journey Num_10_13 /^{journey /according to the
commandment of the LORD by the hand of Moses .

journey Num_09_10 /^{journey /afar off , yet he
shall keep the passover unto the LORD .

journey 001 063 Jo /${journey /after a godly
sort , thou shalt do well :

journey Gen_29_01 /^{journey /and came into the
land of the people of the east .

journey Act_10_09 /${journey /and drew nigh unto
the city , Peter went up upon the housetop to pray about the
sixth hour :

journey Num_09_13 /^{journey /and forbeareth to
keep the passover , even the same soul shall be cut off from
among his people : because he brought not the offering of the
LORD in his appointed season , that man shall bear his sin .

journey Jos_09_11 /^{journey /and go to meet
them, and say unto them, We are your servants : therefore now
make ye a league with us.

journey Deu_01_07 /^{journey /and go to the
mount of the Amorites , and unto all the places nigh thereunto,
in the plain , in the hills , and in the vale , and in the south
, and by the sea side , to the land of the Canaanites , and unto
Lebanon , unto the great river , the river Euphrates .

journey Jon_03_04 /^{journey /and he cried , and
said , Yet forty days , and Nineveh shall be overthrown .

journey Gen_33_12 /^{journey /and let us go ,
and I will go before thee.

journey Deu_02_24 /^{journey /and pass over the
river Arnon : behold , I have given into thine hand Sihon the
Amorite , king of Heshbon , and his land : begin to possess it,
and contend with him in battle .

journey 1Sa_15_18 /^{journey /and said , Go and
utterly destroy the sinners the Amalekites , and fight against
them until they be consumed .

journey Num_10_33 /^{journey /and the ark of the
covenant of the LORD went before them in the three days journey
, to search out a resting place for them.

journey 2Ki_03_09 /^{journey /and there was no
water for the host , and for the cattle that followed them.

journey Gen_31_23 /^{journey /and they overtook
him in the mount Gilead .

journey Luk_02_44 /${journey /and they sought
him among their kinsfolk and acquaintance .

journey Rom_15_24 /${journey /and to be brought
on my way thitherward by you , if first I be somewhat filled
with your company.

journey Act_22_06 /${journey /and was come nigh
unto Damascus about noon , suddenly there shone from heaven a
great light round about me .

journey Neh_02_06 /^{journey /be? and when wilt
thou return ? So it pleased the king to send me; and I set him a
time .

journey Deu_10_11 /^{journey /before the people ,
that they may go in and possess the land , which I sware unto
their fathers to give unto them.

journey Gen_30_36 /^{journey /betwixt himself
and Jacob : and Jacob fed the rest of Laban's flocks .

journey Rom_01_10 /${journey /by the will of God
to come unto you .

journey Tit_03_13 /${journey /diligently , that
nothing be wanting unto them .

journey Deu_10_06 /^{journey /from Beeroth of
the children of Jaakan to Mosera : there Aaron died , and there
he was buried ; and Eleazar his son ministered in the priest's
office in his stead.

journey Exo_16_01 /^{journey /from Elim , and
all the congregation of the children of Israel came unto the
wilderness of Sin , which is between Elim and Sinai , on the
fifteenth day of the second month after their departing out of
the land of Egypt .

journey Exo_13_20 /^{journey /from Succoth , and
encamped in Etham , in the edge of the wilderness .

journey Num_33_08 /^{journey /in the wilderness
of Etham , and pitched in Marah .

journey Luk_15_13 /${journey /into a far country
, and there wasted his substance with riotous living .

journey Rom_15_24 /${journey /into Spain , I
will come to you : for I trust to see you in my journey , and to
be brought on my way thitherward by you , if first I be somewhat
filled with your company.

journey Exo_05_03 /^{journey /into the desert ,
and sacrifice unto the LORD our God ; lest he fall upon us with
pestilence , or with the sword .

journey 1Ki_19_04 /^{journey /into the
wilderness , and came and sat down under a juniper tree : and he
requested for himself that he might die ; and said , It is
enough ; now, O LORD , take away my life ; for I am not better
than my fathers .

journey Exo_08_27 /^{journey /into the
wilderness , and sacrifice to the LORD our God , as he shall
command us.

journey Exo_03_18 /^{journey /into the
wilderness , that we may sacrifice to the LORD our God .

journey Deu_02_01 /^{journey /into the
wilderness by the way of the Red sea , as the LORD spake unto me:
and we compassed mount Seir many days .

journey Deu_01_40 /^{journey /into the
wilderness by the way of the Red sea .

journey Luk_11_06 /${journey /is come to me ,
and I have nothing to set before him ?

journey 1Ki_19_07 /^{journey /is too great for

journey Luk_09_03 /${journey /neither staves ,
nor scrip , neither bread , neither money ; neither have two
coats apiece .

journey Mat_10_10 /${journey /neither two coats ,
neither shoes , nor yet staves : for the workman is worthy of
his meat .

journey Num_11_31 /^{journey /on the other side ,
round about the camp , and as it were two cubits high upon the
face of the earth .

journey Num_11_31 /^{journey /on this side , and
as it were a day's journey on the other side , round about the
camp , and as it were two cubits high upon the face of the earth

journey 1Ki_18_27 /^{journey /or peradventure he
sleepeth , and must be awaked .

journey Num_33_12 /^{journey /out of the
wilderness of Sin , and encamped in Dophkah .

journey Gen_24_21 /^{journey /prosperous or not.

journey Joh_04_06 /${journey /sat thus on the
well : and it was about the sixth hour .

journey Mar_06_08 /${journey /save a staff only ;
no scrip , no bread , no money in their purse :

journey Jud_04_09 /^{journey /that thou takest
shall not be for thine honour ; for the LORD shall sell Sisera
into the hand of a woman . And Deborah arose , and went with
Barak to Kedesh .

journey Num_10_06 /^{journey /they shall blow an
alarm for their journeys .

journey Num_10_33 /^{journey /to search out a
resting place for them.

journey 2Ch_01_13 /^{journey /to the high place
that was at Gibeon to Jerusalem , from before the tabernacle of
the congregation , and reigned over Israel .

journey 1Co_16_06 /${journey /whithersoever I go

journey Mar_13_34 /${journey /who left his house
, and gave authority to his servants , and to every man his work
, and commanded the porter to watch .

journey 2Sa_11_10 /^{journey /why then didst thou
not go down unto thine house ?

journey Gen_46_01 /^{journey /with all that he
had, and came to Beersheba , and offered sacrifices unto the God
of his father Isaac .

journeyed Num_09_18 /^{journeyed /and at the
commandment of the LORD they pitched : as long as the cloud
abode upon the tabernacle they rested in their tents.

journeyed Jos_09_17 /^{journeyed /and came unto
their cities on the third day . Now their cities were Gibeon ,
and Chephirah , and Beeroth , and Kirjathjearim .

journeyed Num_09_17 /^{journeyed /and in the place
where the cloud abode , there the children of Israel pitched
their tents .

journeyed Gen_35_21 /^{journeyed /and spread his
tent beyond the tower of Edar .

journeyed Gen_35_05 /^{journeyed /and the terror
of God was upon the cities that were round about them, and they
did not pursue after the sons of Jacob .

journeyed Luk_10_33 /${journeyed /came where he
was : and when he saw him , he had compassion on him,

journeyed Gen_13_11 /^{journeyed /east : and they
separated themselves the one from the other .

journeyed Gen_35_16 /^{journeyed /from Bethel ;
and there was but a little way to come to Ephrath : and Rachel
travailed , and she had hard labour .

journeyed Num_20_22 /^{journeyed /from Kadesh ,
and came unto mount Hor .

journeyed Num_11_35 /^{journeyed /from
Kibrothhattaavah unto Hazeroth ; and abode at Hazeroth .

journeyed Num_21_04 /^{journeyed /from mount Hor
by the way of the Red sea , to compass the land of Edom : and
the soul of the people was much discouraged because of the way .

journeyed Num_21_11 /^{journeyed /from Oboth , and
pitched at Ijeabarim , in the wilderness which is before Moab ,
toward the sunrising .

journeyed Exo_12_37 /^{journeyed /from Rameses to
Succoth , about six hundred thousand on foot that were men ,
beside children .

journeyed Num_33_22 /^{journeyed /from Rissah ,
and pitched in Kehelathah .

journeyed Gen_11_02 /^{journeyed /from the east ,
that they found a plain in the land of Shinar ; and they dwelt

journeyed Exo_17_01 /^{journeyed /from the
wilderness of Sin , after their journeys , according to the
commandment of the LORD , and pitched in Rephidim : and there
was no water for the people to drink .

journeyed Gen_20_01 /^{journeyed /from thence
toward the south country , and dwelled between Kadesh and Shur ,
and sojourned in Gerar .

journeyed Gen_12_09 /^{journeyed /going on still
toward the south .

journeyed Act_09_03 /${journeyed /he came near
Damascus : and suddenly there shined round about him a light
from heaven :

journeyed Num_12_15 /^{journeyed /not till Miriam
was brought in again.

journeyed Exo_40_37 /^{journeyed /not till the day
that it was taken up .

journeyed Num_09_19 /^{journeyed /not.

journeyed Num_09_22 /^{journeyed /not: but when it
was taken up , they journeyed .

journeyed Num_09_23 /^{journeyed /they kept the
charge of the LORD , at the commandment of the LORD by the hand
of Moses .

journeyed Gen_33_17 /^{journeyed /to Succoth , and
built him an house , and made booths for his cattle : therefore
the name of the place is called Succoth .

journeyed Deu_10_07 /^{journeyed /unto Gudgodah ;
and from Gudgodah to Jotbath , a land of rivers of waters .

journeyed Num_09_21 /^{journeyed /whether it was
by day or by night that the cloud was taken up , they journeyed .

journeyed Act_09_07 /${journeyed /with him stood
speechless , hearing a voice , but seeing no man .

journeyed Act_26_13 /${journeyed /with me .

journeying Num_10_02 /^{journeying /of the camps .

journeying Luk_13_22 /${journeying /toward
Jerusalem .

journeying Num_10_29 /^{journeying /unto the place
of which the LORD said , I will give it you: come thou with us,
and we will do thee good : for the LORD hath spoken good
concerning Israel .

journeyings Num_10_28 /^{journeyings /of the
children of Israel according to their armies , when they set
forward .

journeyings 2Co_11_26 /${journeyings /often , in
perils of waters , in perils of robbers , in perils by mine own
countrymen , in perils by the heathen , in perils in the city ,
in perils in the wilderness , in perils in the sea , in perils
among false brethren ;

journeys Exo_17_01 /^{journeys /according to the
commandment of the LORD , and pitched in Rephidim : and there
was no water for the people to drink .

journeys Num_33_02 /^{journeys /according to
their goings out .

journeys Num_33_02 /^{journeys /by the
commandment of the LORD : and these are their journeys according
to their goings out .

journeys Gen_13_03 /^{journeys /from the south
even to Bethel , unto the place where his tent had been at the
beginning , between Bethel and Hai ;

journeys Num_33_01 /^{journeys /of the children
of Israel , which went forth out of the land of Egypt with their
armies under the hand of Moses and Aaron .

journeys Num_10_12 /^{journeys /out of the
wilderness of Sinai ; and the cloud rested in the wilderness of
Paran .
