miracles Act_06_08 /${miracles /among the people .

miracles Gal_03_05 /${miracles /among you , doeth
he it by the works of the law , or by the hearing of faith ?

miracles Heb_02_04 /${miracles /and gifts of the
Holy Ghost , according to his own will ?

miracles Deu_11_03 /^{miracles /and his acts ,
which he did in the midst of Egypt unto Pharaoh the king of
Egypt , and unto all his land ;

miracles Act_08_13 /${miracles /and signs which
were done .

miracles Joh_09_16 /${miracles /And there was a
division among them .

miracles Act_02_22 /${miracles /and wonders and
signs , which God did by him in the midst of you , as ye
yourselves also know :

miracles Act_15_12 /${miracles /and wonders God
had wrought among the Gentiles by them .

miracles Rev_19_20 /${miracles /before him , with
which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast ,
and them that worshipped his image . These both were cast alive
into a lake of fire burning with brimstone .

miracles Joh_12_37 /${miracles /before them , yet
they believed not on him :

miracles Joh_06_26 /${miracles /but because ye
did eat of the loaves , and were filled .

miracles Act_19_11 /${miracles /by the hands of
Paul :

miracles Joh_02_11 /${miracles /did Jesus in Cana
of Galilee , and manifested forth his glory ; and his disciples
believed on him .

miracles Joh_07_31 /${miracles /than these which
this man hath done ?

miracles Joh_03_02 /${miracles /that thou doest ,
except God be with him .

miracles 1Co_12_28 /${miracles /then gifts of
healings , helps , governments , diversities of tongues .

miracles 1Co_12_10 /${miracles /to another
prophecy ; to another discerning of spirits ; to another divers
kinds of tongues ; to another the interpretation of tongues :

miracles Rev_16_14 /${miracles /which go forth
unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world , to gather
them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty .

miracles Act_08_06 /${miracles /which he did .

miracles Joh_02_23 /${miracles /which he did .

miracles Joh_06_02 /${miracles /which he did on
them that were diseased .

miracles Rev_13_14 /${miracles /which he had
power to do in the sight of the beast ; saying to them that
dwell on the earth , that they should make an image to the beast
, which had the wound by a sword , and did live .

miracles Num_14_22 /^{miracles /which I did in
Egypt and in the wilderness , and have tempted me now these ten
times , and have not hearkened to my voice ;

miracles Jud_06_13 /^{miracles /which our fathers
told us of, saying , Did not the LORD bring us up from Egypt ?
but now the LORD hath forsaken us, and delivered us into the
hands of the Midianites .
