Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse

Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse
killeth ^ 43_JOH_16_02 They shall put <4160> (5692) you <5209> out of the synagogues <0656>: yea <0235>, the time <5610> cometh <2064> (5736), that <2443> whosoever <3956> {killeth} <0615> (5660) you <5209> will think <1380> (5661) that he doeth <4374> (5721) God <2316> service <2999>.

killeth ^ 47_2CO_03_06 Who <3739> also <2532> hath made <2427> <0> us <2248> able <2427> (5656) ministers <1249> of the new <2537> testament <1242>; not <3756> of the letter <1121>, but <0235> of the spirit <4151>: for <1063> the letter <1121> {killeth} <0615> (5719), but <1161> the spirit <4151> giveth life <2227> (5719).

killeth ^ 66_REV_13_10 He that <1536> leadeth <4863> (5719) into captivity <0161> shall go <5217> (5719) into <1519> captivity <0161>: he that <1536> {killeth} <0615> (5719) with <1722> the sword <3162> must <1163> (5748) be killed <0615> (5683) with <1722> the sword <3162>. Here <5602> is <2076> (5748) the patience <5281> and <2532> the faith <4102> of the saints <0040>.