enjoin 6485 -- paqad -- appoint, X at all, avenge, bestow,
(appoint to have the,give a) charge, commit, count, deliver to
keep, be empty, {enjoin}, go see,hurt, do judgment, lack, lay up,
look, make, X by any means, miss, number,officer, (make)
overseer, have (the) oversight, punish, reckon, (call
to)remember(-brance), set (over), sum, X surely, visit, want.

enjoin 6965 -- quwm -- abide, accomplish, X be clearer, confirm,
continue, decree,X be dim, endure, X enemy, {enjoin}, get up,
make good, help, hold, (helpto) lift up (again), make, X but
newly, ordain, perform, pitch, raise (up),rear (up), remain, (a-
)rise (up) (again, against), rouse up, set (up),(e-)stablish,
(make to) stand (up), stir up, strengthen, succeed, (as-,make)
sure(-ly), (be) up(-hold, -rising).

injoin 1781 ** entellomai ** (give) charge, (give) command(-
ments), {injoin}.

injoin 2004 ** epitasso ** charge, command, {injoin}.

join 0977 -- bachar -- acceptable, appoint, choose (choice),
excellent, {join}, berather, require.

join 2266 -- chabar -- charm(- er), be compact, couple
(together), have fellowshipwith, heap up, {join} (self,
together), league.

join 2338 -- chuwt -- {join}.

join 2859 -- chathan -- {join} in affinity, father in law, make
marriages, mother inlaw, son in law.

join 3161 -- yachad -- {join}, unite.

join 3254 -- yacaph -- add, X again, X any more, X cease, X come
more, + conceiveagain, continue, exceed, X further, X gather
together, get more, givemore-over, X henceforth, increase (more
and more), {join}, X longer (bring,do, make, much, put), X (the,
much, yet) more (and more), proceed(further), prolong, put, be
[strong-] er, X yet, yield.

join 3867 -- lavah -- abide with, borrow(-er), cleave, {join}
(self), lend(-er).

join 5060 -- naga\ -- beat, (X be able to) bring (down), cast,
come (nigh), drawnear (nigh), get up, happen, {join}, near,
plague, reach (up), smite,strike, touch.

join 5203 -- natash -- cast off, drawn, let fall, forsake,
{join} [battle], leave(off), lie still, loose, spread (self)
abroad, stretch out, suffer.

join 5526 -- cakak -- cover, defence, defend, hedge in, {join}
together, set, shutup.

join 5595 -- caphah -- add, augment, consume, destroy, heap,
{join}, perish, put.

join 6186 -- \arak -- put (set) (the battle, self) in array,
compare, direct, equal,esteem, estimate, expert [in war],
furnish, handle, {join} [battle],ordain, (lay, put, reckon up,
set) (in) order, prepare, tax, value.

join 6775 -- tsamad -- fasten, frame, {join} (self).

join 7000 qatar -- -- {join}.

join 7126 qarab -- -- (cause to) approach, (cause to) bring
(forth, near), (causeto) come (near, nigh), (cause to) draw near
(nigh), go (near), be at hand,{join}, be near, offer, present,
produce, make ready, stand, take.

join 7194 qashar -- -- bind (up), (make a) conspire(-acy, -ator),
{join} together,knit, stronger, work [treason].

join 2675 ** katartizo ** fit, frame, mend, (make) perfect(-ly
{join} together),prepare, restore.

join 2853 ** kollao ** cleave, {join} (self), keep company.

join 4347 ** proskollao ** cleave, {join} (self).

join 4801 ** suzeugnumi ** {join} together.

join 4927 ** sunomoreo ** {join} hard.

joined 1692 -- dabaq -- abide fast, cleave (fast together),
follow close (hardafter), be {joined} (together), keep (fast),
overtake, pursue hard, stick,take.

joined 2302 -- chadah -- make glad, be {joined}, rejoice.

joined 4883 ** sunarmologeo ** be fitly framed ({joined})

joining 1695 -- dabeq -- cleave, {joining}, stick closer.

joining 4226 -- m@chabb@rah -- coupling, {joining}.

joint 1694 -- debeq -- {joint}, solder.

joint 3363 -- yaqa\ -- be alienated, depart, hang (up), be out
of {joint}

joint 4154 -- muw\edeth -- out of {joint}.

joint 6504 -- parad -- disperse, divide, be out of {joint}, part,
scatter (abroad),separate (self), sever self, stretch, sunder.

joint 7001 q@tar -- -- doubt, {joint}.

joint 0719 ** harmos ** {joint}.

joint 0860 ** haphe ** {joint}.

jointheir 4789 ** sugkleronomos ** fellow ({joint)-heir}, heir
together, heir with.

joints 2542 -- chammuwq -- {joints}.
