feebleminded 1Th_05_14 /${feebleminded /support the
weak , be patient toward all men.

highminded Rom_11_20 /${highminded /but fear :

highminded 2Ti_03_04 /${highminded /lovers of
pleasures more than lovers of God ;

highminded 1Ti_06_17 /${highminded /nor trust in
uncertain riches , but in the living God , who giveth us richly
all things to enjoy ;

likeminded Php_02_02 /${likeminded /having the same
love , being of one accord , of one mind .

likeminded Rom_15_05 /${likeminded /one toward
another according to Christ Jesus :

likeminded Php_02_20 /${likeminded /who will
naturally care for your state .

mind Deu_30_01 /^{mind /among all the nations
, whither the LORD thy God hath driven thee,

mind Rom_07_23 /${mind /and bringing me into
captivity to the law of sin which is in my members .

mind Tit_01_15 /${mind /and conscience is
defiled .

mind 1Sa_02_35 /^{mind /and I will build him
a sure house ; and he shall walk before mine anointed for ever .

mind 1Co_01_10 /${mind /and in the same
judgment .

mind Rom_15_06 /${mind /and one mouth glorify
God , even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ .

mind Act_17_11 /${mind /and searched the
scriptures daily , whether those things were so .

mind Rev_17_13 /${mind /and shall give their
power and strength unto the beast .

mind Luk_08_35 /${mind /and they were afraid .

mind Mar_05_15 /${mind /and they were afraid .

mind Eze_38_10 /^{mind /and thou shalt think
an evil thought :

mind Luk_10_27 /${mind /and thy neighbour as
thyself .

mind Eph_02_03 /${mind /and were by nature
the children of wrath , even as others .

mind Job_23_13 /^{mind /and who can turn him?
and what his soul desireth , even that he doeth .

mind Mar_12_30 /${mind /and with all thy
strength : this is the first commandment .

mind Act_20_19 /${mind /and with many tears ,
and temptations , which befell me by the lying in wait of the
Jews :

mind Heb_08_10 /${mind /and write them in
their hearts : and I will be to them a God , and they shall be
to me a people :

mind Php_02_05 /${mind /be in you , which was
also in Christ Jesus :

mind 1Pe_01_13 /${mind /be sober , and hope
to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the
revelation of Jesus Christ ;

mind Rom_15_15 /${mind /because of the grace
that is given to me of God ,

mind Pro_29_11 /^{mind /but a wise man
keepeth it in till afterwards .

mind Num_24_13 /^{mind /but what the LORD
saith , that will I speak ?

mind Col_01_21 /${mind /by wicked works , yet
now hath he reconciled

mind Hab_01_11 /^{mind /change , and he shall
pass over , and offend , imputing this his power unto his god .

mind Jer_15_01 /^{mind /could not be toward
this people : cast them out of my sight , and let them go forth .

mind Php_03_19 /${mind /earthly things .

mind Eze_11_05 /^{mind /every one of them.

mind 1Pe_04_01 /${mind /for he that hath
suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sin ;

mind 1Ch_28_09 /^{mind /for the LORD
searcheth all hearts , and understandeth all the imaginations of
the thoughts : if thou seek him, he will be found of thee; but
if thou forsake him, he will cast thee off for ever .

mind 2Co_09_02 /${mind /for which I boast of
you to them of Macedonia , that Achaia was ready a year ago ;
and your zeal hath provoked very many .

mind Dan_05_20 /^{mind /hardened in pride ,
he was deposed from his kingly throne , and they took his glory
from him :

mind 1Pe_03_08 /${mind /having compassion one
of another , love as brethren , be pitiful , be courteous :

mind Job_34_33 /^{mind /he will recompense it,
whether thou refuse , or whether thou choose ; and not I:
therefore speak what thou knowest .

mind Psa_31_12 /^{mind /I am like a broken
vessel .

mind Rom_07_25 /${mind /I myself serve the
law of God ; but with the flesh the law of sin .

mind Php_04_02 /${mind /in the Lord .

mind Eze_23_22 /^{mind /is alienated , and I
will bring them against thee on every side ;

mind Eze_23_28 /^{mind /is alienated :

mind Rom_08_07 /${mind /is enmity against God
: for it is not subject to the law of God , neither indeed can
be .

mind Isa_26_03 /^{mind /is stayed on thee:
because he trusteth in thee.

mind 2Co_08_12 /${mind /it is accepted
according to that a man hath , and not according to that he hath
not .

mind Php_02_03 /${mind /let each esteem other
better than themselves .

mind 2Co_13_11 /${mind /live in peace ; and
the God of love and peace shall be with you .

mind Col_03_12 /${mind /meekness ,
longsuffering ;

mind Jer_03_16 /^{mind /neither shall they
remember it; neither shall they visit it; neither shall that be
done any more.

Mind Rom_12_16 /${Mind /not high things , but
condescend to men of low estate . Be not wise in your own
conceits .

mind Isa_46_08 /^{mind /O ye transgressors .

mind 1Co_02_16 /${mind /of Christ .

mind 1Co_02_16 /${mind /of the Lord , that he
may instruct him ? But we have the mind of Christ .

mind Rom_11_34 /${mind /of the Lord ? or who
hath been his counsellor ?

mind Lev_24_12 /^{mind /of the LORD might be
shewed them.

mind Rom_08_27 /${mind /of the Spirit ,
because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the
will of God .

mind 1Sa_09_20 /^{mind /on them; for they are
found . And on whom is all the desire of Israel ? Is it not on
thee, and on all thy father's house ?

mind Rom_12_16 /${mind /one toward another .
Mind not high things , but condescend to men of low estate . Be
not wise in your own conceits .

mind 2Th_02_02 /${mind /or be troubled ,
neither by spirit , nor by word , nor by letter as from us , as
that the day of Christ is at hand .

mind Eze_20_32 /^{mind /shall not be at all,
that ye say , We will be as the heathen , as the families of the
countries , to serve wood and stone .

mind Php_01_27 /${mind /striving together for
the faith of the gospel ;

mind Gen_23_08 /^{mind /that I should bury my
dead out of my sight ; hear me, and intreat for me to Ephron the
son of Zohar ,

mind Jer_32_35 /^{mind /that they should do
this abomination , to cause Judah to sin .

mind Rom_12_02 /${mind /that ye may prove
what is that good , and acceptable , and perfect , will of God .

mind Php_03_16 /${mind /the same thing .

mind Rom_08_05 /${mind /the things of the
flesh ; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the
Spirit .

mind Mar_14_72 /${mind /the word that Jesus
said unto him , Before the cock crow twice , thou shalt deny me
thrice . And when he thought thereon , he wept .

mind Lam_03_21 /^{mind /therefore have I hope

mind Tit_03_01 /${mind /to be subject to
principalities and powers , to obey magistrates , to be ready to
every good work ,

mind 1Ch_22_07 /^{mind /to build an house
unto the name of the LORD my God :

mind Rom_01_28 /${mind /to do those things
which are not convenient ;

mind Neh_04_06 /^{mind /to work .

mind 2Co_07_07 /${mind /toward me ; so that I
rejoiced the more .

mind Gen_26_35 /^{mind /unto Isaac and to
Rebekah .

mind Deu_18_06 /^{mind /unto the place which
the LORD shall choose ;

mind Dan_02_29 /^{mind /upon thy bed , what
should come to pass hereafter : and he that revealeth secrets
maketh known to thee what shall come to pass .

mind Eze_23_18 /^{mind /was alienated from
her sister .

mind Eze_23_18 /^{mind /was alienated from
her, like as my mind was alienated from her sister .

mind Eze_23_17 /^{mind /was alienated from

mind Luk_01_29 /${mind /what manner of
salutation this should be .

mind Rev_17_09 /${mind /which hath wisdom .
The seven heads are seven mountains , on which the woman sitteth

mind Phm_01_14 /${mind /would I do nothing ;
that thy benefit should not be as it were of necessity , but
willingly .

minded Php_03_15 /${minded /and if in any thing
ye be otherwise minded , God shall reveal even this unto you .

minded Gal_05_10 /${minded /but he that
troubleth you shall bear his judgment , whosoever he be .

minded 2Co_01_17 /${minded /did I use lightness
? or the things that I purpose , do I purpose according to the
flesh , that with me there should be yea yea , and nay nay ?

minded Php_03_15 /${minded /God shall reveal
even this unto you .

minded Act_27_39 /${minded /if it were possible
, to thrust in the ship .

minded Rom_08_06 /${minded /is death ; but to
be spiritually minded is life and peace .

minded Rom_08_06 /${minded /is life and peace .

minded Jam_01_08 /${minded /man is unstable in
all his ways .

minded Ezr_07_13 /^{minded /of their own
freewill to go up to Jerusalem , go with thee .

minded 2Co_01_15 /${minded /to come unto you
before , that ye might have a second benefit ;

minded Rut_01_18 /^{minded /to go with her,
then she left speaking unto her.

minded Mat_01_19 /${minded /to put her away
privily .

minded 2Ch_24_04 /^{minded /to repair the house
of the LORD .

mindful 1Ch_16_15 /^{mindful /always of his
covenant ; the word which he commanded to a thousand generations

mindful Heb_02_06 /${mindful /of him ? or the
son of man , that thou visitest him ?

mindful Psa_08_04 /^{mindful /of him? and the
son of man , that thou visitest him?

mindful Psa_111_05 /^{mindful /of his covenant .

mindful Heb_11_15 /${mindful /of that country
from whence they came out , they might have had opportunity to
have returned .

mindful Isa_17_10 /^{mindful /of the rock of thy
strength , therefore shalt thou plant pleasant plants , and
shalt set it with strange slips :

mindful 2Pe_03_02 /${mindful /of the words which
were spoken before by the holy prophets , and of the commandment
of us the apostles of the Lord and Saviour :

mindful 2Ti_01_04 /${mindful /of thy tears , that
I may be filled with joy ;

mindful Neh_09_17 /^{mindful /of thy wonders
that thou didst among them; but hardened their necks , and in
their rebellion appointed a captain to return to their bondage :
but thou art a God ready to pardon , gracious and merciful ,
slow to anger , and of great kindness , and forsookest them not.

mindful Psa_115_12 /^{mindful /of us: he will
bless us; he will bless the house of Israel ; he will bless the
house of Aaron .

minding Act_20_13 /${minding /himself to go
afoot .

minds 1Ti_06_05 /${minds /and destitute of the
truth , supposing that gain is godliness : from such withdraw
thyself .

minds Act_28_06 /${minds /and said that he was
a god .

minds 2Sa_17_08 /^{minds /as a bear robbed of
her whelps in the field : and thy father is a man of war , and
will not lodge with the people .

minds 2Pe_03_01 /${minds /by way of remembrance

minds Act_14_02 /${minds /evil affected
against the brethren .

minds 2Co_04_04 /${minds /of them which believe
not , lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ , who is
the image of God , should shine unto them .

minds 2Ti_03_08 /${minds /reprobate concerning
the faith .

minds 2Co_11_03 /${minds /should be corrupted
from the simplicity that is in Christ .

minds Eze_24_25 /^{minds /their sons and their
daughters ,

minds 2Ki_09_15 /^{minds /then let none go
forth nor escape out of the city to go to tell it in Jezreel .

minds Php_04_07 /${minds /through Christ Jesus

minds Eze_36_05 /^{minds /to cast it out for a
prey .

minds 2Co_03_14 /${minds /were blinded : for
until this day remaineth the same vail untaken away in the
reading of the old testament ; which vail is done away in Christ

minds Heb_10_16 /${minds /will I write them ;

unmindful Deu_32_18 /^{unmindful /and hast
forgotten God that formed thee.
