knee Gen_41_43 /^{knee /and he made him ruler
over all the land of Egypt .

knee Mat_27_29 /${knee /before him , and
mocked him , saying , Hail , King of the Jews !

knee Isa_45_23 /^{knee /shall bow , every
tongue shall swear .

knee Rom_14_11 /${knee /shall bow to me , and
every tongue shall confess to God .

knee Php_02_10 /${knee /should bow , of
things in heaven , and things in earth , and things under the
earth ;

knee Rom_11_04 /${knee /to the image of Baal .

kneel Psa_95_06 /^{kneel /before the LORD our
maker .

kneel Gen_24_11 /^{kneel /down without the
city by a well of water at the time of the evening , even the
time that women go out to draw water.

kneeled Act_07_60 /${kneeled /down , and cried
with a loud voice , Lord , lay not this sin to their charge. And
when he had said this , he fell asleep .

kneeled Luk_22_41 /${kneeled /down , and prayed ,

kneeled Act_09_40 /${kneeled /down , and prayed ;
and turning him to the body said , Tabitha , arise . And she
opened her eyes : and when she saw Peter , she sat up .

kneeled Act_20_36 /${kneeled /down , and prayed
with them all .

kneeled Act_21_05 /${kneeled /down on the shore ,
and prayed .

kneeled 2Ch_06_13 /^{kneeled /down upon his knees
before all the congregation of Israel , and spread forth his
hands toward heaven ,

kneeled Mar_10_17 /${kneeled /to him , and asked
him , Good Master , what shall I do that I may inherit eternal
life ?

kneeled Dan_06_10 /^{kneeled /upon his knees
three times a day , and prayed , and gave thanks before his God ,
as he did aforetime .

kneeling Mat_17_14 /${kneeling /down to him , and
saying ,

kneeling Mar_01_40 /${kneeling /down to him , and
saying unto him , If thou wilt , thou canst make me clean .

kneeling 1Ki_08_54 /^{kneeling /on his knees with
his hands spread up to heaven .

knees Eze_47_04 /^{knees /Again he measured a
thousand , and brought me through ; the waters were to the loins

knees Gen_48_12 /^{knees /and he bowed himself
with his face to the earth .

knees Deu_28_35 /^{knees /and in the legs ,
with a sore botch that cannot be healed , from the sole of thy
foot unto the top of thy head .

knees Jud_16_19 /^{knees /and she called for a
man , and she caused him to shave off the seven locks of his
head ; and she began to afflict him, and his strength went from

knees Ezr_09_05 /^{knees /and spread out my
hands unto the LORD my God ,

knees Dan_10_10 /^{knees /and upon the palms
of my hands .

knees Psa_109_24 /^{knees /are weak through
fasting ; and my flesh faileth of fatness .

knees 2Ch_06_13 /^{knees /before all the
congregation of Israel , and spread forth his hands toward
heaven ,

knees 2Ki_01_13 /^{knees /before Elijah , and
besought him, and said unto him, O man of God , I pray thee, let
my life , and the life of these fifty thy servants , be precious
in thy sight .

knees Job_03_12 /^{knees /prevent me? or why
the breasts that I should suck ?

knees Luk_05_08 /${knees /saying , Depart from
me ; for I am a sinful man , O Lord .

knees Eze_07_17 /^{knees /shall be weak as
water .

knees Eze_21_07 /^{knees /shall be weak as
water : behold, it cometh , and shall be brought to pass , saith
the Lord GOD .

knees Nah_02_10 /^{knees /smite together , and
much pain is in all loins , and the faces of them all gather
blackness .

knees Dan_05_06 /^{knees /smote one against
another .

knees Gen_30_03 /^{knees /that I may also have
children by her.

knees Dan_06_10 /^{knees /three times a day ,
and prayed , and gave thanks before his God , as he did
aforetime .

knees 2Ki_04_20 /^{knees /till noon , and then
died .

knees Jud_07_05 /^{knees /to drink .

knees Jud_07_06 /^{knees /to drink water .

knees Eph_03_14 /${knees /unto the Father of
our Lord Jesus Christ ,

knees 1Ki_19_18 /^{knees /which have not bowed
unto Baal , and every mouth which hath not kissed him.

knees 1Ki_08_54 /^{knees /with his hands
spread up to heaven .

knees Mar_15_19 /${knees /worshipped him .
