mine Interlinear Index Study

mine JOB 019 013 He hath put my brethren <00251 +>ach > far
<07350 +rachowq > from me , {andmine} acquaintance <03045 +yada<
> are verily <00389 +>ak > estranged <02114 +zuwr > from me .

mine GEN 014 022 And Abram <87> said <00559 +>amar > to the king
<04428 +melek > of Sodom <05467 +C@dom > , I have lift <07311
+ruwm > up {mine} hand <03027 +yad > unto the LORD <03068
+Y@hovah > , the most <05945 +>elyown > high <05945 +>elyown >
God <00410 +>el > , the possessor <07069 +qanah > of heaven
<08064 +shamayim > and earth <00776 +>erets > ,

mine GEN 015 003 And Abram <87> said <00559 +>amar > , Behold
<02005 +hen > , to me thou hast given <05414 +nathan > no <03808
+lo> > seed <02233 +zera< > : and , lo <02009 +hinneh > , one
born <01121 +ben > in my house <01004 +bayith > is {mine} heir
<03423 +yarash > .

mine GEN 024 033 And there was set <07760 +suwm > [ meat ]
before <06440 +paniym > him to eat <00398 +>akal > : but he said
<00559 +>amar > , I will not eat <00398 +>akal > , until I have
told <01696 +dabar > {mine} errand <01697 +dabar > . And he said
<00559 +>amar > , Speak <01696 +dabar > on .

mine GEN 024 045 And before <02962 +terem > I had done <03615
+kalah > speaking <01696 +dabar > in {mine} heart <03820 +leb > ,
behold <02009 +hinneh > , Rebekah <07259 +Ribqah > came <03318
+yatsa> > forth <03318 +yatsa> > with her pitcher <03537 +kad >
on <05921 + her shoulder <07926 +sh@kem > ; and she went
<03381 +yarad > down <03381 +yarad > unto the well <05869 + > , and drew <07579 +sha>ab > [ water <04325 +mayim > ] : and I
said <00559 +>amar > unto her , Let me drink <08248 +shaqah > ,
I pray <04994 +na> > thee .

mine GEN 030 025 . And it came <01961 +hayah > to pass , when
<00834 +>aher > Rachel <07354 +Rachel > had born <03205 +yalad >
Joseph <03130 +Yowceph > , that Jacob <03290 +Ya said
<00559 +>amar > unto Laban <03837 +Laban > , Send <07971
+shalach > me away , that I may go <03212 +yalak > unto {mine}
own place <04725 +maqowm > , and to my country <00776 +>erets > .

mine GEN 030 030 For [ it was ] little <04592 +m@ which
<00834 +>aher > thou hadst before <06440 +paniym > I [ came ] ,
and it is [ now ] increased <06555 +parats > unto a multitude
<07230 +rob > ; and the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > hath blessed
<01288 +barak > thee since my coming <07272 +regel > : and now
<06258 + when <04970 +mathay > shall I provide <06213
+ for {mine} own house <01004 +bayith > also <01571 +gam
> ?

mine GEN 031 010 And it came <01961 +hayah > to pass at the time
<06256 + that the cattle <06629 +tso>n > conceived <03179
+yacham > , that I lifted <05375 +nasa> > up {mine} eyes <05869
+ , and saw <07200 +ra>ah > in a dream <02472 +chalowm > ,
and , behold <02009 +hinneh > , the rams <06260 +
which leaped <05927 + upon the cattle <06629 +tso>n > [
were ] ringstraked <06124 + , speckled <05348 +naqod > ,
and grisled <01261 +barod > .

mine GEN 031 040 [ Thus ] I was ; in the day <03117 +yowm > the
drought <02721 +choreb > consumed <00398 +>akal > me , and the
frost <07140 +qerach > by night <03915 +layil > ; and my sleep
<08142 +shehah > departed <05074 +nadad > from {mine} eyes
<05869 + .

mine GEN 031 042 Except <03884 +luwle> > the God <00430
+>elohiym > of my father <1> , the God <00430 +>elohiym > of
Abraham <85> , and the fear <06343 +pachad > of Isaac <03327
+Yitschaq > , had been <01961 +hayah > with me , surely <03588
+kiy > thou hadst sent <07971 +shalach > me away now <06258
+ empty <07387 +reyqam > . God <00430 +>elohiym > hath
seen <07200 +ra>ah > {mine} affliction <06040 + and the
labour <03018 +y@giya< > of my hands <03709 +kaph > , and
rebuked <03198 +yakach > [ thee ] yesternight <00570 +>emesh > .

mine GEN 031 043 . And Laban <03837 +Laban > answered <06030
+ and said <00559 +>amar > unto Jacob <03290 +Ya ,
[ These ] daughters <01363 +gobahh > [ are ] my daughters <01363
+gobahh > , and [ these ] children <01121 +ben > [ are ] my
children <01121 +ben > , and [ these ] cattle <06629 +tso>n > [
are ] my cattle <06629 +tso>n > , and all <03605 +kol > that
thou seest <07200 +ra>ah > [ is ] {mine} : and what <04100 +mah
> can I do <06213 + this day <03117 +yowm > unto these my
daughters <01363 +gobahh > , or <00176 +>ow > unto their
children <01121 +ben > which <00834 +>aher > they have born
<03205 +yalad > ?

mine GEN 041 013 And it came <01961 +hayah > to pass , as he
interpreted <06622 +pathar > to us , so <03651 +ken > it was ;
me he restored <07725 +shuwb > unto {mine} office <03653 +ken > ,
and him he hanged <08518 +talah > .

mine GEN 044 021 And thou saidst <00559 +>amar > unto thy
servants <05650 + , Bring <03381 +yarad > him down <03381
+yarad > unto me , that I may set <07760 +suwm > {mine} eyes
<05869 + upon him .

mine GEN 048 005 And now <06258 + thy two <08147
+sh@nayim > sons <01121 +ben > , Ephraim <00669 +>Ephrayim > and
Manasseh <04519 +M@nashsheh > , which were born <03205 +yalad >
unto thee in the land <00776 +>erets > of Egypt <04714
+Mitsrayim > before <05704 + I came <00935 +bow> > unto
thee into Egypt <04714 +Mitsrayim > , [ are ] mine ; as Reuben
<07205 +R@>uwben > and Simeon <08095 +Shim , they shall be
{mine} .

mine GEN 048 005 And now <06258 + thy two <08147
+sh@nayim > sons <01121 +ben > , Ephraim <00669 +>Ephrayim > and
Manasseh <04519 +M@nashsheh > , which were born <03205 +yalad >
unto thee in the land <00776 +>erets > of Egypt <04714
+Mitsrayim > before <05704 + I came <00935 +bow> > unto
thee into Egypt <04714 +Mitsrayim > , [ are ] {mine} ; as Reuben
<07205 +R@>uwben > and Simeon <08095 +Shim , they shall be
mine .

mine GEN 049 006 O my soul <05315 +nephesh > , come <00935 +bow>
> not thou into their secret <05475 +cowd > ; unto their
assembly <06951 +qahal > , {mine} honour <03519 +kabowd > , be
not thou united <03161 +yachad > : for in their anger <00639
+>aph > they slew <02026 +harag > a man <00376 +>iysh > , and in
their selfwill <07522 +ratsown > they digged <06131 +
down <06131 + a wall <07794 +showr > .

mine EXO 007 004 But Pharaoh <06547 +Par shall not hearken
<08085 +shama< > unto you , that I may lay <05414 +nathan > my
hand <03027 +yad > upon Egypt <04714 +Mitsrayim > , and bring
<03318 +yatsa> > forth <03318 +yatsa> > {mine} armies <06635
+tsaba> > , [ and ] my people <05971 + the children <01121
+ben > of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > , out of the land <00776
+>erets > of Egypt <04714 +Mitsrayim > by great <01419 +gadowl >
judgments <08201 +shephet > .

mine EXO 007 005 And the Egyptians <04714 +Mitsrayim > shall
know <03045 +yada< > that I [ am ] the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > ,
when I stretch <05186 +natah > forth {mine} hand <03027 +yad >
upon Egypt <04714 +Mitsrayim > , and bring <03318 +yatsa> > out
the children <01121 +ben > of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > from
among <08432 +tavek > them .

mine EXO 007 017 Thus <03541 +koh > saith <00559 +>amar > the
LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > , In this <02063 +zo>th > thou shalt know
<03045 +yada< > that I [ am ] the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > :
behold <02009 +hinneh > , I will smite <05221 +nakah > with the
rod <04294 +matteh > that [ is ] in {mine} hand <03027 +yad >
upon the waters <04325 +mayim > which <00834 +>aher > [ are ] in
the river <02975 +y@ , and they shall be turned <02015
+haphak > to blood <01818 +dam > .

mine EXO 013 002 Sanctify <06942 +qadash > unto me all <03605
+kol > the firstborn <01060 +b@kowr > , whatsoever <03605 +kol >
openeth <06363 +peter > the womb <07358 +rechem > among the
children <01121 +ben > of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > , [ both ]
of man <00120 +>adam > and of beast <00929 +b@hemah > : it [ is
] {mine} .

mine EXO 017 009 And Moses <04872 +Mosheh > said <00559 +>amar >
unto Joshua <03091 +Y@howshuwa< > , Choose <00977 +bachar > us
out men <00582 +>enowsh > , and go <03318 +yatsa> > out , fight
<03898 +lacham > with Amalek <06002 + : to morrow
<04279 +machar > I will stand <05324 +natsab > on <05921 +
the top <07218 +ro>sh > of the hill <01389 +gib with the
rod <04294 +matteh > of God <00430 +>elohiym > in {mine} hand
<03027 +yad > .

mine EXO 018 004 And the name <08034 +shem > of the other <00259
+>echad > [ was ] Eliezer <00461 +>Eliy ; for the God
<00430 +>elohiym > of my father <1> , [ said he , was ] {mine}
help <05828 + , and delivered <05337 +natsal > me from
the sword <02719 +chereb > of Pharaoh <06547 +Par :

mine EXO 019 005 Now <06258 + therefore , if <00518 +>im
> ye will obey <08085 +shama< > my voice <06963 +qowl > indeed ,
and keep <08104 +shamar > my covenant <01285 +b@riyth > , then
ye shall be a peculiar <05459 +c@gullah > treasure unto me above
all <03605 +kol > people <05971 + : for all <03605 +kol >
the earth <00776 +>erets > [ is ] {mine} :

mine EXO 023 023 For {mine} Angel <04397 +mal>ak > shall go
<03212 +yalak > before <06440 +paniym > thee , and bring <00935
+bow> > thee in unto the Amorites <00567 +>Emoriy > , and the
Hittites <02850 +Chittiy > , and the Perizzites <06522 +P@rizziy
> , and the Canaanites <03669 +K@na , the Hivites <02340
+Chivviy > , and the Jebusites <02983 +Yebuwciy > : and I will
cut <03582 +kachad > them off .

mine EXO 032 034 Therefore now <06258 + go <03212 +yalak
> , lead <05148 +nachah > the people <05971 + unto [ the
place ] of which <00834 +>aher > I have spoken <01696 +dabar >
unto thee : behold <02009 +hinneh > , {mine} Angel <04397
+mal>ak > shall go <03212 +yalak > before <06440 +paniym > thee :
nevertheless in the day <03117 +yowm > when I visit <06485
+paqad > I will visit <06485 +paqad > their sin <02403
+chatta>ah > upon them .

mine EXO 033 023 And I will take <05493 +cuwr > away {mine} hand
<03709 +kaph > , and thou shalt see <07200 +ra>ah > my back
<00268 +>achowr > parts : but my face <06440 +paniym > shall not
be seen <07200 +ra>ah > .

mine EXO 034 019 All <03605 +kol > that openeth <06363 +peter >
the matrix <07358 +rechem > [ is ] {mine} ; and every <03605
+kol > firstling <06363 +peter > among thy cattle <04735 +miqneh
> , [ whether ] ox <07794 +showr > or sheep <07716 +seh > , [
that is male <02142 +zakar > ] .

mine LEV 018 004 Ye shall do <06213 + my judgments <04941
+mishpat > , and keep <08104 +shamar > {mine} ordinances <02708
+chuqqah > , to walk <03212 +yalak > therein : I [ am ] the LORD
<03068 +Y@hovah > your God <00430 +>elohiym > .

mine LEV 018 030 Therefore shall ye keep <08104 +shamar > {mine}
ordinance <04931 +mishmereth > , that [ ye ] commit <06213
+ not [ any one ] of these abominable <08441 +tow
customs <02708 +chuqqah > , which <00834 +>aher > were committed
<06213 + before <06440 +paniym > you , and that ye defile
<02930 +tame> > not yourselves therein : I [ am ] the LORD
<03068 +Y@hovah > your God <00430 +>elohiym > .

mine LEV 020 026 And ye shall be holy <06918 +qadowsh > unto me :
for I the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > [ am ] holy <06918 +qadowsh > ,
and have severed <00914 +badal > you from [ other ] people
<05971 + , that ye should be {mine} .

mine LEV 022 009 They shall therefore keep <08104 +shamar >
{mine} ordinance <04931 +mishmereth > , lest <03808 +lo> > they
bear <05375 +nasa> > sin <02399 +chet> > for it , and die <04191
+muwth > therefore , if <03588 +kiy > they profane <02490
+chalal > it : I the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > do sanctify <06942
+qadash > them .

mine LEV 025 023 . The land <00776 +>erets > shall not be sold
<04376 +makar > for ever <06783 +ts@miythuth > : for the land
<00776 +>erets > [ is ] {mine} ; for ye [ are ] strangers <01616
+ger > and sojourners <08453 +towshab > with me .

mine NUM 003 012 And I , behold <02009 +hinneh > , I have taken
<03947 +laqach > the Levites <03881 +Leviyiy > from among <08432
+tavek > the children <01121 +ben > of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el >
instead <08478 +tachath > of all <03605 +kol > the firstborn
<01060 +b@kowr > that openeth <06363 +peter > the matrix <07358
+rechem > among the children <01121 +ben > of Israel <03478
+Yisra>el > : therefore the Levites <03881 +Leviyiy > shall be
{mine} ;

mine NUM 003 013 Because <03588 +kiy > all <03605 +kol > the
firstborn <01060 +b@kowr > [ are ] mine ; [ for ] on the day
<03117 +yowm > that I smote <05221 +nakah > all <03605 +kol >
the firstborn <01060 +b@kowr > in the land <00776 +>erets > of
Egypt <04714 +Mitsrayim > I hallowed <06942 +qadash > unto me
all <03605 +kol > the firstborn <01060 +b@kowr > in Israel
<03478 +Yisra>el > , both man <00120 +>adam > and beast <00929
+b@hemah > : {mine} shall they be : I [ am ] the LORD <03068
+Y@hovah > .

mine NUM 003 013 Because <03588 +kiy > all <03605 +kol > the
firstborn <01060 +b@kowr > [ are ] {mine} ; [ for ] on the day
<03117 +yowm > that I smote <05221 +nakah > all <03605 +kol >
the firstborn <01060 +b@kowr > in the land <00776 +>erets > of
Egypt <04714 +Mitsrayim > I hallowed <06942 +qadash > unto me
all <03605 +kol > the firstborn <01060 +b@kowr > in Israel
<03478 +Yisra>el > , both man <00120 +>adam > and beast <00929
+b@hemah > : mine shall they be : I [ am ] the LORD <03068
+Y@hovah > .

mine NUM 003 045 Take <03947 +laqach > the Levites <03881
+Leviyiy > instead <08478 +tachath > of all <03605 +kol > the
firstborn <01060 +b@kowr > among the children <01121 +ben > of
Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > , and the cattle <00929 +b@hemah > of
the Levites <03881 +Leviyiy > instead <08478 +tachath > of their
cattle <00926 +bahal > ; and the Levites <03881 +Leviyiy > shall
be {mine} : I [ am ] the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > .

mine NUM 008 014 Thus shalt thou separate <00914 +badal > the
Levites <03881 +Leviyiy > from among <08432 +tavek > the
children <01121 +ben > of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > : and the
Levites <03881 +Leviyiy > shall be {mine} .

mine NUM 008 017 For all <03605 +kol > the firstborn <01060
+b@kowr > of the children <01121 +ben > of Israel <03478
+Yisra>el > [ are ] {mine} , [ both ] man <00120 +>adam > and
beast <00929 +b@hemah > : on the day <03117 +yowm > that I smote
<05221 +nakah > every <03605 +kol > firstborn <01060 +b@kowr >
in the land <00776 +>erets > of Egypt <04714 +Mitsrayim > I
sanctified <06942 +qadash > them for myself .

mine NUM 010 030 And he said <00559 +>amar > unto him , I will
not go <03212 +yalak > ; but I will depart <03212 +yalak > to
{mine} own land <00776 +>erets > , and to my kindred <04138
+mowledeth > .

mine NUM 012 007 My servant <05650 + Moses <04872 +Mosheh
> [ is ] not so <03651 +ken > , who <01931 +huw> > [ is ]
faithful <00539 +>aman > in all <03605 +kol > {mine} house
<01004 +bayith > .

mine NUM 014 028 Say <00559 +>amar > unto them , [ As truly as ]
I live <02416 +chay > , saith <00559 +>amar > the LORD <03068
+Y@hovah > , as ye have spoken <01696 +dabar > in {mine} ears
<00241 +>ozen > , so <03651 +ken > will I do <06213 + to
you :

mine NUM 016 028 And Moses <04872 +Mosheh > said <00559 +>amar >
, Hereby <02063 +zo>th > ye shall know <03045 +yada< > that the
LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > hath sent <07971 +shalach > me to do
<06213 + all <03605 +kol > these <00428 +>el - leh >
works <04639 +ma ; for [ I have ] not [ done them ] of
{mine} own mind <03820 +leb > .

mine NUM 018 008 . And the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > spake <01696
+dabar > unto Aaron <00175 +>Aharown > , Behold <02009 +hinneh >
, I also have given <05414 +nathan > thee the charge <04931
+mishmereth > of {mine} heave <08641 +t@ruwmah > offerings
<08641 +t@ruwmah > of all <03605 +kol > the hallowed <06944
+qodesh > things of the children <01121 +ben > of Israel <03478
+Yisra>el > ; unto thee have I given <05414 +nathan > them by
reason of the anointing <04888 +mishchah > , and to thy sons
<01121 +ben > , by an ordinance <02706 +choq > for ever <05769
+ .

mine NUM 022 029 And Balaam <01109 +Bil said <00559 +>amar
> unto the ass <00860 +>athown> , Because <03588 +kiy > thou
hast mocked <05853 +Addar > me : I would <03863 +luw>
> there were a sword <02719 +chereb > in {mine} hand <03027 +yad
> , for now <06258 + would I kill <02026 +harag > thee .

mine NUM 023 011 And Balak <01111 +Balaq > said <00559 +>amar >
unto Balaam <01109 +Bil , What <04100 +mah > hast thou done
<06213 + unto me ? I took <03947 +laqach > thee to curse
<06895 +qabab > {mine} enemies <00341 +>oyeb > , and , behold
<02009 +hinneh > , thou hast blessed <01288 +barak > [ them ]
altogether .

mine NUM 024 010 . And Balak s <01111 +Balaq > anger <00639
+>aph > was kindled <02734 +charah > against <00413 +>el >
Balaam <01109 +Bil , and he smote <05606 +caphaq > his
hands <03709 +kaph > together <03162 +yachad > : and Balak
<01111 +Balaq > said <00559 +>amar > unto Balaam <01109 +Bil > , I called <07121 +qara> > thee to curse <06895 +qabab >
{mine} enemies <00341 +>oyeb > , and , behold <02009 +hinneh > ,
thou hast altogether blessed <01288 +barak > [ them ] these
<02088 +zeh > three <07969 +shalowsh > times .

mine NUM 024 013 If <00518 +>im > Balak <01111 +Balaq > would
give <05414 +nathan > me his house <01004 +bayith > full <04393
+m@lo> > of silver <03701 +keceph > and gold <02091 +zahab > , I
cannot go <05674 + beyond <05674 + the commandment
<06310 +peh > of the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > , to do <06213
+ [ either ] good <02896 +towb > or <00176 +>ow > bad
<07451 +ra< > of {mine} own mind <03820 +leb > ; [ but ] what
<00834 +>aher > the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > saith <01696 +dabar >
, that will I speak <01696 +dabar > ?

mine DEU 008 017 And thou say <00559 +>amar > in thine heart
<03824 +lebab > , My power <03581 +koach > and the might <06108
+ of [ {mine} ] hand <03027 +yad > hath gotten <06213
+ me this <02088 +zeh > wealth <02428 +chayil > .

mine DEU 010 003 And I made <06213 + an ark <00727
+>arown > [ of ] shittim <07848 +shittah > wood <06086 + ,
and hewed <06458 +pacal > two <08147 +sh@nayim > tables <03871
+luwach > of stone <68> like unto the first <07223 +ri>shown > ,
and went <05927 + up into the mount <02022 +har > ,
having the two <08147 +sh@nayim > tables <03871 +luwach > in
{mine} hand <03027 +yad > .

mine DEU 026 013 Then thou shalt say <00559 +>amar > before
<06440 +paniym > the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > thy God <00430
+>elohiym > , I have brought <01197 +ba away <01197 +ba > the hallowed <06944 +qodesh > things out of [ {mine} ] house
<01004 +bayith > , and also <01571 +gam > have given <05414
+nathan > them unto the Levite <03881 +Leviyiy > , and unto the
stranger <01616 +ger > , to the fatherless <03490 +yathowm > ,
and to the widow <00490 +>almanah > , according to all <03605
+kol > thy commandments <04687 +mitsvah > which <00834 +>aher >
thou hast commanded <06680 +tsavah > me : I have not
transgressed <05674 + thy commandments <04687 +mitsvah > ,
neither <03808 +lo> > have I forgotten <07911 +shakach > [ them
] :

mine DEU 029 019 And it come <01961 +hayah > to pass , when he
heareth <08085 +shama< > the words <01697 +dabar > of this
<02063 +zo>th > curse <00423 +>alah > , that he bless <01288
+barak > himself in his heart <03824 +lebab > , saying <00559
+>amar > , I shall have peace <07965 +shalowm > , though <03588
+kiy > I walk <03212 +yalak > in the imagination <08307
+sh@riyruwth > of {mine} heart <03820 +leb > , to add <05595
+caphah > drunkenness <07302 +raveh > to thirst <06771 +tsame> >

mine DEU 032 022 For a fire <00784 +>esh > is kindled <06919
+qadach > in {mine} anger <00639 +>aph > , and shall burn <03344
+yaqad > unto the lowest <08482 +tachtiy > hell <07585 +sh@>owl
> , and shall consume <00398 +>akal > the earth <00776 +>erets >
with her increase <02981 +y@buwl > , and set on fire <03857
+lahat > the foundations <04146 +mowcadah > of the mountains
<02022 +har > .

mine DEU 032 023 I will heap <05595 +caphah > mischiefs <07451
+ra< > upon them ; I will spend <03615 +kalah > {mine} arrows
<02671 +chets > upon them .

mine DEU 032 041 If <00518 +>im > I whet <08150 +shanan > my
glittering <01300 +baraq > sword <02719 +chereb > , and mine
hand <03027 +yad > take <00270 +>achaz > hold <00270 +>achaz >
on judgment <04941 +mishpat > ; I will render <07725 +shuwb >
vengeance <05359 +naqam > to {mine} enemies <06862 +tsar > , and
will reward <07999 +shalam > them that hate <08130 +sane> > me .

mine DEU 032 041 If <00518 +>im > I whet <08150 +shanan > my
glittering <01300 +baraq > sword <02719 +chereb > , and {mine}
hand <03027 +yad > take <00270 +>achaz > hold <00270 +>achaz >
on judgment <04941 +mishpat > ; I will render <07725 +shuwb >
vengeance <05359 +naqam > to mine enemies <06862 +tsar > , and
will reward <07999 +shalam > them that hate <08130 +sane> > me .

mine DEU 032 042 I will make {mine} arrows <02671 +chets > drunk
<07937 +shakar > with blood <01818 +dam > , and my sword <02719
+chereb > shall devour <00398 +>akal > flesh <01320 +basar > ; [
and that ] with the blood <01818 +dam > of the slain <02491
+chalal > and of the captives <07633 +shibyah > , from the
beginning <07218 +ro>sh > of revenges <06546 +par upon the
enemy <00341 +>oyeb > .

mine JOS 014 007 Forty <00705 +>arba years <08141 +shaneh
> old <01121 +ben > [ was ] I when Moses <04872 +Mosheh > the
servant <05650 + of the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > sent
<07971 +shalach > me from Kadeshbarnea <06947 +Qadesh Barnea< >
to espy <07270 +ragal > out the land <00776 +>erets > ; and I
brought <07725 +shuwb > him word <01697 +dabar > again <07725
+shuwb > as [ it was ] in {mine} heart <03824 +lebab > .

mine JUDG 006 036 And Gideon <01439 +Gid said <00559
+>amar > unto God <00430 +>elohiym > , If <00518 +>im > thou
wilt save <03467 +yasha< > Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > by {mine}
hand <03027 +yad > , as thou hast said <01696 +dabar > ,

mine JUDG 006 037 Behold <02009 +hinneh > , I will put <03322
+yatsag > a fleece <01492 +gazzah > of wool <06785 +tsemer > in
the floor <01637 +goren > ; [ and ] if <00518 +>im > the dew
<02919 +tal > be on <05921 + the fleece <01492 +gazzah >
only <00905 +bad > , and [ it be ] dry <02721 +choreb > upon all
<03605 +kol > the earth <00776 +>erets > [ beside ] , then shall
I know <03045 +yada< > that thou wilt save <03467 +yasha< >
Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > by {mine} hand <03027 +yad > , as thou
hast said <01696 +dabar > .

Mine JUDG 007 002 And the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > said <00559
+>amar > unto Gideon <01439 +Gid , The people <05971 + > that [ are ] with thee [ are ] too many <07227 +rab > for me
to give <05414 +nathan > the Midianites <04080 +Midyan > into
their hands <03027 +yad > , lest <06435 +pen > Israel <03478
+Yisra>el > vaunt <06286 +pa>ar > themselves against <05921 + > me , saying <00559 +>amar > , {Mine} own hand <03027 +yad >
hath saved <03467 +yasha< > me .

mine JUDG 008 007 And Gideon <01439 +Gid said <00559
+>amar > , Therefore when the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > hath
delivered <05414 +nathan > Zebah <02078 +Zebach > and Zalmunna
<06759 +Tsalmunna< > into {mine} hand <03027 +yad > , then I
will tear <01758 +duwsh > your flesh <01320 +basar > with the
thorns <06975 +qowts > of the wilderness <04057 +midbar > and
with briers <01303 +barqan > .

mine JUDG 011 030 And Jephthah <03316 +Yiphtach > vowed <05087
+nadar > a vow <05088 +neder > unto the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > ,
and said <00559 +>amar > , If <00518 +>im > thou shalt without
fail deliver <05414 +nathan > the children <01121 +ben > of
Ammon <05983 + into {mine} hands <03027 +yad > ,

mine JUDG 016 017 That he told <05046 +nagad > her all <03605
+kol > his heart <03820 +leb > , and said <00559 +>amar > unto
her , There hath not come <05927 + a razor <04177 +mowrah
> upon {mine} head <07218 +ro>sh > ; for I [ have been ] a
Nazarite <05139 +naziyr > unto God <00430 +>elohiym > from my
mother s <00517 +>em > womb <00990 +beten > : if <00518 +>im > I
be shaven <01548 +galach > , then my strength <03581 +koach >
will go <05493 +cuwr > from me , and I shall become <02470
+chalah > weak <02470 +chalah > , and be like any <03605 +kol >
[ other ] man <00120 +>adam > .

mine JUDG 017 002 And he said <00559 +>amar > unto his mother
<00517 +>em > , The eleven hundred <03967 +me>ah > [ shekels ]
of silver <03701 +keceph > that were taken <03947 +laqach > from
thee , about which thou cursedst <00422 +>alah > , and spakest
<00559 +>amar > of also <01571 +gam > in {mine} ears <00241
+>ozen > , behold <02009 +hinneh > , the silver <03701 +keceph >
[ is ] with me ; I took <03947 +laqach > it . And his mother
<00517 +>em > said <00559 +>amar > , Blessed <01288 +barak > [
be thou ] of the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > , my son <01121 +ben > .

mine JUDG 019 023 And the man <00376 +>iysh > , the master
<01167 +ba of the house <01004 +bayith > , went <03318
+yatsa> > out unto them , and said <00559 +>amar > unto them ,
Nay <00408 +>al > , my brethren <00251 +>ach > , [ nay ] , I
pray <04994 +na> > you , do not [ so ] wickedly <07489 +ra ;
seeing <00310 +>achar > that this <02088 +zeh > man <00376
+>iysh > is come <00935 +bow> > into <00413 +>el > {mine} house
<01004 +bayith > , do <06213 + not this <02063 +zo>th >
folly <05039 +n@balah > .

mine RUT 004 006 And the kinsman <01350 +ga>al > said <00559
+>amar > , I cannot redeem <01350 +ga>al > [ it ] for myself ,
lest <06435 +pen > I mar <07843 +shachath > {mine} own
inheritance <05159 +nachalah > : redeem <01350 +ga>al > thou my
right <01353 +g@ullah > to thyself ; for I cannot redeem <01350
+ga>al > [ it ] .

mine 1SA 002 001 . And Hannah <02584 +Channah > prayed <06419
+palal > , and said <00559 +>amar > , My heart <03820 +leb >
rejoiceth <05970 + in the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > , mine
horn <07161 +qeren > is exalted <07311 +ruwm > in the LORD
<03068 +Y@hovah > : my mouth <06310 +peh > is enlarged <07337
+rachab > over <05921 + {mine} enemies <00341 +>oyeb > ;
because <03588 +kiy > I rejoice <08055 +samach > in thy
salvation <03444 +y@shuw .

mine 1SA 002 001 . And Hannah <02584 +Channah > prayed <06419
+palal > , and said <00559 +>amar > , My heart <03820 +leb >
rejoiceth <05970 + in the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > ,
{mine} horn <07161 +qeren > is exalted <07311 +ruwm > in the
LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > : my mouth <06310 +peh > is enlarged
<07337 +rachab > over <05921 + mine enemies <00341 +>oyeb >
; because <03588 +kiy > I rejoice <08055 +samach > in thy
salvation <03444 +y@shuw .

mine 1SA 002 028 And did I choose <00977 +bachar > him out of
all <03605 +kol > the tribes <07626 +shebet > of Israel <03478
+Yisra>el > [ to be ] my priest <03548 +kohen > , to offer
<05927 + upon {mine} altar <04196 +mizbeach > , to burn
<06999 +qatar > incense <07004 +q@toreth > , to wear <05375
+nasa> > an ephod <00646 +>ephowd > before <06440 +paniym > me ?
and did I give <05414 +nathan > unto the house <01004 +bayith >
of thy father <1> all <03605 +kol > the offerings made by fire
of the children <01121 +ben > of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > ?

mine 1SA 002 029 Wherefore <04100 +mah > kick <01163 +ba ye
at my sacrifice <02077 +zebach > and at {mine} offering <04503
+minchah > , which <00834 +>aher > I have commanded <06680
+tsavah > [ in my ] habitation <04583 +ma ; and honourest
<03513 +kabad > thy sons <01121 +ben > above me , to make
yourselves fat <01254 +bara> > with the chiefest <07225
+re>shiyth > of all <03605 +kol > the offerings <04503 +minchah
> of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > my people <05971 + ?

mine 1SA 002 033 And the man <00376 +>iysh > of thine , [ whom ]
I shall not cut <03772 +karath > off from {mine} altar <04196
+mizbeach > , [ shall be ] to consume <03615 +kalah > thine eyes
<05869 + , and to grieve <00109 +>adab > thine heart
<05315 +nephesh > : and all <03605 +kol > the increase <04768
+marbiyth > of thine house <01004 +bayith > shall die <04191
+muwth > in the flower <00582 +>enowsh > of their age <00582
+>enowsh > .

mine 1SA 002 035 And I will raise <06965 +quwm > me up a
faithful <00539 +>aman > priest <03548 +kohen > , [ that ] shall
do <06213 + according to [ that ] which <00834 +>aher > [
is ] in mine heart <03824 +lebab > and in my mind <05315
+nephesh > : and I will build <01129 +banah > him a sure <00539
+>aman > house <01004 +bayith > ; and he shall walk <01980
+halak > before <06440 +paniym > {mine} anointed <04899
+mashiyach > for ever .

mine 1SA 002 035 And I will raise <06965 +quwm > me up a
faithful <00539 +>aman > priest <03548 +kohen > , [ that ] shall
do <06213 + according to [ that ] which <00834 +>aher > [
is ] in {mine} heart <03824 +lebab > and in my mind <05315
+nephesh > : and I will build <01129 +banah > him a sure <00539
+>aman > house <01004 +bayith > ; and he shall walk <01980
+halak > before <06440 +paniym > mine anointed <04899 +mashiyach
> for ever .

mine 1SA 012 003 Behold <02009 +hinneh > , here I [ am ] :
witness <06030 + against me before <05048 +neged > the
LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > , and before <05048 +neged > his anointed
<04899 +mashiyach > : whose <04310 +miy > ox <07794 +showr >
have I taken <03947 +laqach > ? or whose <04310 +miy > ass
<02543 +chamowr > have I taken <03947 +laqach > ? or whom <04310
+miy > have I defrauded <06231 + ? whom have I oppressed
<07533 +ratsats > ? or of whose <04310 +miy > hand <03027 +yad >
have I received <03947 +laqach > [ any ] bribe <03724 +kopher >
to blind <05956 + {mine} eyes <05869 + therewith ?
and I will restore <07725 +shuwb > it you .

mine 1SA 014 024 . And the men <00376 +>iysh > of Israel <03478
+Yisra>el > were distressed <05065 +nagas > that day <03117
+yowm > : for Saul <07586 +Sha>uwl > had adjured <00422 +>alah >
the people <05971 + , saying <00559 +>amar > , Cursed
<00779 +>arar > [ be ] the man <00376 +>iysh > that eateth
<00398 +>akal > [ any ] food <03899 +lechem > until <05704 + > evening <06153 + , that I may be avenged <05358 +naqam
> on {mine} enemies <00341 +>oyeb > . So none <03808 +lo> > of
the people <05971 + tasted <02938 +ta [ any <03605
+kol > ] food <03899 +lechem > .

mine 1SA 014 029 Then said <00559 +>amar > Jonathan <03129
+Yownathan > , My father <1> hathtroubled <05916 + the
land <00776 +>erets > : see <07200 +ra>ah > , I pray <04994 +na>
> you , how <03588 +kiy > {mine} eyes <05869 + have been
enlightened <00215 +>owr > , because <03588 +kiy > I tasted
<02938 +ta a little <04592 +m@ of this <02088 +zeh >
honey <01706 +d@bash > .

mine 1SA 014 043 Then Saul <07586 +Sha>uwl > said <00559 +>amar
> to Jonathan <03129 +Yownathan > , Tell <05046 +nagad > me what
<04100 +mah > thou hast done <06213 + . And Jonathan
<03129 +Yownathan > told <05046 +nagad > him , and said <00559
+>amar > , I did but taste <02938 +ta a little <04592
+m@ honey <01706 +d@bash > with the end <07097 +qatseh > of
the rod <04294 +matteh > that [ was ] in {mine} hand <03027 +yad
> , [ and ] , lo <02114 +zuwr > , I must die <04191 +muwth > .

mine 1SA 015 014 And Samuel <08050 +Sh@muw>el > said <00559
+>amar > , What <04100 +mah > [ meaneth ] then this <02088 +zeh
> bleating <06963 +qowl > of the sheep <06629 +tso>n > in {mine}
ears <00241 +>ozen > , and the lowing <06963 +qowl > of the oxen
<01241 +baqar > which <00834 +>aher > I hear <08085 +shama< > ?

mine 1SA 017 046 This <02088 +zeh > day <03117 +yowm > will the
LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > deliver <05462 +cagar > thee into {mine}
hand <03027 +yad > ; and I will smite <05221 +nakah > thee , and
take <05493 +cuwr > thine head <07218 +ro>sh > from thee ; and I
will give <05414 +nathan > the carcases <06297 +peger > of the
host <04264 +machaneh > of the Philistines <06430 +P@lishtiy >
this <02088 +zeh > day <03117 +yowm > unto the fowls <05775
+ of the air <08064 +shamayim > , and to the wild <02416
+chay > beasts <02416 +chay > of the earth <00776 +>erets > ;
that all <03605 +kol > the earth <00776 +>erets > may know
<03045 +yada< > that there is a God <00430 +>elohiym > in Israel
<03478 +Yisra>el > .

mine 1SA 018 017 And Saul <07586 +Sha>uwl > said <00559 +>amar >
to David <01732 +David > , Behold <02009 +hinneh > my elder
<01419 +gadowl > daughter <01323 +bath > Merab <04764 +Merab > ,
her will I give <05414 +nathan > thee to wife <00802 +>ishshah >
: only <00389 +>ak > be thou valiant for me , and fight <03898
+lacham > the LORD S <03068 +Y@hovah > battles <04421 +milchamah
> . For Saul <07586 +Sha>uwl > said <00559 +>amar > , Let not
{mine} hand <03027 +yad > be upon him , but let the hand <03027
+yad > of the Philistines <06430 +P@lishtiy > be upon him .

mine 1SA 019 017 And Saul <07586 +Sha>uwl > said <00559 +>amar >
unto Michal <04324 +Miykal > , Why <04100 +mah > hast thou
deceived <07411 +ramah > me so <03602 +kakah > , and sent <07971
+shalach > away {mine} enemy <00341 +>oyeb > , that he is
escaped <04422 +malat > ? And Michal <04324 +Miykal > answered
<00559 +>amar > Saul <07586 +Sha>uwl > , He said <00559 +>amar >
unto me , Let me go <07971 +shalach > ; why <04100 +mah > should
I kill <04191 +muwth > thee ?

mine 1SA 020 001 . And David <01732 +David > fled <01272 +barach
> from Naioth <05121 +Naviyth > in Ramah <07414 +Ramah > , and
came <00935 +bow> > and said <00559 +>amar > before <06440
+paniym > Jonathan <03083 +Y@hownathan > , What <04100 +mah >
have I done <06213 + ? what <04100 +mah > [ is ] {mine}
iniquity <05771 + ? and what <04100 +mah > [ is ] my sin
<02403 +chatta>ah > before <06440 +paniym > thy father <1> ,
that he seeketh <01245 +baqash > my life <05315 +nephesh > ?

mine 1SA 021 003 Now therefore what <04100 +mah > is under
<08478 +tachath > thine hand <03027 +yad > ? give <05414 +nathan
> [ me ] five <02568 +chamesh > [ loaves of ] bread <03899
+lechem > in {mine} hand <03027 +yad > , or <00176 +>ow > what
there is present <04672 +matsa> > .

mine 1SA 021 004 And the priest <03548 +kohen > answered <06030
+ David <01732 +David > , and said <00559 +>amar > , [
There is ] no <00369 +>ayin > common <02455 +chol > bread <03899
+lechem > under <08478 +tachath > {mine} hand <03027 +yad > ,
but there is hallowed <06944 +qodesh > bread <03899 +lechem > ;
if <00518 +>im > the young <05288 +na men have kept <08104
+shamar > themselves at <00389 +>ak > least <00389 +>ak > from
women <00802 +>ishshah > .

mine 1SA 023 007 . And it was told <05046 +nagad > Saul <07586
+Sha>uwl > that David <01732 +David > was come <00935 +bow> > to
Keilah <07084 +Q@ . And Saul <07586 +Sha>uwl > said
<00559 +>amar > , God <00430 +>elohiym > hath delivered <05234
+nakar > him into {mine} hand <03027 +yad > ; for he is shut
<05462 +cagar > in , by entering <00935 +bow> > into a town
<05892 + that hath gates <01817 +deleth > and bars <01280
+b@riyach > .

mine 1SA 024 006 And he said <00559 +>amar > unto his men <00582
+>enowsh > , The LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > forbid <02486 +chaliylah
> that I should do <06213 + this <02088 +zeh > thing
<01697 +dabar > unto my master <00113 +>adown > , the LORD S
<03068 +Y@hovah > anointed <04899 +mashiyach > , to stretch
<07971 +shalach > forth {mine} hand <03027 +yad > against him ,
seeing he [ is ] the anointed <04899 +mashiyach > of the LORD
<03068 +Y@hovah > .

mine 1SA 024 010 Behold <02009 +hinneh > , this day <03117 +yowm
> thine eyes <05869 + have seen <07200 +ra>ah > how
<00834 +>aher > that the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > had delivered
<05414 +nathan > thee to day <03117 +yowm > into mine hand
<03027 +yad > in the cave <04631 +m@ : and [ some ] bade
<00559 +>amar > [ me ] kill <02026 +harag > thee : but [ mine
eye ] spared <02347 +chuwc > thee ; and I said <00559 +>amar > ,
I will not put <07971 +shalach > forth <07971 +shalach > {mine}
hand <03027 +yad > against my lord <00113 +>adown > ; for he [
is ] the LORD S <03068 +Y@hovah > anointed <04899 +mashiyach > .

mine 1SA 024 010 Behold <02009 +hinneh > , this day <03117 +yowm
> thine eyes <05869 + have seen <07200 +ra>ah > how
<00834 +>aher > that the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > had delivered
<05414 +nathan > thee to day <03117 +yowm > into mine hand
<03027 +yad > in the cave <04631 +m@ : and [ some ] bade
<00559 +>amar > [ me ] kill <02026 +harag > thee : but [ {mine}
eye ] spared <02347 +chuwc > thee ; and I said <00559 +>amar > ,
I will not put <07971 +shalach > forth <07971 +shalach > mine
hand <03027 +yad > against my lord <00113 +>adown > ; for he [
is ] the LORD S <03068 +Y@hovah > anointed <04899 +mashiyach > .

mine 1SA 024 010 Behold <02009 +hinneh > , this day <03117 +yowm
> thine eyes <05869 + have seen <07200 +ra>ah > how
<00834 +>aher > that the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > had delivered
<05414 +nathan > thee to day <03117 +yowm > into {mine} hand
<03027 +yad > in the cave <04631 +m@ : and [ some ] bade
<00559 +>amar > [ me ] kill <02026 +harag > thee : but [ mine
eye ] spared <02347 +chuwc > thee ; and I said <00559 +>amar > ,
I will not put <07971 +shalach > forth <07971 +shalach > mine
hand <03027 +yad > against my lord <00113 +>adown > ; for he [
is ] the LORD S <03068 +Y@hovah > anointed <04899 +mashiyach > .

mine 1SA 024 011 Moreover , my father <1> , see <07200 +ra>ah > ,
yea <00637 +>aph > , see <07200 +ra>ah > the skirt <03671
+kanaph > of thy robe <04598 +m@ in my hand <03027 +yad > :
for in that I cut <03772 +karath > off the skirt <03671 +kanaph
> of thy robe <04598 +m@ , and killed <02026 +harag > thee
not , know <03045 +yada< > thou and see <07200 +ra>ah > that [
there is ] neither <00369 +>ayin > evil <07451 +ra< > nor
transgression <06588 +pesha< > in {mine} hand <03027 +yad > ,
and I have not sinned <02398 +chata> > against thee ; yet thou
huntest <06658 +tsadah > my soul <05315 +nephesh > to take
<03947 +laqach > it .

mine 1SA 024 012 The LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > judge <08199
+shaphat > between <00996 +beyn > me and thee , and the LORD
<03068 +Y@hovah > avenge <05358 +naqam > me of thee : but {mine}
hand <03027 +yad > shall not be upon thee .

mine 1SA 024 013 As saith <00559 +>amar > the proverb <04912
+mashal > of the ancients <06931 +qadmowniy > , Wickedness
<07562 +resha< > proceedeth <03318 +yatsa> > from the wicked
<07563 +rasha< > : but {mine} hand <03027 +yad > shall not be
upon thee .

mine 1SA 025 033 And blessed <01288 +barak > [ be ] thy advice
<02940 +ta , and blessed <01288 +barak > [ be ] thou ,
which <00834 +>aher > hast kept <03607 +kala> > me this <02088
+zeh > day <03117 +yowm > from coming <00935 +bow> > to [ shed ]
blood <01818 +dam > , and from avenging <03467 +yasha< > myself
with {mine} own hand <03027 +yad > .

mine 1SA 026 011 The LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > forbid <02486
+chaliylah > that I should stretch <07971 +shalach > forth
{mine} hand <03027 +yad > against the LORD S <03068 +Y@hovah >
anointed <04899 +mashiyach > : but , I pray <04994 +na> > thee ,
take <03947 +laqach > thou now <06258 + the spear <02595
+chaniyth > that [ is ] at his bolster <04763 +m@ra>ashah > ,
and the cruse <06835 +tsappachath > of water <04325 +mayim > ,
and let us go <03212 +yalak > .

mine 1SA 026 018 And he said <00559 +>amar > , Wherefore <04100
+mah > doth my lord <00113 +>adown > thus <02088 +zeh > pursue
<07291 +radaph > after <00310 +>achar > his servant <05650
+ ? for what <04100 +mah > have I done <06213 + ?
or what <04100 +mah > evil <07451 +ra< > [ is ] in {mine} hand
<03027 +yad > ?

mine 1SA 026 023 The LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > render <07725 +shuwb
> to every man <00376 +>iysh > his righteousness <06666
+ts@daqah > and his faithfulness <00530 +>emuwnah > : for the
LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > delivered <05414 +nathan > thee into [ my
] hand <03027 +yad > to day <03117 +yowm > , but I would <14>
not stretch <07971 +shalach > forth {mine} hand <03027 +yad >
against the LORD S <03068 +Y@hovah > anointed <04899 +mashiyach
> .

mine 1SA 026 024 And , behold <02009 +hinneh > , as thy life
<05315 +nephesh > was much <01431 +gadal > set <01431 +gadal >
by this <02088 +zeh > day <03117 +yowm > in {mine} eyes <05869
+ , so <03651 +ken > let my life <05315 +nephesh > be
much <01431 +gadal > set <01431 +gadal > by in the eyes <05869
+ of the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > , and let him deliver
<05337 +natsal > me out of all <03605 +kol > tribulation <06869
+tsarah > .

mine 1SA 028 002 And David <01732 +David > said <00559 +>amar >
to Achish <00397 +>Akiysh > , Surely <03651 +ken > thou shalt
know <03045 +yada< > what thy servant <05650 + can do
<06213 + . And Achish <00397 +>Akiysh > said <00559
+>amar > to David <01732 +David > , Therefore will I make <07760
+suwm > thee keeper <08104 +shamar > of {mine} head <07218
+ro>sh > for ever .

mine 2SA 005 019 And David <01732 +David > enquired <07592
+sha>al > of the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > , saying <00559 +>amar >
, Shall I go <05927 + up to the Philistines <06430
+P@lishtiy > ? wilt thou deliver <05414 +nathan > them into
{mine} hand <03027 +yad > ? And the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > said
<00559 +>amar > unto David <01732 +David > , Go <05927 +
up : for I will doubtless deliver <05414 +nathan > the
Philistines <06430 +P@lishtiy > into thine hand <03027 +yad > .

mine 2SA 005 020 And David <01732 +David > came <00935 +bow> >
to Baalperazim <01188 +Ba , and David <01732
+David > smote <05221 +nakah > them there <08033 +sham > , and
said <00559 +>amar > , The LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > hath broken
<06555 +parats > forth upon {mine} enemies <00341 +>oyeb >
before <06440 +paniym > me , as the breach <06556 +perets > of
waters <04325 +mayim > . Therefore he called <07121 +qara> > the
name <08034 +shem > of that place <04725 +maqowm > Baalperazim
<01188 +Ba .

mine 2SA 006 022 And I will yet <05750 + be more vile
<07043 +qalal > than thus <02063 +zo>th > , and will be base
<08217 +shaphal > in {mine} own sight <05869 + : and of
the maidservants <00519 +>amah > which <00834 +>aher > thou hast
spoken <00559 +>amar > of , of them shall I be had in honour
<03513 +kabad > .

mine 2SA 011 011 And Uriah <00223 +>Uwriyah > said <00559 +>amar
> unto David <01732 +David > , The ark <00727 +>arown > , and
Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > , and Judah <03063 +Y@huwdah > , abide
<03427 +yashab > in tents <05521 +cukkah > ; and my lord <00113
+>adown > Joab <03097 +Yow>ab > , and the servants <05650 + > of my lord <00113 +>adown > , are encamped <02583 +chanah > in
the open <06440 +paniym > fields <07704 +sadeh > ; shall I then
go <00935 +bow> > into <00413 +>el > {mine} house <01004 +bayith
> , to eat <00398 +>akal > and to drink <08354 +shathah > , and
to lie <07901 +shakab > with my wife <00802 +>ishshah > ? [ as ]
thou livest <02416 +chay > , and [ as ] thy soul <05315 +nephesh
> liveth <02416 +chay > , I will not do <06213 + this
<02088 +zeh > thing <01697 +dabar > .

mine 2SA 014 005 And the king <04428 +melek > said <00559 +>amar
> unto her , What <04100 +mah >aileth thee ? And she answered
<00559 +>amar > , I [ am ] indeed <61> a widow <00490 +>almanah
> woman <00802 +>ishshah > , and {mine} husband <00376 +>iysh >
is dead <04191 +muwth > .

mine 2SA 014 030 Therefore he said <00559 +>amar > unto his
servants <05650 + , See <07200 +ra>ah > , Joab s <03097
+Yow>ab > field <02513 +chelqah > is near <00413 +>el > {mine}
<03027 +yad > , and he hath barley <08184 +s@ there
<08033 +sham > ; go <03212 +yalak > and set it on fire <00784
+>esh > . And Absalom s <53> servants <05650 + set the
field <02513 +chelqah > on fire <00784 +>esh > .

mine 2SA 016 012 It may be that the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > will
look <07200 +ra>ah > on {mine} affliction <06040 + , and
that the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > will requite <07725 +shuwb > me
good <02896 +towb > for his cursing <07045 +q@lalah > this
<02088 +zeh > day <03117 +yowm > .

mine 2SA 018 012 And the man <00376 +>iysh > said <00559 +>amar
> unto Joab <03097 +Yow>ab > , Though <03863 +luw> > I should
receive <08254 +shaqal > a thousand <00505 +>eleph > [ shekels ]
of silver <03701 +keceph > in mine hand <03709 +kaph > , [ yet ]
would I not put <07971 +shalach > forth <07971 +shalach > {mine}
hand <03027 +yad > against <00413 +>el > the king s <04428
+melek > son <01121 +ben > : for in our hearing <00241 +>ozen >
the king <04428 +melek > charged <06680 +tsavah > thee and
Abishai <52> and Ittai <00863 +>Ittay > , saying <00559 +>amar >
, Beware <08104 +shamar > that none [ touch ] the young <05288
+na man Absalom <53> .

mine 2SA 018 012 And the man <00376 +>iysh > said <00559 +>amar
> unto Joab <03097 +Yow>ab > , Though <03863 +luw> > I should
receive <08254 +shaqal > a thousand <00505 +>eleph > [ shekels ]
of silver <03701 +keceph > in {mine} hand <03709 +kaph > , [ yet
] would I not put <07971 +shalach > forth <07971 +shalach > mine
hand <03027 +yad > against <00413 +>el > the king s <04428
+melek > son <01121 +ben > : for in our hearing <00241 +>ozen >
the king <04428 +melek > charged <06680 +tsavah > thee and
Abishai <52> and Ittai <00863 +>Ittay > , saying <00559 +>amar >
, Beware <08104 +shamar > that none [ touch ] the young <05288
+na man Absalom <53> .

mine 2SA 018 013 Otherwise <00176 +>ow > I should have wrought
<06213 + falsehood <08267 +sheqer > against {mine} own
life <05315 +nephesh > : for there is no <03808 +lo> > matter
<01697 +dabar > hid <03582 +kachad > from the king <04428 +melek
> , and thou thyself <00859 +>attah > wouldest have set <03320
+yatsab > thyself against <05048 +neged > [ me ] .

mine 2SA 019 037 Let thy servant <05650 + , I pray <04994
+na> > thee , turn <07725 +shuwb > back <07725 +shuwb > again
<07725 +shuwb > , that I may die <04191 +muwth > in {mine} own
city <05892 + , [ and be buried ] by the grave <06913
+qeber > of my father <1> and of my mother <00517 +>em > . But
behold <02009 +hinneh > thy servant <05650 + Chimham
<03643 +Kimham > ; let him go <05674 + over <05674 + > with my lord <03068 +Y@hovah > the king <04428 +melek > ; and
do <06213 + to him what shall seem good <02896 +towb >
unto thee .

mine 2SA 022 004 I will call <07121 +qara> > on the LORD <03068
+Y@hovah > , [ who is ] worthy to be praised <01984 +halal > :
so shall I be saved <03467 +yasha< > from {mine} enemies <00341
+>oyeb > .

mine 2SA 022 024 I was also upright <08549 +tamiym > before him ,
and have kept <08104 +shamar > myself from {mine} iniquity
<05771 + .

mine 2SA 022 035 He teacheth <03925 +lamad > my hands <03027
+yad > to war <04421 +milchamah > ; so that a bow <07198
+qesheth > of steel <05154 +n@chuwshah > is broken <05181
+nachath > by {mine} arms <02220 +z@rowa< > .

mine 2SA 022 038 I have pursued <07291 +radaph > {mine} enemies
<00341 +>oyeb > , and destroyed <08045 +shamad > them ; and
turned <07725 +shuwb > not again <07725 +shuwb > until <05704
+ I had consumed <03615 +kalah > them .

mine 2SA 022 041 Thou hast also given <05414 +nathan > me the
necks <06203 + of {mine} enemies <00341 +>oyeb > , that
I might destroy <06789 +tsamath > them that hate <08130 +sane> >
me .

mine 2SA 022 049 And that bringeth <03318 +yatsa> > me forth
<04161 +mowtsa> > from {mine} enemies <00341 +>oyeb > : thou
also hast lifted <07311 +ruwm > me up on high <07311 +ruwm >
above them that rose <06965 +quwm > up against me : thou hast
delivered <05337 +natsal > me from the violent <02555 +chamac >
man <00376 +>iysh > .

mine 1KI 001 033 The king <04428 +melek > also said <00559
+>amar > unto them , Take <03947 +laqach > with you the servants
<05650 + of your lord <00113 +>adown > , and cause
Solomon <08010 +Sh@lomoh > my son <01121 +ben > to ride <07392
+rakab > upon {mine} own mule <06506 +pirdah > , and bring
<03381 +yarad > him down <03381 +yarad > to Gihon <01521
+Giychown > :

mine 1KI 001 048 And also <01571 +gam > thus <03602 +kakah >
said <00559 +>amar > the king <04428 +melek > , Blessed <01288
+barak > [ be ] the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > God <00430 +>elohiym
> of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > , which <00834 +>aher > hath
given <05414 +nathan > [ one ] to sit <03427 +yashab > on <05921
+ my throne <03678 +kicce> > this day <03117 +yowm > ,
{mine} eyes <05869 + even seeing <07200 +ra>ah > [ it ] .

mine 1KI 002 015 And he said <00559 +>amar > , Thou knowest
<03045 +yada< > that the kingdom <04410 +m@luwkah > was {mine} ,
and [ that ] all <03605 +kol > Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > set
<07760 +suwm > their faces <06440 +paniym > on <05921 + me ,
that I should reign <04427 +malak > : howbeit the kingdom
<04410 +m@luwkah > is turned <05437 +cabab > about <05437 +cabab
> , and is become <01961 +hayah > my brother s <00251 +>ach > :
for it was his from the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > .

mine 1KI 002 022 And king <04428 +melek > Solomon <08010
+Sh@lomoh > answered <06030 + and said <00559 +>amar >
unto his mother <00517 +>em > , And why <04100 +mah > dost thou
ask <07592 +sha>al > Abishag <49> the Shunammite <07767
+Shuwnammiyth > for Adonijah <00138 +>Adoniyah > ? ask <07592
+sha>al > for him the kingdom <04410 +m@luwkah > also ; for he [
is ] {mine} elder <01419 +gadowl > brother <00251 +>ach > ; even
for him , and for Abiathar <54> the priest <03548 +kohen > , and
for Joab <03097 +Yow>ab > the son <01121 +ben > of Zeruiah
<06870 +Ts@ruwyah > .

mine 1KI 003 026 Then spake <00559 +>amar > the woman <00802
+>ishshah > whose <00834 +>aher > the living <02416 +chay >
child <01121 +ben > [ was ] unto the king <04428 +melek > , for
her bowels <07358 +rechem > yearned <03648 +kamar > upon her son
<01121 +ben > , and she said <00559 +>amar > , O my lord <00113
+>adown > , give <05414 +nathan > her the living <02416 +chay >
child <03205 +yalad > , and in no <00408 +>al > wise slay <04191
+muwth > it . But the other <02063 +zo>th > said <00559 +>amar >
, Let it be neither {mine} nor thine , [ but ] divide <01504
+gazar > [ it ] .

mine 1KI 009 003 And the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > said <00559
+>amar > unto him , I have heard <08085 +shama< > thy prayer
<08605 +t@phillah > and thy supplication <08467 +t@chinnah > ,
that thou hast made before <06440 +paniym > me : I have hallowed
<06942 +qadash > this <02088 +zeh > house <01004 +bayith > ,
which <00834 +>aher > thou hast built <01129 +banah > , to put
<07760 +suwm > my name <08034 +shem > there <08033 +sham > for
ever <05769 + ; and mine eyes <05869 + and {mine}
heart <03824 +lebab > shall be there <08033 +sham > perpetually .

mine 1KI 009 003 And the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > said <00559
+>amar > unto him , I have heard <08085 +shama< > thy prayer
<08605 +t@phillah > and thy supplication <08467 +t@chinnah > ,
that thou hast made before <06440 +paniym > me : I have hallowed
<06942 +qadash > this <02088 +zeh > house <01004 +bayith > ,
which <00834 +>aher > thou hast built <01129 +banah > , to put
<07760 +suwm > my name <08034 +shem > there <08033 +sham > for
ever <05769 + ; and {mine} eyes <05869 + and mine
heart <03824 +lebab > shall be there <08033 +sham > perpetually .

mine 1KI 010 006 And she said <00559 +>amar > to the king <04428
+melek > , It was a true <00571 +>emeth > report <01697 +dabar >
that I heard <08085 +shama< > in {mine} own land <00776 +>erets
> of thy acts <01697 +dabar > and of thy wisdom <02451 +chokmah
> .

mine 1KI 010 007 Howbeit I believed <00539 +>aman > not the
words <01697 +dabar > , until <05704 + I came <00935 +bow>
> , and {mine} eyes <05869 + had seen <07200 +ra>ah > [
it ] : and , behold <02009 +hinneh > , the half <02677 +chetsiy
> was not told <05046 +nagad > me : thy wisdom <02451 +chokmah >
and prosperity <02896 +towb > exceedeth <03254 +yacaph > the
fame <08052 +sh@muw which <00834 +>aher > I heard <08085
+shama< > .

mine 1KI 011 021 And when Hadad <01908 +Hadad > heard <08085
+shama< > in Egypt <04714 +Mitsrayim > that David <01732 +David
> slept <07901 +shakab > with his fathers <1> , and that Joab
<03097 +Yow>ab > the captain <08269 +sar > of the host <06635
+tsaba> > was dead <04191 +muwth > , Hadad <01908 +Hadad > said
<00559 +>amar > to Pharaoh <06547 +Par , Let me depart
<07971 +shalach > , that I may go <03212 +yalak > to {mine} own
country <00776 +>erets > .

mine 1KI 011 033 Because that they have forsaken <05800 +
me , and have worshipped <07812 +shachah > Ashtoreth <06252
+ the goddess <00430 +>elohiym > of the Zidonians
<06722 +Tsiydoniy > , Chemosh <03645 +K@mowsh > the god <00430
+>elohiym > of the Moabites <04124 +Mow>ab > , and Milcom <04445
+Malkam > the god <00430 +>elohiym > of the children <01121 +ben
> of Ammon <05983 + , and have not walked <01980 +halak
> in my ways <01870 +derek > , to do <06213 + [ that
which is ] right <03477 +yashar > in {mine} eyes <05869 +
, and [ to keep ] my statutes <02708 +chuqqah > and my judgments
<04941 +mishpat > , as [ did ] David <01732 +David > his father
<1> .

mine 1KI 014 008 And rent <07167 +qara< > the kingdom <04467
+mamlakah > away from the house <01004 +bayith > of David <01732
+David > , and gave <05414 +nathan > it thee : and [ yet ] thou
hast not been <01961 +hayah > as my servant <05650 +
David <01732 +David > , who <00834 +>aher > kept <08104 +shamar
> my commandments <04687 +mitsvah > , and who <00834 +>aher >
followed me with all <03605 +kol > his heart <03824 +lebab > ,
to do <06213 + [ that ] only <07535 +raq > [ which <01931
+huw> > was ] right <03477 +yashar > in {mine} eyes <05869
+ ;

mine 1KI 020 003 Thy silver <03701 +keceph > and thy gold <02091
+zahab > [ is ] mine ; thy wives <00802 +>ishshah > also and thy
children <01121 +ben > , [ even ] the goodliest <02896 +towb > ,
[ are ] {mine} .

mine 1KI 020 003 Thy silver <03701 +keceph > and thy gold <02091
+zahab > [ is ] {mine} ; thy wives <00802 +>ishshah > also and
thy children <01121 +ben > , [ even ] the goodliest <02896 +towb
> , [ are ] mine .

mine 1KI 021 020 And Ahab <00256 +>Ach>ab > said <00559 +>amar >
to Elijah <00452 +>Eliyah > , Hast thou found <04672 +matsa> >
me , O {mine} enemy <00341 +>oyeb > ? And he answered <00559
+>amar > , I have found <04672 +matsa> > [ thee ] : because
<03588 +kiy > thou hast sold <04376 +makar > thyself to work
<06213 + evil <07451 +ra< > in the sight <05869 +
of the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > .

mine 2KI 004 013 And he said <00559 +>amar > unto him , Say
<00559 +>amar > now <04994 +na> > unto her , Behold <02009
+hinneh > , thou hast been careful <02729 +charad > for us with
all <03605 +kol > this <02063 +zo>th > care <02731 +charadah > ;
what <04100 +mah > [ is ] to be done <06213 + for thee ?
wouldest <03426 +yesh > thou be spoken <01696 +dabar > for to
the king <04428 +melek > , or <00176 +>ow > to the captain
<08269 +sar > of the host <06635 +tsaba> > ? And she answered
<00559 +>amar > , I dwell <03427 +yashab > among <08432 +tavek >
{mine} own people <05971 + .

mine 2KI 005 026 And he said <00559 +>amar > unto him , Went
<01980 +halak > not {mine} heart <03820 +leb > [ with thee ] ,
when the man <00376 +>iysh > turned <02015 +haphak > again from
his chariot <04818 +merkabah > to meet <07125 +qir>ah > thee ? [
Is it ] a time <06256 + to receive <03947 +laqach > money
<03701 +keceph > , and to receive <03947 +laqach > garments
<00899 +beged > , and oliveyards <02132 +zayith > , and
vineyards <03754 +kerem > , and sheep <06629 +tso>n > , and oxen
<01241 +baqar > , and menservants <05650 + , and
maidservants <08198 +shiphchah > ?

mine 2KI 006 032 But Elisha <00477 +>Eliysha< > sat <03427
+yashab > in his house <01004 +bayith > , and the elders <02205
+zaqen > sat <03427 +yashab > with him ; and [ the king ] sent
<07971 +shalach > a man <00376 +>iysh > from before <06440
+paniym > him : but ere <02962 +terem > the messenger <04397
+mal>ak > came <00935 +bow> > to him , he said <00559 +>amar >
to the elders <02205 +zaqen > , See <07200 +ra>ah > ye how
<03588 +kiy > this son <01121 +ben > of a murderer <07523
+ratsach > hath sent <07971 +shalach > to take <05493 +cuwr >
away {mine} head <07218 +ro>sh > ? look <07200 +ra>ah > , when
the messenger <04397 +mal>ak > cometh <00935 +bow> > , shut
<05462 +cagar > the door <01817 +deleth > , and hold <03905
+lachats > him fast at the door <01817 +deleth > : [ is ] not
the sound <06963 +qowl > of his master s <00113 +>adown > feet
<07272 +regel > behind <00310 +>achar > him ?

mine 2KI 010 006 Then he wrote <03789 +kathab > a letter <05612
+cepher > the second <08145 +sheniy > time to them , saying
<00559 +>amar > , If <00518 +>im > ye [ be ] {mine} , and [ if
<00518 +>im > ] ye will hearken <08085 +shama< > unto my voice
<06963 +qowl > , take <03947 +laqach > ye the heads <07218
+ro>sh > of the men <00582 +>enowsh > your master s <00113
+>adown > sons <01121 +ben > , and come <00935 +bow> > to me to
Jezreel <03157 +Yizr@l > by to morrow <04279 +machar > this
time <06256 + . Now the king s <04428 +melek > sons <01121
+ben > , [ being ] seventy <07657 +shib persons <00376
+>iysh > , [ were ] with the great <01419 +gadowl > men of the
city <05892 + , which brought <01431 +gadal > them up .

mine 2KI 010 030 And the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > said <00559
+>amar > unto Jehu <03058 +Yehuw> > , Because thou hast done
well <02895 +towb > in executing <06213 + [ that which is
] right <03225 +yamiyn > in mine eyes <05869 + , [ and ]
hast done <06213 + unto the house <01004 +bayith > of
Ahab <00256 +>Ach>ab > according to all <03605 +kol > that [ was
] in {mine} heart <03824 +lebab > , thy children <01121 +ben >
of the fourth <07243 +r@biy [ generation ] shall sit <03427
+yashab > on <05921 + the throne <03678 +kicce> > of Israel
<03478 +Yisra>el > .

mine 2KI 010 030 And the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > said <00559
+>amar > unto Jehu <03058 +Yehuw> > , Because thou hast done
well <02895 +towb > in executing <06213 + [ that which is
] right <03225 +yamiyn > in {mine} eyes <05869 + , [ and
] hast done <06213 + unto the house <01004 +bayith > of
Ahab <00256 +>Ach>ab > according to all <03605 +kol > that [ was
] in mine heart <03824 +lebab > , thy children <01121 +ben > of
the fourth <07243 +r@biy [ generation ] shall sit <03427
+yashab > on <05921 + the throne <03678 +kicce> > of Israel
<03478 +Yisra>el > .

mine 2KI 018 034 Where <00346 +>ayeh > [ are ] the gods <00430
+>elohiym > of Hamath <02574 +Chamath > , and of Arpad <00774
+>Arpad > ? where <00346 +>ayeh > [ are ] the gods <00430
+>elohiym > of Sepharvaim <05617 +C@pharvayim > , Hena <02012
+Hena< > , and Ivah <05755 + ? have they delivered
<05337 +natsal > Samaria <08111 +Shom@rown > out of {mine} hand
<03027 +yad > ?

mine 2KI 018 035 Who <04310 +miy > [ are ] they among all <03605
+kol > the gods <00430 +>elohiym > of the countries <00776
+>erets > , that have delivered <05337 +natsal > their country
<00776 +>erets > out of mine hand <03027 +yad > , that the LORD
<03068 +Y@hovah > should deliver <05337 +natsal > Jerusalem
<03389 +Y@ruwshalaim > out of {mine} hand <03027 +yad > ?

mine 2KI 018 035 Who <04310 +miy > [ are ] they among all <03605
+kol > the gods <00430 +>elohiym > of the countries <00776
+>erets > , that have delivered <05337 +natsal > their country
<00776 +>erets > out of {mine} hand <03027 +yad > , that the
LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > should deliver <05337 +natsal > Jerusalem
<03389 +Y@ruwshalaim > out of mine hand <03027 +yad > ?

mine 2KI 019 028 Because <03282 +ya thy rage <07264 +ragaz
> against <00413 +>el > me and thy tumult <07600 +sha>anan > is
come <05927 + up into {mine} ears <00241 +>ozen > ,
therefore I will put <07760 +suwm > my hook <02397 +chach > in
thy nose <00639 +>aph > , and my bridle <04964 +metheg > in thy
lips <08193 +saphah > , and I will turn <07725 +shuwb > thee
back <07725 +shuwb > by the way <01870 +derek > by which <00834
+>aher > thou camest <00935 +bow> > .

mine 2KI 019 034 For I will defend <01598 +ganan > this <02063
+zo>th > city <05892 + , to save <03467 +yasha< > it , for
{mine} own sake <04616 +ma , and for my servant <05650
+ David s <01732 +David > sake <04616 +ma .

mine 2KI 020 006 And I will add <03254 +yacaph > unto thy days
<03117 +yowm > fifteen <06240 + years <08141 +shaneh > ;
and I will deliver <05337 +natsal > thee and this <02063 +zo>th
> city <05892 + out of the hand <03709 +kaph > of the king
<04428 +melek > of Assyria <00804 +>Ashshuwr > ; and I will
defend <01598 +ganan > this city <05892 + for {mine} own
sake <04616 +ma , and for my servant <05650 + David
s <01732 +David > sake <04616 +ma .

mine 2KI 020 015 And he said <00559 +>amar > , What <04100 +mah
> have they seen <07200 +ra>ah > in thine house <01004 +bayith >
? And Hezekiah <02396 +Chizqiyah > answered <00559 +>amar > ,
All <03605 +kol > [ the things ] that [ are ] in {mine} house
<01004 +bayith > have they seen <07200 +ra>ah > : there is
nothing <01697 +dabar > among my treasures <00214 +>owtsar >
that I have not shewed <07200 +ra>ah > them .

mine 1CH 012 017 And David <01732 +David > went <03318 +yatsa> >
out to meet <06440 +paniym > them , and answered <06030 +
and said <00559 +>amar > unto them , If <00518 +>im > ye be come
<00935 +bow> > peaceably <07965 +shalowm > unto me to help
<05826 + me , mine heart <03824 +lebab > shall be knit
<03162 +yachad > unto you : but if <00518 +>im > [ ye be come ]
to betray <07411 +ramah > me to mine enemies <06862 +tsar > ,
seeing [ there is ] no <03808 +lo> > wrong <02555 +chamac > in
{mine} hands <03709 +kaph > , the God <00430 +>elohiym > of our
fathers <1> look <07200 +ra>ah > [ thereon ] , and rebuke <03198
+yakach > [ it ] .

mine 1CH 012 017 And David <01732 +David > went <03318 +yatsa> >
out to meet <06440 +paniym > them , and answered <06030 +
and said <00559 +>amar > unto them , If <00518 +>im > ye be come
<00935 +bow> > peaceably <07965 +shalowm > unto me to help
<05826 + me , mine heart <03824 +lebab > shall be knit
<03162 +yachad > unto you : but if <00518 +>im > [ ye be come ]
to betray <07411 +ramah > me to {mine} enemies <06862 +tsar > ,
seeing [ there is ] no <03808 +lo> > wrong <02555 +chamac > in
mine hands <03709 +kaph > , the God <00430 +>elohiym > of our
fathers <1> look <07200 +ra>ah > [ thereon ] , and rebuke <03198
+yakach > [ it ] .

mine 1CH 012 017 And David <01732 +David > went <03318 +yatsa> >
out to meet <06440 +paniym > them , and answered <06030 +
and said <00559 +>amar > unto them , If <00518 +>im > ye be come
<00935 +bow> > peaceably <07965 +shalowm > unto me to help
<05826 + me , {mine} heart <03824 +lebab > shall be knit
<03162 +yachad > unto you : but if <00518 +>im > [ ye be come ]
to betray <07411 +ramah > me to mine enemies <06862 +tsar > ,
seeing [ there is ] no <03808 +lo> > wrong <02555 +chamac > in
mine hands <03709 +kaph > , the God <00430 +>elohiym > of our
fathers <1> look <07200 +ra>ah > [ thereon ] , and rebuke <03198
+yakach > [ it ] .

mine 1CH 014 010 And David <01732 +David > enquired <07592
+sha>al > of God <00430 +>elohiym > , saying <00559 +>amar > ,
Shall I go <05927 + up against <05921 + the
Philistines <06430 +P@lishtiy > ? and wilt thou deliver <05414
+nathan > them into {mine} hand <03027 +yad > ? And the LORD
<03068 +Y@hovah > said <00559 +>amar > unto him , Go <05927
+ up ; for I will deliver <05414 +nathan > them into
thine hand <03027 +yad > .

mine 1CH 014 011 So they came <05927 + up to Baalperazim
<01188 +Ba ; and David <01732 +David > smote
<05221 +nakah > them there <08033 +sham > . Then David <01732
+David > said <00559 +>amar > , God <00430 +>elohiym > hath
broken <06555 +parats > in upon mine enemies <00341 +>oyeb > by
{mine} hand <03027 +yad > like the breaking <06556 +perets >
forth of waters <04325 +mayim > : therefore they called <07121
+qara> > the name <08034 +shem > of that place <04725 +maqowm >
Baalperazim <01188 +Ba .

mine 1CH 014 011 So they came <05927 + up to Baalperazim
<01188 +Ba ; and David <01732 +David > smote
<05221 +nakah > them there <08033 +sham > . Then David <01732
+David > said <00559 +>amar > , God <00430 +>elohiym > hath
broken <06555 +parats > in upon {mine} enemies <00341 +>oyeb >
by mine hand <03027 +yad > like the breaking <06556 +perets >
forth of waters <04325 +mayim > : therefore they called <07121
+qara> > the name <08034 +shem > of that place <04725 +maqowm >
Baalperazim <01188 +Ba .

mine 1CH 016 022 [ Saying ] , Touch <05060 +naga< > not {mine}
anointed <04899 +mashiyach > , and do my prophets <05030 +nabiy>
> no <00408 +>al > harm <07489 +ra .

mine 1CH 017 014 But I will settle <05975 + him in {mine}
house <01004 +bayith > and in my kingdom <04438 +malkuwth > for
ever <05769 + : and his throne <03678 +kicce> > shall be
established <03559 +kuwn > for evermore <05769 + .

mine 1CH 017 016 . And David <01732 +David > the king <04428
+melek > came <00935 +bow> > and sat <03427 +yashab > before
<06440 +paniym > the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > , and said <00559
+>amar > , Who <04310 +miy > [ am ] I , O LORD <03068 +Y@hovah >
God <00430 +>elohiym > , and what <04310 +miy > [ is ] {mine}
house <01004 +bayith > , that thou hast brought <00935 +bow> >
me hitherto <01988 +halom > ?

mine 1CH 022 018 [ Is ] not the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > your God
<00430 +>elohiym > with you ? and hath he [ not ] given you rest
<03499 +yether > on every <05437 +cabab > side <05439 +cabiyb >
? for he hath given <05414 +nathan > the inhabitants <03427
+yashab > of the land <00776 +>erets > into {mine} hand <03027
+yad > ; and the land <00776 +>erets > is subdued <03533 +kabash
> before <06440 +paniym > the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > , and
before <06440 +paniym > his people <05971 + .

mine 1CH 028 002 Then David <01732 +David > the king <04428
+melek > stood <06965 +quwm > up upon his feet <07272 +regel > ,
and said <00559 +>amar > , Hear <08085 +shama< > me , my
brethren <00251 +>ach > , and my people <05971 + : [ As for
me ] , I [ had ] in {mine} heart <03824 +lebab > to build <01129
+banah > an house <01004 +bayith > of rest <04496 +m@nuwchah >
for the ark <00727 +>arown > of the covenant <01285 +b@riyth >
of the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > , and for the footstool of our God
<00430 +>elohiym > , and had made <06213 + ready <03559
+kuwn > for the building <01129 +banah > :

mine 1CH 029 003 Moreover <05750 + , because I have set my
affection <07521 +ratsah > to the house <01004 +bayith > of my
God <00430 +>elohiym > , I have <03426 +yesh > of {mine} own
proper <05459 +c@gullah > good , of gold <02091 +zahab > and
silver <03701 +keceph > , [ which ] I have given <05414 +nathan
> to the house <01004 +bayith > of my God <00430 +>elohiym > ,
over <05921 + and above <04605 +ma all <03605 +kol >
that I have prepared <03559 +kuwn > for the holy <06944 +qodesh
> house <01004 +bayith > ,

mine 1CH 029 017 I know <03045 +yada< > also , my God <00430
+>elohiym > , that thou triest <00974 +bachan > the heart <03824
+lebab > , and hast pleasure <07521 +ratsah > in uprightness
<03476 +yosher > . As for me , in the uprightness <04339
+meyshar > of {mine} heart <03824 +lebab > I have willingly
<05068 +nadab > offered all <03605 +kol > these <00428 +>el -
leh > things : and now <06258 + have I seen <07200
+ra>ah > with joy <08057 +simchah > thy people <05971 + ,
which are present <04672 +matsa> > here <06311 +poh > , to offer
willingly <05068 +nadab > unto thee .

mine 2CH 007 015 Now <06258 + mine eyes <05869 +
shall be open <06605 +pathach > , and {mine} ears <00241 +>ozen
> attent <07183 +qashshab > unto the prayer <08605 +t@phillah >
[ that is made ] in this <02088 +zeh > place <04725 +maqowm > .

mine 2CH 007 015 Now <06258 + {mine} eyes <05869 + > shall be open <06605 +pathach > , and mine ears <00241 +>ozen
> attent <07183 +qashshab > unto the prayer <08605 +t@phillah >
[ that is made ] in this <02088 +zeh > place <04725 +maqowm > .

mine 2CH 007 016 For now <06258 + have I chosen <00977
+bachar > and sanctified <06942 +qadash > this <02088 +zeh >
house <01004 +bayith > , that my name <08034 +shem > may be
there <08033 +sham > for ever <05769 + : and mine eyes
<05869 + and {mine} heart <03820 +leb > shall be there
<08033 +sham > perpetually .

mine 2CH 007 016 For now <06258 + have I chosen <00977
+bachar > and sanctified <06942 +qadash > this <02088 +zeh >
house <01004 +bayith > , that my name <08034 +shem > may be
there <08033 +sham > for ever <05769 + : and {mine} eyes
<05869 + and mine heart <03820 +leb > shall be there
<08033 +sham > perpetually .

mine 2CH 009 005 And she said <00559 +>amar > to the king <04428
+melek > , [ It was ] a true <00571 +>emeth > report <01697
+dabar > which <00834 +>aher > I heard <08085 +shama< > in
{mine} own land <00776 +>erets > of thine acts <01697 +dabar > ,
and of thy wisdom <02451 +chokmah > :

mine 2CH 009 006 Howbeit I believed <00539 +>aman > not their
words <01697 +dabar > , until <05704 + I came <00935 +bow>
> , and {mine} eyes <05869 + had seen <07200 +ra>ah > [
it ] : and , behold <02009 +hinneh > , the one half <02677
+chetsiy > of the greatness <04768 +marbiyth > of thy wisdom
<02451 +chokmah > was not told <05046 +nagad > me : [ for ] thou
exceedest <03254 +yacaph > the fame <08052 +sh@muw that I
heard <08085 +shama< > .

mine 2CH 029 010 Now <06258 + [ it is ] in {mine} heart
<03824 +lebab > to make <03772 +karath > a covenant <01285
+b@riyth > with the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > God <00430 +>elohiym
> of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > , that his fierce <02740 +charown
> wrath <00639 +>aph > may turn <07725 +shuwb > away from us .

mine 2CH 032 013 Know <03045 +yada< > ye not what <04100 +mah >
I and my fathers <1> have done <06213 + unto all <03605
+kol > the people <05971 + of [ other ] lands <00776
+>erets > ? were the gods <00430 +>elohiym > of the nations
<01471 +gowy > of those lands <00776 +>erets > any ways able
<03201 +yakol > to deliver <05337 +natsal > their lands <00776
+>erets > out of {mine} hand <03027 +yad > ?

mine 2CH 032 014 Who <04310 +miy > [ was there ] among all
<03605 +kol > the gods <00430 +>elohiym > of those <00428 +>el -
leh > nations <01471 +gowy > that my fathers <1> utterly
destroyed <02763 +charam > , that could <03201 +yakol > deliver
<05337 +natsal > his people <05971 + out of mine hand
<03027 +yad > , that your God <00430 +>elohiym > should be able
<03201 +yakol > to deliver <05337 +natsal > you out of {mine}
hand <03027 +yad > ?

mine 2CH 032 014 Who <04310 +miy > [ was there ] among all
<03605 +kol > the gods <00430 +>elohiym > of those <00428 +>el -
leh > nations <01471 +gowy > that my fathers <1> utterly
destroyed <02763 +charam > , that could <03201 +yakol > deliver
<05337 +natsal > his people <05971 + out of {mine} hand
<03027 +yad > , that your God <00430 +>elohiym > should be able
<03201 +yakol > to deliver <05337 +natsal > you out of mine hand
<03027 +yad > ?

mine 2CH 032 015 Now <06258 + therefore let not Hezekiah
<02396 +Chizqiyah > deceive <05377 +nasha> > you , nor <00408
+>al > persuade <05496 +cuwth > you on this <02063 +zo>th >
manner , neither <00408 +>al > yet believe <00539 +>aman > him :
for no <03808 +lo> > god <00433 +>elowahh > of any <03605 +kol >
nation <01471 +gowy > or kingdom <04467 +mamlakah > was able
<03201 +yakol > to deliver <05337 +natsal > his people <05971
+ out of mine hand <03027 +yad > , and out of the hand
<03027 +yad > of my fathers <1> : how <00637 +>aph > much less
shall your God <00430 +>elohiym > deliver <05337 +natsal > you
out of {mine} hand <03027 +yad > ?

mine 2CH 032 015 Now <06258 + therefore let not Hezekiah
<02396 +Chizqiyah > deceive <05377 +nasha> > you , nor <00408
+>al > persuade <05496 +cuwth > you on this <02063 +zo>th >
manner , neither <00408 +>al > yet believe <00539 +>aman > him :
for no <03808 +lo> > god <00433 +>elowahh > of any <03605 +kol >
nation <01471 +gowy > or kingdom <04467 +mamlakah > was able
<03201 +yakol > to deliver <05337 +natsal > his people <05971
+ out of {mine} hand <03027 +yad > , and out of the hand
<03027 +yad > of my fathers <1> : how <00637 +>aph > much less
shall your God <00430 +>elohiym > deliver <05337 +natsal > you
out of mine hand <03027 +yad > ?

mine 2CH 032 017 He wrote <03789 +kathab > also letters <05612
+cepher > to rail <02778 +charaph . > on the LORD <03068
+Y@hovah > God <00430 +>elohiym > of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > ,
and to speak <00559 +>amar > against <05921 + him , saying
<00559 +>amar > , As the gods <00430 +>elohiym > of the nations
<01471 +gowy > of [ other ] lands <00776 +>erets > have not
delivered <05337 +natsal > their people <05971 + out of
mine hand <03027 +yad > , so <03651 +ken > shall not the God
<00430 +>elohiym > of Hezekiah <02396 +Chizqiyah > deliver
<05337 +natsal > his people <05971 + out of {mine} hand
<03027 +yad > .

mine 2CH 032 017 He wrote <03789 +kathab > also letters <05612
+cepher > to rail <02778 +charaph . > on the LORD <03068
+Y@hovah > God <00430 +>elohiym > of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > ,
and to speak <00559 +>amar > against <05921 + him , saying
<00559 +>amar > , As the gods <00430 +>elohiym > of the nations
<01471 +gowy > of [ other ] lands <00776 +>erets > have not
delivered <05337 +natsal > their people <05971 + out of
{mine} hand <03027 +yad > , so <03651 +ken > shall not the God
<00430 +>elohiym > of Hezekiah <02396 +Chizqiyah > deliver
<05337 +natsal > his people <05971 + out of mine hand
<03027 +yad > .

mine NEH 007 005 . And my God <00430 +>elohiym > put <05414
+nathan > into <00413 +>el > {mine} heart <03820 +leb > to
gather <06908 +qabats > together the nobles <02715 +chor > , and
the rulers <05461 +cagan > , and the people <05971 + , that
they might be reckoned <03187 +yachas > by genealogy <03188
+yachas > . And I found <04672 +matsa> > a register <05612
+cepher > of the genealogy <03188 +yachas > of them which came
<05927 + up at the first <07223 +ri>shown > , and found
<04672 +matsa> > written <03789 +kathab > therein ,

mine JOB 003 010 Because <03588 +kiy > it shut <05462 +cagar >
not up the doors <01817 +deleth > of my [ mother s ] womb <00990
+beten > , nor hid <05641 +cathar > sorrow <03999 +mabbuwl >
from {mine} eyes <05869 + .

mine JOB 004 012 . Now a thing <01697 +dabar > was secretly
<01589 +ganab > brought <01589 +ganab > to me , and {mine} ear
<00241 +>ozen > received <03947 +laqach > a little <08102
+shemets > thereof .

mine JOB 004 016 It stood <05975 + still , but I could
not discern <05234 +nakar > the form <04758 +mar>eh > thereof :
an image <08544 +t@muwnah > [ was ] before <05048 +neged >
{mine} eyes <05869 + , [ there was ] silence <01827
+d@mamah > , and I heard <08085 +shama< > a voice <06963 +qowl >
, [ saying ] ,

mine JOB 006 011 What <04100 +mah > [ is ] my strength <03581
+koach > , that I should hope <03176 +yachal > ? and what <04100
+mah > [ is ] {mine} end <07093 +qets > , that I should prolong
<00748 +>arak > my life <05315 +nephesh > ?

mine JOB 007 007 . O remember <02142 +zakar > that my life
<02416 +chay > [ is ] wind <07307 +ruwach > : {mine} eye <05869
+ shall no <03808 +lo> > more <07725 +shuwb > see <07200
+ra>ah > good <02896 +towb > .

mine JOB 007 021 And why <04100 +mah > dost thou not pardon
<05375 +nasa> > my transgression <06588 +pesha< > , and take
<05674 + away <05674 + {mine} iniquity <05771
+ ? for now <06258 + shall I sleep <07901 +shakab
> in the dust <06083 + ; and thou shalt seek <07836
+shachar > me in the morning <07836 +shachar > , but I [ shall ]
not [ be ] .

mine JOB 009 020 If <00518 +>im > I justify <06663 +tsadaq >
myself , {mine} own mouth <06310 +peh > shall condemn <07561
+rasha< > me : [ if I say ] , I [ am ] perfect <08535 +tam > ,
it shall also prove me perverse <06140 + .

mine JOB 009 031 Yet <00227 +>az > shalt thou plunge <02881
+tabal > me in the ditch <07845 +shachath > , and {mine} own
clothes <08008 +salmah > shall abhor <08581 +ta me .

mine JOB 010 006 That thou enquirest <01245 +baqash > after
<00310 +>achar > {mine} iniquity <05771 + , and searchest
<01875 +darash > after <00310 +>achar > my sin <02403 +chatta>ah
> ?

mine JOB 010 014 . If <00518 +>im > I sin <02398 +chata> > ,
then thou markest <08104 +shamar > me , and thou wilt not acquit
<05352 +naqah > me from {mine} iniquity <05771 + .

mine JOB 010 015 If <00518 +>im > I be wicked <07561 +rasha< > ,
woe <00480 +>al@lay > unto me ; and [ if <00518 +>im > ] I be
righteous <06662 +tsaddiyq > , [ yet ] will I not lift <05375
+nasa> > up my head <07218 +ro>sh > . [ I am ] full <07646
+saba< > of confusion <07036 +qalown > ; therefore see <07200
+ra>ah > thou {mine} affliction <06040 + ;

mine JOB 013 001 . Lo <02005 +hen > , mine eye <05869 +
hath seen <07200 +ra>ah > all <03605 +kol > [ this ] , {mine}
ear <00241 +>ozen > hath heard <08085 +shama< > and understood
<00995 +biyn > it .

mine JOB 013 001 . Lo <02005 +hen > , {mine} eye <05869 +
hath seen <07200 +ra>ah > all <03605 +kol > [ this ] , mine ear
<00241 +>ozen > hath heard <08085 +shama< > and understood
<00995 +biyn > it .

mine JOB 013 014 Wherefore do I take <05375 +nasa> > my flesh
<01320 +basar > in my teeth <08127 +shen > , and put <07760
+suwm > my life <05315 +nephesh > in {mine} hand <03709 +kaph > ?

mine JOB 013 015 Though he slay <06991 +qatal > me , yet will I
trust <03176 +yachal > in him : but I will maintain <03198
+yakach > {mine} own ways <01870 +derek > before him .

mine JOB 013 023 . How <04100 +mah > many [ are ] {mine}
iniquities <05771 + and sins <02403 +chatta>ah > ? make
me to know <03045 +yada< > my transgression <06588 +pesha< > and
my sin <02403 +chatta>ah > .

mine JOB 014 017 My transgression <06588 +pesha< > [ is ] sealed
<02856 +chatham > up in a bag <06872 +ts@rowr > , and thou
sewest <02950 +taphal > up {mine} iniquity <05771 + .

mine JOB 016 004 I also <01571 +gam > could speak <01696 +dabar
> as ye [ do ] : if <03863 +luw> > your soul <05315 +nephesh >
were in my soul s <05315 +nephesh > stead <08478 +tachath > , I
could heap <02266 +chabar > up words <04405 +millah > against
<05921 + you , and shake <05128 +nuwa< > {mine} head <07218
+ro>sh > at you .

mine JOB 016 009 He teareth <02963 +taraph > [ me ] in his wrath
<00639 +>aph > , who hateth <07852 +satam > me : he gnasheth
<02786 +charaq > upon me with his teeth <08127 +shen > ; {mine}
enemy <06862 +tsar > sharpeneth <03913 +latash > his eyes <05869
+ upon me .

mine JOB 016 017 . Not for [ any ] injustice <02555 +chamac > in
{mine} hands <03709 +kaph > : also my prayer <08605 +t@phillah >
[ is ] pure <02134 +zak > .

mine JOB 016 020 My friends <07453 +rea< > scorn <03887 +luwts >
me : [ but ] {mine} eye <05869 + poureth <01811 +dalaph >
out [ tears ] unto God <00433 +>elowahh > .

mine JOB 017 002 [ Are there ] not mockers <02049 +hathol > with
me ? and doth not {mine} eye <05869 + continue <03885
+luwn > in their provocation <04784 +marah > ?

Mine JOB 017 007 {Mine} eye <05869 + also is dim <03543
+kahah > by reason of sorrow <3708ka , and all <03605 +kol
> my members <03338 +yatsur > [ are ] as a shadow <06738 +tsel >

mine JOB 017 013 If <00518 +>im > I wait <06960 +qavah > , the
grave <07585 +sh@>owl > [ is ] {mine} house <01004 +bayith > : I
have made <07502 +raphad > my bed <03326 +yatsuwa< > in the
darkness <02822 +choshek > .

mine JOB 019 004 And be it indeed <00551 +>omnam > [ that ] I
have erred <07683 +shagag > , {mine} error <04879 +m@shuwgah >
remaineth <03885 +luwn > with myself .

mine JOB 019 010 He hath destroyed <05422 +nathats > me on every
<05437 +cabab > side <05439 +cabiyb > , and I am gone <03212
+yalak > : and {mine} hope <08615 +tiqvah > hath he removed
<05265 +naca< > like a tree <06086 + .

mine JOB 019 015 They that dwell <01481 +guwr > in {mine} house
<01004 +bayith > , and my maids <00519 +>amah > , count <02803
+chashab > me for a stranger <02114 +zuwr > : I am an alien
<05237 +nokriy > in their sight <05869 + .

mine JOB 019 017 My breath <07307 +ruwach > is strange <02114
+zuwr > to my wife <00802 +>ishshah > , though I intreated
<02589 +channowth > for the children s <01121 +ben > [ sake ] of
{mine} own body <00990 +beten > .

mine JOB 019 027 Whom <00834 +>aher > I shall see <02372 +chazah
> for myself , and {mine} eyes <05869 + shall behold
<07200 +ra>ah > , and not another <02114 +zuwr > ; [ though ] my
reins <03629 +kilyah > be consumed <03615 +kalah > within <02436
+cheyq > me .

mine JOB 027 005 God forbid <02486 +chaliylah > that I should
justify <06663 +tsadaq > you : till <05704 + I die <01478
+gava< > I will not remove <05493 +cuwr > {mine} integrity
<08538 +tummah > from me .

mine JOB 027 007 . Let {mine} enemy <00341 +>oyeb > be as the
wicked <07563 +rasha< > , and he that riseth <06965 +quwm > up
against me as the unrighteous <05767 + .

mine JOB 031 001 . I made <03772 +karath > a covenant <01285
+b@riyth > with {mine} eyes <05869 + ; why <04100 +mah >
then should I think <00995 +biyn > upon a maid <01330 +b@thuwlah
> ?

mine JOB 031 006 Let me be weighed <08254 +shaqal > in an even
<06664 +tsedeq > balance <3976mo>zen > , that God <00433
+>elowahh > may know <03045 +yada< > {mine} integrity <08538
+tummah > .

mine JOB 031 007 If <00518 +>im > my step <00838 +>ashur > hath
turned <05186 +natah > out of the way <01870 +derek > , and mine
heart <03820 +leb > walked <01980 +halak > after <00310 +>achar
> mine eyes <05869 + , and if any blot <03971 +m>uwm >
hath cleaved <01692 +dabaq > to {mine} hands <03709 +kaph > ;

mine JOB 031 007 If <00518 +>im > my step <00838 +>ashur > hath
turned <05186 +natah > out of the way <01870 +derek > , and mine
heart <03820 +leb > walked <01980 +halak > after <00310 +>achar
> {mine} eyes <05869 + , and if any blot <03971 +m>uwm >
hath cleaved <01692 +dabaq > to mine hands <03709 +kaph > ;

mine JOB 031 007 If <00518 +>im > my step <00838 +>ashur > hath
turned <05186 +natah > out of the way <01870 +derek > , and
{mine} heart <03820 +leb > walked <01980 +halak > after <00310
+>achar > mine eyes <05869 + , and if any blot <03971
+m>uwm > hath cleaved <01692 +dabaq > to mine hands <03709 +kaph
> ;

mine JOB 031 009 . If <00518 +>im > {mine} heart <03820 +leb >
have been deceived <06601 +pathah > by a woman <00802 +>ishshah
> , or [ if ] I have laid wait <00693 +>arab > at <05921 +
my neighbour s <07453 +rea< > door <06607 +pethach > ;

mine JOB 031 012 For it [ is ] a fire <00784 +>esh > [ that ]
consumeth <00398 +>akal > to destruction <11> , and would root
<08327 +sharash > out all <03605 +kol > {mine} increase <08393
+t@buw>ah > .

mine JOB 031 022 [ Then ] let mine arm <03802 +katheph > fall
<05307 +naphal > from my shoulder <07929 +shikmah > blade <07929
+shikmah > , and {mine} arm <00248 +>ezrowa< > be broken <07665
+shabar > from the bone <07070 +qaneh > .

mine JOB 031 022 [ Then ] let {mine} arm <03802 +katheph > fall
<05307 +naphal > from my shoulder <07929 +shikmah > blade <07929
+shikmah > , and mine arm <00248 +>ezrowa< > be broken <07665
+shabar > from the bone <07070 +qaneh > .

mine JOB 031 025 If <00518 +>im > I rejoiced <08055 +samach >
because <03588 +kiy > my wealth <02428 +chayil > [ was ] great
<07227 +rab > , and because <03588 +kiy > {mine} hand <03027
+yad > had gotten <04672 +matsa> > much <03524 +kabbiyr > ;

mine JOB 031 033 . If <00518 +>im > I covered <03680 +kacah > my
transgressions <06588 +pesha< > as Adam <00121 +>Adam > , by
hiding <02934 +taman > {mine} iniquity <05771 + in my
bosom <02436 +cheyq > :

mine JOB 031 035 Oh that one would hear <08085 +shama< > me !
behold <02005 +hen > , my desire <08420 +tav > [ is , that ] the
Almighty <07706 +Shadday > would answer <06030 + me , and
[ that ] {mine} adversary had written <03789 +kathab > a book
<05612 +cepher > .

mine JOB 032 006 . And Elihu <00453 +>Eliyhuw > the son <01121
+ben > of Barachel <01292 +Barak>el > the Buzite <00940 +Buwziy
> answered <06030 + and said <00559 +>amar > , I [ am ]
young , and ye [ are ] very <03453 +yashiysh > old <03453
+yashiysh > ; wherefore I was afraid <02119 +zachal > , and
durst <03372 +yare> > not shew <02331 +chavah > you {mine}
opinion <01843 +dea< > .

mine JOB 032 010 Therefore <03651 +ken > I said <00559 +>amar > ,
Hearken <08085 +shama< > to me ; I also <00637 +>aph > will
shew <02331 +chavah > {mine} opinion <01843 +dea< > .

mine JOB 032 017 [ I said ] , I will answer <06030 + also
<00637 +>aph > my part <02506 +cheleq > , I also <00637 +>aph >
will shew <02331 +chavah > {mine} opinion <01843 +dea< > .

mine JOB 033 008 . Surely <00389 +>ak > thou hast spoken <00559
+>amar > in {mine} hearing <00241 +>ozen > , and I have heard
<08085 +shama< > the voice <06963 +qowl > of [ thy ] words
<04405 +millah > , [ saying ] ,

mine JOB 040 004 Behold <02005 +hen > , I am vile <07043 +qalal
> ; what <04100 +mah > shall I answer <07725 +shuwb > thee ? I
will lay <07760 +suwm > {mine} hand <03027 +yad > upon my mouth
<06310 +peh > .

mine JOB 041 011 . Who <04310 +miy > hath prevented <06923
+qadam > me , that I should repay <07999 +shalam > [ him ?
whatsoever is ] under <08478 +tachath > the whole <03605 +kol >
heaven <08064 +shamayim > is {mine} .

mine JOB 042 005 I have heard <08085 +shama< > of thee by the
hearing <08088 +shema< > of the ear <00241 +>ozen > : but now
<06258 + {mine} eye <05869 + seeth <07200 +ra>ah
> thee .

mine PSA 003 003 But thou , O LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > , [ art ] a
shield <04043 +magen > for me ; my glory <03519 +kabowd > , and
the lifter <07311 +ruwm > up of {mine} head <07218 +ro>sh > .

mine PSA 003 007 Arise <06965 +quwm > , O LORD <03068 +Y@hovah >
; save <03467 +yasha< > me , O my God <00430 +>elohiym > : for
thou hast smitten <05221 +nakah > all <03605 +kol > {mine}
enemies <00341 +>oyeb > [ upon ] the cheek <03895 +l@chiy > bone
; thou hast broken <07665 +shabar > the teeth <08127 +shen > of
the ungodly <07563 +rasha< > .

mine PSA 005 008 Lead <05148 +nachah > me , O LORD <03068
+Y@hovah > , in thy righteousness <06666 +ts@daqah > because
<04616 +ma of {mine} enemies <08324 +sharar > ; make thy
way <01870 +derek > straight <03474 +yashar > before my face
<06440 +paniym > .

mine PSA 006 007 Mine eye <05869 + is consumed <06244
+ because of grief <3708ka ; it waxeth old <06275
+ because of all <03605 +kol > {mine} enemies <06887
+tsarar > .

Mine PSA 006 007 {Mine} eye <05869 + is consumed <06244
+ because of grief <3708ka ; it waxeth old <06275
+ because of all <03605 +kol > mine enemies <06887
+tsarar > .

mine PSA 006 010 Let all <03605 +kol > {mine} enemies <00341
+>oyeb > be ashamed <00954 +buwsh > and sore <03966 +m@
vexed <00926 +bahal > : let them return <07725 +shuwb > [ and ]
be ashamed <00954 +buwsh > suddenly <07281 +rega< > .

mine PSA 007 004 If <00518 +>im > I have rewarded <01580 +gamal
> evil <07451 +ra< > unto him that was at peace <07999 +shalam >
with me ; ( yea , I have delivered <02502 +chalats > him that
without <07387 +reyqam > cause <07387 +reyqam > is {mine} enemy
<06887 +tsarar > : )

mine PSA 007 005 Let the enemy <00341 +>oyeb > persecute <07291
+radaph > my soul <05315 +nephesh > , and take <05381 +nasag > [
it ] ; yea , let him tread <07429 +ramac > down my life <02416
+chay > upon the earth <00776 +>erets > , and lay <07931 +shakan
> {mine} honour <03519 +kabowd > in the dust <06083 + .
Selah <05542 +celah > .

mine PSA 007 006 Arise <06965 +quwm > , O LORD <03068 +Y@hovah >
, in thine anger <00639 +>aph > , lift <05375 +nasa> > up
thyself because of the rage <05678 + of {mine} enemies
<06887 +tsarar > : and awake <05782 + for me [ to ] the
judgment <04941 +mishpat > [ that ] thou hast commanded <06680
+tsavah > .

mine PSA 007 008 The LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > shall judge <01777
+diyn > the people <05971 + : judge <08199 +shaphat > me ,
O LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > , according to my righteousness <06664
+tsedeq > , and according to {mine} integrity <08537 +tom > [
that is ] in me .

mine PSA 009 003 When {mine} enemies <00341 +>oyeb > are turned
<07725 +shuwb > back <00268 +>achowr > , they shall fall <03782
+kashal > and perish <6> at thy presence <06440 +paniym > .

mine PSA 013 002 How <05704 + long <05704 + shall I
take <07896 +shiyth > counsel <06098 + in my soul <05315
+nephesh > , [ having ] sorrow <03015 +yagown > in my heart
<03824 +lebab > daily <03119 +yowmam > ? how <05704 + long
<05704 + shall {mine} enemy <00341 +>oyeb > be exalted
<07311 +ruwm > over <05921 + me ?

mine PSA 013 003 Consider <05027 +nabat > [ and ] hear <06030
+ me , O LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > my God <00430 +>elohiym >
: lighten <00215 +>owr > {mine} eyes <05869 + , lest
<06435 +pen > I sleep <03462 +yashen > the [ sleep <03462
+yashen > of ] death <04194 +maveth > ;

mine PSA 013 004 Lest <06435 +pen > {mine} enemy <00341 +>oyeb >
say <00559 +>amar > , I have prevailed <03201 +yakol > against
him ; [ and ] those that trouble <06862 +tsar > me rejoice
<01523 +giyl > when <03588 +kiy > I am moved <04131 +mowt > .

mine PSA 016 005 The LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > [ is ] the portion
<04490 +manah > of {mine} inheritance <02506 +cheleq > and of my
cup <03563 +kowc > : thou maintainest <08551 +tamak > my lot
<01486 +gowral > .

mine PSA 017 003 Thou hast proved <00974 +bachan > {mine} heart
<03820 +leb > ; thou hast visited <06485 +paqad > [ me ] in the
night <03915 +layil > ; thou hast tried <06884 +tsaraph > me , [
and ] shalt find <04672 +matsa> > nothing ; I am purposed <02161
+zamam > [ that ] my mouth <06310 +peh > shall not transgress
<05674 + .

mine PSA 018 003 I will call <07121 +qara> > upon the LORD
<03068 +Y@hovah > , [ who is worthy ] to be praised <01984
+halal > : so shall I be saved <03467 +yasha< > from {mine}
enemies <00341 +>oyeb > .

mine PSA 018 023 I was also upright <08549 +tamiym > before
<05973 + him , and I kept <08104 +shamar > myself from
{mine} iniquity <05771 + .

mine PSA 018 034 He teacheth <03925 +lamad > my hands <03027
+yad > to war <04421 +milchamah > , so that a bow <07198
+qesheth > of steel <05154 +n@chuwshah > is broken <05181
+nachath > by {mine} arms <02220 +z@rowa< > .

mine PSA 018 037 I have pursued <07291 +radaph > {mine} enemies
<00341 +>oyeb > , and overtaken <05381 +nasag > them : neither
<03808 +lo> > did I turn <07725 +shuwb > again <07725 +shuwb >
till <05704 + they were consumed <03615 +kalah > .

mine PSA 018 040 Thou hast also given <05414 +nathan > me the
necks <06203 + of {mine} enemies <00341 +>oyeb > ; that
I might destroy <06789 +tsamath > them that hate <08130 +sane> >
me .

mine PSA 018 048 He delivereth <06403 +palat > me from {mine}
enemies <00341 +>oyeb > : yea <00637 +>aph > , thou liftest
<07311 +ruwm > me up above those that rise <06965 +quwm > up
against me : thou hast delivered <05337 +natsal > me from the
violent <02555 +chamac > man <00376 +>iysh > .

mine PSA 023 005 Thou preparest <06186 + a table <07979
+shulchan > before <06440 +paniym > me in the presence <05048
+neged > of {mine} enemies <06887 +tsarar > : thou anointest
<01878 +dashen > my head <07218 +ro>sh > with oil <08081 +shemen
> ; my cup <03563 +kowc > runneth <07310 +r@vayah > over .

mine PSA 025 002 O my God <00430 +>elohiym > , I trust <00982
+batach > in thee : let me not be ashamed <00954 +buwsh > , let
not {mine} enemies <00341 +>oyeb > triumph <05970 + over
me .

mine PSA 025 011 For thy name s <08034 +shem > sake <04616
+ma , O LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > , pardon <05545 +calach >
{mine} iniquity <05771 + ; for it [ is ] great <07227
+rab > .

Mine PSA 025 015 . {Mine} eyes <05869 + [ are ] ever
<08548 +tamiyd > toward <00413 +>el > the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah >
; for he shall pluck <03318 +yatsa> > my feet <07272 +regel >
out of the net <07568 +resheth >.

mine PSA 025 018 Look <07200 +ra>ah > upon {mine} affliction
<06040 + and my pain <05999 + ; and forgive <05375
+nasa> > all <03605 +kol > my sins <02403 +chatta>ah > .

mine PSA 025 019 Consider <07200 +ra>ah > {mine} enemies <00341
+>oyeb > ; for they are many<07231 +rabab > ; and they hate
<08130 +sane> > me with cruel <02555 +chamac > hatred <08135
+sin>ah > .

mine PSA 026 001 . [ A Psalm ] of David <01732 +David > . Judge
<08199 +shaphat > me , O LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > ; for I have
walked <01980 +halak > in {mine} integrity <08537 +tom > : I
have trusted <00982 +batach > also in the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah >
; [ therefore ] I shall not slide <04571 +ma .

mine PSA 026 003 For thy lovingkindness <02617 +checed > [ is ]
before <05048 +neged > {mine} eyes <05869 + : and I have
walked <01980 +halak > in thy truth <00571 +>emeth > .

mine PSA 026 006 . I will wash <07364 +rachats > {mine} hands
<03709 +kaph > in innocency <05356 +niqqayown > : so will I
compass <05437 +cabab > thine altar <04196 +mizbeach > , O LORD
<03068 +Y@hovah > :

mine PSA 026 011 But as for me , I will walk <03212 +yalak > in
{mine} integrity <08537 +tom > : redeem <06299 +padah > me , and
be merciful <02603 +chanan > unto me .

mine PSA 027 002 When the wicked <07489 +ra , [ even ]
{mine} enemies <06862 +tsar > and my foes <00341 +>oyeb > , came
<07126 +qarab > upon me to eat <00398 +>akal > up my flesh
<01320 +basar > , they stumbled <03782 +kashal > and fell <05307
+naphal > .

mine PSA 027 006 And now <06258 + shall mine head <07218
+ro>sh > be lifted <07311 +ruwm > up above <05921 + {mine}
enemies <00341 +>oyeb > round <05439 +cabiyb > about me :
therefore will I offer <02076 +zabach > in his tabernacle <00168
+>ohel > sacrifices <02077 +zebach > of joy <08643 +t@ruw ;
I will sing <07891 +shiyr > , yea , I will sing <02167 +zamar >
praises unto the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > .

mine PSA 027 006 And now <06258 + shall {mine} head
<07218 +ro>sh > be lifted <07311 +ruwm > up above <05921 +
mine enemies <00341 +>oyeb > round <05439 +cabiyb > about me :
therefore will I offer <02076 +zabach > in his tabernacle <00168
+>ohel > sacrifices <02077 +zebach > of joy <08643 +t@ruw ;
I will sing <07891 +shiyr > , yea , I will sing <02167 +zamar >
praises unto the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > .

mine PSA 027 011 Teach <03384 +yarah > me thy way <01870 +derek
> , O LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > , and lead <05148 +nachah > me in a
plain <04334 +miyshowr > path <00734 +>orach > , because <04616
+ma of {mine} enemies <08342 +sasown > .

mine PSA 027 012 Deliver <05414 +nathan > me not over unto the
will <05315 +nephesh > of {mine} enemies <06862 +tsar > : for
false <08267 +sheqer > witnesses <05707 + are risen <06965
+quwm > up against me , and such as breathe <03307 +yapheach >
out cruelty <02555 +chamac > .

mine PSA 031 009 . Have mercy <02603 +chanan > upon me , O LORD
<03068 +Y@hovah > , for I am in trouble <06887 +tsarar > :
{mine} eye <05869 + is consumed <06244 + with
grief <03708 +ka , [ yea ] , my soul <05315 +nephesh > and
my belly <00990 +beten > .

mine PSA 031 010 For my life <02416 +chay > is spent <03615
+kalah > with grief <03015 +yagown > , and my years <08141
+shaneh > with sighing <00585 +>anachah > : my strength <03581
+koach > faileth <03782 +kashal > because of {mine} iniquity
<05771 + , and my bones <06106 + are consumed
<06244 + .

mine PSA 031 011 I was a reproach <02781 +cherpah > among all
<03605 +kol > mine enemies <06887 +tsarar > , but especially
<03966 +m@ among my neighbours <07934 +shaken > , and a
fear <06343 +pachad > to {mine} acquaintance <03045 +yada< > :
they that did see <07200 +ra>ah > me without <02351 +chuwts >
fled <05074 +nadad > from me .

mine PSA 031 011 I was a reproach <02781 +cherpah > among all
<03605 +kol > {mine} enemies <06887 +tsarar > , but especially
<03966 +m@ among my neighbours <07934 +shaken > , and a
fear <06343 +pachad > to mine acquaintance <03045 +yada< > :
they that did see <07200 +ra>ah > me without <02351 +chuwts >
fled <05074 +nadad > from me .

mine PSA 031 015 My times <06256 + [ are ] in thy hand
<03027 +yad > : deliver <05337 +natsal > me from the hand <03027
+yad > of {mine} enemies <00341 +>oyeb > , and from them that
persecute <07291 +radaph > me .

mine PSA 032 005 I acknowledged <03045 +yada< > my sin <02403
+chatta>ah > unto thee , and {mine} iniquity <05771 +
have I not hid <03680 +kacah > . I said <00559 +>amar > , I will
confess <03034 +yadah > my transgressions <06588 +pesha< > unto
the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > ; and thou forgavest <05375 +nasa> >
the iniquity <05771 + of my sin <02403 +chatta>ah > .
Selah <05542 +celah > .

mine PSA 032 008 I will instruct <07919 +sakal > thee and teach
<03384 +yarah > thee in the way <01870 +derek > which <02098
+zuw > thou shalt go <03212 +yalak > : I will guide <03289
+ya thee with {mine} eye <05869 + .

mine PSA 035 002 Take <02388 +chazaq > hold <02388 +chazaq > of
shield <04043 +magen > and buckler <06793 +tsinnah > , and stand
<06965 +quwm > up for {mine} help <05833 + .

mine PSA 035 013 But as for me , when they were sick <02470
+chalah > , my clothing <03830 +l@buwsh > [ was ] sackcloth
<08242 +saq > : I humbled <06031 + my soul <05315
+nephesh > with fasting <06685 +tsowm > ; and my prayer <08605
+t@phillah > returned <07725 +shuwb > into <05921 + {mine}
own bosom <02436 +cheyq > .

mine PSA 035 015 But in {mine} adversity <06761 +tsela< > they
rejoiced <08055 +samach > , and gathered <00622 +>acaph >
themselves together : [ yea ] , the abjects <05222 +nekeh >
gathered <00622 +>acaph > themselves together against <05921
+ me , and I knew <03045 +yada< > [ it ] not ; they did
tear <07167 +qara< > [ me ] , and ceased <01826 +damam > not :

mine PSA 035 019 Let not them that are {mine} enemies <00341
+>oyeb > wrongfully <08267 +sheqer > rejoice <08055 +samach >
over me : [ neither ] let them wink <07169 +qarats > with the
eye <05869 + that hate <08130 +sane> > me without <02600
+chinnam > a cause <02600 +chinnam > .

mine PSA 035 026 Let them be ashamed <00954 +buwsh > and brought
<02659 +chapher > to confusion <02659 +chapher > together <03162
+yachad > that rejoice <08055 +samach > at {mine} hurt <07451
+ra< > : let them be clothed <03847 +labash > with shame <01322
+bosheth > and dishonour <03639 +k@limmah > that magnify <01431
+gadal > [ themselves ] against <05921 + me .

mine PSA 038 004 For mine iniquities <05771 + are gone
<05674 + over <05674 + {mine} head <07218 +ro>sh >
: as an heavy <03515 +kabed > burden <04853 +massa> > they are
too heavy <03513 +kabad > for me .

mine PSA 038 004 For {mine} iniquities <05771 + are gone
<05674 + over <05674 + mine head <07218 +ro>sh > :
as an heavy <03515 +kabed > burden <04853 +massa> > they are too
heavy <03513 +kabad > for me .

mine PSA 038 010 My heart <03820 +leb > panteth <05503 +cachar >
, my strength <03581 +koach > faileth <05800 + me : as
for the light <00216 +>owr > of {mine} eyes <05869 + , it
also <01571 +gam > is gone <00369 +>ayin > from me .

mine PSA 038 018 For I will declare <05046 +nagad > {mine}
iniquity <05771 + ; I will be sorry <01672 +da>ag > for
my sin <02403 +chatta>ah > .

mine PSA 038 019 But {mine} enemies <00341 +>oyeb > [ are ]
lively <02416 +chay > , [ and ] they are strong <06105 +
: and they that hate <08130 +sane> > me wrongfully <08267
+sheqer > are multiplied <07231 +rabab > .

mine PSA 038 020 They also that render <07999 +shalam > evil
<07451 +ra< > for good <02896 +towb > are {mine} adversaries
<07853 +satan > ; because <08478 +tachath > I follow <07291
+radaph > [ the thing that ] good <02896 +towb > [ is ] .

mine PSA 039 004 LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > , make me to know <03045
+yada< > {mine} end <07093 +qets > , and the measure <04060
+middah > of my days <03117 +yowm > , what <04310 +miy > it [ is
; that ] I may know <03045 +yada< > how <04100 +mah > frail
<02310 +chadel > I [ am ] .

mine PSA 039 005 Behold <02009 +hinneh > , thou hast made <05414
+nathan > my days <03117 +yowm > [ as ] an handbreadth <02947
+tephach > ; and {mine} age <02465 +cheled > [ is ] as nothing
<00369 +>ayin > before <05048 +neged > thee : verily <00389 +>ak
> every <03605 +kol > man <00120 +>adam > at his best <05324
+natsab > state <05324 +natsab > [ is ] altogether <03605 +kol >
vanity <01892 +hebel > . Selah <05542 +celah > .

mine PSA 040 006 . Sacrifice <02077 +zebach > and offering
<04503 +minchah > thou didst not desire <02654 +chaphets > ;
{mine} ears <00241 +>ozen > hast thou opened <03738 +karah > :
burnt <05930 + offering and sin <02401 +chata>ah >
offering hast thou not required <07592 +sha>al > .

mine PSA 040 012 For innumerable evils <07451 +ra< > have
compassed <00661 +>aphaph > meabout : mine iniquities <05771
+ have taken <05381 +nasag > hold <05381 +nasag > upon me
, so that I am not able <03201 +yakol > to look <07200 +ra>ah >
up ; they are more <06105 + than the hairs <08185
+sa of {mine} head <07218 +ro>sh > : therefore my heart
<03820 +leb > faileth <05800 + me .

mine PSA 040 012 For innumerable evils <07451 +ra< > have
compassed <00661 +>aphaph > meabout : {mine} iniquities <05771
+ have taken <05381 +nasag > hold <05381 +nasag > upon me
, so that I am not able <03201 +yakol > to look <07200 +ra>ah >
up ; they are more <06105 + than the hairs <08185
+sa of mine head <07218 +ro>sh > : therefore my heart
<03820 +leb > faileth <05800 + me .

Mine PSA 041 005 . {Mine} enemies <00341 +>oyeb > speak <00559
+>amar > evil <07451 +ra< > of me , When <04970 +mathay > shall
he die <04191 +muwth > , and his name <08034 +shem > perish <6>?

mine PSA 041 009 Yea <01571 +gam > , {mine} own familiar <07965
+shalowm > friend , in whom <00834 +>aher > I trusted <00982
+batach > , which did eat <00398 +>akal > of my bread <03899
+lechem > , hath lifted <01431 +gadal > up [ his ] heel <06119
+ against <05921 + me .

mine PSA 041 011 By this <02063 +zo>th > I know <03045 +yada< >
that thou favourest <02654 +chaphets > me , because <03588 +kiy
> {mine} enemy <00341 +>oyeb > doth not triumph <07321 +ruwa< >
over <05921 + me .

mine PSA 041 012 And as for me , thou upholdest <08551 +tamak >
me in {mine} integrity <08537 +tom > , and settest <05324
+natsab > me before thy face <06440 +paniym > for ever <05769
+ .

mine PSA 042 010 [ As ] with a sword <07524 +retsach > in my
bones <06106 + , {mine} enemies <06887 +tsarar >
reproach <02778 +charaph . > me ; while they say <00559 +>amar >
daily unto me , Where <00346 +>ayeh > [ is ] thy God <00430
+>elohiym > ?

mine PSA 049 004 I will incline <05186 +natah > {mine} ear
<00241 +>ozen > to a parable <04912 +mashal > : I will open
<06605 +pathach > my dark <02420 +chiydah > saying <02420
+chiydah > upon the harp <03658 +kinnowr > .

mine PSA 050 010 For every <03605 +kol > beast <02416 +chay > of
the forest <03293 +ya [ is ] {mine} , [ and ] the cattle
<00929 +b@hemah > upon a thousand <00505 +>eleph > hills <02042
+harar > .

mine PSA 050 011 I know <03045 +yada< > all <03605 +kol > the
fowls <05775 + of the mountains <02022 +har > : and the
wild <02123 +ziyz > beasts <02123 +ziyz > of the field <07704
+sadeh > [ are ] {mine} <05978 + .

mine PSA 050 012 If <00518 +>im > I were hungry <07456 +ra ,
I would not tell <00559 +>amar > thee : for the world <08398
+tebel > [ is ] {mine} , and the fulness <04393 +m@lo> > thereof

mine PSA 051 002 Wash <03526 +kabac > me throughly <07235 +rabah
> from {mine} iniquity <05771 + , and cleanse <05352
+naqah > me from my sin <02403 +chatta>ah > .

mine PSA 051 009 Hide <05641 +cathar > thy face <06440 +paniym >
from my sins <02399 +chet> > , and blot <04229 +machah > out all
<03605 +kol > {mine} iniquities <05771 + .

mine PSA 054 004 . Behold <02009 +hinneh > , God <00430
+>elohiym > [ is ] {mine} helper <05826 + : the Lord
<00136 +>Adonay > [ is ] with them that uphold <05564 +camak >
my soul <05315 +nephesh > .

mine PSA 054 005 He shall reward <07725 +shuwb > evil <07451
+ra< > unto {mine} enemies <08324 +sharar > : cut <06789
+tsamath > them off in thy truth <00571 +>emeth > .

mine PSA 054 007 For he hath delivered <05337 +natsal > me out
of all <03605 +kol > trouble <06869 +tsarah > : and mine eye
<05869 + hath seen <07200 +ra>ah > [ his desire ] upon
{mine} enemies <00341 +>oyeb > .

mine PSA 054 007 For he hath delivered <05337 +natsal > me out
of all <03605 +kol > trouble <06869 +tsarah > : and {mine} eye
<05869 + hath seen <07200 +ra>ah > [ his desire ] upon
mine enemies <00341 +>oyeb > .

mine PSA 055 013 But [ it was ] thou , a man <00582 +>enowsh >
mine equal <06187 + , myguide <00441 +>alluwph > , and
{mine} acquaintance <03045 +yada< > .

mine PSA 055 013 But [ it was ] thou , a man <00582 +>enowsh >
{mine} equal <06187 + , myguide <00441 +>alluwph > , and
mine acquaintance <03045 +yada< > .

Mine PSA 056 002 {Mine} enemies <08324 +sharar > would daily
swallow <07602 +sha>aph > [ me ] up : for [ they be ] many
<07227 +rab > that fight <03898 +lacham > against me , O thou
most <04971 +mathkoneth > High <04791 +marowm > .

mine PSA 056 009 When I cry <07121 +qara> > [ unto thee ] , then
<00227 +>az > shall {mine} enemies <00341 +>oyeb > turn <07725
+shuwb > back <00268 +>achowr > : this <02088 +zeh > I know
<03045 +yada< > ; for God <00430 +>elohiym > [ is ] for me .

mine PSA 059 001 . To the chief Musician <05329 +natsach > ,
Altaschith <00408 +>al > <07843 +shachath > , Michtam <04387
+miktam > of David <01732 +David > ; when Saul <07586 +Sha>uwl >
sent <07971 +shalach > , and they watched <08104 +shamar > the
house <01004 +bayith > to kill him <04191 +muwth > . Deliver
<05337 +natsal > me from {mine} enemies <00341 +>oyeb > , O my
God <00430 +>elohiym > : defend <07682 +sagab > me from them
that rise <06965 +quwm > up against me .

mine PSA 059 010 The God <00430 +>elohiym > of my mercy <02617
+checed > shall prevent <06923 +qadam > me : God <00430
+>elohiym > shall let me see <07200 +ra>ah > [ my desire ] upon
{mine} enemies <08324 +sharar > .

mine PSA 060 007 Gilead <01568 +Gil [ is ] mine , and
Manasseh <04519 +M@nashsheh > [ is ] mine ; Ephraim <00669
+>Ephrayim > also [ is ] the strength <04581 +ma of {mine}
head <07218 +ro>sh > ; Judah <03063 +Y@huwdah > [ is ] my
lawgiver <02710 +chaqaq > ;

mine PSA 060 007 Gilead <01568 +Gil [ is ] mine , and
Manasseh <04519 +M@nashsheh > [ is ] {mine} ; Ephraim <00669
+>Ephrayim > also [ is ] the strength <04581 +ma of mine
head <07218 +ro>sh > ; Judah <03063 +Y@huwdah > [ is ] my
lawgiver <02710 +chaqaq > ;

mine PSA 060 007 Gilead <01568 +Gil [ is ] {mine} , and
Manasseh <04519 +M@nashsheh > [ is ] mine ; Ephraim <00669
+>Ephrayim > also [ is ] the strength <04581 +ma of mine
head <07218 +ro>sh > ; Judah <03063 +Y@huwdah > [ is ] my
lawgiver <02710 +chaqaq > ;

mine PSA 069 003 I am weary <03021 +yaga< > of my crying <07121
+qara> > : my throat <01627 +garown > is dried <02787 +charar > :
{mine} eyes <05869 + fail <03615 +kalah > while I wait
<03176 +yachal > for my God <00430 +>elohiym > .

mine PSA 069 004 They that hate <08130 +sane> > me without
<02600 +chinnam > a cause <02600 +chinnam > are more <07231
+rabab > than the hairs <08185 +sa of mine head <07218
+ro>sh > : they that would destroy <06789 +tsamath > me , [
being ] {mine} enemies <00341 +>oyeb > wrongfully <08267 +sheqer
> , are mighty <05105 +n@harah > : then <00227 +>az > I restored
<07725 +shuwb > [ that ] which <00834 +>aher > I took <01497
+gazal > not away <01497 +gazal > .

mine PSA 069 004 They that hate <08130 +sane> > me without
<02600 +chinnam > a cause <02600 +chinnam > are more <07231
+rabab > than the hairs <08185 +sa of {mine} head <07218
+ro>sh > : they that would destroy <06789 +tsamath > me , [
being ] mine enemies <00341 +>oyeb > wrongfully <08267 +sheqer >
, are mighty <05105 +n@harah > : then <00227 +>az > I restored
<07725 +shuwb > [ that ] which <00834 +>aher > I took <01497
+gazal > not away <01497 +gazal > .

mine PSA 069 018 Draw nigh <07126 +qarab > unto my soul <05315
+nephesh > , [ and ] redeem <01350 +ga>al > it : deliver <06299
+padah > me because <04616 +ma of {mine} enemies <00341
+>oyeb > .

mine PSA 069 019 Thou hast known <03045 +yada< > my reproach
<02781 +cherpah > , and my shame <01322 +bosheth > , and my
dishonour <03639 +k@limmah > : {mine} adversaries <06887 +tsarar
> [ are ] all <03605 +kol > before <06440 +paniym > thee .

mine PSA 071 010 For {mine} enemies <00341 +>oyeb > speak <00559
+>amar > against me ; and they that lay wait <08104 +shamar >
for my soul <05315 +nephesh > take counsel <03289 +ya
together <03162 +yachad > ,

mine PSA 077 004 Thou holdest <00270 +>achaz > {mine} eyes
<05869 + waking <08109 +sh@murah > : I am so <03651 +ken
> troubled <06470 +pa that I cannot <03808 +lo> > speak
<01696 +dabar > .

mine PSA 077 006 I call <02142 +zakar > to remembrance <02142
+zakar > my song <05058 +n@giynah > in the night <03915 +layil >
: I commune <07878 +siyach > with {mine} own heart <03824 +lebab
> : and my spirit <07307 +ruwach > made diligent search <02664
+chaphas > .

mine PSA 088 008 Thou hast put <07368 +rachaq > away <07368
+rachaq > {mine} acquaintance <03045 +yada< > far <07368 +rachaq
> from me ; thou hast made <07896 +shiyth > me an abomination
<08441 +tow unto them : [ I am ] shut <03607 +kala> > up ,
and I cannot <03201 +yakol > come <03318 +yatsa> > forth <03318
+yatsa> > .

Mine PSA 088 009 {Mine} eye <05869 + mourneth <01669
+da>ab > by reason <04480 +min > of affliction <06040 + :
LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > , I have called <07121 +qara> > daily
upon thee , I have stretched <07849 +shatach > out my hands
<03709 +kaph > unto thee .

mine PSA 088 018 Lover <00157 +>ahab > and friend <07453 +rea< >
hast thou put <07368 +rachaq > far <07368 +rachaq > from me , [
and ] {mine} acquaintance <03045 +yada< > into darkness <04285
+machshak > .

mine PSA 089 021 With whom <00834 +>aher > my hand <03027 +yad >
shall be established <03559 +kuwn > : {mine} arm <02220 +z@rowa<
> also <00637 +>aph > shall strengthen <00553 +>amats > him .

mine PSA 092 011 Mine eye <05869 + also shall see <05027
+nabat > [ my desire ] on mine enemies <07790 +shuwr > , [ and ]
{mine} ears <00241 +>ozen > shall hear <08085 +shama< > [ my
desire ] of the wicked <07489 +ra that rise <06965 +quwm >
up against <05921 + me .

mine PSA 092 011 Mine eye <05869 + also shall see <05027
+nabat > [ my desire ] on {mine} enemies <07790 +shuwr > , [ and
] mine ears <00241 +>ozen > shall hear <08085 +shama< > [ my
desire ] of the wicked <07489 +ra that rise <06965 +quwm >
up against <05921 + me .

Mine PSA 092 011 {Mine} eye <05869 + also shall see
<05027 +nabat > [ my desire ] on mine enemies <07790 +shuwr > ,
[ and ] mine ears <00241 +>ozen > shall hear <08085 +shama< > [
my desire ] of the wicked <07489 +ra that rise <06965 +quwm
> up against <05921 + me .

mine PSA 101 003 I will set <07896 +shiyth > no <03808 +lo> >
wicked <01100 +b@liya thing <01697 +dabar > before <06440
+paniym > {mine} eyes <05869 + : I hate <08130 +sane> >
the work <06213 + of them that turn <07750 +suwt > aside
<07750 +suwt > ; [ it ] shall not cleave <01692 +dabaq > to me .

Mine PSA 101 006 {Mine} eyes <05869 + [ shall be ] upon
the faithful <00539 +>aman > of the land <00776 +>erets > , that
they may dwell <03427 +yashab > with me : he that walketh <01980
+halak > in a perfect <08549 +tamiym > way <01870 +derek > , he
shall serve <08334 +sharath > me .

Mine PSA 102 008 {Mine} enemies <00341 +>oyeb > reproach <02778
+charaph . > me all <03605 +kol > the day <03117 +yowm > ; [ and
] they that are mad <01984 +halal > against me are sworn <07650
+shaba< > against me .

mine PSA 105 015 [ Saying ] , Touch <05060 +naga< > not {mine}
anointed <04899 +mashiyach > , and do my prophets <05030 +nabiy>
> no <00408 +>al > harm <07489 +ra .

mine PSA 108 008 Gilead <01568 +Gil [ is ] mine ; Manasseh
<04519 +M@nashsheh > [ is ] mine ; Ephraim <00669 +>Ephrayim >
also [ is ] the strength <04581 +ma of {mine} head <07218
+ro>sh > ; Judah <03063 +Y@huwdah > [ is ] my lawgiver <02710
+chaqaq > ;

mine PSA 108 008 Gilead <01568 +Gil [ is ] mine ; Manasseh
<04519 +M@nashsheh > [ is ] {mine} ; Ephraim <00669 +>Ephrayim >
also [ is ] the strength <04581 +ma of mine head <07218
+ro>sh > ; Judah <03063 +Y@huwdah > [ is ] my lawgiver <02710
+chaqaq > ;

mine PSA 108 008 Gilead <01568 +Gil [ is ] {mine} ;
Manasseh <04519 +M@nashsheh > [ is ] mine ; Ephraim <00669
+>Ephrayim > also [ is ] the strength <04581 +ma of mine
head <07218 +ro>sh > ; Judah <03063 +Y@huwdah > [ is ] my
lawgiver <02710 +chaqaq > ;

mine PSA 109 020 [ Let ] this <02063 +zo>th > [ be ] the reward
<06468 +p@ of {mine} adversaries <07853 +satan > from
the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > , and of them that speak <01696
+dabar > evil <07451 +ra< > against <05921 + my soul <05315
+nephesh > .

mine PSA 109 029 Let {mine} adversaries <07853 +satan > be
clothed <03847 +labash > with shame <03639 +k@limmah > , and let
them cover <05844 + themselves with their own confusion
<01322 +bosheth > , as with a mantle <04598 +m@ .

mine PSA 116 008 For thou hast delivered <02502 +chalats > my
soul <05315 +nephesh > from death <04194 +maveth > , {mine} eyes
<05869 + from tears <01832 +dim , [ and ] my feet
<07272 +regel > from falling <01762 +d@chiy > .

mine PSA 119 011 . Thy word <00565 +>imrah > have I hid <06845
+tsaphan > in {mine} heart <03820 +leb > , that I might not sin
<02398 +chata> > against thee .

mine PSA 119 018 . Open <01540 +galah > thou {mine} eyes <05869
+ , that I may behold <05027 +nabat > wondrous <06381
+pala> > things out of thy law <08451 +towrah > .

mine PSA 119 037 . Turn <05674 + away {mine} eyes <05869
+ from beholding <07200 +ra>ah > vanity <07723 +shav> > ;
[ and ] quicken <02421 +chayah > thou me in thy way <01870
+derek > .

Mine PSA 119 082 {Mine} eyes <05869 + fail <03615 +kalah
> for thy word <00565 +>imrah > , saying <00559 +>amar > , When
<04970 +mathay > wilt thou comfort <05162 +nacham > me ?

mine PSA 119 092 . Unless <03884 +luwle> > thy law <08451
+towrah > [ had been ] my delights <08191 +sha , I
should then <00227 +>az > have perished <6> in {mine} affliction
<06040 + .

mine PSA 119 098 . Thou through thy commandments <04687 +mitsvah
> hast made me wiser <02449 +chakam > than {mine} enemies <00341
+>oyeb > : for they [ are ] ever <05769 + with me .

mine PSA 119 112 +I have inclined <05186 +natah > {mine} heart
<03820 +leb > to perform <06213 + thy statutes <02706
+choq > alway <05769 + , [ even unto ] the end <06118
+ .

mine PSA 119 121 +. AIN . I have done <06213 + judgment
<04941 +mishpat > and justice <06664 +tsedeq > : leave <03241
+Yaniym > me not to {mine} oppressors <06231 + .

Mine PSA 119 123 +. {Mine} eyes <05869 + fail <03615
+kalah > for thy salvation <03444 +y@shuw , and for the
word <00565 +>imrah > of thy righteousness <06664 +tsedeq > .

mine PSA 119 136 +. Rivers <06388 +peleg > of waters <04325
+mayim > run <03381 +yarad > down {mine} eyes <05869 + ,
because <05921 + they keep <08104 +shamar > not thy law
<08451 +towrah > .

mine PSA 119 139 +. My zeal <07068 +qin>ah > hath consumed
<06789 +tsamath > me , because <03588 +kiy > {mine} enemies
<06862 +tsar > have forgotten <07911 +shakach > thy words <01697
+dabar > .

mine PSA 119 153 +. RESH . Consider <07200 +ra>ah > {mine}
affliction <06040 + , and deliver <02502 +chalats > me :
for I do not forget <07911 +shakach > thy law <08451 +towrah > .

mine PSA 119 157 +. Many <07227 +rab > [ are ] my persecutors
<07291 +radaph > and {mine} enemies <06862 +tsar > ; [ yet ] do
I not decline <05186 +natah > from thy testimonies <5715> .

mine PSA 121 001 . A Song <07892 +shiyr > of degrees <04609
+ma . I will lift <05375 +nasa> > up {mine} eyes <05869
+ unto the hills <02022 +har > , from whence <00370
+>aiyn > cometh <00935 +bow> > my help <05828 + .

mine PSA 123 001 . A Song <07892 +shiyr > of degrees <04609
+ma . Unto thee lift <05375 +nasa> > I up {mine} eyes
<05869 + , O thou that dwellest <03427 +yashab > in the
heavens <08064 +shamayim > .

mine PSA 131 001 . A Song <07892 +shiyr > of degrees <04609
+ma of David <01732 +David > . LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > ,
my heart <03820 +leb > is not haughty <01361 +gabahh > , nor
<03808 +lo> > {mine} eyes <05869 + lofty <07311 +ruwm > :
neither <03808 +lo> > do I exercise <01980 +halak > myself in
great <01419 +gadowl > matters <01419 +gadowl > , or in things
too high <06381 +pala> > for me .

mine PSA 132 004 I will not give <05414 +nathan > sleep <08142
+shehah > to mine eyes <05869 + , [ or ] slumber <08572
+t@nuwmah > to {mine} eyelids <06079 + ,

mine PSA 132 004 I will not give <05414 +nathan > sleep <08142
+shehah > to {mine} eyes <05869 + , [ or ] slumber <08572
+t@nuwmah > to mine eyelids <06079 + ,

mine PSA 132 017 There <08033 +sham > will I make <06213 + > the horn <07161 +qeren > of David <01732 +David > to bud
<06779 +tsamach > : I have ordained <06186 + a lamp
<05216 +niyr > for {mine} anointed <04899 +mashiyach > .

mine PSA 138 007 Though <00518 +>im > I walk <03212 +yalak > in
the midst <07130 +qereb > of trouble <06869 +tsarah > , thou
wilt revive <02421 +chayah > me : thou shalt stretch <07971
+shalach > forth thine hand <03027 +yad > against <05921 +
the wrath <00639 +>aph > of {mine} enemies <00341 +>oyeb > , and
thy right <03225 +yamiyn > hand <03225 +yamiyn > shall save
<03467 +yasha< > me .

mine PSA 139 002 Thou knowest <03045 +yada< > my downsitting
<03427 +yashab > and {mine} uprising <06965 +quwm > , thou
understandest <00995 +biyn > my thought <07454 +rea< > afar
<07350 +rachowq > off .

mine PSA 139 022 I hate <08130 +sane> > them with perfect <08503
+takliyth > hatred <08135 +sin>ah > : I count <01961 +hayah >
them {mine} enemies <00341 +>oyeb > .

mine PSA 141 008 But {mine} eyes <05869 + [ are ] unto
thee , O GOD <03069 +Y@hovih > the Lord <00136 +>Adonay > : in
thee is my trust <02620 +chacah > ; leave <06168 + not my
soul <05315 +nephesh > destitute <06168 + .

mine PSA 143 009 Deliver <05337 +natsal > me , O LORD <03068
+Y@hovah > , from {mine} enemies <0341>oyeb > : I flee <03680
+kacah > unto thee to hide <03680 +kacah > me .

mine PSA 143 012 And of thy mercy <02617 +checed > cut <06789
+tsamath > off {mine} enemies <00341 +>oyeb > , and destroy <6>
all <03605 +kol > them that afflict <06887 +tsarar > my soul
<05315 +nephesh > : for I [ am ] thy servant <05650 + .

mine PRO 005 013 And have not obeyed <08085 +shama< > the voice
<06963 +qowl > of my teachers <03384 +yarah > , nor <03808 +lo>
> inclined <05186 +natah > {mine} ear <00241 +>ozen > to them
that instructed <03925 +lamad > me !

mine PRO 008 014 Counsel <06098 + [ is ] {mine} , and
sound <08454 +tuwshiyah > wisdom <08454 +tuwshiyah > : I [ am ]
understanding <00998 +biynah > ; I have strength <01369
+g@buwrah > .

mine PRO 023 015 My son <01121 +ben > , if <00518 +>im > thine
heart <03820 +leb > be wise <02449 +chakam > , my heart <03820
+leb > shall rejoice <08055 +samach > , even <01571 +gam >
{mine} <00589 +>aniy > .

mine ECC 001 016 I communed <01696 +dabar > with {mine} own
heart <03820 +leb > , saying <00559 +>amar > , Lo <02009 +hinneh
> , I am come to great <01431 +gadal > estate , and have gotten
<03254 +yacaph > more wisdom <02451 +chokmah > than <05921 + > all <03605 +kol > [ they ] that have been <01961 +hayah >
before <06440 +paniym > me in Jerusalem <03389 +Y@ruwshalaim > :
yea , my heart <03820 +leb > had great <07235 +rabah >
experience <07200 +ra>ah > of wisdom <02451 +chokmah > and
knowledge <01847 +da .

mine ECC 002 001 . I said <00559 +>amar > in {mine} heart <03820
+leb > , Go <03212 +yalak > to now <04994 +na> > , I will prove
<05254 +nacah > thee with mirth <08057 +simchah > , therefore
enjoy <07200 +ra>ah > pleasure <02896 +towb > : and , behold
<02009 +hinneh > , this <01931 +huw> > also <01571 +gam > [ is ]
vanity <01892 +hebel > .

mine ECC 002 003 I sought <08446 +tuwr > in mine heart <03820
+leb > to give <04900 +mashak > myself unto wine <03196 +yayin >
, yet acquainting <05090 +nahag > {mine} heart <03820 +leb >
with wisdom <02451 +chokmah > ; and to lay hold <00270 +>achaz >
on folly <05531 +cikluwth > , till <05704 + I might see
<07200 +ra>ah > what <00335 +>ay > [ was ] that good <02896
+towb > for the sons <01121 +ben > of men <00120 +>adam > ,
which <00834 +>aher > they should do <06213 + under
<08478 +tachath > the heaven <08064 +shamayim > all <04557
+micpar > the days <03117 +yowm > of their life <02416 +chay > .

mine ECC 002 003 I sought <08446 +tuwr > in {mine} heart <03820
+leb > to give <04900 +mashak > myself unto wine <03196 +yayin >
, yet acquainting <05090 +nahag > mine heart <03820 +leb > with
wisdom <02451 +chokmah > ; and to lay hold <00270 +>achaz > on
folly <05531 +cikluwth > , till <05704 + I might see <07200
+ra>ah > what <00335 +>ay > [ was ] that good <02896 +towb > for
the sons <01121 +ben > of men <00120 +>adam > , which <00834
+>aher > they should do <06213 + under <08478 +tachath >
the heaven <08064 +shamayim > all <04557 +micpar > the days
<03117 +yowm > of their life <02416 +chay > .

mine ECC 002 010 And whatsoever {mine} eyes <05869 +
desired <07592 +sha>al > I kept <00680 +>atsal > not from them ,
I withheld <04513 +mana< > not my heart <03820 +leb > from any
<03605 +kol > joy <08057 +simchah > ; for my heart <03820 +leb >
rejoiced <08055 +samach > in all <03605 +kol > my labour <05999
+ : and this <02088 +zeh > was my portion <02506 +cheleq
> of all <03605 +kol > my labour <05999 + .

mine ECC 003 017 I said <00559 +>amar > in {mine} heart <03820
+leb > , God <00430 +>elohiym > shall judge <08199 +shaphat >
the righteous <06662 +tsaddiyq > and the wicked <07563 +rasha< >
: for [ there <08033 +sham > is ] a time <06256 + there
<08033 +sham > for every <03605 +kol > purpose <02656 +chephets
> and for every <03605 +kol > work <04639 +ma .

mine ECC 003 018 I said <00559 +>amar > in {mine} heart <03820
+leb > concerning <05921 + the estate <01700 +dibrah > of
the sons <01121 +ben > of men <00120 +>adam > , that God <00430
+>elohiym > might manifest <01305 +barar > them , and that they
might see <07200 +ra>ah > that they themselves <01992 +hem > are
beasts <00929 +b@hemah > .

mine ECC 007 025 I applied <05437 +cabab > {mine} heart <03820
+leb > to know <03045 +yada< > , and to search <08446 +tuwr > ,
and to seek <01245 +baqash > out wisdom <02451 +chokmah > , and
the reason <02808 +cheshbown > [ of things ] , and to know
<03045 +yada< > the wickedness <07562 +resha< > of folly <03689
+kecel > , even of foolishness <05531 +cikluwth > [ and ]
madness <01947 +howlelah > :

mine ECC 008 016 When <00834 +>aher > I applied <05414 +nathan >
{mine} heart <03820 +leb > to know <03045 +yada< > wisdom <02451
+chokmah > , and to see <07200 +ra>ah > the business <06045
+ that is done <06466 +pa upon the earth <00776
+>erets > : ( for also <01571 +gam > [ there is that ] neither
day <03117 +yowm > nor night <03915 +layil > seeth <07200 +ra>ah
> sleep <08142 +shehah > with his eyes <05869 + : )

mine SON 001 006 Look <07200 +ra>ah > not upon me , because I [
am ] black <07840 +sh@charchoreth > , because the sun <08121
+shemesh > hath looked <07805 +shazaph > upon me : my mother s
<00517 +>em > children <01121 +ben > were angry <02734 +charah >
with me ; they made <07760 +suwm > me the keeper <05201 +natar >
of the vineyards <03754 +kerem > ; [ but ] {mine} own vineyard
<03754 +kerem > have I not kept <05201 +natar > .

mine SON 002 016 My beloved <01730 +dowd > [ is ] {mine} , and I
[ am ] his : he feedeth <07462 +ra among the lilies <07799
+shuwshan > .

mine SON 006 003 I [ am ] my beloved s <01730 +dowd > , and my
beloved <01730 +dowd > [ is ] {mine} : he feedeth <07462 +ra > among the lilies <07799 +shuwshan > .

mine SON 008 012 My vineyard <03754 +kerem > , which [ is ]
{mine} , [ is ] before <06440 +paniym > me : thou , O Solomon
<08010 +Sh@lomoh > , [ must have ] a thousand <00505 +>eleph > ,
and those that keep <05201 +natar > the fruit <06529 +p@riy >
thereof two hundred <03967 +me>ah > .

mine ISA 001 015 And when ye spread <06566 +paras > forth your
hands <03709 +kaph > , I will hide <05956 + {mine} eyes
<05869 + from you : yea <01571 +gam > , when <03588 +kiy
> ye make many <07235 +rabah > prayers <08605 +t@phillah > , I
will not hear <08085 +shama< > : your hands <03027 +yad > are
full <04390 +male> > of blood <01818 +dam > .

mine ISA 001 016 . Wash <07364 +rachats > you , make you clean
<02135 +zakah > ; put <05493 +cuwr > away <05493 +cuwr > the
evil <07455 +roa< > of your doings <04611 +ma from before
<05048 +neged > {mine} eyes <05869 + ; cease <02308
+chadal > to do evil <07489 +ra ;

mine ISA 001 024 Therefore <03651 +ken > saith <05002 +n@>um >
the Lord <00113 +>adown > , the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > of hosts
<06635 +tsaba> > , the mighty <46> One of Israel <03478
+Yisra>el > , Ah <01945 +howy > , I will ease <05162 +nacham >
me of mine adversaries <06862 +tsar > , and avenge <05358 +naqam
> me of {mine} enemies <00341 +>oyeb > :

mine ISA 001 024 Therefore <03651 +ken > saith <05002 +n@>um >
the Lord <00113 +>adown > , the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > of hosts
<06635 +tsaba> > , the mighty <46> One of Israel <03478
+Yisra>el > , Ah <01945 +howy > , I will ease <05162 +nacham >
me of {mine} adversaries <06862 +tsar > , and avenge <05358
+naqam > me of mine enemies <00341 +>oyeb > :

mine ISA 005 009 In {mine} ears <00241 +>ozen > [ said ] the
LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > of hosts <06635 +tsaba> > , Of a truth
many <07227 +rab > houses <01004 +bayith > shall be desolate
<08047 +shammah > , [ even ] great <01419 +gadowl > and fair
<02896 +towb > , without <00369 +>ayin > inhabitant <03427
+yashab > .

mine ISA 006 005 . Then said <00559 +>amar > I , Woe <00188
+>owy > [ is ] me ! for I am undone <01820 +damah > ; because
<03588 +kiy > I [ am ] a man <00376 +>iysh > of unclean <02931
+tame> > lips <08193 +saphah > , and I dwell <03427 +yashab > in
the midst <08432 +tavek > of a people <05971 + of unclean
<02931 +tame> > lips <08193 +saphah > : for {mine} eyes <05869
+ have seen <07200 +ra>ah > the King <04428 +melek > ,
the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > of hosts <06635 +tsaba> > .

mine ISA 010 005 . O Assyrian <00804 +>Ashshuwr > , the rod
<07626 +shebet > of mine anger <00639 +>aph > , and the staff
<04294 +matteh > in their hand <03027 +yad > is {mine}
indignation <02195 +za .

mine ISA 010 005 . O Assyrian <00804 +>Ashshuwr > , the rod
<07626 +shebet > of {mine} anger <00639 +>aph > , and the staff
<04294 +matteh > in their hand <03027 +yad > is mine indignation
<02195 +za .

mine ISA 010 025 For yet <05750 + a very <04213 +miz
little <04592 +m@ while , and the indignation <02195 +za > shall cease <03615 +kalah > , and {mine} anger <00639 +>aph >
in their destruction <08399 +tabliyth > .

mine ISA 013 003 I have commanded <06680 +tsavah > my sanctified
<06942 +qadash > ones , I have also <01571 +gam > called <07121
+qara> > my mighty <01368 +gibbowr > ones for {mine} anger
<00639 +>aph > , [ even ] them that rejoice <05947 + in
my highness <01346 +ga .

mine ISA 016 004 Let {mine} outcasts <05080 +nadach > dwell
<01481 +guwr > with thee , Moab <04124 +Mow>ab > ; be thou a
covert <05643 +cether > to them from the face <06440 +paniym >
of the spoiler <07703 +shadad > : for the extortioner <04160
+muwts > is at an end <00657 +>ephec > , the spoiler <07701
+shod > ceaseth <03615 +kalah > , the oppressors <07429 +ramac >
are consumed <08552 +tamam > out of the land <00776 +>erets > .

mine ISA 016 011 Wherefore my bowels <04578 +me shall sound
<01993 +hamah > like an harp <03658 +kinnowr > for Moab <04124
+Mow>ab > , and {mine} inward <07130 +qereb > parts for
Kirharesh <07025 +Qiyr Cheres > .

mine ISA 019 025 Whom <00834 +>aher > the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah >
of hosts <06635 +tsaba> > shall bless <01288 +barak > , saying
<00559 +>amar > , Blessed <01288 +barak > [ be ] Egypt <04714
+Mitsrayim > my people <05971 + , and Assyria <00804
+>Ashshuwr > the work <04639 +ma of my hands <03027 +yad
> , and Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > {mine} inheritance <05159
+nachalah > .

mine ISA 022 014 And it was revealed <01540 +galah > in {mine}
ears <00241 +>ozen > by the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > of hosts
<06635 +tsaba> > , Surely <00518 +>im > this <02088 +zeh >
iniquity <05771 + shall not be purged <03722 +kaphar >
from you till <05704 + ye die <04191 +muwth > , saith
<00559 +>amar > the Lord <00136 +>Adonay > GOD <03069 +Y@hovih >
of hosts <06635 +tsaba> > .

mine ISA 029 023 But when <03588 +kiy > he seeth <07200 +ra>ah >
his children <03206 +yeled > , the work <04639 +ma of
{mine} hands <03027 +yad > , in the midst <07130 +qereb > of him
, they shall sanctify <06942 +qadash > my name <08034 +shem > ,
and sanctify <06942 +qadash > the Holy <06918 +qadowsh > One of
Jacob <03290 +Ya , and shall fear <06206 + the
God <00430 +>elohiym > of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > .

mine ISA 037 029 Because <03282 +ya thy rage <07264 +ragaz
> against <00413 +>el > me , and thy tumult <07600 +sha>anan > ,
is come <05927 + up into {mine} ears <00241 +>ozen > ,
therefore will I put <07760 +suwm > my hook <02397 +chach > in
thy nose <00639 +>aph > , and my bridle <04964 +metheg > in thy
lips <08193 +saphah > , and I will turn <07725 +shuwb > thee
back <07725 +shuwb > by the way <01870 +derek > by which <00834
+>aher > thou camest <00935 +bow> > .

mine ISA 037 035 For I will defend <01598 +ganan > this <02063
+zo>th > city <05892 + to save <03467 +yasha< > it for
{mine} own sake , and for my servant <05650 + David s
<01732 +David > sake <04616 +ma .

Mine ISA 038 012 {Mine} age <01755 +dowr > is departed <05265
+naca< > , and is removed <01556 +galal > from me as a shepherd
s <07473 +ro tent <00168 +>ohel > : I have cut <07088
+qaphad > off like a weaver <00707 +>arag > my life <02416 +chay
> : he will cut <01214 +batsa< > me off with pining <01803
+dallah > sickness : from day <03117 +yowm > [ even ] to night
<03915 +layil > wilt thou make an end <07999 +shalam > of me .

mine ISA 038 014 Like a crane <05483 +cuwc > [ or ] a swallow
<05693 + , so <03651 +ken > did I chatter <06850
+tsaphaph > : I did mourn <01897 +hagah > as a dove <03123
+yownah > : {mine} eyes <05869 + fail <01809 +dalal > [
with looking ] upward <04791 +marowm > : O LORD <03068 +Y@hovah
> , I am oppressed <06234 + ; undertake <06148 +
for me .

mine ISA 039 004 Then said <00559 +>amar > he , What <04100 +mah
> have they seen <07200 +ra>ah > in thine house <01004 +bayith >
? And Hezekiah <02396 +Chizqiyah > answered <00559 +>amar > ,
All <03605 +kol > that [ is ] in {mine} house <01004 +bayith >
have they seen <07200 +ra>ah > : there is nothing among my
treasures <00214 +>owtsar > that I have not shewed <07200 +ra>ah
> them .

mine ISA 042 001 . Behold <02005 +hen > my servant <05650 + > , whom I uphold <08551 +tamak > ; {mine} elect <00972 +bachiyr
> , [ in whom ] my soul <05315 +nephesh > delighteth <07521
+ratsah > ; I have put <05414 +nathan > my spirit <07307 +ruwach
> upon him : he shall bring <03318 +yatsa> > forth <03318
+yatsa> > judgment <04941 +mishpat > to the Gentiles <01471
+gowy > .

mine ISA 043 001 . But now <06258 + thus <03541 +koh >
saith <00559 +>amar > the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > that created
<01254 +bara> > thee , O Jacob <03290 +Ya , and he that
formed <03335 +yatsar > thee , O Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > ,
Fear <03372 +yare> > not : for I have redeemed <01350 +ga>al >
thee , I have called <07121 +qara> > [ thee ] by thy name <08034
+shem > ; thou [ art ] {mine} .

mine ISA 043 025 I , [ even ] I , [ am ] he that blotteth <04229
+machah > out thy transgressions <06588 +pesha< > for {mine} own
sake <04616 +ma , and will not remember <02142 +zakar > thy
sins <02403 +chatta>ah > .

mine ISA 045 004 For Jacob <03290 +Ya my servant s <05650
+ sake <04616 +ma , and Israel <03478 +Yisra>el >
{mine} elect <00972 +bachiyr > , I have even called <07121
+qara> > thee by thy name <08034 +shem > : I have surnamed
<03655 +kanah > thee , though thou hast not known <03045 +yada<
> me .

mine ISA 047 006 I was wroth <07107 +qatsaph > with my people
<05971 + , I have polluted <02490 +chalal > {mine}
inheritance <05159 +nachalah > , and given <05414 +nathan > them
into thine hand <03027 +yad > : thou didst shew <07760 +suwm >
them no <03808 +lo> > mercy <07356 +racham > ; upon the ancient
<02204 +zaqen > hast thou very <03966 +m@ heavily <03513
+kabad > laid thy yoke <05923 +

    Mine ISA 048 005 I have even from the beginning <00227 +>az >
    declared <05046 +nagad > [ it ] to thee ; before <02962 +terem >
    it came <00935 +bow> > to pass I shewed <08085 +shama< > [ it ]
    thee : lest <06435 +pen > thou shouldest say <00559 +>amar > ,
    {Mine} idol <06090 + hath done <06213 + them ,
    and my graven <06459 +pecel > image , and my molten <05262
    +necek > image , hath commanded <06680 +tsavah > them .

    mine ISA 048 009 . For my name s <08034 +shem > sake <04616
    +ma will I defer <00748 +>arak > {mine} anger <00639 +>aph
    > , and for my praise <08416 +t@hillah > will I refrain <02413
    +chatam > for thee , that I cut <03772 +karath > thee not off .

    mine ISA 048 011 For mine own sake <04616 +ma , [ even ]
    for {mine} own sake <04616 +ma , will I do <06213 +
    [ it ] : for how <00349 +>eyk > should [ my name ] be polluted
    <02490 +chalal > ? and I will not give <05414 +nathan > my glory
    <03519 +kabowd > unto another <00312 +>acher > .

    mine ISA 048 011 For {mine} own sake <04616 +ma , [ even ]
    for mine own sake <04616 +ma , will I do <06213 + [
    it ] : for how <00349 +>eyk > should [ my name ] be polluted
    <02490 +chalal > ? and I will not give <05414 +nathan > my glory
    <03519 +kabowd > unto another <00312 +>acher > .

    Mine ISA 048 013 {Mine} hand <03027 +yad > also <00637 +>aph >
    hath laid the foundation <03245 +yacad > of the earth <00776
    +>erets > , and my right <03225 +yamiyn > hand <03225 +yamiyn >
    hath spanned <02946 +taphach > the heavens <08064 +shamayim > :
    [ when ] I call <07121 +qara> > unto them , they stand <05975
    + up together <03162 +yachad > .

    mine ISA 049 022 Thus <03541 +koh > saith <00559 +>amar > the
    Lord <00136 +>Adonay > GOD <03069 +Y@hovih > , Behold <02009
    +hinneh > , I will lift <05375 +nasa> > up {mine} hand <03027
    +yad > to the Gentiles <01471 +gowy > , and set <07311 +ruwm >
    up my standard <05251 +nec > to the people <05971 + : and
    they shall bring <00935 +bow> > thy sons <01121 +ben > in [
    their ] arms <02684 +chotsen > , and thy daughters <01121 +ben >
    shall be carried <05375 +nasa> > upon [ their ] shoulders <03802
    +katheph > .

    mine ISA 050 004 . The Lord <00136 +>Adonay > GOD <03069
    +Y@hovih > hath given <05414 +nathan > me the tongue <03956
    +lashown > of the learned <03928 +limmuwd > , that I should know
    <03045 +yada< > how to speak <05790 + a word <01697
    +dabar > in season to [ him that is ] weary <03287 +ya<@ph > :
    he wakeneth <05782 + morning <01242 +boqer > by morning
    <01242 +boqer > , he wakeneth <05782 + {mine} ear <00241
    +>ozen > to hear <08085 +shama< > as the learned <03928 +limmuwd
    > .

    mine ISA 050 005 The Lord <00136 +>Adonay > GOD <03069 +Y@hovih
    > hath opened <06605 +pathach > {mine} ear <00241 +>ozen > , and
    I was not rebellious <04784 +marah > , neither <03808 +lo> >
    turned <05472 +cuwg > away back <00268 +>achowr > .

    mine ISA 050 008 [ He is ] near <07138 +qarowb > that justifieth
    <06663 +tsadaq > me ; who <04310 +miy > will contend <07378
    +riyb > with me ? let us stand <05975 + together <03162
    +yachad > : who <04310 +miy > [ is ] {mine} adversary ? let him
    come <05066 +nagash > near <05066 +nagash > to me .

    mine ISA 050 011 Behold <02005 +hen > , all <03605 +kol > ye
    that kindle <06919 +qadach > a fire <00784 +>esh > , that
    compass <00247 +>azar > [ yourselves ] about with sparks <02131
    +ziyqah > : walk <03212 +yalak > in the light <00217 +>uwr > of
    your fire <00784 +>esh > , and in the sparks <02131 +ziyqah > [
    that ] ye have kindled <01197 +ba . This <02063 +zo>th >
    shall ye have <01961 +hayah > of {mine} hand <03027 +yad > ; ye
    shall lie <07901 +shakab > down <07901 +shakab > in sorrow
    <04620 +ma .

    mine ISA 051 005 My righteousness <06664 +tsedeq > [ is ] near
    <07138 +qarowb > ; my salvation <03468 +yesha< > is gone <03318
    +yatsa> > forth <03318 +yatsa> > , and mine arms <02220 +z@rowa<
    > shall judge <08199 +shaphat > the people <05971 + ; the
    isles <00339 +>iy > shall wait <06960 +qavah > upon me , and on
    <00413 +>el > {mine} arm <02220 +z@rowa< > shall they trust
    <03176 +yachal > .

    mine ISA 051 005 My righteousness <06664 +tsedeq > [ is ] near
    <07138 +qarowb > ; my salvation <03468 +yesha< > is gone <03318
    +yatsa> > forth <03318 +yatsa> > , and {mine} arms <02220
    +z@rowa< > shall judge <08199 +shaphat > the people <05971 + > ; the isles <00339 +>iy > shall wait <06960 +qavah > upon me ,
    and on <00413 +>el > mine arm <02220 +z@rowa< > shall they trust
    <03176 +yachal > .

    mine ISA 051 016 And I have put <07760 +suwm > my words <01697
    +dabar > in thy mouth <06310 +peh > , and I have covered <03680
    +kacah > thee in the shadow <06738 +tsel > of {mine} hand <03027
    +yad > , that I may plant <05193 +nata< > the heavens <08064
    +shamayim > , and lay the foundations <03245 +yacad > of the
    earth <00776 +>erets > , and say <00559 +>amar > unto Zion
    <06726 +Tsiyown > , Thou [ art ] my people <05971 + .

    mine ISA 056 005 Even unto them will I give <05414 +nathan > in
    {mine} house <01004 +bayith > and within my walls <02346
    +chowmah > a place <03027 +yad > and a name <08034 +shem >
    better <02896 +towb > than of sons <01121 +ben > and of
    daughters <01121 +ben > : I will give <05414 +nathan > them an
    everlasting <05769 + name <08034 +shem > , that shall
    not be cut <03772 +karath > off .

    mine ISA 056 007 Even them will I bring <00935 +bow> > to my
    holy <06944 +qodesh > mountain <02022 +har > , and make them
    joyful <08055 +samach > in my house <01004 +bayith > of prayer
    <08605 +t@phillah > : their burnt <05930 + offerings and
    their sacrifices <02077 +zebach > [ shall be ] accepted <07522
    +ratsown > upon mine altar <04196 +mizbeach > ; for {mine} house
    <01004 +bayith > shall be called <07121 +qara> > an house <01004
    +bayith > of prayer <08605 +t@phillah > for all <03605 +kol >
    people <05971 + .

    mine ISA 056 007 Even them will I bring <00935 +bow> > to my
    holy <06944 +qodesh > mountain <02022 +har > , and make them
    joyful <08055 +samach > in my house <01004 +bayith > of prayer
    <08605 +t@phillah > : their burnt <05930 + offerings and
    their sacrifices <02077 +zebach > [ shall be ] accepted <07522
    +ratsown > upon {mine} altar <04196 +mizbeach > ; for mine house
    <01004 +bayith > shall be called <07121 +qara> > an house <01004
    +bayith > of prayer <08605 +t@phillah > for all <03605 +kol >
    people <05971 + .

    mine ISA 060 007 All <03605 +kol > the flocks <06629 +tso>n > of
    Kedar <06938 +Qedar > shall be gathered <06908 +qabats >
    together unto thee , the rams <00352 +>ayil > of Nebaioth <05032
    +N@bayowth > shall minister <08334 +sharath > unto thee : they
    shall come <05927 + up with acceptance <07522 +ratsown >
    on <05921 + {mine} altar <04196 +mizbeach > , and I will
    glorify <06286 +pa>ar > the house <01004 +bayith > of my glory
    <08597 +tiph>arah > .

    mine ISA 063 003 I have trodden <01869 +darak > the winepress
    <06333 +puwrah > alone <00905 +bad > ; and of the people <05971
    + [ there was ] none with me : for I will tread <01869
    +darak > them in {mine} anger <00639 +>aph > , and trample
    <07429 +ramac > them in my fury <02534 +chemah > ; and their
    blood <05332 +Netsach > shall be sprinkled <05137 +nazah > upon
    my garments <00899 +beged > , and I will stain <01351 +ga>al >
    all <03605 +kol > my raiment <04403 +malbuwsh > .

    mine ISA 063 004 For the day <03117 +yowm > of vengeance <05359
    +naqam > [ is ] in {mine} heart <03820 +leb > , and the year
    <08141 +shaneh > of my redeemed <01350 +ga>al > is come <00935
    +bow> > .

    mine ISA 063 005 And I looked <05027 +nabat > , and [ there was
    ] none <00369 +>ayin > to help <05826 + ; and I wondered
    <08074 +shamem > that [ there was ] none <00369 +>ayin > to
    uphold <05564 +camak > : therefore {mine} own arm <02220
    +z@rowa< > brought <03467 +yasha< > salvation <03467 +yasha< >
    unto me ; and my fury <02534 +chemah > , it upheld <05564 +camak
    > me .

    mine ISA 063 006 And I will tread <00947 +buwc > down the people
    <05971 + in {mine} anger <00639 +>aph > , and make them
    drunk <07937 +shakar > in my fury <02534 +chemah > , and I will
    bring <03381 +yarad > down their strength <05332 +Netsach > to
    the earth <00776 +>erets > .

    mine ISA 065 009 And I will bring <03318 +yatsa> > forth <03318
    +yatsa> > a seed <02233 +zera< > out of Jacob <03290 +Ya ,
    and out of Judah <03063 +Y@huwdah > an inheritor <03423 +yarash
    > of my mountains <02022 +har > : and {mine} elect <00972
    +bachiyr > shall inherit <03423 +yarash > it , and my servants
    <05650 + shall dwell <07931 +shakan > there <08033 +sham
    > .

    mine ISA 065 012 Therefore will I number <04487 +manah > you to
    the sword <02719 +chereb > , and ye shall all <03605 +kol > bow
    <03766 +kara< > down <03766 +kara< > to the slaughter <02875
    +Tebach > : because <03282 +ya when I called <07121 +qara>
    > , ye did not answer <06030 + ; when I spake <01696
    +dabar > , ye did <06213 + not hear <08085 +shama< > ;
    but did evil <07451 +ra< > before {mine} eyes <05869 + ,
    and did <06213 + choose <00977 +bachar > [ that ] wherein
    <00834 +>aher > I delighted <02654 +chaphets > not .

    mine ISA 065 016 That he who <00834 +>aher > blesseth <01288
    +barak > himself in the earth <00776 +>erets > shall bless
    <01288 +barak > himself in the God <00430 +>elohiym > of truth
    <00548 +>amanah > ; and he that sweareth <07650 +shaba< > in the
    earth <00776 +>erets > shall swear <07650 +shaba< > by the God
    <00430 +>elohiym > of truth <00548 +>amanah > ; because <03588
    +kiy > the former <07223 +ri>shown > troubles <06869 +tsarah >
    are forgotten <07911 +shakach > , and because <03588 +kiy > they
    are hid <05641 +cathar > from {mine} eyes <05869 + .

    mine ISA 065 022 They shall not build <01129 +banah > , and
    another <00312 +>acher > inhabit <03427 +yashab > ; they shall
    not plant <05193 +nata< > , and another <00312 +>acher > eat
    <00398 +>akal > : for as the days <03117 +yowm > of a tree
    <06086 + [ are ] the days <03117 +yowm > of my people
    <05971 + , and {mine} elect <00972 +bachiyr > shall long
    enjoy <01086 +balah > the work <04639 +ma of their hands
    <03027 +yad > .

    mine ISA 066 002 For all <03605 +kol > those <00428 +>el - leh >
    [ things ] hath {mine} hand <03027 +yad > made <06213 + ,
    and all <03605 +kol > those <00428 +>el - leh > [ things ] have
    been <01961 +hayah > , saith <05002 +n@>um > the LORD <03068
    +Y@hovah > : but to this <02088 +zeh > [ man ] will I look
    <05027 +nabat > , [ even ] to [ him that is ] poor <06041 + > and of a contrite <05223 +nakeh > spirit <07307 +ruwach > ,
    and trembleth <02730 +chared > at <05921 + my word <01697
    +dabar > .

    mine ISA 066 004 I also <01571 +gam > will choose <00977 +bachar
    > their delusions <08586 +ta , and will bring <00935
    +bow> > their fears <04035 +m@guwrah > upon them ; because
    <03282 +ya when I called <07121 +qara> > , none <00369
    +>ayin > did answer <06030 + ; when I spake <01696 +dabar
    > , they did not hear <08085 +shama< > : but they did <06213
    + evil <07451 +ra< > before {mine} eyes <05869 + ,
    and chose <00977 +bachar > [ that ] in which <00834 +>aher > I
    delighted <02654 +chaphets > not .

    mine JER 002 007 And I brought <00935 +bow> > you into <00413
    +>el > a plentiful <03759 +karmel > country <00776 +>erets > ,
    to eat <00398 +>akal > the fruit <06529 +p@riy > thereof and the
    goodness <02898 +tuwb > thereof ; but when ye entered <00935
    +bow> > , ye defiled <02930 +tame> > my land <00776 +>erets > ,
    and made <07760 +suwm > {mine} heritage <05159 +nachalah > an
    abomination <08441 +tow .

    mine JER 003 012 . Go <01980 +halak > and proclaim <07121 +qara>
    > these <00428 +>el - leh > words <01697 +dabar > toward the
    north <06828 +tsaphown > , and say <00559 +>amar > , Return
    <07725 +shuwb > , thou backsliding <04878 +m@shuwbah > Israel
    <03478 +Yisra>el > , saith <05002 +n@>um > the LORD <03068
    +Y@hovah > ; [ and ] I will not cause {mine} anger <06440
    +paniym > to fall <05307 +naphal > upon you : for I [ am ]
    merciful <02623 +chaciyd > , saith <05002 +n@>um > the LORD
    <03068 +Y@hovah > , [ and ] I will not keep <05201 +natar > [
    anger ] for ever <05769 + .

    mine JER 003 015 And I will give <05414 +nathan > you pastors
    <07462 +ra according to {mine} heart <03820 +leb > , which
    shall feed <07462 +ra you with knowledge <01844 +de
    and understanding <07919 +sakal > .

    mine JER 007 020 Therefore <03651 +ken > thus <03541 +koh >
    saith <00559 +>amar > the Lord <00136 +>Adonay > GOD <03069
    +Y@hovih > ; Behold <02009 +hinneh > , {mine} anger <00639 +>aph
    > and my fury <02534 +chemah > shall be poured <05413 +nathak >
    out upon this <02088 +zeh > place <04725 +maqowm > , upon man
    <00120 +>adam > , and upon beast <00929 +b@hemah > , and upon
    the trees <06086 + of the field <07704 +sadeh > , and upon
    the fruit <06529 +p@riy > of the ground <00127 +>adamah > ; and
    it shall burn <01197 +ba , and shall not be quenched <03518
    +kabah > .

    mine JER 009 001 . Oh that my head <07218 +ro>sh > were waters
    <04325 +mayim > , and {mine} eyes <05869 + a fountain
    <04726 +maqowr > of tears <01832 +dim , that I might weep
    <01058 +bakah > day <03119 +yowmam > and night <03915 +layil >
    for the slain <02491 +chalal > of the daughter <01323 +bath > of
    my people <05971 + !

    mine JER 011 015 What <04100 +mah > hath my beloved <03039
    +y@diyd > to do in {mine} house <01004 +bayith > , [ seeing ]
    she hath wrought <06213 + lewdness <04209 +m@zimmah >
    with many <07227 +rab > , and the holy <06944 +qodesh > flesh
    <01320 +basar > is passed <05674 + from thee ? when
    <03588 +kiy > thou doest evil <07451 +ra< > , then <00227 +>az >
    thou rejoicest <05937 + .

    mine JER 012 003 But thou , O LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > , knowest
    <03045 +yada< > me : thou hast seen <07200 +ra>ah > me , and
    tried <00974 +bachan > {mine} heart <03820 +leb > toward <00854
    +>eth > thee : pull <05423 +nathaq > them out like sheep <06629
    +tso>n > for the slaughter <02873 +tabach > , and prepare <06942
    +qadash > them for the day <03117 +yowm > of slaughter <02028
    +haregah > .

    mine JER 012 007 . I have forsaken <05800 + mine house
    <01004 +bayith > , I have left <05203 +natash > {mine} heritage
    <05159 +nachalah > ; I have given <05414 +nathan > the dearly
    beloved <03039 +y@diyd > of my soul <05315 +nephesh > into the
    hand <03709 +kaph > of her enemies <00341 +>oyeb > .

    mine JER 012 007 . I have forsaken <05800 + {mine} house
    <01004 +bayith > , I have left <05203 +natash > mine heritage
    <05159 +nachalah > ; I have given <05414 +nathan > the dearly
    beloved <03039 +y@diyd > of my soul <05315 +nephesh > into the
    hand <03709 +kaph > of her enemies <00341 +>oyeb > .

    Mine JER 012 008 {Mine} heritage <05159 +nachalah > is unto me
    as a lion <00738 +>ariy > in the forest <03293 +ya ; it
    crieth out against <05921 + me : therefore have I hated
    <08130 +sane> > it .

    Mine JER 012 009 {Mine} heritage <05159 +nachalah > [ is ] unto
    me [ as ] a speckled <06641 +tsabuwa< > bird <05861 + ,
    the birds <05861 + round <05439 +cabiyb > about [ are ]
    against <05921 + her ; come <03212 +yalak > ye , assemble
    <00622 +>acaph > all <03605 +kol > the beasts <02416 +chay > of
    the field <07704 +sadeh > , come <00857 +>athah > to devour
    <00402 +>oklah > .

    mine JER 012 014 . Thus <03541 +koh > saith <00559 +>amar > the
    LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > against <05921 + all <03605 +kol >
    {mine} evil <07451 +ra< > neighbours <07934 +shaken > , that
    touch <05060 +naga< > the inheritance <05159 +nachalah > which
    <00834 +>aher > I have caused my people <05971 + Israel
    <03478 +Yisra>el > to inherit <05157 +nachal > ; Behold <02005
    +hen > , I will pluck <05428 +nathash > them out of their land
    <00127 +>adamah > , and pluck <05428 +nathash > out the house
    <01004 +bayith > of Judah <03063 +Y@huwdah > from among <08432
    +tavek > them .

    mine JER 013 017 But if <00518 +>im > ye will not hear <08085
    +shama< > it , my soul <05315 +nephesh > shall weep <01058
    +bakah > in secret <04565 +mictar > places for [ your ] pride
    <01466 +gevah > ; and {mine} eye <05869 + shall weep
    <01830 +dama< > sore , and run <03381 +yarad > down with tears
    <01832 +dim , because <03588 +kiy > the LORD S <03068
    +Y@hovah > flock <05739 + is carried <07617 +shabah >
    away captive <07617 +shabah > .

    mine JER 014 017 . Therefore thou shalt say <00559 +>amar > this
    <02088 +zeh > word <01697 +dabar > unto them ; Let {mine} eyes
    <05869 + run <03381 +yarad > down with tears <01832
    +dim night <03915 +layil > and day <03119 +yowmam > , and
    let them not cease <01820 +damah > : for the virgin <01330
    +b@thuwlah > daughter <01323 +bath > of my people <05971 +
    is broken <07665 +shabar > with a great <01419 +gadowl > breach
    <07667 +sheber > , with a very <03966 +m@ grievous <02470
    +chalah > blow <04347 +makkah > .

    mine JER 015 014 And I will make [ thee ] to pass <05674 + > with thine enemies <00341 +>oyeb > into a land <00776 +>erets
    > [ which ] thou knowest <03045 +yada< > not : for a fire <00784
    +>esh > is kindled <06919 +qadach > in {mine} anger <00639 +>aph
    > , [ which ] shall burn <03344 +yaqad > upon you .

    mine JER 015 016 Thy words <01697 +dabar > were found <04672
    +matsa> > , and I did eat <00398 +>akal > them ; and thy word
    <01697 +dabar > was unto me the joy <08342 +sasown > and
    rejoicing <08057 +simchah > of {mine} heart <03824 +lebab > :
    for I am called <07121 +qara> > by thy name <08034 +shem > , O
    LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > God <00430 +>elohiym > of hosts <06635
    +tsaba> > .

    mine JER 016 017 For mine eyes <05869 + [ are ] upon all
    <03605 +kol > their ways <01870 +derek > : they are not hid
    <05641 +cathar > from my face <06440 +paniym > , neither <03808
    +lo> > is their iniquity <05771 + hid <06845 +tsaphan >
    from {mine} eyes <05869 + .

    mine JER 016 017 For {mine} eyes <05869 + [ are ] upon
    all <03605 +kol > their ways <01870 +derek > : they are not hid
    <05641 +cathar > from my face <06440 +paniym > , neither <03808
    +lo> > is their iniquity <05771 + hid <06845 +tsaphan >
    from mine eyes <05869 + .

    mine JER 016 018 And first <07223 +ri>shown > I will recompense
    <07999 +shalam > their iniquity <05771 + and their sin
    <02403 +chatta>ah > double <04932 +mishneh > ; because <05921
    + they have defiled <02490 +chalal > my land <00776 +>erets
    > , they have filled <04390 +male> > {mine} inheritance <05159
    +nachalah > with the carcases <05038 +n@belah > of their
    detestable <08251 +shiqquwts > and abominable <08441 +tow
    things .

    mine JER 016 021 Therefore <03651 +ken > , behold <02005 +hen > ,
    I will this <02063 +zo>th > once <06471 +pa cause them to
    know <03045 +yada< > , I will cause them to know <03045 +yada< >
    {mine} hand <03027 +yad > and my might <01369 +g@buwrah > ; and
    they shall know <03045 +yada< > that my name <08034 +shem > [ is
    ] The LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > .

    mine JER 017 004 And thou , even thyself , shalt discontinue
    <08058 +shamat > from thine heritage <05159 +nachalah > that I
    gave <05414 +nathan > thee ; and I will cause thee to serve
    <05647 + thine enemies <00341 +>oyeb > in the land <00776
    +>erets > which <00834 +>aher > thou knowest <03045 +yada< > not
    : for ye have kindled <06919 +qadach > a fire <00784 +>esh > in
    {mine} anger <00639 +>aph > , [ which ] shall burn <03344 +yaqad
    > for ever <05769 + .

    mine JER 018 006 O house <01004 +bayith > of Israel <03478
    +Yisra>el > , cannot I do <06213 + with you as this
    <02088 +zeh > potter <03335 +yatsar > ? saith <05002 +n@>um >
    the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > . Behold <02009 +hinneh > , as the
    clay <02563 +chomer > [ is ] in the potter s <03335 +yatsar >
    hand <03027 +yad > , so <03651 +ken > [ are ] ye in {mine} hand
    <03027 +yad > , O house <01004 +bayith > of Israel <03478
    +Yisra>el > .

    mine JER 020 009 Then I said <00559 +>amar > , I will not make
    mention <02142 +zakar > of him , nor <03808 +lo> > speak <01696
    +dabar > any more <05750 + in his name <08034 +shem > .
    But [ his word ] was in {mine} heart <03820 +leb > as a burning
    <01197 +ba fire <00784 +>esh > shut <06113 + up in
    my bones <06106 + , and I was weary <03811 +la>ah > with
    forbearing <03557 +kuwl > , and I could <03201 +yakol > not [
    stay ] .

    Mine JER 023 009 . {Mine} heart <03820 +leb > within <07130
    +qereb > me is broken <07665 +shabar > because of the prophets
    <05030 +nabiy> > ; all <03605 +kol > my bones <06106 +
    shake <7363> ; I am like a drunken <07910 +shikkowr > man <00376
    +>iysh > , and like a man <01397 +geber > whom wine <03196
    +yayin > hath overcome <05674 + , because <06440 +paniym
    > of the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > , and because <03588 +kiy > of
    the words <01697 +dabar > of his holiness <06944 +qodesh >.

    mine JER 024 006 For I will set <07760 +suwm > {mine} eyes
    <05869 + upon them for good <02896 +towb > , and I will
    bring <07725 +shuwb > them again <07725 +shuwb > to this <02063
    +zo>th > land <00776 +>erets > : and I will build <01129 +banah
    > them , and not pull <02040 +harac > [ them ] down ; and I will
    plant <05193 +nata< > them , and not pluck <05428 +nathash > [
    them ] up .

    mine JER 032 008 So Hanameel <02601 +Chanam>el > {mine} uncle s
    <01733 +dowdah > son <01121 +ben > came <00935 +bow> > to me in
    the court <02691 +chatser > of the prison <04307 +mattara> >
    according to the word <01697 +dabar > of the LORD <03068
    +Y@hovah > , and said <00559 +>amar > unto me , Buy <07069
    +qanah > my field <07704 +sadeh > , I pray <04994 +na> > thee ,
    that [ is ] in Anathoth <06068 + , which <00834
    +>aher > [ is ] in the country <00776 +>erets > of Benjamin
    <01144 +Binyamiyn > : for the right <04941 +mishpat > of
    inheritance <03425 +y@rushah > [ is ] thine , and the redemption
    <01353 +g@ullah > [ is ] thine ; buy <07069 +qanah > [ it ] for
    thyself . Then I knew <03045 +yada< > that this <01931 +huw> > [
    was ] the word <01697 +dabar > of the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > .

    mine JER 032 012 And I gave <05414 +nathan > the evidence <05612
    +cepher > of the purchase <04736 +miqnah > unto Baruch <01263
    +Baruwk > the son <01121 +ben > of Neriah <05374 +Neriyah > ,
    the son <01121 +ben > of Maaseiah <04271 +Machceyah > , in the
    sight <05869 + of Hanameel <02601 +Chanam>el > {mine}
    uncle s <01733 +dowdah > [ son ] , and in the presence <05869
    + of the witnesses <05707 + that subscribed <03789
    +kathab > the book <05612 +cepher > of the purchase <04736
    +miqnah > , before <05869 + all <03605 +kol > the Jews
    <03064 +Y@huwdiy > that sat <03427 +yashab > in the court <02691
    +chatser > of the prison <04307 +mattara> > .

    mine JER 032 031 For this <02063 +zo>th > city <05892 +
    hath been <01961 +hayah > to me [ as ] a provocation <03708
    +ka of {mine} anger <00639 +>aph > and of my fury <02534
    +chemah > from the day <03119 +yowmam > that they built <01129
    +banah > it even unto this <02088 +zeh > day <03119 +yowmam > ;
    that I should remove <05493 +cuwr > it from before <05921 +
    my face <06440 +paniym > ,

    mine JER 032 037 Behold <02005 +hen > , I will gather <06908
    +qabats > them out of all <03605 +kol > countries <00776 +>erets
    > , whither I have driven <05080 +nadach > them in {mine} anger
    <00639 +>aph > , and in my fury <02534 +chemah > , and in great
    <01419 +gadowl > wrath <07110 +qetseph > ; and I will bring
    <07725 +shuwb > them again <07725 +shuwb > unto this place
    <04725 +maqowm > , and I will cause them to dwell <03427 +yashab
    > safely <00983 +betach > :

    mine JER 033 005 They come <00935 +bow> > to fight <03898
    +lacham > with the Chaldeans <03778 +Kasdiy > , but [ it is ] to
    fill <04390 +male> > them with the dead <06297 +peger > bodies
    <06297 +peger > of men <00120 +>adam > , whom <00834 +>aher > I
    have slain <05221 +nakah > in {mine} anger <00639 +>aph > and in
    my fury <02534 +chemah > , and for all <03605 +kol > whose
    <00834 +>aher > wickedness <07451 +ra< > I have hid <05641
    +cathar > my face <06440 +paniym > from this <02063 +zo>th >
    city <05892 + .

    mine JER 042 018 For thus <03541 +koh > saith <00559 +>amar >
    the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > of hosts <06635 +tsaba> > , the God
    <00430 +>elohiym > of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > ; As {mine}
    anger <00639 +>aph > and my fury <02534 +chemah > hath been
    poured <05413 +nathak > forth upon the inhabitants <03427
    +yashab > of Jerusalem <03389 +Y@ruwshalaim > ; so <03651 +ken >
    shall my fury <02534 +chemah > be poured <05413 +nathak > forth
    upon you , when ye shall enter <00935 +bow> > into <00935 +bow>
    > Egypt <04714 +Mitsrayim > : and ye shall be an execration
    <00423 +>alah > , and an astonishment <08047 +shammah > , and a
    curse <07045 +q@lalah > , and a reproach <02781 +cherpah > ; and
    ye shall see <07200 +ra>ah > this <02088 +zeh > place <04725
    +maqowm > no <03808 +lo> > more <05750 + .

    mine JER 044 006 Wherefore my fury <02534 +chemah > and {mine}
    anger <00639 +>aph > was poured <05413 +nathak > forth , and was
    kindled <01197 +ba in the cities <05892 + of Judah
    <03063 +Y@huwdah > and in the streets <02351 +chuwts > of
    Jerusalem <03389 +Y@ruwshalaim > ; and they are wasted <02723
    +chorbah > [ and ] desolate <08077 +sh@mamah > , as at this
    <02088 +zeh > day <03117 +yowm > .

    mine JER 044 028 Yet a small <04962 +math > number <04557
    +micpar > that escape <06412 +paliyt > the sword <02719 +chereb
    > shall return <07725 +shuwb > out of the land <00776 +>erets >
    of Egypt <04714 +Mitsrayim > into the land <00776 +>erets > of
    Judah <03063 +Y@huwdah > , and all <03605 +kol > the remnant
    <07611 +sh@>eriyth > of Judah <03063 +Y@huwdah > , that are gone
    <00935 +bow> > into the land <00776 +>erets > of Egypt <04714
    +Mitsrayim > to sojourn <01481 +guwr > there <08033 +sham > ,
    shall know <03045 +yada< > whose <04310 +miy > words <01697
    +dabar > shall stand <06965 +quwm > , {mine} , or theirs <01992
    +hem > .

    mine JER 048 031 Therefore will I howl <03213 +yalal > for Moab
    <04124 +Mow>ab > , and I will cry <02199 +za out for all
    <03605 +kol > Moab <04124 +Mow>ab > ; [ {mine} heart ] shall
    mourn <01897 +hagah > for the men <00582 +>enowsh > of Kirheres
    <07025 +Qiyr Cheres > .

    mine JER 048 036 Therefore mine heart <03820 +leb > shall sound
    <01993 +hamah > for Moab <04124 +Mow>ab > like pipes <02485
    +chaliyl > , and {mine} heart <03820 +leb > shall sound <01993
    +hamah > like pipes <02485 +chaliyl > for the men <00582
    +>enowsh > of Kirheres <07025 +Qiyr Cheres > : because the
    riches <03502 +yithrah > [ that ] he hath gotten <06213 +
    are perished <6> .

    mine JER 048 036 Therefore {mine} heart <03820 +leb > shall
    sound <01993 +hamah > for Moab <04124 +Mow>ab > like pipes
    <02485 +chaliyl > , and mine heart <03820 +leb > shall sound
    <01993 +hamah > like pipes <02485 +chaliyl > for the men <00582
    +>enowsh > of Kirheres <07025 +Qiyr Cheres > : because the
    riches <03502 +yithrah > [ that ] he hath gotten <06213 +
    are perished <6> .

    mine JER 050 011 Because <03588 +kiy > ye were glad <08056
    +sameach > , because <03588 +kiy > ye rejoiced <05937 + ,
    O ye destroyers <08154 +shacah > of {mine} heritage <05159
    +nachalah > , because <03588 +kiy > ye are grown <06335 +puwsh >
    fat <06335 +puwsh > as the heifer <05697 + at grass
    <01877 +deshe> > , and bellow <06670 +tsahal > as bulls <47> ;

    mine JER 051 025 Behold <02005 +hen > , I [ am ] against <00413
    +>el > thee , O destroying <04889 +mashchiyth > mountain <02022
    +har > , saith <05002 +n@>um > the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > ,
    which destroyest <07843 +shachath > all <03605 +kol > the earth
    <00776 +>erets > : and I will stretch <05186 +natah > out {mine}
    hand <03027 +yad > upon thee , and roll <01556 +galal > thee
    down from the rocks <05553 +cela< > , and will make <05414
    +nathan > thee a burnt <08316 +s@rephah > mountain <02022 +har >

    mine LAM 001 016 For these <00428 +>el - leh > [ things ] I weep
    <01058 +bakah > ; mine eye <05869 + , {mine} eye <05869
    + runneth <03381 +yarad > down with water <04325 +mayim >
    , because <03588 +kiy > the comforter <05162 +nacham > that
    should relieve <07725 +shuwb > my soul <05315 +nephesh > is far
    <07368 +rachaq > from me : my children <01121 +ben > are
    desolate <08076 +shamem > , because <03588 +kiy > the enemy
    <00341 +>oyeb > prevailed <01396 +gabar > .

    mine LAM 001 016 For these <00428 +>el - leh > [ things ] I weep
    <01058 +bakah > ; {mine} eye <05869 + , mine eye <05869
    + runneth <03381 +yarad > down with water <04325 +mayim >
    , because <03588 +kiy > the comforter <05162 +nacham > that
    should relieve <07725 +shuwb > my soul <05315 +nephesh > is far
    <07368 +rachaq > from me : my children <01121 +ben > are
    desolate <08076 +shamem > , because <03588 +kiy > the enemy
    <00341 +>oyeb > prevailed <01396 +gabar > .

    mine LAM 001 019 I called <07121 +qara> > for my lovers <00157
    +>ahab > , [ but ] they deceived <07411 +ramah > me : my priests
    <03548 +kohen > and {mine} elders <02205 +zaqen > gave up the
    ghost <01478 +gava< > in the city <05892 + , while <03588
    +kiy > they sought <01245 +baqash > their meat <00400 +>okel >
    to relieve <07725 +shuwb > their souls <05315 +nephesh > .

    mine LAM 001 020 Behold <07200 +ra>ah > , O LORD <03068 +Y@hovah
    > ; for I [ am ] in distress <06887 +tsarar > : my bowels <04578
    +me are troubled <02560 +chamar > ; {mine} heart <03820
    +leb > is turned <02015 +haphak > within <07130 +qereb > me ;
    for I have grievously <04784 +marah > rebelled <04784 +marah > :
    abroad <02351 +chuwts > the sword <02719 +chereb > bereaveth
    <07921 +shakol > , at home <01004 +bayith > [ there is ] as
    death <04194 +maveth > .

    mine LAM 001 021 They have heard <08085 +shama< > that I sigh
    <00584 +>anach > : [ there is ] none <00369 +>ayin > to comfort
    <05162 +nacham > me : all <03605 +kol > {mine} enemies <00341
    +>oyeb > have heard <08085 +shama< > of my trouble <07451 +ra< >
    ; they are glad <07796 +Sowreq > that thou hast done <06213
    + [ it ] : thou wilt bring <00935 +bow> > the day <03117
    +yowm > [ that ] thou hast called <07121 +qara> > , and they
    shall be like <03644 +k@mow > unto me .

    Mine LAM 002 011 {Mine} eyes <05869 + do fail <03615
    +kalah > with tears <01832 +dim , my bowels <04578 +me
    are troubled <02560 +chamar > , my liver <03516 +kabed > is
    poured <08210 +shaphak > upon the earth <00776 +>erets > , for
    the destruction <07667 +sheber > of the daughter <01323 +bath >
    of my people <05971 + ; because the children <05768 + > and the sucklings <03243 +yanaq > swoon <05848 + in
    the streets <07339 +r@chob > of the city <07151 +qiryah > .

    mine LAM 002 022 Thou hast called <07121 +qara> > as in a solemn
    <04150 +mow day <03117 +yowm > my terrors <04032 +magowr >
    round <05439 +cabiyb > about , so that in the day <03117 +yowm >
    of the LORD S <03068 +Y@hovah > anger <00639 +>aph > none <03808
    +lo> > escaped nor remained <08300 +sariyd > : those that I have
    swaddled <02946 +taphach > and brought <07235 +rabah > up hath
    {mine} enemy <00341 +>oyeb > consumed <03615 +kalah > .

    mine LAM 003 019 Remembering <02142 +zakar > {mine} affliction
    <06040 + and my misery <04788 +maruwd > , the wormwood
    <03939 +la and the gall <07219 +ro>sh > .

    Mine LAM 003 048 {Mine} eye <05869 + runneth <03381
    +yarad > down with rivers <06388 +peleg > of water <04325 +mayim
    > for the destruction <07667 +sheber > of the daughter <01323
    +bath > of my people <05971 + .

    Mine LAM 003 049 {Mine} eye <05869 + trickleth <05064
    +nagar > down , and ceaseth <01820 +damah > not , without <00369
    +>ayin > any intermission <02014 +haphugah > ,

    mine LAM 003 051 Mine eye <05869 + affecteth <05953
    + {mine} heart <05315 +nephesh > because of all <03605
    +kol > the daughters <01121 +ben > of my city <05892 + .

    Mine LAM 003 051 {Mine} eye <05869 + affecteth <05953
    + mine heart <05315 +nephesh > because of all <03605 +kol
    > the daughters <01121 +ben > of my city <05892 + .

    Mine LAM 003 052 {Mine} enemies <00341 +>oyeb > chased <06679
    +tsuwd > me sore , like a bird<06833 +tsippowr > , without
    <02600 +chinnam > cause <02600 +chinnam > .

    mine LAM 003 054 Waters <04325 +mayim > flowed <06687 +tsuwph >
    over <05921 + {mine} head <07218 +ro>sh > ; [ then ] I said
    <00559 +>amar > , I am cut <01504 +gazar > off .

    mine EZE 005 011 Wherefore <03651 +ken > , [ as ] I live <02416
    +chay > , saith <05002 +n@>um > the Lord <00136 +>Adonay > GOD
    <03069 +Y@hovih > ; Surely , because <03282 +ya thou hast
    defiled <02930 +tame> > my sanctuary <04720 +miqdash > with all
    <03605 +kol > thy detestable <08251 +shiqquwts > things , and
    with all <03605 +kol > thine abominations <08441 +tow ,
    therefore will I also <01571 +gam > diminish <01639 +gara< > [
    thee ] ; neither <01571 +gam > shall {mine} eye <05869 +
    spare <02347 +chuwc > , neither <01571 +gam > will I have any
    pity <02550 +chamal > .

    mine EZE 005 013 Thus shall {mine} anger <00639 +>aph > be
    accomplished <03615 +kalah > , and I will cause my fury <02534
    +chemah > to rest <05117 +nuwach > upon them , and I will be
    comforted <05162 +nacham > : and they shall know <03045 +yada< >
    that I the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > have spoken <01696 +dabar > [
    it ] in my zeal <07068 +qin>ah > , when I have accomplished
    <03615 +kalah > my fury <02534 +chemah > in them .

    mine EZE 007 003 Now <06258 + [ is ] the end <07093
    +qets > [ come ] upon thee , and I will send <07971 +shalach >
    {mine} anger <00639 +>aph > upon thee , and will judge <08199
    +shaphat > thee according to thy ways <01870 +derek > , and will
    recompense <05414 +nathan > upon thee all <03605 +kol > thine
    abominations <08441 +tow .

    mine EZE 007 004 And {mine} eye <05869 + shall not spare
    <02347 +chuwc > thee , neither <03808 +lo> > will I have pity
    <02550 +chamal > : but I will recompense <05414 +nathan > thy
    ways <01870 +derek > upon thee , and thine abominations <08441
    +tow shall be in the midst <08432 +tavek > of thee : and
    ye shall know <03045 +yada< > that I [ am ] the LORD <03068
    +Y@hovah > .

    mine EZE 007 008 Now <06258 + will I shortly <07138
    +qarowb > pour <08210 +shaphak > out my fury <02534 +chemah >
    upon thee , and accomplish <03615 +kalah > {mine} anger <00639
    +>aph > upon thee : and I will judge <08199 +shaphat > thee
    according to thy ways <01870 +derek > , and will recompense
    <05414 +nathan > thee for all <03605 +kol > thine abominations
    <08441 +tow .

    mine EZE 007 009 And {mine} eye <05869 + shall not spare
    <02347 +chuwc > , neither <03808 +lo> > will I have pity <02550
    +chamal > : I will recompense <05414 +nathan > thee according to
    thy ways <01870 +derek > and thine abominations <08441 +tow > [ that ] are in the midst <08432 +tavek > of thee ; and ye
    shall know <03045 +yada< > that I [ am ] the LORD <03068
    +Y@hovah > that smiteth <05221 +nakah > .

    mine EZE 008 001 . And it came <01961 +hayah > to pass in the
    sixth <08345 +shishshiy > year <08141 +shaneh > , in the sixth
    <08345 +shishshiy > [ month ] , in the fifth <02568 +chamesh > [
    day ] of the month <02320 +chodesh > , [ as ] I sat <03427
    +yashab > in {mine} house <01004 +bayith > , and the elders
    <02205 +zaqen > of Judah <03063 +Y@huwdah > sat <03427 +yashab >
    before <06440 +paniym > me , that the hand <03027 +yad > of the
    Lord <00136 +>Adonay > GOD <03069 +Y@hovih > fell <05307 +naphal
    > there <08033 +sham > upon me .

    mine EZE 008 003 And he put <07971 +shalach > forth <07971
    +shalach > the form <08403 +tabniyth > of an hand <03027 +yad > ,
    and took <03947 +laqach > me by a lock <06734 +tsiytsith > of
    {mine} head <07218 +ro>sh > ; and the spirit <07307 +ruwach >
    lifted <05375 +nasa> > me up between <00996 +beyn > the earth
    <00776 +>erets > and the heaven <08064 +shamayim > , and brought
    <00935 +bow> > me in the visions <04759 +mar>ah > of God <00430
    +>elohiym > to Jerusalem <03389 +Y@ruwshalaim > , to the door
    <06607 +pethach > of the inner <06442 +p@niymiy > gate <08179
    +sha that looketh <06437 +panah > toward the north <06828
    +tsaphown > ; where [ was ] the seat <04186 +mowshab > of the
    image <05566 +cemel > of jealousy <07069 +qanah > , which
    provoketh to jealousy <07069 +qanah > .

    mine EZE 008 005 Then said <00559 +>amar > he unto me , Son
    <01121 +ben > of man <00120 +>adam > , lift <05375 +nasa> > up
    thine eyes <05869 + now <04994 +na> > the way <01870
    +derek > toward the north <06828 +tsaphown > . So I lifted
    <05375 +nasa> > up {mine} eyes <05869 + the way <01870
    +derek > toward the north <06828 +tsaphown > , and behold <02009
    +hinneh > northward <06828 +tsaphown > at the gate <08179
    +sha of the altar <04196 +mizbeach > this <02088 +zeh >
    image <05566 +cemel > of jealousy <07068 +qin>ah > in the entry
    <00872 +b@>ah > .

    mine EZE 008 018 Therefore will I also <01571 +gam > deal <06213
    + in fury <02534 +chemah > : mine eye <05869 +
    shall not spare <02347 +chuwc > , neither <03808 +lo> > will I
    have pity <02550 +chamal > : and though they cry <07121 +qara> >
    in {mine} ears <00241 +>ozen > with a loud <01419 +gadowl >
    voice <06963 +qowl > , [ yet ] will I not hear <08085 +shama< >
    them .

    mine EZE 008 018 Therefore will I also <01571 +gam > deal <06213
    + in fury <02534 +chemah > : {mine} eye <05869 +
    shall not spare <02347 +chuwc > , neither <03808 +lo> > will I
    have pity <02550 +chamal > : and though they cry <07121 +qara> >
    in mine ears <00241 +>ozen > with a loud <01419 +gadowl > voice
    <06963 +qowl > , [ yet ] will I not hear <08085 +shama< > them .

    mine EZE 009 001 . He cried <07121 +qara> > also in {mine} ears
    <00241 +>ozen > with a loud <01419 +gadowl > voice <06963 +qowl
    > , saying <00559 +>amar > , Cause them that have charge <06486
    +p@quddah > over the city <05892 + to draw near <07126
    +qarab > , even every man <00376 +>iysh > [ with ] his
    destroying <04892 +mashcheth > weapon <03627 +k@liy > in his
    hand <03027 +yad > .

    mine EZE 009 005 . And to the others <00428 +>el - leh > he said
    <00559 +>amar > in {mine} hearing <00241 +>ozen > , Go <05674
    + ye after <00310 +>achar > him through the city <05892
    + , and smite <05221 +nakah > : let not your eye <05869
    + spare <02347 +chuwc > , neither <00408 +>al > have ye
    pity <02550 +chamal > :

    mine EZE 009 010 And as for me also <01571 +gam > , {mine} eye
    <05869 + shall not spare <02347 +chuwc > , neither <03808
    +lo> > will I have pity <02550 +chamal > , [ but ] I will
    recompense <05414 +nathan > their way <01870 +derek > upon their
    head <07218 +ro>sh > .

    mine EZE 011 020 That they may walk <03212 +yalak > in my
    statutes <02708 +chuqqah > , and keep <08104 +shamar > {mine}
    ordinances <04941 +mishpat > , and do <06213 + them : and
    they shall be my people <05971 + , and I will be their God
    <00430 +>elohiym > .

    mine EZE 012 007 And I did <06213 + so <03651 +ken > as I
    was commanded <06680 +tsavah > : I brought <03318 +yatsa> >
    forth <03318 +yatsa> > my stuff <03627 +k@liy > by day <03119
    +yowmam > , as stuff <03627 +k@liy > for captivity <01473
    +gowlah > , and in the even <06153 + I digged <02864
    +chathar > through the wall <07023 +qiyr > with {mine} hand
    <03027 +yad > ; I brought <03318 +yatsa> > [ it ] forth <03318
    +yatsa> > in the twilight <05939 + , [ and ] I bare
    <05375 +nasa> > [ it ] upon [ my ] shoulder <03802 +katheph > in
    their sight <05869 + .

    mine EZE 013 009 And {mine} hand <03027 +yad > shall be upon the
    prophets <05030 +nabiy> > that see <02374 +chozeh > vanity
    <07723 +shav> > , and that divine <07080 +qacam > lies <03576
    +kazab > : they shall not be in the assembly <05475 +cowd > of
    my people <05971 + , neither <03808 +lo> > shall they be
    written <03789 +kathab > in the writing <03791 +kathab > of the
    house <01004 +bayith > of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > , neither
    <03808 +lo> > shall they enter <00935 +bow> > into the land
    <00127 +>adamah > of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > ; and ye shall
    know <03045 +yada< > that I [ am ] the Lord <00136 +>Adonay >
    GOD <03069 +Y@hovih > .

    mine EZE 013 013 Therefore <03651 +ken > thus <03541 +koh >
    saith <00559 +>amar > the Lord <00136 +>Adonay > GOD <03069
    +Y@hovih > ; I will even rend <01234 +baqa< > [ it ] with a
    stormy <05591 +ca wind <07307 +ruwach > in my fury <02534
    +chemah > ; and there shall be an overflowing <07857 +shataph >
    shower <01653 +geshem > in {mine} anger <00639 +>aph > , and
    great <00417 +>elgabiysh > hailstones in [ my ] fury <02534
    +chemah > to consume <03615 +kalah > [ it ] .

    mine EZE 014 013 Son <01121 +ben > of man <00120 +>adam > , when
    <03588 +kiy > the land <00776 +>erets > sinneth <02398 +chata> >
    against me by trespassing <04603 +ma grievously <04604
    +ma , then will I stretch <05186 +natah > out {mine} hand
    <03027 +yad > upon it , and will break <07665 +shabar > the
    staff <04294 +matteh > of the bread <03899 +lechem > thereof ,
    and will send <07971 +shalach > famine <07458 +ra upon it ,
    and will cut <03772 +karath > off man <00120 +>adam > and beast
    <00929 +b@hemah > from it :

    mine EZE 016 008 Now when I passed <05674 + by thee , and
    looked <07200 +ra>ah > uponthee , behold <02009 +hinneh > , thy
    time <06256 + [ was ] the time <06256 + of love
    <01730 +dowd > ; and I spread <06566 +paras > my skirt <03671
    +kanaph > over <05921 + thee , and covered <03680 +kacah >
    thy nakedness <06172 + : yea , I sware <07650 +shaba< >
    unto thee , and entered <00935 +bow> > into a covenant <01285
    +b@riyth > with thee , saith <05002 +n@>um > the Lord <00136
    +>Adonay > GOD <03069 +Y@hovih > , and thou becamest <01961
    +hayah > {mine} .

    mine EZE 016 018 And tookest <03947 +laqach > thy broidered
    <07553 +riqmah > garments <00899 +beged > , and coveredst them :
    and thou hast set <05414 +nathan > mine oil <08081 +shemen > and
    {mine} incense <07004 +q@toreth > before <06440 +paniym > them .

    mine EZE 016 018 And tookest <03947 +laqach > thy broidered
    <07553 +riqmah > garments <00899 +beged > , and coveredst them :
    and thou hast set <05414 +nathan > {mine} oil <08081 +shemen >
    and mine incense <07004 +q@toreth > before <06440 +paniym > them

    mine EZE 017 019 Therefore <03651 +ken > thus <03541 +koh >
    saith <00559 +>amar > the Lord <00136 +>Adonay > GOD <03069
    +Y@hovih > ; [ As ] I live <02416 +chay > , surely {mine} oath
    <00423 +>alah > that he hath despised <00959 +bazah > , and my
    covenant <01285 +b@riyth > that he hath broken <06331 +puwr > ,
    even it will I recompense <05414 +nathan > upon his own head
    <07218 +ro>sh > .

    mine EZE 018 004 Behold <02005 +hen > , all <03605 +kol > souls
    <05315 +nephesh > are mine ; as the soul <05315 +nephesh > of
    the father <1> , so also the soul <05315 +nephesh > of the son
    <01121 +ben > is {mine} : the soul <05315 +nephesh > that
    sinneth <02398 +chata> > , it shall die <04191 +muwth > .

    mine EZE 018 004 Behold <02005 +hen > , all <03605 +kol > souls
    <05315 +nephesh > are {mine} ; as the soul <05315 +nephesh > of
    the father <1> , so also the soul <05315 +nephesh > of the son
    <01121 +ben > is mine : the soul <05315 +nephesh > that sinneth
    <02398 +chata> > , it shall die <04191 +muwth > .

    mine EZE 020 005 . And say <00559 +>amar > unto them , Thus
    <03541 +koh > saith <00559 +>amar > the Lord <00136 +>Adonay >
    GOD <03069 +Y@hovih > ; In the day <03117 +yowm > when I chose
    <00977 +bachar > Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > , and lifted <05375
    +nasa> > up mine hand <03027 +yad > unto the seed <02233 +zera<
    > of the house <01004 +bayith > of Jacob <03290 +Ya , and
    made myself known <03045 +yada< > unto them in the land <00776
    +>erets > of Egypt <04714 +Mitsrayim > , when I lifted <05375
    +nasa> > up {mine} hand <03027 +yad > unto them , saying <00559
    +>amar > , I [ am ] the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > your God <00430
    +>elohiym > ;

    mine EZE 020 005 . And say <00559 +>amar > unto them , Thus
    <03541 +koh > saith <00559 +>amar > the Lord <00136 +>Adonay >
    GOD <03069 +Y@hovih > ; In the day <03117 +yowm > when I chose
    <00977 +bachar > Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > , and lifted <05375
    +nasa> > up {mine} hand <03027 +yad > unto the seed <02233
    +zera< > of the house <01004 +bayith > of Jacob <03290 +Ya > , and made myself known <03045 +yada< > unto them in the land
    <00776 +>erets > of Egypt <04714 +Mitsrayim > , when I lifted
    <05375 +nasa> > up mine hand <03027 +yad > unto them , saying
    <00559 +>amar > , I [ am ] the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > your God
    <00430 +>elohiym > ;

    mine EZE 020 006 In the day <03117 +yowm > [ that ] I lifted
    <05375 +nasa> > up {mine} hand <03027 +yad > unto them , to
    bring <03318 +yatsa> > them forth <03318 +yatsa> > of the land
    <00776 +>erets > of Egypt <04714 +Mitsrayim > into <00413 +>el >
    a land <00776 +>erets > that I had espied <08446 +tuwr > for
    them , flowing <02100 +zuwb > with milk <02461 +chalab > and
    honey <01706 +d@bash > , which <01958 +hiy > [ is ] the glory
    <06643 +ts@biy > of all <03605 +kol > lands <00776 +>erets > :

    mine EZE 020 017 Nevertheless {mine} eye <05869 + spared
    <02347 +chuwc > them from destroying <07843 +shachath > them ,
    neither <03808 +lo> > did I make <06213 + an end <03615
    +kalah > of them in the wilderness <04057 +midbar > .

    mine EZE 020 022 Nevertheless I withdrew <07725 +shuwb > {mine}
    hand <03027 +yad > , and wrought <06213 + for my name s
    <08034 +shem > sake <04616 +ma , that it should not be
    polluted <02490 +chalal > in the sight <05869 + of the
    heathen <01471 +gowy > , in whose <00834 +>aher > sight <05869
    + I brought <03318 +yatsa> > them forth <03318 +yatsa> > .

    mine EZE 020 023 I lifted <05375 +nasa> > up {mine} hand <03027
    +yad > unto them also <01571 +gam > in the wilderness <04057
    +midbar > , that I would scatter <06327 +puwts > them among the
    heathen <01471 +gowy > , and disperse <02219 +zarah > them
    through the countries <00776 +>erets > ;

    mine EZE 020 028 [ For ] when I had brought <00935 +bow> > them
    into <00413 +>el > the land <00776 +>erets > , [ for ] the which
    <00834 +>aher > I lifted <05375 +nasa> > up {mine} hand <03027
    +yad > to give <05414 +nathan > it to them , then they saw
    <07200 +ra>ah > every <03605 +kol > high <07311 +ruwm > hill
    <01389 +gib , and all <03605 +kol > the thick <05687
    + trees <06086 + , and they offered <02076 +zabach
    > there <08033 +sham > their sacrifices <02077 +zebach > , and
    there <08033 +sham > they presented <05414 +nathan > the
    provocation <03708 +ka of their offering <07133 +qorban > :
    there <08033 +sham > also they made <07760 +suwm > their sweet
    <05207 +nichowach > savour <07381 +reyach > , and poured <05258
    +nacak > out there <08033 +sham > their drink <05262 +necek >
    offerings .

    mine EZE 020 040 For in {mine} holy <06944 +qodesh > mountain
    <02022 +har > , in the mountain <02022 +har > of the height
    <04791 +marowm > of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > , saith <05002
    +n@>um > the Lord <00136 +>Adonay > GOD <03069 +Y@hovih > ,
    there <08033 +sham > shall all <03605 +kol > the house <01004
    +bayith > of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > , all <03605 +kol > of
    them in the land <00776 +>erets > , serve <05647 + me :
    there <08033 +sham > will I accept <07521 +ratsah > them , and
    there <08033 +sham > will I require <01875 +darash > your
    offerings <08641 +t@ruwmah > , and the firstfruits <07225
    +re>shiyth > of your oblations <04864 +mas>eth > , with all
    <03605 +kol > your holy things .

    mine EZE 020 042 And ye shall know <03045 +yada< > that I [ am ]
    the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > , when I shall bring <00935 +bow> >
    you into <00413 +>el > the land <00127 +>adamah > of Israel
    <03478 +Yisra>el > , into <00413 +>el > the country <00776
    +>erets > [ for ] the which <00834 +>aher > I lifted <05375
    +nasa> > up {mine} hand <03027 +yad > to give <05414 +nathan >
    it to your fathers <1> .

    mine EZE 021 017 I will also <01571 +gam > smite <05221 +nakah >
    {mine} hands <03709 +kaph > together , and I will cause my fury
    <02534 +chemah > to rest <05117 +nuwach > : I the LORD <03068
    +Y@hovah > have said <01696 +dabar > [ it ] .

    mine EZE 021 031 And I will pour <08210 +shaphak > out {mine}
    indignation <02195 +za upon thee , I will blow <06315
    +puwach > against <05921 + thee in the fire <00784 +>esh >
    of my wrath <05678 + , and deliver <05414 +nathan > thee
    into the hand <03027 +yad > of brutish <01197 +ba men
    <00582 +>enowsh > , [ and ] skilful <02796 +charash > to destroy
    <04889 +mashchiyth > .

    mine EZE 022 008 Thou hast despised <00959 +bazah > {mine} holy
    <06944 +qodesh > things , and hast profaned <02490 +chalal > my
    sabbaths <07676 +shabbath > .

    mine EZE 022 013 Behold <02009 +hinneh > , therefore I have
    smitten <05221 +nakah > {mine} hand <03079 +Y@howyaqiym > at
    <00413 +>el > thy dishonest <01215 +betsa< > gain <01214 +batsa<
    > which <00834 +>aher > thou hast made <06213 + , and at
    <05921 + thy blood <01818 +dam > which <00834 +>aher > hath
    been <01961 +hayah > in the midst <08432 +tavek > of thee .

    mine EZE 022 020 [ As ] they gather <06910 +q@butsah > silver
    <03701 +keceph > , and brass <05178 +n@chosheth > , and iron
    <01270 +barzel > , and lead <05777 + , and tin
    <00913 +b@diyl > , into <00413 +>el > the midst <08432 +tavek >
    of the furnace <03564 +kuwr > , to blow <05301 +naphach > the
    fire <00784 +>esh > upon it , to melt <05413 +nathak > [ it ] ;
    so <03651 +ken > will I gather <06908 +qabats > [ you ] in
    {mine} anger <00639 +>aph > and in my fury <02534 +chemah > ,
    and I will leave <03241 +Yaniym > [ you there ] , and melt
    <05413 +nathak > you .

    mine EZE 022 026 Her priests <03548 +kohen > have violated
    <02554 +chamac > my law <08451 +towrah > , and have profaned
    <02490 +chalal > {mine} holy <06944 +qodesh > things : they have
    put no <03808 +lo> > difference between <00996 +beyn > the holy
    <06944 +qodesh > and profane <02455 +chol > , neither <03808
    +lo> > have they shewed <03045 +yada< > [ difference ] between
    <00996 +beyn > the unclean <02931 +tame> > and the clean <02889
    +tahowr > , and have hid <05956 + their eyes <05869
    + from my sabbaths <07676 +shabbath > , and I am profaned
    <02490 +chalal > among <08432 +tavek > them .

    mine EZE 022 031 Therefore have I poured <08210 +shaphak > out
    {mine} indignation <02195 +za upon them ; I have consumed
    <03615 +kalah > them with the fire <00784 +>esh > of my wrath
    <05678 + : their own way <01870 +derek > have I
    recompensed <05414 +nathan > upon their heads <07218 +ro>sh > ,
    saith <05002 +n@>um > the Lord <00136 +>Adonay > GOD <03069
    +Y@hovih > .

    mine EZE 023 004 And the names <08034 +shem > of them [ were ]
    Aholah <00170 +>Oholah > the elder <01419 +gadowl > , and
    Aholibah <00172 +>Oholiybah > her sister <00269 +>achowth > :
    and they were {mine} , and they bare <03205 +yalad > sons <01121
    +ben > and daughters <01121 +ben > . Thus [ were ] their names
    <08034 +shem > ; Samaria <08111 +Shom@rown > [ is ] Aholah
    <00170 +>Oholah > , and Jerusalem <03389 +Y@ruwshalaim >
    Aholibah <00172 +>Oholiybah > .

    mine EZE 023 005 And Aholah <00170 +>Oholah > played the harlot
    <02181 +zanah > when she was {mine} ; and she doted <05689
    + on <00413 +>el > her lovers <00157 +>ahab > , on <00413
    +>el > the Assyrians <00804 +>Ashshuwr > [ her ] neighbours
    <07138 +qarowb > ,

    mine EZE 023 039 For when they had slain <07819 +shachat > their
    children <01121 +ben > to their idols <01544 +gilluwl > , then
    they came <00935 +bow> > the same <01931 +huw> > day <03117
    +yowm > into <00413 +>el > my sanctuary <04720 +miqdash > to
    profane <02490 +chalal > it ; and , lo <02009 +hinneh > , thus
    <03541 +koh > have they done <06213 + in the midst <08432
    +tavek > of {mine} house <01004 +bayith > .

    mine EZE 023 041 And satest <03427 +yashab > upon a stately
    <03520 +k@buwddah > bed <04296 +mittah > , and a table <07979
    +shulchan > prepared <06186 + before <06440 +paniym > it ,
    whereupon <05921 + thou hast set <07760 +suwm > mine
    incense <07004 +q@toreth > and {mine} oil <08081 +shemen > .

    mine EZE 023 041 And satest <03427 +yashab > upon a stately
    <03520 +k@buwddah > bed <04296 +mittah > , and a table <07979
    +shulchan > prepared <06186 + before <06440 +paniym > it ,
    whereupon <05921 + thou hast set <07760 +suwm > {mine}
    incense <07004 +q@toreth > and mine oil <08081 +shemen > .

    mine EZE 025 007 Behold <02005 +hen > , therefore <03651 +ken >
    I will stretch <05186 +natah > out {mine} hand <03027 +yad >
    upon thee , and will deliver <05414 +nathan > thee for a spoil
    <00957 +baz > to the heathen <01471 +gowy > ; and I will cut
    <03772 +karath > thee off from the people <05971 + , and I
    will cause thee to perish <6> out of the countries <00776
    +>erets > : I will destroy <08045 +shamad > thee ; and thou
    shalt know <03045 +yada< > that I [ am ] the LORD <03068
    +Y@hovah > .

    mine EZE 025 013 Therefore <03651 +ken > thus <03541 +koh >
    saith <00559 +>amar > the Lord <00136 +>Adonay > GOD <03069
    +Y@hovih > ; I will also stretch <05186 +natah > out {mine} hand
    <03027 +yad > upon Edom <00123 +>Edom > , and will cut <03772
    +karath > off man <00120 +>adam > and beast <00929 +b@hemah >
    from it ; and I will make <05414 +nathan > it desolate <02723
    +chorbah > from Teman <08487 +Teyman > ; and they of Dedan
    <01719 +D@dan > shall fall <05307 +naphal > by the sword <02719
    +chereb > .

    mine EZE 025 014 And I will lay <05414 +nathan > my vengeance
    <05360 +n@qamah > upon Edom <00123 +>Edom > by the hand <03027
    +yad > of my people <05971 + Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > :
    and they shall do <06213 + in Edom <00123 +>Edom >
    according to {mine} anger <00639 +>aph > and according to my
    fury <02534 +chemah > ; and they shall know <03045 +yada< > my
    vengeance <05360 +n@qamah > , saith <05002 +n@>um > the Lord
    <00136 +>Adonay > GOD <03069 +Y@hovih > .

    mine EZE 025 016 Therefore <03651 +ken > thus <03541 +koh >
    saith <00559 +>amar > the Lord <00136 +>Adonay > GOD <03069
    +Y@hovih > ; Behold <02005 +hen > , I will stretch <05186 +natah
    > out {mine} hand <03027 +yad > upon the Philistines <06430
    +P@lishtiy > , and I will cut <03772 +karath > off the
    Cherethims <03774 +K@rethiy > , and destroy <9> the remnant
    <07611 +sh@>eriyth > of the sea <03220 +yam > coast <02348
    +chowph > .

    mine EZE 029 003 Speak <01696 +dabar > , and say <00559 +>amar >
    , Thus <03541 +koh > saith <00559 +>amar > the Lord <00136
    +>Adonay > GOD <03069 +Y@hovih > ; Behold <02005 +hen > , I [ am
    ] against <05921 + thee , Pharaoh <06547 +Par king
    <04428 +melek > of Egypt <04714 +Mitsrayim > , the great <01419
    +gadowl > dragon <08577 +tanniyn > that lieth <06437 +panah > in
    the midst <08432 +tavek > of his rivers <02975 +y@ , which
    hath said <00559 +>amar > , My river <02975 +y@ [ is ]
    {mine} own , and I have made <06213 + [ it ] for myself .

    mine EZE 029 009 And the land <00776 +>erets > of Egypt <04714
    +Mitsrayim > shall be desolate <08077 +sh@mamah > and waste
    <02723 +chorbah > ; and they shall know <03045 +yada< > that I [
    am ] the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > : because <03282 +ya he
    hath said <00559 +>amar > , The river <02975 +y@ [ is ]
    {mine} , and I have made <06213 + [ it ] .

    mine EZE 035 003 And say <00559 +>amar > unto it , Thus <03541
    +koh > saith <00559 +>amar > the Lord <00136 +>Adonay > GOD
    <03069 +Y@hovih > ; Behold <02005 +hen > , O mount <02022 +har >
    Seir <08165 +Se , I [ am ] against <00413 +>el > thee ,
    and I will stretch <05186 +natah > out {mine} hand <03027 +yad >
    against <05921 + thee , and I will make <05414 +nathan >
    thee most desolate <08077 +sh@mamah > .

    mine EZE 035 010 . Because <03282 +ya thou hast said <00559
    +>amar > , These two <08147 +sh@nayim > nations <01471 +gowy >
    and these two <08147 +sh@nayim > countries <00776 +>erets >
    shall be {mine} , and we will possess <03423 +yarash > it ;
    whereas the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > was there <08033 +sham > :

    mine EZE 036 007 Therefore <03651 +ken > thus <03541 +koh >
    saith <00559 +>amar > the Lord <00136 +>Adonay > GOD <03069
    +Y@hovih > ; I have lifted <05375 +nasa> > up {mine} hand <03027
    +yad > , Surely the heathen <01471 +gowy > that [ are ] about
    <05439 +cabiyb > you , they shall bear <05375 +nasa> > their
    shame <03639 +k@limmah > .

    mine EZE 036 021 But I had pity <02550 +chamal > for {mine} holy
    <06944 +qodesh > name <8034shem > , which <00834 +>aher > the
    house <01004 +bayith > of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > had profaned
    <02490 +chalal > among the heathen <01471 +gowy > , whither they
    went <00935 +bow> > .

    mine EZE 036 022 Therefore <03651 +ken > say <00559 +>amar >
    unto the house <01004 +bayith > of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > ,
    Thus <03541 +koh > saith <00559 +>amar > the Lord <00136
    +>Adonay > GOD <03069 +Y@hovih > ; I do <06213 + not [
    this ] for your sakes <06616 +pathiyl > , O house <01004 +bayith
    > of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > , but for {mine} holy <06944
    +qodesh > name s <08034 +shem > sake , which <00834 +>aher > ye
    have profaned <02490 +chalal > among the heathen <01471 +gowy > ,
    whither ye went <00935 +bow> > .

    mine EZE 037 019 Say <01696 +dabar > unto them , Thus <03541
    +koh > saith <00559 +>amar > the Lord <00136 +>Adonay > GOD
    <03069 +Y@hovih > ; Behold <02009 +hinneh > , I will take <03947
    +laqach > the stick <06086 + of Joseph <03130 +Yowceph > ,
    which <00834 +>aher > [ is ] in the hand <03027 +yad > of
    Ephraim <00669 +>Ephrayim > , and the tribes <07626 +shebet > of
    Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > his fellows <02270 +chaber > , and
    will put <05414 +nathan > them with him , [ even <00853 +>eth >
    ] with the stick <06086 + of Judah <03063 +Y@huwdah > ,
    and make <06213 + them one <00259 +>echad > stick <06086
    + , and they shall be one <00259 +>echad > in {mine} hand
    <03027 +yad > .

    mine EZE 043 008 In their setting <05414 +nathan > of their
    threshold <05592 +caph > by my thresholds <05592 +caph > , and
    their post <04201 +m@zuwzah > by my posts <04201 +m@zuwzah > ,
    and the wall <07023 +qiyr > between <00996 +beyn > me and them ,
    they have even defiled <02930 +tame> > my holy <06944 +qodesh >
    name <08034 +shem > by their abominations <08441 +tow
    that they have committed <06213 + : wherefore I have
    consumed <00398 +>akal > them in {mine} anger <00639 +>aph > .

    mine EZE 044 008 And ye have not kept <08104 +shamar > the
    charge <04931 +mishmereth > of {mine} holy <06944 +qodesh >
    things : but ye have set <07760 +suwm > keepers <08104 +shamar >
    of my charge <04931 +mishmereth > in my sanctuary <04720
    +miqdash > for yourselves .

    mine EZE 044 012 Because they ministered <08334 +sharath > unto
    them before <06440 +paniym > their idols <01544 +gilluwl > , and
    caused the house <01004 +bayith > of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el >
    to fall <04383 +mikshowl > into iniquity <05771 + ;
    therefore have I lifted <05375 +nasa> > up {mine} hand <03027
    +yad > against <05921 + them , saith <05002 +n@>um > the
    Lord <00136 +>Adonay > GOD <03069 +Y@hovih > , and they shall
    bear <05375 +nasa> > their iniquity <05771 + .

    mine EZE 044 024 And in controversy <07379 +riyb > they shall
    stand <05975 + in judgment <08199 +shaphat > ; [ and ]
    they shall judge <08199 +shaphat > it according to my judgments
    <04941 +mishpat > : and they shall keep <08104 +shamar > my laws
    <08451 +towrah > and my statutes <02708 +chuqqah > in all <03605
    +kol > {mine} assemblies <04150 +mow ; and they shall
    hallow <06942 +qadash > my sabbaths <07676 +shabbath > .

    mine EZE 047 014 And ye shall inherit <03423 +yarash > it , one
    <00376 +>iysh > as well as another <00250 +>Ezrachiy > : [
    concerning ] the which <00834 +>aher > I lifted <05375 +nasa> >
    up {mine} hand <03027 +yad > to give <05414 +nathan > it unto
    your fathers <1> : and this <02063 +zo>th > land <00776 +>erets
    > shall fall <05307 +naphal > unto you for inheritance <05159
    +nachalah > .

    mine DAN 004 004 . I Nebuchadnezzar <05020 +N@buwkadnetstsar >
    was at rest <07954 +sh@lah > in {mine} house <01005 +bayith > ,
    and flourishing <07487 +ra in my palace <01965 +heykal > :

    mine DAN 004 010 Thus [ were ] the visions <02376 +chezev > of
    {mine} head <07217 +re>sh > in my bed <04903 +mishkab > ; I saw
    <02370 +chaza> > , and behold <00431 +>aluw > a tree <00363
    +>iylan > in the midst <01459 +gav > of the earth <00772 +>ara<
    > , and the height <07314 +ruwm > thereof [ was ] great <07690
    +saggiy> > .

    mine DAN 004 034 . And at the end <07118 +q@tsath > of the days
    <03118 +yowm > I Nebuchadnezzar<05020 +N@buwkadnetstsar > lifted
    <05191 +n@tal > up mine eyes <05870 + unto heaven <08065
    +shamayin > , and {mine} understanding <04486 +manda< > returned
    <07725 +shuwb > unto me , and I blessed <01289 +b@rak > the most
    <05943 + High <05943 + , and I praised <07624
    +sh@bach > and honoured <01922 +hadar > him that liveth <02416
    +chay > for ever <05957 + , whose <01768 +diy > dominion
    <07985 +sholtan > [ is ] an everlasting <05957 + dominion
    <07985 +sholtan > , and his kingdom <04437 +malkuw > [ is ] from
    generation <01859 +dar > to generation <01859 +dar > :

    mine DAN 004 034 . And at the end <07118 +q@tsath > of the days
    <03118 +yowm > I Nebuchadnezzar<05020 +N@buwkadnetstsar > lifted
    <05191 +n@tal > up {mine} eyes <05870 + unto heaven
    <08065 +shamayin > , and mine understanding <04486 +manda< >
    returned <07725 +shuwb > unto me , and I blessed <01289 +b@rak >
    the most <05943 + High <05943 + , and I praised
    <07624 +sh@bach > and honoured <01922 +hadar > him that liveth
    <02416 +chay > for ever <05957 + , whose <01768 +diy >
    dominion <07985 +sholtan > [ is ] an everlasting <05957 +
    dominion <07985 +sholtan > , and his kingdom <04437 +malkuw > [
    is ] from generation <01859 +dar > to generation <01859 +dar > :

    mine DAN 004 036 At the same time <02166 +z@man > my reason
    <04486 +manda< > returned <07725 +shuwb > unto me ; and for the
    glory <03367 +y@qar > of my kingdom <04437 +malkuw > , {mine}
    honour <01923 +hadar > and brightness <02122 +ziyv > returned
    <07725 +shuwb > unto me ; and my counsellors <01907 +haddabar >
    and my lords <07261 +rabr@ban > sought <01158 +ba unto me ;
    and I was established <08627 +t@qan > in my kingdom <04437
    +malkuw > , and excellent <03493 +yattiyr > majesty <07238
    +r@buw > was added <03255 +y@caph > unto me .

    mine DAN 008 003 Then I lifted <05375 +nasa> > up {mine} eyes
    <05869 + , and saw <07200 +ra>ah > , and , behold <02009
    +hinneh > , there stood <05975 + before <06440 +paniym >
    the river <00180 +>uwbal > a ram <00352 +>ayil > which had [ two
    ] horns <07161 +qeren > : and the [ two ] horns <07161 +qeren >
    [ were ] high <01364 +gaboahh > ; but one <00259 +>echad > [ was
    ] higher <01364 +gaboahh > than <04480 +min > the other <08145
    +sheniy > , and the higher <01364 +gaboahh > came <05927 + > up last <00314 +>acharown > .

    mine DAN 010 005 Then I lifted <05375 +nasa> > up {mine} eyes
    <05869 + , and looked <07200 +ra>ah > , and behold <02009
    +hinneh > a certain <00259 +>echad > man <00376 +>iysh > clothed
    <03847 +labash > in linen <00906 +bad > , whose loins <04975
    +mothen > [ were ] girded <02296 +chagar > with fine gold <03800
    +kethem > of Uphaz <00210 +>Uwphaz > :

    mine HOS 002 005 For their mother <00517 +>em > hath played the
    harlot <02181 +zanah > : she that conceived <02030 +hareh > them
    hath done shamefully <03001 +yabesh > : for she said <00559
    +>amar > , I will go <03212 +yalak > after <00310 +>achar > my
    lovers <00157 +>ahab > , that give <05414 +nathan > [ me ] my
    bread <03899 +lechem > and my water <04325 +mayim > , my wool
    <06785 +tsemer > and my flax <06593 +pishteh > , {mine} oil
    <08081 +shemen > and my drink <08250 +shiqquwy > .

    mine HOS 002 010 And now <06258 + will I discover <01540
    +galah > her lewdness <05040 +nabluwth > in the sight <05869
    + of her lovers <00157 +>ahab > , and none <03808 +lo> >
    shall deliver <05337 +natsal > her out of {mine} hand <03027
    +yad > .

    mine HOS 008 005 Thy calf <05695 + , O Samaria <08111
    +Shom@rown > , hath cast <02186 +zanach > [ thee ] off ; {mine}
    anger <00639 +>aph > is kindled <02734 +charah > against them :
    how <00349 +>eyk > long <05704 + [ will it be ] ere <03808
    +lo> > they attain <03201 +yakol > to innocency <05356
    +niqqayown > ?

    mine HOS 008 013 They sacrifice <02076 +zabach > flesh <01320
    +basar > [ for ] the sacrifices <02077 +zebach > of {mine}
    offerings <01890 +habhab > , and eat <00398 +>akal > [ it ; but
    ] the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > accepteth <07521 +ratsah > them not
    ; now <06258 + will he remember <02142 +zakar > their
    iniquity <05771 + , and visit <06485 +paqad > their sins
    <02403 +chatta>ah > : they shall return <07725 +shuwb > to Egypt
    <04714 +Mitsrayim > .

    mine HOS 009 015 All <03605 +kol > their wickedness <07451 +ra<
    > [ is ] in Gilgal <01537 +Gilgal > : for there <08033 +sham > I
    hated <08130 +sane> > them : for the wickedness <07455 +roa< >
    of their doings <04611 +ma I will drive <01644 +garash >
    them out of {mine} house <01004 +bayith > , I will love <00160
    +>ahabah > them no <03808 +lo> > more <03254 +yacaph > : all
    <03605 +kol > their princes <08269 +sar > [ are ] revolters
    <05637 +carar > .

    mine HOS 011 008 . How <00349 +>eyk > shall I give <05414
    +nathan > thee up , Ephraim <00669 +>Ephrayim > ? [ how ] shall
    I deliver <05042 +naba< > thee , Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > ? how
    <00349 +>eyk > shall I make <05414 +nathan > thee as Admah
    <00126 +>Admah > ? [ how ] shall I set <07761 +suwm > thee as
    Zeboim <06636 +Ts@bo>iym > ? {mine} heart <03820 +leb > is
    turned <02015 +haphak > within me , my repentings <05150
    +nichuwm > are kindled <03648 +kamar > together <03162 +yachad >

    mine HOS 011 009 I will not execute <06213 + the
    fierceness <02740 +charown > of {mine} anger <00639 +>aph > , I
    will not return <07725 +shuwb > to destroy <07843 +shachath >
    Ephraim <00669 +>Ephrayim > : for I [ am ] God <00410 +>el > ,
    and not man <00376 +>iysh > ; the Holy <06918 +qadowsh > One in
    the midst <07130 +qereb > of thee : and I will not enter <00935
    +bow> > into the city <05892 + .

    mine HOS 013 011 I gave <05414 +nathan > thee a king <04428
    +melek > in {mine} anger <00639 +>aph > , and took <03947
    +laqach > [ him ] away in my wrath <05678 + .

    mine HOS 013 014 I will ransom <06299 +padah > them from the
    power <03027 +yad > of the grave <07585 +sh@>owl > ; I will
    redeem <01350 +ga>al > them from death <04194 +maveth > : O
    death <04194 +maveth > , I will <00165 +>ehiy > be thy plagues
    <01698 +deber > ; O grave <07585 +sh@>owl > , I will <00165
    +>ehiy > be thy destruction <06987 +qoteb > : repentance <05164
    +nocham > shall be hid <05641 +cathar > from {mine} eyes <05869
    + .

    mine HOS 014 004 . I will heal <07495 +rapha> > their
    backsliding <04878 +m@shuwbah > , I will love <00157 +>ahab >
    them freely <05071 +n@dabah > : for {mine} anger <00639 +>aph >
    is turned <07725 +shuwb > away from him .

    mine AMO 001 008 And I will cut <03772 +karath > off the
    inhabitant <03427 +yashab > from Ashdod <00795 +>Ashdowd > , and
    him that holdeth <08551 +tamak > the sceptre <07626 +shebet >
    from Ashkelon <00831 +>Ashq@lown > , and I will turn <07725
    +shuwb > {mine} hand <03027 +yad > against <05921 + Ekron
    <06138 + : and the remnant <07611 +sh@>eriyth > of the
    Philistines <06430 +P@lishtiy > shall perish <6> , saith <00559
    +>amar > the Lord <00136 +>Adonay > GOD <03069 +Y@hovih > .

    mine AMO 009 002 Though <00518 +>im > they dig <02864 +chathar >
    into hell <07585 +sh@>owl > , thence <08033 +sham > shall {mine}
    hand <03027 +yad > take <03947 +laqach > them ; though <00518
    +>im > they climb <05927 + up to heaven <08064 +shamayim
    > , thence <08033 +sham > will I bring <03381 +yarad > them down
    <03381 +yarad > :

    mine AMO 009 004 And though <00518 +>im > they go <03212 +yalak
    > into captivity <07628 +sh@biy > before <06440 +paniym > their
    enemies <00341 +>oyeb > , thence <08033 +sham > will I command
    <06680 +tsavah > the sword <02719 +chereb > , and it shall slay
    <02026 +harag > them : and I will set <07760 +suwm > {mine} eyes
    <05869 + upon them for evil <07451 +ra< > , and not for
    good <02896 +towb > .

    mine JONAH 002 002 And said <00559 +>amar > , I cried <07121
    +qara> > by reason of {mine} affliction <06869 +tsarah > unto
    the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > , and he heard <06030 + me ;
    out of the belly <00990 +beten > of hell <07585 +sh@>owl > cried
    <07768 +shava< > I , [ and ] thou heardest <08085 +shama< > my
    voice <06963 +qowl > .

    mine MIC 007 008 Rejoice <08056 +sameach > not against me , O
    {mine} enemy <00341 +>oyeb > : when <03588 +kiy > I fall <05307
    +naphal > , I shall arise <06965 +quwm > ; when I sit <03427
    +yashab > in darkness <02822 +choshek > , the LORD <03068
    +Y@hovah > [ shall be ] a light <00216 +>owr > unto me .

    mine MIC 007 010 Then [ she that is ] mine enemy <00341 +>oyeb >
    shall see <07200 +ra>ah > [ it ] , and shame <00955 +buwshah >
    shall cover <03680 +kacah > her which said <00559 +>amar > unto
    me , Where <00346 +>ayeh > is the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > thy God
    <00430 +>elohiym > ? {mine} eyes <05869 + shall behold
    <07200 +ra>ah > her : now <06258 + shall she be trodden
    <04823 +mirmac > down as the mire <02916 +tiyt > of the streets
    <02351 +chuwts > .

    mine MIC 007 010 Then [ she that is ] {mine} enemy <00341 +>oyeb
    > shall see <07200 +ra>ah > [ it ] , and shame <00955 +buwshah >
    shall cover <03680 +kacah > her which said <00559 +>amar > unto
    me , Where <00346 +>ayeh > is the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > thy God
    <00430 +>elohiym > ? mine eyes <05869 + shall behold
    <07200 +ra>ah > her : now <06258 + shall she be trodden
    <04823 +mirmac > down as the mire <02916 +tiyt > of the streets
    <02351 +chuwts > .

    mine HAB 001 012 . [ Art ] thou not from everlasting <06924
    +qedem > , O LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > my God <00430 +>elohiym > ,
    {mine} Holy <06918 +qadowsh > One <06918 +qadowsh > ? we shall
    not die <04191 +muwth > . O LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > , thou hast
    ordained <07760 +suwm > them for judgment <04941 +mishpat > ;
    and , O mighty <06697 +tsuwr > God <06697 +tsuwr > , thou hast
    established <03245 +yacad > them for correction <03198 +yakach >

    mine HAB 003 019 The LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > God <00136 +>Adonay
    > [ is ] my strength <02428 +chayil > , and he will make <07760
    +suwm > my feet <07272 +regel > like hinds <00355 +>ayalah > [
    feet <07272 +regel > ] , and he will make me to walk <01869
    +darak > upon {mine} high <01116 +bamah > places . To the chief
    <05329 +natsach > singer <05329 +natsach > on my stringed <05058
    +n@giynah > instruments .

    mine ZEP 001 004 I will also stretch <05186 +natah > out {mine}
    hand <03027 +yad > upon Judah <03063 +Y@huwdah > , and upon all
    <03605 +kol > the inhabitants <03427 +yashab > of Jerusalem
    <03389 +Y@ruwshalaim > ; and I will cut <03772 +karath > off the
    remnant <07605 +sh@>ar > of Baal <01168 +Ba from this place
    <04725 +maqowm > , [ and ] the name <08034 +shem > of the
    Chemarims <03649 +kamar > with the priests <03548 +kohen > ;

    mine ZEP 003 008 . Therefore <03651 +ken > wait <02442 +chakah >
    ye upon me , saith <05002 +n@>um > the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > ,
    until the day <03117 +yowm > that I rise <06965 +quwm > up to
    the prey <05706 + : for my determination <04941 +mishpat >
    [ is ] to gather <00622 +>acaph > the nations <01471 +gowy > ,
    that I may assemble <06908 +qabats > the kingdoms <04467
    +mamlakah > , to pour <08210 +shaphak > upon them {mine}
    indignation <02195 +za , [ even ] all <03605 +kol > my
    fierce <02740 +charown > anger <00639 +>aph > : for all <03605
    +kol > the earth <00776 +>erets > shall be devoured <00398
    +>akal > with the fire <00784 +>esh > of my jealousy <07068
    +qin>ah > .

    mine ZEP 003 010 From beyond <05676 + the rivers <05104
    +nahar > of Ethiopia <03568 +Kuwsh > my suppliants <06282
    + , [ even ] the daughter <01323 +bath > of my dispersed
    <06327 +puwts > , shall bring <02986 +yabal > {mine} offering
    <04503 +minchah > .

    mine HAG 001 009 Ye looked <06437 +panah > for much <07235
    +rabah > , and , lo <02009 +hinneh > , [ it came ] to little
    <04592 +m@ ; and when ye brought <00935 +bow> > [ it ] home
    <01004 +bayith > , I did blow <05301 +naphach > upon it . Why ?
    saith <05002 +n@>um > the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > of hosts <06635
    +tsaba> > . Because <03282 +ya of {mine} house <01004
    +bayith > that [ is ] waste <02720 +chareb > , and ye run <07323
    +ruwts > every man <00376 +>iysh > unto his own house <01004
    +bayith > .

    mine HAG 002 008 The silver <03701 +keceph > [ is ] mine , and
    the gold <02091 +zahab > [ is ] {mine} , saith <05002 +n@>um >
    the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > of hosts <06635 +tsaba> > .

    mine HAG 002 008 The silver <03701 +keceph > [ is ] {mine} , and
    the gold <02091 +zahab > [ is ] mine , saith <05002 +n@>um > the
    LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > of hosts <06635 +tsaba> > .

    mine ZEC 001 018 . Then lifted <05375 +nasa> > I up {mine} eyes
    <05869 + , and saw <07200 +ra>ah > , and behold <02009
    +hinneh > four <00702 +>arba< > horns <07161 +qeren > .

    mine ZEC 002 001 . I lifted <05375 +nasa> > up {mine} eyes
    <05869 + again , and looked <07200 +ra>ah > , and behold
    <02009 +hinneh > a man <00376 +>iysh > with a measuring <04060
    +middah > line <02256 +chebel > in his hand <03027 +yad > .

    mine ZEC 002 009 For , behold <02005 +hen > , I will shake
    <05130 +nuwph > {mine} hand <03027 +yad > upon them , and they
    shall be a spoil <07998 +shalal > to their servants <05647
    + : and ye shall know <03045 +yada< > that the LORD
    <03068 +Y@hovah > of hosts <06635 +tsaba> > hath sent <07971
    +shalach > me .

    mine ZEC 005 001 . Then I turned <07725 +shuwb > , and lifted
    <05375 +nasa> > up {mine} eyes <05869 + , and looked
    <07200 +ra>ah > , and behold <02009 +hinneh > a flying <05774
    + roll <04040 +m@gillah > .

    mine ZEC 005 009 Then lifted <05375 +nasa> > I up {mine} eyes
    <05869 + , and looked <07200 +ra>ah > , and , behold
    <02009 +hinneh > , there came <03318 +yatsa> > out two <08147
    +sh@nayim > women <00802 +>ishshah > , and the wind <07307
    +ruwach > [ was ] in their wings <03671 +kanaph > ; for they had
    wings <03671 +kanaph > like the wings <03671 +kanaph > of a
    stork <02624 +chaciydah > : and they lifted <05375 +nasa> > up
    the ephah <00374 +>eyphah > between <00996 +beyn > the earth
    <00776 +>erets > and the heaven <08064 +shamayim > .

    mine ZEC 006 001 . And I turned <07725 +shuwb > , and lifted
    <05375 +nasa> > up {mine} eyes <05869 + , and looked
    <07200 +ra>ah > , and , behold <02009 +hinneh > , there came
    <03318 +yatsa> > four <00702 +>arba< > chariots <04818 +merkabah
    > out from between <00996 +beyn > two <08147 +sh@nayim >
    mountains <02022 +har > ; and the mountains <02022 +har > [ were
    ] mountains <02022 +har > of brass <05178 +n@chosheth > .

    mine ZEC 008 006 Thus <03541 +koh > saith <00559 +>amar > the
    LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > of hosts <06635 +tsaba> > ; If <03588
    +kiy > it be marvellous <06381 +pala> > in the eyes <05869
    + of the remnant <07611 +sh@>eriyth > of this <02088 +zeh
    > people <05971 + in these <01992 +hem > days <03117 +yowm
    > , should it also <01571 +gam > be marvellous <06381 +pala> >
    in {mine} eyes <05869 + ? saith <05002 +n@>um > the LORD
    <03068 +Y@hovah > of hosts <06635 +tsaba> > .

    mine ZEC 009 008 And I will encamp <02583 +chanah > about mine
    house <01004 +bayith > because of the army <04675 +matstsabah > ,
    because of him that passeth <05674 + by , and because of
    him that returneth <07725 +shuwb > : and no <03808 +lo> >
    oppressor <05065 +nagas > shall pass <05674 + through
    them any more <05750 + : for now <06258 + have I
    seen <07200 +ra>ah > with {mine} eyes <05869 + .

    mine ZEC 009 008 And I will encamp <02583 +chanah > about {mine}
    house <01004 +bayith > because of the army <04675 +matstsabah > ,
    because of him that passeth <05674 + by , and because of
    him that returneth <07725 +shuwb > : and no <03808 +lo> >
    oppressor <05065 +nagas > shall pass <05674 + through
    them any more <05750 + : for now <06258 + have I
    seen <07200 +ra>ah > with mine eyes <05869 + .

    Mine ZEC 010 003 {Mine} anger <00639 +>aph > was kindled <02734
    +charah > against <05921 + the shepherds <07462 +ra ,
    and I punished <06485 +paqad > the goats <06260 + : for
    the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > of hosts <06635 +tsaba> > hath
    visited <06485 +paqad > his flock <05739 + the house
    <01004 +bayith > of Judah <03063 +Y@huwdah > , and hath made
    <07760 +suwm > them as his goodly <01935 +howd > horse <05483
    +cuwc > in the battle <04421 +milchamah > .

    mine ZEC 011 014 Then I cut <01438 +gada< > asunder {mine} other
    <08145 +sheniy > staff <04731 +maqqel > , [ even <00853 +>eth >
    ] Bands <02256 +chebel > , that I might break <06565 +parar >
    the brotherhood between <00996 +beyn > Judah <03063 +Y@huwdah >
    and Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > .

    mine ZEC 012 004 In that day <03117 +yowm > , saith <05002
    +n@>um > the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > , I will smite <05221 +nakah
    > every <03605 +kol > horse <05483 +cuwc > with astonishment
    <08541 +timmahown > , and his rider <07392 +rakab > with madness
    <07697 +shigga : and I will open <06491 +paqach > {mine}
    eyes <05869 + upon the house <01004 +bayith > of Judah
    <03063 +Y@huwdah > , and will smite <05221 +nakah > every <03605
    +kol > horse <05483 +cuwc > of the people <05971 + with
    blindness <05788 + .

    mine ZEC 013 007 . Awake <05782 + , O sword <02719 +chereb
    > , against <05921 + my shepherd <07462 +ra , and
    against <05921 + the man <01397 +geber > [ that is ] my
    fellow <05997 + , saith <05002 +n@>um > the LORD <03068
    +Y@hovah > of hosts <06635 +tsaba> > : smite <05221 +nakah > the
    shepherd <07462 +ra , and the sheep <06629 +tso>n > shall
    be scattered <06327 +puwts > : and I will turn <07725 +shuwb >
    {mine} hand <03027 +yad > upon the little <06819 +tsa ones .

    mine MAL 001 006 . A son <01121 +ben > honoureth <03513 +kabad >
    [ his ] father <2> , and a servant <05650 + his master
    <00113 +>adown > : if <00518 +>im > then I [ be ] a father <2> ,
    where <00346 +>ayeh > [ is ] {mine} honour <03519 +kabowd > ?
    and if <00518 +>im > I [ be ] a master <00113 +>adown > , where
    <00346 +>ayeh > [ is ] my fear <04172 +mowra> > ? saith <00559
    +>amar > the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > of hosts <06635 +tsaba> >
    unto you , O priests <03548 +kohen > , that despise <00959
    +bazah > my name <08034 +shem > . And ye say <00559 +>amar > ,
    Wherein <04100 +mah > have we despised <00959 +bazah > thy name
    <08034 +shem > ?

    mine MAL 001 007 Ye offer <05066 +nagash > polluted <01351
    +ga>al > bread <03899 +lechem > upon {mine} altar <04196
    +mizbeach > ; and ye say <00559 +>amar > , Wherein <04100 +mah >
    have we polluted <01351 +ga>al > thee ? In that ye say <00559
    +>amar > , The table <07979 +shulchan > of the LORD <03068
    +Y@hovah > [ is ] contemptible <00959 +bazah > .

    mine MAL 001 010 Who <04310 +miy > [ is there ] even <01571 +gam
    > among you that would shut <05462 +cagar > the doors <01817
    +deleth > [ for nought ] ? neither <03808 +lo> > do ye kindle
    <00215 +>owr > [ fire ] on {mine} altar <04196 +mizbeach > for
    nought <02600 +chinnam > . I have no <00639 +>aph > pleasure
    <02656 +chephets > in you , saith <00559 +>amar > the LORD
    <03068 +Y@hovah > of hosts <06635 +tsaba> > , neither <03808
    +lo> > will I accept <07521 +ratsah > an offering <04503
    +minchah > at your hand <03027 +yad > .

    mine MAL 003 007 . Even from the days <03117 +yowm > of your
    fathers <1> ye are gone <05493 +cuwr > away <05493 +cuwr > from
    {mine} ordinances <02706 +choq > , and have not kept <08104
    +shamar > [ them ] . Return <07725 +shuwb > unto me , and I will
    return <07725 +shuwb > unto you , saith <00559 +>amar > the LORD
    <03068 +Y@hovah > of hosts <06635 +tsaba> > . But ye said <00559
    +>amar > , Wherein <04100 +mah > shall we return <07725 +shuwb >

    mine MAL 003 010 Bring <00935 +bow> > ye all <03605 +kol > the
    tithes <04643 +ma into <00413 +>el > the storehouse
    <00214 +>owtsar > , that there may be meat <02964 +tereph > in
    {mine} house <01004 +bayith > , and prove <00974 +bachan > me
    now <04994 +na> > herewith <02063 +zo>th > , saith <00559 +>amar
    > the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > of hosts <06635 +tsaba> > , if I
    will not open <06605 +pathach > you the windows <00699 +>arubbah
    > of heaven <08064 +shamayim > , and pour <07324 +ruwq > you out
    a blessing <01293 +B@rakah > , that [ there shall ] not [ be
    room ] enough <01767 +day > [ to receive it ] .

    mine MAL 003 017 And they shall be {mine} , saith <00559 +>amar
    > the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > of hosts <06635 +tsaba> > , in that
    day <03117 +yowm > when <00834 +>aher > I make <06213 +
    up my jewels <05459 +c@gullah > ; and I will spare <02550
    +chamal > them , as a man <00376 +>iysh > spareth <02550 +chamal
    > his own son <01121 +ben > that serveth <05647 + him .

    mine MAT 007 024 Therefore <3767 -oun -> whosoever <3748 -hostis
    -> heareth <0191 -akouo -> these <5128 -toutous -> sayings <3056
    -logos -> of {mine} <3450 -mou -> , and doeth <4160 -poieo ->
    them , I will liken <3666 -homoioo -> him unto a wise <5429 -
    phronimos -> man <0435 -aner -> , which <3748 -hostis -> built
    <3618 -oikodomeo -> his house <3614 -oikia -> upon a rock <4073 -
    petra -> :

    mine MAT 007 026 And every <3956 -pas -> one that heareth <0191 -
    akouo -> these <5128 -toutous -> sayings <3056 -logos -> of
    {mine} <3450 -mou -> , and doeth <4160 -poieo -> them not ,
    shall be likened <3666 -homoioo -> unto a foolish <3474 -moros -
    > man <0435 -aner -> , which <3748 -hostis -> built <3618 -
    oikodomeo -> his house <3614 -oikia -> upon the sand <0285 -
    ammos -> :

    mine MAT 020 015 Is it not lawful <1832 -exesti -> for me to do
    <4160 -poieo -> what <3739 -hos -> I will <2309 -thelo -> with
    {mine} <1699 -emos -> own ? Is thine <4675 -sou -> eye <3788 -
    ophthalmos -> evil <4190 -poneros -> , because <3754 -hoti -> I
    am <1510 -eimi -> good <0018 -agathos -> ?

    mine MAT 020 023 And he saith <3004 -lego -> unto them , Ye
    shall drink <4095 -pino -> indeed <3303 -men -> of my cup <4221 -
    poterion -> , and be baptized <0907 -baptizo -> with the baptism
    <0908 -baptisma -> that I am baptized <0907 -baptizo -> with :
    but to sit <2523 -kathizo -> on <1537 -ek -> my right <1188 -
    dexios -> hand , and on <1537 -ek -> my left <2176 -euonumos -> ,
    is not {mine} <1699 -emos -> to give <1325 -didomi -> , but [
    it shall be given to them ] for whom <3739 -hos -> it is
    prepared <2090 -hetoimazo -> of my Father <3962 -pater -> .

    mine MAT 025 027 Thou oughtest <1163 -dei -> therefore <3767 -
    oun -> to have put <0906 -ballo -> my money <0694 -argurion ->
    to the exchangers <5133 -trapezites -> , and [ then ] at my
    coming <2064 -erchomai -> I should have received <2865 -komizo -
    > {mine} <1699 -emos -> own with usury <5110 -tokos -> .

    mine MAR 009 024 And straightway <2112 -eutheos -> the father
    <3962 -pater -> of the child <3813 -paidion -> cried <2896 -
    krazo -> out , and said <3004 -lego -> with tears <1144 -dakru -
    > , Lord <2962 -kurios -> , I believe <4100 -pisteuo -> ; help
    <0997 -boetheo -> thou {mine} <3450 -mou -> unbelief <0570 -
    apaistia -> .

    mine MAR 010 040 But to sit <2523 -kathizo -> on <1537 -ek -> my
    right <1188 -dexios -> hand and on <1537 -ek -> my left <2176 -
    euonumos -> hand is not {mine} to give <1325 -didomi -> ; but [
    it shall be given to them ] for whom <3739 -hos -> it is
    prepared <2090 -hetoimazo -> .

    mine LUK 001 044 For , lo 2400 -idou - , as soon as the voice
    5456 -phone - of thy salutation LUK 0783 -aspasmos - sounded
    1096 -ginomai - in {mine} 3450 -mou - ears 3775 -ous - , the
    babe 1025 -brephos - leaped 4640 -skirtao - in my womb 2836 -
    koilia - for joy LUK 0020 -agalliasis - .

    mine LUK 002 030 For {mine} 3450 -mou - eyes 3788 -ophthalmos -
    have seen 1492 -eido - thy salvation 4992 -soterion - ,

    mine LUK 009 038 And , behold 2400 -idou - , a man LUK 0435 -
    aner - of the company 3793 -ochlos - cried LUK 0310 -anaboao -
    out , saying 3004 -lego - , Master 1320 -didaskalos - , I
    beseech 1189 -deomai - thee , look 1614 -ekteino - upon my son
    5207 -huios - : for he is {mine} 3427 -moi - only 3439 -
    monogenes - child 3439 -monogenes - .

    mine LUK 011 006 For a friend 5384 -philos - of {mine} 3450 -mou
    - in his journey 3598 -hodos - is come 3854 -paraginomai - to me
    , and I have 2192 -echo - nothing 3739 -hos - to set 3908 -
    paratithemi - before 3908 -paratithemi - him ?

    mine LUK 018 003 And there was a widow 5503 -chera - in that
    city 4172 -polis - ; and she came 2064 -erchomai - unto him ,
    saying 3004 -lego - , Avenge 1556 -ekdikeo - me of {mine} 3450 -
    mou - adversary LUK 0476 -antidikos - .

    mine LUK 019 023 Wherefore 1302 -diati - then 2532 -kai - gavest
    1325 -didomi - not thou my money LUK 0694 -argurion - into 1909 -
    epi - the bank 5132 -trapeza - , that at my coming 2064 -
    erchomai - I might have required 4238 -prasso - {mine} LUK 0846 -
    autos - own with usury 5110 -tokos - ?

    mine LUK 019 027 But those 1565 -ekeinos - {mine} 3450 -mou -
    enemies 2190 -echthros - , which 3588 -ho - would 2309 -thelo -
    not that I should reign LUK 0936 -basileuo - over 1909 -epi -
    them , bring LUK 0071 -ago - hither 5602 -hode - , and slay 2695
    -katasphatto - [ them ] before 1715 -emprosthen - me .

    mine JOH 002 004 Jesus <2424 -Iesous -> saith <3004 -lego ->
    unto her , Woman <1135 -gune -> , what <5101 -tis -> have I to
    do with thee ? {mine} <3450 -mou -> hour <5610 -hora -> is not
    yet <3768 -oupo -> come <2240 -heko -> .

    mine JOH 005 030 I can <1410 -dunamai -> of mine <1683 -emautou -
    > own self <1683 -emautou -> do <4160 -poieo -> nothing <3762 -
    oudeis -> : as I hear <0191 -akouo -> , I judge <2919 -krino -> :
    and my judgment <2920 -krisis -> is just <1342 -dikaios -> ;
    because <3754 -hoti -> I seek <2212 -zeteo -> not {mine} <1699 -
    emos -> own will <2307 -thelema -> , but the will <2307 -thelema
    -> of the Father <3962 -pater -> which <3739 -hos -> hath sent
    <3992 -pempo -> me .

    mine JOH 005 030 I can <1410 -dunamai -> of {mine} <1683 -
    emautou -> own self <1683 -emautou -> do <4160 -poieo -> nothing
    <3762 -oudeis -> : as I hear <0191 -akouo -> , I judge <2919 -
    krino -> : and my judgment <2920 -krisis -> is just <1342 -
    dikaios -> ; because <3754 -hoti -> I seek <2212 -zeteo -> not
    mine <1699 -emos -> own will <2307 -thelema -> , but the will
    <2307 -thelema -> of the Father <3962 -pater -> which <3739 -hos
    -> hath sent <3992 -pempo -> me .

    mine JOH 006 038 For I came <2597 -katabaino -> down <2597 -
    katabaino -> from heaven <3772 -ouranos -> , not to do <4160 -
    poieo -> {mine} <1699 -emos -> own will <2307 -thelema -> , but
    the will <2307 -thelema -> of him that sent <3992 -pempo -> me .

    mine JOH 007 016 Jesus <2424 -Iesous -> answered <0611 -
    apokrinomai -> them , and said <2036 -epo -> , My doctrine <1322
    -didache -> is not {mine} <1699 -emos -> , but his that sent
    <3992 -pempo -> me .

    mine JOH 008 050 And I seek <2212 -zeteo -> not {mine} <3450 -
    mou -> own glory <1391 -doxa -> : there is one that seeketh
    <2212 -zeteo -> and judgeth <2919 -krino -> .

    mine JOH 009 011 He answered <0611 -apokrinomai -> and said
    <2036 -epo -> , A man <0444 -anthropos -> that is called <3004 -
    lego -> Jesus <2424 -Iesous -> made <4160 -poieo -> clay <4081 -
    pelos -> , and anointed <2025 -epichrio -> {mine} <3450 -mou ->
    eyes <3788 -ophthalmos -> , and said <2036 -epo -> unto me , Go
    <5217 -hupago -> to the pool <2861 -kolumbethra -> of Siloam
    <4611 -Siloam -> , and wash <3538 -nipto -> : and I went <0565 -
    aperchomai -> and washed <3538 -nipto -> , and I received <0308 -
    anablepo -> sight <0308 -anablepo -> .

    mine JOH 009 015 Then <3767 -oun -> again <3825 -palin -> the
    Pharisees <5330 -Pharisaios -> also <2532 -kai -> asked <2065 -
    erotao -> him how <4459 -pos -> he had received <0308 -anablepo -
    > his sight <0308 -anablepo -> . He said <2036 -epo -> unto them
    , He put <2007 -epitithemi -> clay <4081 -pelos -> upon {mine}
    <3450 -mou -> eyes <3788 -ophthalmos -> , and I washed <3538 -
    nipto -> , and do see <0991 -blepo -> .

    mine JOH 009 030 The man <0444 -anthropos -> answered <0611 -
    apokrinomai -> and said <2036 -epo -> unto them , Why <1063 -gar
    -> herein <5129 -toutoi -> is a marvellous <2298 -thaumastos ->
    thing , that ye know <1492 -eido -> not from whence <4159 -
    pothen -> he is , and [ yet ] he hath opened <0455 -anoigo ->
    {mine} <3450 -mou -> eyes <3788 -ophthalmos -> .

    mine JOH 010 014 I am <1510 -eimi -> the good <2570 -kalos ->
    shepherd <4166 -poimen -> , and know <1097 -ginosko -> my [
    sheep ] , and am known <1097 -ginosko -> of {mine} <1699 -emos -
    > .

    mine JOH 014 024 He that loveth <0025 -agapao -> me not keepeth
    <5083 -tereo -> not my sayings <3056 -logos -> : and the word
    <3056 -logos -> which <3739 -hos -> ye hear <0191 -akouo -> is
    not {mine} <1699 -emos -> , but the Father s <3962 -pater ->
    which <3588 -ho -> sent <3992 -pempo -> me .

    mine JOH 016 014 He shall glorify <1392 -doxazo -> me : for he
    shall receive <2983 -lambano -> of {mine} <1699 -emos -> , and
    shall shew <0312 -anaggello -> [ it ] unto you .

    mine JOH 016 015 All <3956 -pas -> things that the Father <3962 -
    pater -> hath <2192 -echo -> are mine <1699 -emos -> : therefore
    <5124 -touto -> said <2036 -epo -> I , that he shall take <2983 -
    lambano -> of {mine} <1699 -emos -> , and shall shew <0312 -
    anaggello -> [ it ] unto you .

    mine JOH 016 015 All <3956 -pas -> things that the Father <3962 -
    pater -> hath <2192 -echo -> are {mine} <1699 -emos -> :
    therefore <5124 -touto -> said <2036 -epo -> I , that he shall
    take <2983 -lambano -> of mine <1699 -emos -> , and shall shew
    <0312 -anaggello -> [ it ] unto you .

    mine JOH 017 010 And all <3956 -pas -> mine <1699 -emos -> are
    thine <4674 -sos -> , and thine <4674 -sos -> are {mine} <1699 -
    emos -> ; and I am glorified <1392 -doxazo -> in them .

    mine JOH 017 010 And all <3956 -pas -> {mine} <1699 -emos -> are
    thine <4674 -sos -> , and thine <4674 -sos -> are mine <1699 -
    emos -> ; and I am glorified <1392 -doxazo -> in them .

    mine ACT 011 006 Upon the which <3739 -hos -> when I had
    fastened <0816 -atenizo -> {mine} eyes , I considered <2657 -
    katanoeo -> , and saw <1492 -eido -> fourfooted <5074 -tetrapous
    -> beasts <5074 -tetrapous -> of the earth <1093 -ge -> , and
    wild <2342 -therion -> beasts <2342 -therion -> , and creeping
    <2062 -herpeton -> things , and fowls <4071 -peteinon -> of the
    air <3772 -ouranos -> .

    mine ACT 013 022 And when he had removed <3179 -methistemi ->
    him , he raised <1453 -egeiro -> up unto them David <1138 -Dabid
    -> to be their king <0935 -basileus -> ; to whom <3739 -hos ->
    also <2532 -kai -> he gave <3140 -martureo -> testimony <3140 -
    martureo -> , and said <2036 -epo -> , I have found <2147 -
    heurisko -> David <1138 -Dabid -> the [ son ] of Jesse <2421 -
    Iessai -> , a man <0435 -aner -> after <2596 -kata -> {mine}
    <3450 -mou -> own heart <2588 -kardia -> , which <3739 -hos ->
    shall fulfil <4160 -poieo -> all <3956 -pas -> my will <2307 -
    thelema -> .

    mine ACT 021 013 Then <1161 -de -> Paul <3972 -Paulos ->
    answered <0611 -apokrinomai -> , What <5101 -tis -> mean <4160 -
    poieo -> ye to weep <2799 -klaio -> and to break <4919 -
    sunthrupto -> {mine} <3450 -mou -> heart <2588 -kardia -> ? for
    I am ready <2093 -hetoimos -> not to be bound <1210 -deo -> only
    <3440 -monon -> , but also <2532 -kai -> to die <0599 -
    apothnesko -> at <1519 -eis -> Jerusalem <2419 -Hierousalem ->
    for the name <3686 -onoma -> of the Lord <2962 -kurios -> Jesus
    <2424 -Iesous -> .

    mine ACT 026 004 My manner <0981 -biosis -> of life <0981 -
    biosis -> from my youth <3503 -neotes -> , which <3588 -ho ->
    was at <0575 -apo -> the first <0746 -arche -> among <1722 -en -
    > {mine} <3450 -mou -> own nation <1484 -ethnos -> at <1722 -en -
    > Jerusalem <2414 -Hierosoluma -> , know <2467 -isemi -> all
    <3956 -pas -> the Jews <2453 -Ioudaios -> ;

    mine ROM 011 013 For I speak <3004 -lego -> to you Gentiles
    <1484 -ethnos -> , inasmuch <3745 -hosos -> as I am <1510 -eimi -
    > the apostle <0652 -apostolos -> of the Gentiles <1484 -ethnos -
    > , I magnify <1392 -doxazo -> {mine} <3450 -mou -> office <1248
    -diakonia -> :

    mine ROM 012 019 Dearly beloved <0027 -agapetos -> , avenge
    <1556 -ekdikeo -> not yourselves <1438 -heautou -> , but [
    rather ] give <1325 -didomi -> place <5117 -topos -> unto wrath
    <3709 -orge -> : for it is written <1125 -grapho -> , Vengeance
    <1557 -ekdikesis -> [ is ] {mine} <1698 -emoi -> ; I will repay
    <0467 -antapodidomi -> , saith <3004 -lego -> the Lord <2962 -
    kurios -> .

    mine ROM 016 013 Salute <0782 -aspazomai -> Rufus <4504 -
    Rhouphos -> chosen <1588 -eklektos -> in the Lord <2962 -kurios -
    > , and his mother <3384 -meter -> and {mine} <1700 -emou -> .

    mine ROM 016 023 Gaius <1050 -Gaios -> {mine} <3450 -mou -> host
    <3581 -xenos -> , and of the whole <3650 -holos -> church <1577 -
    ekklesia -> , saluteth <0782 -aspazomai -> you . Erastus <2037 -
    Erastos -> the chamberlain <3623 -oikonomos -> of the city <4172
    -polis -> saluteth <0782 -aspazomai -> you , and Quartus <2890 -
    Kouartos -> a brother <0080 -adephos -> .

    mine 1CO 001 015 Lest <3361 -me -> any <3387 -metis -> should
    say <2036 -epo -> that I had baptized <0907 -baptizo -> in
    {mine} <1699 -emos -> own name <3686 -onoma -> .

    mine 1CO 004 003 But with me it is a very <1646 -elachistos ->
    small <1646 -elachistos -> thing that I should be judged <0350 -
    anakrino -> of you , or <2228 -e -> of man s <0442 -anthropinos -
    > judgment <2250 -hemera -> : yea <0235 -alla -> , I judge <0350
    -anakrino -> not {mine} <1683 -emautou -> own <1683 -emautou ->
    self <1683 -emautou -> .

    mine 1CO 009 002 If <1487 -ei -> I be not an apostle <0652 -
    apostolos -> unto others <0243 -allos -> , yet <0235 -alla ->
    doubtless <1065 -ge -> I am <1510 -eimi -> to you : for the seal
    <4973 -sphragis -> of {mine} <1699 -emos -> apostleship <0651 -
    apostole -> are ye in the Lord <2962 -kurios -> .

    Mine 1CO 009 003 . {Mine} <1699 -emos -> answer <0627 -apologia -
    > to them that do examine <0350 -anakrino -> me is this <3778 -
    houtos ->,

    mine 1CO 010 033 Even <2504 -kago -> as I please <0700 -aresko -
    > all <3956 -pas -> [ men ] in all <3956 -pas -> [ things ] ,
    not seeking <2212 -zeteo -> {mine} <1683 -emautou -> own <1683 -
    emautou -> profit <4851 -sumphero -> , but the [ profit <4851 -
    sumphero -> ] of many <4183 -polus -> , that they may be saved
    <4982 -sozo -> .

    mine 1CO 016 021 The salutation <0783 -aspasmos -> of [ me ]
    Paul <3972 -Paulos -> with {mine} <1699 -emos -> own <1699 -emos
    -> hand <5495 -cheir -> . 22 If <1487 -ei -> any <1536 -ei tis -
    > man love <5368 -phileo -> not the Lord <2962 -kurios -> Jesus
    <2424 -Iesous -> Christ <5547 -Christos -> , let him be Anathema
    <0331 -anathema -> Maranatha <3134 -maran atha -> . 23 The grace
    <5485 -charis -> of our Lord <2962 -kurios -> Jesus <2424 -
    Iesous -> Christ <5547 -Christos -> [ be ] with you . 24 My love
    <0026 -agape -> [ be ] with you all <3956 -pas -> in Christ
    <5547 -Christos -> Jesus <2424 -Iesous -> . Amen <0281 -amen -> .

    mine 2CO 011 026 [ In ] journeyings <3597 -hodoiporia -> often
    <4178 -pollakis -> , [ in ] perils <2794 -kindunos -> of waters
    <4215 -potamos -> , [ in ] perils <2794 -kindunos -> of robbers
    <3027 -leistes -> , [ in ] perils <2794 -kindunos -> by [ {mine}
    own ] countrymen <1085 -genos -> , [ in ] perils <2794 -kindunos
    -> by the heathen <1484 -ethnos -> , [ in ] perils <2794 -
    kindunos -> in the city <4172 -polis -> , [ in ] perils <2794 -
    kindunos -> in the wilderness <2047 -eremia -> , [ in ] perils
    <2794 -kindunos -> in the sea <2281 -thalassa -> , [ in ] perils
    <2794 -kindunos -> among <1722 -en -> false <5569 -pseudadelphos
    -> brethren <5569 -pseudadelphos -> ;

    mine 2CO 011 030 If <1487 -ei -> I must <1163 -dei -> needs
    glory <2744 -kauchaomai -> , I will glory <2744 -kauchaomai ->
    of the things which concern <4012 -peri -> {mine} <3450 -mou ->
    infirmities <0769 -astheneia -> .

    mine 2CO 012 005 Of such <5108 -toioutos -> an one will I glory
    <2744 -kauchaomai -> : yet <1161 -de -> of myself <1683 -emautou
    -> I will not glory <2744 -kauchaomai -> , but in {mine} <3450 -
    mou -> infirmities <0769 -astheneia -> .

    mine GAL 001 014 And profited <4298 -prokopto -> in the Jews
    <2454 -Ioudaismos -> religion <2454 -Ioudaismos -> above <5228 -
    huper -> many <4183 -polus -> my equals <4915 -sunelikiotes ->
    in {mine} <3450 -mou -> own nation <1085 -genos -> , being <5225
    -huparcho -> more <4056 -perissoteros -> exceedingly <4056 -
    perissoteros -> zealous <2207 -zelotes -> of the traditions
    <3862 -paradosis -> of my fathers <3967 -patrikos -> .

    mine GAL 006 011 . Ye see <1492 -eido -> how <4080 -pelikos ->
    large <4080 -pelikos -> a letter <1121 -gramma -> I have written
    <1125 -grapho -> unto you with {mine} <1699 -emos -> own hand
    <5495 -cheir -> .

    mine PHP 001 004 Always <3842 -pantote -> in every <3956 -pas ->
    prayer <1162 -deesis -> of {mine} <3450 -mou -> for you all
    <3956 -pas -> making <4160 -poieo -> request <1162 -deesis ->
    with joy <5479 -chara -> ,

    mine PHP 003 009 . And be found <2147 -heurisko -> in him , not
    having <2192 -echo -> {mine} <1699 -emos -> own <1699 -emos ->
    righteousness <1343 -dikaiosune -> , which <3588 -ho -> is of
    the law <3551 -nomos -> , but that which <3588 -ho -> is through
    <1223 -dia -> the faith <4102 -pistis -> of Christ <5547 -
    Christos -> , the righteousness <1343 -dikaiosune -> which <3588
    -ho -> is of God <2316 -theos -> by faith <4102 -pistis -> :

    mine 2TH 003 017 The salutation <0783 -aspasmos -> of Paul <3972
    -Paulos -> with {mine} <1699 -emos -> own hand <5495 -cheir -> ,
    which <3739 -hos -> is the token <4592 -semeion -> in every
    <3956 -pas -> epistle <1992 -epistole -> : so <3779 -houto -> I
    write <1125 -grapho -> .

    mine TIT 001 004 To Titus <5103 -Titos -> , [ {mine} ] own <1103
    -gnesios -> son <5043 -teknon -> after <2596 -kata -> the common
    <2839 -koinos -> faith <4102 -pistis -> : Grace <5485 -charis ->
    , mercy <1656 -eleos -> , [ and ] peace <1515 -eirene -> , from
    God <2316 -theos -> the Father <3962 -pater -> and the Lord
    <2962 -kurios -> Jesus <2424 -Iesous -> Christ <5547 -Christos -
    > our Saviour <4990 -soter -> .

    mine PHM 001 012 Whom <3739 -hos -> I have sent <0628 -apolouo -
    > again <0375 -anapempo -> : thou therefore receive <4355 -
    proslambano -> him , that is , {mine} <1699 -emos -> own bowels
    <4698 -splagchnon -> :

    mine PHM 001 018 If <1487 -ei -> he hath wronged <0091 -adikeo -
    > thee , or <2228 -e -> oweth <3784 -opheilo -> [ thee ] ought
    <5100 -tis -> , put <1677 -ellogeo -> that on <1677 -ellogeo ->
    {mine} <1699 -emos -> account <1677 -ellogeo -> ;

    mine PHM 001 019 I Paul <3972 -Paulos -> have written <1125 -
    grapho -> [ it ] with {mine} own hand <5495 -cheir -> , I will
    repay <0661 -apotino -> [ it ] : albeit <2443 -hina -> I do not
    say <3004 -lego -> to thee how <3754 -hoti -> thou owest <4359 -
    prosopheilo -> unto me even <2532 -kai -> thine <4572 -seautou -
    > own <4572 -seautou -> self <4572 -seautou -> besides <4359 -
    prosopheilo -> .

    mine REV 022 016 I Jesus <2424 -Iesous -> have sent <3992 -pempo
    -> {mine} <3450 -mou -> angel <0032 -aggelos -> to testify <3140
    -martureo -> unto you these <5023 -tauta -> things in the
    churches <1577 -ekklesia -> . I am <1510 -eimi -> the root <4491
    -rhiza -> and the offspring <1085 -genos -> of David <1138 -
    Dabid -> , [ and ] the bright <2986 -lampros -> and morning
    <3720 -orthrinos -> star <0792 -aster -> .
