jupiter , AC , 14:12 , AC , 14:13 , AC , 19:35


Jupiter 1356 # diopetes {dee-op-et'-ace}; from the alternate
of 2203 and the alternate of 4098; sky-fallen (i.e. an aerolite):
-- which fell down from {Jupiter}.[ql

Jupiter 2203 # Zeus {dzyooce}; of uncertain affinity; in the
oblique cases there is used instead of it a (probably cognate)
name Dis {deece}, which is otherwise obsolete; Zeus or Dis
(among the Latins, Jupiter or Jove), the supreme deity of the
Greeks: -- {Jupiter}.[ql


Jupiter Interlinear Index Study

Jupiter ACT 014 012 And they called <2564 -kaleo -> Barnabas
<0921 -Barnabas -> , {Jupiter} <2203 -Zeus -> ; and Paul <3972 -
Paulos -> , Mercurius <2060 -Hermes -> , because <1894 -epeide -
> he was the chief <2233 -hegeomai -> speaker <3056 -logos -> .

Jupiter ACT 014 013 Then <1161 -de -> the priest <2409 -hiereus -
> of {Jupiter} <2203 -Zeus -> , which <3588 -ho -> was before
<4253 -pro -> their city <4172 -polis -> , brought <5342 -phero -
> oxen <5022 -tauros -> and garlands <4725 -stemma -> unto the
gates <4440 -pulon -> , and would <2309 -thelo -> have done
sacrifice <2380 -thuo -> with the people <3793 -ochlos -> .

Jupiter ACT 019 035 And when the townclerk <1122 -grammateus ->
had appeased <2687 -katastello -> the people <3793 -ochlos -> ,
he said <5346 -phemi -> , [ Ye ] men <0435 -aner -> of Ephesus
<2181 -Ephesos -> , what <5101 -tis -> man <0444 -anthropos ->
is there that knoweth <1097 -ginosko -> not how that the city
<4172 -polis -> of the Ephesians <2180 -Ephesios -> is a
worshipper <3511 -neokoros -> of the great <3173 -megas ->
goddess <2299 -thea -> Diana <0735 -Artemis -> , and of the [
image ] which fell <1356 -diopetes -> down from {Jupiter} <1356 -
diopetes -> ?


which fell down from jupiter

* jupiter , 1356 , 2203 ,

* jupiter , 1356 diopetes , 2203 Zeus ,


jupiter -1356 fell, {jupiter},

jupiter -2203 {jupiter},



Jupiter 1356 ** diopetes ** which fell down from {Jupiter}.

Jupiter 2203 ** Zeus ** {Jupiter}.


Jupiter ......... down from Jupiter 1356 -diopetes->

Jupiter ......... Jupiter 2203 -Zeus->

Jupiter ......... of Jupiter 2203 -Zeus->



Jupiter 1356 # diopetes {dee-op-et'-ace}; from the alternate of
2203 and the alternate of 4098; sky-fallen (i.e. an aerolite): --
which fell down from {Jupiter}.[ql

Jupiter 2203 # Zeus {dzyooce}; of uncertain affinity; in the
oblique cases there is used instead of it a (probably cognate)
name Dis {deece}, which is otherwise obsolete; Zeus or Dis
(among the Latins, Jupiter or Jove), the supreme deity of the
Greeks: -- {Jupiter}.[ql


Jupiter 014 012 Act /${Jupiter /and Paul ,
Mercurius , because he was the chief speaker .

Jupiter 014 013 Act /${Jupiter /which was before
their city , brought oxen and garlands unto the gates , and
would have done sacrifice with the people .



jupiter And they called Barnabas, {Jupiter}; and
Paul, Mercurius, because he was the chief speaker.

jupiter Then the priest of {Jupiter}, which was
before their city, brought oxen and garlands unto the gates, and
would have done sacrifice with the people.

jupiter And when the townclerk had appeased the
people, he said, Ye] men of Ephesus, what man is there that
knoweth not how that the city of the Ephesians is a worshipper
of the great goddess Diana, and of the image] which fell down
from {Jupi

