mist Act_13_11 /${mist /and a darkness ; and
he went about seeking some to lead him by the hand .

mist Gen_02_06 /^{mist /from the earth , and
watered the whole face of the ground .

mist 2Pe_02_17 /${mist /of darkness is
reserved for ever .

mistress Gen_16_09 /^{mistress /and submit
thyself under her hands .

mistress Isa_24_02 /^{mistress /as with the buyer
, so with the seller ; as with the lender , so with the borrower
; as with the taker of usury , so with the giver of usury to him.

mistress 1Ki_17_17 /^{mistress /of the house ,
fell sick ; and his sickness was so sore , that there was no
breath left in him.

mistress Nah_03_04 /^{mistress /of witchcrafts ,
that selleth nations through her whoredoms , and families
through her witchcrafts .

mistress Gen_16_08 /^{mistress /Sarai .

mistress Psa_123_02 /^{mistress /so our eyes wait
upon the LORD our God , until that he have mercy upon us.

mistress Gen_16_04 /^{mistress /was despised in
her eyes .

mistress 2Ki_05_03 /^{mistress /Would God my lord
were with the prophet that is in Samaria ! for he would recover
him of his leprosy .

psalmist 2Sa_23_01 /^{psalmist /of Israel , said ,
