English Theasurus that shows all the ways the English word is translated from the original Greek and Hebrew.

English Theasurus from the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary

money 0694 ** argurion ** {money}, (piece of) silver (piece).

money 2772 ** kerma ** {money}.

money 2773 ** kermatistes ** changer of {money}.

money 3546 ** nomisma ** {money}.

money 3701 -- keceph -- {money}, price, silver(-ling).

money 3702 -- k@caph -- {money}, silver.

money 3724 -- kopher -- bribe, camphire, pitch, ransom, satisfaction, sum of {money},village.

money 4715 ** stater ** piece of {money}.

money 5365 ** philarguria ** love of {money}.

money 5475 ** chalkos ** brass, {money}.

money 5536 ** chrema ** {money}, riches.

money 7075 qinyan -- -- getting, goods, X with {money}, riches, substance.

money 7192 q@siytah -- -- piece of {money} (silver).

moneychanger 2855 ** kollubistes ** ({money-)changer}.