mortgaged -6148 became , becometh , engaged , intermeddle ,
meddle , mingled , {mortgaged} , occupiers , occupy , pleasant ,
pleasing , pleasure , pledges , sureties , surety , sweet ,
undertake ,
mortgaged 005 003 Neh /^{mortgaged /our lands ,
vineyards , and houses , that we might buy corn , because of the
dearth .
mortgaged , NE , 5:3
mortgaged Interlinear Index Study
mortgaged NEH 005 003 [ Some ] also there were that said <00559
+>amar > , We have {mortgaged} <06148 + our lands <07704
+sadeh > , vineyards <03754 +kerem > , and houses <01004 +bayith
> , that we might buy <03947 +laqach > corn <01715 +dagan > ,
because of the dearth <07458 +ra .
we have mortgaged our lands
mortgaged Some] also there were that said, We have
{mortgaged} our lands, vineyards, and houses, that we might buy
corn, because of the dearth.