Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse

Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse
amend ^ 43_JOH_04_52 Then <3767> enquired he <4441> (5633) of <3844> them <0846> the hour <5610> when <1722> <3739> he began <2192> (5627) to {amend} <2866>. And <2532> they said <2036> (5627) unto him <0846>, <3754> Yesterday <5504> at the seventh <1442> hour <5610> the fever <4446> left <0863> (5656) him <0846>.

commend ^ 42_LUK_23_46 And <2532> when Jesus <2424> had cried <5455> (5660) with a loud <3173> voice <5456>, he said <2036> (5627), Father <3962>, into <1519> thy <4675> hands <5495> I {commend} <3908> (5695) my <3450> spirit <4151>: and <2532> having said <2036> (5631) thus <5023>, he gave up the ghost <1606> (5656).

commend ^ 44_ACT_20_32 And <2532> now <3569>, brethren <0080>, I {commend} <3908> (5731) you <5209> to God <2316>, and <2532> to the word <3056> of his <0846> grace <5485>, which <3588> is able <1410> (5740) to build you up <2026> (5658), and <2532> to give <1325> (5629) you <5213> an inheritance <2817> among <1722> all <3956> them which are sanctified <0037> (5772).

commend ^ 47_2CO_10_12 For <1063> we dare <5111> (5719) not <3756> make <1469> <0> ourselves of the number <1469> (5658), or <2228> compare <4793> <0> ourselves <1438> with <4793> (5658) some <5100> that {commend} <4921> (5723) themselves <1438>: but <0235> they <0846> measuring <3354> (5723) themselves <1438> by <1722> themselves <1438>, and <2532> comparing <4793> <0> themselves <1438> among <4793> (5723) themselves <1438>, are <4920> <0> not <3756> wise <4920> (5719).

commend ^ 45_ROM_03_05 But <1161> if <1487> our <2257> unrighteousness <0093> {commend} <4921> (5719) the righteousness <1343> of God <2316>, what <5101> shall we say <2046> (5692)? <3361> Is God <2316> unrighteous <0094> who taketh <2018> (5723) vengeance <3709>? (I speak <3004> (5719) as <2596> a man <0444>)

commend ^ 45_ROM_16_01 <1161> I {commend} <4921> (5719) unto you <5213> Phebe <5402> our <2257> sister <0079>, which is <5607> (5752) a servant <1249> of the church <1577> which <3588> is at <1722> Cenchrea <2747>:

commend ^ 47_2CO_03_01 Do we begin <0756> (5731) again <3825> to {commend} <4921> (5721) ourselves <1438>? or <1508> need we <5535> (5719), as <5613> some <5100> others, epistles <1992> of commendation <4956> to <4314> you <5209>, or <2228> letters of commendation <4956> from <1537> you <5216>?

commend ^ 47_2CO_05_12 For <1063> we {commend} <4921> (5719) not <3756> ourselves <1438> again <3825> unto you <5213>, but <0235> give <1325> (5723) you <5213> occasion <0874> to glory <2745> on <5228> <0> our <2257> behalf <5228>, that <2443> ye may have <2192> (5725) somewhat to <4314> answer them which glory <2744> (5740) in <1722> appearance <4383>, and <2532> not <3756> in heart <2588>.

commendation ^ 47_2CO_03_01 Do we begin <0756> (5731) again <3825> to commend <4921> (5721) ourselves <1438>? or <1508> need we <5535> (5719), as <5613> some <5100> others, epistles <1992> of commendation <4956> to <4314> you <5209>, or <2228> letters of {commendation} <4956> from <1537> you <5216>?

commendation ^ 47_2CO_03_01 Do we begin <0756> (5731) again <3825> to commend <4921> (5721) ourselves <1438>? or <1508> need we <5535> (5719), as <5613> some <5100> others, epistles <1992> of {commendation} <4956> to <4314> you <5209>, or <2228> letters of commendation <4956> from <1537> you <5216>?

commended ^ 44_ACT_14_23 And <1161> when they had ordained <5500> (5660) them <0846> elders <4245> in every <2596> church <1577>, and had prayed <4336> (5666) with <3326> fasting <3521>, they {commended} <3908> (5639) them <0846> to the Lord <2962>, on <1519> whom <3739> they believed <4100> (5715).

commended ^ 42_LUK_16_08 And <2532> the lord <2962> {commended} <1867> (5656) the unjust <0093> steward <3623>, because <3754> he had done <4160> (5656) wisely <5430>: for <3754> the children <5207> of this <5127> world <0165> are <1526> (5748) in <1519> their <1438> generation <1074> wiser <5429> than <5228> the children <5207> of light <5457>.

commended ^ 47_2CO_12_11 I am become <1096> (5754) a fool <0878> in glorying <2744> (5740); ye <5210> have compelled <0315> (5656) me <3165>: for <1063> I <1473> ought <3784> (5707) to have been {commended} <4921> (5745) of <5259> you <5216>: for <1063> in nothing <3762> am I behind <5302> (5656) the very chiefest <3029> apostles <0652> <5228>, though <1499> I be <1510> (5748) nothing <3762>.

commendeth ^ 45_ROM_05_08 But <1161> God <2316> {commendeth} <4921> (5719) his <1438> love <0026> toward <1519> us <2248>, in that <3754>, while we <2257> were <5607> (5752) yet <2089> sinners <0268>, Christ <5547> died <0599> (5627) for <5228> us <2257>.

commendeth ^ 46_1CO_08_08 But <1161> meat <1033> {commendeth} <3936> (5719) us <2248> not <3756> to God <2316>: for <1063> neither <3777>, if <1437> we eat <5315> (5632), are we the better <4052> (5719); neither <3777>, if <3362> <0> we eat <5315> (5632) not <3362>, are we the worse <5302> (5743).

commendeth ^ 47_2CO_10_18 For <1063> not <3756> he <1565> that commendeth <4921> (5723) himself <1438> is <2076> (5748) approved <1384>, but <0235> whom <3739> the Lord <2962> {commendeth} <4921> (5719).

commendeth ^ 47_2CO_10_18 For <1063> not <3756> he <1565> that {commendeth} <4921> (5723) himself <1438> is <2076> (5748) approved <1384>, but <0235> whom <3739> the Lord <2962> commendeth <4921> (5719).

commending ^ 47_2CO_04_02 But <0235> have renounced <0550> (5639) the hidden things <2927> of dishonesty <0152>, not <3361> walking <4043> (5723) in <1722> craftiness <3834>, nor <3366> handling <1389> <0> the word <3056> of God <2316> deceitfully <1389> (5723); but <0235> by manifestation <5321> of the truth <0225> {commending} <4921> (5723) ourselves <1438> to <4314> every <3956> man's <0444> conscience <4893> in the sight <1799> of God <2316>.

mending ^ 40_MAT_04_21 And <2532> going on <4260> (5631) from thence <1564>, he saw <1492> (5627) other <0243> two <1417> brethren <0080>, James <2385> the son of <3588> Zebedee <2199>, and <2532> John <2491> his <0846> brother <0080>, in <1722> a ship <4143> with <3326> Zebedee <2199> their <0846> father <3962>, {mending} <2675> (5723) their <0846> nets <1350>; and <2532> he called <2564> (5656) them <0846>.

mending ^ 41_MAR_01_19 And <2532> when he had gone <4260> <0> a little <3641> further <4260> (5631) thence <1564>, he saw <1492> (5627) James <2385> the son <3588> of Zebedee <2199>, and <2532> John <2491> his <0846> brother <0080>, who <0846> also <2532> were in <1722> the ship <4143> {mending} <2675> (5723) their nets <1350>.

recommended ^ 44_ACT_15_40 And <1161> Paul <3972> chose <1951> (5671) Silas <4609>, and departed <1831> (5627), being {recommended} <3860> (5685) by <5259> the brethren <0080> unto the grace <5485> of God <2316>.

recommended ^ 44_ACT_14_26 And thence <2547> sailed <0636> (5656) to <1519> Antioch <0490>, from whence <3606> they had been <2258> (5713) {recommended} <3860> (5772) to the grace <5485> of God <2316> for <1519> the work <2041> which <3739> they fulfilled <4137> (5656).