market Javan, Tubal, and Meshech, they [were] thy

merchants: they traded the persons of men and vessels of brass in

thy {market}.

market Judah, and the land of Israel, they [were] thy

merchants: they traded in thy {market} wheat of Minnith, and

and honey, and oil, and balm.

market Dan also and Javan going to and fro occupied

thy fairs: bright iron, cassia, and calamus, were in thy

market The ships of Tarshish did sing of thee in thy

{market}: and thou wast replenished, and made very glorious in

midst of the seas.

market And when they come] from the {market}, except

wash, they eat not. And many other things there be, which they

received to hold, as] the washing of cups, and pots, brazen

and of tables.

market Now there is at Jerusalem by the sheep
{market}] a

pool, which is called in the Hebrew tongue Bethesda, having five


market Therefore disputed he in the synagogue with

Jews, and with the devout persons, and in the {market} daily with

them that met with him.
