Bizjothjah 0964 ## bizyowth@yah {biz-yo-the-yaw'}; from 959 and
3050; contempts of Jah; Bizjothjah, a place in Palestine: --
{Bizjothjah}. [ql

jot 2503 # iota {ee-o'-tah}; of Hebrew origin [the tenth letter
of the Hebrew alphabet]; "iota", the name of the eighth letter
of the Greek alphabet, put (figuratively) for a very small part
of anything: -- {jot}.[ql

Jotbah 3192 ## Yotbah {yot-baw'}; from 3190; pleasantness;
Jotbah, a place in Palestine: -- {Jotbah}. [ql

Jotbath 3193 ## Yotbathah {yot-baw'-thaw}; from 3192; Jotbathah,
a place in the Desert: -- {Jotbath}, Jotbathah. [ql

Jotbathah 3193 ## Yotbathah {yot-baw'-thaw}; from 3192;
Jotbathah, a place in the Desert: -- Jotbath, {Jotbathah}. [ql

Jotham 3147 ## Yowtham {yo-thawm'}; from 3068 and 8535; Jehovah
(is) perfect; Jotham, the name of three Israelites: -- {Jotham}.

Nebajoth 5032 ## N@bayowth {neb-aw-yoth'}; or N@bayoth {neb-aw-
yoth'}; feminine plural from 5107; fruitfulnesses; Nebajoth, a
son of Ismael, and the country settled by him: -- Nebaioth,
