meditate Psa_77_12 /^{meditate /also of all thy
work , and talk of thy doings .

meditate Luk_21_14 /${meditate /before what ye
shall answer :

meditate Psa_01_02 /^{meditate /day and night .

meditate Gen_24_63 /^{meditate /in the field at
the eventide : and he lifted up his eyes , and saw , and, behold,
the camels were coming .

meditate Psa_119_001 /^{meditate /in thy precepts
, and have respect unto thy ways .

meditate Psa_119_007 /^{meditate /in thy precepts

meditate Psa_119_004 /^{meditate /in thy statutes

meditate Psa_119_002 /^{meditate /in thy statutes

meditate Psa_119_014 /^{meditate /in thy word .

meditate Psa_143_05 /^{meditate /on all thy works
; I muse on the work of thy hands .

meditate Psa_63_06 /^{meditate /on thee in the
night watches .

meditate Isa_33_18 /^{meditate /terror . Where is
the scribe ? where is the receiver ? where is he that counted
the towers ?

meditate Jos_01_08 /^{meditate /therein day and
night , that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is
written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous ,
and then thou shalt have good success .

Meditate 1Ti_04_15 /${Meditate /upon these things
; give thyself wholly to them ; that thy profiting may appear to
all .

premeditate Mar_13_11 /${premeditate /but whatsoever
shall be given you in that hour , that speak ye: for it is not
ye that speak , but the Holy Ghost .
