all knees shall be weak

all knees shall be weak

bow my knees unto

boweth down upon his knees

fell on his knees before elijah <2KI1 -:13 >

from kneeling on his knees with his hands spread up <1KI8 -:54

he kneeled upon his knees three times

he sat on her knees till noon <2KI4 -:20 >

his knees smote one against another

joseph brought them out from between his knees

kneeled down upon his knees before all <2CH6 -:13 >

knees prevent me

knees smite together

knees which have not bowed unto baal <1KI19 -:18 >

knees worshipped him

manasseh were brought up upon joseph's knees

my knees are weak through fasting

she made him sleep upon her knees

she shall bear upon my knees

which set me upon my knees
