; a moth: -- {moth}.

moth 4597 - ses {sace}; apparently of Hebrew origin [5580]; a {moth}: -- moth.

moth-eaten 4598 - setobrotos {say-tob'-ro-tos}; from 4597 and a derivative of 0977; {moth-eaten}: -- motheaten.

motheaten 4598 - setobrotos {say-tob'-ro-tos}; from 4597 and a derivative of 0977; moth-eaten: -- {motheaten}.

mothen 04975 ## {mothen} {mo'- then} ; from an unused root meaning to be slender ; properly , the waist or small of the back ; only in plural the loins : -- + greyhound , loins , side .

motheq 04987 ## {motheq} {mo'- thek} ; from 04985 ; sweetness : -- sweetness .

mother 00021 ## 'Abiy {ab-ee'} ; from 00001 ; fatherly ; Abi , Hezekiah's {mother} : -- Abi .

mother 00279 ## 'Achiyam {akh-ee-awm'} ; from 00251 and 00517 ; brother of the {mother} (i . e . uncle) ; Achiam , an Israelite : -- Ahiam .

mother 00517 ## 'em {ame} ; a primitive word ; a mother (as the bond of the family) ; in a wide sense (both literally and figuratively [like 1 ] : -- dam , {mother} , X parting .

mother 00517 ## 'em {ame} ; a primitive word ; a {mother} (as the bond of the family) ; in a wide sense (both literally and figuratively [like 1 ] : -- dam , mother , X parting .

mother 00520 ## 'ammah {am-maw'} ; prolonged from 00517 ; properly , a {mother} (i . e . unit of measure , or the fore-arm (below the elbow) , i . e . a cubit ; also a door-base (as a bond of the entrance) : -- cubit , + hundred [by exchange for 03967 ] , measure , post .

mother 01339 ## Bath-Sheba` {bath-sheh'- bah} ; from 01323 and 07651 (in the sense of 07650) ; daughter of an oath ; Bath-Sheba , the {mother} of Solomon : -- Bath-sheba .

mother 01904 ## Hagar {haw-gawr'} ; of uncertain (perhaps foreign) derivation ; Hagar , the {mother} of Ishmael : -- Hagar .

mother 02545 ## chamowth {kham-oth'} ; or (shortened) chamoth {kham-oth'} ; feminine of 02524 ; a mother-in-law : -- {mother} in law .

mother 02859 ## chathan {khaw-than'} ; a primitive root ; to give (a daughter) away in marriage ; hence (generally) to contract affinity by marriage : -- join in affinity , father in law , make marriages , {mother} in law , son in law .

mother 03115 ## Yowkebed {yo-keh'- bed} ; from 03068 contracted and 03513 ; Jehovah-gloried ; Jokebed , the {mother} of Moses : -- Jochebed .

mother 03243 ## yanaq {yaw-nak'} ; a primitive root ; to suck ; causatively , to give milk : -- milch , nurse (- ing {mother}) , (give , make to) suck (- ing child ,-- ling) .

mother 04464 ## mamzer {mam-zare'} ; from an unused root meaning to alienate ; a mongrel , i . e . born of a Jewish father and a heathen {mother} : -- bastard .

mother 0282 - ametor {am-ay'-tore}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 3384; motherless, i.e. of unknown maternity: -- without {mother}.

mother 1080 - gennao {ghen-nah'-o}; from a variation of 1085; to procreate (properly, of the father, but by extension of the {mother}); figuratively, to regenerate: -- bear, beget, be born, bring forth, conceive, be delivered of, gender, make, spring.

mother 3384 - meter {may'-tare}; apparently a primary word; a " mother " (literally or figuratively, immed. or remote): -- {mother}.

mother 3384 - meter {may'-tare}; apparently a primary word; a " {mother} " (literally or figuratively, immed. or remote): -- mother.

mother 3390 - metropolis {may-trop'-ol-is}; from 3384 and 4172; a {mother} city, i.e. " metropolis " : -- chiefest city.

mother 3994 - penthera {pen-ther-ah'}; feminine of 3995; a wife's mother: -- mother in law, wife's {mother}.

mother 3994 - penthera {pen-ther-ah'}; feminine of 3995; a wife's mother: -- {mother} in law, wife's mother.

mother 3994 - penthera {pen-ther-ah'}; feminine of 3995; a wife's {mother}: -- mother in law, wife's mother.

mother 5041 - teknogoneo {tek-nog-on-eh'-o}; from a compound of 5043 and the base of 1096; to be a child-bearer, i.e. parent ({mother}): -- bear children.

mother 5088 - tikto {tik'-to}; a strengthened form of a primary teko {tek'-o} (which is used only as alternate in certain tenses); to produce (from seed, as a {mother}, a plant, the earth, etc.), literally or figuratively: -- bear, be born, bring forth, be delivered, be in travail.

mother's 04124 ## Mow'ab {mo-awb} ; from a prolonged form of the prepositional prefix m-and 1 ; from (her [the {mother's} ]) father ; Moab , an incestuous son of Lot ; also his territory and descendants : -- Moab .

mother-in-law 02545 ## chamowth {kham-oth'} ; or (shortened) chamoth {kham-oth'} ; feminine of 02524 ; a {mother-in-law} : -- mother in law .

mother-of-pearl 01858 ## dar {dar} ; apparently from the same as 01865 ; properly , a pearl (from its sheen as rapidly turned) ; by analogy , pearl-stone , i . e . {mother-of-pearl} or alabaster : -- X white .

mother-thresher 3389 - metraloias {may-tral-o'-as}; from 3384 and the base of 0257; a {mother-thresher}, i.e. matricide: -- murderer of mothers.

motherless 0282 - ametor {am-ay'-tore}; from 0001 (as a negative particle) and 3384; {motherless}, i.e. of unknown maternity: -- without mother.

mothers 3389 - metraloias {may-tral-o'-as}; from 3384 and the base of 0257; a mother-thresher, i.e. matricide: -- murderer of {mothers}.

nomothesia 3548 - {nomothesia} {nom-oth-es-ee'-ah}; from 3550; legislation (specifically, the institution of the Mosaic code): -- giving of the law.

nomotheteo 3549 - {nomotheteo} {nom-oth-et-eh'-o}; from 3550; to legislate, i.e. (passively) to have (the Mosaic) enactments injoined, be sanctioned (by them): -- establish, receive the law.

nomothetes 3550 - {nomothetes} {nom-oth-et'-ace}; from 3551 and a derivative of 5087; a legislator: -- lawgiver.

Ramoth 03406 ## Y@riymowth {yer-ee-mohth'} ; or Y@reymowth {yer-ay-mohth'} ; or Y@remowth {yer-ay-mohth'} ; feminine plural from 07311 ; elevations ; Jerimoth or Jeremoth , the name of twelve Israelites : -- Jermoth , Jerimoth , and {Ramoth} [from the margin ] .

Ramoth 07216 ## Ra'mowth {raw-moth'} ; or Ramoth {raw-moth'} ; plural of 07215 ; heights ; Ramoth , the name of two places in Palestine : -- {Ramoth} .

Ramoth 07216 ## Ra'mowth {raw-moth'} ; or Ramoth {raw-moth'} ; plural of 07215 ; heights ; {Ramoth} , the name of two places in Palestine : -- Ramoth .

Ramoth 07216 ## Ra'mowth {raw-moth'} ; or {Ramoth} {raw-moth'} ; plural of 07215 ; heights ; Ramoth , the name of two places in Palestine : -- Ramoth .

Ramoth 07418 ## Ramowth-Negeb {raw-moth-neh'- gheb} ; or Ramath Negeb {raw'- math neh'- gheb} ; from the plural or construct form of 07413 and 05045 ; heights (or height) of the South ; Ramoth-Negeb or Ramath-Negeb , a place in Palestine : -- south {Ramoth} , Ramath of the south .

Ramoth 07433 ## Ramowth {raw-moth'} ; or Ramoth Gil` ad (2 Chronicles 22 : 5) {raw-moth'gil-awd'} ; from the plural of 07413 and 01568 ; heights of Gilad ; Ramoth-Gilad , a place East of the Jordan : -- Ramoth-gilead , {Ramoth} in Gilead . See also 07216 .

Ramoth 07433 ## Ramowth {raw-moth'} ; or {Ramoth} Gil` ad (2 Chronicles 22 : 5) {raw-moth'gil-awd'} ; from the plural of 07413 and 01568 ; heights of Gilad ; Ramoth-Gilad , a place East of the Jordan : -- Ramoth-gilead , Ramoth in Gilead . See also 07216 .

Ramoth-Gilad 07433 ## Ramowth {raw-moth'} ; or Ramoth Gil` ad (2 Chronicles 22 : 5) {raw-moth'gil-awd'} ; from the plural of 07413 and 01568 ; heights of Gilad ; {Ramoth-Gilad} , a place East of the Jordan : -- Ramoth-gilead , Ramoth in Gilead . See also 07216 .

Ramoth-gilead 07433 ## Ramowth {raw-moth'} ; or Ramoth Gil` ad (2 Chronicles 22 : 5) {raw-moth'gil-awd'} ; from the plural of 07413 and 01568 ; heights of Gilad ; Ramoth-Gilad , a place East of the Jordan : -- {Ramoth-gilead} , Ramoth in Gilead . See also 07216 .

Ramoth-Negeb 07418 ## Ramowth-Negeb {raw-moth-neh'- gheb} ; or Ramath Negeb {raw'- math neh'- gheb} ; from the plural or construct form of 07413 and 05045 ; heights (or height) of the South ; {Ramoth-Negeb} or Ramath-Negeb , a place in Palestine : -- south Ramoth , Ramath of the south .

Samothracia 4543 - Samothraike {sam-oth-rak'-ay}; from 4544 and Thraike (Thrace); Samo-thrace (Samos of Thrace), an island in the Mediterranean: -- {Samothracia}.

Samothraike 4543 - {Samothraike} {sam-oth-rak'-ay}; from 4544 and Thraike (Thrace); Samo-thrace (Samos of Thrace), an island in the Mediterranean: -- Samothracia.

Shammoth 08054 ## Shammowth {sham-moth'} ; plural of 08047 ; ruins ; {Shammoth} , an Israelite : -- Shamoth .

Shamoth 08054 ## Shammowth {sham-moth'} ; plural of 08047 ; ruins ; Shammoth , an Israelite : -- {Shamoth} .

Shelomoth 08013 ## Sh@lomowth {shel-o-moth'} ; feminine plural of 07965 ; pacifications ; Shelomoth , the name of two Israelites : -- Shelomith [from the margin ] , {Shelomoth} . Compare 08019 .

Shelomoth 08013 ## Sh@lomowth {shel-o-moth'} ; feminine plural of 07965 ; pacifications ; {Shelomoth} , the name of two Israelites : -- Shelomith [from the margin ] , Shelomoth . Compare 08019 .

Shemiramoth 08070 ## Sh@miyramowth {shem-ee-raw-moth'} ; or Sh@mariymowth {shem-aw-ree-moth'} ; probably from 08034 and plural of 07413 ; name of heights ; Shemiramoth , the name of two Israelites : -- {Shemiramoth} .

Shemiramoth 08070 ## Sh@miyramowth {shem-ee-raw-moth'} ; or Sh@mariymowth {shem-aw-ree-moth'} ; probably from 08034 and plural of 07413 ; name of heights ; {Shemiramoth} , the name of two Israelites : -- Shemiramoth .

Siphmoth 08224 ## Siphmowth {sif-moth'} ; feminine plural of 0822l ; Siphmoth , a place in Palestine : -- {Siphmoth} .

Siphmoth 08224 ## Siphmowth {sif-moth'} ; feminine plural of 0822l ; {Siphmoth} , a place in Palestine : -- Siphmoth .

Timotheos 5095 - {Timotheos} {tee-moth'-eh-os}; from 5092 and 2316; dear to God; Timotheus, a Christian: -- Timotheus, Timothy.

Timotheus 5095 - Timotheos {tee-moth'-eh-os}; from 5092 and 2316; dear to God; Timotheus, a Christian: -- {Timotheus}, Timothy.

Timotheus 5095 - Timotheos {tee-moth'-eh-os}; from 5092 and 2316; dear to God; {Timotheus}, a Christian: -- Timotheus, Timothy.

Timothy 5095 - Timotheos {tee-moth'-eh-os}; from 5092 and 2316; dear to God; Timotheus, a Christian: -- Timotheus, {Timothy}.

{akh-ee-moth'} 00287 ## 'Achiymowth {{akh-ee-moth'}} ; from 00251 and 04191 ; brother of death ; Achimoth , an Israelite : -- Ahimoth .

{al-aw-moth'} 05961 ## ` Alamowth {{al-aw-moth'}} ; plural of 05959 ; properly , girls , i . e . the soprano or female voice , perhaps falsetto : -- Alamoth .

{bah-al-ay'baw-moth'} 01181 ## Ba` aley Bamowth {{bah-al-ay'baw-moth'}} ; from the plural of 01168 and the plural of 01116 ; Baals of (the) heights ; Baale-Bamoth , a place East of the Jordan : -- lords of the high places .

{baw-moth'bah'- 01120 ## Bamowth {baw-moth'} ; plural of 01116 ; heights ; or (fully) Bamowth Ba` al {{baw-moth'bah'-} al} ; from the same and 01168 ; heights of Baal ; Bamoth or Bamoth-Baal , a place East of the Jordan : -- Bamoth , Bamoth-baal .

{baw-moth'} 01120 ## Bamowth {{baw-moth'}} ; plural of 01116 ; heights ; or (fully) Bamowth Ba` al {baw-moth'bah'- al} ; from the same and 01168 ; heights of Baal ; Bamoth or Bamoth-Baal , a place East of the Jordan : -- Bamoth , Bamoth-baal .

{ked-ay-mothe'} 06932 ## Q@demowth {{ked-ay-mothe'}} ; from 06923 ; beginnings ; Kedemoth , a place in eastern Palestine : -- Kedemoth .

{khak-moth'} 02454 ## chokmowth {khok-moth'} ; or chakmowth {{khak-moth'}} ; collateral forms of 02451 ; wisdom : -- wisdom , every wise [woman ] .

{kham-moth'dore} 02576 ## Chammoth Do'r {{kham-moth'dore}} ; from the plural of 02535 and 01756 ; hot springs of Dor ; Chammath-Dor , a place in Palestine : -- Hamath-Dor .

{khok-moth'} 02454 ## chokmowth {{khok-moth'}} ; or chakmowth {khak-moth'} ; collateral forms of 02451 ; wisdom : -- wisdom , every wise [woman ] .

{maw-mothe'} 04463 ## mamowth {{maw-mothe'}} ; from 04191 ; a mortal disease ; concretely , a corpse : -- death .

{raw-moth'gil-awd'} 07433 ## Ramowth {raw-moth'} ; or Ramoth Gil` ad (2 Chronicles 22 : 5) {{raw-moth'gil-awd'}} ; from the plural of 07413 and 01568 ; heights of Gilad ; Ramoth-Gilad , a place East of the Jordan : -- Ramoth-gilead , Ramoth in Gilead . See also 07216 .

{raw-moth'} 07216 ## Ra'mowth {raw-moth'} ; or Ramoth {{raw-moth'}} ; plural of 07215 ; heights ; Ramoth , the name of two places in Palestine : -- Ramoth .

{raw-moth'} 07216 ## Ra'mowth {{raw-moth'}} ; or Ramoth {raw-moth'} ; plural of 07215 ; heights ; Ramoth , the name of two places in Palestine : -- Ramoth .

{raw-moth'} 07433 ## Ramowth {{raw-moth'}} ; or Ramoth Gil` ad (2 Chronicles 22 : 5) {raw-moth'gil-awd'} ; from the plural of 07413 and 01568 ; heights of Gilad ; Ramoth-Gilad , a place East of the Jordan : -- Ramoth-gilead , Ramoth in Gilead . See also 07216 .

{raw-moth-neh'- 07418 ## Ramowth-Negeb {{raw-moth-neh'-} gheb} ; or Ramath Negeb {raw'- math neh'- gheb} ; from the plural or construct form of 07413 and 05045 ; heights (or height) of the South ; Ramoth-Negeb or Ramath-Negeb , a place in Palestine : -- south Ramoth , Ramath of the south .

{sham-moth'} 08054 ## Shammowth {{sham-moth'}} ; plural of 08047 ; ruins ; Shammoth , an Israelite : -- Shamoth .

{shel-o-moth'} 08013 ## Sh@lomowth {{shel-o-moth'}} ; feminine plural of 07965 ; pacifications ; Shelomoth , the name of two Israelites : -- Shelomith [from the margin ] , Shelomoth . Compare 08019 .

{shem-aw-ree-moth'} 08070 ## Sh@miyramowth {shem-ee-raw-moth'} ; or Sh@mariymowth {{shem-aw-ree-moth'}} ; probably from 08034 and plural of 07413 ; name of heights ; Shemiramoth , the name of two Israelites : -- Shemiramoth .

{shem-ee-raw-moth'} 08070 ## Sh@miyramowth {{shem-ee-raw-moth'}} ; or Sh@mariymowth {shem-aw-ree-moth'} ; probably from 08034 and plural of 07413 ; name of heights ; Shemiramoth , the name of two Israelites : -- Shemiramoth .

{sif-moth'} 08224 ## Siphmowth {{sif-moth'}} ; feminine plural of 0822l ; Siphmoth , a place in Palestine : -- Siphmoth .

{tee-moth'-eh-os} 5095 - Timotheos {{tee-moth'-eh-os}}; from 5092 and 2316; dear to God; Timotheus, a Christian: -- Timotheus, Timothy.