Kir 7024 ## Qiyr {keer}; the same as 7023; fortress; Kir, a
place in Assyrian; also one in Moab: -- {Kir}. Compare 7025.[ql

Kir-haraseth 7025 ## Qiyr Cheres {keer kheh'-res}; or (feminine
of the latter word) Qiyr Chareseth {keer khar-eh'-seth}; from
7023 and 2789; fortress of earthenware; Kir-Cheres or Kir-
Chareseth, a place in Moab: -- {Kir-haraseth}, Kir-hareseth, Kir-
haresh, Kir-heres.[ql

Kir-hareseth 7025 ## Qiyr Cheres {keer kheh'-res}; or (feminine
of the latter word) Qiyr Chareseth {keer khar-eh'-seth}; from
7023 and 2789; fortress of earthenware; Kir-Cheres or Kir-
Chareseth, a place in Moab: -- Kir-haraseth, {Kir-hareseth}, Kir-
haresh, Kir-heres.[ql

Kir-haresh 7025 ## Qiyr Cheres {keer kheh'-res}; or (feminine of
the latter word) Qiyr Chareseth {keer khar-eh'-seth}; from 7023
and 2789; fortress of earthenware; Kir-Cheres or Kir-Chareseth,
a place in Moab: -- Kir-haraseth, Kir-hareseth, {Kir-haresh},

Kir-heres 7025 ## Qiyr Cheres {keer kheh'-res}; or (feminine of
the latter word) Qiyr Chareseth {keer khar-eh'-seth}; from 7023
and 2789; fortress of earthenware; Kir-Cheres or Kir-Chareseth,
a place in Moab: -- Kir-haraseth, Kir-hareseth, Kir-haresh, {Kir-

Kiriathaim 7156 ## Qiryathayim {keer-yaw-thah'-yim}; dual of
7151; double city; Kirjathaim, the name of two placed in
Palestine: -- {Kiriathaim}, Kirjathaim.[ql

Kiriathaim 7741 ## Shaveh Qiryathayim {shaw-vay' kir-yaw-thah'-
yim}; from the same as 7740 and the dual of 7151; plain of a
double city; Shaveh-Kirjathajim, a place East of the Jordan: --
Shaveh {Kiriathaim}.[ql

Kirioth 7152 ## Q@riyowth {ker-ee-yoth'}; plural of 7151;
buildings; Kerioth, the name of two places in Palestine: --
Kerioth, {Kirioth}.[ql

Kirjath 7157 ## Qiryath Y@ (Jer. 26:20) with the article interposed; or (Josh. 18:28)
simply the former part of the word; or Qiryath yath' aw-reem'}; from 7151 and the plural of 3293 or 5892; city
of forests, or city of towns; Kirjath-Jearim or Kirjath-Arim, a
place in Palestine: -- {Kirjath}, Kirjath-jearim, Kirjath-arim.

Kirjath-arba 7153 ## Qiryath (with the article interposed) Qiryath ha->Arba< (Neh. 11:25)
{keer-yath' haw-ar-bah'}; from 7151 and 704 or 702; city of Arba,
or city of the four (giants); Kirjath-Arba or Kirjath-ha-Arba,
a place in Palestine: -- {Kirjath-arba}.[ql

Kirjath-arim 7157 ## Qiryath Y@ or (Jer. 26:20) with the article interposed; or (Josh. 18:28)
simply the former part of the word; or Qiryath yath' aw-reem'}; from 7151 and the plural of 3293 or 5892; city
of forests, or city of towns; Kirjath-Jearim or Kirjath-Arim, a
place in Palestine: -- Kirjath, Kirjath-jearim, {Kirjath-arim}.

Kirjath-baal 7154 ## Qiryath Ba 7151 and 1168; city of Baal; Kirjath-Baal, a place in Palestine:
-- {Kirjath-baal}.[ql

Kirjath-huzoth 7155 ## Qiryath Chutsowth {keer-yath' khoo-
tsoth'}; from 7151 and the feminine plural of 2351; city of
streets; Kirjath-Chutsoth, a place in Moab: -- {Kirjath-huzoth}.

Kirjath-jearim 7157 ## Qiryath Y@ reem'}; or (Jer. 26:20) with the article interposed; or (Josh.
18:28) simply the former part of the word; or Qiryath {keer-yath' aw-reem'}; from 7151 and the plural of 3293 or 5892;
city of forests, or city of towns; Kirjath-Jearim or Kirjath-
Arim, a place in Palestine: -- Kirjath, {Kirjath-jearim},

Kirjath-sannah 7158 ## Qiryath Cannah {keer-yath' san-naw'}; or
Qiryath Cepher {keer-yath' say-fer}; from 7151 and a simpler
feminine from the same as 5577, or (for the latter name) 5612;
city of branches, or of a book; Kirjath-Sannah or Kirjath-Sepher,
a place in Palestine: -- {Kirjath-sannah}, Kirjath-sepher.[ql

Kirjath-sepher 7158 ## Qiryath Cannah {keer-yath' san-naw'}; or
Qiryath Cepher {keer-yath' say-fer}; from 7151 and a simpler
feminine from the same as 5577, or (for the latter name) 5612;
city of branches, or of a book; Kirjath-Sannah or Kirjath-Sepher,
a place in Palestine: -- Kirjath-sannah, {Kirjath-sepher}.[ql

Kirjathaim 7156 ## Qiryathayim {keer-yaw-thah'-yim}; dual of
7151; double city; Kirjathaim, the name of two placed in
Palestine: -- Kiriathaim, {Kirjathaim}.[ql

skirt 3671 ## kanaph {kaw-nawf'}; from 3670; an edge or
extremity; specifically (of a bird or army) a wing, (of a
garment or bed-clothing) a flap, (of the earth) a quarter, (of a
building) a pinnacle: -- + bird, border, corner, end, feather[-
ed], X flying, + (one an-)other, overspreading, X quarters,
{skirt}, X sort, uttermost part, wing([-ed]). [ql

skirt 6310 ## peh {peh}; from 6284; the mouth (as the means of
blowing), whether literal or figurative (particularly speech);
specifically edge, portion or side; adverbially (with
preposition) according to: -- accord(-ing as, -ing to), after,
appointment, assent, collar, command(-ment), X eat, edge, end,
entry, + file, hole, X in, mind, mouth, part, portion, X
(should) say(-ing), sentence, {skirt}, sound, speech, X spoken,
talk, tenor, X to, + two-edged, wish, word.[ql

skirt 7757 ## shuwl {shool}; from an unused root meaning to hang
down; a skirt; by implication, a bottom edge: -- hem, {skirt},
