kneaded , 1SA , 28:24
kneaded , 2SA , 13:8
kneaded , HO , 7:4
pap 3149 # mastos {mas-tos'}; from the base of 3145; a
(properly, female) breast (as if kneaded up): -- {pap}.[ql
kneaded Interlinear Index Study
kneaded 1SA 028 024 And the woman <00802 +>ishshah > had a fat
<04770 +marbeq > calf <05695 + in the house <01004
+bayith > ; and she hasted <04116 +mahar > , and killed <02076
+zabach > it , and took <03947 +laqach > flour <07058 +qemach > ,
and {kneaded} <03888 +luwsh > [ it ] , and did bake <00644
+>aphah > unleavened <04682 +matstsah > bread thereof :
kneaded 2SA 013 008 So Tamar <08559 +Tamar > went <03212 +yalak
> to her brother <00251 +>ach > Amnon s <00550 +>Amnown > house
<01004 +bayith > ; and he was laid <07901 +shakab > down <07901
+shakab > . And she took <03947 +laqach > flour <01217 +batseq >
, and {kneaded} <03888 +luwsh > [ it ] , and made <03835 +laban
> cakes <03823 +labab > in his sight <05869 + , and did
bake <01310 +bashal > the cakes <03834 +labiybah > .
kneaded HOS 007 004 They [ are ] all <03605 +kol > adulterers
<05003 +na>aph > , as an oven <08574 +tannuwr > heated <01197
+ba by the baker <00644 +>aphah > , [ who ] ceaseth <07673
+shabath > from raising <05872 + after he hath
{kneaded} <03888 +luwsh > the dough <01217 +batseq > , until
<05704 + it be leavened <02557 +chametz > .
ceaseth from raising after he hath kneaded
- kneaded , 3888 ,
kneaded -3888 knead , {kneaded} ,
kneaded 028 024 ISa /^{kneaded /it, and did
bake unleavened bread thereof:
kneaded 013 008 IISa /^{kneaded /it, and made
cakes in his sight , and did bake the cakes .
kneaded 007 004 Hos /^{kneaded /the dough ,
until it be leavened .
kneaded 3 -
kneaded <1SA28 -24> And the woman had a fat calf in the house;
she hasted, and killed it, and took flour, and {kneaded} [it],
did bake unleavened bread thereof:
kneaded <2SA13 -8> So Tamar went to her brother Amnon's house;
he was laid down. And she took flour, and {kneaded} [it], and
cakes in his sight, and did bake the cakes.
kneaded They [are] all adulterers, as an oven heated by
the baker, [who] ceaseth from raising after he hath {kneaded} the
dough, until it be leavened.