breaking 4290 -- machtereth -- {breaking} up, secret search.

breaking 4866 -- mishber -- birth, {breaking} forth.

breaking 6556 -- perets -- breach, {breaking} forth (in), X
forth, gap.

breaking 7667 sheber -- -- affliction, breach, {breaking},
broken[-footed, -handed],bruise, crashing, destruction, hurt,
interpretation, vexation.

breaking 7670 shibrown -- -- {breaking}, destruction.

breaking 2800 ** klasis ** {breaking}.

breaking 3847 ** parabasis ** {breaking}, transgression.

drinking 8360 -- sh@thiyah -- {drinking}.

firkin 3355 ** metretes ** {firkin}.

foreskin 6188 -- \arel -- count uncircumcised, {foreskin} to be

foreskin 6190 -- \orlah -- {foreskin}, + uncircumcised.

forsaking 5805 -- \azuwbah -- {forsaking}.

frankincense 3828 -- l@bownah -- ({frank-)incense}.

frankincense 3030 ** libanos ** {frankincense}.

kin 1320 -- basar -- body, [fat, lean] flesh[-ed], {kin}, [man-
]kind, + nakedness,self, skin.

kin 7138 qarowb -- -- allied, approach, at hand, + any of kin,
kinsfold(-sman), (thatis) near (of {kin}), neighbour, (that is)
next, (them that come) nigh (athand), more ready, short(-ly).

kin 7138 qarowb -- -- allied, approach, at hand, + any of {kin},
kinsfold(-sman),(that is) near (of kin), neighbour, (that is)
next, (them that come) nigh(at hand), more ready, short(-ly).

kin 7607 sh@/er -- -- body, flesh, food, (near) kin(-sman, -
swoman), near (nigh) [of{kin}].

kin 7607 sh@/er -- -- body, flesh, food, (near) {kin}(-sman, -
swoman), near (nigh)[of kin].

kin 4773 ** suggenes ** cousin, {kin}(-sfolk, -sman).

Kinah 7016 Qiynah -- -- {Kinah}.

kind 0376 -- /iysh -- also, another, any (man), a certain, +
champion, consent,each, every (one), fellow, [foot-, husband-
]man, [good-, great, mighty)man, he, high (degree), him (that
is), husband, man[{-kind}], + none, one,people, person, +
steward, what (man) soever, whoso(-ever), worthy.

kind 2145 -- zakar -- X him, male, man(child, -- {kind}).

kind 2178 -- zan -- {kind}.

kind 4327 -- miyn -- {kind}.

kind 4940 -- mishpachah -- family, {kind}(-red).

kind 0442 ** anthropinos ** human, common to man, man[{-kind}],
[man-]kind, men's, afterthe manner of men.

kind 1085 ** genos ** born, country(-man), diversity, generation,
{kind}(-red),nation, offspring, stock.

kind 5100 ** tis ** a ({kind} of), any (man, thing, thing at
all), certain(thing), divers, he (every) man, one (X thing),
ought, + partly, some (man,-body, -thing, -what), (+ that no-
)thing, what(-soever), X wherewith,whom[-soever], whose([-

kind 5541 ** chresteuomai ** be {kind}.

kind 5543 ** chrestos ** better, easy, good(-ness), gracious,

kindle 0215 -- /owr -- X break of day, glorious, {kindle}, (be,
en-, give, show)light (-en, -ened), set on fire, shine.

kindle 1197 -- ba\ar -- be brutish, bring (put, take) away, burn,
(cause to) eat(up), feed, heat, {kindle}, set ([on fire]),

kindle 1814 -- dalaq -- burning, chase, inflame, {kindle},
persecute(-or), pursuehotly.

kindle 2734 -- charah -- be angry, burn, be displeased, X
earnestly, fret self,grieve, be (wax) hot, be incensed, {kindle},
X very, be wroth.

kindle 2787 -- charar -- be angry, burn, dry, {kindle}.

kindle 3341 -- yatsath -- burn (up), be desolate, set (on) fire
([fire]), {kindle}.

kindle 3344 -- yaqad -- (be) burn(-ing), X from the hearth,

kindle 3857 -- lahat -- burn (up), set on fire, flaming,

kindle 5400 -- nasaq -- burn, {kindle}.

kindle 6919 -- qadach -- burn, {kindle}.

kindle 6999 -- qatar -- burn (incense, sacrifice) (upon), (altar
for) incense,{kindle}, offer (incense, a sacrifice).

kindle 8313 -- saraph -- (cause to, make a) burn([-ing], up)
{kindle}, X utterly.

kindle 0381 ** anapto ** {kindle}, light.

kindle 0681 ** hapto ** {kindle}, light.

kindled 3648 -- kamar -- be black, be {kindled}, yearn.

kindly 2617 -- checed -- favour, good deed(-liness, -- ness),
{kindly},(loving-)kindness, merciful (kindness), mercy, pity,
reproach, wickedthing.

kindly 2896 -- towb -- beautiful, best, better, bountiful,
cheerful, at ease, X fair (word), (be in) favour, fine, glad,
good (deed, -- lier, -- liest, -- ly, -- ness, -- s), graciously,
joyful, {kindly}, kindness, liketh (best),loving, merry, X most,
pleasant, + pleaseth, pleasure, precious,prosperity, ready,
sweet, wealth, welfare, (be) well ([-favoured]).

kindly 3820 -- leb -- + care for, comfortably, consent, X
considered,courag[-eous], friend[-ly], ([broken-], [hard-],
[merry-], [stiff-],[stout-], double) heart([-ed]), X heed, X I,
{kindly}, midst, mind(-ed), Xregard([-ed)], X themselves, X
unawares, understanding, X well, willingly,wisdom.

kindly 5387 ** philostorgos ** {kindly} affectioned.

kindness 2617 -- checed -- favour, good deed(-liness, -- ness),
kindly,(loving-)kindness, merciful ({kindness}), mercy, pity,
reproach, wickedthing.

kindness 2896 -- towb -- beautiful, best, better, bountiful,
cheerful, at ease, X fair (word), (be in) favour, fine, glad,
good (deed, -- lier, -- liest, -- ly, -- ness, -- s), graciously,
joyful, kindly, {kindness}, liketh (best),loving, merry, X most,
pleasant, + pleaseth, pleasure, precious,prosperity, ready,
sweet, wealth, welfare, (be) well ([-favoured]).

kindness 3190 -- yatab -- be accepted, amend, use aright,
benefit, be (make) better,seem best, make cheerful, be comely, +
be content, diligent(-ly), dress,earnestly, find favour, give,
be glad, do (be, make) good([-ness]), be(make) merry, please (+
well), shew more [{kindness}], skilfully, X verysmall, surely,
make sweet, thoroughly, tire, trim, very, be (can, deal,entreat,
go, have) well [said, seen].

kindness 5360 ** philadelphia ** brotherly love ({kindness}),
love of the brethren.

kindness 5363 ** philanthropia ** {kindness}, love towards man.

kindness 5544 ** chrestotes ** gentleness, good(-ness),

kindred 0251 -- /ach -- another, brother(-ly); {kindred}, like,

kindred 1353 -- g@ullah -- {kindred}, redeem, redemption, right.

kindred 4130 -- mowda\ath -- {kindred}.

kindred 4138 -- mowledeth -- begotten, born, issue, {kindred},

kindred 3965 ** patria ** family, {kindred}, lineage.

kindred 4772 ** suggeneia ** {kindred}.

kindred 5443 ** phule ** {kindred}, tribe.

kinds 2177 -- zan -- divers {kinds}, X all manner of store.

kinds 3610 -- kil/ayim -- divers seeds (-e {kinds}), mingled

kine 0504 -- /eleph -- family, {kine}, oxen.

kine 1241 -- baqar -- beeve, bull (+ -- ock), + calf, + cow,
great [cattle], +heifer, herd, {kine}, ox.

kine 6510 -- parah -- cow, heifer, {kine}.

king 4397 -- mal/ak -- ambassador, angel, {king}, messenger.

king 4427 -- malak -- consult, X indeed, be (make, set a, set
up) {king}, be (make)queen, (begin to, make to) reign(-ing),
rule, X surely.

king 4428 -- melek -- {king}, royal.

king 4430 -- melek -- {king}, royal.

king 0935 ** basileus ** {king}.

king 0936 ** basileuo ** {king}, reign.

kings 4410 -- m@luwkah -- kingsom, {king's}, X royal.

kings 4467 -- mamlakah -- kingdom, {king's}, reign, royal.

kings 0933 ** basileion ** {king's} court.

kings 0937 ** basilikos ** {king's}, nobleman, royal.

kingdom 4437 -- malkuw -- {kingdom}, kingly, realm, reign.

kingdom 4438 -- malkuwth -- empire, {kingdom}, realm, reign,

kingdom 4467 -- mamlakah -- {kingdom}, king's, reign, royal.

kingdom 4468 -- mamlakuwth -- {kingdom}, reign.

kingdom 0932 ** basileia ** {kingdom}, + reign.

kingly 4437 -- malkuw -- kingdom, {kingly}, realm, reign.

Kings 6238 -- \ashar -- be(-come, en-, make, make self, wax)
rich, make [1 {Kings}22:48 marg].

kingsom 4410 -- m@luwkah -- {kingsom}, king's, X royal.

kinsfold 7138 qarowb -- -- allied, approach, at hand, + any of
kin,{kinsfold}(-sman), (that is) near (of kin), neighbour, (that
is) next,(them that come) nigh (at hand), more ready, short(-ly).

kinsfolk 1350 -- ga/al -- X in any wise, X at all, avenger,
deliver, (do, performthe part of near, next) {kinsfolk}(-man),
purchase, ransom, redeem(-er),revenger.

kinsfolk 3045 -- yada\ -- acknowledge, acquaintance(-ted with),
advise, answer,appoint, assuredly, be aware, [un-]awares, can[-
not], certainly,comprehend, consider, X could they, cunning,
declare, be diligent, (can,cause to) discern, discover, endued
with, familiar friend, famous, feel,can have, be [ig-]norant,
instruct, {kinsfolk}, kinsman, (cause to let,make) know, (come
to give, have, take) knowledge, have [knowledge], (be,make, make
to be, make self) known, + be learned, + lie by man, mark,
perceive, privy to, X prognosticator, regard, have respect,
skilful, shew,can (man of) skill, be sure, of a surety, teach,
(can) tell, understand,have [understanding], X will be, wist,
wit, wot

kinsman 3045 -- yada\ -- acknowledge, acquaintance(-ted with),
advise, answer,appoint, assuredly, be aware, [un-]awares, can[-
not], certainly,comprehend, consider, X could they, cunning,
declare, be diligent, (can,cause to) discern, discover, endued
with, familiar friend, famous, feel,can have, be [ig-]norant,
instruct, kinsfolk, {kinsman}, (cause to let,make) know, (come
to give, have, take) knowledge, have [knowledge], (be,make, make
to be, make self) known, + be learned, + lie by man, mark,
perceive, privy to, X prognosticator, regard, have respect,
skilful, shew,can (man of) skill, be sure, of a surety, teach,
(can) tell, understand,have [understanding], X will be, wist,
wit, wot

kinswoman 4129 -- mowda\ -- {kinswoman}.

kinswomen 7608 sha/arah -- -- near {kinswomen}.

lacking 7038 qalat -- -- {lacking} in his parts.

lacking 7673 shabath -- -- (cause to, let, make to) cease,
celebrate, cause (make) tofail, keep (sabbath), suffer to be
{lacking}, leave, put away (down), (maketo) rest, rid, still,
take away.

lacking 1729 ** endees ** {lacking}.

liking 2196 -- za\aph -- fret, sad, worse {liking}, be wroth.

liking 2492 -- chalam -- (cause to) dream(-er), be in good
{liking}, recover.

looking 4759 -- mar/ah -- {looking} glass, vision.

looking 7209 r@/iy -- -- {looking} glass.

looking 1561 ** ekdoche ** {looking} foreign

looking 4329 ** prosdokia ** expectation, {looking} after.

lovingkindness 2617 -- checed -- favour, good deed(-liness, --
ness), kindly,({loving-)kindness}, merciful (kindness), mercy,
pity, reproach, wickedthing.

lurking 3427 -- yashab -- (make to) abide(-ing), continue,
(cause to, make to)dwell(-ing), ease self, endure, establish, X
fail, habitation, haunt, (maketo) inhabit(-ant), make to keep
[house], {lurking}, X marry(-ing), (bringagain to) place, remain,
return, seat, set(- tle), (down-)sit(-down, still, -- ting down,
-- ting [place] -- uate), take, tarry.

lurking 3993 -- ma/arab -- lie in ambush, ambushment, {lurking}
place, lying in wait.

lurking 4224 -- machabe/ -- hiding ({lurking}) place.

making 4639 -- ma\aseh -- act, art, + bakemeat, business, deed,
do(-ing), labor, thingmade, ware of {making}, occupation, thing
offered, operation, possession, Xwell, ([handy-, needle-, net-
])work(ing, -manship), wrought.

making 8056 -- sameach -- (be) glad, joyful, ({making}) merry([-
hearted], -ily),rejoice(-ing).

mankind 5449 ** phusis ** ([{man-])kind}, nature([-al]).

mankind 1320 -- basar -- body, [fat, lean] flesh[-ed], kin,
[{man-]kind}, +nakedness, self, skin.

mankind 0442 ** anthropinos ** human, common to man, man[-kind],
[{man-]kind}, men's,after the manner of men.

mankind 0733 ** arsenokoites ** abuser of (that defile) self
with {mankind}.

mocking 7048 qallacah -- -- {mocking}.

mocking 1701 ** empaigmos ** {mocking}.

napkin 4676 ** soudarion ** handkerchief, {napkin}.

picking 3992 -- ma/ar -- fretting, {picking}.

provoking 3708 -- ka\ac -- anger, angry, grief, indignation,
provocation,{provoking}, X sore, sorrow, spite, wrath.

quaking 2731 -- charadah -- care, X exceedingly, fear, {quaking},

quaking 7494 ra\ash -- -- commotion, confused noise, earthquake,
fierceness,{quaking}, rattling, rushing, shaking.

shaking 4493 -- manowd -- {shaking}.

shaking 5363 -- noqeph -- {shaking}.

shaking 7494 ra\ash -- -- commotion, confused noise, earthquake,
fierceness, quaking,rattling, rushing, {shaking}.

shaking 8573 -- t@nuwphah -- offering, {shaking}, wave

sheepskin 3374 ** melote ** {sheepskin}.

skin 1320 -- basar -- body, [fat, lean] flesh[-ed], kin, [man-
]kind, + nakedness,self, {skin}.

skin 1539 -- geled -- {skin}.

skin 5785 -- \owr -- hide, leather, {skin}.

skin 1192 ** derma ** {skin}.

skin 1193 ** dermatinos ** leathern, of a {skin}.

smoking 3544 -- keheh -- somewhat dark, darkish, wax dim,
heaviness, {smoking}.

smoking 6226 -- \ashen -- {smoking}.

speaking 2790 -- charash -- X altogether, cease, conceal, be
deaf, devise, ear,graven, imagine, leave off {speaking}, hold
peace, plow(-er, man), bequiet, rest, practise secretly, keep
silence, be silent, speak not a word,be still, hold tongue,

speaking 0988 ** blasphemia ** blasphemy, evil {speaking},

speaking 2636 ** katalalia ** backbiting, evil {speaking}.

speaking 4180 ** polulogia ** much {speaking}.

speaking 5573 ** pseudologos ** {speaking} lies.

sucking 2461 -- chalab -- + cheese, milk, {sucking}.

sucking 5764 -- \uwl -- {sucking} child, infant.

taking 4727 -- miqqach -- {taking}.

taking 0354 ** analepsis ** {taking} up.

taking 0590 ** apodemos ** {taking} a far journey.

taking 2838 ** koimesis ** {taking} of rest.

taking 3336 ** metalepsis ** {taking}.

talking 4405 -- millah -- + answer, by-word, matter, any thing
(what) to say, tospeak(-ing), speak, {talking}, word.

talking 3473 ** morologia ** foolish {talking}.

waking 8109 -- sh@murah -- {waking}.

working 8454 -- tuwshiyah -- enterprise, that which (thing as
it) is, substance, (sound)wisdom, {working}.

working 1753 ** energeia ** operation, strong, (effectual)

working 1755 ** energema ** operation, {working}.
