Bible Greek and Hebrew Dictionaries combined for Word Studies

Genesis Chapter 1

joined 1692 ## dabaq {daw-bak'}; a primitive root; properly, to impinge, i.e. cling or adhere; figuratively, to catch by pursuit: -- abide fast, cleave (fast together), follow close (hard after), be {joined} (together), keep (fast), overtake, pursue hard, stick, take.

joined 2302 ## chadah {khaw-daw'}; a primitive root; to rejoice: -- make glad, be {joined}, rejoice.

joined 4883 # sunarmologeo {soon-ar-mol-og-eh'-o}; from 4862 and a derivative of a compound of 719 and 3004 (in its original sense of laying); to render close-jointed together, i.e. organize compactly: -- be fitly framed ({joined}) together.