Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse

Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse
ministers ^ 47_2CO_11_15 Therefore <3767> it is no <3756> great thing <3173> if <1499> <0> his <0846> ministers <1249> also <1499> be transformed <3345> (5743) as <5613> the {ministers} <1249> of righteousness <1343>; whose <3739> end <5056> shall be <2071> (5704) according <2596> to their <0846> works <2041>.

ministers ^ 45_ROM_13_06 For <1063> for <1223> <0> this <5124> cause <1223> pay ye <5055> (5719) tribute <5411> also <2532>: for <1063> they are <1526> (5748) God's <2316> {ministers} <3011>, attending continually <4342> (5723) upon <1519> this <5124> very thing <0846>.

ministers ^ 42_LUK_01_02 Even <2531> as they delivered <3860> (5627) them unto us <2254>, which <3588> from <0575> the beginning <0746> were <1096> (5637) eyewitnesses <0845>, and <2532> {ministers} <5257> of the word <3056>;

ministers ^ 46_1CO_03_05 Who <5101> then <3767> is <2076> (5748) Paul <3972>, and <1161> who <5101> is Apollos <0625>, but <0235> <2228> {ministers} <1249> by <1223> whom <3739> ye believed <4100> (5656), even <2532> as <5613> the Lord <2962> gave <1325> (5656) to every man <1538>?

ministers ^ 47_2CO_06_04 But <0235> in <1722> all <3956> things approving <4921> (5723) ourselves <1438> as <5613> the {ministers} <1249> of God <2316>, in <1722> much <4183> patience <5281>, in <1722> afflictions <2347>, in <1722> necessities <0318>, in <1722> distresses <4730>,

ministers ^ 47_2CO_03_06 Who <3739> also <2532> hath made <2427> <0> us <2248> able <2427> (5656) {ministers} <1249> of the new <2537> testament <1242>; not <3756> of the letter <1121>, but <0235> of the spirit <4151>: for <1063> the letter <1121> killeth <0615> (5719), but <1161> the spirit <4151> giveth life <2227> (5719).

ministers ^ 47_2CO_11_15 Therefore <3767> it is no <3756> great thing <3173> if <1499> <0> his <0846> {ministers} <1249> also <1499> be transformed <3345> (5743) as <5613> the ministers <1249> of righteousness <1343>; whose <3739> end <5056> shall be <2071> (5704) according <2596> to their <0846> works <2041>.

ministers ^ 47_2CO_11_23 Are they <1526> (5748) {ministers} <1249> of Christ <5547>? (I speak <2980> (5719) as a fool <3912> (5723)) I <1473> am more <5228>; in <1722> labours <2873> more abundant <4056>, in <1722> stripes <4127> above measure <5234>, in <1722> prisons <5438> more frequent <4056>, in <1722> deaths <2288> oft <4178>.

ministers ^ 46_1CO_04_01 Let <3049> <0> a man <0444> so <3779> account <3049> (5737) of us <2248>, as <5613> of the {ministers} <5257> of Christ <5547>, and <2532> stewards <3623> of the mysteries <3466> of God <2316>.

ministers ^ 58_HEB_01_07 And <2532> of <4314> <3303> the angels <0032> he saith <3004> (5719), Who maketh <4160> (5723) his <0846> angels <0032> spirits <4151>, and <2532> his <0846> {ministers} <3011> a flame <5395> of fire <4442>.