keeping Deu_08_11 /^{keeping /his commandments ,
and his judgments , and his statutes , which I command thee this
day :

Keeping Exo_34_07 /^{Keeping /mercy for
thousands , forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin , and
that will by no means clear the guilty; visiting the iniquity of
the fathers upon the children , and upon the children's children,
unto the third and to the fourth generation.

keeping Eze_17_14 /^{keeping /of his covenant it
might stand .

keeping 1Co_07_19 /${keeping /of the
commandments of God .

keeping 1Pe_04_19 /${keeping /of their souls to
him in well doing , as unto a faithful Creator .

keeping Psa_19_11 /^{keeping /of them there is
great reward .

keeping Num_03_28 /^{keeping /the charge of the
sanctuary .

keeping Num_03_38 /^{keeping /the charge of the
sanctuary for the charge of the children of Israel ; and the
stranger that cometh nigh shall be put to death .

keeping Dan_09_04 /^{keeping /the covenant and
mercy to them that love him, and to them that keep his
commandments ;

keeping 1Sa_25_16 /^{keeping /the sheep .

keeping Neh_12_25 /^{keeping /the ward at the
thresholds of the gates .

keeping Luk_02_08 /${keeping /watch over their
flock by night .
