babe lying

bear lying

by your lying

every flying creeping thing

fiery flying serpent

fiery flying serpent

flying creeping things

flying eagle

flying roll

flying roll

from lying lips

had known no man by lying with any male

had not known man by lying with him

hateth thee lying under his burden

hath known man by lying with him

have spoken lying words

he then lying on jesus' breast saith unto him

heard an angel flying through

lying against

lying children

lying divination

lying divination

lying down

lying lips

lying lips

lying lips be put

lying on

lying rather than

lying spirit <1KI22 -:22 >

lying spirit <1KI22 -:23 >

lying spirit <2CH18 -:21 >

lying spirit <2CH18 -:22 >

lying tongue

lying tongue

lying tongue

lying tongue

lying tongue hateth

lying with jacob's daughter

lying wonders <2TH2 -:9 >

lying words

lying words

man be found lying with

man by lying with him

much less do lying lips

my lying down

not lying with

observe lying vanities forsake their own mercy

poor with lying words

regard lying vanities

sheep lying by it

swallow by flying

their lying

wherefore putting away lying
