Bible Translation Phrases for Individual word studies

Bible Translation Phrase lists
-aichmalosia- ......... captivity 0161 -aichmalosia- >

-aichmalosia- ......... into captivity 0161 -aichmalosia- >

-aichmaloteuo- ......... and lead 0162 -aichmaloteuo- >

-aichmaloteuo- ......... captive 0162 -aichmaloteuo- >

-aichmaloteuo- ......... he led 0162 -aichmaloteuo- >

-aichmalotizo- ......... and bringing 0163 -aichmalotizo- >

-aichmalotizo- ......... and shall be led 0163 -aichmalotizo- >

-aichmalotizo- ......... away captive 0163 -aichmalotizo- >

-aichmalotizo- ......... into captivity 0163 -aichmalotizo- >

-aichmalotizo- ......... me into captivity 0163 -aichmalotizo- >

-aichmalotos- ......... to the captives 0164 -aichmalotos- >

-damalis- ......... of an heifer 1151 -damalis- >

-Gamaliel- ......... Gamaliel 1059 -Gamaliel- >

-Gamaliel- ......... of Gamaliel 1059 -Gamaliel- >

-malakia- ......... disease 3119 -malakia- >

-malakia- ......... manner of disease 3119 -malakia- >

-malakos- ......... effeminate 3120 -malakos- >

-malakos- ......... in soft 3120 -malakos- >

-malakos- ......... soft 3120 -malakos- >

-Malchos- ......... was Malchus 3124 -Malchos- >

-Maleleel- ......... which was the son of Maleleel 3121 -Maleleel- >

-malista- ......... and specially 3122 -malista- >

-malista- ......... But chiefly 3122 -malista- >

-malista- ......... but especially 3122 -malista- >

-malista- ......... Especially 3122 -malista- >

-malista- ......... especially 3122 -malista- >

-malista- ......... It is more 3122 -malista- >

-malista- ......... men , especially 3122 -malista- >

-malista- ......... most 3122 -malista- >

-malista- ......... of all 3122 -malista- >

-malista- ......... specially 3122 -malista- >

-malista- ......... you , and specially 3122 -malista- >

-malista- ......... you , chiefly 3122 -malista- >

-mallon- ......... a great 3123 -mallon- >

-mallon- ......... and more 3123 -mallon- >

-mallon- ......... be rather 3123 -mallon- >

-mallon- ......... but let it rather 3123 -mallon- >

-mallon- ......... but rather 3123 -mallon- >

-mallon- ......... But so much 3123 -mallon- >

-mallon- ......... but that rather 3123 -mallon- >

-mallon- ......... do ye not rather 3123 -mallon- >

-mallon- ......... gifts , but rather 3123 -mallon- >

-mallon- ......... he was the more 3123 -mallon- >

-mallon- ......... I more 3123 -mallon- >

-mallon- ......... in me , it is better 3123 -mallon- >

-mallon- ......... it rather 3123 -mallon- >

-mallon- ......... more 3123 -mallon- >

-mallon- ......... out rather 3123 -mallon- >

-mallon- ......... over you , are not we rather 3123 -mallon- >

-mallon- ......... rather 3123 -mallon- >

-mallon- ......... sake I rather 3123 -mallon- >

-mallon- ......... so 3123 -mallon- >

-mallon- ......... that he should rather 3123 -mallon- >

-mallon- ......... the more 3123 -mallon- >

-mallon- ......... the rather 3123 -mallon- >

-mallon- ......... them , so much 3123 -mallon- >

-mallon- ......... them . Are ye not much 3123 -mallon- >

-mallon- ......... unto me : for it were better 3123 -mallon- >

-mallon- ......... unto you ; but rather 3123 -mallon- >

-mallon- ......... unto you more 3123 -mallon- >

-mallon- ......... up , and have not rather 3123 -mallon- >

-mallon- ......... were the more 3123 -mallon- >

-mallon- ......... which is far 3123 -mallon- >

-mallon- ......... will I rather 3123 -mallon- >

-mallon- ......... ye ought rather 3123 -mallon- >

-mallon- ......... ye rather 3123 -mallon- >

-sunaichmalotos- ......... and my fellowprisoners 4869 -sunaichmalotos- >

-sunaichmalotos- ......... my fellowprisoner 4869 -sunaichmalotos- >

-trumalia- ......... eye 5168 -trumalia- >

-trumalia- ......... the eye 5168 -trumalia- >

female ......... and female 2338 -thelus->

female ......... female 2338 -thelus->

Gamaliel ......... Gamaliel 1059 -Gamaliel->

Gamaliel ......... of Gamaliel 1059 -Gamaliel->

Malchus ......... was Malchus 3124 -Malchos->

male ......... male 0730 -arrhen->

male ......... them male 0730 -arrhen->

malefactor ......... he were not a malefactor 2555 -kakopoios->

malefactors ......... him , and the malefactors 2557 -kakourgos->

malefactors ......... malefactors 2557 -kakourgos->

malefactors ......... of the malefactors 2557 -kakourgos->

Maleleel ......... which was the son of Maleleel 3121 -Maleleel->

malice ......... in malice 2549 -kakia->

malice ......... malice 2549 -kakia->

malice ......... of malice 2549 -kakia->

malicious ......... us with malicious 4190 -poneros->

maliciousness ......... maliciousness 2549 -kakia->

maliciousness ......... of maliciousness 2549 -kakia->

malignity ......... malignity 2550 -kakoetheia->

small ......... both small 3398 -mikros->

small ......... him , both small 3398 -mikros->

small ......... of small 4979 -schoinion->

small ......... small 1646 -elachistos->

small ......... small 2485 -ichthudion->

small ......... small 3398 -mikros->

small ......... small 3641 -oligos->

small ......... small 3795 -opsarion->

small ......... that a small 4142 -ploiarion->

small ......... to small 3398 -mikros->

smallest ......... the smallest 1646 -elachistos->